Supporting Sentence Examples
No one we're supporting did.
I felt you were supporting me.
His arm was about her waist, supporting her whole body.
He had every intent of supporting her – emotionally, physically and financially.
He was supporting her entire weight in addition to his own.
Princess Mary, supporting her sister-in-law, still looked with her beautiful eyes full of tears at the door through which Prince Andrew had gone and made the sign of the cross in his direction.
He granted me a position directly supporting the Council, if I walked away from her forever.
I shut down the satellites supporting comms on the East Coast, but it'll only take another two or three minutes before the backups on the sats are enabled.
He isn't arguing the point, but is he really supporting your decision?
Rhyn stopped in place. He'd never thought he'd hear her voice again, and he couldn't remember the last time he'd heard anything that stopped his world in place. He turned to see Katie supporting Hannah as they entered the Sanctuary courtyard. Katie wore simple jeans and a t-shirt. Her dark curls cascaded down her shoulders, and her face glowed. Her bright eyes locked on his. She stopped too far away for his comfort, struggling to support her sister.
AdvertisementHe could imagine the difficulty in supporting a family of three on the figure.
The Franko-Papal alliance, which conferred a crown on Pippin and sovereign rights upon the see of Rome, held within itself that ideal of mutually Charles supporting papacy and empire which exercised so the iireat powerful an influence in medieval history.
Numerically insufficient to reject such measures, and lacking the fibre and the cohesion necessary for the pursuance of a far-sighted policy, the Right thought prudent not to employ its strength in uncompromising opposition, but rather, by supporting the government, to endeavour to modify Radical legislation in a Conservative sense.
We can distinguish (I) digestive endoderm, in the stomach, often with special glandular elements; (2) circu-, latory endoderm, in the radial and ring canals; (3) supporting endoderm in the axes of the tentacles and in the endodermlamella; the latter is primitively a double layer of cells, produced by concrescence OC-- = w.?"
Prolongations from the rim of chondral tissue may form clasps or peronia supporting the tentacles.
AdvertisementBut in the prodigious number of supporting discoveries that have been made no single negative factor has appeared, and the evolution from their predecessors of the forms of life existing now or at any other period must be taken as proved.
Near the tolbooth stands the market cross, a stone column with a unicorn on the top supporting the burgh arms. At the west end of High Street is a statue of David Macbeth Moir ("Delta," 1798-1851), Musselburgh's most famous son.
The second type of differentiation is that between supporting axis and assimilating appendages.
The formation of living substance is a process of building up from simple or relatively simple materials; the construction of its cellulose framework and supporting substance is done by the living substance after its own formation is completed, and is attended by a partial decomposition of such living substance.
He always denied that in supporting this bill he had been inconsistent, and insisted that it was one for revenue.
AdvertisementThe Council attempted to establish a general government over its entire domain, but the scheme of some of its members for supporting such a government with contributions from each member in return for an allotment of land was a failure, and although Robert Gorges, the second son of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, was sent over as governor-general in 1623, he accomplished nothing and returned in the next year in disgust.
By the ukaz of 1722 Catherine was proclaimed Peter's successor, to the exclusion of the grand-duke Peter, the only son of the tsarevich Alexius, and on the 7th of May 1724 was solemnly crowned empress-consort in the Uspensky cathedral at Moscow, on which occasion she wore a crown studded with no fewer than 2564 precious stones, surmounted by a ruby, as large as a pigeon's egg, supporting a cross of brilliants.
Finally, these observers traced the variation to the fact that the wire supporting the aluminium needle as well as the wire which connects the needle with the sulphuric acid in the Leyden jar in the White pattern of Leyden jar is enclosed in a metallic guard tube to screen the wire from external action.
Hitherto Charles had aimed at supporting the weaker Slavonic power against the stronger; but now that Muscovy seemed about to disappear from among the nations of Europe, Swedish statesmen naturally sought some compensation for the expenses of the war before Poland had had time to absorb everything.
He was beheaded on a scaffold outside the windows of Whitehall (1649).i The government set up was a government by the committees of a council of state nominally supporting themselves on the House of Commons, though the members who still The retained their places were so few that the council of state was sufficiently numerous to form a majority in the House.
AdvertisementIn this way, the majority felt an interest in supporting the men who embodied their own opinions, and fell in turn under the influence of those who held them with greater prudence or ability than fell to the lot of the average members of the House.
His evidence on this subject was sought by the Royal Commission, and, besides constantly supporting the Decimal Association in periodical publications, he published several separate pamphlets on the subject.
When entirely deprived of nutriment the human body is ordinarily capable of supporting life under ordinary circumstances for little more than a week.
Below the sea surface, kelp forests, sea caves, and rocky reefs are found, all supporting a wealth of marine life.
I've caused you so much stress – and at a time when I should have been supporting you.
The statocysts present in general the structure of either a knob or a closed vesicle, composed of (I) indifferent supporting epithelium; (2) sensory, so-called auditory epithelium of slender cells, each.
In both Algae and Fungi the latter are primarily supporting and food-conducting, and in.
Opposed to the thalloid forms are the group of leafy Liverworts (Acrogynae), whose plant-body consists of a thin supporting stem bearing leaves.
In a few cases there is a special surface or epidermal layer, but usually all the outer layers of the stem are composed of brown, thick-walled, lignified, prosenchymatous, fibre-like cells forming a peripheral stereom (mechanical or supporting tissue) which forms the outer cortex.
In many cases the cells bordering the leaf are produced into teeth, and very frequently they are thick-walled so as to form a supporting rim.
Isolated celh (idioblasts), thickened in various ways, are not uncommonly founc supporting the tissues of the leaf.
When compressed it is also used largely as a refrigerating agent, and in virtue of its property of neither burning nor supporting combustion it is also used as a fire extinctor.
Mostly sons of poor parents, they live in extreme poverty, supporting themselves chiefly by translating and by tutorial work.
A convenient way of describing any type of engine is by means of numerals indicating the number of wheels - (I) in the group of wheels supporting the leading or chimney end, (2) in the group of coupled wheels, and (3) in the group supporting the trailing end of the engine.
The cost of intra-urban railways depends not only on the type of construction, but more especially upon local conditions, such as the nature of the soil, the presence of subsurface structures, like sewers, water and gas mains, electric conduits, &c.; the necessity of permanent underpinning or temporary supporting of house foundations, the cost of acquiring land passed under or over when street lines are not followed, and, in the case of elevated railways, the cost of acquiring easements of light, air and access, which the courts have held are vested in the abutting property.
There are broad plains covered with salt and alkali, and others supporting only scattered bunch grass, sage bush, cactus and other arid land plants.
But in 1887 and 1888 civil war prevailed on the question of the succession to the native kingship, the Germans supporting Tamasese, and the British and American residents supporting Malietoa.
Civil war immediately ensued, in which several American and British officers and sailors were killed by the natives, the Germans upholding the claims of Mataafa, and the British and Americans supporting the rival candidate.
Elizabeth was less concerned with the respective claims of Brian and Shane, the one resting on an English patent and the other on the Celtic custom, than with the question of policy involved in supporting or rejecting the demands of her proud suppliant.
In that year he was elected member of the Irish parliament for Dungannon, and joined the earl of Antrim and other lords in concerting measures for supporting Charles I.
For the next two years confusion reigned supreme among the numerous factions in Ireland, O'Neill supporting the party led by Rinuccini, though continuing to profess loyalty to Ormonde as the king of England's representative.
When Leland Stanford, Jr., University was opened in 1891 he entered with the first class and specialized in geology and engineering, supporting himself by working at various jobs in free hours.
The young involucre surrounds the female flower and the stalk supporting the spike of male flowers, and when ripe has the appearance of bluish-white porcelain.
The fortunes of Palmyra now passed into the vigorous hands of Zenobia, who had been actively supporting her husband in his policy.
Then no changes of external temperature can affect the sag of the wire, and the only thing which can alter its length relatively to the supporting bar is the passage of a current through it.
These difficulties are met by the assumption that the semicircular masonry formed the base of a retaining-wall which rose to a considerable height, supporting a theatre-like structure capable of seating many thousand persons.
Not only had the friars great difficulty in supporting themselves, but they dreaded an outbreak from the fanatical Turks who resented some imprudent manifestations of Loyola's zeal.
When Ignatius arrived in Paris, he lodged at first with some fellow-countrymen; and for two years attended the lectures on humanities at the college de Montaigu, supporting himself at first by the charity of Isabella Roser; but, a fellowlodger defrauding him of his stock, he found himself destitute and compelled to beg his bread.
In 1199-1201 he was supporting in turn Cathal Carrach and Cathal Crovderg for the native throne, but he was expelled from Limerick in 1203, and, losing his Connaught, though not his Munster estates, died in 1205.
At the opening of the Thirty-Fourth Congress the anti-Nebraska men gradually united in supporting Banks for speaker, and after one of the bitterest and most protracted speakership contests in the history of congress, lasting from the 3rd of December 1855 to the 2nd of February 1856, he was chosen on the 133rd ballot.
Rutherford, who showed that on removing oxygen from air a gas remained, which was incapable of supporting combustion or respiration.
In place of the movements of great fleets to a single end, we have a nine years' story (1805-1814) of cruising for the protection of commerce, of convoy, of colonial expeditions to capture French, Dutch or Spanish possessions and of combined naval and military operations in which the British navy was engaged in carrying troops to various countries, and in supporting them on shore.
Equally ancient are the rafts called kellek, constructed of inflated goat-skins, covered with a framework of wood, often supporting a small house for passengers, which descend the Tigris from above Diarbekr.
The auditorium is in remarkable preservation, almost every seat being still in situ, except a few where the supporting walls have given way on the wings.
It has, in fact, become metamorphosed into a resistant supporting structure resembling in some respects the notochord of the true Chordata, but probably not directly comparable with the latter structure, being related to it solely by way of substitution.
In Discinisca and Lingula there is further a lip-sinus or hollow system of channels which traverses the supporting tissue of the edge of the mantle and contains muscle-fibres.
Much of the latter takes the form of hyaline supporting tissue, embedded in which are scattered cells and fibres.
The term is also used generally of a supporting frame or structure, especially in the construction of a roof or a bridge.
The non-nomads of these Libyan tribes dwelt in huts made of stakes supporting plaited mats of rush or asphodel.
Dietrich married Jutta, daughter of Hermann I., landgrave of Thuringia, and was succeeded in 1221 by his infant son Henry, surnamed the Illustrious; who on arriving at maturity obtained as reward for supporting the emperor Frederick II.
In the first group are found Infinite Time, or Cronus; Tellus and Atlas supporting the globe, representing the union of Earth and Heaven; Oceanus; the Fates; Infinite Time giving into the hand of his successor Ormazd the thunderbolt, the symbol of authority; Ormazd struggling with a giant of evil - the Mithraic gigantomachy.
There are also remains of the town wall in the "polygonal" style, and above the town are several massive platforms for supporting buildings, in a more archaistic form of this style; these may well belong to the Roman period, and the latter even to the empire.
Ashamed to be seen so soon in Bergen, he stopped at Christianssand, where he lived through the winter, supporting himself by giving lessons in French.
An influential association, called " The Society for Supporting the Bill of Rights," was founded, mainly through the exertions of Horne, in 1769, but the members were soon divided into two opposite camps, and in 1771 Home and Wilkes, their respective leaders, broke out into open warfare, to the damage of their cause.
The ministry was divided on the issue, Count Andrassy opposing and Mr Ferencz Kossuth supporting the proposal for a separate bank.
The diet of Zagreb was allowed to meet, and the Serbo-Croat coalition pursued a policy of pure opportunism, avoiding any pronouncement on matters of high policy, but buying a certain relaxation of regime in Croatia by supporting the Budapest Government and its nominee Skerlecz.
In spite of heavy losses the Austrians were perhaps better in hand and more capable of resuming the battle next morning than the victors, for they were experienced in war, and accustomed to defeat, and retired in good order in three organized columns within easy supporting distance of each other.
According to the hypothesis of Waldeyer and Thiersch there is perfect equilibrium between the normal epithelium and its supporting structure, the connective tissue, but with advancing age this balance is upset owing to the connective tissue gradually losing its restraining power.
Not only is this true of epithelial cells, but - the connective tissuecells of the supporting structure of cancerous growth, after repeated transplantation, may become so altered that a gradual evolution of apparently normal connective tissue into sarcomatous elements takes place, these giving rise to " mixed tumours."
It spreads forwards, affecting the supporting fibres outside the epithelium of the capillaries, and then passes to the connective-tissue fibrils of the veins.
Some of the most successful of the advances of medicine as a healing art have followed the detection of syphilitic disease of the vessels, or of the supporting tissues of nervous centres and of the peripheral nerves; so that, by specific medication, the treatment of paralytic, convulsive, and other terrible manifestations of nervous disease thus secondarily induced is now undertaken in early stages with definite prospect of cure.
His power was greatly weakened and a year later was overthrown, the Boers in Natal (January 1840) supporting his brother Mpande (usually called Panda) in rebellion against him.
The latter includes not only the actual excavation of the mineral, but also haulage and hoisting by which it is brought to the surface, timbering and other means of supporting the excavations, and the drainage and ventilation of mines.
The working-place in such case is considerably narrower than in rooms or stopes, and there is also greater difficulty in supporting the roof because the projecting beds tend to break close to the point of support where the strain is greatest.
In 1848 he was elected a member of the German parliament at Frankfort, where he associated himself with the right centre, supporting the proposal for a German empire under the supremacy of Prussia; and he was one of the deputation which offered the imperial crown to Frederick William IV.
In 1679 the university was established in the old Cloth Workers' Hall, a building dating from 1317, with long arcades and graceful pillars supporting the upper storeys.
In this position his moderate orthodoxy led him to join Archbishop Tait in supporting the Public Worship Regulation Act, and, as president of the northern convocation, he came frequently into sharp collision with the lower house of that body.
Maxwell illustrates the difference between a soft solid and a hard liquid by a jelly and a block of pitch; also by the experiment of supporting a candle and a stick of sealingwax; after a considerable time the sealing-wax will be found bent and so is a fluid, but the candle remains straight as a solid.
Linguet, however, continued his career of free lance, now attacking and now supporting the government, in the Annales politiques, civiles et litteraires, published from 1777 to 1792, first at London, then at Brussels and finally at Paris.
He presented the report supporting the decree of the 3rd Ventose of the year III.
Its water-holding capacity is great, but it is often acid, and when dr y it is light and incapable of supporting the roots of plants properly.
The Reformed strengthened itself against the Roman Catholic theology by working itself, on the one hand, into vigorous logical consistency, and supporting itself, on the other, on the supreme authority of the Scriptures.
Dawasir; the whole of this hilly region of eastern Nejd is, perhaps, rather a rolling down country than truly mountainous, in which high pastures alternate with deep fertile valleys, supporting numerous villages with a large agricultural population.
The solenoid was above the iron cylinder, the supporting rod of which passed through it as a core.
Immediately the current passed through the solenoid it caused the iron cylinder to rise, and, by means of its supporting rod, forced the end of the balance beam upwards, so depressing the other end that the negative carbon rod was forced downwards into contact with the metal in the crucible.
The Anophelinae have narrow bodies, and generally spotted wings, and when at rest keep body and proboscis in a straight line, often at a considerable angle with the supporting surface; in this way they can be distinguished from Culicinae, which have a humped-up thorax with which the proboscis forms an angle, and in the resting position keep the body parallel to the support.
In other Cheilostomes the amount of calcification may be much less, the supporting skeleton being largely composed of the organic material chitin.
No dangers were too threatening for him to face, no obstacles too formidable,no tasks too laborious, no heights too steep. The love of power and the supporting courage were allied with a marked imperiousness.
They know the value of bright colors, however, and how best to utilize them, both supporting and contrasting them with their secondaries and complementaries.
A very important feature of the faade is the portico or porch-way, which covers the principal steps and is generally formed by producing the central portion of the main roof over the steps and supporting such projection upon isolated wooden pillars braced together near the top with horizontal ties, carved, moulded and otherwise fantastically decorated.
When the temple is of very large dimensions an interior peristyle of pillars is introduced tc assist in supporting the roof, and in such cases each pillar carrim profuse bracketing corresponding to that of the cornice.
He began, as was to be expected in his father's son, by supporting the court; and in 1770, when only twenty-one, he was appointed a junior lord of the admiralty with Lord North.
The struggle with Jacobinism was over, and he could have no hesitation in supporting resistance to a successful general who ruled by the sword, and who pursued a policy of perpetual aggression.
They may be characterized as very elongated reptiles without limbs (unless with tiny vestiges of posterior limbs), without eyelids and external ear openings, with the teeth anchylosed to the supporting bones, a bifid slender tongue which is telescoped into its basal half, and with a transverse vent.
The first to secede were the land powers of Greece proper, whose subordination Athens had endeavoured to guarantee by supporting the democratic parties in the various states.
The more cautious generals were accused of corruption in not supporting Chares.
For, meanwhile, the French Revolution had entered upon alarming phases, and in August 1791 Frederick William, at the meeting at Pillnitz, arranged with the emperor Leopold to join in supporting the cause of Louis XVI.
It is ordinarily caught in wooden traps of simple construction, being little enclosures of stakes or brush in which the bait is placed upon a trigger, with a short upright stick supporting a log of wood, which falls upon its victim on the slightest disturbance.
The Territories are generally divided into "Provinces" and these again into "Divisions," which include a number of corps, each supporting its own "Captain" and "Lieutenant."
The fine execution is all that differentiates it from the numerous copies in various museums. The most important sculptures of the Roman period, however, are a group of colossal figures supporting an entablature, a large part of which has been recovered.
The bones of the skeleton generally more resemble those of the Indian elephant than of any other species, but the skull differs in the narrower summit, narrower temporal fossae, and more prolonged incisive sheaths, supporting the roots of the enormous tusks.
The subsequent siege of St Angelo, and its supporting fortifications, was marked by the greatest bravery on both sides.
While the infantry pressed forward to carry the Marquion line bridges were swiftly thrown over the dry canal bed, and batteries went over at a gallop to take up their positions for supporting the farther advance.
The first objective assigned to be captured by the divisions in line included the Hindenburg system on both banks of the canal and the Hindenburg reserve line a mile to the E.; once these had been secured the supporting divisions were to pass through and carry the last line of defence, the MasnieresBeaurevoir line, between the latter village and Le Tronquoy.
The supporting Australian divisions therefore found themselves in a difficult situation, which was only redeemed by hard and skilful infantry fighting.
The working of very thick seams presents certain special peculiarities, owing to the difficulties of supporting the roof in the excavated portions, and supplying fresh air to the workings.
In the Sheep and the Camel the long compound bone, supporting the two main (or only) toes is the cannon-bone.
They derive their name of Tylopoda ("boss-footed") from the circumstance that the feet form large cushion-like pads, supporting the weight of the body, while the toes have broad nails on their upper surface only, instead of being encased in hoofs.
The market cross is of the 14th century, much restored, having an open arcade supporting a pinnacle, with flying buttresses.
The word is used also to designate the supporting frame or arms carrying the microscopes or verniers of a graduated circle.
Although the emperor wrote to Ney again at noon, from Ligny, that troops had now been placed in position at Marbais to second the marshal's attack on Quatre Bras, yet Ney remained quiescent, and Wellington effected so rapid and skilful a retreat that, on Napoleon's arrival at the head of his supporting corps, 1 There appears to be no reason to believe that Grouchy pushed any reconnaissances to the northward and westward of Gentinnes on June 17; had he done so, touch with Blucher's retiring columns must have been established, and the direction of the Prussian retreat made clear.
Some of the older writers appealed to Scripture as supporting their systems, especially the texts Exod.
They have been steady friends of foreign missions in the most catholic form (supporting the London Missionary Society, founded in 1795 on an inter-denominational basis), of temperance, popular education and international peace.
This act was disallowed by the crown in 1697, and until Governor Cornbury's administration (1702-1708) both the Leislerians and the anti-Leislerians repeatedly bid for the governor's favour by supporting his measures instead of contending for popular rights.
The vaults below the Great Court of the Jupiter Temple, together with the supporting walls of the terrace, are noticeable.
Every knoll had its redoubt or battery, and the trenches were arranged line behind line, to give supporting, cross and enfilade fire in every direction.
On their level tops the beams supporting the platforms were laid and fastened by wooden pins, or inserted in mortices cut in the heads of the piles.
In the former the main supporting member or members may be an arch ring or arched ribs, suspension chains or ropes, or a pair of girders, beams or trusses.
The bridge flooring rests on the supporting members, and is of very various types according to the purpose of the bridge.
About 1850 it was perceived that a bridge stiff enough to carry railway trains could be constructed by combining supporting chains with stiffening girders suspended from them.
For railway bridges it commonly consists of cross girders, attached to or resting on the main girders, and longitudinal rail girders or stringers carried by the cross girders and directly supporting the sleepers and rails.
This was partly necessary to meet the uncertain conditions in floating when the distribution of supporting forces was unknown and there were chances of distortion.
The Warren type, either with two sets of bracing bars or with intermediate verticals, affords convenient means of supporting the floor girders.
The supporting structure is a cable suspension bridge with stiffening girders.
The loads and the supporting forces are indicated by arrows.
In the same year he took part in supporting the measure for the abolition of compulsory Church rates.
Within the Zollverein, after 1834, there was an almost unceasing struggle between the protectionist and Free Trade parties, Prussia supporting in the main a Liberal policy, while the South German states supported a Protectionist policy.
In 1824 duties were considerably raised; and thereafter the New England states, which so far had been lukewarm in supporting the movement, joined in it unreservedly.
Between the ectoderm and endoderm a gelatinous supporting layer, termed the mesogloea, makes its appearance.
The ectoderm loses entirely the ciliation which it had in the planula and actinula stages and commonly secretes on its external surface a protective or supporting investment, the perisarc. Contrasting with this, the anthopolyp is generally of s q uat form, the diameter often exceeding the height; the peristome is wide, a hypostome is lacking, and the ectoderm, or so much of it as is exposed, i.e.
He successfully thwarted all the schemes of the emperor Sigismund, by adroitly supporting the revolutionary party in Bohemia.
The diet was the humble servant of the conqueror of the moment, and the leading magnates chose their own sides without the slightest regard for the interests of their country, the Lithuanians for the most part supporting Charles XII., while the Poles divided their allegiance between Augustus and Stanislaus Leszczynski, whom Charles Leszczyn- placed upon the throne in 1704 and kept there till 1709.
Among the institutions are the City infirmary (at Hartwell, a suburb), which, besides supporting pauper inmates, affords relief to outdoor poor; the Cincinnati hospital, which is supported by taxation and treats without charge all who are unable to pay; twenty other hospitals, some of which are charitable institutions; a United States marine hospital; the Longview hospital for the insane, at Carthage, Io m.
Till about 1835 he pursued the policy of keeping his hold on his native province of Vera Cruz, and influencing the rest of the country by alternately supporting and upsetting the central government.
Towards Turkey he maintained an independent attitude, supporting an anti-Turkish faction in the Crimea, and furnishing the emperor with subsidies in his war against the sultan.
The accounts of the palaces of the native kings must be taken with some reserve, from the tendency to use descriptive terms not actually untrue, but which convey erroneous ideas taken from European architecture; thus what are called columns of porphyry and jasper supporting marble balconies might perhaps be better described as piers carrying slabs, while the apartments and terraces must have been more remarkable for number and extent than architectural grandeur, being but low one-storied buildings.
Guesde, nevertheless, continued to oppose the opportunist policy of Jaures, whom he denounced for supporting one bourgeois party against another.
She received a pension of ioo,000 crowns, which was largely spent in supporting Jacobite exiles.
When the Democratic national convention met at Cincinnati in June 1856, Pierce was an avowed candidate for renomination, but as his attitude on the slavery question, and especially his subserviency to the South in supporting the pro-slavery party in the Territory of Kansas, had lost him the support of the Northern wing of his party, the nomination went to James Buchanan.
To the second century, lastly, belongs in part the evidence of the catacombs, on the walls of which are depicted persons reclining at tables supporting a fish, accompanied by one or more baskets of loaves, and more rarely by flasks of wine or water.
The angels supporting the world withdraw themselves from their burden, and everything falls in ruins.
On the outbreak of the World War he at first seemed to be going to side with the Government, but, after having obtained some private knowledge of the way in which German public opinion had been duped, he turned against his own party, the Social Democrats, and attacked them for supporting the war.
In the earliest age of Christian monasticism the ascetics were accustomed to live singly, independent of one another, at no great distance from some village, supporting themselves by the labour of their own hands, and distributing the surplus after the supply of their own scanty wants to the poor.
The western side of the cloister is, as usual, occupied by vaulted cellars, supporting on the upper story the dormitory of the lay brothers (8).
Parallel with the western walk is an immense vaulted substructure (U), incorrectly styled the cloisters, serving as cellars and store-rooms, and supporting the dormitory of the conversi above.
This arrangement has been provided at several weirs on the Thames, to afford control of the flood discharge, and reduce the extent of the inundations; the largest of these composite weirs on that river is at the tidal limit at Teddington, where the two central bays, with a total length of 2421 ft., are closed by thirty-five draw-doors sliding between iron frames supporting a foot-bridge, from which the doors are raised by a winch.'
The liver cells, therefore, are entodermal, but the supporting connective tissue mesodermal from the septum transversum.
Dr Joseph Black's instrument consists of a conical tube of tin plate, with a small brass tube, supporting the nozzle, inserted near the wider end, and a mouth-piece at the narrow end.
The lower jaw is characterized by its abruptly narrowed and rounded front part supporting the pair of large in cisors, as well as by the small size of the coronoid process, and the great development of the lower hind, or angular, portion.
The third and last sub-family, the Pteromyinae, is distinguished from the other two by the presence of a parachute-like fold of skin along the sides of the body, the supporting cartilage of which arises from the carpus or wrist.
In his speech supporting this measure Davis declared that until Congress should "recognize a government established under its auspices, there is no government in the rebel states save the authority of Congress."
Borchers also used an externally heated metal vessel as the cathode; it is provided with a supporting collar or flange a little below the top, so that the upper part of the vessel is exposed to the cooling influence of the air, in order that a crust of solidified salt may there be formed, and so prevent the creeping of the electrolyte over the top. The carbon anode passes through the cover of a porcelain cylinder, open at the bottom, and provided with a side-tube at the top to remove the chlorine formed during electrolysis.
The more aggressive protectionists among Mr Chamberlain's supporters had lately become very confident, and Mr Balfour plainly repudiated "protection" in so far as it meant a policy aiming at supporting or creating home industries by raising home prices; but he introduced a new point by declaring that an Imperial Conference would be called to discuss with the colonies the question of preferential tariffs if the Unionist government obtained a majority at the next general election.
This court was surrounded by wooden columns supporting a roof, like a medieval cloister; on the south side are chambers for attendants (BaXaµoc).
He led the movement for a reform of the Empire and the opposition to the papal encroachments, supporting the theory of church government enunciated at Constance and Basel and condemned in Pius II.'s bull Execrabilis.
His successors, Patrick Gordon and George Thomas, under the proprietorship of John, Thomas and Richard Penn, continued Keith's popular policy of issuing a plentiful paper currency; but with Thomas the assembly renewed its old struggle, refusing to grant him a salary or supplies because of his efforts to force the colony into supporting the Spanish War.
During the minority of the fifth (really the third) Dalai Lama, when the Mongol king Tengir To, under the pretext of supporting the religion, intervened in the affairs of the country, the Pan-ch'en Lo-sang Ch'o-kyi Gyal-ts'ang lama obtained the withdrawal of the invaders by the payment of a heavy war indemnity, and then applied for help to the first Manchu emperor of China, who had just ascended the throne.
Among the simplest cases are the sheet-like aggregates of sporogenous hyphae in Puccinia, Uromyces, &c., or of basidia in Exobasidium, Corticium, &c., or of asci in Exoascus, Ascocorticium, &c. In the former, where the layer is small, it is often termed a sorus, but where, as in the latter, the sporogenous layer is extensive, and spread out more or less sheet-like on the supporting tissues, it is more frequently termed a hymenium.
It is for this reason, for instance, that railroad rails are of constant uniform section throughout their length, instead of having those parts of their length which come between the supporting ties deeper and stronger than the parts which rest on the ties.
On the other hand, he approves of a protective tax on German linen in favour of home manufactures, and of a tax on brandy as encouraging the sale of rum and so supporting our southern colonies.
The plural form Atlantes is the classical term in architecture for the male sculptured figures supporting a superstructure as in the baths at Pompeii, and in the temple at Agrigentum in Sicily.
A figure of Atlas supporting the heavens is often found as a frontispiece in early collections of maps, and is said to have been first thus used by Mercator.
He was at first opposed to the war with Germany, but when satisfied that it had been forced upon France he did not, like some of his colleagues, refuse to vote supplies, but took the patriotic line of supporting the flag.
In 1580 he came to London, attended the court of Elizabeth, and joined the secret society formed that year supporting the Jesuit missionaries.
Although Kandahar has long ceased to be the seat of government, it is nevertheless by far the most important trade centre in Afghanistan, and the revenues of the Kandahar province assist largely in supporting the chief power at Kabul.
The court which forms the entrance to the shrine of the saint is richly adorned with tiles and plaster-work, and is surrounded by an arcade of white marble columns, supporting a painted wooden roof.
These two mountain ranges unite at their northern extremities with the Vindhya chain of mountains, and thus is formed a vast triangle supporting at a considerable elevation the expanse of table-land which stretches from Cape Comorin to the valley of the Nerbudda.
In the following year he showed the strength of his judgment and character by supporting, in spite of consequent unpopularity in Ireland, a measure for increasing the powers of the executive to deal with Irish disorder.
In the interior only Spandau, Custrin, Magdeburg, Ingolstadt and Ulm were maintained as defensive supporting points, and similarly on the Rhine, which was formerly studded with fortresses from Basel to Emmerich, the defences were limited to New Breisach, Germersheim, Mainz, Cohlenz, Cologne and Wesel, all of a barrier character and not organized specially as centres of activity for field armies.
Thus practically all North Germany was united in supporting the Protestant cause.
In 1887 the two chief societies for supporting the colonial movement joined under the name of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft.
It was notably the part played by Austria in supporting the German point of view throughout at the conference that strengthened the position of Germany in Europe, by drawing closer the bonds of sympathy between the two empires.
It has a fine facade of six arches, and the capitals of the supporting pillars are very curiously carved.
In the Senate he was one of the aggressive Republican leaders, strongly supporting the administration of President M`Kinley (whose name he presented to the Republican National Conventions of 1896 and 1900) in the debatespreceding, during, and immediately following the Spanish-American War, and later, during the administration of President Roosevelt, was conspicuous among Republican leaders for his independence.
Owing to the slight rainfall, and the rapid weathering of the rocks by the great range of teniperature, these hills rise steeply from the valleys at their feet as almost bare rock, supporting hardly any vegetation.
In Scandinavia, on the other hand, such dome-roofed chambers are unknown, and the construction of the chambers as a rule is megalithic, five or six monoliths supporting one or more capstones of enormous size.
In 1796 he established an organization for visiting and relieving the poor, and in 1802 began to educate the poor children of Waterford, renting a school and supporting two teachers.
Ovular characters determine the grouping in the Dicotyledons, van Tieghem supporting the view that the integument, the outer if there be two, is the lamina of a leaf of which the funicle is the petiole, whilst the nucellus is an outgrowth of this leaf, and the inner integument, if present, an indusium.
Paolo fuori le Mura at Rome, with pairs of small columns supporting arches, and decorations in coloured mosaic ("Cosmatesque" work).
As in the case of epiphytic brown seaweeds, the rhizoids of the epiphyte often penetrate the substance of the supporting alga.
He was a Democratic member of the United States Senate from December 1834 until March 1845, ardently supporting President Jackson, and was secretary of state in the cabinet of President Polk from 1845 to 1849 - a period marked by the annexation of Texas, the Mexican War, and negotiations with Great Britain relative to the Oregon question.
He continued, however, to work for a peaceful settlement, supporting the Crittenden Compromise and the work of the Peace Congress.
The columns supporting the roof and gallery are irregularly placed, with a view to artistic effect; and the general form of the piers, arches and pillars is most graceful.
The roof is exquisitely decorated in blue, brown, red and gold, and the columns supporting it spring out into the arch form in a remarkably beautiful manner.
He took rather a prominent part in the discussions at the council, associating himself with Felix Dupanloup and with Georges Darboy, archbishop of Paris, in his opposition to the doctrine of Infallibility, and supporting their arguments from his vast knowledge of ecclesiastical history.
He cannot have undertaken his task with much zeal, for his own opinion was that Elizabeth would consult her interests best by supporting the barons.
Again, after Mr Kruger's ultimatum in October 1899, Lord Rosebery spoke upon the necessity of the nation closing its ranks and supporting the government in the prosecution of war in South Africa.
An examination of the Pnyx in 1911 showed that the supporting wall is no earlier than the 4th century.
With such views it was not to be wondered at that, from first to last, as has already been indicated, he never lost an opportunity of supporting a policy of width, toleration and comprehension in the Church of England.
In the interior, which contains beautifully carved stalls, a choir-screen in the flamboyant style and many other works of art, the most striking features are the height of the nave and the boldness of the columns supporting the vaulting.
In 722 we find Ine of Wessex at war with the South Saxons, apparently because they were supporting a certain Aldbryht, probably an exile from Wessex.
On the other hand, the reproaches addressed by some British writers to General Bosquet for not promptly supporting the troops at Inkerman with his whole strength are equally unjustifiable, for apparently Sir George Brown and Sir George Cathcart both declined his first offers of support, and he had Prince Gorchakov with at least 20,000 Russians in his own immediate front.
The wooden stage has, of course, perished, but all its supporting structures are in place, and the great scena wall stands to its full height, and produces a magnificent impression whether from within or from without.
Instead of loyally supporting the president in the difficult task of building up a stable state, he did everything in his power to undermine his authority, going so far as to urge the Boers to pay no taxes while Burgers was in office.
On the northern side of this terrace, between the second temple and the Cyclopean supporting wall, a long stoa or colonnade runs from east to west abutting at the west end in structures which evidently contained a well-house and waterworks; while at the eastern end of this stoa a number of chambers were erected against the hill, in front of which were placed statues and inscriptions, the bases for which are still extant.
On the uppermost terrace, defined by the great Cyclopean supporting wall, exactly as described by Pausanias, the excavations revealed a layer of ashes and charred wood, below which were found numerous objects of earliest date, together with some remains of the walls resting on a polygonal platform - all forming part of the earliest temple.
Immediately adjoining end facing the temple, is built upon elaborate supporting walls of good masonry.
The west building, the traces of bridges and roads, show that at one time it did hold some relation to Mycenae; but this was long after its foundation or the building of the huge Cyclopean supporting wall which is coeval with the walls of Tiryns, these again being earlier than those of Mycenae.
Still Lubeck, even when nearly isolated, strove to preserve its predominance in a war with Denmark (1501-12), supporting Gustavus Vasa in Sweden, lording it over the north of Europe during the years 1534 and 1535 in the person of Jurgen Wullenweber, the democratic burgomaster, who professed the most advanced principles of the Reformation, and engaging with Sweden in a severe naval war (1536-70).
The freebooter, Jaswant Rao Holkar, alone remained in the field, supporting his troops by ravages through Malwa and Rajputana.
In all the more typical members of the family the three middle metatarsals of the long hind-legs are fused into a cannon-bone; and in the true jerboas of the genus Jaculus the two lateral toes, with their supporting metatarsals, are lost, although they are present in the alactagas (Alactaga), in which, however, as in certain allied genera, only the three middle toes are functional.
The troops in the Val Lagarina and the Val Sugana were not included in this force, which was to make its offensive between the two valleys, where only supporting attacks were to be carried out.
He took a vigorous share in the debates of a local Whig club, and in 1772, he wrote a pamphlet embodying the grievances of excisemen and supporting their demands for an increase of pay.
Arrhenius, by reasoning similar to that of section 5, applied to an osmotic cell supporting a column of solution by osmotic pressure, deduced the relation between the osmotic pressure P at the bottom of the column and the vapour-pressure p" of the solution at the top, viz.
Gaston de Foix fell in the battle, in which he was supporting Alphonso.
Of Joseph we hear nothing after the boyhood of Jesus, who followed the same trade, supporting himself and perhaps his mother and younger brothers and sisters.
The interior is vaulted and has eight pillars, supporting double round arches.
In the national elections of 1860 Virginia returned a majority of unionist electors as against the secession candidates, Breckinridge and Lane, many of the large planters voting for the continuance of the Union, and many of the smaller slave-owners supporting the secessionists.
C. Greenhill treated the problem of the centrifugal whirling of an unloaded shaft with different supporting conditions in a paper On the Strength of Shafting exposed both to torsion and to end thrust, Proc. Inst.
One of his most difficult tasks was to adjust the ever-recurring conflicts with Italy, who, while officially supporting the political action of the Triple Alliance, often embarked on courses directly opposed to the interests of Austria-Hungary.
On the 24th of October 1670, at the very time that these treaties were in progress, Charles opened parliament and obtained a vote of £800,000 on the plea of supporting the Triple Alliance.
The last years of his life were spent in comparative poverty and isolation, as even the Esterhazy-Forchtenstein estates were unequal to the burden of supporting his fabulous extravagance and had to be placed in the hands of curators.
He notices also the impossibility of supporting a large army, and the consequent destruction of the greater part of the men and beasts which accompanied the expedition of Alexander.
They are naturally timid and inoffensive, but the larger kinds when hard pressed will turn and defend themselves, sometimes killing a dog by grasping it in their fore-paws, and inflicting terrible wounds with the sharp claws of their powerful hind-legs, supporting themselves meanwhile upon the tail.
His conduct in supporting measures, such as the Spanish treaty and the continental subsidies, which he had violently denounced when in opposition, had been much criticized; but within certain limits, not indeed very well defined, inconsistency has never been counted a vice in an English statesman.
This war of succession was, in reality, an incident of the Hundred Years' War, the partisans of Blois and Montfort supporting respectively the kings of France and England.
The twelve columns supporting the canopy were decorated with rows of splendid pearls, and Tavernier considered these to be the most valuable part of the throne.
Harrison was a member of the Ohio senate in 1819-1821, and was an unsuccessful candidate for the National House of Representatives in 1822, when his Missouri vote helped to cause his defeat; he was a presidential elector in 1824, supporting Henry Clay, and from 1825 to 1828 was a member of the United States Senate.
They are nomads, supporting themselves by cattle-breeding and fishing; few are agriculturists.
Architecturally the most important of the many striking features of the palace is the arrangement in the vestibule by which the supporting arches spring directly from the capitals of the large granite Corinthian columns.
In spite of his near relationship to the Protector's family, he was one of the most violent opponents of the assumption by Cromwell of the royal title, and after the Protector's death, instead of supporting the interests and government of his nephew Richard Cromwell, he was, with Fleetwood, the chief instigator and organizer of the hostility of the army towards his administration, and forced him by threats and menaces to dissolve his parliament in April 1659.
The dorsal surface is smooth; ventrally there are five pairs of parapodia, armed with supporting and hooked setae, by means of which the worm adheres to its host.
The peculiarities of water and air as supporting media are well illustrated by a reference to swimming, diving and flying birds.
Henson was one of the first to combine aerial screws with extensive supporting structures occupying a nearly horizontal position.
These investigators began their work in 1900, and at an early stage introduced two characteristic features - a horizontal rudder in front for steering in the vertical plane, and the flexing or bending of the ends of the main supporting aeroplanes as a means of maintaining the structure in proper balance.
A, B, Main supporting surfaces.
A feature of the year 1909 was the success obtained with monoplanes having only a single supporting surface, and it was on a machine of this type that the Frenchman Bleriot on July 25th flew across the English.
The stalk supporting the stamens and ovary is called the "gynophore" or the "gynandrophore," and is a characteristic of the order.
The dark portions represent supporting and conducting tissue; the upper face bears furrows, at the bottom of each of which are seen the motor cells m.
In the controversy about election, when appealed to by Charles the Bald, Ratramnus wrote two books De praedestinatione Dei, in which he maintained the doctrine of a twofold predestination; nor did the fate of Gottschalk deter him from supporting his view against Hincmar as to the orthodoxy of the expression "trina Deitas."
The policy of supporting the interests of the house of Anjou in Sicily proved a grand failure.
If the supporting member is a floor beam or girder the girder should be rigidly connected to the floor system to prevent any twisting due to the weight of the projection.
Valleys and groves are under his protection, unless the epithets Napaeus and Hylates belong to a more primitive aspect of the god as supporting himself by the chase, and roaming the glades and forests in pursuit of prey.
Between ectoderm and endoderm is a supporting layer of structureless gelatinous substance termed mesogloea, secreted by the cell-layers of the body-wall; the mesogloea may be a very thin layer, or may reach a fair thickness, and then sometimes contains skeletal elements formed by cells which have migrated into it from the ectoderm.
These mountains are the supporting walls of successive terraces.
In 1884 Mr Hofmeyr led the Bond in strongly supporting the Transvaal Boers who had invaded Bechuanaland (q.v.), proclaiming that if the Bechuanaland freebooters were not permitted to retain the territories they had seized, in total disregard of the terms of the conventions of 1881 and 1884, there would be rebellion among the Dutch of Cape Colony.
Tanucci, who attempted to thwart her, was dismissed in 1777, and the Englishman Sir John Acton (1736), who in 1779 was appointed director of marine, succeeded in so completely winning the favour of Maria Carolina, by supporting her in her scheme to free Naples from Spanish influence and securing a rapprochement with Austria and England, that he became practically and afterwards actually prime minister.
The next class of dam to be considered is that in which the structure as a whole is so bound together that, with certain reservations, it may be considered as a monolith subject chiefly to the overturning tendency of waterpressure resisted by the weight of the structure itself and the supporting pressure of the foundation.
As a result of this theory, in the case of a retaining wall supporting a vertical face of earth beneath an extended horizontal plane level with the top of the wall, we get p _ wx 2 1 - sin ii 2 I +sin P' [[Reservoir Empty Reservoir Full Ellipses Of Vertical Pressures On Horizontal Joints]].
The hard calcareous substance to which the name coral is applied is the supporting skeleton of certain members of the Anthozoa, one of the classes of the phylum Coelentera.
The medullary portion is densely crowded with spicules of different shape from those in the cortex, and in some forms the spicules are cemented together to form a hard supporting axis.
A rod-like supporting axis of peculiar texture is developed in the longitudinal partition, and a longitudinal canal is hollowed out on either side of the axis in the substance of the longitudinal partition, so that there are four stem-canals in all.
After supporting Baliol in his rising against Edward I., Comyn submitted to the English king in 1296; he was sent to reside in England, but returned to Scotland shortly before his death.
His protectors entered into negotiations which in fact turned on the question whether more was to be gained by supporting him, or by giving him up. An appeal to Isabella, queen of Castile, met with no response.
It was given by Prince John and the ministers, who were then supporting him against the arrogant chancellor, to secure the adherence of London.
Next in rank, and equally supporting the throne of the Almighty, are four Ministering Spirits, the Soul, the Word, the Right Wing and the Left Wing, who, in Hakim's time, were embodied respectively in Ismael Darazi, Mahommed ibn Wahab, Selama ibn Abd alWahal and Baha ud-Din; and beneath these again are spiritual agents of various ranks.
The older view was that it was a fertile segment of the leaf; and though its ventral position presents a difficulty, this must be regarded as a possible explanation; the occasional occurrence of sporangia on the lamina in Botrychium has been regarded as supporting it.
These elements, which formed the bulk of the population, were not averse from supporting a strong ruler who would protect them against the Arab aristocracy.
He repelled the Fatimites, partly by supporting their enemies in Africa, and partly by claiming the caliphate for himself.
The only inhabited districts are the shores of the fjords, where grass grows capable of supporting sheep; but a large proportion of the population gain their livelihood by fishing.
Chief among its industrial establishments are the famous iron and steel works of Krupp, and the whole of Essen may be said to depend for its livelihood upon this firm, which annually expends vast sums in building and supporting churches, schools, clubs, hospitals and philanthropic institutions, and in other ways providing for the welfare of its employees.
In 1533, he published his Invicta Veritas (with the fictitious pressmark of Luneberge, to avoid suspicion), which contained an answer to the numerous tracts supporting Henry's ecclesiastical claims. After an imprisonment of more than six years, Abel was sentenced to death for denying the royal supremacy in the church, and was executed at Smithfield on the Both of July 1540.
These claims were not backed up by the home government, and a little later the policy was adopted by Great Britain of supporting the Hova authority.
There are traces 1 The close relation between what may be called the Deuteronomic history (Joshua - Kings) and its introduction (the legal book of Deuteronomy) independently show the difficulty of supporting the traditional date ascribed to the latter.
When his son Louis wished to wrest the English crown from John, now crushed by his barons, Philip intervened without seeming to do so, first with the barons, then with Innocent III., supporting and disowning his son by turns; until the latter, held in.
The death of Francis I.s mother, Louise of Savoy (who had been partly instrumental in arranging the peace of Cambrai), the replacement of Montmorency by the bellicose Chabot, and the advent to power of a Burgundian, Granvella, as Charles Vs prime minister, put an end to this double-faced policy, which attacked the Calvinists of France while supporting the Lutherans of Germany; made advances to Clement VII.
To her colonial empire in America he added the greater part of Santo Domingo, Tobago and Dominica; he restored Guiana; prepared for the acquisition of Louisiana by supporting Cavelier de la Salle; extended the suzerainty of the king on the coast of Africa from the Bay of Arguin to the shores of Sierra Leone, and instituted the first commercial relations with India.
The Anglo-Dutch War (1665-1667), in which he was by way of supporting the United Provinces without engaging his fleet, retarded this enterprise by a year.
In 1778 he joined France in supporting the insurgent English colonists in America.
In the same way the supporting vowel, which is regularly an e in CataIan, is often written a, especially after r (abra, ar bore m; astra, a s t r u m; para, p a t r e in); one may say that in the actual state of the language post-tonic e and a become indistinguishable in a surd sound intermediate between the French a and mute e.
Phelps, - men of admitted competence, yet, after all, of no higher authority than the economists supporting Mr Chamberlain, such as Dr Cunningham and Professor Ashley.
Bourbon then became a violent reactionary, attacking the former members of the Mountain and supporting rigorous measures against the rioters of the 12th Germinal and the 1st Prairial of the year III.
Grenville's attitude in this matter was somewhat aggressive; his colleagues were not unanimous in supporting him, and Sheridan, one of them, said "he had known many men knock their heads against a wall, but he had never before heard of any man who collected the bricks and built the very wall with an intention to knock out his own brains against it."
The lowland, or Tehama, is hot and generally sterile; it contains oases, however, near the foot of the mountains, fertilized and irrigated by hill streams and supporting many large villages and towns.
Numerous other ruins were found by him in the neighbourhood, together with inscriptions supporting the identification.
The primary axis of the inflorescence is sometimes called the rachis; its branches, whether terminal or lateral, which form the stalks supporting flowers or clusters of flowers, are peduncles, and if small branches are given off by it, they are called pedicels.
If his theory of government deviated from the republican standard he had the candour to avow it, and the greater merit of co-operating faithfully in maturing and supporting a system which was not his choice."
During the first ten years he engaged in violent opposition, but from 1870 onwards he joined in supporting the m ilitary reforms of Ricotti.
C. Labyrinthodonta, with simple biconcave vertebral disks, very slightly pierced by a remnant of the notochord and supporting the loosely articulated neural arch.
The former are used principally as casing, walls, pillars or other supporting parts of the structure, and includes ordinary red or yellow bricks, clay-slate, granite and most building stones; the latter are reserved for the parts immediately in contact with the fuel and flame, such as the lining of the fire-place, the arches, roof and flues, the lower part if not the whole of the chimney lining in reverberatory furnaces, and the whole of the internal walls of blast furnaces.
I've caused you so much stress – and at a time when I should have been supporting you.
He had every intent of supporting her – emotionally, physically and financially.
Peel's period as Irish Secretary saw him supporting the constitutional status quo.
Restoring calm, Morgan Freeman steps up to announce the best supporting actress Oscar.
Vitamin B5 reinforces the body's defenses against stress by supporting the adrenal glands.
Since its launch in March 2000, it has been a significant force in supporting creatively adventurous and pioneering musical activity.
The research output is strategically aligned to the benefit of the region by stimulating and supporting knowledge and technology transfer.
The charity also contributes by supporting research and through promoting education on farm animal husbandry and welfare.
The HLF should develop a working relationship with funding agencies which are supporting pure research to identify areas where synergy is possible.
Duff House, the Fife Gates Pair of polished ashlar octagonal gatepiers with molded stepped caps supporting fine carved stone urns.
Unfortunately, the supporting infrastructure does not enable the browsers to properly authenticate the origin of these proxy settings.
There is no research supporting the use of copper bangles.
Bequest commitment Making a bequest commitment Making a bequest to Lincoln can be an important way of supporting the future of the College.
Committee meetings are held approximately bimonthly and free membership is open to anyone interested in supporting the aims of the group.
For this reason I am in favor of supporting the research, however we cannot say that biotech can solve world hunger.
If you buy from an unscrupulous breeder or dealer, you will be supporting their trade in misery.
The poles for supporting the overhead communication cable are clearly visible in several of the following pictures of the track.
The supporting cast are all perfectly capable in their roles too.
In the Black Country, £ 4.1 million of grant offers were made to 23 firms, supporting capital expenditure of £ 26.7 million.
The supporting cast included Donald Sinden, Kenneth Griffith and Gerald Harper.
Of particular interest is the supporting of chiral species for asymmetric catalysis.
Two winged cherubs stand praying back-to-back with their wings and heads supporting the bowl.
Investigations In supporting the clinical diagnosis, laboratory testing to demonstrate mixed chimerism is important.
Despite general policies supporting cogeneration and decentralized power production, these practical barriers seem hard to remove.
Here, there is a large cliff supporting an enormous nesting seabird colony.
The SiS 5598 is not capable of supporting overlays but does support hardware gamma color correction in all color depths.
Live shows became more commonplace with the String Band headlining rather than supporting other artists.
The consort Web site provides free access to the full-text CONSORT statement, supporting documentation and explanatory notes, and links to further initiatives.
Supporting 100 years of cornea donation 7 December 2005 marks the 100th anniversary of the world's first cornea donation 7 December 2005 marks the 100th anniversary of the world's first cornea transplant.
Westwood said she was supporting the campaign and defending habeus corpus.
Put it this way, if Evolution was in the Bible would there still be the same wackos supporting creationism?
Their feet are pushing backward thereby supporting the right-to-left movement of the winged creatures in the lower layer.
The deer Commission's supporting team of deer stalkers carries out a regular program of deer population counts.
Supporting convergence products include digital demodulators, data modems, cable modems and home networking products.
Eurostat has not yet provided us with all the necessary supporting documentation.
Between the windows, there are gilt and ' pietra dura ' console tables with late 17th century Genoese carved and gilt supporting figures.
A fully instrumented dynamic dynamometer with rapid prototyping facilities is now fully operational and supporting this work.
Growing the economy by attracting inward investment, and supporting and strengthening the rural economy.
The present position and role of LAs in supporting teachers should be maintained, and not emasculated as proposed; iv.
His monument consists of four fluted Doric columns supporting a square entablature.
An appropriate rescaling casts the system in a normal form, which is universal for models supporting ess through quadratic nonlinearities.
Articles or letters on this subject, whether opposing or supporting the ether opposing or supporting the ETH, are welcome.
The Artists Arnolfini is committed to supporting artistic experimentation.
The vehicle was supporting considerable weight from the house superstructure, but without removing it they could not extricate the driver.
Why not add a little Welsh Heritage to your home, whilst at the same time supporting sustainable Welsh forestry.
Dwarf foundation walls topped by chamfered freestone, supporting a timber superstructure; six glazed windows on either side.
The front porch has an arched opening, flanked by pilasters, supporting a frieze and cornice with circular pediment.
In the middle were Mark Kerr and Greg Cameron, with Stuart Duff supporting lone frontman Lee Miller.
The treatment platoon is composed of a platoon headquarters, two forward supporting treatment squads, and an area support section.
The audiologist may also be involved in the process of making earmoulds and supporting you with looking after your childâs hearing aids.
The problem with this is that there is now next to no supporting evidence - only a little family hearsay.
A robust hermeneutics of model design meets the criteria for supporting those phenomena.
Figure 8 Formation of loop ileostomy The supporting catheter can then be removed.
The supporting slides are only illustrative of the possible sources.
We need to be aware that liberal theologians in the Church of England are already supporting heterosexual immorality.
In any event, any evidence supporting the allegation(s) not proceeded with is completely inadmissible in proceedings for any new allegation.
His conclusions, rather than finding support for integration, portrayed it as supporting the existing ethnic division and perpetuating social inequality.
Starting to implement an intranet is fairly straightforward as long as you have a network capable of supporting TCP/IP.
Note the copper strips which are soldered to the lead cames, and which are used to secure the lead to the supporting ironwork.
Being part of the centenary jamboree and supporting participants from over 200 countries is something not to be missed.
Kurdish The society aspires to educate people about kurdish life, as well as supporting students from these countries.
The band played their first gig supporting the libertines in December 2002.
Large format containing 128 printed pages of tables, black and white plates, detailed line drawings with a good deal of supporting text.
Someone had suggested to her that the oval post holes held two posts supporting lintels.
The whole cottage is surprisingly light and airy with oak lintels supporting the thick stone walls.
These are significant developments that may contribute to supporting children's emergent literacy and numeracy.
Can you identify lobules, the central vein, supporting connective tissue and portal tracts.
The remaining elements of the DLO will form the basis of a defense logistics command, focused on supporting deployed forces.
It's a delicately crafted script full of witty vignettes although it does feel oddly lopsided because the supporting characters are more roundly portrayed.
The music they played consisted of a rhythmic progression of simple chords, supporting improvised lyrics sung to a clave.
Composition and manufacture manufacture Manufactured using steel columns supporting steel main beams.
The fur is made up of guard hairs supporting a dense mat of secondary fibers.
This casting was taken directly from one of the two supporting carvings either side of the corbel that supports the misericord.
Her work took her all around Devon supporting families with physical handicap problems e.g. multiple sclerosis.
Jones was justly awarded a best supporting actress Oscar for her performance as the double murderess Velma Kelly.
Such technologies are already supporting the care of patients with cancer and those requiring neurosurgery and other specialist care.
As any TV newscast shows, there are many women supporting liberation struggles, even when injury and death are the inevitable result.
The award follows her Best Supporting actress nominations at the Oscars and Golden Globes for her critically acclaimed performance in ' Chicago ' .
For supporting the criminal oligarchy in Venezuela, and for its historic interference in the internal affairs of peoples.
It is one of many ways we are getting involved in supporting London's bid and encouraging others to do the same.
Otis project which focuses on developing and supporting on-line tutors.
The interior doorway is most curious, with two classical figures supporting a large marble pediment.
Many of the professional bodies are supporting research, while independent scientists and even pharmaceutical companies are also conducting studies.
It's a huge, handsome building with a central ring of slender iron pillars supporting a pointed roof.
And, equally, whether they want to go on supporting the retailer's ambitious expansion plans.
The value plats is immense, supporting important species such as the dormouse with the grassland under the trees supporting a diverse flora.
A new system has also been implemented for supporting the moving platen on the machine base, using linear bearings.
It has a lofty nave and side aisles, separated by elegant light clustered pillars, supporting pointed arches.
Those which do have some supporting evidence are saw palmetto and beta-sitosterol plant extracts and rye grass pollen extract.
Work submitted for assessment must include preparatory supporting studies and be carried out during the 132 hours of unaided time.
Create a joint press release with the local trade union supporting the campaign.
Parents of young children can be seen huddled against the cold supporting their young prodigy 's efforts on the field.
Together with a supporting cast of coked-up gun-toting psychos, they inhabit a god-forsaken society where violence is the glue that binds everything together.
The two transverse frames are apparently pairs of base crucks with tie beams supporting a crown post and collar purlin roof.
It is however important to protect the supporting rafters from the elements with a flashing.
You do n't redistribute the brochure or other supporting material except in creating your own Castle Fictoria website.
They perform live and record as a 5-piece with a highly reputed backing band (credits include supporting Richard Ashcroft and Primal Scream ).
And Howard is always respectful and tolerant toward his female supporting cast.
An aging population translates into fewer workers supporting more retirees.
Irving's supporters claiming to be from Student revisionist Resources passed out revisionist literature and held signs outside the hall supporting Irving.
Rood beam A beam, across the arch leading to the choir in the church, supporting the rood beam A beam, across the arch leading to the choir in the church, supporting the rood.
At the east end are seven trusses supporting a lower roofline of six bays.
By supporting the OAE, you can help us plan for the future and remain financially secure.
The Service also aims to improve the quality of their lives by rebuilding self-confidence, improving moral and supporting their families.
We have seen that the lobby supporting female reproductive self-determination was sidelined by the lobbying activities of the medical establishment.
This is particularly important when supporting large contact centers and web self-service.
The bracelet can easily be detached with a quick snip to the supporting wire.
Always bear in mind, tho, that too squishy a saddle won't be supporting you properly.
He also loves supporting the local amateur drama groups which set him in such good stead for the work he does.
The largest workspaces on the ship are dedicated to supporting the two MIR deep diving submersibles which were introduced to the vessel in 1987.
Will they be there supporting you in the court room during your malpractice suit?
The piers, of which there were 181 single and 12 double, supporting the superstructure, were formed from five cast iron columns.
The result is a tightly knit argument in which theoretical critique and anthropological observation play a mutually supporting role.
The seat is a back supporting belt, with a padded foam shelf that supports the child from beneath.
If that's not supporting " anyone but England " I don't know what is.
This event will be a hands-on workshop making traditional English pressed composition ornament, and include supporting lectures.
We will have supporting beams some time early next week.
The Entrance Hall features a tiled floor, natural stone piers and exposed timber beams, supporting a viewing gallery above.
This upgrade increases usable mid band torque and unlocks more of the engine's potential without demanding further upgrades to supporting systems.
The band, fresh from supporting The Research on a nationwide tour, are set to record their debut album this summer.
I am now privileged to be chairing a truly transatlantic organization, supporting the armed forces of both our countries.
They eventually joined together near the center of the bridge where a supporting steel trestle was positioned.
The ropes were then simply unbolted from the supporting beam, leaving merely a small hole.
Music which best underlays the text - supporting what is being proclaimed - that is the best sacred music.
There are powerful vested interests supporting the continuation of the TV License Fee (the TV Tax ).
The notes are from readers instructing me to reply to letters supporting vivisection which have appeared in their local newspapers.
Supporting & Holding the Spar Two portable folding workbenches such as the Workmate as supplied by Black & Decker are ideal for this.
The Lancastrians will bring with them some 80 supporting troops for the sports clash who will be ' garrisoned ' at local youth hostels.
The few observations hitherto made on the sites of Ionian cities indicate continuity of settlement and culture as far back as the latest phases of the Mycenaean (Late Minoan III.) Age and not farther, supporting thus far the traditional foundation dates.
He dealt with the immodesty of the contemporary stage, supporting his contentions by a long series of references attesting the comparative decency of Latin and Greek drama; with the profane language indulged in by the players; the abuse of the clergy common in the drama; the encouragement of vice by representing the vicious characters as admirable and successful; and finally he supported his general position by the analysis of particular plays, Dryden's Amphitryon, Vanbrugh's Relapse and D'Urfey's Don Quixote.
Externally it is an irregular octagon, each face consisting of a lower storey with a semicircular arch (in three cases occupied by a portal), with sculptures by Antelami, four tiers of small columns supporting as many continuous architraves, and forming open galleries, and above these (an addition of the Gothic period) a row of five engaged columns supporting a series of pointed arches and a cornice.
He attended lectures while supporting himself by teaching mathematics and physics at the polytechnic school at Zurich until 1900 and finally, after a year as tutor at Schaffhausen, was appointed examiner of patents at the patent office at Berne, where, having become a Swiss citizen, he remained until 1909.
The medusae of this order are characterized by the tough, rigid consistence of the umbrella, due partly to the dense nature of the mesogloea, partly to the presence of a marginal rim of chondral tissue, consisting of thickened ectoderm containing great numbers of nematocysts, and forming, as it were, a cushion-tyre supporting the edge of the umbrella.
Others attribute it to the queen, and there is no doubt that she hated Turgot for supporting Vergennes in demanding the recall of the comte de Guines, the ambassador in London, whose cause she had ardently espoused at the prompting of the Choiseul clique.
A wing is an outgrowth from the dorsal and pleural regions of the thoracic segment that bears it, and microscopic examination shows it to consist of a double layer of cuticularized skin, the two layers being in contact except where they are thickened and folded to form the firm tubular nervures, which serve as a supporting framework for the wing membrane, enclose air-tubes, and convey blood.
Lastly, a collection of maps is called an atlas, after the figure of Atlas, the Titan, supporting the heavens, which ornamented the title of Lafreri's and Mercator's atlases in the 16th century.
In this latter respect Tisza rendered substantial aid to the joint minister for foreign affairs by repressing the anti-Russian ardour of the Magyars on the outbreak of the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-78, and by supporting Andrassy's execution of the mandate from the Berlin Congress to Austria-Hungary for the occupation of Bosnia, against which the Hungarian opposition agitated for reasons ostensibly financial.
The Ordish bridge built at Prague in 1868 had oblique chains supporting the stiffening girders at intermediate points of the span.
Many slender columns of clay, supporting masses of .sandstone which have protected them from erosion, rise from the surface like gigantic toadstools.
It has been urged that the neurons retract during sleep, and that thus at the synapses the gap between nerve cell and nerve cell becomes wider, or that the supporting cells expand between the nerve cells and tend to isolate the latter one from the other.
On the death of Canute in 1035 he joined with Queen Emma in supporting the claim of Hardicanute, the son of Canute and Emma, to the crown of his father, in opposition to Leofric and the northern party who supported Harold Harefoot (see Hardicanute).
About a year later Henry Farman made several short flights on a machine of the biplane type, consisting of two main supporting surfaces one above the other, with a box-shaped vertical rudder behind and two small balancing aeroplanes in front.
The most extreme disguise assumed by the Arthropod parapodium or appendage is that of becoming a mere stalk supporting an eye - a fact which did not obtain general credence until the experiments of Herbst in 1895, who found, on cutting off the eye-stalk of Palaemon, that a jointed antenna-like appendage was regenerated in its place.
It was publicly agreed that England's difficulty in South Africa was Ireland's opportunity, and that all should abstain from supporting an amendment to the address which admitted that the war would have to be fought out.
The tariff reform movement itself was now, however, outside the purely official programme, and Mr Chamberlain (backed by a majority of the Unionist members) threw himself with impetuous ardour into a crusade on its behalf, while at the same time supporting Mr Balfour in parliament, and leaving it to him to decide as to the policy of going to the country when the time should be ripe.
The second row consists of a broad and flat magnum, supporting the great third metacarpal, having to its radial side the trapezoid, and to its ulnar side the unciform, which are both small, and articulate inferiorally with the rudimentary second and fourth metacarpals.
Men were supporting him in their arms and offering him a glass of water, but his trembling, swollen lips could not grasp its rim.
So he lay now on his bed, supporting his large, heavy, scarred head on his plump hand, with his one eye open, meditating and peering into the darkness.
Keep a pillow permanently downstairs for supporting the child whilst sitting or reclining on the sofa.
Still, they 're doing the decent thing in supporting a Muslim state which endorses terrorism against a particularly repugnant Western ally.
They perform live and record as a 5-piece with a highly reputed backing band (credits include supporting Richard Ashcroft and Primal Scream).
Reticular fibers - are fine type III collagen fibers forming a net-like supporting framework or reticulum.
Anyone found supporting the Dalai Lama can expect instant and harsh retribution in the shape of a lengthy spell in jail or worse.
Irving 's supporters claiming to be from Student Revisionist Resources passed out revisionist literature and held signs outside the hall supporting Irving.
Rood beam A beam, across the arch leading to the choir in the church, supporting the rood.
Distribution of the Searchlight newspaper to every home in the three wards did not deter enough voters from supporting the fascists.
It advocates and supports economic self-help in rural communities, supporting the growth and development of farmer-controlled businesses.
However, as I see it, supporting the complete separation of religion and state is a basic principle of the movement ü.
The theme of this year 's workshop, the seventh in the series, is Supporting Our Users.
Along with a supporting cast of funny friends, Toy Story will entertain the entire family with action, adventure and sidesplitting laughs !
Always bear in mind, tho, that too squishy a saddle wo n't be supporting you properly.
Peel 's period as Irish Secretary saw him supporting the constitutional status quo.
October, 1999, page 9. Part of the lure of the story lies in its supporting cast.
What supporting documentation do I need to provide in order to receive an opinion from the Revenue?
Clooney is heavily tipped for the best supporting actor Oscar.
Then, a number of crucial supporting pillars were removed to make more space for a dance floor, ignoring warnings.
What supporting documents should I send to prove my identity?
If that 's not supporting " anyone but England " I do n't know what is.
They should be able to provide competent and tactful care whilst supporting residents in maintaining and extending skills and self-care abilities.
Slept all morning thro ' terrific barrage of our guns supporting 151 Bde.
The NEC HT1100 is the optimum home theater projector supporting all the requirements for home entertainment.
The SWP at that conference argued for supporting the toolroom workers.
This upgrade increases usable mid band torque and unlocks more of the engine 's potential without demanding further upgrades to supporting systems.
Struggling to his feet he tottered forward supporting himself with the branches.
The TUC 's regional staff represent the TUC by supporting TUC campaigns and objectives and seeking the views of trade unions in the regions.
Ideally, the center of gravity of the seated person should be over the supporting base, the ischial tuberosities.
Observations of phytoplankton blooms without the addition of iron supplements show underutilized resources of carbon dioxide and nitrates, supporting Martin 's Iron Hypothesis.
A brilliant supporting cast exaggerate those defects Clark chose to make his obsessions in order for events to unfold in a suitably arresting fashion.
The five canopy supporting struts still remain, however, as does the original valance design.
There are powerful vested interests supporting the continuation of the TV License Fee (the TV Tax).
Nerida spends a considerable amount of time in the UK supporting her customers by way of winemaker dinners, tastings and visits.
Allocating 10 percent of my income to charity makes me feel good about supporting those in need.
The u-shape design makes the support pillow useful for supporting a baby's head and neck while he lays on the floor in a slightly reclined position.
Pillows such as Boppy are perfect for supporting baby as he works to build coordination and strong muscles.
The agency focuses on supporting on-going humanitarian efforts for orphanages in several areas worldwide, including China, Russia, and other Eastern European countries.
Available at baby stores, department stores, and on the Internet, Boppy pillows are great for supporting a baby during nursing or bottle feeding.
Their role in supporting research and disaster relief demonstrates their devotion to a mission to protect cats and preserve the integrity of their recognized pedigreed breeds.
Some programs that promote literacy are also on limited budgets; being able to provide free books for children is crucial to the survival of the program and supporting a love of reading for disadvantaged children.
In this case, all you will need to do is provide copies of your marriage license, vehicle titles, property deeds, health insurance papers, bank statements, and other supporting documents.
You had your friends and family supporting you.
Reduced welfare costs is another advantage to having both parents actively supporting their children.
Another situation where a child support may need to be changed is where the non-custodial parent has remarried and is responsible for supporting additional children.
Supporting and helping them as a united force will help your children adjust to the inevitable changes ahead.
Another situation where alimony may be ordered is where one spouse needs time to become self supporting.
When barriers exist that prevent one person from supporting him or herself and maintaining the same lifestyle they had during the marriage, alimony may be ordered to make up the difference.
To lessen the overwhelming sense of fear and confusion that can accompany a first time divorce, it's a good idea to learn more about the official forms and the supporting documentation.
The sections below examine some of the most common divorce mediation forms and supporting documents used across most of the United States.
The best approach to supporting children with divorced parents starts in the home.
File Cabinets - Make sure the inserts supporting hanging files are even and haven't undermined the soft interior wood of file drawers.
If you know your kids need a rugged piece of furniture, adding a few more supporting nuts and bolts wouldn't hurt.
The basic bed is made up of a supporting frame and a horizontal platform that is supported by the frame.
Hooker furniture is actively involved in supporting the North Carolina and Virginia communities , where the company's 800 or so employees live and work.
Supporting local produce is good for the local economy as well as the environment, and you are reducing the amount of packaging that would have to be thrown away.
Supporting community initiatives can be a good way to help the green cause.
Supporting legislation that requires businesses to reduce emissions is also important.
While less than 3 percent of this water is drinkable, all of it is necessary for supporting life on Earth.
This tea soothes the throat and opens up the bronchial tubes while supporting the respiratory system.
Others assisting or supporting the victim of an accident may also benefit from it, since their calm mental state provides support for the patient.
Even more important than maintaining a youthful appearance is supporting a healthy heart.
Anecdotal evidence that is part of the manufacturer's website seems to be the primary supporting evidence for the efficacy of Micranium.
Over time, fungal infections can lead to scarring of the hair follicles, rendering them incapable of supporting hair growth.
Options for supporting and housing the television range from simple carts to elaborate armoires and wall units with bookcases attached.
Options for supporting and housing the television range for simple carts to elaborate armoires and wall units with bookcases attached.
Decorative table lamps offer the perfect opportunity to light up a room with style while introducing or supporting almost any design theme.
Finally, the decor of your home theater plays a very strong supporting role.
Another Mission design feature is known as the prairie style top that has a clean lined corbel supporting a shelf-like top.
Imagine a wrought iron rod supporting simple sheers.
With a synthetic rug, you know you're not supporting the slaughter of exotic animals for their skin.
With this commitment to their initiatives, MAC has established itself in the cosmetics industry by supporting important social causes.
Not only will you look and feel great while wearing Mark, you'll know you're supporting a company that was created for women, by women.
Get the most out of your plumper by putting on your lip products in the right order and using the best supporting lip products.
You've got to have a strong supporting cast for your fabulous entrée, right?
These restaurants also directly support local farmers so they are supporting the local economy.
Allowing the sauce its own space to be its own taste and putting the enchilada in a supporting or finishing role drastically altered the way I approached this sauce.
In most cases, a scrapbook layout has one dominant photo and several supporting photos.