Supplying Sentence Examples
The idea of transmutation, in the country of its origin, had a philosophical basis, and was linked up with the Greek theories of matter there current; thus, by supplying a central philosophical principle, it to some extent unified and focussed chemical effort, which previously, so far as it existed at all, had been expended on acquiring empirical acquaintance with a mass of disconnected technical processes.
The more common palms are Cocos, Phoenix and Borassus, supplying cocoa-nut and toddy.
The English slave traders were at first altogether occupied in supplying the Spanish settlements.
Saturninus also brought in a bill, the object of which was to gain the support of the rabble by supplying corn at a nominal price.
By this time it is heavily laden with vapour, which it continues to bear along across the continent, depositing it and supplying the sources of the Amazon and La Plata.
For supplying vacancies in it the votes of those only who were members of it were required.
Both are found in abundance in crib mattresses with the infants supplying both.
The freezing machines were kept at work for 200 days, and 2191 tons of coal were consumed in supplying steam for the compressors and circulating pumps.
The working of very thick seams presents certain special peculiarities, owing to the difficulties of supporting the roof in the excavated portions, and supplying fresh air to the workings.
Up to this date neither logic nor English had received adequate attention in Aberdeen, and Bain devoted himself to supplying these deficiencies.
AdvertisementIt was estimated that the project would furnish water for one million people, beside supplying power for lighting, manufacturing and transportation purposes.
The scheme as a whole was shortlived and did not survive its originator; but the Capitula were commonly recognized as supplying a useful and much-needed supplement to St Benedict's Rule on points not sufficiently provided for therein.
Although it is mentioned in the 16th century, and coal was discovered there at the time of Peter the Great, it was not until 1 795 that an Englishman, Gascoyne or Gaskoin, established its first iron-works for supplying the Black Sea fleet and the southern fortresses with guns and shot.
But they were burdened by the necessity of supplying literary as well as theological training, owing to the disabilities of Nonconformists at Oxford and Cambridge till 1871.
It consists of a cylindrical chest of brass, the base of which is pierced at its centre with an opening in which is fixed a brass tube projecting outwards, and Siren of intended for supplying the cavity of the cylinder with Cagniard de compressed air or other gas, or even liquid.
AdvertisementDuring the publication of The New Yorker he added to the scanty income which the job printing brought him by supplying editorials to the short-lived Daily Whig and various other publications.
These boards also undertook other functions, such as introducing new methods of manufacture and supplying the workers in the munition factories with beer.
Cottage and village nursing are varieties of the same department; the former is organized on the benefit system, and aims at supplying domestic help and sick-nursing combined in rural districts for an annual subscription of from 2s.
They did not greatly differ from the 1550 edition of Stephanus, but historically are important for the great part they played in spreading a knowledge of the Greek text, and as supplying the text which the Elzevirs made the standard on the continent.
Profit arises as soon as stock, being accumulated in the hands of one person, is employed by him in setting others to work, and supplying them with materials and subsistence, in order to make a gain by what they produce.
AdvertisementWalsingham's earliest extant communications with the government date from 1567; and in that and the following two he was supplying Cecil with information about the movements of foreign spies in London.
Fichtean idealism therefore at once stood out negatively, as abolishing the dogmatic conception of the two real worlds, subject and object, by whose interaction cognition and practice arise, and as amending the critical idea which retained with dangerous caution too many fragments of dogmatism; positively, as insisting on the unity of philosophical interpretation and as supplying a key to the form or method by which a completed philosophic system might be constructed.
Howe at Boston, in seeking stores for the army and in supplying naval brigades.
Among goats met with in England a good many show signs of a more or less remote cross with this breed, derived probably from specimens brought from the East on board ships for supplying milk during the voyage.
All of these rivers are waterways of some importance in their lower course, and are navigated by powerful stern-wheel boats supplying the posts and mining camps of the interior with their requirements.
AdvertisementCoal of a bituminous and also semi-anthracite kind is produced, the best mined on the Pacific slope of the continent, the coking coals of the Fernie region supplying the fuel of the great metal mining districts of the Kootenays in British Columbia, and of Montana and other states to the south.
The commission succeeded in agreeing to the terms of a treaty, which was recommended to Congress by President Cleveland as supplying " a satisfactory, practical and final adjustment, upon a basis honourable and just to both parties, of the difficult and vexed questions to which it relates."
The Athenians fully recognized its importance to them, as supplying them with corn and cattle, as securing their commerce, and as guaranteeing them against piracy, for its proximity to the coast of Attica rendered it extremely dangerous to them when in other hands, so that Demosthenes, in the De corona, speaks of a time when the pirates that made it their headquarters so infested the neighbouring sea as to prevent all navigation.
In 1869 he went to the Vatican Council as secretary to Cardinal Hohenlohe, and took an active part in opposing the dogma of papal infallibility, notably by supplying the opposition bishops with historical and theological material.
Pleasure is a physical state, and is not a generation in the body supplying a defect and establishing a natural condition, but an activity of a natural condition of the soul.
While the tables indicate the fluctuations of supply they show generally that Asiatic countries, in addition to supplying the necessities for their home trade, export to Europe and America about threefifths of the whole of the silk consumed in Western manufactures.
There are large cattle-ranches on the islands supplying nearly all the meat for domestic consumption, and cattle-raising is second in importance to the sugar industry.
Most of the manufacturing industries, indeed, are maintained for supplying the local market, there being only three important exceptions - the manufacture of sugar, the cleaning of coffee and the cleaning and polishing of rice.
To the south is the Palanduken range, from which emerge numerous streams, supplying the town with excellent water.
At one time also some species were used in the arts for supplying a gum as a substitute for gum-arabic. These were chiefly Ramalina fraxinea, Evernia prunastri and Parmelia physodes, all of which contain a considerable proportion of gummy matter (of a much inferior quality, however, to gum-arabic), and were employed in the process of calico-printing and in the making of parchment and cardboard.
Of still greater importance is the capacity of many species for supplying food for man and beast.
By subjecting a plant to a gradually increasing temperature, and supplying water in proportion, its growth may be accelerated; its season of development may be, as it were, anticipated; it is roused from a dormant to an active state.
It must be further remarked that both the " dunepans," or depressions, which are naturally marshy through their defective drainage, and the geest grounds - that is, the grounds along the foot of the downs - have been in various places either planted with wood or turned into arable and pasture land; while the numerous springs at the base of the dunes are of the utmost value to the great cities situated on the marshy soil inland, the example set by Amsterdam in 1853 in supplying itself with this water having been readily followed by Leiden, the Hague, Flushing, &c.
The inmates practise agriculture, as well as various industries for supplying all the requirements of the colony.
Other pecuniary embarrassments arose from a contract for supplying fish to Venice, into which Paolo had somewhat strangely entered with the government.
The stipules are generally two in number, and they are important as supplying characters in certain natural orders.
For we are not dealing in these grass lands with a semi-aquatic plant like rice, nor are we supplying any lack of water in the soil, nor are we restoring the moisture which the earth cannot retain under a burning sun.
In spite of its defects, however, the Bibliotheca is of considerable value as to some extent supplying the loss of the works of older authors, from which it is compiled.
Many people had been surprised to see a man of his genius and learning stooping to every drudgery, and denying himself almost every comfort, for the purpose of supplying a silly, affected old woman with superfluities, which she accepted with but little gratitude.
The town has rope and carriage factories, and close by is a large tannery, worked by convict labour, and supplying the army.
The natives of the coast region cultivate yams and other food plants, but in that district agriculture proper scarcely exists, the fruit of the oil-palm supplying an easy means of obtaining almost everything that the natives require.
The reorganized military school system under British control, for supplying officers, dates from 1887.
The principal industrial establishments include flour-mills (Limerick supplying most of the west of Ireland with flour), factories for bacon-curing and for condensed milk and creameries.
They are very bulky, and with the exception of a few, particularly the 116th and 118th, which introduce the most sweeping and laudable reforms into the law of intestate succession, are much more interesting, as supplying materials for the history of the time, social, economical and ecclesiastical, than in respect of any purely legal merits.
In raising funds and equipping and supplying troops the governor showed great energy and resourcefulness, and his plans and organizations for caring for the needy widows and children of Pennsylvania soldiers killed in battle, and for aiding and removing to their homes the sick and wounded were widely copied throughout the North.
Randolph was dismissed for supplying Murray with English gold; from Berwick he and Bedford reported to Cecil the progress of the conspiracy.
At the end of the quay are the works for supplying Port Said with water.
It is occasionally joined to the province of Teheran to facilitate the governor's arrangements for supplying the capital of Persia with grain.
The canal colonies of the Punjab have turned northern India into one of the great grain-fields of the British empire; and in 1904 India took the first place in supplying wheat to the United Kingdom, sending nearly 252 million cwts.
The Punjab henceforth became a British province, supplying a virgin field for the administrative talents of Dalhousie and the two Lawrences.
The importance of these acts cannot be over-estimated as supplying a legal standard of efficiency by which all prisons could be measured.
Accordingly, the production of goods has been largely curtailed for the open market and prison labour is restricted nowadays to supplying articles required for current use by public departments - such as the navy, army, post office and, of course, all prison establishments.
As a punishment for supplying the Titans with water in their contest with Zeus, he was turned into a river of Hades, over which departed souls were ferried by Charon.
Christianity came as supplying a new power; it freed philosophy from scepticism by giving a definite object to its efforts and a renewed confidence in its mission.
Apparently there is an influence on the afferent nerves of the part which causes a reflex contraction - some authors say dilatation - of the vessels in the internal organs that are under the control of the same segment of the nervous system as that supplying the area of skin from which the exciting impulse comes.
In these tribes the bold and active habits, the striking colours, or the fantastic diversities of structure,have so long attracted remark that recent investigations, while adding a multitude of new species and supplying the specialist with an infinity of new details, have not materially altered the scientific standpoint.
In addition to its value as illustrating the difficulties and defects that beset the development of a complex financial organization from the simpler forms of the city and the province, Roman finance is of special importance in consequence of its place as supplying a model or rather a guide for the administration of the states that arose on its ruins.
Over a great part of municipal administration - particularly that engaged in supplying the needs of the individual citizens - the finance may be assimilated to that of the joint-stock company, with of course the necessary differences, viz.
The Carlsbad reservoir and diverting dam in Eddy county and the Rio Hondo canals and reservoir in Chaves county were completed in 1907 and are capable of supplying water to tracts of 20,000 and 10,000 acres respectively.
The soil of the township, unlike that of other parts of the county, is well adapted to agriculture, and the principal industry is the growing of vegetables and the supplying of milk and poultry for its several villages, nearly all of which are summer resorts.
Thus a very strong heart, although it may be useful to its possessor for many years, driving the blood rapidly through the vessels, and supplying all his tissues with such abundant nutriment as to enable him to endure great exertion, mental or bodily, may in the end cause death by bursting a vessel in the brain, which might have resisted the pressure of a feebler circulation for years longer.
Owing to the close resemblance between the two chapters, many critics have assumed that they are derived from the same source and that the latter chapter was added for the purpose of supplying the penalties.
While the new buildings were being erected, the college remained in the parish of "St John the Baptist on the Hill" of St Giles, supplying scholars to New College then as since.
The manufactures of Heidelberg include cigars, leather, cement, surgical instruments and beer, but the inhabitants chiefly support themselves by supplying the wants of a large and increasing body of foreign permanent residents, of the considerable number of tourists who during the summer pass through the town, and of the university students.
That the sun on midsummer day rises nearly, but not quite, in line with the "avenue" and over the Friar's Heel, has long been advanced as the chief argument in support of the theory that Stonehenge was a temple for sun-worship. On the supposition that this stone was raised to mark exactly the line of sunrise on midsummer's day when the structure was erected, it would naturally follow, owing to well-known astronomical causes, that in the course of time the direction of this line would slowly undergo a change, and that, at any subsequent date since, the amount of deviation would be commensurate with the lapse of time, thus supplying chronological data to astronomers for determining the age of the building.
Seven years afterwards he took the cross, thereby giving St Louis a valuable follower, and supplying himself with the occasion of an eternal memory.
Cities and villages are permitted - upon authorization by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the electors voting on the question - to own and operate, even outside their corporate limits, public utilities for supplying water, light, heat, power and transportation, and may sell and deliver, outside their corporate limits, water, heat, power and light to an amount not more than one-fourth that furnished by them in each case within their corporate limits; but no city or village of less than 25,000 inhabitants may own or operate' transportation facilities.
Port Elizabeth has a large import trade, chiefly in textiles, machinery, hardware, apparel and provisions, supplying to a considerable extent the markets of Kimberley, Rhodesia, the Orange Free State and the Transvaal.
As this arrangement extends also to the margins, the wings are more or less twisted upon themselves and present a certain degree of convexity on their superior or upper surface, and a corresponding concavity on their inferior or under surface, - their free edges supplying those fine curves which act with such efficacy upon the air in obtaining the maximum of resistance and the minimum of displacement.
The inference to be deduced from the foregoing is plainly this, that even in large-bodied, small-winged insects and birds the wing-surface is greatly in excess, the surplus wing area supplying Not, FIG.
It is now almost the exception, at least in urban districts, to find a district council which has not obtained a provisional order under these acts, and for the most part the undertakings of local authorities in the way of supplying electricity have been very prosperous.
Every Cossack is bound to procure his own uniform, equipment and horse (if mounted) - the government supplying only the arms. Those on active service are divided into three equal parts according to age, and the first third only is in real service, while the two others stay at home, but are bound to march out as soon as an order is given.
There was one John, a Hemer01 Supplying, with Schmiedel, avWTEpa.
The environs are fertile, and a quantity of garden produce is grown; while good wine (vernaccia) is also made, and also ordinary pottery in considerable quantities, supplying most of the island.
Second, the process of " survival in culture " has caused the preservation in each stage of society of phenomena belonging to an earlier period, but kept up by force of custom into the later, thus supplying evidence of the modern condition being derived from the ancient.
The University, incorporated in 1904, grew out of Yorkshire College, established in 1875 for the purpose of supplying instruction in the arts and sciences which are applicable to the manufactures, engineering, mining and agriculture of the county.
Bander Abbasi has a lively trade, exporting much of the produce of central and south-eastern Persia and supplying imports to those districts and Khorasan.
There is no reason to think that the English ministry wished otherwise; but secret influences were at work, and a patent for supplying Ireland with a coinage of copper halfpence was accorded to William Wood on such terms that the profit accruing from the difference between the intrinsic and the nominal value of the coins, about 40%, was mainly divided between him and George I.'s favourite duchess of Kendal, by whose influence Wood had obtained the privilege.
When the news reached the Cape that this vessel was on her way, the people of the colony became violently excited; and they established an anti-convict association, by which they bound themselves to cease from all intercourse of every kind with persons in any way connected " with the landing, supplying or employing convicts."
During the war the supplying of the army in the field had caused an artificial inflation of trade, and the Sprigg ministry had pursued a policy of extravagant expenditure not warranted by the finances of the colony.
When, however, a reservoir is employed to equalize the flow during and before the period of dry weather, the minimum flow continuously available may be increased to a much higher figure, depending upon the capacity of that reservoir in relation to the mean flow of the stream supplying it.
This was for the first time successfully done in a well, constructed by the Biggleswade Water Board in 1902, and now supplying water over a large area of North Bedfordshire.
In 1895 the single well then supplying Eastbourne was almost suddenly rendered unfit for use, and few years pass without some similar occurrence of a more or less serious kind.
Of natural lakes in Great Britain raised above their ordinary levels that the upper portions may be utilized as reservoirs, Loch Katrine supplying Glasgow is well known.
One such instrument was placed below the roadway upon each main supplying a population of generally between 000 and 2000 persons.
The same circumstances which had emboldened the Boers to declare war in the autumn of 1899, induced them to renew a guerilla warfare in the autumn of 1900the approach of an African summer supplying the Boers with the grass on which they were dependent for feeding their hardy horses.
For thirty years he took an active part in the business of the Royal Astronomical Society, editing its publications, supplying obituary notices of members, and for eighteen years acting as one of the honorary secretaries.
The new fortress of Megalopolis, instead of supplying a centre of national life, merely accentuated the mutual jealousy of the cities.
In the Hexapods and Chilopods, and the Arachnids (usually), they form tree-like branching structures, and their finest branches are finer than any blood-capillary, actually in some cases penetrating a single cell and supplying it with gaseous oxygen.
It ought to be said that Aristotle does not present the formula just discussed as supplying a criterion of good conduct in any particular case; he expressly leaves this to be determined by " correct reasoning, and the judgment of the practically-wise man (6 cppovcµos)."
In 1584 Bishop Gudbrand, who had brought over a splendid fount of type from Denmark in 1575 (which he completed with his own hands), printed a translation of the whole Bible at Holar, incorporating Odd's versions and some books (Proverbs and the Son of Sirach, 1580) translated by Bishop Gizar, but supplying most of the Old Testament himself.
To meet this difficulty, a farmer with more crops than he can reap unaided will summon his neighbours to his assistance, supplying them with food, but no money, and binding himself to repay the service in kind.
It allowed the chief to call for the labour of any district, and to employ it in planting, house or canoe-building,supplying food on the occasion of another chief's visit, &c. This power was often used with much discernment; thus an unpopular chief would redeem his character by calling for some customary service and rewarding it liberally, or a district would be called on to supply labour or produce as a punishment.
We are ourselves proofs of the unity of the real and the ideal, of thought and being, for we are both, our self-consciousness supplying the expression of the fact.
It represents in his system the ideal and aim of the entire life of man, supplying the ethical view of the conduct of individuals in relation to society and the universe, and therewith constituting a philosophy of history at the same time.
Among these are Betsimitatatra in Imerina, and Tsienimparihy in Betsileo, supplying a large proportion of the rice required for the capitals of these two provinces.
Moreover., it is the indirect means of supplying water to almost every town and village in Seistan Proper, feeding as it does a network of minor canals, by which a system of profuse irrigation is pu t t in force.
But he could only keep his place by supplying his master with the means of dissipation and by conforming to his dynastic sentiments.
A service of electric tramways is maintained, notable as being the first system installed in England with a combination of the trolley and conduit principles of supplying current.
She supported various schemes of emigration to the colonies; and in Ireland helped to promote the fishing industry by starting schools, and providing boats, besides advancing £250,000 in 1880 for supplying seed to the impoverished tenants.
It was a small matter that Count Prokesch-Osten, the Austrian ambassador, was discovered to be supplying a " foul Jew " editor with copy; more serious was Austria's attitude in the troubles that led up to the Crimean War.
The many nations under the empire's rule enjoyed considerable autonomy in return for supplying the empire's wealth.
These pumps are capable of supplying ample air to two divers simultaneously, at the depth of twelve fathoms.
By supplying arms freely, Russia is denying the West the political leverage of the arms embargo.
We have made a lot of progress with some of the components companies moving over to supplying aerospace for example from motor manufacture.
The lightweight alternator supplying the power required by the motorcycle has an output of 720W at 60 amps.
However this is not the case for the chloroplast complex which plays a distinct role in supplying acetyl CoA for fatty acid biosynthesis.
We are experienced in supplying the ideal equipment for your requirements within the confines of your annual departmental budgets.
The Royal Mint, in addition to supplying circulation coins, has since 1970 also produced commemorative and collectors coins.
D&A had been supplying contact lenses from The Channel Islands.
Supplying their own custom designed lighting diffusers, they have reduced glare and improved the working environment for hundreds of eye strained workers.
Constructed to the highest quality, we pride ourselves on supplying high end products.
I've reproduced an excerpt of the section about supplying photos to magazines here.
Frame Academy - supplying British made eyewear to the world's film stars.
Brakes For over 40 years, Brakes has specialized in developing and supplying frozen, chilled and ambient food products to the catering industry.
Rolls-Royce has a long history of supplying gas turbines to the Royal Navy.
There was also a large agricultural hinterland supplying food for the city population.
Provision was made for readily supplying the accidental gaps which were so injurious to the phalanx.
This site is about the design of the engineered Mab, supplying data and raising design issues to help the prospective antibody designer.
Vocally ' Alexandria ' is something of a ballad, with soft repeating flute motif supplying the backdrop.
Balmoral has helped the Scotland team for many years and is supplying the specially designed commemorative polo shirts for the 6 Nations.
Witness admitted he had enabled prosecutor to go to Okehampton, supplying him with tea to sell on his own account.
Dedicated to supplying only proven quality slates, all SSQ products are tested to meet a range of international standards.
Potter's Poultry rears pullets for free range egg production across the country, supplying around a million birds a year.
While having a secure local market supplying local roofers, the company is looking to expand.
Modern plans of foreign warships were mainly provided by British shipbuilders supplying smaller countries.
He complained that he had been portrayed as a " professional slacker " and being habitually concerned with supplying counterfeit goods at work.
Banjo dog twisted, turned with Meridian Green pushing Gene Parsons by supplying fast strummed rhythm.
When supplying table wine for consumption with other food ensure you are showing the prices of at least five bottles of such wine.
Supplying the actual number of bytes in the longest line to be merged (or some larger value) prevents abnormal termination.
The company is located within the heart of the Midlands manufacturing area, supplying tooling to leading presswork companies throughout the country.
Use the existing stat in the hall to control a new motorized valve supplying the hall rad only.
Leeds North East appears to be doing walkabouts most regularly with Leeds East supplying this service to most groups.
Tees Cottage Pumping Station is a Victorian waterworks in Darlington in the North East of England which began supplying water to Darlington in 1849.
You will find a friendly family run business with over 25 years of experience of supplying wholesale to the trade.
A number of alcohol seizures were made over the weekend, and individuals are likely to be charged with supplying drink to underage youngsters.
The bridge is worked by hydraulic power, an accumulator with a load of 34 tons supplying pressure water at 630 lb per sq.
On the other hand Czechoslovakia was desirous of renewing economic and political relations with Hungary, the more so as agricultural Hungary might be regarded as the complement of industrial Czechoslovakia, supplying her with natural products and providing a market for Czechoslovak manufactures.
In 1736, on returning home, Harris opened a school, Griffith Jones supplying him with books from his charity.
We trace without difficulty all the separate apartments that are described to us by Roman authors - the apodyterium, frigidarium, tepidarium, caldarium, &c. together with the apparatus for supplying both water and heat, the places for depositing the bather's clothes, and other minor details (see Baths).
By the side of it ranks the Faust Symphony (1854-1857), in which the moods of Goethe's characters - Faust, Gretchen and Mephistopheles - are depicted in three instrumental movements, with a chorus of male voices, supplying a kind of comment, by way of close.
It is a mere enumeration of a few known facts, makes no use of exclusions or rejections, concludes precariously, and is always liable to be overthrown by a negative instance.6 In radical opposition to this method the Baconian induction begins by supplying helps and guides to the senses, whose unassisted information could not be relied on.
In the primitive Phyllopoda, and less distinctly in some other orders, the nerves supplying the antennae arise, not from the brain, but from the circum-oesophageal commissures, and even in those cases where the nerves and the ganglia in which they are rooted have been moved forwards to the brain, the transverse commissure of the ganglia can still be traced, running behind the oesophagus.
In 1875 the London Argand, giving a duty of 3.2 candles illuminating power per cubic foot of ordinary 16 candle gas, was looked upon as the most perfect burner of the day, and little hope was entertained that any burner capable of universal adoption would surpass it in its power of developing light from the combustion of coal gas; but the close of the century found the incandescent mantle and the atmospheric burner yielding six times the light that was given by the Argand for the consumption of an equal volume of gas, and to-day, by supplying gas at an increased pressure, a light of ten times the power may be obtained.
Initially focused on supplying journal articles but aims to include returnable items - mainly books.
Production is being regulated by the brewing company and the research institute, SAARI, which is supplying sorghum seed to the farmers.
But in supplying the final chapter of the saga, it also sullies what came before.
Remove the bath panel and check the tap connectors and the pipes supplying the bath.
In most cases, the cause of angina is coronary atherosclerosis (thickening of the arteries supplying blood to the heart).
AquAid Franchising Ltd is one of the UK 's fastest-growing water cooler companies, supplying fresh spring water to offices and schools across Britain.
Department stores seem to be more focused on supplying cute baby clothes.
Based in Denver, they provide a toy and video game solution to its online and catalog partners, supplying category management, full-featured content, inventory control, order fulfillment and customer support.
Buying fresh vegetables not only enhances your enjoyment of a meal, but they are good for you, supplying minerals and vitamins that aren't found in meats or fish.
Check out the section on personal planning, or look for one of their offices by supplying your zip code in the allotted field.
There are many Internet sites supplying food philosophies and recipes for the ideal cat diet.
If an internet search yields the result of an unknown lender with fantastic rates, the borrower should really take the time to research the lender before supplying their own personal information.
Not supplying this information in full, or supplying an incorrect number, results in an automatic application denial.
The average cost for each vary, depending on location and use, and whether you are supplying power for a single, small home or for an entire neighborhood.
Many excellent sites around the web, including professional faux painter's sites are generous in supplying advice, as well as examples to the do it yourself person.
A precise example would be a base makeup kit, supplying lip gloss, clear nail polish and moisturizers.
The standard American diet (SAD), according to this premise, harms health by using up enzymes and supplying poor quality nutrition.
The breeder will fill out a litter registration application, supplying all requested information about the parents, date of the mating, date of the litter's birth, and number of each sex born live.
The beautiful varieties of Spanish Iris are well worth a place in the reserve garden for supplying cut flowers.
Thorough-wort (Eupatorium) - Coarse Composite perennials, most of which are better suited for the wild gardens than for borders, though two or three kinds are worth a place for supplying cut flowers in autumn.
The company's seamless convertible bra works well under the clingiest fabrics, while supplying you with light padding.
Lane Bryant is one of the largest retailers in the industry and has a long history of supplying clothing to plus size women.
Coronary artery disease is one form of heart disease and occurs when the arteries supplying blood to the heart are blocked due to a buildup of fatty material or scar tissue.
You start with a limited number of game credits, but you can earn bonus credits by either supplying your personal information (name, address, phone number, etc.) or participating in certain promotions.
When enough of the larger vessels supplying a specific organ or other part of the body are closed by inflammation, the tissue that is starved for blood may die.
It is involved in controlling vital functions, movement, sensation, and nerves supplying the head and neck.
If severe bleeding cannot be stopped by direct pressure or with elevation, the next step is to apply pressure to the major artery supplying blood to the area of the wound.
Brachial plexus-A group of lower neck and upper back spinal nerves supplying the arm, forearm and hand.
After the lungs, the blood flows to the left atrium, then the left ventricle pumps the blood out through the aorta to the rest of the body, thereby supplying the body with oxygenated blood.
Carotid artery-One of the major arteries supplying blood to the head and neck.
Many monument companies supplying headstones will help to walk people through the different steps of designing a headstone or choosing from free designs for headstones.
The process involves supplying a valid e-mail address, password and password recovery question.
For those who are interested in learning more about the benefits of a compression suit, there is also a section dedicated to supplying this highly specialized information.
As one of the leading maternity and baby fashion retailers in the United Kingdom, JoJo Maman Bebe grows with your family, supplying the things you need to look great from conception to your child's first day of Kindergarten.
Fortunately, you can remedy this with a minimum of effort by simply popping a pill or two each morning, supplying you with everything you need.
It benefits your weight lifting practice by supplying essential amino acids.
Have a complete list of people and their contact information,and the best times to contact them if they are supplying character recommendations.
Supplying this network for you makes donating easier than ever before.
As a result, some adults find themselves engaging in inappropriate sexual behaviors with teens or supplying them with alcohol believing that these kids will handle these situations maturely.
Small-scale individual jewelers may be able to create unique designs more quickly because they do not need to continue supplying wholesale distributors and stores simultaneously.
Many thanks to David Levy for also supplying photographs of his beautiful rings for this gallery.
Besides supplying quality footwear for men, women, and children, Shoe Pavilion knows how to accessorize.
Invicta's new leaders turned once again to the firm's original focus of supplying superior watches at bargain prices.
In addition to supplying the lug measurement PDF document, the Wenger website sells a range of Wenger bands in a variety of sizes.
Six years after launching, Victorinox began supplying items for the Swiss army but its iconic cross and shield symbol didn't appear until 1909.
The Swiss Army brand enjoys affiliations with armed forces, NASA and arctic expedition leaders by supplying knives and military-style watches for use in extreme situations.
You may want to hold back on supplying a prospective employer with references until you are asked to do so after you have met with the hiring manager and have been asked to provide them.
Since 1969, Provo Craft has been supplying innovative craft tools and materials to crafting enthusiasts.
This leads to a cycle of craving and feeding without ever supplying yourself with adequate nutrition.
Since this medicinal plant only exists in one specific area of the world, supplying entire nations with it to treat the obesity epidemic is not realistic.
A moderate diet helps maintain a healthy weight by supplying the calories right for you, but not more calories that can lead to weight gain.
By supplying your body with a vast range of colorful foods, for example, you will also be feeding it a rainbow of phytonutrients known to lower your risk of cancers, premature aging, glaucoma, and other diseases.
These representatives are able to offer you information on virtually every type of insurance, and may even be able to help you estimate your insurance needs before supplying you with a guaranteed quote.
Plenty of insurance companies do business in Texas, supplying quality dental coverage to residents throughout the state.
Insurance companies often prefer to do business with larger corporations that have plenty of employees because this is usually more profitable than supplying group health insurance to small businesses.
My grandfather, father and uncle, Jon Schlobohm, were in the business of supplying all of the components necessary to make bras, corsets and garters, so the leap to making sexy lingerie was not that far off.
After the release of this album, he went to jail, for supplying drugs to a user who later died of an overdose.
Articles on technology or science are readily available online at various sites dedicated to supplying up-to-the-minute information on the latest and best inventions and discoveries.
While the sun offers many benefits, including supplying a good dose of immune-boosting vitamin D, exposure also provides plenty of risks, including sunburn, skin cancer, wrinkles and damaged skin.
In addition to supplying and servicing the apparel, Cintas also supplies a great amount of the equipment for cleanrooms.
Military tailors since 1879, Marlow White began proudly supplying American soldiers of the artillery units near the coastal areas of Fort Pickens from their small uniform shop.
Throughout the years the company has continued supplying soldiers and sailors with regulation military uniforms.
Supplying many different kinds of medical clothing, the classic embroidered tuck-waist dress is just one of several styles of nurse uniform dresses.
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On the formation of the Wirth ministry in May 1921 he was appointed Minister of Reconstruction, and in that capacity negotiated with the French minister, Loucheur, a convention for supplying German materials for the restoration of the devastated area in France, and thus paying in kind part of the reparation which the German Reich had undertaken to pay in gold.
The assimilation of complex foods consequently may be regarded as supplying the protoplasm with a potential store of energy, as well as building tip its substance.
The modern distilling plant consists of two main parts termed the evaporator and condenser; in addition there must be a boiler (sometimes steam is run off the main boilers, but this practice has several disadvantages), pumps for circulating cold water in the condenser and for supplying salt water to the evaporator, and a filter through which the aerated water passes.
The Yangtsze Kiang is the principal river of the province, and is of great importance for foreign commerce, supplying direct water communication between some of the principal tea-growing districts and the neighbourhood of Hang-chow.
Although excluded by a majority of the House from the list of the managers of that impeachment, Francis was none the less its most energetic promoter, supplying his friends Burke and Sheridan with all the materials for their eloquent orations and burning invectives.
The industries of Korea, apart from supplying the actual necessaries of a poor population, are few and rarely collective.
The simplest method of measuring the specific heat appears to be that of supplying heat electrically to a steady current of vapour in a vacuum-jacket calorimeter, and observing the rise of temperature produced.
The later poets sought to complete the story of the Trojan war by supplying the parts which did not fall within the Iliad and Odyssey - the so-called ante-homerica and post-homerica.
At a later date he was charged by Burke with having taken up profitable contracts for supplying bullocks for the use of the Company's troops.
In the beginning of the 13th century the foundation of the Dominican and Franciscan_ orders furnished a more ecclesiastical and regular means of supplying the same wants, and numerous convents sprang up at once throughout Germany.
But considerable success has been achieved in inducing the Syrian Arabs to settle and in supplying a counteracting influence to their unrest by the establishment of agricultural colonies, e.g.
The terminal branches of the arteries supplying these organs are usually described as not anastomosing but many, if not all, of Cohnheim's end-arteries have minute collateral channels; which, however, are usually insufficient to completely compensate for the blocking that may occur in these arteries, therefore, when one of them is obstructed, the area irrigated by it dies from malnutrition.
The addition of some of the liquid squeezed out from a blood-clot, of the squeezed blood-clot itself, or of a little blood-serum, is sufficient to throw down a fibrinous coagulum (Buchanan), evidently by these substances supplying the fibrin-ferment.
There C are no important industries, except a few flour-mills, some glass works, iron foundries, a motor car factory, straw hat factories, and power-houses supplying electricity for lighting and for the numerous tramcars.
While this capillary movement of water is of great importance in supplying the needs of plants it has its disadvantages, since water may be transferred to the surface of the soil, where it evapo rates into the air and is lost to the land or the crop growing upon it..
The cutting of this canal led to the construction of an aqueduct for drinking water, which, besides supplying the city, furnishes an ice factory with enough water to make 200 quintals of ice per day.
Institutions possessing a special character are the monti frumentarii, public grain deposits, founded for the purpose of supplying peasant proprietors with seed corn, debts being paid in kind with interest after harvest.
When they are worked from a power station the great advantage is gained that the same plant which drives them can be used for many other purposes, such as working machine tools and supplying current for lighting.
The action of the society in supplying practical instruction to intending travellers, in astronomy, surveying and the various branches of science useful to collectors, has had much to do with advancement of discovery.
In this list, while certain occurrences in rocks of undetermined age in little-known regions have been omitted, many of those included are of merely academic interest, and a still larger number indicate fields supplying at present only local needs.
At Bethersden, between Ashford and Tenterden, marble quarries were formerly worked extensively, supplying material to the cathedrals of Canterbury and Rochester, and to many local churches.
The various comparisons previously made between the structure of Limulus and the Eurypterines on the one hand, and that of a typical Arachnid, such as Scorpio, on the other, had been vitiated by erroneous notions as to the origin of the nerves supplying the anterior appendages of Limulus (which were finally removed by Alphonse Milne-Edwards in his beautiful memoir (6) on the structure of that animal), and secondly by the erroneous identification of the double sternal plates of Limulus, called " chilaria," by Owen, with a pair of appendages (7).
Factories sprang up in the South in a few months, supplying the army with arms and munitions of war, and the energy of the president was everywhere apparent.
The importance in science of Bichat's classical works, especially of the Anatomie generale, cannot be estimated here; we can only point out their value as supplying a new basis for pathology or the science of disease.
This head slides freely in the cast iron tubes, and is connected by a copper rod with one of the terminals of the dynamo supplying the current.
The rivers of the state are short and of no great volume, but they flow swiftly and are useful in supplying power for manu 10,957.
Up to that time there had been little demand for enamels of large dimensions, but when the foreign market called for vases, censers, plaques and such things, no difficulty was found in supplying them.
The largest timber tree is the mvule, which attains vast dimensions, its trunk supplying the natives with the dug-out canoes with which they navigate the lake.
The state school fund, ranging from about $150,000 to $160,00o a year, is apportioned among the school districts, according to the number of teachers employed, and is used exclusively for teachers' salaries and the supplying of free text-books.
The great development of photography has been a notable aid to explorers, not only by placing at their disposal a faithful and ready means of recording the features of a country and the types of inhabitants, but by supplying a method of quick and accurate topographical surveying.
But the value of the protectorate depends upon the carrying trade with Harrar and the supplying of victuals and coals to French warships.
The water is brought from a ditch on the high ground, and through a line of pipes to the distributing box, whence the branch pipes supplying the jets diverge.
The experimental proof, however, was still lacking, and though several experimenters had come very near its discovery, Hertz was the first who actually succeeded in supplying it, in 1887.
The relationship thus existing he showed to be mutually beneficial, each at one time or another supplying the necessities of the other.
The knees are of a soft spongy texture and act as breathing organs, supplying the roots with air,, which they would otherwise be unable to obtain when submerged.
The neighbouring Balkan states - Rumania and Servia - follow, and the United Kingdom receives somewhat more than 2% of the exports, while supplying about 1.5% of the imports.
Other forciers had been set up, and in 1609, on an act of 1605, Sir Hugh Myddelton undertook the task of supplying reservoirs at Clerkenwell through the New river from springs near Ware, Hertfordshire; and these were opened in 1613.
The reservoir at Yodobashi is capable of supplying water (from the river Tama) to all parts at a pressure varying from 80 to too ft.
Violations, especially by those supplying alcohol to minors, should be dealt with severely.
Accused of assisting the king's flight, of supplying emigres with funds, and of encouraging the resistance of the royal troops on the 10th of August 1792, she was condemned to death, and executed on the 10th of May 1794.
The manufacture is chiefly carried out in India, Persia and the Balkans; the last named supplying the bulk of the European demand.
The mines, however, are situated too far from the coast to permit of serious competition with Newcastle in an export trade, and the output is practically restricted to supplying local requirements.
Charpentier regarded as absurd the use of Latin in monumental inscriptions, and to him was entrusted the task of supplying the paintings of Lebrun in the Versailles Gallery with appropriate legends.
The Metropolitan and the District lines within London are for the most part underground (this feature supplying the title of " the Underground " familiarly applied to both systems); the tunnels being constructed of brick.
Winston explained that Arthur had recently contacted the government about supplying information on his Philadelphia clients because, he claimed, he was beginning to get nervous.
Here the efforts of Dr Alem succeeded in supplying a large body of rebels with arms and ammunition, and he was able, by a bold attack, to seize the town of Rosario and there establish the revolutionary headquarters.
In the years1471-1472to 1474 Waynflete was largely engaged in completing the church, now called chapel, at Eton, his glazier supplying the windows, and he contracted on the 15th of August 1475 for the rood-loft to be made on one side "like to the rode lofte in Bishop Wykeham's college at Winchester," and on the other like that "of the college of St Thomas of Acres in London."
The last named has succeeded, by means of the large establishments at Milan in supplying not only the whole Italian market but an export trade.
The Geestlande comprise the suburban districts encircling the city on the north and west; the Marschlande includes various islands in the Elbe and the fertile tract of land lying between the northern and southern arms of the Elbe, and with its pastures and market gardens supplying Hamburg with large quantities of country produce.
The Bactrian camel is, if possible, of still more importance to many of the central Asian Mongol races, supplying them alike with food and raiment.
This measure obliged all the great dignitaries, and the principal towns also, according to their means, to maintain a banderium of five hundred horsemen, or a proportional part thereof, and hold it ready, at the first summons, thus supplying the crown with a standing army 76,875 strong.
The apparent opposition of the observed fact to the assigned theory he overcame by looking upon the forms of the land and the arrangement of land and sea as instruments of Divine Providence for guiding the destiny as well as for supplying the requirements of man.