Supper Sentence Examples
I'd better get supper on the table.
The table was spread and supper was ready.
After supper they all gathered in the room with the tree.
My puppy has had his supper and gone to bed.
This was his family - the supper was meant for him.
He came in for supper and ate in silence.
Why don't we go out for supper tonight - just us and the kids?
I will come to supper with you.
On Helene's name day, a small party of just their own people--as his wife said--met for supper at Prince Vasili's.
After supper he went to his room with a book.
AdvertisementAfter supper, they all spent their usual evening in the family room.
Supper was ready and the table set.
After supper she cleaned up the camp and headed for her wagon.
Molly wanted to fix supper on her own which both Betsy and I were thankful to let happen.
Cynthia stacked the supper dishes.
AdvertisementSupper, it's time for supper!
So, that evening at supper she broached the subject.
I'll start supper after a while.
Supper is on the table.
We ate supper and put the rest in the refrigerator for you.
AdvertisementI'd be glad to help you with supper.
Supper was ready and he was probably hungry.
Dean volunteered to do supper Sunday night.
One night after chores, Carmen, Jonathan and Destiny were eating supper when Brutus started barking.
After supper, over their cherry brandy, Rostov and "Uncle" talked of past and future hunts, of Rugay and Ilagin's dogs, while Natasha sat upright on the sofa and listened with sparkling eyes.
AdvertisementSupper was picked-at leftovers, and neither felt like socializing with Bird Song's guests, who came and went on their own, without their usual afternoon goodies and conversation.
Then I have supper ready when he comes home.
Now you just sit down and relax while I finish supper.
Alex was finishing supper with his family when the telephone rang in his office.
I mean, you're going to be back there again to fix his supper.
It wouldn't take long to fix supper.
Helen didn't come up to my room after supper, and I didn't see her again until breakfast-time.
After supper Pierre with his partner followed the others into the drawing room.
When she woke, shortly before Alex arrived, she played quietly with a doll while Carmen prepared supper.
Jonathan would be home soon so she started supper.
She headed for her room and a little rest before supper.
The breakfast atmosphere was much better than supper.
She fed and hobbled the mules and then started a fire to cook supper.
We can talk over supper.
I'll go in and start supper.
Now his only concern was that she had his meal ready when he came home for supper.
Let's fix spaghetti for supper.
He explained he was off to the Langstroms' for supper.
You don't go fishing 'cause it's Friday and there's nothing for supper.
Dean wandered back to the kitchen, where his wife was fixing supper.
Cynthia began grilling cheese sandwiches for a quick supper.
The police arrived as they were finishing supper.
A few hours later Alex and Jonathan were out doing chores and Carmen was in the kitchen fixing supper.
Great. Now how do you say go wash up for supper?
Brushing her hair until it shined, she put her clothes on over the new underwear and headed for the kitchen to start supper.
Cynthia buttered her toast while Dean dribbled orange blossom honey on three leftover rolls from last night's supper.
The children's game broke up and Martha began to don her coat to go home but Cynthia coaxed her to stay for supper.
That was sweet to cook supper.
She turned, peering again down the river, as if the message she'd delivered was as perfunctory as a call to supper.
I asked Martha back for supper.
Just before five o'clock he went to the kitchen to begin preparing spaghetti for Fred and himself, and Martha, whom they had invited to again stay for supper.
Maybe you'd like me to hike out to the highway and scrape up some road kill for supper.
When Alex returned, Katie had supper ready, but Carmen declined, saying she didn't feel well.
Fred has a date with Mrs. Abernathy and won't be home for supper but wants you to wait up for him.
After a quick supper of pastrami and fruit at Uncle Sally's Galley, Dean pedaled 27 hard miles, working up a good sweat and a painful case of shin splints.
I can study in between 'cause they don't do much business after supper.
After the obligatory shower, fresh clothes and a hearty supper, the tired body was beginning to revive, as long as the mind kept mum about tomorrow's 90 miles and the 10,850foot climb up Wolfe Creek Pass.
Are you ready to sit down and eat supper?
After supper she washed dishes, pushing him aside when he offered to help.
That night as they sat at the table eating the supper she had cooked, it seemed cozy – as if they were already married.
It would have made more sense for her to prepare a supper for him, but he insisted that she should have at least one day a week when she didn't have to cook.
That evening she prepared a special supper for Alex and dressed in the white sundress he liked so well.
Supper should be ready.
Her stomach growled, reminding her that they hadn't eaten supper.
With the groceries all put up, she started supper.
Supper was on the table and she had showered and put on a dress.
I thought about getting something on the way home, but I figured you'd have supper ready.
Supper was on the table when Alex arrived, but she remained in the kitchen.
That evening she was fixing supper when she glanced out the window in time to see a white truck pull up at her house.
He made no further comment and concentrated on his supper.
One evening Carmen prepared a nice supper and put it on low heat in the oven to keep it warm while she dressed.
Go ahead and set supper out, sweetheart.
She paused, shoving the straps of her dress up, and then gathered the remaining pans, stacking them beside the sink to wash after supper.
For a moment she gazed into them and forgot about supper.
He leaned forward, picked up his fork and began devouring his supper without further comment.
They were cleaning up one night after Carmen and Alex had joined them for supper.
The next weekend Carmen and Alex were having supper at Katie and Bill's house again and Alex was describing a place in Columbia.
One night while they were quietly eating supper together, she decided it was a good time to talk to him about it.
Carmen left their house in time to get home and fix supper for Alex before he got off work.
That night Alex was quiet during supper.
By the time she finished cooking supper for them, it was later than she had planned.
I'll get supper started.
Had this happened any other time, she would have suggested they go out for supper, but the roads weren't the only thing icy tonight.
With a heavy sigh, she started supper again.
Carmen would have supper ready and he didn't want to be late.
Well, I'm going home to a warm supper and wife.
Well, I'd better let you go home to supper.
If I had a gun with me, we could have some squirrel for supper.
Fixing supper required several.
Each morning Alex left for work, and each evening he ate the supper she prepared.
When Alex arrived, she had supper on the table.
By the time he came in for supper, she had worked herself into a nervous state.
Why don't we go out for supper?
I need to start supper.
After supper, Alex and Jonathan were sitting on the couch reading a book while she did the dishes.
I've got everything ready for supper.
I'll have supper on the table by the time you two get home.
By the time they arrived at home, Carmen had supper on the table.
Supper was the usual savory cuisine and pleasant conversation.
Carmen listened while loading the supper dishes in the dishwasher.
That evening at home they were eating supper when Jonathan again asked Alex if he could get a cell phone.
We used to fry them for supper.
By the time we could eat supper, saddle the horses and ride up here, it would be getting dark.
Did they eat supper?
I'm sure she fed them supper.
On the fourth day he came home from work to find her at the stove, cooking supper.
After supper the twins and Destiny crawled into his lap and listened quietly as he read them a story.
When he came home to supper and found peach pie, baked chicken and all the trimmings, he might have been pleased, but his expression was more displeased when he saw her in a sundress.
After supper Alex went upstairs to work in his office.
When Felipa returned with the children, he was in his chair, reading the paper and Carmen was in the kitchen fixing supper.
Let me get supper on the table.
They worked together getting supper on the table.
He enjoyed coming home and sitting in his chair, relaxing and reading the newspaper while she put supper on the table.
After a quick supper, she grabbed the herb book and stepped outside.
Had he eaten supper, or had he been too occupied with taking care of her?
She glanced at his muscular frame, trying to keep her mind on the business at hand - supper, wasn't it?
The great difference is in the attitude towards the Lord's Supper, the Reformed or Calvinistic Churches repudiating not only transubstantiation but also the Lutheran consubstantiation.
Presbyterianism has two sacraments, baptism and the Lord's Supper.
The Lord's Supper, as generally observed throughout the various Presbyterian churches, is a close 1 Principal Rous's version is the best known and most widely used.
Though it is the duty of a minister to warn against irreverent or profane participation in the Lord's Supper, he himself has no right to exclude any one from communion; that can only be done as the act of himself and the elders duly assembled in session.
The first reforms he wished to see introduced concerned the Lord's Supper, church praise, religious instruction of youth and the regulation of marriage.
In 1538 the ministers took upon themselves to refuse to administer the Lord's Supper in Geneva because the city, as represented by its council, declined to submit to church discipline.
This church contained some well-executed native paintings of St George and the Dragon, The Last Supper, &c. Among the religious observances of the Christians of Gondar is that of bathing in large crowds in the Gaha on the Feast of the Baptist, and again, though in more orderly fashion, on Christmas day.
Our supper (coena) shows its character by its name.
Here, then, we have pictured as late as the 4th century a Lord's supper, which like the one described in I Cor.
It was after supper, when his disciples were thoroughly sated, that Christ gave them of his own body to eat.
The 41st canon of the council of Carthage enacted that the sacraments of the altar should be received fasting, except on the anniversary of the Lord's supper.
At the same time a class of men arose interested in these forms for their own sake, professional lawyers Bence, but also "poisons, nay destroys, the divinest feeling in man, the sense of truth," and the belief in sacraments such as the Lord's Supper, a piece of religious materialism of which "the necessary consequences are superstition and immorality."
In theology he followed Zwingli, and at the sacramentarian conferences of Heidelberg (1560) and Maulbronn (1564) he advocated by voice and pen the Zwinglian doctrine of the Lord's Supper, replying (1565) to the counter arguments of the Lutheran Johann Marbach, of Strassburg.
Others of his works (all in French) were his treatise on purgatory (1534), on the Lord's Prayer (1543), on the Supper (1555).
The inner walls are decorated with Byzantine frescoes, among which only a painting of the Last Supper, and the portraits of five saints, remain unrestored.
He was sued for libel for printing a rebuke to some of his parishioners who had travestied the sacrament of the Lord's Supper; and after several years in the courts he was ordered to pay damages of £150, which was raised by his parishioners.
They differed, of course, in many respects, even in regard to the nature of the supper.
Reason and Scripture seemed to him the only grounds on which a true doctrine of the Lord's supper could be rested.
From the beginning Friends have not practised the outward ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, even in a nonsacerdotal spirit.
They read the Greek Testament and the classics; fasted on Wednesday and Friday; received the Lord's Supper every week; and brought all their life under review.
It is stated in the gospels that the Last Supper was the Passover meal, though certain discrepancies between the accounts given in the Synoptics and in John render this doubtful.
Of the six churches, the Schlosskirche, adorned with paintings by Lucas Cranach, in one of which ("The Last Supper") are portraits of several reformers, is the most interesting.
These doctrinal interpretations introduce the economy of blinding the Jews into the parabolic teaching; the declaration as to the redemptive character of the Passion into the sayings; the sacramental, institutional words into the account of the Last Supper, originally, a solemnly simple Messianic meal; and the formal night-trial before Caiaphas into the original Passion-story with its informal, morning decision by Caiaphas, and its one solemn condemnation of Jesus, by Pilate.
The seventy decrees of the council begin with a confession of faith directed against the Cathari and Waldenses, which is significant if only for the mention of a transubstantiation of the elements in the Lord's Supper.
Hansen (1813-1891), finished in 1858; the Minorite church, a Gothic edifice of the 14th century, containing an admirable mosaic of Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper" by Raffaeli, executed in 1806-14 by order of Napoleon and placed here in 1846.
Luther, for instance, would not tolerate Zwingli's view on the Lord's Supper, while Zwingli was willing to fraternize with him notwithstanding this difference."
A difference of opinion on the question of the presence of Christ in the elements at the Lord's Supper was thus allowed to divide and to weaken the forces of the Reformation.
Though it was an attempt to bring into line with the reforming party both those who still inclined to the old faith and the anabaptist section, its publication provoked a good deal of controversy, especially on its statements concerning the Eucharist, and the people of Strassburg even reproached those of Basel with celebrating a Christless supper.
It deals with the Bible as the final appeal in controversy, the doctrines of God, man, sin, the Incarnation, the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, " both the Son of man and the Son of God," the work of the Holy Spirit, justification by faith, the perpetual obligation of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, final judgment, the law of Christian fellowship. The same principles have been lucidly stated in the Evangelical Free Church catechism.
True, the impression conveyed by the attitude of the Catholic party at the second Diet of Spires had served to awaken the feeling for solidarity among the Evangelicals there assembled; and on the 22nd of April they had even secured the basis for a provisional alliance in the shape of a formula drawn up by Bucer and dealing with the Lord's Supper.
The fifteenth article, treating of the Lord's Supper, defines the ground common to both parties even in this debateable region, recognizing the necessity of participation in both kinds, and rejecting the sacrifice of the Mass.
Neither baptism (by pouring on the head) nor the Lord's Supper (with the accompaniment of feet-washing) conferred grace; they were divine ordinances which reflected the believer's inward state.
Next day, Carlstadt, who had laid aside his clerical robes, dispensed the Lord's Supper in the " evangelical fashion."
This made it clear that the communion was no longer to be regarded as a propitiatory sacrifice, the names " Holy Communion " and " Lord's Supper " being definitively substituted for " Mass " (q.v.), while the word " altar " was replaced by " table."
His controversies on the Lord's Supper with Luther, and his correspondence with Lelio Sozini (see SocINus), exhibit, in different connexions, his admirable mixture of dignity and tenderness.
With Calvin he concluded (1549) the Consensus Tigurinus on the Lord's Supper.
In the August of that year Zwingli printed a pamphlet in which he set forth his views of the Lord's Supper.
In this Commentary there appear the mature views of Zwingli on the subject of the Elements of the Lord's Supper.
As a result of these assemblies it was decided that those who had become members in childhood simply by virtue of their parents' status could not subsequently join in the celebration of the Lord's Supper nor record votes on ecclesiastical issues, unless they should approve themselves fit; they might, however, in their turn bring their children to baptism and hand on to them the degree of membership which they themselves had received from their own parents.
Its universal acceptance is perhaps du g to the fact that it exists in two forms (the variata and the invariata) which vary slightly in the way in which they state the doctrine of the sacrament of the Supper.
The other controversies concerned mainly the doctrine of the sacrament of the Supper, and Luther's theory of Consubstantiation.
These are total abstainers, who maintain that the use of stimulants is essentially sinful, and allege that the wine used by Christ and his disciples at the supper was unfermented.
When the founding of the Round Table is ascribed to Merlin it is generally in close connexion with the Grail legend, forming the last of a series of three, founded in honour of the Trinity - the first being the table of the Last Supper, the second that of the Grail, established by Joseph of Arimathea, The number of knights whom the table will seat varies; it might seat twelve or fifty or a hundred and fifty; nowhere, save in Layamon, do we find a practically unlimited power of accommodation.
It was therefore not the quantity or quality of the food eaten that constituted the meal a Lord's Supper; nor even the circumstances that they ate it " in church," as was assumed by those guilty of the practices here condemned; but only the pervading sense of brotherhood and love.
The contrast lay between the Dominical Supper or food and drink shared unselfishly by all with all, and the private supper, the feast of Dives, shamelessly gorged under the eyes of timid and shrinking Lazarus.
The Fractio Panis probably began, as the drinking of the cup certainly ended, the supper; the interval being occupied with the common consumption by the faithful of the provisions they brought.
This much is implied by the words " after supper."
These sources do not hint that the Last Supper is to be repeated by Christ's followers until the advent of the kingdom.
It emphasizes the fact that the Last Supper was the Pascha.
The Baptized alone are admitted to this Supper, and they only after confession of their sins.
Supper to be eaten, whenever he is warned by the Spirit to do so.
It may represent the agape or Lord's Supper as a whole, of which the one loaf and cup formed an episode.
In these centuries baptism was the rite for the remission of sin, not the Eucharist; it is the prophet in the Didache who presides at the Lord's Supper, not the Levitically conceived priest; nor as yet has the Table become an Altar.
In the Latin and in the Monophysite churches of Armenia and Egypt unleavened bread is used in the Eucharist on the somewhat uncertain ground that the Last Supper was the Paschal meal.
And the mean whereby the Body of Christ is received and eaten in the Supper is Faith.
That the Lord's Supper was from the first a meal symbolic of Christian unity and commemorative of Christ's death is questioned by none.
It has been justly remarked of the Pauline view, that- " The union with the Lord Himself, to which those who partake of the Lord's Supper have, is compared with the union which those who partake of a sacrifice have with the deity to whom the altar is devoted - in the case of the Israelites with God, of the heathen with demons.
Christ as to the inner character of a supper which he already found a ritual observance among believers.
The general feeling on the subject is expressed by the language of the 28th Article, first drafted in 1553, to the effect that " the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was not by Christ's ordinance reserved, carried about, lifted up or worshipped," and by the fact that a form was provided for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist for the sick in their own homes.
It may be held as undoubted that the later Manichaeans celebrated mysteries analogous to Christian baptism and the Lord's Supper, which may have rested upon ancient consecration rites and other ceremonies instituted by Mani himself and having their origin in nature worship.
Under its terms baptized persons of moral life and orthodox belief might receive the privilege of baptism for their children and other church benefits, without the full enrolment in membership which admitted them to the communion of the Lord's Supper.
The picture of the "Last Supper" by Justus is specially valuable from its containing fine portraits of the Montefeltro family and members of the ducal court.
The Lord's Supper was observed weekly; and between forenoon and afternoon service every Sunday a love feast was held at which every member was required to be present.
When tables were substituted for altars in the English churches, these were not merely movable, but at the administration of the Lord's Supper were actually moved into the body of the church, and placed table-wise - that is, with the long sides turned to the north and south, and the narrow ends to the east and west, - the officiating clergyman standing at the north side.
In the evening they had supper, at which guests of the order joined them, if there happened to be any such present.
This was really shelving the question, but it gave time for opinion to ripen, and in 1793 it was resolved by a large majority that "the societies should have the privilege of the Lord's Supper where they unanimously desired it."
The Lord's Supper, baptism, the burial of the dead and service in church hours were not to be conducted by the preachers unless a majority of the trustees, stewards and leaders of any chapel approved, and assured the conference that no separation was likely to ensue.
Spangenberg's participation in private observances of the Lord's Supper and his intimate connexion with Count Zinzendorf brought matters to a crisis.
The personality of Lazarus in John's account, his relation to Martha and Mary, and the possibility that John reconstructed the story by the aid of inferences from the story of the supper in Luke x.
The paschal lamb is now eaten on Sunday, but until the 11th century, and even later, it was eaten with the Eucharist at a Lord's Supper celebrated on the evening of Maundy Thursday after the rite of pedilavium or washing of feet.
It contains a magnificent painting by Lucas Cranach the elder, representing the Lord's Supper, Baptism and Confession, also a font by Hermann Vischer (1457).
His wealth and power were enlarged by gift of the parliament which met on the 14th and rose on the 19th of April - a date made notable by the subsequent supper at Ainslie's tavern, where Bothwell obtained the signatures of its leading members to a document affirming his innocence, and pledging the subscribers to maintain it against all challengers, to stand by him in all his quarrels and finally to promote by all means in their power the marriage by which they recommended the queen to reward his services and benefit the country.
Leading from the fine cloisters, also the work of Bramante, is the former refectory, on the walls of which Leonardo da Vinci painted his celebrated "Last Supper," a work which is unfortunately in a bad state of preservation.
Garlic was placed by the ancient Greeks on the piles of stones at cross-roads, as a supper for Hecate (Theophrastus, Characters, AECUISacµovias); and according to Pliny garlic and onions were invocated as deities by the Egyptians at the taking of oaths.
The principal meals are breakfast, about an hour after sunrise; dinner, or the mid-day meal, at noon; and supper, which is the chief meal of the day, a little after sunset.
These disposed of, he amused himself for a couple of hours with literary work; between six and seven he would converse with his friends or listen to his reader (a post held for some time by La Mettrie); at seven there was a concert; and at half-past eight he sat down to supper, which might go on till midnight.
At supper he was always surrounded by a number of his most intimate friends, mainly Frenchmen; and he insisted on the conversation being perfectly free.
While Mary was at supper, on the 9th of March, Darnley, with Ruthven, George Douglas and others, entered the boudoir in Holyrood, by his private stair, while Morton and his accomplices, mainly Douglases, burst in by way of the great staircase.
The Lord's Supper, or bread-breaking, was a commemoration of the Passion, held once a year.
The Passover was at hand, and the last supper of our Lord with His disciples on the evening before the Passover lamb was killed is made the occasion of the most inspiring consolations.
In England, so late as the first Prayer-book of Edward VI., it remained one of the official designations of the Eucharist, which is there described as "The Supper of the Lorde and holy Communion, commonly called the Masse."
Luther had a high opinion of her intelligence; she took rank among those consulted on all important occasions; in one letter to her, seldom quoted, he gives the fairest statement he ever made about the views of Zwingli on the Sacrament of the Supper.
The Saxons and the Swiss, Luther and Zwingli, were in fierce controversy about the true doctrine of the sacrament of the Supper.
After prolonged discussion the differences were narrowed to one point - the presence of the body of Christ extended in space in the sacrament of the Supper.
He repeatedly expressed an admiration for Calvin's writings on the subject of the sacrament; and Melanchthon believed that if the Swiss accepted Calvin's theory of the Supper, the Wittenberg Concord could be extended to include them.
Baptism is not practised; the Lord's Supper is celebrated only once in two years; foot-washing is held as a sacrament.
By baptism and the Lord's Supper grace is given (ex opere operato), so that man is renewed and made capable of salvation.
Already in the and century baptism was described as a bath in which the health of the soul is restored, and the Lord's Supper as the potion of immortality.
Beside the sermon the sacraments are observed as established by Christ - two in number, baptism and the Lord's Supper.
In 1642 he published A Discourse concerning the true Notion of the Lord's Supper, and a tract entitled The Union of Christ and the Church.
This last, the Anabaptist doctrine of the Lord's Supper, was to the effect that brothers and sisters in Christ should partake in remembrance of the death of Christ, and that they should thereby renew the bond of brotherly love as the basis of neighbourly life.
Though Eck claimed the victory in argument, the only result was to strengthen the Swiss in their memorial view of the Lord's Supper, and so to diverge them further from Luther.
Charles did not show himself and it was reported thathe had abdicated, but to allay the popular panic it was given out " that he was very cheerful that night at supper with his mistresses."
He was bitterly opposed, however, to the liberal practices that followed the Half-Way Covenant and (after 1677) in particular to "Stoddardeanism," the doctrine of Solomon Stoddard (1643-1729) that all "such Persons as have a good Conversation and a Competent Knowledge may come to the Lord's Supper," only those of openly immoral life being excluded.
It was in most points identical with the Augsburg confession, but differed from it with regard to the doctrine of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
From 1855 to 1860 he was pastor of a new Unitarian society in Jersey City, where he gave up the Lord's Supper, thinking that it ministered to self-satisfaction; and it was as a radical Unitarian that he became pastor of another young church in New York City in 1860.
On the 26th of October Lord Monteagle, a brother-in-law of Francis Tresham, who had formerly been closely connected with some of the other conspirators and had engaged in Romanist plots against the government, but who had given his support to the new king, unexpectedly ordered supper to be prepared at his house at Haxton, from which he had been absent for more than a year.
While at supper about 6 o'clock an anonymous letter was brought by an unknown messenger which, having glanced at, he handed to Ward, a gentleman of his service and an intimate friend of Winter, the conspirator, to be read aloud.
Monteagle at once started for Whitehall, found Salisbury and other ministers about to sit down to supper, and showed the letter, whereupon it was decided to search the cellar under the House of Lords before the meeting of parliament, but not too soon, so that the plot might be ripe and be fully disclosed.
The liturgy (containing five services for Morning and Evening, together with the order of Baptism, Holy Supper, Marriage, &c.) was prepared in 1828, revised and extended in 1875; the hymn book of 1823 was revised and enlarged in 1880.
Following his passion for independence and sincerity, he arrived at the conviction that the Lord's Supper was not intended by Christ to be a permanent sacrament.
The Half-Way Covenant adopted by the synods of 1657 and 1662 had made baptism alone the condition to the civil privileges of church membership, but not of participation in the sacrament of the Supper.
Edwards's grandfather and predecessor, Solomon Stoddard, had been even more liberal, holding that the Supper was a converting ordinance and that baptism was a sufficient title to all the privileges of the church.
His position at the time was not unpopular throughout New England, and it is needless to say that his doctrine that the Lord's Supper is not a cause of regeneration and that communicants should be professing Christians has since (very largely through the efforts of his pupil Joseph Bellamy) become a standard of New England Congre gationalism.
This was the "Last Supper" undertaken for the refectory of the convent church of Sta Maria delle Grazie at Milan on the joint commission (as it would appear) of Ludovico and of the monks themselves.
Leonardo's "Last Supper," for all its injuries, became from the first, and has ever since remained, for all Christendom the typical representation of the scene.
Leonardo's triumph with his "Last Supper" encouraged him in the hope of proceeding now to the casting of the Sforza monument or "Great Horse," the model of which had stood for the last three years the admiration of all beholders, in the Corte Vecchio of the Castello.
The invading sovereign, going to Sta Maria delle Grazie with his retinue to admire the renowned painting of the "Last Supper," asked if it could not be detached from the wall and transported to France.
The "Last Supper" of Sta Maria delle Grazie, his masterpiece; as to its history and present condition enough has been said.
Of drawings there are very many, including few only for the "Last Supper," many for the Sforza monument, as well as the multitude of sketches, scientific and other, which we find intermingled among the vast body of his miscellaneous MSS., notes and records.
The Lord's Supper is celebrated every Sunday, the bread being broken by the communicants.
Following the fashion of the pagan mysteries in which men were only permitted to gaze upon the sacred objects after minute lustrations and scrupulous purifications, Christian teachers came to represent the Creed, Lord's Prayer and Lord's Supper as mysteries to be guarded in silence and never divulged either to the unbaptized or to the pagans.
It is mainly, if not wholly, known to English readers through the medium of Malory's translation of the Erench Quete du Saint Graal, where it is the cup or chalice of the Last Supper, in which the blood which flowed from the wounds of the crucified Saviour has been miraculously preserved.
Quete, and is regarded as the chalice of the Last Supper.
In the first we have the precise history of the Grail, how it was the dish of the Last Supper, confided by our Lord to the care of Joseph, whom he miraculously visited in the prison to which he had been committed by the Jews.
Here the Grail, the chalice of the Last Supper, is at the same time, as in the Gawain stories, self-acting and food-supplying.
Why should the vessel of the Last Supper, jealously guarded at Castle Corbenic, visit Arthur's court independently?
Lambert was also one of the divines who took part in the great conference of Marburg in 1529; he had long wavered between the Lutheran and the Zwinglian view of the Lord's Supper, but at this conference he definitely adopted the Zwinglian view.
In the Scottish Presbyterian churches days of " fasting, humiliation and prayer " are observed by ecclesiastical appointment in each parish once or twice every year on some day of the week preceding the Sunday fixed for the administration of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
We notice in him resolute Predestinarianism - as in Luther, and at first in Melanchthon too; the vehicle of revived Augustinian piety - and resolute depotentiation of sacraments, with their definite reduction to two (admittedly the two chief sacraments) - baptism and the Lord's Supper.
The Lord's Supper is a simple memorial.
But nothing said would make Badby confess that "Christ sitting at supper did give to His disciples His living body to eat."
They breakfast at five o'clock, take an hour for their dinner at noon - usually in the field - and have their supper at seven.
It is to this period of his life that we owe a revised and enlarged form of his Institutes, his Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, and his Tract on the Lord's Supper.
Calvin was also involved in a protracted and somewhat vexing dispute with the Lutherans respecting the Lord's Supper, which ended in the separation of the evangelical party into the two great sections of Lutherans and Reformed, - the former holding that in the eucharist the body and blood of Christ are objectively and consubstaritially present, and so are actually partaken of by the communicants, and the latter that there is only a virtual presence of the body and blood of Christ, and consequently only a spiritual participation thereof through faith.
The sacraments are two - Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
The Lord's Supper is a spiritual feast where Christ attests that He is the life-giving bread, by which our souls are fed unto true and blessed immortality.
That sacred communication of His flesh and blood whereby Christ transfuses into us His life, even as if it penetrated into our bones and marrow, He in the Supper attests and seals; and that not by a vain or empty sign set before us, but there He puts forth the efficacy of His Spirit whereby He fulfils what He promises.
In the mystery of the Supper Christ is truly exhibited to us by the symbols of bread and wine; and so His body and blood, in which He fulfilled all obedience for the obtaining of righteousness for us, are presented.
In the sacrament of the Lord's Supper it is the heavenly body of the God-man which is actually partaken of in the elements.
You're too late to get any supper.
I'll try to round up something special for supper.
The living room floor could use a mopping and then it would be time to start supper.
Supper was pancakes—Dean cooking, and Fred complaining and serving Cynthia, who still had a phone glued to her ear.
Two hours remained before the last of the day's celebrations— the Jeep flare parade down the mountain, followed by a massive fireworks display—so after finishing supper, the Deans began playing catch up with Bird Song's chores.
Dean dumped some sort of casserole, frozen and packaged, into the oven without bothering to read what would emerge as their supper.
That night as they sat at the table eating the supper she had cooked, it seemed cozy – as if they were already married.
We then adjourned to the hall where we had a most gorgeous supper enjoyed by all.
Sons and husbands donned aprons and waited on mothers and wives at the supper table.
Samuel was sitting by the fire near his mother, who was frying some bacon for supper.
When thou receivest the Lord's supper, thou knowest not whether it be thy bane or bliss.
So I was not just giving the blighters B & B but threw in a gourmet supper too.
We then walked back just in time for a late supper during which we hopped out to see a brambling in the garden.
You are free to use the outside caterers of your choice, whether they bring in drinks, snacks or a lavish buffet supper.
Late supper at 2300, not that it matters because we have 24 hours daylight.
Coming home from work, a woman stopped at the corner deli to buy a chicken for supper.
John had a dumpling for supper; my sister gave it him.
The Chevalier Zeroli offered to play faro with me for forty sequins, and I had just lost that sum when supper was served.
Jo and I were so flummoxed by the whole place that at supper we just sat and gawped at the otherness of it all.
Ensaumple 15 I need tae gae an buy some stuff fur supper.
Just make in the morning, then ladle straight from the fridge at lunch or supper.
Later we shared in the Peace and Blessing of Communion remembering the Last Supper and how Jesus shared this with his disciples.
He also brought along a cast iron and enamel plaque, depicting the Last Supper.
Hinds Groome's own memorial is a splendid little reredos, showing the Last Supper.
When Jesus had the Last Supper he took some bread, broke it and shared it with the disciples.
The number of figures suggests that this was perhaps intended to represent the Last Supper.
He has been sharing one Last Supper with his disciples in particular the twelve apostles.
They were having the final supper, the last supper, the Passover meal.
To round off a memorable occasion, event caterers Crumbs served guests with a splendid fork supper.
Why did he then appoint the ordinances of preaching, prayer, singing of psalms, baptism, and the Lord's supper?
He has milk porridge or tea for breakfast, for dinner they mostly have potatoes and bacon and milk porridge for supper.
His ideas was to have a slightly racy version of the Last Supper hung over his dining room table.
They had no supper but coffee, and the dogs were so ravenous that they were almost devouring each other.
How often do you administer the sacrament of the Lord's Supper?
The United Reformed Church celebrates the gospel sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
On leaving the place, he brought me for supper to an inn where we met four scoundrels of his own stamp.
One day we brought home a mako shark which my mother cooked for supper.
The rest will make a tasty stew for supper.
Tickets, which include a plowman's supper and quiz, cost £ 3.50 for adults and £ 2.50 for children.
Simon has cooked supper, which is going down well.
I'm sure Neill ate supper here " or " No doubt he walked there.
A was in her kitchen preparing supper; five of her children were playing outdoors.
The tearoom will be open on our return to serve a hearty warming supper.
At the close of the Monday evening service a delicious supper was served to all present.
The floor was still full when the last waltz was played and then everyone enjoyed a tasty supper of seven courses!
The last supper a full range a growing number.
Friday evening's informal supper was an ideal opportunity for meeting in a relaxed atmosphere.
Pat Barton & Terry Robertson did a smashing job with their hot supper which was greatly appreciated.
The pre-show supper menu changes weekly, to take advantage of the best in local produce.
Come along and toast our national bard with five diamond drams and a haggis supper.
Friday's harvest supper raised almost enough to complete the bells fund - with Jack donating the balance.
Tickets are priced at just £ 5, which includes a pie and pea supper.
At about 10pm we would have supper, cold ham, cheese and pickled walnuts and pickled red cabbage and pickled onions.
Rita even managed to buy some yams from them for supper.
A theory frequently put forward is that it stood within the Haram area near the Mosque of el Aksa, but it is more probable that it was on Zion, near the traditional place of the Coenaculum or last supper, where the Mahommedan building known as the tomb of David now stands.
Excluded from political and municipal life by the laws which required either the taking of an oath or joining in the Lord's Supper according to the rites of the Established Church, excluding themselves not only from the frivolous pursuits of pleasure, but from music and art in general, attaining no high average level of literary culture (though producing some men of eminence in science and medicine), the Quakers occupied themselves mainly with trade, the business of their Society, and the calls of philanthropy.
At the same time their avoidance of exact definition embodied in a rig i d creed, together with their disuse of the outward ordinances of Baptism and the Supper, has laid them open to considerable misunderstanding.
They are A Demonstration of the Gross and Fundamental Errors of a late Book called "A Plain Account, &c., of the Lord's Supper" (1737); The Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Regeneration (1739); An Appeal to all that Doubt and Disbelieve the Truths of Revelation (1740); An Earnest and Serious Answer to Dr Trapp's Sermon on being Righteous Overmuch (1740); The Spirit of Prayer (1749, 1752); The Way to Divine Knowledge (1752); The Spirit of Love (1752, 1754); A Short but Sufficient Confutation of Dr Warburton's Projected Defence (as he calls it) of Christianity in his "Divine Legation of Moses" (1757); A Series of Letters (1760); a Dialogue between a Methodist and a Churchman (1760); and An Humble, Earnest and Affectionate Address to the Clergy (1761).
It has been suggested that Jesus followed the pharisaic practice, and ate the Passover meal (the Last Supper) on Thursday evening, which would account for the discrepancies in the gospel narratives (see Chwolson, Das letzte Passahmal Jesu, 2nd ed., St Petersburg, 1904).
Yet the great bulk of the sayings remain substantially authentic; if the historicity of certain words and acts is here refused with unusual assurance, that of other sayings and deeds is established with stronger proofs; and the redemptive conception of the Passion and the sacramental interpretation of the Last Supper are found to spring up promptly and legitimately from our Lord's work and words, to saturate the Pauline and Johannine writings, and even to constitute an element of all three synoptic Gospels.
Entrance was by a sixpenny refreshment ticket and the star was Sam Cowell, who had been lured from Evans ' Supper Rooms.
Tickets, which include a plowman 's supper and quiz, cost £ 3.50 for adults and £ 2.50 for children.
I 'm sure Neill ate supper here " or " No doubt he walked there.
The floor was still full when the last waltz was played and then everyone enjoyed a tasty supper of seven courses !
Friday evening 's informal supper was an ideal opportunity for meeting in a relaxed atmosphere.
You will find some recipes - along with warming soups and supper dishes - at the back of the news letter.
A Passover Supper was held in the Parish Church on Maunday Thursday for Christians Together in Street.
Friday 's harvest supper raised almost enough to complete the bells fund - with Jack donating the balance.
The "distractions" will be other guests shouting out things, such as "Supper is burning!"
Limit your child's liquid intake after supper.
We changed his food now to Friskies Supreme Supper for adults and kittens as written on the can.
Common images of Christ in Christian art include the Last Supper, Christ being crucified on the cross, Christ's birth in a stable and Christ ministering to his followers.
Rice is eaten for breakfast, lunch, and supper.
Weight Watchers Vegetarian Chili - This is one of the most popular recipes from the Weight Watchers collection, and it makes a hearty supper.
The following recipes, tips and suggestions will help you create a luscious meatless lasagna to enjoy at dinner or bring to your next vegetarian potluck supper.
Although Da Vinci is best known for the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, he was also a gifted inventor and drew up plans for airplanes and tanks.
The story is about a child named Max that is put to bed without supper for misbehaving.
After realizing he misses his family, he returns home to find supper on the table waiting.
The most famous Christian legend is that the well's water source sprang from the ground when Joseph of Arimathea washed and buried the cup shared by Jesus and the Apostles at the Last Supper.
It's best to eat a light supper or small snack, and avoid acidic foods and drinks.
Excellent examples are The Last Supper and The Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci.
Therefore, families must serve a meatless supper.
Thirteen desserts are served during this supper, representing the 12 apostles and Jesus at the Last Supper.
Bear in mind that according to the Catholic Church, Jesus performed the Last Supper with bread containing wheat and gluten.
After setting up camp and having supper, everyone crawled into their tents.
At the last supper, the thirteenth guest to arrive was Judas.
On the Friday after that supper (Good Friday), Judas betrayed Jesus and, in return for payment, turned him over to the soldiers who arrested him.
In recorded Christian history, the Last Supper stands out as visible testimony to the ill luck of bringing thirteen people together to share a meal (12 disciples plus Christ).
Instead, serve fruit for dessert following that night's supper, and explain that when we have a special treat, it's important to compensate with healthier choices the rest of the day.
Do you dread creating menu plans for supper?
The cooked foods are typically eaten only at the end of the day following a raw food supper.
Supper would also be a salad with the cooked food added after.
To save preparation time, grill your chicken in batches and freeze until needed, or make extra for supper and save the leftovers for lunch the following day.
Supper can be as elaborate or as simple as you like.
Try a few scrambled egg whites with breakfast, some cubed tofu with lunch and a grilled chicken breast with supper for an additional 50 grams of protein over the course of your day.
The image of the Last Supper caused much Internet speculation to discover the identity of the final and fifth Cylon.
The Last Supper Battlestar Galactica photo first appeared in Entertainment Weekly as a preview of season 4.
A handful of main Battlestar Galactica cast members posed for this now famous Last Supper shot and created quite a buzz.
The article also announced that Baltar's sexy version of Cylon Six, seen in the Last Supper photo wearing her red dress, would deliver the gospel of the Cylons of one true God.
The second character from the left in the Battlestar Galactica Last Supper photo is Natalie, played by Tricia Helfer.
The article that introduced the Last Supper photo pointed out that even though this should have put a strain on their relationship, Anders is the only one "embracing" Starbuck.
This popular character even takes center stage in the now famous Last Supper Battlestar Galactica photo.
Both of these Cylons are pictured in the now famous photo known as The Last Supper Battlestar Galactica.
I'll get supper on the table.
He didn't eat much supper.
Supper will be ready in ten minutes.
Alex was removing supper from the oven when she walked into the kitchen.
I've cut enough here for supper.
She was out, dressed and fixing supper when the bus stopped to let Jonathan out.
I mean - does he tell you what to cook for supper and what to wear?
When Alex came home that night she had supper ready.
Now go wash up for supper.
He shook the newspaper and said nothing more until Sarah announced that supper was ready.
After supper Lisa helped put away the leftovers and wash dishes.
It's getting close to supper, so I'd better go in.
She was putting supper on the table when she glanced out the window and noticed Giddon riding Diablo back into the yard.
I'll cook supper tonight.
The voices of her roommates drifted from the kitchen where they were preparing supper.
I have supper on, if anyone is hungry.
Since they were scheduled to be too late for supper that day, it was a good excuse to eat out together.
She caught him alone in the hallway after supper, while Julia and Rachel were in the kitchen doing dishes.
Cassie cooked rabbit and dumplings for supper that evening.
She readied supper, careful to spend as little time in the ring of firelight as possible.
It was a grim lot that gathered for supper that night outside the ring of firelight.
Cassie cleaned the supper dishes as best she could with sand, and stored them in one of the packs.
He led her to the restaurant and they took a table, ordering supper and exchanging stories.
I'll show you where you will sleep while Cynthia gets supper on the table.
During and after supper, conversation seemed to continually migrate back to Cynthia.
She turned to the stove to prepare supper and Claudette left the room.
I left supper half done.
She sighed as she set out the supper dishes.
Over supper they talked of the expected foal, the ranch, and everything but why they hadn't talked much for the last four days.
We're just out here enjoying the weather before they serve supper.
Supper was pancakes—Dean cooking, and Fred complaining and serving Cynthia, who still had a phone glued to her ear.
Just fix us some supper instead of goggling at a naked woman and getting all tingly when we don't have time.
What should have been unfinished was the pie you had for last night's supper and all those Fat Tire Ales.
Two hours remained before the last of the day's celebrations— the Jeep flare parade down the mountain, followed by a massive fireworks display—so after finishing supper, the Deans began playing catch up with Bird Song's chores.
She stared after him as he drove away, wondering if he would be home for supper – or if he was going to eat alone.
When Lori ended the phone call, Carmen invited her to eat supper and was surprised when she accepted.
They talked for a long time and he agreed to stay for supper.
She excused herself to prepare supper for the three residents.
What's for supper, honey?
Are you cooking supper?
I don't know when Katie intended to tell you, but we made arrangements to take you out for supper tonight.
Yeah, well I didn't want you to go in and start supper or something.
Not eating supper last night left her hungry this morning.
After supper she put leftovers away and washed dishes while Alex browsed through the paper.
Did you ever get up the nerve to ask that secretary out to supper?
She stared after him as he drove away, wondering if he would be home for supper – or if he was going to eat alone.
The feud which raged round the doctrine of the Lord's Supper had already broken out before the first diet of Spires, and had aroused great and immediate excitement.
His main idea was that the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was not the repetition of the sacrifice of Christ, but the faithful remembrance that that sacrifice had been made once for all; and his deeper idea of faith, which included in the act of faith a real union and communion of the faithful soul with Christ, really preserved what was also most valuable in the distinctively Lutheran doctrine.
This writer's thought is coloured by the older speculations of Philo, who in metaphor called the Loges the heavenly bread and food, the cupbearer and cup of God; and he seems even to protest against a literal interpretation of the words of institution, since he not only pointedly omits them in his account of the Last Supper, but in v.
In Brittany the people flock into the cemeteries at nightfall to kneel bare-headed at the graves of their loved ones, and to fill the hollow of the tombstone with holy water or to pour libations of milk upon it, and at bedtime the supper is left on the table for the soul's refreshment.
To the popular mind the great distinction between the Lutheran and the medieval church service, besides the use of the vernacular and the supreme place assigned to preaching, was that the people partook of the cup in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper; and the Lutheran service became popularly distinguished from the Reformed because it retained, while the Reformed did away with, most of the medieval ceremonies and vestments (see Lutherans).
The primitive philosophy to which these conceptions belong has to a great degree been discredited by modern science; yet the clear survivals of such ancient and savage rites may still be seen in Europe, where the Bretons leave the remains of the All Souls' supper on the table for the ghosts of the dead kinsfolk to partake of, and Russian peasants set out cakes for the ancestral manes on the ledge which supports the holy pictures, and make dough ladders to assist the ghosts of the dead to ascend out of their graves and start on their journey for the future world; while other provision for the same spiritual journey is made when the coin is still put in the hand of the corpse at an Irish wake.
The Reformation abolished in all Protestant countries those processions associated with the doctrine of transubstantiation (Corpus Christi); "the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper," according to the 28th Article of Religion of the Church of England "was not by Christ's ordinance reserved, carried about, lifted up, or worshipped."
It was proposed also, as conducive to the welfare of the church, that the sacrament of the Lord's Supper should be administered more frequently, at least once every month, and that congregational singing of psalms should be practised in the churches.
The shepherd led them gently back to the hut and gave them their usual supper of bread and milk.
A fine supper was prepared, and the innkeeper himself waited upon his guest.
The king sat down by the fire, and the woman hurried to get things ready for supper.
I help mother and teacher water them every night before supper.
We had some of them for supper, and they were very nice.
After supper we go to my room and do all sorts of things until eight, when I undress the little woman and put her to bed.
I ate very small fish for supper.
Pierre threw off his cloak and entered the first room, in which were the remains of supper.
Do you remember how we and Nicholas, all three of us, talked in the sitting room after supper?
While in the Rostovs' ballroom the sixth anglaise was being danced, to a tune in which the weary musicians blundered, and while tired footmen and cooks were getting the supper, Count Bezukhov had a sixth stroke.
The visitors were seated at supper.
In the evening, after supper, when all were about to retire, Anatole kissed Princess Mary's hand.
They've just finished supper.
With a sinking heart he watched Dolokhov's hands and thought, "Now then, make haste and let me have this card and I'll take my cap and drive home to supper with Denisov, Natasha, and Sonya, and will certainly never touch a card again."
The young people, after returning from the theater, had had supper and were grouped round the clavichord.
Before supper, Prince Andrew, coming back to his father's study, found him disputing hotly with his visitor.
Perhaps I'll come and sit with you at supper.
The old prince came in to supper; this was evidently on Pierre's account.
On the evening of the twenty-fourth of June, Count Zhilinski arranged a supper for his French friends.
As if you could come at a wrong time! said Boris, and he led him into the room where the supper table was laid and introduced him to his guests, explaining that he was not a civilian, but an hussar officer, and an old friend of his.
Rostov felt so ill at ease and uncomfortable with Boris that, when the latter looked in after supper, he pretended to be asleep, and early next morning went away, avoiding Boris.
For one of the merry cotillions before supper Prince Andrew was again her partner.
On her way to supper Natasha passed him.
I wished to ask the countess and you to do me the honor of coming to tea and to supper.
We shall have supper, Count.
Young ladies, married and unmarried, liked him because without making love to any of them, he was equally amiable to all, especially after supper.
At supper after the opera he described to Dolokhov with the air of a connoisseur the attractions of her arms, shoulders, feet, and hair and expressed his intention of making love to her.
The Rostovs went away without staying for supper.
After supper he lay down on a sofa without undressing, and was awakened soon after midnight by a courier bringing him a letter from Kutuzov.
The Rostovs' servants and coachmen and the orderlies of the wounded officers, after attending to their masters, had supper, fed the horses, and came out into the porches.
He ate his supper of buckwheat soup with horseflesh and chatted with his comrades.
They beat the tattoo, called the roll, had supper, and settled down round the fires for the night--some repairing their footgear, some smoking pipes, and some stripping themselves naked to steam the lice out of their shirts.
Supper was over, and Pierre who at first declined to speak about his captivity was gradually led on to do so.
When they all got up to go in to supper, little Nicholas Bolkonski went up to Pierre, pale and with shining, radiant eyes.
The conversation at supper was not about politics or societies, but turned on the subject Nicholas liked best--recollections of 1812.
This evening he listened to Pierre in a sort of trance, and fancy--as we were going in to supper I looked and he had broken everything on my table to bits, and he told me of it himself at once!
Also in the chancel, below the C15 east window, is a carved reredos of the Last Supper.
Behind the altar is a reredos with three painted panels showing the Last Supper.
How often do you administer the Sacrament of the Lord 's Supper?
The United Reformed Church celebrates the gospel sacrament of the Lord 's Supper.
A Cornish Pasty Supper comprising a hot Cornish Pasty with a salad garnish is served to your table at about 7.30pm.
You'd better go wash up and tell your Dad supper is ready.
By the time they got back and dressed for supper, Destiny's eyelids were drooping.
Alex will be home soon and I have to get supper on.
Mom is fixing supper and I'm sure she has something you can wear in the morning.
I hope you guys enjoyed supper, because this is going to be my last trip.
Supper was pancakes and eggs, with conversation directed to the children, interrupted by confirming calls from ice climbers who would begin arriving on Thursday.
When will supper be ready?
When they all set down to supper, Brandon was still brooding.
I eat breakfast at six in the morning and supper at six in the evening.
Fred said he was too mind-stuffed with all these goings-on to eat a bite of supper, but when Cynthia supplied cold chicken and potato salad, he ate two helpings, just out of politeness.
From this period came some of humanity's greatest masterpieces, including St. Peter's Basilica, Da Vinci's Last Supper, Michelangelo's Pieta, and hundreds of other instantly recognizable artistic treasures.
The visitors were invited to supper in the drawing room, and the serfs had something served to them in the ballroom.