Supineness Sentence Examples
In place of the earlier supineness, the battle was now joined all along the line.
This solution was spoiled by the impatience of Garibaldi and the supineness of the Romans themselves.
Falaba which had been visited in 1869 by Winwood Reade on his journey to the Niger - came definitely under British protection, but Timbo, which is in Futa Jallon, was allowed to become French territory through the supineness of the home government.
The soil in them is of great fertility wherever it is irrigated, and despite the supineness of the Chinese authorities, irrigation is very extensively practised in nearly all the oases.
In the first Hegel showed how the supineness of the committee of estates in Wurttemberg had favoured the usurpations of the superior officials in whom the court had found compliant servants.