Supervises Sentence Examples
It also supervises secondary and superior education, issues patents, and provides federal courts for the trial of cases amenable to federal laws.
The superintendent of the southern Shan States supervises thirty-nine, of which ten are sawbwaships.
A board of state charities and corrections, established in 1869, supervises and controls all of the penal, charitable and correctional institutions of the state at large and also the local almshouses.
The former supervises the labour laws and endeavours to deal with unemployment; the latter has done much practical teaching, inspection, &c. Butter, cheese and New Zealand hemp are by law graded and branded by departmental inspectors before export.
The lord mayor is clerk of the markets and supervises weights and measures and deals with cases of adulteration.
The office of the accountant-general of the empire (RechnungsIzof), which controls and supervises the expenditure of the sums voted by the legislative bodies, and revises the accounts of the imperial bank (Reichsbank).
The provinces are further divided into districts, each of which is under a mamur, who in his turn supervises and controls the omda, mayor or head-man, of each village in his district.
The administrative head of the system fs the director of education, who is appointed by the commission, and who arranges the course of study, approves the plans for school houses, determines in what towns secondary schools shall be established and in what towns American teachers shall teach, divides the archipelago into school divisions and appoints a division superintendent in each, and supervises the examination of teachers and the application of insular school funds.
In 1910 the commander-in-chief in the Mediterranean was appointed inspector-general of the overseas forces other than those in India, and the inspector-general in London supervises therefore only the forces in the home establishment.
The former decides all controversies arising under the school law, and exercises a general supervision over the public schools; the latter has the control of a number of special state educational institutions, appoints the county superintendents and supervises the execution of the school laws of the state.
AdvertisementHomework Once the children come home, Dad supervises the homework, using logarithms invented by John Napier of Edinburgh.
The chief magistrate of the commune is the mayor (tnaire), who is (I) the agent of the central government and charged as such with the local promulgation and execution of the general laws and decrees of the country; (2) the executive head of the municipality, in which capacity he supervises the police, the revenue and public works of the commune, and acts as the representative of the corporation in general.
A sous chef coordinates the preparation of all foods, supervises the kitchen staff and instructs them in techniques, and may prepare special dishes.
The surveyor, or a senior technician, leads the party and supervises their activities.
In addition, Ms. Stewart supervises the Departments of Information Technology, Institutional Research, Center for Teaching and Learning, Media Services, the university webmaster, and Central Enrollment Management.
AdvertisementAn automobile service station manager is a first line supervisor who supervises automobile station operations.
Restaurant guests often have to suffer through long wait times for their meals, incorrect or inedible food, and Ramsay's outbursts as he supervises the kitchens.
A state board of charities has supervision over all philanthropic and penal institutions in the state, including hospitals, which numbered 103 in 1907; and the board visits the almshouses supported by seventy-eight (of the 168) towns of the state, and investigates and supervises the provision made for the town poor in the other ninety towns of the state; some, as late as 1906, were, with the few paupers maintained by the state, cared for in a private almshouse at Tariffville, which was commonly known as the " state almshouse.
The prefect supervises the execution of the laws; has wide authority in regard to policing, public hygiene and relief of pauper children; has the nomination of various subordinate officials; and is in correspondence with the subordinate functionaries in his department, to whom he transmits the orders and instructions of the government.