Superlative Sentence Examples
The judges found it difficult to pick the person with the superlative performance in the talent show.
A superlative in English describes something that is at one extreme or the other.
Lord Chatham used words equally superlative.
In other words, these wines may offer investment opportunities for wine collectors…or just a superlative wine to be enjoyed later if one has patience and fortitude.
He was beginning to doubt his superlative detecting skills when it dawned on him that she might be using a maiden name.
We shall also encounter the adverbial superlative and discover how to express " not yet " and " no longer ".
Last week I prepared 4 different kinds of worksheets on comparative and superlative adjectives for a 40-minute lesson.
They were, besides, pioneers in laying down level greens of superlative excellence.
The principal exports are wool, woollen, cotton, linen goods, machinery, china, pianofortes, cigarettes, flannels, stockings, curtains and lace, cloth from Reichenbach and Zittau, watches of superlative value from Glashiitte and toys from the Vogtland.
The adjective has four degrees ot comparison-positive, equative, comparative, superlative; as gldn, " clean," glaned, " as clean (as)," glanach, " cleaner," glanaf, " cleanest."
AdvertisementHis "Triumph of the Republic" (1881-1886), a vast quadriga for the Arc de Triomphe, Paris, is perhaps more amazingly full of life than others of his works, all of which reveal this quality of vitality in superlative degree.
From the pages of his teeming note-books he took the material for his lectures, arranging and rearranging it under such titles as Nature, School, Home, Genius, Beauty and Manners, Self-Possession, Duty, The Superlative, Truth, The Anglo-Saxon, The Young American.
He 's the superlative of everything good that you choose to call Him.
True genius in life is rare, but no other superlative more accurately describes Thierry Henry 's footballing ability.
The Griffin Wind Farm proposal lies in the center of this 'golden triangle ' of superlative scenery.
AdvertisementOf importance to the students would be their superlative academic performance during their study in the Singapore Polytechnic.
Therefore, efficiency would suggest that only the one word label " lord " would be sufficient to express this superlative concept.
In Hebrew to repeat a word three times meant the superlative degree....
At the end of the year, the class decided to pass out awards to recognize their peers' superlative talents and efforts.
Comparative and superlative sentences in French are not difficult to master.
AdvertisementFor the most part, comparative and superlative sentences in French are not difficult because the construction is similar enough to English that most French language learners pick up on the idea quickly.
In the superlative in English you would never say the goodest and you don't in French either.
With a little practice you will have mastered comparative and superlative sentences in French.
True genius in life is rare, but no other superlative more accurately describes Thierry Henry's footballing ability.
We shall also encounter the adverbial superlative and discover how to express " not yet " and " no longer " .
AdvertisementThe optics on this unit are quite superlative, and one nice feature is the spring loaded flip up lens caps.
The poets and the philosophers paid him enthusiastic homage, and all the distinguished women of the day testified to his superlative merits.