Superficial Sentence Examples
The sentences are much longer and less vivacious, as any one can see by a superficial examination.
A superficial layer of recent volcanic tuffs occurs in several parts of the island.
The deposits are superficial, resulting from the opening out of veins at the surface, and consist chiefly of haematite.
This has brought about superficial resemblance in the floras of different countries.
The hair (trichome) is a superficial appendage of simple structure, which may be borne by any of the other members.
The condition of the European Jews seems, on a superficial examination, abject enough.
The superficial area is estimated at 310,700 sq.
Hussite influences, in the beginning of the 15th century, had been superficial and transitory.
Not only have many travellers of many nationalities directed their steps towards the Bam-i-dunya ("the Roof of the World") in search of adventure or of scientific information, but the government surveys of Russia and India have met in these high altitudes, and there effected a connexion which will help to solve many of the geodetic problems which beset the superficial survey of Asia.
Thus feudal overlordship in France had resolved itself into a superficial dominion undermined in all directions by economic realities.
AdvertisementThe writers' historical estimates are superficial and conventional, but report the verdict of public opinion with substantial accuracy..
The superficial post-Cretaceous and Recent deposits are widely spread.
Having thus discriminated between the permanent unity of nature and its superficial plurality, Parmenides proceeded to the separate investigation of the Ent and the Nonent.
Eclecticism is not open to the superficial objection of proceeding without a system or test in determining the complete or incomplete.
A superficial pacification effected by Shekib Effendi, the Ottoman commissioner, lasted only till his departure; and the Porte was obliged to despatch a force of 12,000 men to the Lebanon.
AdvertisementHe brought before the Geological Society in 1851 an important paper On the Causes which may have produced changes in the Earth's superficial Temperature.
Behind superficial manifestations of grace there is a dark background, almost like the Greek Fate.
The latter arises from a number of superficial cells, the cells destined to form the spores being derived from a single one of these.
In the development of the sporangium the sporogenous tissue is derived from a number of superficial cells by divisions parallel to the surface.
But don't limit yourself with superficial "must-haves" like looks alone.
AdvertisementWhilst the race of collectors and systematizers culminated in the latter part of the 18th century in Linnaeus, a new type of student made its appearance in such men as John Hunter and other anatomists, who, not satisfied with the superficial observations of the popular " zoologists," set themselves to work to examine anatomically the whole animal kingdom, and to classify its members by aid of the results of such profound study.
The general evidence indicates that the specific bacteria of cholera discharges are capable of a much longer existence in the superficial soil layers than was formerly supposed; consequently it is specially necessary to guard against pollution of the soil, and through it against the probable contamination of both water and air.
In book v., after an interesting preface concerning regular polygons, and containing remarks upon the hexagonal form of the cells of honeycombs, Pappus addresses himself to the comparison of the areas of different plane figures which have all the same perimeter (following Zenodorus's treatise on this subject), and of the volumes of different solid figures which have all the same superficial area, and, lastly, a comparison of the five regular solids of Plato.
His commanding stature, the symmetry of his form, the dark and melancholy beauty of his countenance, rather rendered piquant than impaired by an obliquity of vision, produced an imposing impression even before his deep and powerful voice had given utterance to its melodious thunders; and harsh and superficial half-truths enunciated with surpassing ease and grace of gesture, and not only with an air of absolute conviction but with the authority of a prophetic messenger, in tones whose magical fascination was inspired by an earnestness beyond all imitation of art, acquired a plausibility and importance which, at least while the orator spoke, made his audience entirely forgetful of their preconceived objections against them.
Thus it will be seen that both historically and philosophically the doctrine of Malthus was a corrective reaction against the superficial optimism diffused by the school of Rousseau.
AdvertisementHis speeches were characterized by skill of statement, ingenious grouping of facts, fervent diction, and ardent patriotism; sometimes by biting sarcasm, but also by superficial research, half-knowledge and an unwillingness to reason a proposition to its logical results.
Subrahmanyam M. (1998) ' A prospective randomized clinical and histological study of superficial burn wound healing with honey and silver sulfadiazine '.
Despite superficial similarities of hand, the three sets were in fact copied by three different scribes.
Total parotidectomy rather than superficial parotidectomy is suggested to avoid the recurrence of the tumor.
In normal venous return the superficial veins carry venous blood under low pressure.
The whole exercise is rather superficial; there 's an emphasis on quantity rather than quality of work, particularly at primary level.
Since many of our superficial aspects were so off-kilter, we were more compelled to put our attention on what actually mattered.
These tattoos use plant-derived inks that are deposited in the superficial skin layer, resulting in a tattoo that lasts up to five years.
Damaged or dirty packaging - many jewelers will discount and sell off cheaply items that have only superficial damage, for instance dirty packaging.
Another thing to consider is that the scratches may be superficial--only on the coatings you may have added to your lenses when you purchased them.
Most of the chit chat is superficial and adds little to this game.
They rarely come with the box or instruction manual and may have scuff marks, light scratches or other superficial wounds that won't affect play.
If the corneal abrasion is very small and superficial, then the application of mild antibiotic drops three to four times a day for a few days to a week is sufficient to prevent an infection.
The most common form of self-mutilation, and the one usually seen in adolescents, is impulsive self-mutilation consisting of superficial skin cutting and burning.
Superficial wounds can be cleaned and bandaged.
Miliaria crystallina is the most superficial of the occlusions.
Frostbite is classified by degree of injury (first, second, third, or fourth), or simply divided into two types, superficial (corresponding to first- or second-degree injury) and deep (corresponding to third- or fourth-degree injury).
The doctor identifies deep as well as superficial growths in this stage.
Cosmetic concerns may be superficial, but when your health is involved, it's much more serious.
The Superficial, an aptly named website, has several bikini photos of Ms. Ripa.
For seemingly candid pictures of Kim Kardashian in a bikini, you can also visit The Superficial.
Yes, be very wary of choosing colors to "match" your superficial appearance.
Independence and restlessness can make the Gemini personality seem superficial to others.
However, their mystery is only a superficial illusion that is enhanced by Virgo's curt and laconic communication style.
An evolved Taurean profile demonstrates that Taurus is more than the superficial dressings of success and has a genuinely big heart.
In friendships they are very non-committal and selective and would usually prefer to keep things on aa superficial level.
Since we only perform this action when getting out of bed or bending over to pick something off the floor, the outer unit or superficial abdominal muscles are fast twitch muscles, which are designed for short-duration activity.
The superficial abdominal muscles have thus been trained to function as endurance muscles.
She is one of many scantily clad women on the Internet, trying to carve a niche out for herself (albeit, a superficial niche).
She is currently attempting to make a name for herself in the music business, though her album, aptly titled Superficial, has had extremely low sales.
It is often used as superficial chemical peel to exfoliate the skin.
They can be either superficial or quite deep, and they typically appear on the cheeks and temple and lend the skin a pitted appearance.
Chemical peels are helpful for improving superficial imperfections or very shallow scarring.
Minor cuts and wounds, superficial cuts and scrapes can usually be treated at home.
Band-Aid brand bandages are a popular choice for superficial scrapes that cover relatively small areas.
Superficial peels, such as glycolic peels, are usually a good way to remove freckles, but many peels must be performed before the freckles disappear.
But the city, as a superficial inspection of the site shows, must have existed as a settlement long before Omri, as potsherds of earlier date lie scattered on the surface.
When the nematocyst is completely developed, the cnidoblast passes outwards so as to occupy a superficial position in the ectoderm, and a delicate protoplasmic process of sensory nature, termed the cnidocil (cn) projects from the cnidoblast like a fine hair or cilium.
The coenosteum increases in size by new growth at the surface; and in the deeper, older portions of massive forms the tissues die off after a certain time, only the superficial region retaining its vitality down to a certain depth.
The aye-aye, Chiromys (or Daubentonia) madagascariensis, is an animal with a superficial resemblance to a longhaired and dusky-coloured cat with unusually large eyes.
In all cases, while the internal threads which bear the cortical branches consist of elongated cells with few chromatophores, and no doubt serve mainly for conduction of food substances, the superficial cells of the branches themselves are packed with chromatophores and form the chief assimilating tissue of the plant.
These fibre-tracheids are easily confused on superficial view with the true wood-fibres belonging to the parenchymatous system; but their pits are always bordered, though in the extreme type they are reduced to mere slits in the wall.
The extent of development of the phelloderm is dependent upon whether the phellogen has a superficial or a deep-seated origin.
Frost blisters are pustular swellings due to the up-growth of callus-tissue into cavities caused by the uprising of the superficial cortex under the action of intense cold.
Root-hairs give an enlarged superficial area to the roots of plants, and thus are related to the procuring of water.
In other likewise very rare cases a left, or a left and right, superficial carotids are developed and take the place of the then vanished deep or primary carotids.
But, close as the likeness is, it is merely a superficial likeness, because it is the result of opposite causes working in opposite directions.
While the superficial appearance of the railway tariff is different for different countries, and sometimes for different parts of the same country, the general principles laid down are followed in rate-making by all well-managed lines, whether state or private.
They pick up superficial acquirements with astonishing ease, but seem to be incapable of mastering any subject.
The steady advance of scientific inquiry into every corner of Persia, backed by the unceasing efforts of a new school of geographical explorers, has left nothing unexamined that can be subjected to superficial observation.
The form of the pear and of the apple respectively, although usually characteristic enough, is not by itself sufficient to distinguish them, for there are pears which cannot by form alone be distinguished from apples, and apples which cannot by superficial appearance be recognized from pears.
Reference to the articles on Logic, Metaphysics, &c., will show that subsequent criticism, however much it has owed by way of stimulus to Mill's strenuous rationalism, has been able to point to much that is inconsistent, inadequate and even superficial in his writings.
We are told that we can see " the law at work underneath the more superficial agencies on which attention fixes itself "; it " undergoes temporary suspension," which may last indefinitely; and " there is another agency, in habitual antagonism " to it, namely, " the progress of civilization," which may include every kind of human improvement.
Its superficial extent is seen when the folds covering the shell are cut away and the shell removed; the external surface forms a triangle with its base bordering the pericardium, and its apex directed posteriorly and reaching to the lefthand posterior corner of the shell-chamber.
Margins of foot well developed; eyes superficial; three chitinous stomachal plates; shell external, with reduced spire.
The importance of this singular but superficial departure from the normal structure has been so needlessly exaggerated as a character that at the present time its value is apt to be unduly depreciated.
Apt to minimize difficulties, to search for the common ground of unity in opponents, he turned aside, with a disdain which superficial critics often mistook for indifference, from the base, the violent and the common.
His knowledge of the ancient authors was wide, but his taste was not select, and his erudition was superficial.
To it belong (a) superficial grooves or deeper slits situated on the integument near the tip of the head, (b) nerve lobes in immediate connexion with the nervous tissue of the brain, and (c) ciliated ducts penetrating into the latter and communicating with the former.
To the south of the Nerbudda the Satpura range stretches across the province, containing the greater part of five districts, its crystalline and sandstone rocks rising in places through the superficial stratum of trap, and with large areas of shallow stony land still covered to a great extent with forest interspersed by black-soil valleys of great fertility.
It is true that by the distillation of many herbs, resins and similar substances, several organic compounds had been prepared, and in a few cases employed as medicines; but the prevailing classification of substances by physical and; superficial properties led to the correlation of organic and inorganic compounds, without any attention being paid to their chemical composition.
The soil of the island is almost wholly of modern formation, mainly alluvial, with superficial limestones as another prominent feature.
In the original formation of the island volcanic disturbances and coral growth played some part; but there are only very slight superficial evidences in the island of former volcanic activity.
Despite superficial decentralization after 1878 any real growth of local self-government was rendered impossible.
As for autonomy and political reforms it has already been remarked that the change from the old regime was only superficial.
Mechanics (including dynamical astronomy) is that subject among those traditionally classed as "applied" which has been most completely transfused by mathematics - that is to say, which is studied with the deductive spirit of the pure mathematician, and not with the covert inductive intention overlaid with the superficial forms of deduction, characteristic of the applied mathematician.
Mme de Stael's faults are great; her style is of an age, not for all time; her ideas are mostly second-hand and frequently superficial.
The exact mode in which the in-sinking of superficial outstanding limbs, carrying gill-lamellae, has historically taken place has been a matter of much speculation.
Unfortunately these editions, brought out in great haste and often edited by superficial scholars, do not come up to the requirements of modern criticism.
Gradually since the time of Hunter and Cuvier anatomical study has associated itself with the more superficial morphography until to-day no one considers a study of animal form of any value which does not include internal structure, histology and embryology in its scope.
By the introduction of a method of classification which was due to the superficial Pliny - depending, not on structure, but on the medium inhabited by an animal, whether earth, air or waterWotton is led to associate Fishes and Whales as aquatic animals.
This structure can be rendered visible by superficial etching with dilute acid; and as the minuter crystals dissolve more quickly than the larger ones, the surface assumes a frosted appearance (moiree metallique).
Many workers following certain occupations show pigmented scars due to the penetration of carbon and other pigments from superficial wounds caused by gunpowder, explosions, &c.
Not only so, but the physician, thus fascinated by "types," and impressed by the silent monumentsof the pathological museum, was led to localize disease too much, to isolate the acts of nature, and to forget not only the continuity of the phases which lead up to the exemplary forms, or link them together, but to forget also that even between the types themselves relations of affinity must exist - and these oftentimes none the less intimate for apparent diversities of form, for types of widely different form may be, and indeed often are, more closely allied than types which have more superficial resemblance - and to forget, moreover, how largely negative is the process of abstraction by which types are imagined.
With the melting of the ice the more daring spirits dashed into the new current with such ardour that for them all traditions, all institutions, were thrown into hotchpot; even elderly and sober physicians took enough of the infection to liberate their minds, and, in the field of the several diseases and in that of post-mortem pathology, the hollowness of classification by superficial resemblance, the transitoriness of forms, and the flow of processes, broke upon the view.
Thus it came about not only that classifications of disease based on superficial likeness - such as jaundice, dropsy, inflammation - were broken up, and their parts redistributed, but also that even more set diseases began to lose their settlements, and were recognized as terms of series, as transitory or culminating phases of perturbations which might be traced to their origins, and in their earlier stages perhaps withstood.
It is under this closer occupation with mechanical conditions that surgery to-day is said - not without excuse, but with no more than superficial truth - to have made more progress than medicine.
It is on clinical grounds that beriberi, scarlet fever, measles, &c., are recognized as belonging to the same class, and evolving in phases which differ not in intimate nature but in the more superficial and inessential characters of time, rate and polymorphism; and the impression is gaining strength that acute rheumatism belongs to the group of the infections, certain sore throats, chorea and other apparently distinct maladies being terms of this series.
The various title-words of the several articles are often the merest stalkinghorses, under cover of which to shoot at the Bible or the church, the target being now and then shifted to the political institutions of the writer's country, his personal foes, &c., and the whole being largely seasoned with that acute, rather superficial, common-sense, but also commonplace, ethical and social criticism which the 18th century called philosophy.
For commercial purposes iron is universally employed and works well; but it is not available analytically, because a superficial oxidation of the empty part of the vessel (by the water and air) cannot be prevented.
His contemporaries, with the exception of Hume, regarded his writings as of great importance; in point of fact they are superficial.
The whole plan bears more than a superficial resemblance to those of Cretan palaces in the later Minoan period.
Unquestionably more of a polymath than a philosopher, he appears uncritical and superficial.
The epidermis consists of pyriform cells, which send richly branched processes to the superficial cuticle.
By a process of infolding, the thicker end is partially invaginated, the middle portion or " hind-body " and the organism may now present a superficial likeness to a cercaria.
Ordinary Saltpetre or Potassium Nitrate, KN03, occurs, mingled with other nitrates, on the surface and in the superficial layers of the soil in many countries, especially in certain parts of India, Persia, Arabia and Spain.
Fossil species of Dolichotis occur in the caverns of Brazil, and also in the superficial deposits of Argentina.
The character of the vegetation which clothes their slopes shows that even superficial changes must be slight.
Wingless females of many tropical species present a close superficial resemblance to woodlice; and one interesting apterous form known as Pseudoglomeris, from the East Indies, is able to roll up like a millipede.
Gaston Boissier, L'Afrique romaine (1895), is a picturesque but somewhat superficial apercu of the principal Roman ruins.
Trematodes never exhibit segmentation, though a superficial annulation may occur, e.g.
By the colonists it is called "water-mole," but its affinities with the true moles are of the slightest and most superficial description.
There is considerable superficial similarity between evolution and emanation, especially in their formal statements.
He was a robust man, and inherited his father's love of violent exercise; but his character was weak and his intelligence mediocre, and he had none of the superficial and brilliant gifts of Francis I.
He was fundamentally too much a man of strong convictions to be correctly described as open-minded, for if nature ever determined any man's faith, it was his; the root of his whole intellectual life, which was too deep to be disturbed by any superficial change in his philosophy, being the feeling for God.
He has, indeed, described in graphic terms the greatest of the more superficial changes he underwent; how he had " carried into logical and ethical problems the maxims and postulates of physical knowledge," and had moved within the narrow lines drawn by the philosophical instructions of the class-room " interpreting human phenomena by the analogy of external nature "; how he served in willing captivity " the ` empirical ' and ` necessarian ' mode of thought," even though " shocked " by the dogmatism and acrid humours " of certain distinguished representatives "; 1 and how in a period of " second education " at Berlin, " mainly under the admirable guidance of Professor Trendelenburg," he experienced " a new intellectual birth" which " was essentially the gift of fresh conceptions, the unsealing of hidden openings of self-consciousness, with unmeasured corridors and sacred halls behind; and, once gained, was more or less available throughout the history of philosophy, and lifted the darkness from the pages of Kant and even Hegel."
In fact the uniformity of brass and bell-metal is only superficial; if we adopt the methods described in the article Metallography, and if, after polishing a plane face on a bit of gun-metal, we etch away the surface layer and examine the new surface with a lens or a microscope, we find a complex pattern of at least two materials.
His genius and character were superficial; his abilities were exercised upon ephemeral objects, and not inspired by lasting or universal ideas.
Both kinds reflect in their Voltairian superficiality Bolingbroke's manner of life, which was throughout uninspired by any great ideas or principles and thoroughly false and superficial.
Wollner, with his impressive personality and easy if superficial eloquence, was just the man to lead a movement of this kind.
The association and distribution of gold may be considered under two different heads, namely, as it occurs in mineral veins - " reef gold," and in alluvial or other superficial deposits which are derived from the waste of the former - " alluvial gold."
The labours of these scholars, though to the superficial student they seem to prove that everything is possible and nothing certain, have certainly thrown great light on the literary character of the Apocalypse.
The country is essentially a highland tract, divided naturally into three distinct portions, differing in their superficial aspects, the character of their soil and their geological formation.
Most of western British New Guinea consists of recent superficial deposits, in the basin of the Fly river.
Between F and A A Virtual Virtual, erect, diminished Erect, same size CO Between oc and A A a superficial account of the traffic in indulgences, and a rough and ready assumption, which even Kostlin makes, that the darkness was greatest just before the dawn.
Fossil remains of beavers are found in the peat and other superficial deposits of England and the continent of Europe; while in the Pleistocene formations of England and Siberia occur remains of a giant extinct beaver, Trogontherium cuvieri, representing a genus by itself.
For square measure 12 square inches = I superficial prime, 12 superficial primes = I square foot; while for cubic measure 12 cubic inches = I solid second, 12 solid seconds = I solid prime, 12 solid primes = I cubic foot.
The ideas of moment and of centroid are extended to geometrical figures, whether solid, superficial or linear.
Unfortunately, however, the solid work achieved was accompanied by much superficial excitement among emotional persons for whom the so-called " Great Awakening " was merely a passing sensation.
On the side of the philosophy of science his observations are usually commonplace or superficial.
The largest class are the unilocular, or simple, external galls, divided by Lacaze-Duthiers into those with and those without a superficial protective layer or rind, and composed of hard, or spongy, or cellular tissue.
In external form and appearance the Hydrozoa exhibit such striking differences that there would seem at first sight to be little in common between the more divergent members of the group. Nevertheless there is no other class in the animal kingdom with better marked characteristics, or with more uniform morphological peculiarities underlying the utmost diversity of superficial characters.
The considerations from which he acutely and accurately draws far-reaching and important conclusions might be suggested by a very superficial examination of the literature; they involve, for example, no special philological knowledge.
In spite of superficial resemblances, mainly due to the unavoidable influence of current exegetical methods, the conception of prophecy as fulfilled in Christ is fundamentally different from the Jewish apocalyptic view of unfulfilled prophecy.
The Varanidae stand quite alone, in many respects the highest of all lizards, with some, quite superficial, Crocodilian resemblances.
Of these two kinds of genetic and adaptive resemblance, homogeny is the warp composed of the vertical, hereditary strands, which connect animals with their ancestors and their successors, while analogy is the woof, composed of the horizontal strands which tie animals together by their superficial resemblances.
It is the first characteristic of analogy that it is superficial.
The greater part of Bechuanaland is covered with superficial deposits consisting of the sands of the desert regions of the Kalahari and the alluvium and saliferous marls of the Okavango basin.
The characteristic of scribes' emendations or interpolations is that they are superficial.
It is not always a true apprehension of essence, but often, especially in physical matter, such as sound or heat or light, takes superficial effects to be the essence of the thing.
But detailed study of these various groups of insects shows that beneath their common superficial resemblances lie important distinctions in structure, and essential differences in the course of the life-history.
A superficial glance at Innocent's correspondence is sufficient to convince us that he was pre-eminently concerned for the reformation and moral welfare of the Church, and was animated by the best intentions for the re-estab lishment in the ecclesiastical body of order, peace and respect for the hierarchy.
The Romantic movement helped, with its idealization of a past but vaguely realized and imperfectly understood, and Chateaubriand heralded in the Catholic reaction with his Genie du Christianisme (1801) a brilliant if superficial attack on the encyclopaedists and their neo-Paganism, and a glorification of the Christian Church as supreme not only in the regions of faith and morals, but also in those of intellect and art.
The fact that the Vatican presents a great force hostile to and obstructive of certain characteristic tendencies of modern life and thought has; necessarily raised up a powerful opposition even in countries traditionally Catholic. France no longer deserves the title of eldest daughter of the Church; the Catholicism of Italy is largely superficial; even Spain has shown signs of restiveness.
Various cotton cloths are imitations of other textures and have modified names which indicate their superficial character, frequently produced by finishing processes.
Were we merely to consider the superficial character of the form of the bill, the genus Loxia (in its modern sense) would be easily divided not only from the other finches, but from all other birds.
It contained a superficial area of 3699 sq.
In South America there is considerable superficial resemblance between the little bush dog (Speothos venaticus) of Guiana and Brazil and the large weasel-like animal of the same countries - the tayra (Galera barbara).
But the likeness probably goes deeper than superficial resemblance that appeals to the eye, for spiders which distinguish flies from bees by touch and not by sight, treat drone-flies after touching them, not in the fearless way they evince towards bluebottles (Calliphora), but in the cautious manner they display towards bees and wasps, warily refraining from coming to close quarters until their prey is securely enswathed in silk.
That the ants do not destroy them is certain; but that they are deceived by the superficial similarity of the spiders to themselves is highly improbable, for these insects are capable of distinguishing a strange ant belonging to the same species if it comes from another colony.
This theory, however superficial from the standpoint of observation, indicates considerable knowledge of geometry and gave a great impulse to the study of the science.
The term epithallus is sometimes applied to the superficial dense portion of the cortical layer and the term hypothallus to the layer, when specially modified, in immediate contact with the substratum; the hypothallus is usually dark or blackish.
A new departure was taken by the Eleatic Parmenides (q.v.), who, expressly noting that, when Thales and his successors attributed to the supposed element changing qualities, they became pluralists, required that the superficial variety of nature should be strictly distinguished from its fundamental unity.
They protect the valleys from destructive avalanches, and, retaining the superficial soil by their roots, they mitigate the destructive effects of heavy rains.
They form a superficial mycelium on the surface of the plant, the hyphae not usually penetrating the tissues but merely sending haustoria into the epidermal cells.
Moreover, the effect of the sharp blow of the hammer is relatively superficial, and does not penetrate to the interior of a large piece as the slowly applied pressure of the hydraulic press does.
The popular leaders fled, the form of government, as it existed at the end of the reign of Maria Theresa, and an amnesty for past offences was proclaimed; a superficial pacification of the revolted provinces was effected, and Austrian rule re-established.
The resemblance of Dinophilus to the Rotifera is, however, quite superficial, and the general structure of this genus with distinct traces of segmentation, especially in the embryo, points to its close affinity, if not to Polygordius in particular, at all events to the Annelida.
The Abbe Raynal wrote for the Mercure de France, and compiled a series of popular but superficial works, which he published and sold himself.
This view is superficial.
The superficial sands of the desert region, derived in large part from the disintegration of the Nubian Sandstone, occupy the most extensive areas in the Libyan Desert.
The XVIIItlz-XXth Dynasties.The obvious, not to say superficial, character of this age has rendered it one of the most popular in Egyptian art.
Fiinen, geologically a part of southern Jutland, has similar characteristics, a smiling landscape of fertile meadows, the typical beech-forests clothing the low hills and the presence of numerous erratic blocks, are the superficial signs of likeness.
The crown-lands and most of the towns were under his immediate jurisdiction, but by the side of the crown-lands lay the estates of the nobility, which already comprised about one-half of the superficial area of Denmark, and were in many respects independent of the central government both as regards taxation and administration.
Generally speaking, it may be laid down that atropine is more likely than iodine to relieve a pain of quite superficial origin; and conversely.
Secondary growth in thickness is effected by the tangential division of superficial cells.
The asexual cells are immotile spores arising in fours in sporangia from superficial cells of the thallus.
In such cases as Lemanea, the terminal cells of the lateral branches form a superficial layer which has all the appearance of a parenchyma when viewed from the surface.
Besides the differentiation into holdfast and shoot, and into branches of limited and branches of unlimited growth, there appear superficial structures of the nature of hairs.
It is not difficult in such compact species to distinguish between superficial cells, whose chief function is assimilation, subjacent cells charged with reserve material, and a core of tissue engaged in the convection of elaborated material from part to part.
Subsequent hardening of the mortar is caused by the gradual absorption of carbonic acid from the air by the lime, a skin of carbonate of lime being formed; but the action is superficial.
Yet it would be difficult to speak too strongly of the great qualities which underlay the superficial defects.
The knowledge that the deepest devotion underlies misunderstandings is often a very imperfect consolation; but such devotion clearly existed all through, and proves the defect to have been relatively superficial.
As to civil matters, the country was troubled by riots against the Malt Tax, but the clans submitted to a very superficial disarmament; companies of highlanders were em- The high- toed to preserve order and check cattle-raiding; clans.
At any moment in the history of a nation such customs seem, to a superficial observer, to be fixed and immutable.
Although the superficial area of glacial ice from which the Ab-iWakhjir derives the greater part of its volume is not equal to that found on the Nicolas range, it is quite impossible to frame any estimate of comparative depth or bulk, or to separate the volume of its contributions at any time from those which, combined, derive their origin from the Nicolas range.
Such education as the children receive is of a superficial kind.
In caverns and superficial deposits of South America occur remains of extinct species more or less closely related to modern llamas; but previous to the Upper Pliocene the group is unknown in South America, which it reached from the north.
The charges of superficial analogies, so freely urged against the " Natur-philosophie " by critics who forget the impulse it gave to physical research by the identification of forces then believed to be radically distinct, do not particularly affect,Hegel.
There was an apparent conflict in him of the critic and the creator, but the conflict was superficial.
The presence of gum copal in considerable quantities in the superficial rocks is characteristic of certain regions.
The heavens presenting a constant change even to the superficial observer, the conclusion was drawn of a connexion between the changes and the everchanging movement in the fate of individuals and of nature as well as in the appearance of nature.
The consequence is that the proposition, being different from a judgment arising after a judgment, and remaining an imperfect copy of judgment, is only a superficial evidence of its real nature.
There is a superficial resemblance between induction and this hypothetical deduction.
This was not a mere sentiment, nor was his sympathy superficial, for it constituted the essential characteristic of his personality - " He went about doing good."
Wimmer, in his great work Die Runenschrift (Berlin, 1887), contends that the resemblance, though striking, is superficial.
The grossly idolatrous practices, however, still so largely prevalent in the Dravidian South, show how superficial, after all, that influence has been in those parts of India where the admixture of Aryan blood has been so slight as to have practically had no effect on the racial characteristics of the people.
Willem it appears that the viscid fluid which causes the adherence of the ventral tube is secreted by a pair of glands in the head whose ducts open into a superficial groove leading from the second maxillae backward to the tube on the first abdominal segment.
It is, however, a useful superficial caustic and antiseptic. All copper compounds are poisonous, but not so harmful as the copper arsenical pigments.
For his absolute individualism, which recognizes in the state, the church, the family only so many superficial and incidental provisions of human craft, the means of relief was absorption in the intellectual and purely ideal aims which prepare the way for the cessation of temporal individuality altogether.
It was the sensation caused in 1884 by the lawsuit brought against Strindberg's Married (a collection of short stories dealing realistically with some of the seamy sides of marriage) which brought to a head the rebellion against the elegant and superficial conventions which were strangling Swedish literature.
Wood removed the whole stratum of superficial deposit, nearly 20 ft.
Now we can see the reason for their administration, because the nitrous ether, consisting chiefly of ethyl nitrite, dilates the superficial vessels and thus allows greater escape of heat from the surface; while acetate of ammonia, by acting as a diaphoretic and stimulating the secretion of sweat, increases the loss of heat by evaporation.
Its use in soldering depends on the fact that solder only adheres to the surface of an untarnished metal, and consequently a little borax is placed on the surface of the metal and heated by the soldering iron in order to remove any superficial film of oxide.
He thus showed that at a curved part of the surface, a superficial particle would be urged towards the centre of curvature of the surface, and he gave reasons for concluding that this force is proportional to the sum of the curvatures of the surface in two normal planes at right angles to each other.
The amount of this increase and diminution is too small to be directly measured, though it has a certain theoretical importance in the explanation of the equilibrium of the superficial layer of the liquid where it is inclined to the horizon.
For All Fluids And For All Similar Tubes Similarly Wetted, The Weight Of A Drop Would Then Be Proportional Not Only To The Diameter Of The Tube, But Also To The Superficial Tension, And It Would Be Independent Of The Density.
The wine, however, contains alcohol and water, both of which evaporate, but the alcohol faster than the water, so that the superficial layer becomes more watery.
In the middle of the vessel the superficial layer recovers its strength by diffusion from below, but the film adhering to the side of the glass becomes more watery, and therefore has a higher surface-tension than the surface of the stronger wine.
Among these is the superficial viscosity of Plateau.
Plateau attributed these differences to a special quality of the liquids, named by him " superficial viscosity."
Varron (1861), though superficial, is still useful; but a comprehensive work on Varro, on the present level of scholarship, is greatly needed.
Of these the north-westerly, the lower of the two, but the larger in superficial area, is called Ibrahim Khalil, from a ziara, or shrine, of Abraham, the friend of God, which stands on its highest point.
Bast mats are now made chiefly in Russia, the bark being cut in long strips, when the liber is easily separable from the corky superficial layer.
The absurd epithet, the "laughing philosopher," applied to him by some unknown and very superficial thinker, may possibly have contributed in some measure to the fact that his importance was for centuries overlooked.
The mesogloea is in itself an inert non-cellular secretion, but the immigration of muscular and other cells into its substance, from both ectoderm and endoderm, gives it in many cases a strong resemblance to the mesoderm of Triploblastica, - a resemblance which, while probably superficial, may yet serve to indicate the path of evolution of the mesoderm.
The most superficial comparison of his account of the earliest days of Rome with that given by Dionysius shows from what depths of tediousness he was preservetl by these qualities.
For some three months he eluded pursuit, hiding among friends and occupying himself by writing a history of Ireland (first published in Holinshed's Chronicles), a superficial work of no real value.
Externally the nitrate has a caustic action, destroying the superficial tissues and separating the part acted on as a slough.
Where the artist of the former century would have secured his effect by simple, firm lines, the new school trusted to a more superficial style, in which ornament rather than FIG.
Segmentation is usually of the superficial or centrolecithal type.
The routine was distasteful; he despised the superficial details which claimed so much of his time.
Living matter is a mixture of substances chiefly dissolved in water; the comparison with the crystals has led to a supposed distinction in the mode of growth, crystals growing by the superficial apposition of new particles and living substance by intussusception.
The megaspore-nucleus divides repeatedly, and cells are produced from the peripheral region inwards, which eventually fill the sporecavity with a homogeneous tissue (prothallus); some of the superficial cells at the micropylar end of the megaspore increase in size and divide by a tangential wall into two, an upper cell which gives rise to the short two-celled neck of the archegonium, and a lower cell which develops into a large egg-cell.
The long linear leaves of some species of Podocarpus, in which the lamina is traversed by a single vein, recall the pinnae of Cycas; the branches of some Dacrydiums and other forms closely resemble those of lycopods; these superficial resemblances, both between different genera of conifers and between conifers and other plants, coupled with the usual occurrence of fossil coniferous twigs without cones attached to them, render the determination of extinct types a very unsatisfactory and frequently an impossible task.
The megaspore becomes filled with tissue (prothallus), and from some of the superficial cells archegonia are produced, usually three to five in number, but in rare cases ten to twenty or even sixty may be present.
The megaspore is filled with tissue as in typical Gymnosperms, and from some of the superficial cells 3 to 5 archegonia are developed, characterized by long multicellular necks.
We may treat it as a superficial effect, especially in the case of bodies which are opaque enough or thick enough to prevent all transmission of light, and we may investigate how much is reflected at the surface and how much is absorbed; or, on the other hand, we may confine our attention to the light which enters the body and inquire into the relation between the decay of intensity and the depth of penetration.
Superficial evidences of natural gas and petroleum are abundant in western and north-western Missouri, but these have not been found in commercially profitable quantities.
The fact is that radiation is not a superficial phenomenon but a molar one, and Stefan's law, exact though it be, is not an ultimate theory but only a convenient halting-place, and the radiations of two bodies can only be compared by it when their surfaces are similar in a specific way.
This is but a superficial view of the situation.
The contradiction is in fact only superficial.
Whewell's wide, if superficial, acquaintance with various branches of science enabled him to write a comprehensive account of their development, which is still of the greatest value.
The reproductive organs ultimately produced on the same or on different individuals are of two kinds, the antheridia and archegonia; the origin of both is from single superficial cells of the prothallus.
In the young spike, which arises when the leaf is still very small, a band of tissue derived from superficial cells is distinguishable along either side; this sporangiogenic band gives rise to the sporogenous groups, the sterile septa between them, and the outer walls of the sporangia.
The large sporangia, each of which originates from a number of superficial cells, are here incompletely separated from one another and arranged in a single circle forming a synangium.
They were until recently classified with the Chilopoda (Centipedes), with which they have no close affinity, but only a superficial resemblance.
Remains of the wild ox or aurochs are abundant in the superficial deposits of Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa; those from the brick-earths of the Thames valley indicating animals of immense proportions.
Remains of extinct bisons, some of gigantic size, occur in the superficial formations of North America as far south as Texas.
His erudition was large but ill-digested; his knowledge of the ancient authors, if extensive, was superficial; his style was vulgar; he had no brilliancy of imagination, no pungency of epigram, no grandeur of rhetoric. Therefore he has left nothing to posterity which the world would not very willingly let die.
Boulder-clays and sands, and gravels rearranged by water, occur throughout the lowlands; while the eskers or " green hills," characteristic grasscovered ridges of gravel, rise from the great plain, or run athwart valleys and over hill-sides, marking the courses of sub-glacial streams. When the superficial deposits are removed, the underlying rocks are found to be scored and smoothed by ice-action, and whole mountain-sides in the south and west have been similarly moulded during the Glacial epoch.
To sum up, then, while the main structural features of Ireland were impressed upon her before the opening of the Mesozoic era, her present outline and superficial contours date from an epoch of climatic and geographical change which falls within the human period.
With a modification to be mentioned presently, we may regard them as intensely hot bodies, probably at a temperature higher than any we can produce by artificial means, of which the superficial portions have cooled off by radiation into space.
In such cases the acute collapse occurs in company with both superficial and deep anaesthesia of the limbs, and is soon followed by coma terminating in death.
These, like the concessions of other apologetic writers, far outweigh the often hypercritical, irrelevant, and superficial objections brought against the literary and historical criticism of Genesis.
It was at first supposed that the defect of Fresnel's formulae was due to the neglect of the superficial undulations that, on a rigorous elastic solid theory of the ether, are called into existence at reflection and refraction.
Climate,-In accordance with its southerly position and the variety in its superficial configuration, Spain presents within its borders examples of every kind of climate to be found on the northern hemisphere, with the sole exception of that of the torrid zone.
Thus, for instance, they organized a police to clear the country of brigands, and attached a special jurisdiction to it, but they gave it the old name of Hermandad and the very superficial appearance of a voluntary association of the cities and the gentry.
Behind or superficial to this are placed the two strong tendons of the flexor muscles, the most superficial, or flexor perforatus (8) dividing to allow the other to pass through, and then inserted into the middle phalanx.
These structures are all enclosed in the middle subcorneous integument, a continuation of the ordinary skin of the limb, but extremely vascular, and having its superficial extent greatly increased by being developed into papillae or laminae.
Its duct leaves the inferior anterior angle, at first descends a little, and runs forward under cover of the rounded inferior border of the lower jaw, then curves up along the anterior margin of the masseter muscle, becoming superficial, pierces the buccinator, and enters the mouth by a simple aperture opposite the middle of the crown of the third premolar tooth.
The thick superficial coverings over the state make difficult the determination of the underlying strata.
The superficial Miocene and Pliocene deposits in the west, above referred to, are underlaid by the White river groups of the Oligocene, whose outcrops of Brule clay and Chadron formation also have been mentioned.
The tree-frogs, Hylidae, with which the arboreal Ranidae were formerly grouped, show in their anatomical structure a close resemblance to the toads, Bufonidae, and are therefore placed far away from the true frogs, however great the superficial resemblance between them.
The dorsal suture may be marked by a slight projection or by a superficial groove.
On the one hand, there is the mode of preservation which gives rise to casts, moulds and generally impressions, exhibiting the superficial features of the specimen.
On the flanks of the cushion, below the scar, are two superficial prints, perhaps comparable to lenticels.
Some examples of this genus, described by Etheridge from Permo-Carboniferous beds in New South Wales, differ in some respects from the ordinary form, and bear a superficial resemblance to the Equise nected with a lowering of temperature and the prevalence of glacial conditions over a wide area in India and the southern hemisphere.
This view has originated out of the very remarkable superficial resemblance between the Ichthyophis-larva and the Amphiuma.
The superficial, brilliant, pseudo-scientific Catholicism of the capital did not satisfy Renan, who had accepted the austere faith of his Breton masters.
Drugs acting on the blood vessels, which either dilate the vessels when taken internally or applied locally, or contract the superficial arterioles.
The term counterirritant is used when an irritant is applied to the skin for the purpose of relieving pain or congestion by dilating the superficial vessels.
It occurs in regions of granite, porphyry and syenite, and usually occupies funnelshaped cavities of no great superficial area, but of considerable depth.
The true brick-clays, however, are superficial deposits of Pleistocene or Quaternary age, and occur in hollows, filled-up lakes and deserted stream channels.
One man suffered superficial burns, rather than almost certain death had he still been holding the spike.
Despite recent superficial moves toward political reconciliation, Myanmar remains in the grip of a bloodstained corrupt military clique.
Primary outcomes were pain ten days after delivery and superficial dyspareunia three months postpartum.
The site of insertion of the needle is shown passing through the membranous layer of the superficial fascia.
But any such comparisons are very superficial and very glib.
This is acutely & chronically inflamed granulation tissue seen within the superficial and middle zone of the ulcer base.
Instead it combines both by focusing its satirical ire on the magazines that promote superficial celebrity culture.
In the second study the effect of Medilan Ultraâ¢, Super Refined ultra-pure medical grade lanolin, was evaluated on superficial wounds.
The Radiotherapy Department has eight linear accelerators and a Pantak superficial x-ray therapy unit.
We have a large collection of mouse mutants with well-characterised auditory defects but only a superficial study of their physiological responses to various stimuli.
It makes me feel terribly old-fashioned - superficial too, because I have never actually lived in the cities I have written about.
If they are superficial they can usually be easily palpated.
Nutrients pass from the underlying periosteum (superficial bony layer) through the cartilage matrix by diffusion, to reach the chondrocytes.
For example, lesions of canine superficial pyoderma (pustules) are most often seen on the ventral abdomen or medial thighs.
It was concluded that surgical correction of superficial venous reflux reduces 12-month ulcer recurrence.
Maybe they thought it was a volcanic lake due to the superficial resemblance.
The High Priestess Reversed The Priestess reversed represents uncontrolled sensuality, conceit and a willingness to accept the superficial.
Subrahmanyam M. (1998) ' A prospective randomized clinical and histological study of superficial burn wound healing with honey and silver sulfadiazine ' .
Life speeds up and mobility increases making even familial relationships more superficial and brief.
The sections are somewhat superficial, giving a flavor of the topic without very much content.
Without a comprehensive review of all the possible hypothetical outcomes Mr Nicholls suggests that her objection is purely superficial.
We are too apt to regard Beauty as a merely superficial thing, and do not realize all that it implies.
This fairly superficial survey was a great advance on previous knowledge.
A relatively superficial judgment might be simply to match the word with one that rhymes with it.
The whole exercise is rather superficial; there's an emphasis on quantity rather than quality of work, particularly at primary level.
But somehow, their crises seem superficial, their attitudes to them are soft and easy.
You may well feel that your knowledge or understanding of some or many of the topics remains frustratingly superficial.
There is clearly a risk that high speed reviewing becomes superficial.
At the danger of appearing superficial, I did put a lot of importance on looks.
For some educators, this would be considered superficial, but this only serves to point to the emphasis on interiority in pedagogical discourses.
If this is the case then this form of treatment cannot be seen as superficial.
Normally their valves should allow blood to flow only inwards from the superficial veins to the deep veins.
Superficial exuding wounds, for example donor sites, are also suitable for this therapy.
The finer mind of the nation, represented mainly by the prophets from Amos onward, had denounced unsparingly the superficial non-moral popular cult.
The interest passes from the bulky dense interior, with the elaborate features of its cell -walls, to the superficial parts, where its life is in evidence.
The study of the nature of these adaptations, which are often extremely subtle and by no means merely superficial, is termed Ecology (see above).
When he does venture upon more abstract criticism his standards are often commonplace and superficial, and the world scheme to which he relates events is less profound-than the thought of his time altogether warranted.
His eye rested only on superficial characteristics which have served to associate the name " Byzantine " with treachery, cruelty, bigotry and decadence.
The members of the order present the same wide range of superficial appearance as do the Pectinibranchiate Streptoneura, forms carrying well-developed spiral shells and large mantle-skirts being included in the group, together with flattened or cylindrical slug-like forms. But in respect of the substitution of other parts for the mantle-skirt and for the gill which the more degenerate Opisthobranchia exhibit, this order stands alone.
In details his argument is not free from sophistical subterfuges and superficial reasoning.3 1 Field, Origenis Hexaplorum quae supersunt (2 vols., Oxon., 1867-1874).
While some observers have studied in detail the structure and life-history of a few selected types (insect anatomy and development), others have made a more superficial examination of large series of insects to classify them and determine their relationships (systematic entomology), while others again have investigated the habits and life-relations of insects (insect bionomics).
The actual population of Syria is over 3,000,000, spread over a superficial area of about 600,000 sq.
On a superficial view this is a paradox, for there are many more violations of probability and much graver faults of structure in the later works than in the earlier.
Now it is probable that the main cause of oceanic circulation is the driving force of the winds upon the superficial layers of water; hence periodic and irregular changes in the direction and velocities of ocean currents are probably due to changes in atmospheric circulation traceable to changes in the quantities of heat absorbed from the sun by the earth's atmosphere.
There was also an astrological symbolism, but it was superficial, and of secondary importance.
Those who maintain that all these forms of synthesis are hasty and superficial stand by the conviction that the right philosophic attitude is to accept provisionally the main distinctions of common sense, above all the distinction of personal and impersonal; but to press forward to the underlying unity so far as experience and reflection justify.
A square is a superficial measurement, used chiefly for boarding, and contains Too sq.
There is no doubt much of valuable suggestion to be found in the philosophic system, or rather the conglomerate of systems, which pass to-day under the name of theosophy; and probably much has been done by means of its propaganda to popularize Eastern thought in the West, and in the East to reawaken a truer appreciation of its own philosophic treasures; but however that may be, the serious student would be well advised to seek his information and his inspiration from the fountain-heads of the theosophists' doctrines, which are all easily accessible in translations; and to avoid the confusions and errors of writers who in most cases have but a superficial if any knowledge of the original languages and systems from which their doctrine has been arbitrarily culled.
Moreover, sadhuism, by the multiplicity of the independent sects which have arisen in India, has engendered and favoured a spirit of tolerance which cannot escape the notice of the most superficial observer."An independent Saiva sect, or, indeed, the only strictly Saiva sect, are the Vira Saivas, more commonly called Lingayats (popularly Lingaits) or Lingavats, from their practice of wearing on their person a phallic emblem of Siva, made of copper or silver, and usually enclosed in a case suspended from the neck by a string.
The success of this policy was, however, only apparent, especially in Iran, the inhabitants of which adopted Islam only in the most superficial manner, and it was from Persia that the blow fell which destroyed the Omayyad caliphate and set up the Abbasids in its place (see CALIPHATE).
Its greatest length between the English Channel and the Atlantic Ocean is 250 kilometres (about 155 English miles), and its superficial extent is 30,000 sq.
The head of the family, Count Ilya Rostov, continually drove about the city collecting the current rumors from all sides and gave superficial and hasty orders at home about the preparations for their departure.
This is a tricky one, not helped by superficial similarities between names.
It has all the superficial appearance of a Kailyard novel and yet is a subtle subversion of that genre.
The author 's depiction of oppositional politics and dynamics in the nationalist community is superficial in the extreme.
But before they arrive a woman with a superficial resemblance to Charlotte arrives at his door.
Superficial thrombophlebitis is an inflammation of a vein just under the skin, usually in a leg.
The superficial people that we are concerned with the washboard tummy and unconcerned about function.
These days so many brides get caught up in the superficial aspects of implementing their dream weddings that they forget to focus on what's really important.
A small motor moves the needles up and down to penetrate and deposit ink in the superficial (epidermis) and middle (dermis) layers of the skin.
Some are superficial; others can make a game unchallenging and uninteresting.
They are also used to stop superficial bleeding by contracting the capillaries and for relief of conjunctivitis.
Eczema-A superficial type of inflammation of the skin that may be very itchy and weeping in the early stages; later, the affected skin becomes crusted, scaly, and thick.
Superficial staph infections can generally be cured by keeping the area clean, using soaps that leave a germ-killing film on the skin, and applying warm, moist compresses to the affected area for 20 to 30 minutes three or four times a day.
Pop Sugar has many of the same images as The Superficial does, but the bulk of the photos has increased from a mere four images to ten.
Some couples spend months or even years in this in-between place, which is often unfulfilling and superficial.
They select their close friends very carefully andgenerally prefer to keep things on a very superficial level with people.They carefully guard their close friendships.
Although the focus of the Barbie games available for free on the Barbie website may seem fairly superficial, girls enjoy playing them.
In today's consumer culture, there is a tremendous pressure to buy merchandise you can't afford and to define your sense of self-worth by superficial factors.
Tired of the superficial life, she wants to return home to her family home in Providence.
Small, superficial infections may be treatable with antibiotic creams.
Sometimes novelty watches are sold at a discount because of superficial damage.
People who have only a superficial knowledge of the diet's requirements assume followers don't eat these important foods.
Since dumbbell training exercises do not involve any superficial means of stabilization, the core muscles must be activated during performance.
The outer unit or superficial abdominal muscles are designed for flexing the spine.