Sundew Sentence Examples
The hollows, rich in S. cuspidatum, are occasionally fringed by great sundew Drosera anglica.
Thus Nepenthes secures a supply of nitrogenous food from the animal world in a manner somewhat similar to that adopted by the British sundew, butterwort, and other insectivorous plants.
The locally scarce oblong leaved sundew occurs on the site.
The North American Thread-leaved Sundew (D. filiformis) is a beautiful bog plant, with very long slender leaves covered with glandular hairs, the flowers purple-rose color, half an inch wide, and opening only in the sunshine.
Less common specialities of these boggy areas include bog pimpernel, bog asphodel, round-leaved sundew and pale butterwort.
Notable species include great sundew Drosera longifolia, S. pulchrum, S. imbricatum and S. fuscum.
When an insect lands on a sundew, its legs and wings get caught on the sticky tipped tentacles like flies on fly paper.
One sundew plant can catch as many as 2000 insects in one summer.
Caroline in Sundew Linen is a gorgeous floral in variegated russets and green set against a tan background.
Plants include mosses eg Sphagnum, cotton grass, purple moor grass, cranberry, marsh cinquefoil, marsh violet and round leaved sundew.
AdvertisementPlants such as heathers and bog asphodels can live in the bogs, aswell as the carnivorous plant sundew, which catches small insects.
Shallow pools have yet another sundew, along with spike rush, bog sedge, and the spectacular bogbean.
Sundew (Drosera) - Most interesting little bog plants, of which all the hardy species but one are natives of Britain.
This, like the excretion of the sundew and other insectivorous plants, contains a digestive ferment (or enzyme) which renders the nitrogenous substances of the body of the insect soluble, and capable of absorption by the leaf.