Sunburns Sentence Examples
Your toddler still may suffer from diaper rashes occasionally, but because she is more mobile, she is likely more at risk of sunburns.
Severe sunburns that occur when you are a child can increase your risk, as does prolonged exposure to these rays over the years.
It also contributes to sunburns and cataracts.
They cause the sunburns you can instantly see when you've spent too much time in the sun.
Sunburns may be avoided by the liberal use of a sunscreen containing either an opaque active ingredient such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide or a nonopaque active ingredient such as PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) or benzophenone.
It is estimated that one-half to three-quarters of an individual's total number of lifetime sunburns occur in childhood and adolescence.
Individuals at highest risk for developing melanoma are those who have intermittent severe (blistering) sunburns in youth or adolescence.
Extreme sunburns that blister may require treatment in a hospital burn unit and intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration.
Sunburns are a possibility, especially if you ignore our tanning tips.
In fact, the sunburns you experience as a child will greatly influence your chances of developing skin cancer as an adult.
AdvertisementIt's only the most common form of cancer, and most often occurs in adults who have spent a great deal of time in the sun and have experienced multiple sunburns.
When you're headed to the beach during the summer or when you are on vacation, sunburns from inadequate sunscreen application or beach gear can be a common occurrence and a true pain.
In recent years, many parents have been so afraid of sunburns that they slather their children with sunscreen, which blocks access to this important nutrient.
It's easy to get so caught up in painting that you fail to notice mosquito bites and sunburns.
Having bad sunburns during childhood increases your risk as an adult.
AdvertisementThe concentrated form, as well tea tree oil creams, can also be used to treat sunburns, insect bites, rashes, and minor burns.
Most people know this by now, but aloe vera works wonders on burns, including sunburns.
Many people falsely believe that sunburns are the cancer culprit.
You can keep your baby hydrated with a variety of fluids and protect their skin from distressing sunburns by applying a specially formulated sunscreen.
Save this one for soothing those nasty sunburns!
AdvertisementKnowing how to help sunburns is essential in finding relief from the damaging effects of the sun.
No matter how deep or fair your skin tone is, everyone is susceptible to sunburns.
Besides the uncomfortable and painful physical symptom of sunburns, there have been medical cases that have resulted in death or serious disability as a result of a serious burn.
How to help sunburns, whether preventing or treating, is important for your overall health and well-being when you expose yourself to the sunny skies.
Most sunburns cause a medical condition known as a first degree burn.
AdvertisementMost sunburns heal naturally within a week, but many linger on and remind us how painful unprotected exposure to the sun can be.
Children are especially at higher risk for sunburns, and protecting their delicate skin now will cut down on their risk of skin cancer later in life; multiple blistering sunburns during childhood increases the cancer risk as a person ages.
Sunburns can range from a very mild burn to severe "third degree" type of burns.
While hair suncreens can offer some protection against unwanted color fading and scalp sunburns, the best protection for the scalp and tresses will always be a large sun hat.
When treating mild sunburns, however, there are a few methods you can use.