Summation Sentence Examples
In such cases the immediate damage done may be slight; but the effects of prolonged action and the summation of numerous attacks at numerous points are often enormotis, certain of these leafdiseases costing millions sterling annually to some planting and agricultural communities.
The practical bearings of a science, it will be granted, are simply, as it were, the summation of its facts, with the legitimate conclusions from them, the natural application of the data ascertained, and have not necessarily any direct relationship to its pursuit.
The sign of summation X is used in cases where there are several absorption bands, and consequently several similar terms on the right-hand side, each with a different value of A m.
The relationship is expressed more exactly by Abel's summation formula.
This equation is generally true for any series of transformations, provided that we regard H and W as representing the algebraic sums of all the quantities of heat supplied to, and of work done by the body, heat taken from the body or work done on the body being reckoned negative in the summation.
The second is termed by Helmholtz the difference tone, and the third the summation tone.
A similar proof using discrete Abel summation delivers a variant of the theorem in terms of ls instead of li.
There's no question that this book represents the summation of Nabokov's career as a writer.
The judge gives a new final summation with quite a different slant.
Her actions are too contradictory to be able to provide a proper summation.
AdvertisementBut it's a perfect summation of the situation.
In conclusion, the best summation made of the trip had to be by Richard Owen of the Times.
The cross section is calculated by partial wave summation.
Is that a fair summation of what you were saying?
An approximation is proposed by truncating an infinite summation.
AdvertisementEach reduction rule contributes to the final summation formula by a numerical factor or by an additional summation variable.
For example, the summation of divergent series is of great importance in the large order perturbation theory of quantum mechanical systems.
Ice PR Ltd and the Funky Bunker Studios are the summation of a life hooked on music for JP.
Mike McCloskey wrote an excellent summation of last year 's event.
This is a great, great verse, verse 34, it is a summation of the work of Christ.
AdvertisementThere 's no question that this book represents the summation of Nabokov 's career as a writer.
But it 's a perfect summation of the situation.
Introduction of suffix notation and the summation convention including and.
Since is itself a summation function, our main objective, the prime number theorem, is a result of exactly this type.
Another aim will be to study some long standing problems of fluid dynamics by use of series summation methods.
AdvertisementY ...a n v, the summation being for all permutations of the n numbers, is called the determinant of the n 2 quantities.
Multiplying out the right-hand side and comparing coefficients X1 = (1)x1, X 2 = (2) x2+(12)x1, X3 = (3)x3+(21)x2x1+ (13)x1, X4 = (4) x 4+(31) x 3 x 1+(22) x 2+(212) x2x 1 +(14)x1, Pt P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 Xm=?i(m l m 2 m 3 ...)xmlxm2xm3..., the summation being for all partitions of m.
An application of the method is to the summation of a recurring series, i.e.
There is not much difficulty in detecting the difference tone by a resonator if it is held, say, close to the reeds of a harmonium, and Helmholtz succeeded in detecting the summation tone by the aid of a resonator.
But there is no doubt that it is very difficult to detect the summation tone by the ear, and many workers have doubted the possibility, notwithstanding the evidence of such an observer as Helmholtz.
The total shear at a b is S = R-E(W1+W2 ...) where the summation extends to all the loads to the left of the section.
The differences OD and DI are thus calculated, while the values of D(v) and I (v) are obtained by summation with the arithmometer, and entered in their respective columns.
In any region of velocity where it is possible to represent p with sufficient accuracy by an empirical formula composed of a single power of v, say v m, the integration can be effected which replaces the summation in (to), (16), and (24); and from an analysis of the Krupp experiments Colonel Zabudski found the most appropriate index m in a region of velocity as given in the following table, and the corresponding value of gp, denoted by f (v)or v m lk or its equivalent Cr, where r is the retardation.
On the other hand, Huxley's summation of the primitive characters of all the mammals led him to an amphibian stem type, a prophecy which has proved faulty because based on erroneous analysis and comparison.
Proceeding on this suggestion, and misled by the mathematical expression which he had given to Weber's law, Fechner held that a conscious sensation, like its stimulus, consists of units, or elements, by summation and increments of which conscious sensations and their differences are produced; so that consciousness, according to this unnecessary assumption, emerges from an integration of unconscious shocks or tremors.
When muscle that has remained inactive for some time is excited by a series of single and equal stimuli succeeding at intervals too prolonged to cause summation the succeeding contractions exhibit progressive increase up to a certain degree.
He was of the opinion that the summation of minute differences had played a preponderating if not exclusive part in the formation of species.
The total impulse in any finite interval of time is the integral of the impulses corresponding to the infinitesimal elements 3t into which the interval may be subdivided; the summation of which the integral is the limit is of course to be understood in the vectorial sense.
Removing the summation signs in equation (52) in order to restrict its application to two points and dividing by the common time interval during which the respective small displacements ds and ds were made, it becomes Pdsfdt = Rds/dt, that is, Pv = Rv, which shows that the force ratio is the inverse of the velocity ratio.
In strictness the angle is dependent upon the frequency, but if the dispersion be weak relatively to the double refraction, the product sin 24 - a)sin 2Ni - (3) has sensibly the same value for all terms of the summation, and we may write I=cos 2 (1 3 - a)/a 2 - sin 2 (1 ' - a) sin 2 (t ' - a 2 sin 2 2 This formula contains the whole theory of the colours of crystalline plates in polarized light.
Syllogism is simply summation of propositions, its function being communication merely.