Summary Sentence Examples
When I finished they turned to me for a summary.
The materials for the study of their institutions and population are abundant, but lend themselves to discussion rather than to a summary of admitted facts.
The history of the letters must be given in summary.
The brilliant summary of the historian Thucydides in the famous Funeral Speech of Pericles (delivered in 430), in which the social life, the institutions and the culture of his country are set forth as a model, gives a substantially true picture of Athens in its greatest days.
Modern mathematicians may find on reading this brilliant summary a good many dicta which they will call in question, but, whatever its defects may be, Peacock's report remains a work of permanent value.
This Austrian reformation was so typical of other changes elsewhere, and so expressive of the previous disabilities of the Jews, that, even in this rapid summary, space must be spared for some of the details supplied by Graetz.
Failure to comply with any of the rules renders a company " liable for each offence, on conviction under the Summary Jurisdiction Acts, to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds, or in the case of a continuing offence to a fine not exceeding ten pounds for every day during which the offence continues after conviction."
Mackinder in British Association Report (Ipswich), 18 95, p. 73 8, for a summary of German opinion, which has been expressed by many writers in a somewhat voluminous literature.
A summary of the operator precedence is given on page 18.
His Catena Aurea next appeared, which, under the form of a commentary on the Gospels, was really an exhaustive summary of the theological teaching of the greatest of the church fathers.
AdvertisementThe above summary gives, indeed, a very imperfect idea of the extent to which the remains of the great Minoan civilization are spread throughout the island.
Colour and Constitution.-In this article a summary of the theories which have been promoted in order to connect the colour of organic compounds with their constitution will be given, and the reader is referred to the article Colour for the physical explanation of this property, and to Vision for the physiological and psychological bearings.
In summary, treatment with RSG improved cardiac energetics by lowering plasma FFA and hs-CRP.
The chapter is now subdivided into 5 sections, each headed by a brief summary. · There are numerous additions.
It is a summary of the main areas covered by the Code.
AdvertisementIn summary, cycling progress by Scottish Councils is exceedingly patchy.
This Chapter provides a summary of the views expressed by the respondents.
The discharge summary should contain details of arrangements for follow up and management.
Jeffrey Bell, with an appendix by Garrod containing a summary of the latter's own continuation of the same line of research.
In the above sketch we have briefly treated the history of the main tendencies of our science from the earliest times to the Summary.
AdvertisementMinns, Scythians and Greeks (Cambridge, 1909), gives a summary of various opinions and a survey of the subject from all points of view.
The table has been adapted from the Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance of the United States, January 1907, prepared in the Bureau of Statistics, Treasury Department, Washington Government Printing Office, 1902.
His excellent summary of medieval French literature forms a volume of the Temple Primers.
A summary of so versatile a genius is impossible.
He was further entrusted by Augustus with a summary criminal jurisdiction over slaves and rioters, which was, however, gradually extended till in the time of Severus or even earlier it embraced all offences by whomsoever committed.
AdvertisementFor the loth, 1 1th and 12th centuries, a good summary will be found in Kate Norgate, England under the Angevin Kings (2 vols., London, 1887).
Lastly, the work of Celestin Port, Dictionnaire historique, geographique et biographique de Maine-etLoire (3 vols., Paris and Angers, 1874-1878), and its small volume of Preliminaires (including a summary of the history of Anjou), contain, in addition to the biographies of the chief counts of Anjou, a mass of information concerning everything connected with Angevin history.
It is useful, therefore, in a summary sketch of asceticism, to begin with the facts as they can be observed among less advanced races, or as mere survivals among people who have reached the level of genuine moral reflection; and from this basis to proceed to a consideration of self-denial consciously pursued as a method of ethical perfection.
In summary, the role of the service is to support fe and HE in all aspects of technology and disabilities and/or learning difficulties.
Here is a summary of how the UK goes about Presuming and establishing paternity.
The report concludes with an overview of other gaming platforms, and a summary of key points and trends to monitor.
Summary on the Fertility of the two Legitimate Unions, compared with that of the two Illegitimate Unions, in the genus primula.
The descriptions may require a summary of the contents of the retained material to assist the prosecutor to make an informed decision on disclosure.
He then goes on to provide an easily readable summary of sound advice on buying a home.
A summary report of a university research project report on " Criteria for Environmentally Responsible Tourism " has been published.
Please refer also to the ribavirin summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) when Pegasys is to be used in combination with ribavirin summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) when Pegasys is to be used in combination with ribavirin.
Summary flag 0 is given if all the cameras [PN,M1,M2] which detected the source have flag [1] T rue.
In summary, I found that Sylvie deserved all 4 standing ovations that she received.
Executive summary, featuring objectives, mission and keys to success.
Company summary, which also might show the management hierarchy.
Product or service summary, outlining the particular intent of the product or service.
Business activity summary, especially important if requesting larger funding.
It's advised to keep an outline, a summary and a full business plan on hand for review and reference.
When creating a business plan, determine how it will be in use, so that you can learn how to write an executive summary that fits those specific needs.
The account thus presented to us of what the previous confusion was, underlines and attests the summary exposition of it given in the last edition of this work.
The summary history given above of the origin of the system of taxation prevailing in Turkey explains how this came about.
Hertslet's Treaties Regulating the Trade, ez'c., between Great Britain and Turkey (London, 1875) presents a summary of all the principal treaties between Turkey and other states; see also Gabriel Effendi Noradounghian, Recueil d'actes internationaux de l'empire ottoman, 1300-1789, t.
The often-quoted Meddelelser om Gronland is of especial value; it is published in parts (Copenhagen) since 1879, and is chiefly written in Danish, but each part has a summary in French.
The following is a summary of the local budget of Cambodia The chief sources of revenue are the direct taxes, including the poll-tax and the taxes on the products of the soil, which together amounted to £172,636 in 1904.
Even in a brief summary of the war one salient fact is noticeable, that all Wellington's reverses were in connexion with his sieges, for which his means were never adequate.
It may be interesting to recall the account given in the first edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1771), which contained a summary of some of these various views (substantially repeated up to the publication of the eighth edition, 1853).
Summary of Results.-We will now give a short account of the results to which the foregoing processes lead.
Arsenius is said to have prepared from the decisions of the councils and the works of the Fathers a summary of divine laws under the title Synopsis Canonum.
The rock bas-reliefs and other monuments showing native divinities are rare, and give only very summary representations.
The results of their experiments embrace a multiplicity of details of which it is impossible to give an adequate summary.
As this struggle is of too complex a nature to be described in detail, we must limit ourselves to a summary of its leading episodes.
Thereupon the popular rulers avenged these misdeeds by many summary executions in the piazza.
Of these a brief summary, beginning with the department of general literature and passing on to history and science, is subjoined.
The other tract, known as Categoriae decem, and taken at first for a translation of Aristotle's treatise, is really a rapid summary of it, and certainly does not belong to Augustine.
A summary of them is annually published under the title Magyar statisztikai Evkonyo (Statistical Year-Book of Hungary).
The style is lucid and masterly, and the summary of astronomical history with which it terminates has been reckoned one of the masterpieces of the language.
The preceding summary shows the specialized 'nature which algebra has assumed since the 17th century.
The administration of the civil and criminal law involves frequent relations with medicine, and the professional subjects most likely to arise in that connexion, together with a summary of causes celebres, are formed into the department of Medical Jurisprudence.
In his Natural History we find as complete a summary of the popular medicine of his time as Celsus gives of the scientific medicine.
Our sole information concerning his life is found in the brief summary of Jerome, written more than four centuries after the poet's death.
Many legends are told of his military prowess, for which there is no space in this summary.
A summary of its chemical transformations may be given here, and reference should be made to the articles on the separate compounds for further details.
Sayce and P. Jensen alone have enlisted any large body of adherents; and the former, who has worked upon his system for thirty years and published in the Proceedings of the Society for Biblical Archaeology for 1907 a summary of his method and results, has proceeded on the more scientific plan.
This Arabic work has not been printed, but a summary of the contents is given by Nicoll in his catalogue of the Oriental MSS.
Judgment in matters concerning the Ordinamenti was delivered in a summary fashion without appeal.
It is a vast summary of all the natural history known to western Europe towards the middle of the 13th century.
The Speculum Doctrinale, in seventeen books and 2374 chapters, is a summary of all the scholastic knowledge of the age and does not confine itself to natural history.
As the fifteenth book of the Speculum Doctrinale is a summary of the Speculum Naturale, so the Speculum Historiale may be regarded as the expansion of the last book of the same work.
Moffat's Historical New Testament, 2nd ed., p. 589, contains a convenient summary of the evidence with copious bibliography.
A complete summary of the great developments of mathematical learning, which the members of this family effected, lies outside the scope of this notice.
The first type is in commonest use; since both necessitate the use of dense liquids, a summary of the media of most value, with their essential properties, will be given.
Such is a brief summary of the principal positions of Bruno's philosophy.
Franklin's work as a publisher is for the most part closely connected with his work in issuing the Gazette and Poor Richard's Almanack (a summary of the proverbs from which appeared in the number for 1758, and has often been reprinted - under such titles as Father Abraham's Speech, and The Way to Wealth).1 Of much of Franklin's work as an author something has already been said.
The list serves as an excellent summary of the evils of the papal monarchy as recognized by the unimpeachably orthodox.
Since 1885 a large expenditure has been incurred in the abolition of grade For a summary statement of state labour laws in the United States in 1903 see Bulletin 54 of the United States Bureau of Labor, September 1904; and for a summary of labour laws in force at the end of 1907 see 22nd Annual Report (for 1907) of the U.S. Commissioner of Labor (Washington, 1908).
The Catholic sovereigns, Ferdinand and Isabella, adapted an existing hermandad to the purpose of a general police acting under officials appointed by themselves, and endowed with large powers of summary jurisdiction even in capital cases.
A summary account is here given of the American aborigines, who are discussed in more detail under North American Indians.
A good summary of his position is found in his First Answer to Cardinal Perron, who had challenged James I.'s use of the title "Catholic."
It is a powerful defence as well as a valuable summary of the history of the established Church in England.
Kruger (1895, English translation 1897) is a very convenient summary.
The extracts were intended by Stobaeus for his son Septimius, and were preceded by a letter briefly explaining the purpose of the work and giving a summary of the contents.
From this summary (preserved in Photius's Bibliotheca) we learn that Stobaeus divided his work into four books and two volumes.
An excellent summary of Maine's principal writings may be seen in Sir Mountstuart Grant Duff's memoir.
For this slaughter Arthur took summary vengeance, slaying all the kinsfolk of the man who started the fight, and cutting off the noses of his women-folk.
The catechisms of Bellarmine (1603) and Bossuet (1687) had considerable vogue, and a summary of the former known as Schema de Parvo was sanctioned by the Vatican council of 1870.
C. Osburn a summary of those modifications of form to which aquatic life invariably leads.
He did not minutely analyse the doctrine of predestination as Luther, Calvin and Zwingli did, contenting himself with the summary "Our Salvation is of God, our perdition of ourselves."
In view, however, of the great interest excited by Schaudinn's work on avian parasites, as well as on account of the far-reaching importance of his conclusions to the study of the Haematozoa, a brief summary of his celebrated research is necessary.
He, moreover, sought in the events of his own life a verification of the theory of planetary influences; and it is to this practice that we owe the summary record of each year's occurrences which, continued almost to his death, affords for his biography a slight but sure foundation.
In 1810 Congress provided for such a report, but the results were so imperfect that there was never published any summary for the country, nor for any state.
This brief summary of the leading features of the Arthurian tradition will indicate with what confused and complex material we are here dealing.
Balfour, and a useful bibliographical summary, appeared in 1897-1898.
If a money-lender fails to register himself, or if he carries on a money-lending business otherwise than in his registered name, or in more names than one, or elsewhere than at his registered address, he is liable on summary conviction to a fine, not exceeding one hundred pounds.
This little collection of "Thoughts," written with wonderful vivacity, ingenuity and fervour, is the best summary of the author's social and economic programme, and contains some of his wisest and finest thoughts in the purest and most masculine English that he had at his command.
This tribunal goes back at least as far as the 14th century, but its activity had been reduced as a result of the more expeditious and summary, and less costly, procedure of the Congregations.
According to a summary furnished by Lieut.-Colonel Waddell (Lhasa and its Mysteries), the chief imports from China are silk, carpets, porcelain and tea-bricks.
For the conduct of Jackson in Florida, in the summary execution of Arbuthnot and Ambrister, he had only strong condemnation.
When both sat the court had summary criminal jurisdiction as regards all offences committed by knights, and generally as to military matters.
There is a summary of Rothpletz's results in American Naturalist (1891), xxv.
A few possible cases of aggressive mimicry are enumerated in the following summary of some of the recorded cases of mimicry in different classes of the animal kingdom; but the phenomenon is of comparatively rare occurrence, and the supposed instances may be susceptible of other interpretations, excluding them altogether from mimicry, or bringing them under the Batesian or Miillerian interpretation of the phenomenon.
Proclus, too, in his summary of the history of geometry before Euclid, which he probably derived from Eudemus of Rhodes, says that Thales, having visited Egypt, first brought the knowledge of geometry into Greece, Assyrian Discoveries, p. 409.
Cicero calls Ahala's deed a glorious one, but, whether Maelius entertained any ambitious projects or not, his summary execution was an act of murder, since by the Valerio-Horatian laws the dictator was bound to allow the right of appeal.
It will be of service, however, to attempt a summary of his treatment under these several heads, - the more so as almost all expositions of his philosophy are entirely defective in the account given of this essential portion.
The weak points in Hume's empiricism are so admirably realized Negative by the author himself that it is only fair to quote his own Negativ of summary in the Appendix to the Treatise.
It is apparent, even from the brief summary just given, that the importance of Hume in the history of philosophy consists in the vigour and logical exactness with which he develops a particular metaphysical view.
A summary and defence of the Sagesse, written shortly before his death, appeared in 1606.
A useful summary of it is found at the end of Israel Levi's article, "Sirach," in the Jewish Encyclopedia.
Tithes of small amount or due from Quakers could be recovered by summary proceedings before justices under statutes ranging from William III.
A summary of his philosophy is contained in his article "Metaphysics" in the 8th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (separately published, 1860).
In June he opene4 the diet at Augsburg, and here the Lutherans submitted a summary of their doctrines, afterwards called the Augsburg Confession.
On the 31st of October, then commanded by Joseph Fry, a former officer of the Federal and Confederate navies, and having a crew of fifty-two (chiefly Americans and Englishmen) and 103 passengers (mostly Cubans), she was captured off Morant Bay, Jamaica, by the Spanish vessel "Tornado," and was taken to Santiago, where, after a summary XXIV.
This narrative, as written out by Adamnan, was presented to Aldfrith the Wise, last of the great Northumbrian kings, at York about 701, and came to the knowledge of Bede, who inserted a brief summary of the same in his Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation, and also drew up a separate and longer digest which obtained great popularity throughout the middle ages as a standard guide-book (the so-called Libellus de locis sanctis) to the Holy Places of Syria.
From 1803 to 1806 he was editor of an ambitious periodical called the Literary Journal, which professed to give a summary view of all the leading departments of human knowledge.
Its interest is mainly historical, as an accurate summary of views which are now largely discarded.
For a fuller description of these social reforms, see the Jahrbuch fir Gesetzgebung (Leipzig, 1886, 1888 and 1894); also the annual summary of new laws in the Zeitschrift fur Staatswissenschaft (Stuttgart).
The eighth book contains a further summary of events down to 554.
There are courts of summary jurisdiction presided over by one judge, central tribunals (or courts of first instance) with three judges, and a court of appeal at Cairo.
A committee of judicial surveillance watches the working of the courts of first instance and the summary courts, and endeavours, by letters and discussions, to maintain purity and sound law.
The slate palettes in the form of animals are even more summary, and continuaily degraded until they lost all trace of their origin.
Neither they nor the lesser chiefs who flourished on the lack of common law and order could be reduced by ordinary methods, and the Councils of Wales and of the North were given summary powers derived from the Roman civil law similiar to those exercised by the Star Chamber at Westminster and the court of Castle Chamber at Dublin.
We append, however, again from the late Professor Weldon's article, a summary of the lines on which it seems possible that the actual process of selection may be demonstrated.
Such a summary must be better than any that could now be made.
The detail of these raids is quite beyond the compass of the present article, and a summary or synopsis must suffice.
As a part of English history it is, however, sufficiently known, and the briefest summary thereof must suffice.
Commerce.-A summary of import and export values of trade in the Persian Gulf, excluding Mohammerah and Basra, is appended.
Bushire, Hanjam, Bahrein, Abadan and Basra Summary showing Import and Export Values of Trade in the Persian Gulf (excluding Iraq and Arabistan) in two pre-war years and in the latest post-war year available.
To write a summary account of the life of Christ, though always involving a grave responsibility, was until recent years a comparatively straightforward task; for it was assumed that all that was needed, or could be offered, was a chronological outline based on a harmony of the four canonical Gospels.
It is but a brief summary of what He must have said; but we feel its strength.
External evidence for Palestine, in emphasizing the necessity for a reconsideration of the serious difficulties in the Old Testament, Summary and in illustrating at once its agreement and still more perplexing disagreement with contemporary conditions, furnishes a more striking proof of its uniqueness and of its permanent value.
That - in summary form - is the narrative of the the Great.
Brownson, collected and published his various political, religious, philosophical, scientific and literary writings, in twenty octavo volumes (Detroit, 1883-1887), of which a condensed summary appeared in a single volume, also prepared by his son, entitled Literary and Political Views (New York, 1893).
Tyrone and other Irish clan chieftains resented this summary interference with their ancient social organization, and their resistance was strengthened by the ill-advised measures against the Roman Catholics which Chichester was compelled to take by the orders of the English ministers.
The resolutions were published, however, as a pamphlet, entitled A Summary View of the Rights of America, which was widely circulated.
It placed Jefferson among the foremost leaders of revolution, and procured for him the honour of drafting, later, the Declaration of Independence, whose historical portions were, in large part, only a revised transcript of the Summary View.
Griesbach, and a summary of his researches will be found in Records of the Geological Survey of India, vol.
Of his published works the Review of the Life and Character of Archbishop Secker (London, 1770), and the Summary of the principal Evidences for the Truth and Divine Origin of the Christian Revelation (London, 1800), have passed through numerous editions.
The Summary Jurisdiction Acts, by which large numbers of minor offenders were discharged on bail, or subjected to fines or very brief terms of imprisonment, have also tended to diminish the prison population enormously.
B.-THE Omayyad Dynasty Summary of Preceding Movements.
Enough has been said to justify the great place assigned to Aristotle in the history of logic. Without pressing metaphysical formulae in logic proper, he analysed formal;implica tion, grounded implication as a mode of knowledge Summary.
Yet it is in the detail of his logical investigations, something too volatile to fix in summary, that Lotze's greatness as a logician more especially lies.
In 1869 Joseph Halevy brought back 1 See Berger's Histoire de l'ecriture dans l'antiquite, p. 252 ff.; Lidzbarski, Nordsemitische Epigraphik, p. 186 ff., from whom this summary is taken.
This list is probably by no means exhaustive, but it sufficiently indicates in a summary fashion the extent of that wave of diffusion which set in during the closing years of the 19th century.
The manner in which this subject is worked out will appear from the following summary in which we distinguish (I) the plot, i.e.
The order has been divided into seven tribes, of which a fuller summary than can here be given will be found in Stebbing, History of Crustacea (1893).
Following this summary philosophy come the sciences proper, rising like a pyramid in successive stages, the lowest floor being occupied by natural history or experience, the second by physics, the third, which is next the peak of unity, by metaphysics.
Robertson (London, 1905); besides the original introductions, it contains a useful summary by the editor of the various problems of Bacon's life and thought.
Engel, Kypros (Berlin, 1841), gives a good summary of the ancient history of the island.
The latter prepared a great summary of all Jewish religious and civil law, the standard work upon which Christian theologians from the 16th century onwards based their studies - and also their criticisms - of early Rabbinism.
Lichtenstein long ago remarked' that if it 1 A good summary of the present distribution is contained in the Ostriches and Ostrich Farming of De Mosenthal and Harting, from which the accompanying figure is, with permission, taken.
For an exhaustive summary of all that has been written on the subject the reader may consult Bd.
In criminal cases the dispensation of justice is always summary, and, when the offence is small, the whole procedure, including the examination of witnesses and criminal, as well as the decision and the punishment, a bastinado, is a matter of some minutes.
Various summary powers for dealing with street and other offences were conferred.
The lessons read at the third nocturn are patristic homilies on the Gospels, and together form a rough summary of theological instruction.
Although Butler's work is peculiarly one of those which ought not to be exhibited in outline, for its strength lies in the organic completeness with which the details are wrought into the whole argument, yet a summary of his results will throw more light on the method than any description can.
The statement that he continued to write satires long before he gave them to the world accords well with the nature of their contents and the elaborate character of their composition, and might almost be inferred from the emphatic but yet guarded statement of Quintilian in his short summary of Roman literature.
For a summary of these investigations see papers on "Artificial Fish-hatching in Norway," by Captain Dannevig and Mr Dahl, in the Report of the Lancashire Sea Fisheries Laboratory for 1906 (Liverpool, 1907).
A summary of dispositions, movements, and events will be found in Hazell's Annual, 1914, pp. 369-71.
Before passing on to a summary of the deistic position, it is necessary to say something of the views of Conyers Middleton, who, though he never actually severed himself from orthodoxy, yet advanced theories closely analogous to those of the deists.
The character of this talisman or relic varies greatly, as will be seen from the following summary.
Aske and other leaders were tried and executed, and summary vengeance was wreaked on the northern counties, especially on the monasteries.
The story cannot be omitted in the most summary account of Burke's life.
Legler's Leading Events in Wisconsin History (Milwaukee, 1898), a good brief summary, are other single-volume works covering the entire period of the state's history.
The Church's first creed had been " the Fatherhood of God and the Messiahship of Jesus " (A Ritschl); but the " Rule of Faith " (Irenaeus; Tertullian, who uses the exact expression; Origen)- that summary of religiously important facts which was meant to ward off error without reliance on speculations such as the Logos doctrine - built itself up along the lines of the baptismal formula of Matt.
He does not contrast the Christian outlook upon ethics with all others, but dwells chiefly upon the supereminence of the Ten Commandments as a summary of duty.
In spite of what may be deemed eccentric in this standpoint, Schleiermacher's summary is full of interest.
He attempts, however, to show, in a summary way, that all the duties which his moral theory recommends are also " the true interest of the individual," - taking into account the importance to his happiness of " peaceful reflection on one's own conduct."
Plunkett, Ireland in the New Century (London, 1905); Filson Young, Ireland at the Cross-Roads (London, 1904); Thom's Almanac, published annually in Dublin, gives a very useful summary of statistics and other information.
A similar conquest of the northern Canaanites follows (xi.), and the first part of the book concludes with a summary of the results of the Israelite invasion (xii.).
If, however, we take the true view of the major premise, namely, that it is not a mere summary of observed particulars but the enunciation of a necessary connexion between two concepts or universals, then the conclusion assumes a different character.
Thus the book of Genesis represents the result of efforts to systematize the earliest history, and to make it a worthy prelude to the Mosaic legislation which formed the charter of Summary.
The brief summary of his achievements preserved in 2 Kings xiv.
The relation of the ellipse to the other conic sections is treated in the articles Conic Section and Geometry; in this article a summary of the properties of the curve will be given.
Consult also P. C. Meyer, Erforschungsgeschichte and Staatenbildungen des Westsudan (Gotha, 1897), an admirable summary with bibliography and maps; Karl Kumm, The Sudan (London, 1907); Lady Lugard, A Tropical Dependency (London, 1905); and the bibliographies given under the various countries named.
As a substantive and pronounced minnit the word (usually in the plural) is applied to a written summary of the transactions of a meeting of a public or other body, or to a memorandum of instructions, &c. A Treasury minute in the United Kingdom is an official memorandum authorizing certain procedure.
The first four books, of which the first three are dedicated to Eudemus, a pupil of Aristotle and author of the original Eudemian Summary, contain little that is original, and are principally based on the earlier works of Menaechmus, Aristaeus (probably a senior contemporary of Euclid, flourishing about a century later than Menaechmus), Euclid and Archimedes.
This summary gives a picture of Saul's ability and position which differs so markedly from the subsequent more extensive narratives of David's history that its genuineness has sometimes been questioned; nevertheless it is substantiated by the old poem quoted from the Book of Jashar in 2 Sam.
For an exposition of his religious position, 3 The summary given above is condensed from the translation by Dr Grierson, at pp. 229-236 of the Indian Antiquary, vol.
The Old Hall, or manor house of the Asshetons, remains in an altered form, with an ancient prison adjoining, and the name of Gallows Meadow, still preserved, recalls the summary execution of justice by the lords of the manor.
The following brief summary of what takes place in the plant-louse of the rose (Aphis rosae), may be regarded as typical of the family, though exceptions occur in other species.
They extend back through the Devonian, possibly to the Silurian system, but the systematic summary now to be given is based primarily on the rich materials afforded by the Carboniferous and Permian formations, from which our detailed knowledge of Palaeozoic plants has been chiefly derived.
Our aim is not simply to give a summary of the most striking botanical features of the several floras that have left traces in the sedimentary rocks, but rather to attempt to follow the different phases in the development of the vegetation of the world, as expressed in the contrasts exhibited by a comparison of the vegetation of the Coal period forests with that of the succeeding Mesozoic era up to the close of the Wealden period.
A summary of early results as to these mounds was published by Munro (Lake Dwellings) in 1890, but scientific investigation really began only with the excavation of the terramara at Castellazzo di Fontanellato (province of Parma) in 1889.
In an old fashioned Mead black marble composition book, secured with a rubber band, I found what I believed to be a summary of all those settings.
He mumbled a summary of his interview with the high school lover who'd lodged in the next room.
In Scotland, the maximum fine on summary conviction is £40,000, or an unlimited fine on conviction on indictment.
The summary showed an emphasis on sustainability.
The plot summary leaves a lot to be desired!
An NPL Rotating wheel abrasion Test Summary This measurement note describes the development of a rotating wheel abrasion test system.
First, I give a summary of the abreaction of guilt so that I can compare it to the abreaction of narcissism.
A weather summary for the cropping year, and background information on arable crop agronomy are also provided.
General Summary The first jet aircraft to fly was a german aircraft in 1939.
In Chapter 2. we give a short summary of parts of the theory of quantized enveloping algebras.
The summary, main report and statistical annexes can be downloaded below.
Table 2. Summary of the impacts appraised by policy makers.
Summary Option 4 scored highest in the options appraised.
The summary of this Anglican position was given by a former archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffrey Fisher.
Title of Research Mechanisms of articular cartilage repair Summary of Research The articular cartilage repair Summary of Research The articular cartilage has a limited capacity for spontaneous repair.
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Summary At room temperature, solid aluminum chloride has an ionic lattice with a lot of covalent character.
Next, a summary of the three aforementioned papers related to asynchronous circuits is included.
Processes and fuels used to produce cement clinker are characterized prior to a summary of regional trends in cement production.
Publishing a single page summary of the document describing the purpose and content of the RES was suggested to make it more easily communicable.
Results A summary of the concentrations of pulegone and menthol found in mint confectionery and other mint products is given in Table 1.
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The maximum penalty on summary conviction is currently £ 20,000.
Summary The shape of indifference curves depends upon the preferences of the individual.
They also provide a summary of departments ' staff development strategies.
In certain circumstances other matters not listed above may also be considered serious enough to warrant summary dismissal.
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Download Summary For more information please download Summary For more information please download the summary of the full document.
Top of Page Summary of these two needs The need for social approval has the emotional dynamic of jealousy (self-pity mode ).
So it certainly deserves close attention and I have made a complete summary of it for my own edification.
Summary report Accommodating but not effusive is the standard approach if your turn up with children.
Summary St Mwrog's church occupies an eminence projecting into a valley less than one mile south of Ruthin.
Summary report The malaria endemic in Africa is a more dangerous strain than that in Asia.
Hydrological Summary for May 2000 The very episodic weather patterns, which have typified the year thus far, continued in May.
Print a summary of tilde escapes, paged through the command specified by the PAGER variable.
A brief summary of the manufacture of ethanol Ethanol is manufactured by reacting ethene with steam.
They have a choice between a slow death and summary execution.
In Scotland, the maximum fine on summary conviction is £ 40,000, or an unlimited fine on conviction on indictment.
This summary gives a description of VoIP along with future trends, ROI, hot questions and gas forklift more... .
They also often contain a summary of procedures undertaken and advice for discharge for the patient's general practitioner or family doctor.
Summary Many problems in environmental geochemistry require the development of an understanding of processes at an atomistic level.
There is also a rather glaring omission from the reference cards that would have assisted greatly in learning the game â a turn summary.
The summary below outlines the features, advantages and benefits of hth calcium hypochlorite in comparison to sodium hypochlorite.
Project Summary Adhesion is directly or indirectly implicated in many types of coating failure.
Summary An indifference curve is a locus of points about which the individual feels indifferent.
If the average person had shown such ineptitude at work they would probably have faced summary dismissal.
Summary Taken together, these four elements of managerialism are deeply inimical to the role of the professional.
He also said that summary guidance concerning the Code had now been placed on the departmental intranet.
For good measure, they have agreed they will submit to applications for summary judgment.
In order to remove a summary conviction, it was necessary to serve notice both on the convicting magistrate and on the informer.
Larger summary lists are made more manageable by our range of'Sort Order' buttons.
You can suppress the summary for a program run interactively with -NOSUM Mary for a program run interactively with -NOSUM mary.
Obtain our summary of existing Medicaid usually a company.
A summary of new model came quot miller says.
It includes a summary account of basic neuroanatomy and physiology, as well as clinical information.
The summary information gives an at-a-glance overview of the contents of each PDB entry including numbers of protein chains, ligands, metal ions.
Welconstruct Terms & Conditions The following paragraphs are a summary of our terms and conditions.
Executive Summary 1.1 peanut allergic individuals can undergo a severe, life-threatening reaction following exposure to peanut allergens.
The summary records that the literature search did not find any studies addressing the effectiveness of an outpatient physiotherapy service for low back pain.
The third section, everything after the line " --- mango ping statistics --- ", shows a summary of the results.
A Summary Valuation was issued to most ratepayers in October 2004.
A summary oil seep diagram can be found here.
The Claimants ' suit was therefore time-barred and summary judgment was entered in favor of the defendant shipowners.
In summary then, Red Dead Revolver is your standard third-person shooter with a lot of frills that amount to very little.
Until he uses his own summary tables and sees the snags he may not fully appreciate the important lessons to be learned.
Older issues may be in the closed stack and are referred to in the Subscription Summary.
Summary In this brief article, I have tried to highlight basic parameters and options usable for configuring subversion with or without Apache.
Solu-Cortef 100mg (hydrocortisone sodium succinate) INFORMATION FOR PATIENT This leaflet is a summary of information about Solu-Cortef.
His page provides a very succinct summary of legal developments in Scotland each month.
You can download a full report of the seminar proceedings in Adobe Acrobat format, or read the summary below.
Future releases of the manual will contain the summary of the results.
An HTML version of the executive summary is also now available.
A concise summary of the Belbin team roles is given.
It is hoped that the England Council will produce a succinct summary, based on the discussions that have occurred.
I have included a very short summary of each item indicating its main points of interest.
Can you give me a quick summary of the whole process?
A one- or two-paragraph summary plus URL gets you a better announcement than an entire press release.
The spelling in the plot summary leaves a lot to be desired!
It sued the parent company and the two directors and sought summary judgment.
Summary I've barely begun to scratch the surface of Perl here.
Appendix 1 provides a summary of the features of a number of current systems.
Chart summary by taxon group This shows a graphical summary of the number of species recorded for each taxon group This shows a graphical summary of the number of species recorded for each taxonomic group.
The web pages include a summary of ophthalmology programs and services including experimental therapeutics.
Back Summary of cases All 6 analyzed cases had had previous pregnancies, none complicated by clinically apparent neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT ).
Our approach to summarization is based on a speech-recognized transcript of the voicemail message, from which a set of summary words is extracted.
Work may be plagiarized if it consists of close paraphrase or unacknowledged summary of a source, as well as word-for-word transcription.
Projects include annotated translation, text preparation and summary writing.
In summary, in-vitro studies indicate that trichloroethylene has some mutagenic potential.
In the context of these summary affairs, Haig's approval of Morris's execution would have been relatively unexceptional.
On the left hand side is the list of mail folders in your account, along with a summary of your disk usage.
Broadly, the VOA would provide summary valuations in hard copy or electronic form wherever possible.
Method summary void append (View v) Appends a single child view.
In summary - DON'Ts Don't try to pick up a hamster that is asleep or has just wakened.
His ideas and experiments on the nature of minerals and other substances are voluminously set forth in his Physica Subterranea (Frankfort, 1669); an edition of this, published at Leipzig in 1703, contains two supplements (Experimentum chymicum novum and Demonstratio Philosophica), proving the truth and possibility of transmuting metals, Experimentum novum ac curiosum de minera arenaria perpetua, the paper on timepieces already mentioned and also Specimen Becherianum, a summary of his doctrines by Stahl, who in the preface acknowledges indebtedness to him in the words Becheriana sunt quae profero.
But the Canon of Avicenna is distinguished from the Al-Hawi (Continens) or Summary of Rhazes by its greater method, due perhaps to the logical studies of the former, and entitling him to his surname of Prince of the Physicians.
There are (I) the maison darrlt, temporary places of durance in every arrondissement for persons charged with offences, and those sentenced to more than a years imprisonment who are awaiting transfer to a maison centrale; (2) the maison de justice, often part and parcel of the former, but only existing in the assize court towns for the safe custody of those tried or condemned at the assizes; (3) departmental prisons, or inaisons de correction, for summary convictions, or those sentenced to less than a year, or, if provided with sufficient cells, those amenable to separate confinement; (4) maisons centrales and pnitenciers agricoles, for all sentenced to imprisonment for more than a year, or to hard labor, or to those condemned to travaux forces for offences committed in prison.
A summary of recent critical works bearing on the text and interpretation is given by Seyffert in his admirable reports (in Bursian's Jahresberichte fiber die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft), 1883-1885, 1886-1889, 1890-1894, continued by Lindsay, 18 951906.
Its organization was spread all over Russia; its procedure was secret and summary (transportation by administrative order); and, its instruments being for the most part ignorant and largely corrupt, its victims were counted by thousands.
Stolypin's little daughters; but the mass of the nation and of the army remained wholly unmoved, while the repetition of troubles was made more difficult by the establishment of field courts martial with summary powers.
Pessimism and optimism have, however, been expressed in systematic philosophical forms, a brief summary only of which need here be given.
On the other hand Oken (Isis, 1842, pp. 39 1 -394), though giving a summary of Nitzsch's results and classification, was more sparing of his praise, and prefaced his remarks by asserting that he could not refrain from laughter when he looked at the plates in Nitzsch's work, since they reminded him of the plucked fowls hanging in a poulterer's shop, and goes on to say that, as the author always had the luck to engage in researches of which nobody thought, so had he the luck to print them where nobody sought them.
Jeffrey Bell, with an appendix by Garrod containing a summary of the latter's own continuation of the same line of research.'
In the summary of this part, contained in the Opus Tertium, Bacon shows very clearly his perception of the unity of science and the necessity of encyclopaedic treatment.
In this summary the leading factors which have contributed to a correct appreciation of organic compounds have so far been considered historically, but instead of continuing this method it has been thought advisable to present an epitome of present-day conclusions, not chronologically, but as exhibiting the principles and subject-matter of our science.
Only a reference can be made in this summary to the many fields in which analytical chemistry has been developed.
For further information see " The Penal Laws affecting Early Friends in England " (from which the foregoing summary is taken) by Wm.
Fleming, Magnets and Electric Currents (London, 1898); C. Maurain, Le magnetisme du fer (Paris, 1899; a lucid summary of the principal facts and laws, with special regard to their practical application); Rapports presentes au Congrks international de physique, vol.
C. Burkitt has shown it to be probable that the preaching of Christianity at Edessa reaches back to the middle of the 2nd century or even to about the year 135.3 The Syriac versions of the Bible are treated elsewhere (see Bible) and may here be dismissed with a brief summary of facts and opinions.
The ghastly roll of infantile mortality was quickly purged of its darkest features (Ballard and others); aided by bacteriology, sanitary measures attained some considerable degree of exactness; public medicine gained such an ascendancy that special training and diplomas were offered at universities; and in 1875 a consolidated act was passed for the United Kingdom establishing medical officers of health, and responsible lay sanitary authorities, with no inconsiderable powers of enforcing the means of public health in rural, urban, port and other jurisdictions, with summary methods of procedure.
The supply of gold, and also its relation to the supply of silver, has, among civilized nations, always been of paramount importance in the economic questions concerning money (see Money and Bimetallism); in this article a summary of the modern gold-producing areas will be given, and for further details reference should be made to the articles on the localities named.
To this summary of doctrine should be added the dogmas of the immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin declared in 1854, and of papal infallibility decreed by the Vatican council of 1870.
Thus the noun is used for a summary, compendium or epitome of a larger work, the gist of which is given in a concentrated form.
The sketch given below of the evolution of the Christian Church (see Church) may well be prefaced by a summary of the history of the great Church historians, concerning whom fuller details are given in separate articles.
The pope followed up this breve by appointing a congregation of cardinals to take possession of the temporalities of the Society, and armed it with summary powers against all who should attempt to retain or conceal any of the property.
A very complete summary of the traditions will be found in Lincke, " Assyrien and Nineveh," in Geschichte and Sage der Mittelmeervolker nach 607-606.
See for the former the excellent summary of Scharer, Geschichte des jiidischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi, 3rd ed., vol.
A tabular summary is given (see Tables I., II., III., IV.) of the requirements of the secondary school-leaving examinations of France, Prussia (for the nine-year secondary schools) and Scotland, and of the university of London.
The chief work of Severus is the Chronica (c. 403), a summary of sacred history from the beginning of the world to his own times, with the omission of the events recorded in the Gospels and the Acts, "lest the form of his brief work should detract from the honour due to those events."
Under the Highway Acts it is enforceable by summary proceedings before justices and by orders of the county council, but in either case, if the liability to repair is disputed, that question has to be decided on indictment preferred against the highway authority alleged to be in default.
Tso never challenges the text of the master as being incorrect, yet he does not warp or modify his own narratives to make them square with it; and the astounding fact is, that when we compare the events with the summary of them, we must pronounce the latter misleading in the extreme.
The glacial geology, with a summary of the literature thereon, is described by the same writer in the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, 1904, vol.
This is the effect of putting it all in a summary.
Attached in the appendices are a species recording sheet, a summary of site visits and information on the features of ranunculus bulbosus.
A more detailed summary is available in the rapporteurs ' report.
Method Summary WritableRaster createCompatibleDestRaster (Raster src) Creates a zeroed destination Raster with the correct size and number of bands.
At the end of the presentation, the summary provides a way to recapitulate the main points you 've made.
Summary St Mary 's church at Builth Wells lies close to the River Wye in a large rectilinear churchyard.
The first part is devoted to a summary of how relativity theories were born.
For each presentation, the relators used and the summary result line are printed by ACE.
Summary A great introduction to North American birding at a (fairly) relaxed pace.
The window dressing returns in the middle, but the summary of priorities reveals the truth.
Please refer also to the ribavirin Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) when Pegasys is to be used in combination with ribavirin.
In this summary I want to concentrate mainly on the excavations in the roundhouse interior.
For the sake of clarity I give the following summary of the events in the case.
The figure below gives a summary of primary tumor site in a series of over 900 people diagnosed with Ewing 's sarcoma of bone.
Summary I 've barely begun to scratch the surface of Perl here.
Plain English Summary Antenatal screening for haemoglobinopathies (thalassaemia and sickle cell disease) has been available since the 1970s.
Summary Spent £ 61.50, saw 7 more shows.
Summary statistics reports can also be received by e-mail daily, weekly or monthly.
Summary In this brief article, I have tried to highlight basic parameters and options usable for configuring Subversion with or without Apache.
Table 1, below, offers a succinct summary of what not to do.
Summary These proposals attempt to address the sufficiency of representation information, both at the point of ingest, and throughout long-term preservation.
A summary of the findings from these earlier studies is given below.
The LCD would provide a summary of responses by the end of March.
Summary Executions Mass executions continue to be reported by Kosovar Albanian refugees throughout the province.
Updated summary report on the progress of the lexicon.
Accordingly, Moran 's summary judgment motion dismissing Stevens ' claim holding Moran liable for the acts of docking pilot Russell was granted.
See risk category for common breaches set out in the tabular summary above.
Members requested that a summary of relevant completed and on going studies be tabulated for ease of reference.
Chart summary by taxon group This shows a graphical summary of the number of species recorded for each taxonomic group.
A consultation document on the proposal to impose fixed penalty notices for summary wireless telegraphy act 1949 offenses.
Back Summary of cases All 6 analyzed cases had had previous pregnancies, none complicated by clinically apparent neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT).
Summary Lupus causes troublesome symptoms rather than serious problems in most people.
In the context of these summary affairs, Haig 's approval of Morris 's execution would have been relatively unexceptional.
In a sweeping summary, he said the Protocol would " not improve our ability to verify compliance ".
Method Summary void append (View v) Appends a single child view.
In summary - DON'Ts Do n't try to pick up a hamster that is asleep or has just wakened.
Just below your weekly summary you will find when you weigh-in day is due.
In summary, GSL uses many C features which do not extend naturally to a wrapper routine for Fortran.
Get a summary of features you may not be aware of.
A reliable site will email you a summary of your order and the amount you paid.
Review Gist claims to read all of a product's reviews published elsewhere, and comes up with an average rating and short summary review.
With this program you will also have access to the Global Assist Hotline, an End of Year Summary of Charges, and many other helpful tools.
View a summary of earned and redeemed rewards points for any Chase rewards cards.
Such reports will provide a summary of your personal information, as well as other details such as whether there are any negatives on your report and the total balance owed.
It also offers discounts on purchase from pre-approved merchants and provides users with a year-end summary of all expenses.
One way to do this is by filing a Joint Petition for Summary Dissolution of Marriage.
It will contain a summary of every agreement the couple reached throughout the mediation process.
According to their research summary, acai demonstrates some ability in laboratory studies to scavenge free radicals.
This is just a brief summary of complicated tasks that are involved in planning and carrying out a commercial design project.
Tooth Whitening - a brief summary of the different methods to whiten your teeth.
In summary, this teeth whitening product does a decent job for the price.
When your door is closed, if an employee has an urgent matter to discuss, ask them to slip a red envelope under your door with a basic summary of the issue.
Speeches should contain a thank you to friends, family and guests, a summary of your relationship with the couple and wishes for their continued happiness and success.
Of course, no summary of her career would be complete without mentioning Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease, the phenomenally popular series of workout DVDs for women who aspire to mimic her sexy moves.
For each celebrity listed on the site, you'll find a summary of the cause of death as well as a brief biography.
For detailed information, be sure to read the summary of the Consumer Product Safety Commission's sleepwear regulations.
The gist of the summary states, however, that sleepwear should self-extinguish for children who are aged nine months and older.
Practice helps you create the perfect summary of your qualifications.
If reading isn't your style, the monthly JCSM podcast features reviews of certain articles published that month, and is another great way to get a brief summary of some of the newest findings in sleep medicine.
That said, you usually get pros, cons, and a summary from someone who really knows their phone.
If you experience any problems with iTunes or syncing your iPhone, click the restore icon on your iTunes summary screen.
In summary, the answer to the question "What is a smartphone?" is that a smartphone is a phone with powerful capabilities that are very similar to those found on a home computer.
Budget-A summary of income (allowance) and expenses (spending) for a given period of time.
At the end of each part, there is a summary to give you an overview of what you read and to help you to implement a successful classical method in your home.
They offer a wealth of information including a state-by-state summary of laws.
Looking over a summary may offer you a mental checklist to consult before jumping into the sales world unprepared.
The job summary portion of the description is a brief statement outlining what the person holding that position is expected to do.
After that, enter your education, more availability questions, job specific questions, and check over the summary.
You should receive a detailed escrow account summary once or twice a year from your mortgage company, and this should detail any interest paid.
If you can't locate this summary then call your mortgage company and ask to speak to the servicing department.
In summary, it is an individual decision whether or not to continue conception attempts when a vaginal yeast infection is present.
A national summary has also been posted on the CDC web site.
The report includes a free summary section describing what probiotics are and general results of their testing.
Nothing feels more summary and flirty than petite summer dresses, and petite, regardless of dress size, is defined as anyone under 5'4".
In summary, the leading bagless vacuum released 175,928 lung-damaging particles per minute versus Miele.
When you're ready, make a brief summary or plot outline for your game.
On the back of each card is the detail of the charity along with a brief summary of the eco friendly details.
On the back of each greeting cards is a logo of the charity and summary about them.
Here's a summary of online adult dating and a quick look at some of the popular sites.
Summary - At the end of the letter, you should write a summary outlining your emotions or feelings.
A book review is a summary of a book you have read, whether it be fiction or nonfiction.
A book review is not just a summary or a book report as one would do for a class in school.
Contact the editor or section editor at your local newspaper with writing samples and a summary of your availability.
For example, if the day happens to be June 8, you may see a short summary about what Kanye West (a popular rap artist) can expect for his upcoming year.
It's a short clip of an upcoming film that includes a brief summary of the movie's plot and shows a few suspenseful scenes.
The trailers for these movies are more than just a preview or a plot summary; they are a chance to see what changes are made from the book to adapt it to the silver screen.
Well this link gives you a short summary of the film, so that you are all caught up when you arrive at the movie theater.
Whether you're struggling through an English literature course or in need of assistance understanding your book club's latest selection, a free summary of a book can be a helpful resource.
Many students use a free summary of a book as a valuable study guide for serious literature.
If you're having trouble understanding the plot of the book, a summary can help you keep track of important points.
However, using a free summary of a book is not without its pitfalls.
Relying heavily on a free summary may reduce your motivation to read the book.
The interpretation of literature is highly subjective, so a summary only provides one possible outlook on the topic.
It can be difficult to determine the qualifications of the person who prepared the summary.
SparkNotes free study guides offer a plot overview, character analysis, theme interpretation, and a comprehensive summary broken down by chapter.
Pink Monkey's study guides are fairly typical in that they offer a detailed summary by chapter, as well as character descriptions and theme analysis.
The summary may just peak your interest in reading the book from cover-to-cover.
A summary for both options is also given.
Just remember when using coupon codes from the aforementioned websites it is important to review your order summary page prior to checkout to ensure that your discount was taken off.
You can do so by viewing the order summary page prior to checkout.
The archive is kept up to date so if you are looking for a summary from a couple of weeks ago, you can find it with a couple of clicks.
You have to find one that meets all your needs and not just the summary of the episode.
Each episode includes a summary of all the plot action that happened that week, and you can use a simple calendar view to see a month at a time.
A soap opera summary encapsulates the events of an episode, a week or a storyline.
Scanning a summary can let you know what you missed so that when you tune in again, you're caught up.
Each summary includes a full accounting of episode details and a short snippet about what is coming next.
Here is a basic summary of both viewpoints.
The printable trip summary also includes options for additional details, such as places to stay and things to do.
In this article features the two women's lines as well as a summary of what else Seiko has to offer.
Then, it will provide a summary of your excursion and a calorie count.
Here is a general summary on autism research as well as how to find research information.
It should include the date the company was founded, number of employees it has, facilities, the names and addresses of any subsidiary or otherwise related companies, banking information and a summary of the company's five-year plan.
The Summary of Qualifications allows Rogers's key attributes to be seen at a glance.
You should consider projected earnings, a budget plan, a summary of month-to-month operations for the first year and a three-year plan projecting earnings and expenditures.
If you're looking for financing for an existing or soon to be launched business, you will need a business plan outline or summary to present to prospective investors, venture capitalists, or lender.
If it's a complex topic extending into multiple pages, still keep the language as direct as possible, add headings or bullets to guide the reader and conclude with a summary paragraph of key points.
If you decide to include this summary in your own resume, be conscious of keywords in case an employer scans the resume electronically for future reference.
A student resume is written to help procure an entry level position or internship and is often written using a summary rather than a resume objective statement.
Once you've written your summary or objective, what's next?
By examining functional summary resume examples, job seekers can pick up tips on how to create an excellent functional resume.
Here are two functional summary resume examples, focusing on the qualifications summary.
There are many examples in both books and on the Internet of functionary summary resumes.
Brand Yourself suggests using a functional summary format to create your own personal brand.
Job Star includes a great functional summary resume for a sales person.
Decide on your format, headings, and design then compose a cover letter, followed by a compelling objective, irresistible summary of qualifications, and the icing on the cake - the detailed evidence to back it all up!
The summary of qualifications is the section that seals the deal!
Your summary examines who you are and what you can do in a way that makes you seem irresistible.
Your summary of qualifications will get things moving and inspire the prospective employer to pick up the phone or write an email to invite you in for the interview.
Your summary of qualifications will include your achievements, awards, accomplishments, extraordinary skills, and solidifies everything you have said about yourself in the cover letter and objective.
Government Loans for Small, Women-owned and Minority Businesses - This resource provides a summary of individual loans and who is eligible.
The resume or CV is a summary of your academic and educational background with the aim to outline your credentials for employment or academic pursuits.
The qualifications summary would be listed directly below your contact information.
The cover letter can also include a summary of your achievements if you would rather list them here than on your resume.
Place a professional summary near the top of your resume and include information about the type of teacher you consider yourself to be.
Include a summary only for memos longer than one page.
The functional resume always begins with a summary of qualifications.
An example of an executive summary format may save the day for new executives who are producing a report for the first time.
An executive summary is a specific business format that should accompany many long business documents including business reports or plans.
The general premise behind an executive summary is to provide brief information about the contents of a longer document.
That way, executives who are too busy to read the whole report can simply peruse the executive summary and get an idea of what it contains.
While industry standards may vary slightly, there are some general principles that apply to all summaries, and an example of an executive summary format may help to illustrate these principles.
An executive summary should be a brief document that provides information about the contents of a longer report.
Thus, each executive summary will differ slightly depending upon what the report is about.
The following example of an executive summary format is written to summarize the results of a marketing study.
The above example of an executive summary format clearly breaks down the data illustrated by the marketing report.
The format of the executive summary is broken down by relevant points and is easy to read.
A person reading this executive summary can quickly determine whether to read the report, and can get an idea of the appropriate course of action- and the justifications for the recommendations- even without reading the entire report.
Thus, the example serves the precise function that an executive summary is designed to serve.
First, they engage the reader in the executive summary or introduction so that he wants to read more.
Learning how to write an executive summary is something that anyone who is writing a business plan needs to do.
To learn how to write an executive summary, first start with the basics.
The executive summary is a summary of what is included in the rest of the document.
However, it is a recommendation that you write the executive summary after you write the rest of your business plan.
The first paragraph of the executive summary should be descriptive and basic.
Use the second paragraph of the executive summary to highlight key points contained within the rest of the business plan.
Ensure that the investor style executive summary is professional written and is formal in its tone.
Be sure that every portion of the executive summary is short and to the point.
The rest of the business plan will explain the details included in the summary.
State the goal of the business plan in the executive summary.
Use as much or as little space for your executive summary as you need to.
When you're creating an in-depth report or perhaps a business plan, you may look for executive summary templates as a tool to help you get the job done faster and easier.
The executive summary either previews the main points of your report, or highlights the main points of your business plan.
The aim of the executive summary is to get the reader familiarized with what is to come, in more detail, in the primary document.
Even when you use executive summary templates, you will still need to know what to insert in the paragraphs.
The summary should give just enough information to whet their appetite to read the larger document; while being thorough enough to provide key insight into the main points of the report or business plan.
The executive summary can "make or break" a proposal, since if your investor / banker isn't interested in your project by the time he or she finishes reading it, he won't likely read the business plan.
Executive summary templates are very helpful in that they lay out the main divisions of the summary for you.
A concise, focused plan and executive summary are best because your audience most likely consists of busy executives with very little free time.
They will want to scan over the summary to digest the main points in order to make major decisions as quickly and accurately as possible.
While most experts say that a one- to two-page executive summary is best, others still prefer a longer version of up to 10 pages - especially if the report or business plan being summarized is lengthy or very complex.
There are a variety of places to download executive summary templates on the Internet.
This tutorial and executive summary samples are highly recommended.
Every business report and business plan is different because every company is unique; however, you can use a sample executive summary as a general guideline.
The executive summary is the first document a potential investor or client sees prior to reading the full report or business plan.
The summary will also establish credibility for you and your business, while summarizing the larger document, usually in one to two pages.
There are many places on the Internet to view or download executive summary samples.
Some of these are given below, along with the main points to cover in your executive summary.
It contains step-by-step instructions and over 500 business plan and executive summary examples.
Bootup Labs offers a sample executive summary on its website, along with excellent examples and tips.
Summary - Include this only if your memo is longer than one page.
A sample executive summary letter for funds gives you a good idea of what information to include in this document.
The executive summary component of a business plan or proposal contains key information about the plan.
Each summary contains information about everything that appears in your business plan, with non-technical language for those who do not have any experience in your industry.
Any time you create a business proposal or apply for funding, you should plan to create an executive summary.
If you look at a sample executive summary letter for funds, you'll notice it contains a minimum of seven components.
The executive summary is a formal report that details all of the information in your business plan, making it one o the most important documents in your business.
This summary will persuade bank executives and venture capitalists to review your business plan.
If you do not pay close attention to your executive summary, you may never get a chance to discuss your business plan with investors who could provide needed funding for capital expansion or the introduction of new products or services.
If you're unsure of how to start writing your executive summary, look for a sample executive summary letter for funds.