Sulfur-dioxide Sentence Examples
Another important reaction of sulfur dioxide is with the base calcium oxide to form calcium sulfite (calcium sulphate(IV) ).
The process also reduced the environmental impacts normally associated with coal combustion, such as particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and mercury.
Formaldehyde proved safer and less troublesome than corrosive sublimate, chlorine gas or sulfur dioxide.
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Sulfur dioxide is a corrosive acid gas which combines with water vapor in the atmosphere to produce acid rain.
Oxygen in the air mixes with these elements to form sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.
Nuclear energy does not produce carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide or any other gasses that some believe contribute to global warming.
Water can become more acidic when chemicals like sulfur dioxide contaminate it.
These adjustments may include the addition of water and sugar or the addition of yeast and other nutrients like sulfur dioxide and acids.