Suits Sentence Examples
The guys in suits have gone all over the Abbott house and found zilch.
They all wore dark gray tactical suits and were fully armed.
The entire area was swarming with people in all manners of attire from combat ready armament to business suits to uniformed police.
He is grave, and has the reputation of being extremely just; he favours the people exceedingly, and especially the poor, hearing their suits and seeking to despatch them instantly."
Whether either plan suits the "Homeric palace" does not affect the present question.
So Gregory the language is concerned, may belong to the remote age which alone suits the adoptionist Christology of the prayers.
The aristocratic council of the Areopagus constituted the chief criminal court, and nominated the magistrates, among whom the chief archon passed judgment in family suits, controlled admission to the genos or clan, and consequently the acquisition of the franchise.
The basis of the new system, which was almost entirely Field's work, was the abolition of the existing distinction in forms of procedure between suits in law and equity requiring separate actions, and their unification and simplification in a single action.
The supreme court is almost without exception a court of appeal with jurisdiction in cases involving at least $2000, in cases of divorce, in suits regarding adoption, legitimacy and custody of children and as regards the legality and constitutionality of taxes, fines, &c. The supreme court appoints courts of appeal to judge cases involving less than $2000.
As the breeder selects a congenital variation which suits his requirements, and by breeding from the animals (or plants) exhibiting that variation obtains a new breed specially characterized by that variation, so in nature is there a selection amongst all the congenital variations of each generation of a species.
AdvertisementIt has its council of notables, forming a sort of oligarchy which, through the medium of a mayor and two subordinates, directs the interior affairs of the community - policing, recruiting, the assignment and collection of taxes, &c. - and has judicial power in less important suits and crimes.
The picture, too, which it gives of the danger lest the Christianity of its readers should be unduly Judaic in feeling and practice, suits well the experiences of a writer living in Alexandria, where Judaism was immensely strong.
The only conqueror whose career suits in time and approximates in circumstances is the founder of Kara-Khitai, which existed as a great empire in Central Asia during the latter two-thirds of the 13th century.
All appeals were to be tried within the realm, and suits begun before an archbishop were to be determined by him without further appeal.
He strengthened the interstate commission for the regulation of railroads, inaugurated successful suits against monopolies - notably the Standard Oil Company and the so-called Sugar Trust, - and achieved distinct practical results in favour of a system of "industrial democracy" where all men shall have equal rights under the law and where there shall be no privileged interests exempt from the operation of the law.
AdvertisementThe praetor, who had the arrangement of all trials or private suits and the formal appointment of judges for them, referred the great majority of such cases for decision to a judge who was styled usually judex but sometimes arbiter.
All that is certainly known about the antiquity of the sieu is that they were well established in the 3rd century B.C. Their initial point at the autumnal equinox marked by Kio (Spica Virginis) suits a still later date; and there is no valid evidence that the modern series resulted from the rectification of an older superannuated arrangement, analogous to the Krittika sequence of nakshatras.
The margin of rhododendron beds, where there are sheltered recesses amongst the plants, suits many of the more delicate species well, partial shade Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis).
Archilochus described Thasos as "an ass's backbone crowned with wild wood," and the description still suits the mountainous island with its forests of fir.
The superior courts of law formed part of the palace, and there were tribunals in the principal cities, over each of which presided a supreme judge or cihuacoatl, who was irremovable, and whose criminal decisions not even the king might reverse; he appointed the lower judges and heard appeals from them; it is doubtful whether he judged in civil cases, but both kinds of suits were heard in the court below, by the tlacatecatl and his two associates, below whom were the ward-magistrates.
AdvertisementThe laws and records of suits were set down in picture-writings, of which some are still to be seen; sentence of death was recorded by drawing a line with an arrow across the portrait of the condemned, and the chronicles describe the barbaric solemnity with which the king passed sentence sitting on a golden and jewelled throne in the divine tribunal, with one hand on an ornamented skull and the golden arrow in the other.
A title in some cases suits a given work or a part of it; but in other cases there are no titles for works which exist, or titles for works which do not exist.
In protest, the Georgia House of Representatives, holding that the United States Supreme Court had no constitutional power to try suits against a sovereign state, resolved that any Federal marshal who should attempt to execute the court's decision would be " guilty of felony, and shall suffer death, without benefit of clergy, by being hanged."
On the 21st of July the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified, and a section of the state constitution (which denied the power of state courts to entertain against any resident of the state suits founded on contracts existing on the 15th of June 1865) was repealed by the legislature in pursuance of the congressional " Omnibus Bill " of the 25th of June 1868, and as evidence of the restoration of Georgia to the Union the congressmen were seated on the 25th of July in that year.
This congregation was very much occupied, being empowered to deal with all disciplinary matters concerning both the secular and regular clergy, whether in the form of consultations or of contentious suits; it had further the exclusive right to regulate the discipline of the religious orders and congregations bound by the simple vows, the statutes of which it examined, corrected and approved; finally it judged disputes and controversies between the secular and regular clergy.
AdvertisementThe evacuation of Egypt by Antiochus Epiphanes at the bidding of the Roman ambassadors suits the warning addressed to "Greece" (732-740) against overweening ambition and any attempt upon the Holy City, which is somewhat strangely enforced by the famous Greek oracle, "Let Camarina be, 'tis best unstirred."
It suits many of the esculent crops, as onions, beans, cabbages, carrots, beet-root, asparagus, &c.; the quantity applied varies from 5 to to bushels per acre.
The act also gives to both patron and presentee an alternative mode of appeal against a bishop's refusal to institute or admit, except on a ground of doctrine or ritual, to a court composed of an archbishop of the province and a judge of the High Court nominated for that purpose by the lord chancellor, a course which, however, bars resort being had to the ordinary suits of duplex querela or action of quare impedit.
The legal expense for the maintenance of water rights was often large because of the interminable suits brought during the times of water scarcity.
They shared the criminal jurisdiction of the Gerousia and decided civil suits.
Under Mahommedan influence Hindu clothing developed into " suits," consisting of five pieces for men, hence called pancho tuk kapra - (z) head-dress, (2) dhoti, (3) coat, (4) chaddar or sheet, (5) bathing cloth; and three for women, hence called tin tuk - (i) dhoti, (2) jacket, (3) shawl.
An administrative tribunal settles, without appeal, questions of tribute, disputes concerning family, village or tribal landmarks, as well as suits involving the colonial government.
The royal courts refused to entertain suits of villeins against their lords, although there was a good deal of vacillation before this position was definitely taken up. Bracton still speaks in his treatise of the possibility for the courts to interfere against intolerable cruelty on the part of the lord involving the destruction of the villein's waynage, that is, of his ploughteam, and in the Notebook of Bracton there are a couple of cases which prove that r3th-century judges occasionally allowed themselves to entertain actions by persons holding in villenage against their lords.
No existential form suits a judgment such as " A centaur is a fiction," when we do not believe that there is a centaur, or that reality includes a centaur.
In the same way, to infer a machine from hearing the regular tick of a clock, to infer a player from finding a pack of cards arranged in suits, to infer a human origin of stone implements, and all such inferences from patent effects to latent causes, though they appear to Jevons to be typical inductions, are really deductions which, besides the minor premise stating the particular effects, require a major premise discovered by a previous induction and stating the general kind of effects of a general kind of cause.
Their relatives and friends are invited to dinner, and they spend the rest of the day in feasting and rejoicing; alms are given to the poor, and new suits of clothes are presented to servants and dependants.
About 242 the increase of a foreign population in Rome necessitated the creation of a second praetor for the decision of suits between foreigners (peregrini) or between citizens and foreigners.
Judicial functions are in the hands of the elders, who " have to do with suits " (Sucao'ir6Xot), and " uphold judgments " (Nyt6Tas Edpbarat).
This was the accusation of bribery and corrupt dealings in chancery suits, an accusation apparently wholly unexpected by Bacon, and the possibility of which he seems never to have contemplated until it was actually brought against him.
Another provision, which in spite of all opposition obtained a permanent place in English law, declared that all suits even between clerk and clerk concerning advowsons and presentations should be tried in the king's court.
The functions of this tribunal are to inquire into and judge differences and suits between Persian subjects and foreigners, and it is stipulated in the treaty of Turkmanchai, which is the basis of all existing treaties between Persia and other countries, that such differences and suits shall only be examined and judgment given in the presence of the dragoman of the mission or consulate (of the foreign subject), and that, once judicially concluded, such suits shall not give cause to a second inquiry.
Suits, civil and criminal, between foreign subjects are altogether out of Persian jurisdiction, and are judged by the representatives of the foreign powers accredited to Persia.
In suits brought against them personally or involving the rights of their peerage they had the right of being judged by the Parlement, the other peers being present, or having been duly summoned.
But this became purely a jurisdiction for privileged persons; before it (or before the Requetes de l'hotel, as the case might be) were brought the civil suits of those who enjoyed the right of Committimus.
The Pictish Chronicle, however, gives Tuesday, the 13th of February as the day, and this suits 862 only, in which case his reign would begin in 834.
The description, however, of what Matthew did suits better the making of a collection of Christ's discourses and sayings than the composition of a work corresponding in form and character to our Gospel of Matthew.
The orphans court may be held either by the judge of the court of common pleas or by a justice of the supreme court; and it has jurisdiction over controversies respecting the existence of wills, the fairness of inventories, the right of administration and guardianship, the allowance of accounts to executors, administrators, guardians or trustees, and over suits for the recovery of legacies and distributive shares, but it may refer any matter coming before it to a master in chancery.
The metre is monotonous and easily ridiculed, but it suits the subject, and the poem is very popular.
Laidlaw afterward repeatedly sued Sage for damages, claiming that Sage had used him as a shield at the moment of the explosion, but his suits were unsuccessful.
Confirmation of this may be found in Cicero's description (Pro Milone, 85) of the destruction of the shrines and sacred groves of Alba by the construction of Clodius's villa, in the local application of the adjective Albanus, and in the position of Castel Gandolfo itself, which exactly suits Livy's description.
In1906-1907a fresh crusade to enforce the law was begun by the attorney-general, who brought ouster suits against the mayors of Wichita, Junction City, Pittsburg and Leavenworth for not enforcing the law and for replacing it with the " fine " system, which was merely an irregular licence.
In this capacity it tried the suits of tenants-in-chief, and all appeals from the local courts.
This was more than ever the case since Stephen had formally granted them jurisdiction over all suits concerning clerics and clerical property.
Another concession which Henry was forced to make was that the appeals to Rome of litigants in ecclesiastical suits should be freely permitted, provided that they made an oath that they were not contemplating any wrong to the English crown or the English church, a sufficiently easy condition.
Practically it became the rule to regard suits regarding land, or presentations to beneflees, as pertaining to the kings court, while those regarding probate, marriage and divorce fell to the ecclesiastical tribunal.
This suits the coming age.
He apparently passes from one criterion to the other as best suits the purpose of the moment.
During the heathen days many great chiefs passed part of their lives in Norway at the king's court, but after the establishment of Christianity in Iceland they kept more at home, visiting the continent, however, for purposes of state, suits with clergy, &c. Trade was from the first almost entirely in foreign (Norse) hands.
Its hero Nial, type of the good lawyer, is contrasted with its villain Mord, the ensample of cunning, chicane, and legal wrong doing; and a great part of the saga is taken up with the three cases and suits of the divorce, the death of Hoskuld and the burning of Nial, which are given with great minuteness.
In1226-1227when it belonged to Hugh Despenser he obtained various privileges for himself and his men and tenants there, among which were quittance from suits at the county and hundred courts, of sheriffs' aids and of view of frankpledge, and also a market every Thursday and a fair on the vigil, day and morrow of St Peter ad vincula.
Suits to redress the deprivation of privilege secured by the constitution of the United States must be brought in a United States court.
For Europeans and in suits between Europeans and natives the French judicial code is applicable; suits between natives are tried by native tribunals (established 1898) presided over by a European assisted by two native assessors.
Philip the Fair instituted suits against his natural enemies, the king of England and the count of Flanders, foreign princes Philip the holding possessions within his kingdom; and against the emperor, whose ancient province of Lorraine and kingdom of Arles constantly changed hands between Germany and France.
The uniform justice exercised by the parlement spread gradually over the whole kingdom by means of cas royaux (royal suits), and at the same time the royal coinage became obligatory.
The county courts have exclusive original jurisdiction in the probate of wills and the administration of estates, concurrent jurisdiction with the district courts in civil suits for sums not exceeding $1000, and important jurisdiction in criminal cases.
This court has jurisdiction of appeals from equity courts in which the amount in controversy does not exceed $1000, except in cases involving the constitutionality of a Tennessee statute, contested election or state revenue, and ejectment suits; it has jurisdiction also of civil cases tried in the circuit and common law courts in which writs of error or appeals in the nature of writs of error are applied for.
The original jurisdiction of the circuit courts extends to all cases both civil and criminal not exclusively conferred upon some other court, and they have appellate jurisdiction in all suits and actions begun in the lower courts.
The jurisdiction of a justice of the peace, usually coextensive with the county, extends to the collection of notes of hand not exceeding $1000; to the settlement of accounts not exceeding $500; to suits for the recovery of property or suits demanding payment for damages, except for libel or slander, not exceeding $500; to equity cases in which the amount in controversy does not exceed $50; and to various other small cases.
He's one of these type A personality guys who's always wound up tighter than a spring—wears whatever face suits the crowd.
I helped Jackson pick out some suits a while back… how did they fit?
They were hearty, dedicated men, but their gear was damaged, their protective suits sloppily stitched in many places, their boots in need of soles.
Election and recall suits shall be finally adjudicated in the court of second instance and be no more de novo trial.
It is strongly advisable to find the medication which best suits your body.
Afro hairstyles to zoot suits, what do you remember?
At 8m they turned up the right way to dump air from their suits and they conducted an uncontrolled buoyant ascent to the surface.
In an industry bedeviled by litigation, Hamilton knows the big guns could resort to patent infringement suits to try to thwart Provis.
Girls should wear a plain white blouse or top with a collar, beneath their suits.
They turned up at the airport wearing bright orange boiler suits and stole the publicity.
The Gills report this worked for a while, and Balfour Beatty complied and had white boiler suits for their staff.
Wet suits and dry suits are not adequate personal buoyancy.
The kids in casual clothes with messy hair are separated by a huge chasm from the conservative men in gray suits.
Keepsake gifts include chinaware, the exquisite heirloom collection of christening gowns and romper suits by Collins and Hall and Terramundi money pots.
She is perfectly coiffed with eyes elegantly smudged with kohl, shimmering lips, fabulously tailored suits and an indefinable air of dignity.
The default configuration suits the model of phone you're using.
These can then each be allocated to the useful four-way controller for easy access that suits user needs.
Now 34, his " bespoke couture " suits have been credited with injecting some modern flair into Savile Row.
The boiler suits normally worn by University tradesmen may not be suitable and they should be encouraged to wear impermeable disposable coveralls.
Equally clearly - they will not deter, even with the prospect of the Minister of state's orange suits.
The professional support of a sports dietitian can help determine what supplement suits best.
The outlaw gang pose in bowler hats, sporting elegant three piece suits with watch fobs, resting their hands on the carved chairs.
Roger Ryan, a small time gangster, boasted that his suits cost more than $ 500.00.
Imagine youngsters in bathing suits on the beach and a box containing a gas mask slung round their necks.
Fischer was reclusive, socially gauche and a slave to chess, tho his other interests included expensive suits, money and rock.
Its election candidates wear suits and ties, rather than skinhead haircuts and boots.
From Afro hairstyles to zoot suits, what do you remember?
He built stables, forges, a new banqueting hall, and armories to make suits of mail for soldiers.
Being a rather indolent person, that suits me just fine.
The suits themselves feel bulky and somewhat inflexible, but are remarkably comfortable overall.
Doesn't the money offered to her by all these men in suits who sell pumps seem faintly ludicrous?
Gentlemen wear morning dress, lounge suits or uniform, while women wear afternoon dress, usually with hats.
To start ASAP, whichever day and time suits you, pay negotiable!
I'm particularly keen on teddy suits, they're very nice, and small white panties.
The Mods, with their fishtail parkas, fitted suits, perfect hair and shiny scooters have congregated at the Marquee nightclub.
We have amazing indigenous foods and Northern Irish people are very particular about the taste and quality that best suits them.
There is no overt sale patter; visitors are told they must find a teacher who suits them.
The domestic petroleum the underlying insurance the only physical suits are on.
Here's why (assuming that the four letters are equally probable, like the four suits in a pack of cards ).
A small proportion of the students wear track suits with the school badge, most wear everyday clothes.
The normally flamboyant pair surprised some pundits by wearing traditional black morning suits.
The telecoms regulator, Ofcom, says consumers must examine ISPs to " assess which suits them " .
Without wishing to sound repetitive, Pietersen plays another glorious shot, which just about suits the mood of the day for England.
We also have rompers, sleep suits, shower baskets and much more.
We brought the bear suits, we brought the ruckus.
You can buy sarongs, shorts, full piece suits as well as tankinis.
To escape from the consequences of their actions it suits them fine to shift blame onto the victim - and to create the scapegoat.
Indisputably chic suits, dresses and pencil skirts are matched by a range of bags and accessories.
The sharp suits, perfect shoes, spiffy watch, it all smacks of the well dressed " C " Level look.
The character designs are heavily stylized, which suits the story very well.
They wear suits, they own ties, they mean business.
Underneath the veneer of smart suits, the BNP has deep set aims of racial superiority.
A new decade emerged which would be marked by excess, leisure suits and the steady thump of disco.
Three-piece gray suits, worn with gray top hats are popular for weddings.
Early in the decade, suits with somewhat full, long skirts at a natural waistline were common.
Venerables have access to the very latest in technology and sport highly advanced power suits with deadly weaponry.
Two-piece suits should be joined by a heavy-duty zip.
In this latter passage Lord Coke records how, notwithstanding an agreement asserted to have been made in 1575 between the justices of the King's Bench and the judge of the admiralty, the judges of the common law courts successfully maintained their right to prohibit suits in admiralty upon contracts made on shore, or within havens, or creeks, or tidal rivers, if the waters were within the body of any county, wheresoever such contracts were broken, for torts committed within the body of a county, whether on land or water, and for contracts made in parts beyond the seas.
Thus the allusion to Javan in Joel better suits a later date, when Syrian slaves were in special request in Greece.'
This was only a preliminary skirmish; the main battle opened in the following year, when the king, quite aware that he must for the future look on Thomas as his enemy, brought forward the famous Constitutions of Clarendon, of which the main purport was to assert the jurisdiction of the state over clerical offenders by a rather complicated procedure, while other clauses provided that appeals to Rome must not be made without the kings leave, that suits about land or the presentation to benefices, in which clerics were concerned, should be tried before the royal courts, and that bishops should not quit the realmunless they had obtained permission to do so from the king (see CLARENDON, CONSTITUTIONS OF).
The telecoms regulator, Ofcom, says consumers must examine ISPs to " assess which suits them ".
Even babies in romper suits become a " living " advertisement for the alcohol industry.
On a lighter note, would John really have worn sailor suits for five or more years?
For later scenes, the tailors of the Mellah came up trumps with suits of armor made from sardine cans.
Scalable graphics can help users with low vision make sense of an image at a size that best suits their needs.
Scoop neck camisole goes with jeans and skirts or under shirts and suits.
Hurrying people with their smart suits on, scurrying along.
I see them leaping from the stage, all hair extensions and spandex suits, off to do battle with demons.
Suave double-breasted suits in iridescent bronze and jade, all covered buttons and foppish silk hankies flowing out of breast pockets.
Dry suits or 8 mm semi - dry suits are recommended.
Other popular sports and activities on the night included the sumo wrestling suits, scuba diving and kickboxing.
The sticking point has been whether Speedo, the world 's leading sports swimwear brand, would allow its suits to be worn unbranded.
Top swimwear manufacturer Speedo has been forced into an embarrassing climb-down over the company 's new FSII swim suits.
Mark has recently designed tailored suits exclusively for ITV 's new drama series " Footballers Wives ", starring Gary Lucy.
The music is great too; a fast thumping techno type beat that suits the frenetic gameplay to a tee.
You write what suits you, just like a Christian trickster.
Med in lab coats and clean suits began to unload many crates from the 18 wheelers.
For a pandemic, however, Republican leaders would allow suits only if there was willful misconduct.
For babies of either gender you might consider personalized pajamas, shorts sets, burp cloths, jackets, socks, and jumper suits.
From eco-conscious to traditional or modern, customers can find furniture here that suits their individual needs.
With all the possibilities, it's a good idea to talk with your infant's doctor to help you choose the formula that best suits your baby's needs.
Be sure to select the right gender and age group in order to have a chart that suits your child.
To make the best of the help you do have and to give each potential helper a task that suits him or her best, you'll need to have list of potential tasks.
Before contacting a rescue group ordog breeder, you should decide exactly what kind of dog best suits your life and your lifestyle.
Choose one that you think best suits the occasion, as well as the recipient's personality.
Baby Ultimate sells all kinds of baby clothes, including dresses and suits.
Today, there is quite a range of choices . To ensure you buy a microwave oven that suits your lifestyle, consider these tips.
Peruse the selection, create a shopping account, and then buy what suits you!
Select the fabric and style that suits you best.
Choose a material that suits your personal tastes.
Choose the material that suits your body type.
Deciding on which of these materials best suits your space is all a matter of personal taste.
Select the style that works for you and that suits you.
You should make sure these coordinate with your suits, your favorite slacks (the ones that make you look so svelte) and your little black skirt.
Choose the style and material that suits you best.
Now that you have a price and a design in mind, it's time to pick out a handbag that suits your style.
Decide the length of battery life that suits your cell phone activity and go with that.
Stretchy fabrics (for bathing suits or even soft pullovers) will tend to stretch out a lot, so don't get too much of them, and measure them carefully.
Then contact each insurance company mentioned to find a policy that both suits your needs and allows you to continue using your dentist.
The Apple iPod Nano clearly has its strong suits, but it also has its weaknesses.
Woman share many of the same concerns when it comes to bathing suits.
Most of the retailers have a website where you can purchase modeled suits online or find catalog information.
Check for suits that are treated for chlorine resistance, offer bust support and allow you to move freely.
Octave Systems Incorporated offers CD and DVD duplicators of different sizes, so it should not be difficult to find one that suits your needs.
Regardless of whether you need it for business, to play games, or just surf the web, you want to make sure you have the right one that suits your needs.
For optimum performance of your bowling ball you need to find one that suits you both aesthetically and physically.
If you have purchased a futon and you don't like the mattress that came with it, buying a new futon mattress that suits you is easy.
All of these things will factor into what type of gas grill best suits you, especially when you have limited space for your new grill.
You can flatter your body and look taller by choosing heels along with tailored pinstripe suits.
You won't have as much choice for style and color, but you might be able to get something that suits you well.
Still, you should make sure the material and balance suits you.
Most music stores are willing to allow you to try out their instruments to see which best suits your playing style and tone quality.
Even if you live in a small apartment, you are certain to find a box that suits your needs.
To get the most benefit from the product, you'll want to choose a formula that suits your cat.
Experiment and find a bourbon that suits your budget and your taste.
Your best bet will be to shop around until you find a package that meets your needs and suits your budget.
Due to the fact that these fees are common amongst just about every prepaid, re-loadable debit cards available, and vary by card issuer, it is a good idea to shop around and compare fees before deciding on a card that suits your needs.
However, in most cases, banks are not equipped to evaluate a law practice's rights to costs and fees in contingency fee suits.
At that time, you can just apply for the standard card that best suits your needs.
A lawyer who specializes in bankruptcy cases or personal injury suits does not have the knowledge needed to help you get a fair settlement.
They are free to schedule multiple appointments (or one long one) if that suits their needs.
Filling out the associated paperwork properly helps you and your judge decide which type of custody best suits the needs of your children.
Both have advantages and drawbacks, so research which type best suits your personality before committing to one particular approach.
With expanding console dining room tables, consider how well the table suits the room when it is at its smallest size, and how well it fills the room when it is totally expanded.
Once you've met these criteria, then you'll want to select the style of furniture that best suits your overall theme.
It's best to get the chair after the desk because you'll want a chair that suits the size of the desk.
Broyhill has several different options when it comes to chair styles and functions so you'll be able to find one that suits your preferences.
Make the most of the space you have by choosing the size of computer cabinet that best suits your needs.
When you are considering starting a compost pile, you should research what types of compost containers are available to choose the one that best suits your needs.
There are a couple of methods for drying basil so choose the one that best suits your time line.
But, how do you find the paint store that best suits your needs?
A2 Armory features a nice variety of unique medieval décor like stunning shields, helmets, and complete suits of armor.
One of the best perks to having a home office is the ability to decorate it in any style that suits you.
Beautiful, functional bedroom furniture that suits both your comfort level and lifestyle is the difference between an ordinary bedroom and a great one.
The good news is that there are so many catalogs out there that you can almost certainly find one that suits not just your taste but your budget as well.
For instance, some to the trade operations will allow a designer to essentially design a piece of furniture - measurements, fabric, style, etc. - that specifically suits the room you are decorating.
Determine which era best suits your style and begin your search to collect furniture and accessories.
Because they're often dark, it's important to use light and bright color schemes (if it suits your style, of course).
The Thoroughbred Collection is probably the one that best suits the Ralph Lauren image.
You can pull solely from one area, or combine elements you love from all or any in a combination that suits you and your home.
Your laundry room may not be the most visible room in the home, but that doesn't mean that you can't decorate it in a style that suits you and your house.
Pick a shade that suits your passion, and send some love his way!
One of my holy grail blushes and a staple in my makeup kit, Canyon is one of those colors that very easily suits most skin tones.
Give them a test drive and see which one best suits your needs.
Your mileage may vary when it comes to any type of makeup remover, so it's always wise to test a few out until you land on the one that best suits your skin.
The challenge is typically in finding the formula that best suits your skin.
Most of the business suits of the day were form-fitting, but slightly dowdy.
Finding the right shade of red lipstick that flatters and suits your skin tone is key.
However I've been doing this for years, and it suits me, so I'm pleased to report that Cover Girl's formula did not make my eyes water.
If you suspect that you have oily skin, finding a foundation that suits your needs may be something of a chore, bit it's an important one.
Both plastic and metal eyelash curlers are available on the market, so experiment with both until you find the type that suits your lashes best.
Apply a moisturizing sunscreen that suits your skin type and let it sit for a few minutes.
Try different tips to find the ones that suits your makeup style the best.
Choose one that suits your personality and your overall look.
Luminess Air was developed by an impressive roster of makeup artists, cosmetic chemists and colorists and offers two different consumer foundation kits so you can be sure to find one that suits your makeup needs.
You can search by genre or browse the most popular stations to find the one which best suits your tastes.
This will help you get acquainted with what equipment is used for underwater photography and determine what system best suits your needs and budget.
If you're unsure of which makes the most sense for you, try both and see which suits you best.
The best digital camera is the one that best suits your style of photography.
Decide which type of composition suits you best and compose your scene aroud that pose.
People want to look their best on film or in their suits while sunbathing!
After you have signed in, it is easy to create your own recipe box by simply striking the My Recipe Box whenever you find a recipe that suits your fancy (and taste buds).
Choose a pattern that suits the theme of your layout.
The first step to choosing a scrapbook album is to decide what type of album best suits your needs.
Simply review the options and choose the one that best suits your needs.
Since different types of die cut machines have different functions, scrappers need to do some research in order to find the one that best suits their needs.
As you're packing up your suits, towels and other beach gear, don't forget to include your camera.
Finding an instructor who suits your needs, as well as mileage on the slopes can provide many many happy turns on the slopes.
In the 1970s, he discovered that space suits, due to the electric heating and cooling lines that run through them, would become crimped when astronauts tried to walk in them.
This is a highly individualized process, so you'll want to take the time to find the guided meditation script that suits your individual needs.
This is a wonderful thing because it means that you get to decide which activity most suits your lifestyle and personality.
Below is a list of the different types of Lee Jeans, as well as a description to help you choose the pair that suits you best.
Purchase a dress that suits your personality.
When it's warm outside, it's all about flip-flops, bathing suits, cargo shorts, tanks, and t-shirts.
In the mens' department, guys can find suits for high school graduation or your first big job interview.
However, in the 1980's, when heavy metal was the music of the day, Motley Crew's Girls, Girls, Girls video featured nothing but strippers in birthday suits sliding down dance poles.
For this reason, they often go for the "shock factor" by purchasing ghetto prom dresses and suits that are considered totally out of the box for their school's demographic.
Still not sure which look best suits you?
Special suits worn under the costumes can add padding or muscles for a more realistic look.
Gowns and suits from costume designers, or renaissance themed stores will help you and your date look like you've just stepped out of Romeo and Juliet, or Macbeth.
There is a photo gallery of celebrity guys in tuxedos and suits for teen guys to get ideas for their own prom tuxedo as well.
Finding a dress that suits you is easier than you might think due to the fact that there are many different dresses to choose from.
In summer, you'll see it on everything from bathing suits to tanks and tees and dresses.
The trick is finding one that best suits your needs.
You may find one that absolutely suits your body type or falls within your price range.
Every bride should choose a style that suits her face shape and personality so it will enhance her natural beauty.
A couple of "suits" (probably lawyers) looked back at me and laughed.
The rental shop did not have the men's morning suits ready quite in time, so they offered them for free.
Search Online to find a plus size beach wedding dress that suits your own personal taste, links to a few of these shops are offered below.
If women wear long dresses, tuxedos for men, otherwise dark suits.
You can choose flavors that complement your wedding fare, or simply something that you feel suits the wedding.
You can choose whatever style suits you and you feel comfortable and beautiful in.
Read the ads and call the information numbers for pricing and services to find out which best suits your needs.
Other experts recommend that you should spend in correlation with the cost of the suits that the groomsmen are purchasing.
Black accessories are also available in vintage and modern designs, so you can choose a look that suits your wedding perfectly, whether its' theme is romantic renaissance, informal contemporary, or even a Halloween wedding.
Combining different types of bridal bouquet ideas is also popular for today's brides to come up with an individual arrangement that truly suits their wedding.
Indian Dresses sells beautiful lehnga choli, mermaid choli and trouser suits for the bride-to-be.
If a dress doesn't suit the mother of the bride, pants and suits can be other stylish options.
Couples should choose a design with princess accents that suits their wedding theme without adding an unnecessary cliché.
Once you have decided on the location, choose a theme that suits both your style and the surroundings.
Kleinfeld Men takes appointments for custom suits and tuxedos, giving the groom just as much distinction as the bride.
Men don't necessarily have to wear suits.
Men can now wear suits and darker colors like navy and black play well at this time.
Since an overwhelming amount of drug treatment programs are available, picking one that best suits your needs is often hard to do.
Now that you've decided on which of the coastal shower curtains best suits your bathroom, don't neglect finding the perfect shower curtain rings to go with your new design.
It can be difficult to select a shower curtain that fulfills your bathroom's needs and suits your taste and personality.
Since this bedding is costly it's important to decide whether or not it suits your lifestyle.
No matter what your price range, you're guaranteed to find something that suits your budget.
Owen is threatening law suits against anyone who throws the words "home wrecker" in his direction, but US Weekly and People are having none of it.
She used to model track suits in the Sunday paper for $50 a day.
All of the suits have one thing in common - they are undeniably sexy.
Try out a few of them to see which one suits you best.
Since she is currently one of the hottest young starlets out there, there are plenty of websites to explore and play the Miley Cyrus dress up game that suits your resident Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus fan.
In these suits, he claimed the staff members had made false claims about him and his wife, stolen their property, had sex with third parties in the master bedroom while the family was away and overcharged them for food.
The courts eventually dismmissed all of the suits, but not before the entertainment rags could cover every imaginable angle.
Western shirts are so versatile in their style, that even the pickiest dresser can find something that suits her.
Fortunately, clothes for toddlers are readily available in a range of prices and styles to suit various occasions, from casual play to those special events that call for cute, frilly dresses or little boys' suits.
Even for slightly less dressy occasions, dress clothes can be perfectly suitable; toddler suits come in versions with a jacket or with only a vest.
Some suits come with both vest and jacket so that you can choose how dressy you dress your son for a given occasion; however, since boys grow so fast at this age, it might be that he'll only ever wear the suit once.
Pinstriped dress suits can be found in many online shops.
Many websites offer pinstripe suits in different colors.
Or it may just be impossible to find something in a fabric and color that really suits the girl in question.
Online shopping for coats can bring several more options and styles to you instead of having to go to several stores before you finally find a coat that suits you and your daughter's wishes.
White suits are becoming a more popular choice for weddings - and plenty of ring bearer outfits are sold to compliment the groom and his attendants.
When Easter rolls around, parents are often left scrambling looking for suits for their little boys and Easter dresses for little girls, hoping that last year's choices will still fit.
If you're considering buying boys' Easter suits this year, it's likely a foregone conclusion that your son will be wearing a coat and pair of trousers, which are sold in all colors and in nearly every store months before the holiday.
You'll be able to find suits in khaki, grey, traditional black, navy, and even pinstriped varieties.
Anything from modern, Brooks Brothers style suits to classy double-breasted boys' suits will be available on the Internet, and often at discount prices.
In this day and age, the same accessories available to an adult are sold in miniature to accompany boys' suits for Easter.
Scroll through the available options and find the one that suits you or your child and select the picture.
Boys traditionally wear suits or dress slacks, dress shirts and white ties, and girls are outfitted in white dresses and veils.
Shorts, tee shirts, bathing suits, flip flops and sundresses are all appropriate for this time of year.
Lil Dimples also has a nice selection of Easter dresses, flower girl ensembles and tuxedos and suits for boys.
Of course, you can still get snow suits and they are better than ever.
Some are simple while others feature rhinestones and sequins, so you can be sure to find something that suits your daughter's taste and personality.
For girls, this means beautiful dresses, and for boys, tuxes or suits are in order.
Sure, boys typically compete in the formal portion of a pageant dressed in suits or tuxes, but there is plenty of room for variation in the colors of the vests, shirts, and ties to accompany the suit.
From bow ties to double breasted suits, the formal wear your son competes in can vary from one competition to the next.
There are a lot of different smocked dresses, and this guide should help you buy one that suits your particular taste.
With brands like Columbia and Obermeyer, you can buy from this website with the complete assurance that one of these suits will protect your child from all of the winter elements.
While some are rated for extreme cold and wetness, other suits are more recreational--good for an hour of sledding, but probably not sufficient for an afternoon of skiiing.
You can find toddler snowsuits at Cabela's that range from the highest quality suits and brands, to snowsuits that are good options for quick sledding trips without breaking the bank.
For everyday occasions, get a plain white sun hat, which will match virtually every single sundress that your child has; it may also be worn with bathing suits, pants or capris.
It can also get tricky when she wants to buy something that suits neither the occasion, her figure or her age.
Boys' fashion suits do not vary much from suits for their older counterparts.
Throughout the early part of the 20th century and through the 1920s, sailor suits were worn by boys on most occasions.
As boys' fashion suits started to take on the look of men's suits, the usual exception being that a boy wore a bow tie while a man wore a long tie, they were not bought or cut to fit.
These days, suits are bought for a boy to fit the size he is at the given time.
With older boys, they will wear suits exactly like men - those who are looking to establish their own style might experiment with ties and other accessories.
Although there are many shops online that have a good selection of boys' fashion suits, if you are shopping for a tween or older, it can be best to shop in person so that he can try the suit on.
Sneakers look awful with suits, but there are other youthful, trendy shoes that can be worn.
Holiday wear for little ones can range from sparkly, satin dresses to comfy velour, bubble suits.
Just one skinny child's tie will make a difference with button-down shirts and suits when the temperature rises.
Linen suits are readily available at stores like Sears and JC Penney.
In February and March of each year, you might have some luck finding pastel linen suits.
Although you can find actual vintage suits through thrift stores and sites like eBay, sailor suits are often replicated so that you can get a vintage look in a new clothing piece.
These apron collars are also found on boys' sailor suits, but girls' dresses (and pant suits) in the sailor style also often feature a bow in the chest area.
In Fashion Kids is a website with a large variety of adorable children's clothing (some baby to toddler sizes, and some sizes for older children) ranging from sailor suits and dresses to Halloween costumes and fur coats.
Whether you're shopping for little girls or older ones, Levi's is bound to have a jean short that suits every style, taste and body type.
The infant product line includes swim apparel, sleepwear and shoes just like the children's line, but it also includes baby clothing like body suits, onesies and dress-up outfits.
They offer pants, shirts, shorts and bathing suits.
When you are choosing the program that best suits your academic aspirations, be sure that it also provides you with a strong support structure in the form of student services.
By achieving your degree, you will be able to rise up the career totem pole and work in the job that best suits you and your skills.
Entertainment abounds, and some of these events have a strict dress code where gentlemen guests must wear tuxedos or suits and ties.
You can also take advantage of her complete range of expedition equipment such as wet suits, snorkeling gear, underwater video cameras and hydrophones.
First, choose a cruise itinerary that suits your vacation options and personal interests.
Couples who get married on cruise ships can wear formal attire or more casual dresses and suits.
Cruise ships have shops to purchase casual and dress clothes, bathing suits, sunscreen, and other toiletries.
However, prior to booking a spot, it's a good idea to research different itineraries to find the one that best suits your needs, budget and travel time frame.
The next move is selecting the adult party cruise that best suits your needs and wants.
Also, never underestimate a travel agent's power to track down a cruise deal that suits your needs.
A complete online listing can help you find the position that best suits your talents.
Others have blinking lights, and still others feature both modes so you can choose the one that suits your needs.
N. Mussini is an old plant, flourishing in ordinary garden soil, and was once used for edgings to borders, a purpose for which its compact growth suits it well; but none of these plants are among the best for choice borders.
The foot of a south wall suits them if they are associated with the larger hardy bulbs, but they are not the most effective or graceful of the Lily family.
This suits all Calochorti, and gives a splendid bloom and firm, well-ripened bulbs.
A lime-free soil suits them best, a generous mixture of loam, leaf soil and sand, with consistently cool or moist conditions, meeting all requirements.
A well-drained subsoil with a porous surface soil suits them best, and shelter from hard frost and nipping winds is of great service.
They like shelter, even from southerly winds, and peaty soil suits them best, though they grow well in loam.
A well-drained light loam, well enriched with leaf-mould, suits it admirably.
Even before planting strawberries, choose a variety that suits your needs.
The number of these programs has exploded in recent years, so finding a lesson plan that suits you should be a snap.
Keep reading to find a guitar chord chart that best suits your needs.
With some careful planning and creativity, you can create your own design that perfectly suits your style and needs.
From wall art to nature, get inspired to create a backsplash that suits its surroundings beautifully.
With so many paint color palettes to sell your home to choose from, you'll be sure to find one that suits your home's needs.
This overview may help you narrow down the choice to a material that suits your space.
Metal tiles come in a variety of shapes, sizes and finishes, so you're guaranteed to find one that suits your style.
Thankfully, the fads that disappeared after 1979 included bell-bottoms, leisure suits and pet rocks.
Saturday Night Fever popularized flashy white suits and disco dresses while Annie Hall created an androgynous look.
The swirl design is flattering to wear and suits both small stud earrings as well as long drops.
Each piece within the various collections is painstakingly designed in an effort to reflect the era, sometimes as an artistic interpretation that better suits modern fashion.
As an added bonus, these shirts are often given away free to customers of the company, which can leave more room in the budget for business suits or other clothing.
By having a look at our Men in Suits Gallery, you'll be able to see how suits inspire confidence-both in the wearer and those interacting with the wearer.
Women have their little black dresses; men have their sophisticated suits.
Just because men's suits are most commonly found in neutral, conservative tones, don't shy away from colors if they suit your personality and the occasion.
Want to be one of the men in suits that stand out in a crowd without wearing a rust-colored jacket and pants, perhaps?
Look to our Men in Suits Gallery for proof that men's suits don't have to be boring, they're suitable for all ages and types of people, and that they can make any man look polished and professional.
For the man who's taller or broader than average, finding big and tall men's suits for his dressier occasions will be important.
For many men, owning a suit or suits that fit perfectly is a wardrobe requirement.
Not only do men need suits for work, but they may also wear them to funerals, church services, weddings and any events where casual dressing just won't do.
From summer cotton suits to executive wear to high fashion statements, there is a suit for every man's taste here.
It can be difficult at times for large men to find suits to fit them made by such designers, so ExecStyle could be your one-stop shopping place for designer duds.
Men will find a variety of suits in a range of colors, from classics like navy and charcoal to pinstriped suits.
For casual wear, men's jogging suits can keep guys comfortable and sporty.
People who don't participate in sports can still appreciate the easy care and comfort of jogging suits.
While this garment sometimes gets negative attention, men who like a casual vibe will want to know where to find the latest styles of jogging suits for on the track and off.
Be sure to check the manufacturer's care label, but most jogging suits are made to withstand activity, perspiration and trips through the washer and dryer.
Typically, you'll find suits made in materials like nylon or polyester blends, although fleece is common as well.
Although these garments are called jogging suits, warm up suits or track suits, they're not just for jogging.
Sneakers and tennis shoes are the only footwear worn with jogging suits.
Some of the makers of jogging suits will sound familiar to you.
Shop in the men's or athletics department of any major department store and you'll probably find a selection of jogging suits.
Some suits will be sold as separates, so your jacket and pants don't have to match exactly.
Surprisingly, women weren't the only ones ready for change; in 1953, Dior created a revival in men's formal suits, naming the collection the H-Line.
Most men will sport a black tux, but some will be seen wearing dark suits or dinner vests.
Whatever the reason, long-sleeved knit shirts with pocket fronts or sides are a great alternative to both stuffy suits and sloppy tees.
Some suits even include a stretch waistband, able to expand up to two inches in width for added comfort.
Their always in style 3 button wool suits have been a top seller for years, and men all over the country continue to rely on their high level of quality.
Their suits are simple enough for the office, while fancy enough for a formal occasion, giving you a lot of wear time.
Corbin hasn't always been a big name in tuxedos or suits.
You can't just walk around in an old Beavis and Butthead t-shirt from the 90s and a pair of ratty blue jeans between button-ups and suits.
Choose suits in dark, neutral colors (Jack Mackenroth from Project Runway's Season 4 suggests flat-front pants-always).
This is a no-brainer, really, but have your suits tailored.
The good news is that, while you can certainly still have a suit custom tailored, many designers across the cost range are making suits that fit the big and tall man.
Four button suits are more of a fashion suit, rather than a classic suit or something appropriate for business.
The longer jackets, which work so well on a tall man, are reminiscent of the zoot suits worn by snappy younger men in the 1940s.
They have over 20 suits to choose from in varying cuts, fabrics, styles and colors.
As if finding men's silk suits wasn't hard enough, finding men's silk suit sets can be downright impossible.
Bear in mind that the men's suits they usually make are wool blends, so you will definitely have to ask for your men's silk suit set.
Hong Kong is also famous for the quality of its tailoring, to the point where some professional men and women will schedule one or two trips a year there to have new suits made from the old ones.
Whether paired with mens jogging suits or a pair of jeans, this uplifting apparel line radiates warm and fuzzy feelings that are sure to keep the consumer coming back for more.
Young blood may come in, but they must don the suits, dress shirts and neckties worn in such firms for decades.
It's still worn, of course, and Mr. Big wore excellent black suits on Sex and the City, but when you're just starting to put together your professional wardrobe, you should steer clear of black.
While silk suits are classic, there are few professional settings where they are acceptable.
Some men make such shirts their staple, others whip them out for weekend wear only after a long week of dressing in suits and ties, but nearly all modern men will occasionally don one.
They have no use for learning how to tie a Windsor knot and that suits them just fine.
The company carries everything from suits, ties and sports coats to activewear, formalwear and sportswear.
Select the price that best suits your budget and you'll find a list of coordinated items (including tops, sportscoats, pants and accessories) all available to purchase in one shot.
A standard CEO look, men wear suits and high quality ties.
Boardroom attire includes high-quality wool suits and accessories that advertise your professional status such as gold watches and pricey ties.
Today, whether it is apparel from our Casual Male XL or Rochester Big & Tall stores, we offer a broad selection of suits, sport coats, slacks and much more to appeal to our customer's individual style.
Historians and costumers have worked together to dissect the suits of the time and re-create them for stage, screen and historical settings.
For the workplace or most daily business, men of all ages wore suits.
However, whereas suits had traditionally been broad-shouldered, they were now cut to give men a more slim, boyish look.
Fussy outerwear made of heavy furs was giving way to slim wool coats, although many men still liked to throw a raccoon coat over their slim suits.
The wide-brimmed felt hat shaded the eyes, was comfortable, and looked perfect with suits and sport coats.
For the gentleman who desires custom dress shirts and suits made to his specifications, tailor-made clothing can still be found.
Suits in our Signature Collection are handmade by our master tailor on-site in our design studio.
Suits in this collection are made using the highest level of bespoke tailoring available anywhere.
Suits in our Platinum Collection are handmade in our workshop near Shanghai.
These suits feature hand rolled lapels, handset collar and sleeves, handmade buttonholes, and other hallmarks of a traditional bespoke suit.
Approximately 30 hours of expert tailoring goes into each of these suits.
Up until fairly recently in fashion history, made-to-measure tailored suits were the only thing that a fashionable man wore in public.
Made-to-measure tailored suits, also called bespoke suits, have never been inexpensive.
Even when the majority of men had their clothes tailor-made, the best suits could always be spotted by a discerning eye, and everyone knew this was a man of some stature.
The cost is worth it, however, because such suits are designed to last.
These days, bespoke suits are usually only made for special occasions, although men who know what a difference such a suit can make to their look may invest in a classic cut that will last and look good for years.
Even for a man who wears a suit and tie every day, you still only need a few good suits.
Learning about the fascinating history of zoot suits, from their creation, controversy and height of popularity, is a must for anyone interested in a complete timeline of men's fashion.
Reportedly, these flashy suits were created during the 1930s in Harlem, New York, during a time when jazz music was a large part of Harlem culture.
Men who were considered fashion-forward were more likely to wear these suits than men who were interested in presenting a classic appearance.
Due to the extra fabric used to make zoot suits, these were seen as luxury items, not necessarily everyday wear.
Whether you want to relive a particular era in men's fashion history by sporting one of these suits or you're looking to dress up for a costume party, they can still be found today.
At any of these sites, you'll find suits in colors that are made to be noticed, which is what they're all about.
While you won't see anyone on Wall Street wearing one of these suits, you may still see it in certain cultural circles.
If you're not in the military, but want to support the troops and feel like you are a part of the fighting force, U.S. Navy jogging suits are a great way to show support while you stay in shape.
Your local Army surplus store may have U.S. Navy jogging suits, but you will probably do better to buy them online.
If you need to do a range of practical shopping, School Uniforms has the same warm-up suits and also a large selection of military camping gear, so you can have full military gear for all your outdoor activities.
These professionals helped their customers select colors and fabrics that worked best for them and then chose accessories - ties, cuff links, socks, handkerchiefs - that matched and set off the shirts and suits.
Men's rain suits have come a long way from the yellow plastic pieces.
Today, designers create remarkable rain suits, making it easy to look good in the rain.
From heavyweight rain suits to temporary fixes, you can find rain gear at department stores, catalogs and the Internet.
The features and design in men's rain suits can influence comfort and protection from the elements.
There's a huge array of rain suits available, each with specific purposes and forms.
Good quality suits will not only last longer, but will provide better protection.
It comes in three fun prints (women's suits are available in a few colors) and is sold at many online shops.
In fact, no one else seems to make ninja suits.
The suits range in size to extra-large, but because the suits are one piece, some people will definitely have problems getting a perfect fit.
Gore-tex golf rain suits are not only windproof and waterproof, but they're breathable, too.
In golf suits made with Gore-tex, you'll typically get two layers-the outer layer that is usually made of nylon or polyester, and the inner, waterproof layer that is the Gore-tex lining.
The only real negative to Gore-tex golf rain suits is the price, which can be a few hundred dollars.
They often wear them to office jobs and with suits.
An Armani suits catalog can help one decide upon their purchases before they shop.
Unfortunately, there are no Armani suits catalogues, at least online, available for consumers.
This means that one can easily browse through all of the various styles of suits, in a way that is just as easy as flipping a page.
At ECVV, several different styles of Armani suits are available, and again, the site strives to give that authentic catalogue "feel".
Other options for finding an Armani suits catalog include visiting stores that carry the Armani line and asking the sales people directly.
When suits, dress pants, and even jeans seem too long, here are some tips to get you back on track.
If you are not someone who usually wears suits, they can guide you towards something that is readily adaptable for a number of occasions, so that it can be your go-to suit.
As for choosing the t shirt that best suits your individual taste, that's as easy as browsing through the company's gallery of seasonal deliveries.
Nordstrom is chalk full of designer coats, and whether you shop online or in store you're certain to find one that suits your needs.
Men were no longer relegated to wearing suits day in and day out; instead, sportswear became an integral part of regular wardrobes.
Made popular by the famous Sears, Roebuck and Co., the catalogs were rife with everything from dress shirts (usually priced between $2-3!) and shoes to vests and suits (often under $10).
Did you know that you can also purchase suits at Sean Jean?
With business suits in charcoal grey, deep blue and gunmetal grey, these suits are as elegant as they are fashionable.
As long as you take your time and shop around, you should be able to find clothing that suits you wonderfully.
Whether you want something as simple as a dress shirt or as complex as a range of suits, you can have it all made just for you.
You don't want to replace your work suits year after year, nor do you want to invest in a host of dress shirts every few months.
Fashion-conscious folks know how important it is to make a style statement, and that can be easily accomplished through a range of stylish suits for men.
Modern suits tend to be slim cut in the legs, and might even be worn with an offbeat detail, like a short necktie.
This is a good thing because it means that the odds of you finding a turtleneck sweater that suits your personality, and budget, is all the more greater!
Once a staple in the 70's era of disco, mens leisure suits were a popular choice for men of all ages.
These suits came in a wide range of colors from basic blue to bright white.
Today, leisure suits are still an option for men.
You may not find mens leisure suits on the racks of your local department store, but that doesn't mean that you need to give up on your search.
There are many sites online that sell these suits.
Some have vintage suits while others have a modern version of the leisure suit.
Contempo Suits has a wide range of the modern leisure suit.
There are other styles of leisure suits as well in a variety of prints and sizes.
Dress That Man has a selection of vintage leisure suits straight out of the 70s!
Some suits are unworn and still have the original tags.
Rusty Zipper has leisure suits in good condition that vary in size and style.
Black Light Vintages has a range of vintage suits from the 1970s.
Leisure suits are synomous with the disco era of the 70's.
A fitted shirt will work well under suits that are also slim fitting and look great when worn without a jacket.
The Pink Stripe will go great with suits as well as itself.
Neither do jogging suits or work-out wear.
From shorts to dress pants and even suits and outerwear, this clothing maker has something to match the needs of almost any man.
For pants and suits, try wool, linen, or cashmere blends.
Consider choosing lighter colors like tan or gray for the warmer months, saving the black, charcoal, and navy suits for winter.
Many of the suits were made of 100% pure wool.
Cotton flannel is most often used in sleepwear, while wool flannel is usually reserved for more formal attire, like business suits.
The good news, though, is that this does not hold true for all suits.
Actually, there are plenty of ways to track down high quality, well made suits at reasonable prices - if you know where to look.
Many specialty suiting stores offer incredible deals on suits from time to time.
There are even men's consignment stores that specialize in "better" wear, and you'll often find excellent suits from designer names at prices considerably lower than retail.
Here you can count on finding well made suits for great prices.
It's worth it to look for "buy one get one free" sales, which are common in stores that specialize in suits.
There are some small details you can look for to pick the shirt that best suits your lifestyle and preferences.
Rochester Big and Tall men's clothing offers everything from casual wear to outerwear, suits to underwear and accessories.
Even if a man tends to favor a more neutral look in general, there's guaranteed to be a Hawaiian shirt out there that suits his tastes.