Suitability Sentence Examples
All pushchair reviews submitted wil be reviewed for suitability.
You will not receive advice or a recommendation on the suitability of Creditcare.
We make no representations about the suitability of the information contained in these pages.
We reserve the right to edit any content submissions for suitability.
The criterion of suitability is a significant factor in scarification patterning.
Once the reseller 's details were captured they were followed up with the telemarketing team to check for suitability.
Placement Types of placement Placements must be vetted for suitability.
They do, however, have general age ratings like "13 and up" or "Older Teens" that can be a guideline in determining the suitability of a particular title.
If you suspect that a distance learning degree might be for you, it's worthwhile to spend some time investigating different programs and weighing their suitability levels.
The Hardy Sarcococcas (Sarcococca) - Are neat and pleasing evergreen shrubs possessed of but a modest flower beauty, though of more than ordinary value, because of their suitability to shaded positions and their rich green lustrous foliage.
AdvertisementThe best way to determine the suitability of potential candidates is to talk about their experience and preferences while installing metal roofing.
They should also be able to answer questions regarding the suitability of a particular type of metal roofing based on the region and your individual home.
The finish is brief but bright with that distinctive Sangiovese tang of acidity that enhances its suitability with food, particularly Italian food like pasta, pizza, risotto, or roasted chicken.
Ratings are assigned based on the games' suitability for various age groups.
Recruiters may also perform reference checks to evaluate a candidate's suitability for a position with the government.
AdvertisementA really good surf shop will even have some space for you to try out some moves in the shorts so you can better assess their suitability for your needs.
Check with the manufacturer if there is any doubt as to the suitability of a vessel or consider a battery candle alternative.
The Prince's costume could be trimmed in some of the same colors, showing their suitability as a match.
The sites reviewed here were evaluated not only for the content of the games, but for the suitability of the advertising.
The belly button piercing procedure is similar to many other body piercing techniques in that it needs to be performed by a trained professional who can assess your suitability for this piercing.
AdvertisementOther sports people may well be able to give a unique insight into a watch model's performance and suitability for a particular activity.
Because of basques' suitability for wedding days, many of them come in white.
During an open call you will meet with producers and be interviewed for your suitability as a cast member.
Provide guidance and advice re suitability of course and advice re additional support available Eg dyslexia support and basic skills.
Suitability depends on scale, from battery systems at smaller scale to pumped hydro at a larger scale.
AdvertisementInvestigations into his suitability for a liver transplant revealed a heart condition, caused by chewing khat.
Crop and pasture legume suitability varied with soil type, so regional diversity was more readily apparent.
They were then tested for their suitability for reuse, or stripped down to their component parts for recycling.
Please also consider the specific suitability of each attraction, de tails of w hich follow.
Licensee and Members of the Household Information-This may include information on health, character and suitability, qualifications, finances, substitutes, and other employment.
They also differ in their suitability as companions for small children, as well as in their watchdog skills and trainability.
The old-fashioned stereotyped flower garden that one met with almost everywhere is rapidly becoming a thing of the past, and grounds are now laid out more in accordance with their natural disposition, their climatic conditions and their suitability for certain kinds of plants.
Cooke's mounting is admirable for its symmetry and simplicity of design, its just apportioning of strength, and a general suitability of means to ends.
Very slight differences in climate appear to cause very great differences in the quality of the tobacco, and ordinary meteorological records are of little use in determining the suitability or not of a region for a particular kind of leaf; this essential point must be determined by experiment.
Now it must be frankly admitted that the earlier books of psalms exhibit no particular suitability for the Temple services.
St Basil's influence, and the greater suitability of his institute to European ideas, ensured the propagation of Basilian monachism; and Sozomen says that in Cappadocia and the neighbouring provinces there were no hermits but only cenobites.
The cultivation of fruit is receiving increased attention, but the growing of sugar cane and tobacco and the production of wine, until recently so promising, are, if not declining, at least stationary, in spite of the suitability of the soil of many districts for these crops.
These suggestions took practical shape by a decree of the National Assembly in 1790 appointing a committee to consider the suitability of adopting either the length of the seconds pendulum, a fraction of the length of the equator or a fraction of the quadrant of the terrestrial meridian..
The town probably owed its origin to the suitability of its position for defence, and it was the site of a Danish fort, later replaced by a Saxon settlement.
The persimmon attains perfection, and experiment has proved the suitability of the climate to many foreign fruits.
These principles may be applied to examine any possible combination of links forming a kinematic chain in order to test its suitability for use as a mechanism.
It is this, combined always with the suitability of the ex- ternal conditions, which accounts for the success of the best known experiments of American pisciculturists.
Divorces take place chiefly among the lower orders,who frequently treat marriage merely as a test of a couples suitability to be helpmates in the struggles of life.