Suicide Sentence Examples
The suicide note cut off any reason for investigation.
There are only four possibilities—accident, suicide, murder or skip.
Knowing her suicide would put the matter to rest.
It's a suicide note she wrote 'cause she killed herself.
It would be suicide for you.
The paper says she was extremely distraught and sedated, and under a suicide watch.
The suicide note was written in blue ink.
Had she written a suicide note then?
If Shipton did kill Edith as you say, how did he get her to leave a suicide note?
At first I didn't think so, but the fact that he had the old suicide note with him makes me think he at least considered it, if the opportunity presented itself .
AdvertisementYou didn't plan ahead when you jeopardized my suicide mission, Rhyn said.
We both know this is a suicide mission.
Yes. He tried to commit suicide after he killed her; he left a note but he didn't cut his wrists deeply enough to be fatal.
Once I had a means of discounting the suicide note, everything else made much more sense.
Are you really going to let your jackass brother send you on a suicide mission?
AdvertisementThis is a suicide and you guys don't handle suicides, remember?
Where's the suicide note?
You tell me how you write a suicide note when you don't have a pen.
He could feel her tense against him as he explained in detail the late night suicide and the termination of the police investigation.
Edith had to know about Annie's death—otherwise her carbon copy suicide is just too much of a coincidence.
AdvertisementEdith Shipton had attempted suicide once before, after her stepson drowned in her presence.
What a perfect way to kill someone when they've conveniently given you a suicide note indisputably in their handwriting!
Suicide, and all other forms of selfishness, are highly reprehensible.
In Grand Canary suicide was regarded as honourable, and on a chief inheriting, one of his subjects willingly honoured the occasion by throwing himself over a precipice.
On the other hand the Mors Pilati tells how when condemned by the emperor he committed suicide; and his body, thrown first into the Tiber and then the Rhone, disturbed both waters, and was driven north into " Losania," where it was plunged in the gulf near Lucerne and below Mt Pilatus (originally no doubt Pileatus or cloud-capped), from whence it is raised every Good Friday to sit and wash unavailing hands.
AdvertisementServilius and all the Roman citizens within its walls being massacred by the inhabitants in 90 B.C. It was captured after a long siege by Pompeius Strabo in 89 B.C. The leader, Judacilius, committed suicide, the principal citizens were put to death, and the rest exiled.
On July 2nd he died in a manner which has been much discussed, suspicions of suicide being circulated at the time by Grimm and others.'
Edith Shipton commits suicide just like Annie Quincy did.
Besides, Edith had the pen in her possession so he lacked any opportunity to change it back to the color she used years earlier when she wrote the suicide note.
Couldn't the CBI guys over in their Denver lab tell the suicide note was written years before?
He knew once someone questioned the suicide note and seriously examined it, he was all finished.
Suicide lacks reason if you listen to what everyone is saying.
Several of the leading United Irishmen, including Reynolds and Hamilton Rowan, immediately fled the country; the papers of the United Irishmen were seized; and for a time the organization was broken up. Tone, who had not attended meetings of the society since May 1793, remained in Ireland till after the trial and suicide of Jackson in April 179.
The Italian suicide rate of 63.6 per 1,000,000 is, however, lower than those of Denmark, Switzerland, Germany and France, while it approximates to that of England.
We may also observe here that, like Epictetus, he is by no means so decided on the subject of suicide as the older Stoics.
This number does not include suicides and attempts at suicide, of which there were 333, all but 24 being successful.
On religious suicide see Lasch in Globus, lxxv.
So Josephus saved them from the sin of suicide and gave himself up to the Romans.
Especially feared among many peoples are the souls of those who have committed suicide or died a violent death; the woman who dies in childbed is held to become a demon of the most dangerous kind; even the unburied, as restless, dissatisfied spirits, are more feared than ordinary ghosts.
Dolet, &c. For a time her influence with her brother, to whom she was entirely devoted, and whom she visited when he was imprisoned in Spain, was effectual, but latterly political rather than religious considerations made him discourage Lutheranism, and a fierce persecution was begun against both Protestants and freethinkers, a persecution which drove Des Periers to suicide and brought Dolet to the stake.
The Stoic regarded the condition of freedom or slavery as an external accident, indifferent in the eye of wisdom; to him it was irrational to see in liberty a ground of pride or in slavery a subject of complaint; from intolerable indignity suicide was an ever-open means of escape.
The suicide of Essex, the news of which was brought into court during the trial, was quoted as additional evidence against him, as pointing to the certainty of Essex's guilt.
This would be as if two men were to agree to draw lots as to which should commit suicide in order to avoid fighting a duel.
During the stress of war, Zaleucus violated this law; and, on its being pointed out to him, he committed suicide by throwing himself upon the point of his sword, declaring that the law must be vindicated.
The supreme test, satisfied so frequently as to be commonplace, was a shocking form of suicide performed with a placid mien.
Buzot was outlawed, and fled to the neighbourhood of Bordeaux, and committed suicide in the woods of St Emilion on the 18th of June 1794.
She tried to commit suicide.
So far as this influence extended, the Jewish community was threatened with the danger of suicide, and the distinction drawn by Josephus between the Pharisees and the Zealots is a valid one.
It's been said, where a man of another race might not improbably commit suicide, a Malay runs amok, killing all whom he may meet until he himself is slain.
They include the alleviation of social hardship, reduction in access to the main methods of suicide, and specific measures for high-risk groups.
That was the point of her suicide, wasn't it?
With the stragglers who remained, he held a stronghold against the Romans by dint of his native cunning, and finally, when the place was taken, persuaded forty men, who shared his hiding-place, to kill one another in turn rather than commit suicide.
It is supposed that he committed suicide.
The next big advance in understanding suicide outside the context of it being a sin awaits the Advent of psychoanalysis.
Each year, more people die from suicide than homicide.
The practice can become so consuming that players sometimes steal or contemplate suicide when the behavior spirals out of control.
What felt good a minute ago now sounded like suicide.
That was a classic indicator in a questionable suicide.
Giving him up without a fight wasn't something she intended to do, but fighting like this was marital suicide.
Annie acknowledged his need to do so by her suicide.
Why would she try to hide her suicide?
Edith's death was constantly on my mind, but I never for a minute considered anything but suicide.
In fact, the whole idea of the skip doesn't fit any better than murder or suicide.
From early youth he took a prominent part in the politics of his clan, and owing to his extreme opinions with regard to the expediency of abolishing the Tokugawa administration, he was banished (1858) to the island of Oshima (Satsuma), where he attempted unsuccessfully to commit suicide.
He landed in Africa with a small band of veterans, and Firmus, to avoid being taken prisoner, committed suicide.
On his arrival at Cenchreae, the port of Corinth, messengers from Nero met Corbulo, and ordered him to commit suicide.
Among the forms of human sacrifice must be reckoned religious suicide.
Cyprus was annexed by Rome in 58, its king committing suicide.
He found that his Sophie was an idealized version of a rather common and ill-educated woman, and she consoled herself with the affection of a young officer, after whose death she committed suicide.
He sided with Sulla in the civil war, was included in the proscription list of 87, and when Marius declined to pardon him, committed suicide.
The metals he produced are said to have proved genuine on assay; when, however, in the following year he was challenged to repeat the experiments he was unable to do so and committed suicide.
One day, almost overcome with scruples, he was tempted to end his miseries by suicide.
The severity with which Henry treated the last rebels was regarded as a blot upon his fame; but the only case of merely vindictive punishment was that of the poet Luke de la Barre, who was sentenced to lose his eyes for a lampoon upon the king, and only escaped the sentence by committing suicide.
Having been beaten in a trial of soothsaying, Calchas died of chagrin or committed suicide.
Donatus, in mentioning the poet's death, gives no hint of the act of suicide.
Other passages, where he describes himself as ever engaged, even in his dreams, on his task of inquiry and composition, produce the impression of an unrelieved strain of mind and feeling, which may have ended in some extreme reaction of spirit, or in some failure of intellectual power, that may have led him to commit suicide.
But in 84 Sulla crossed over from Greece to Asia, made peace with Mithradates, and turned his arms against Fimbria, who, seeing that there was no chance of escape, committed suicide.
He shared in the fall of the Girondists, was arrested on the 2nd of June 1793, but somehow was left in prison until the 8th of December, when, on receiving notice that he was to appear on the next day before the Revolutionary Tribunal, he committed suicide.
Soranus was condemned to death (in 65 or 66), and committed suicide.
Hegesias denied the possibility of real pleasure and advocated suicide as ensuring at least the absence of pain.
The world was startled, however, on the 30th of September 1891 by hearing that he had committed suicide in a cemetery at Brussels by blowing out his brains on the grave of his mistress, Madame de Bonnemains (née Marguerite Crouzet), who had died in the preceding July.
See also a paper by Professor Rendel Harris entitled "Did Judas really commit suicide?"
Here most of the republican leaders were killed and Cato committed suicide.
To avoid public infamy Piso committed suicide.
He was a man of peculiar strength of character, and esteemed the joys of life so low that he was deterred from an early suicide only by the influence of Crates.
Those that finally perish in the sea, committing what appears to be a voluntary suicide, are only acting under the same blind impulse which has led them previously to cross shallower pieces of water with safety.
Six days later, on the 13th of June, Louis committed suicide.
His deposition on the 30th of May 1876 was hailed with joy throughout Turkey; a fortnight later he was found dead in the palace where he was confined, and trustworthy medical evidence attributed his death to suicide.
Contradictory accounts have indeed been given as to this fatal episode, but that it was accidental, and not suicide, is certain.
But he was under no temptation to commit suicide.
The latter's son Andrea commanded the Venetian fleet in the war against Genoa in 1294, and, having been defeated and taken prisoner, he was so overwhelmed with shame that he committed suicide by beating his head against the mast (according to Andrea Navagero).
He survived his brother Seneca, but was subsequently put to death by order of Nero (in 65) or committed suicide.
Wetzlar brought new friends and another passion, that for Charlotte Buff, the daughter of the Amtmann there - a love-story which has been immortalized in Werthers Leiden - and again the young poet's nature was obsessed by a love which was this time strong enough to bring him to the brink of that suicide with which the novel ends.
Mr Crawford, whose mission to the United States has been already referred to, was in favour of solitary confinement, but he could not deny that several cases of suicide followed this isolation.
But the reigning family had committed suicide.
Crassus committed suicide in 87, to avoid falling into the hands of the Marian party.
On the approach of the horsemen sent to drag him to execution, he collected sufficient courage to save himself by suicide.
In one, a large circular tomb, were found three sepulchral couches in stone, carved in imitation of wood, and a fine statuette in bronze of Ajax committing suicide.
Thereupon he committed suicide in the mistaken belief that Cleopatra had already done so (30 B.C.).
The result of his first campaign (101-102) was the occupation of the Dacian capital Sarmizegethusa (Varhely) and the surrounding country; of the second (105-107), the suicide of Decebalus, the conquest of the whole kingdom and its conversion into a Roman province.
Acosta committed suicide in 1647.
A melancholy interest surrounds the name of Victoria Benedictsson (Ernst Ahlgren, 1850-1889), who committed suicide in Copenhagen after achieving marked success with her sketches of humble life in Fran Shine, and with the more ambitious works Money and Marianne.
On the evening of that date, when the term for which he had been elected president of the republic terminated, he committed suicide by shooting himself.
Forty days after his departure an order for his execution was signed, hut he anticipated his fate by committing suicide.
The chief motive for these accusations was no doubt the desire of amassing wealth,' since by the law of majestas one-fourth of the goods of the accused, even if he committed suicide in order to avoid confiscation (which was always carried out in the case of those condemned to capital punishment), was assured to the accuser (who was hence called quadruplator).
Timid by nature, aware of his impending doom, and ax times justly dissatisfied with himself, he tries all means of reconciling himself to the idea of suicide.
Thereupon Phasael committed suicide in prison, but Herod effected his escape and with the help of the Romans seated himself on the throne of Judaea (37 B.C.).
According to Philostratus (Heroica, 20, 18), Polyxena fled to the Greeks after the murder of Achilles and committed suicide on his tomb.
Hermanaric committed suicide in his distress at an invasion of the Huns about A.D.
Piso committed suicide, though it was rumoured that Tiberius, fearing incriminating disclosures, had put him to death.
Antony committed suicide, in the mistaken belief that she had already done so, but Octavian refused to yield to the charms of Cleopatra who put an end to her life, by applying an asp to her bosom, according to the common tradition, in the thirty-ninth year of her age (29th of August, 30 B.C.).
To the same period, but possibly somewhat earlier, belongs the apology for the principle of suicide, which was not published until 1644, long after Donne's death.
Canning's return to great office and influence dates from the suicide of Castlereagh in 1822.
According to some authorities he committed suicide.
Gordon (the explorer of the Orange river), who commanded the Dutch forces at the Cape, chagrined by the occupation of the country by the British, committed suicide.
In 1823 he attempted suicide in despair.
After Boulanger's suicide his political influence declined, and was further compromised by accusations (of which he was legally cleared) in connexion with the Panama scandals.
The prisoners were released, and the Abyssinian monarch committed suicide.
The sultan Abdul Aziz, thought unequal to the crisis, was hastily deposed; he was either murdered or led to commit suicide; and insurrection in Bulgaria was stamped out by massacre.
Pigott, subjected to severe cross-examination by Sir Charles Russell (afterwards Lord Russell of Killowen), broke doWn, fled from justice and committed suicide.
Arabella entered with ardour into the project, and planned an escape from Hardwick with the aid of her chaplain Starkey, who after its failure committed suicide.
A profoundly touching impression was created throughout the whole world by the suicide of Gen.
He fled to Rhodes, where he committed suicide, while the Rhodians were debating whether to hand him over to Sulla.
In his later days the west Goths threw off his yoke, and, on the invasion of the Huns, rather than witness the downfall of his kingdom he is said by Ammianus Marcellinus to have committed suicide.
The prospect drove him insane, and he attempted suicide; he purchased poison, he placed a penknife at his heart, but hesitated to apply either measure of self-destruction.
In June the Tien Wang, seeing his cause was hopeless, committed suicide, and the capture of Nanking by the imperialist troops shortly afterwards brought the Taiping revolt to a conclusion.
Usually, if the working girls either got themselves murdered or committed suicide, all the newspaper gave 'em was a holier-than-thou write-up, pointing out the sad rewards for their sinful life.
Edith had to know about Annie's death—otherwise her carbon copy suicide is just too much of a coincidence.
While the loose ends of both Jerome Shipton's fall and Edith's suicide itched at Dean's sense of logical completion, the matter in its entirety was so repugnant to him that he didn't want to think about it.
He'd let Rhyn die, just as he sent Rhyn on what he thought was a suicide mission expelling demons from the castle.
The eerily familiar words – the same he'd spoken to Rhyn before sending him on the suicide mission – sapped Kris's enthusiasm at Death's visit.
There are only four possibilities—accident, suicide, murder or skip.
I was afraid the insurance company might try to claim Jeff committed suicide and deny coverage, but Ms. Rosewater said that wasn't a policy exclusion anyway.
Much as Dean wanted to telephone Cynthia Byrne, he knew it wasn't appropriate—suicide was a better word.
He tried to be absolved of any responsibility by leaving at least one explicit suicide note.
If attempts at suicide are any indication of guilt, this man must have a very uneasy conscience.
The soldier contemplated suicide rather than be sent home to Zimbabwe.
Assisted dying Advance directives often become confused with the euthanasia and assisted dying Advance directives often become confused with the euthanasia and assisted suicide debate.
Between 2004 and 2005 the number of car and roadside bombs doubled, and suicide bombs trebled.
Next, how not to be a suspected suicide bomber.
The suicide bombers did not come out of thin air.
He says the jihadists provide cannon fodder for the insurgency in the form of suicide bombers.
Heinrich Himmler German leader of the SS commits suicide while in British captivity.
This triggers a chain reaction in the cancer cells, which can result in them commiting suicide.
Looking at Hamas websites, this very month, one finds Saudi clerics prominently featured as providing the religious justification for suicide bombings.
Suicide is always tragic because it cuts life short, but people who suffer hardship and distress deserve compassion.
Amadeus - The Director's Cut After a failed suicide attempt, the aged and forgotten composer Salieri must see the confessor.
The problem page coping with other problems - fear, worry, stress, suicide and more.
The cause of death was given as a ligature round the neck and assistant coroner Mr Michael Charman recorded a verdict of suicide.
A woman in my village committed suicide because of post natal depression.
Rates of childhood depression, suicide and school criminality have soared since the 1920's.
Yet I think his committing suicide would be a pretty drastic response.
Caroline Taylor's father accidentally drowned in the 1890's which appears to be suicide.
B ack in the Eighties, a Labor election manifesto was famously dubbed the " longest suicide note in history " .
According to historical records, Fu Su committed suicide in obedience to a supposed imperial edict.
It's possible for political fanaticism alone to drive people to suicide attacks, but it's hard.
She was speaking specifically to death by suicide, with a very forceful message.
There is a steep social class gradient in deaths from suicide.
They argue the drug can cause hallucinations, mood swings even severe aggression or attempted suicide.
Please If you have any suicide ideation remember this story.
On the other hand Macdonald frequently mentions poverty and material immiseration as important elements of the context of suicide.
A verdict of suicide during temporary insanity was returned.
Some 800 people die by suicide or ' undetermined intent ' in Scotland each year, about 20 of them in the Scottish Borders.
In its charter, Hamas calls for a global jihad -- like the suicide bombings last year in London, the city I represent.
The researchers ' next step was to make this peptide lethal by attaching it to another peptide that promoted cell suicide.
This covers both physician assisted suicide and the situation of giving a lethal injection to an incompetent patient.
So it is a shock when the two men euphorically accept a suicide bombing mission in Tel Aviv.
Murder and suicide finished eight of them and the last surviving mutineer was granted amnesty in 1825.
The British author BS Johnson embarked on a quest for absolute literary naturalism which ended in his suicide.
The ethical objection to suicide is reflected in law.
Whenever the prudes mount a censorship offensive, their favorite line of attack is suicide.
The two youngest sisters died together in a joined suicide pact.
He claims he used to sport an afro, slim jim tie and loon pants at the time of his failed suicide attempt.
Medical experts have claimed that bereaved parents who have recently lost a child are at a greater risk of suicide.
Physician assisted suicide Doctors at the ARM voted to oppose physician assisted suicide Doctors at the ARM voted to oppose physician assisted suicide.
There are chapters which have implications for suicide prevention.
The central problem is that these cartoons depicted the prophet inviting people to terrorism and suicide bombing.
Which famous psychoanalyst committed suicide with a morphine overdose?
They talk about teen suicide and staying pure until marriage.
In 1885, Sarah Anne Henley, after a lover's quarrel, tried to commit suicide by jumping off of it.
Why would suicide bombers purchase pay-and-display parking tickets then get return tickets?
But this failed against the modern army of Emperor Meiji and Sago committed seppuku (suicide) once defeat was in sight.
If they were captured they would try to commit suicide because it was considered shameful.
Roger is an aspiring songwriter who has emotionally shut down after his girlfriend's suicide.
The attempt to morally justify suicide bombing seems especially specious.
But his parents dismissed suggestions the problems could have driven him to suicide.
Finally, his wife commits suicide, joining him in death.
There should be no law change to allow assisted suicide.
New research shows more than a third of young people know someone who has attempted suicide.
The criminality of abortion would be reaffirmed, even in cases of threatened suicide.
Study 2 - Risk factors for parents ' attempted suicide.
Rommel, linked to a plot to kill Hitler, committed suicide on Hitler's orders.
The call came on Friday in response to the introduction of a new Bill by Lord Joffe to legalize physician-assisted suicide.
She was only ten years old when her father commited suicide.
Tho the UK media refers to Dr. Kelly's " apparent suicide, " no one has looked into the possibility of foul play.
Unfortunately, Antonia's studies came to an end with her father's tragic suicide.
In the early 1980's the IRA opted for suicide terrorism.
A deeply unpopular foreign policy has brought suicide bombers to the streets of London.
However, the tactics to deal with suicide bombers in all three countries are wholly unsuitable for adoption by the UK.
When he confronts the villain, the man commits suicide.
Briefly, where a man of another race might not improbably commit suicide, a Malay runs amok, killing all whom he may meet until he himself is slain.
The priests of Amane at Meroe and Napata, in fact, regulated through his oracle the whole government of the country, choosing the king, directing his military expeditions (and even compelling him to commit suicide, according to Diodorus) until in the 3rd century B.C. Arkamane (Ergamenes) broke through the bondage and slew the priests.
Having nothing more to do in the way of visible reformation, yet finding in religion no pleasures to supply the place of the juvenile amusements which he had relinquished, he began to apprehend that he lay under some special malediction; and he was tormented by a succession of fantasies which seemed likely to drive him to suicide or to Bedlam.
Which brings us to Suicide Dream, whose powerful heavy rock has a natural gravity bolstered by pummeled riffs and brooding presence.
In 1885, Sarah Anne Henley, after a lover 's quarrel, tried to commit suicide by jumping off of it.
What looked like creative suicide on paper was turned into a rip-roaring success by the sheer strength of Handel 's artistic personality.
At worse they are at risk for self-destructive behavior including suicide.
Roger is an aspiring songwriter who has emotionally shut down after his girlfriend 's suicide.
Last week, several hundred Shia pilgrims in Baghdad were killed in a stampede sparked by rumors of a suicide bomber in their midst.
The jury on the inquest returned a verdict of suicide while in an unsound state of mind.
Rommel, linked to a plot to kill Hitler, committed suicide on Hitler 's orders.
Tho the UK media refers to Dr. Kelly 's " apparent suicide, " no one has looked into the possibility of foul play.
Unfortunately, Antonia 's studies came to an end with her father 's tragic suicide.
Hundreds of Israelis have been killed by suicide bombings A picture on the wall catches my eye.
He believes that he must have talked his mother into the suicide pact.
Also, the center participates in the suicide prevention project of the Flemish mental health centers.
My thoughts of suicide seem to be being replaced with rage, and I 've had to stop driving for the safety of others.
Throughout much of his life Wittgenstein was tormented by thoughts of suicide.
Within a few days more than three times the number who perished in the suicide attacks had been killed by trigger-happy Israeli soldiers.
And men in unskilled occupations are four times more likely to commit suicide than professionals.
Early vase paintings show him doing the deed with a sword or spear - there was no riddle, no suicide.
About 50 women in England and Wales committed suicide in that first year, or there was an open verdict at the inquest.
Toole wrote the book, put it away, and committed suicide in 1969.
People who have associated depressive symptoms along with the anxiety are at increased risk of suicide if these disorders are not treated by a professional.
Be aware that a history of suicide attempts is another sign that someone may suffer from PTSD, so seek professional help immediately if you have any thoughts of harming yourself.
Teens commit suicide, and Ozzy Osbourne's lyrics to Suicide Solution are blamed.
Read this novel for its vivid descriptions of two prison escape attempts, one suicide attempt, a jailed defense lawyer, and its unusual climax.
The rate of suicide among adolescents is alarming, and most parents will agree that any suicide is one too many.
The number of young people annually who actually die from a successful suicide attempt is in the thousands.
Studies also clearly show that the vast majority of adolescents who commit suicide showed clear-cut signs of their intentions before actually making an attempt.
Suicide among adolescents is not a topic that should be avoided.
You simply can't know if talking about might be just the thing an adolescent needs in order to open up about his or her true feelings, and this is why you mustn't be apprehensive about bringing up the topic of suicide.
Suicide is not an easy topic to approach, especially when the initiator of the conversation has no idea how to proceed after the first question has been asked.
Ask if the adolescent has thought about suicide.
If yes, ask if the adolescent has thought about how he or she would commit suicide.
Contact a suicide hotline immediately if you feel there is an actual possibility of a suicide attempt.
If the suicide attempt is obviously eminent, call 911 or take the adolescent to the emergency room.
In fact, your conversation with an adolescent about suicide will probably result in nothing more than the young person revealing that he or she has never had serious thoughts about attempting suicide.
You don't want to wind up in a situation where an adolescent in your life attempts suicide and you never took the time beforehand to broach the subject.
In addition to talking to adolescents about their feelings regarding suicide you should also arm them with the knowledge necessary to recognize signs within their circle of friends.
Not every teenager who indulges in drugs and alcohol and who is introverted mulls over the possibility of committing suicide.
The phone number to the Suicide Prevention Hotline is (800) 273-8255.
Usually the behavior does not escalate to suicide and major self-mutilation (including such things as castration, amputation of limbs, enucleation of eyes).
There is a clear link between teenage depression and suicide.
Teenage depression and suicide is a very serious issue and is reaching epidemic proportions.
The following information about suicide and teens was published by The Kelty Patrick Dennehy Foundation.
In the United States, suicide is the third leading cause of death for teenagers.
In the years from 1980 to 1996, suicide rates for African-American males between the ages of 15 and 19 increased by 105 percent.
Males are four times more likely to die by suicide than females are.
For every person who successfully commits suicide, there are between 30 and 50 attempts.
Suicide and attempted suicide has increased 300 percent over the past 30 years.
Approximately eight out of 10 people who commit suicide gave some kind of warning indicating they are thinking about it or talk about their feelings to a friend or someone in their family.
In the United States, suicide is more common than homicide.
Males are more likely to use violent means to commit suicide, such as using a gun.
Don't make the mistake of assuming that if a person is talking about committing suicide that they aren't serious about going through with it.
Don't let someone you care for become one of the 500,000 young people who try to commit suicide every year.
Teen suicide is the third leading cause of death between the ages 15 and 24 after car accidents and homicides.
According to the National Centers for Disease Control, 9.4 percent of 100,000 teenager deaths in 2007 were due to teen suicide and this was a significant increase from 6.7 percent in 2003.
They don't see a future on earth and decide to commit suicide because their life has caused them too much disappointment and grief.
Most teenagers exhibit clear warning signs before a suicide attempt, knowing them will help you save the life of a loved one.
Even if a teenager doesn't show any of these signs, he or she may still be at risk for teen suicide.
It's important to pay attention to any changes in the way teenagers behave and communicate if you suspect they are contemplating suicide.
Teen suicide is preventable if a loved one takes the time to acknowledge the suffering adolescent.
It is so sad to see such a beautiful lady, so full of life, commit slow suicide.
In serious cases, it can even lead to suicide.
In severe cases, depressed teens may even commit suicide.
Alcohol impairs judgment, increasing the risk of suicide in severely depressed patients.
Suicide and depression are very closely related.
More than 90 percent of people who commit suicide are suffering from depression or a related psychiatric illness at the time of their death.
While not all people who suffer from depression will attempt suicide, the presence of a depressive illness does dramatically increase the risk of suicidal thoughts.
The reason our society continues to have such a problem with suicide and depression is that there is a huge social stigma attached to the topic.
Or, they feel that the only people who commit suicide are those who are trying to get sympathy from others.
Suicide and depression are much more common than you might realize.
Suicide is the eleventh leading cause of death for people in the United States.
Up to 15 percent of people who are diagnosed with clinical depression will die as the result of suicide.
Contrary to popular belief, suicide rates increase with age.
People ages 65 and older have a much higher risk of committing suicide than teenagers or young adults.
While males are four times more likely to commit suicide than females, women attempt suicide at a much higher rate than men.
If you are worried about your friend or family member, don't be afraid to bring up the topic of suicide and depression.
Despite what you may have heard, most people who are having thoughts of suicide don't really want to end their lives.
In fact, research has shown that untreated depression is the primary "cause" of suicide.
Also because issues like self harm and suicide and depression are prevalent issues, it's important that people dealing with depression receive proper treatment.
Back in 2002, one mother went so far as to blame Everquest for her son's suicide.
In fact this suicide victim was playing just minutes before he shot himself.
Whether the suicide was game based, or other issue based, is of course, up for debate, but his mother blamed the game.
Suicide seems like the best way out of this grief for some adolescents.
It is important that your teen receives help for this because while most will not hurt themselves enough to result in death, a person can inadvertently commit suicide.
When looking for signs of depression in teenagers. it is also important to know the signs of suicide for teens.
This makes a teen feel hopeless that he or she will never be able to feel better about life, leading to thoughts of suicide.
If your son or daughter exhibits the signs of suicide, you may have to take further action by contacting emergency services.
It is important to seek help from a mental health professional for this disorder because the suicide risk is high.
On your worst days, you may even have contemplated suicide.
Some people can't bear the strain of depression another day, and they commit suicide.
The most concerning is the incidence of depression and suicide attempts as approximately 25% of those with BDD make attempts to end their lives.
It is often so tormenting to sufferers that they may begin to feel that suicide is the only option.
Suicide, foul play, drug overdose and vehicular accidents are just a few of the shocking ways various celebrities have died over the years.
Suicide by a self-inflicted gunshot wound was the cause of death for Nirvana front man Kurt Cobain.
Her death was ruled "acute barbiturate poisoning" (possible suicide).
Ronald Polkingharn committed suicide in 1991.
Richard Jeni, the popular stand-up comedian who was a regular on The Tonight Show, died of an apparent suicide March 10, 2007.
A recent interview with CNN's Larry King revealed that in 1997, Berry had contemplated suicide by gassing herself inside of her vehicle after her failed marriage to baseball star David Justice.
Cooper's father died during open heart surgery in 1978, and about 10 years later, his older brother, Carter Vanderbilt Cooper, committed suicide by jumping from the 14th-floor of his mother's New York City penthouse apartment.
Award-winning actor Owen Wilson is recovering in a Los Angeles, California hospital after what police have called an "attempted suicide."
Official police logs report the incident as "attempted suicide."
It has been widely reported that in August of 2007, Wilson was hospitalized for a reported attempted suicide.
The exact details of Wilson's apparent attempted suicide are somewhat conflicting.
Unnamed sources that claim to be close with the Wilsons have stated that Owen had been depressed for months before his suicide attempt.
Reps for Steve-O denied the suicide rumors, but confirmed reports that he was admitted to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.
Everyone believed that the now 15-year-old child star had her feet solidly planted in recovery, but just a short time later, Drew began abusing drugs again and in 1989, attempted suicide by slashing her wrists.
A 30-year old mentally handicapped woman who was obsessed with Paula Abdul committed suicide in her car in front of the singer's home.
They are investigating the death as an apparent suicide and are waiting on a final autopsy report to determine the final cause of death.
He ended up committing suicide when Moore was 18 years old.
Though he was found in a manner that is indicative of suicide, his manager, family and friends said that Carradine would never do such a thing and that he was happy and things were going well at the time of his death.
Additionally, representatives for Carradine said that he had many future projects in the works, also not indicative of a person thinking about suicide.
So far it's been reported as a suicide, accidental overdose and now manslaughter.
The official cause of death in Monroe's case is listed as suicide, and it's widely known that the actress had previously attempted to take her own life on four other occasions.
Swayze's only sibling, his sister Vicky, committed suicide in 1994.
In February 2010, entertainer Marie Osmond's son committed suicide after a long bout of depression, so it's no wonder fans are asking, "What is Marie Osmond doing now?"
Her death was ruled a probable suicide as a result of an overdose.
Football star O.J. Simpson was accused of the murders, and when police believed he was about to turn himself in, he instead led officers on 50-minute low-speed car chase, threatening suicide.
While he claimed that she had committed suicide, he was arrested and tried for murder.
Kurt Cobain's suicide put an abrupt end to Nirvana, a band that almost single-handedly sounded the death knell of the arena rock era.
To this day, there is still great debate among fans whether his death was a suicide or murder.
Fret Play - Fret Play has some of Seether's biggest hits available in tab, including 69 Tea, Fine Again, Gasoline, Like Suicide and World Falls Away.
Thematically, the band deals with some darker images like drugs and suicide that aren't often discussed in this genre of music.
There were other taunts, Web searches on suicide, and, ultimately, threats to kill himself to get back at school bullies.
Due to the impact of cyber bullying, there are children who have developed depression and others who have gone to far as committing suicide.
Geriatric depression at its most severe can lead to suicide attempts and endangered health.
In fact, according to the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, adults over age 65 have the highest suicide rates of any age group.
Suicide is actually more common for men than women, especially for older men who have substance abuse issues, previous trauma, family history of suicide, or a chronic mental illness.
Using a scale to measure depression symptoms in the elderly can help prevent suicide and keep older adults feeling happier.
It shows him on the verge of suicide as he jumps off the highest mountain in all of Olympus.
There was a case of a boy that committed suicide, because his parents took away his Xbox 360.
Some gamers obsessed with their favorite titles have died while playing, committed suicide, or killed or seriously injured other people.
In 2002, Hudson Wooley played several hours of Everquest, a popular role playing game, before he decided to commit suicide by shooting himself with a gun.
A substantial number of poisonings also occur as suicide attempts or drug overdoses.
The most frequent causes of death associated with anorexia are starvation, electrolyte imbalance, heart failure, and suicide.
It is important to note that though depressed mood adjustment disorder is less common among children, when it does occur, suicidal thoughts and even suicide attempts can be one of the symptoms.
Behavior problems, dropping out of school, physical complaints such as headache or chest pain, sexual promiscuity, and even suicide attempts may result from their feelings of pain and loss.
If a child or teen reveals at any time that they have had recent thoughts of self-injury or suicide, professional assistance from a mental healthcare provider or care facility should be sought immediately.
Untreated or improperly treated depression is the number one cause of suicide in the United States.
If firstborns cannot meet these expectations or fear that they cannot, they often become depressed and sometimes resort to suicide to escape the pain they feel.
Teenagers with gender identity disorder suffer social isolation and are vulnerable to depression and suicide.
Parents should contact a healthcare professional if their child begins to have auditory or visual hallucinations, has a sudden change in behavior, shows signs of suicide ideation, or exhibits other symptoms of schizophrenia.
The rise in crime, drug and alcohol abuse, gang violence, teen parenthood, and suicide in Western society has also caused a rise in concern over morality and moral development.
The total cost of alcohol use by young people, including automobile crashes, violent crime, alcohol poisoning, burns, drowning, suicide attempts, and fetal alcohol syndrome is more than 58 billion dollars each year.
Self-mutilation, also called self-harm, self-injury or cutting, is the intentional destruction of tissue or alteration of the body done without the conscious wish to commit suicide, usually in an attempt to relieve tension.
Before the 1990s, self-mutilation was often identified as a failed suicide attempt.
The prognosis depends on the presence and severity of other emotional disorders and history of sexual abuse and/or suicide attempts.
Patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and/or a history of attempted suicide are considered to have the worst prognosis.
Suicide is the act of ending one's own life.
Suicidal behavior are thoughts or tendencies that put a person at risk for committing suicide.
Suicide, attempted suicide, and thoughts of committing suicide are, as of the early 2000s, growing problems among adolescents in the United States and much of the world.
Another 5 to 10 percent of children and teens each year come up with a plan to commit suicide.
The most common reasons for suicide or suicidal behavior among children and adolescents involve personal conflict or loss, most frequently with parents or romantic attachments.
Family discord, physical or sexual abuse, and an upcoming legal or disciplinary crisis are also commonly associated with completed and attempted suicide.
Adolescents who complete suicide show relatively high suicidal intent, and many are intoxicated at the time of death.
The most serious suicide attempters leave suicide notes, show evidence of planning, and use an irreversible method, such as a gunshot to the head.
Most adolescent suicide attempts, though, are of relatively low intent and lethality, and only a small number of these individuals actually want to die.
Usually, suicide attempters want to escape psychological pain or unbearable circumstances, gain attention, influence others, or communicate strong feelings, such as anger or love.
Suicidal behavior is rare in children prior to puberty, probably because of their relative inability to plan and execute a suicide attempt.
Four out of five teenagers who successfully commit suicide are male, but the average female teenager is prone to attempt suicide four more times during her teen years than the average male.
White teenage males are more likely to commit suicide than other ethnic groups, but as of the early 2000s teenage suicide among blacks is also increasing.
Teenagers who have unsuccessfully tried to commit suicide in the past are more likely to attempt suicide in the future.
In Native American, including Native Alaskan, youth ages 15 to 24 years, suicide is the second leading cause of death, according to a 2001 survey by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
The survey also showed that 16 percent of Native American youth attempted suicide in the preceding year.
Gay and bisexual male teens, which represent about 10 percent of the male teen population, are six to seven times more at risk for attempting suicide than their heterosexual peers.
Yet most studies of teen suicide have not been concerned with identifying sexual orientation.
Substance abuse in other family members can also lead to suicide.
Children of law enforcement officers have a much higher suicide rate because of the accessibility of guns in their houses.
The most common method of suicide among teens is gunshot.
Violence at home or against the youth teaches teens that the way to resolve conflict is through violence, and suicide is the ultimate act of self-violence.
Second, they can ask direct questions, such as "Are you thinking of committing suicide?" or "Are you thinking of ending your life?"
Parents should not leave their child alone if the child says he or she wants to commit suicide.
Many doctors recommend that teenagers be taken to a hospital immediately after they express the desire to commit suicide.
There are many methods, both medical and psychological, of helping teenagers who consider committing suicide.
Most teenagers who think of suicide believe their problems are too hard to solve or too embarrassing to talk about, so it is important for their helpers to show they are trustworthy and able to listen.
Doctors recommend that helpers not ask the teenager's reason for thinking of suicide; rather, helpers should listen and wait for the teenager to trust enough to talk openly about the problem.
There are many telephone hot lines available, on national, state, and local levels, to help teenagers who are considering suicide.
Screening for Mental Health, Inc. "SOS High School Suicide Prevention Program", 2004.
Mental health problems, including attention deficit, depression, panic attacks, psychosis, suicide threats and attempts, were present in over 90 percent of the individuals studied by Streissguth.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control reports that suicide is the third leading cause of death among children and youth between the ages of 10 and 24.
This is especially true if any of the common reactions last for an unusual amount of time, intensify over time, or if the child talks about or threatens suicide.
One in 10 sexually assaulted adolescents attempt suicide, and about 50 percent are diagnosed with phobias, depression, substance abuse, and other psychological disorders.
Studies have also shown that gay and bisexual adolescents are two to seven times more likely to commit or attempt suicide compared to heterosexual children and teens.
Experts estimate that 1,500 Americans die each year from accidental exposure to CO and another 2,300 from intentional exposure (suicide).
This is especially true if any of the common reactions lasts for an unusual amount of time, intensifies over time, or if the child talks about or threatens suicide.
If the child talks about or threatens suicide, professional help should be sought immediately.
A 2003 study found that the risk of suicide from death is about two and one half times higher in people with bipolar disorder taking divalproex than those taking lithium.
Psychotherapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, can be a useful tool in helping patients and their families adjust to the disorder, in encouraging compliance to a medication regimen, and in reducing the risk of suicide.
Patients with untreated or inadequately treated bipolar disorder have a suicide rate of 15 to 25 percent and a nine-year decrease in life expectancy.
Some research points out that this increase has coincided with a significant decrease in suicide rates in this age group, but it is unknown if SSRIs are directly responsible for this improvement.
Early 2000s studies have found increased reports of thinking about suicide and self-harm, among children and teens taking venlafaxine (Effexor).
Studies have shown occurrences of children thinking about suicide or attempting suicide in clinical trials for this medicine.
Studies have found no direct link between these antidepressants and worsening depression or increased suicide in children.
In fact, no suicide has been reported among the more than 4,100 people studied who take SSRIs.
Some believe the increased risk of suicide is not related to the SSRIs themselves, but a phenomenon seen when the symptoms of depression first begin to improve.
Other side effects include dry mouth, constipation, difficulty urinating, blurred vision, sedation, weight gain, central nervous system and cardiovascular toxicity, delirium, and risk of suicide by overdose.
Children and adolescents with antisocial behavior problems have an increased risk of accidents, school failure, early alcohol and substance use, suicide, and criminal behavior.
If a child or teen indicates at any time that he/she has had recent thoughts of self-injury, suicide, or of inflicting harm on others, professional assistance from a mental health care provider or care facility should be sought immediately.
For those adolescents who have both AD/HD and a conduct disorder, up to 25 percent go on to develop antisocial personality disorder and the criminal behavior, substance abuse, and high rate of suicide attempts that are symptomatic of it.
Four out of five teenagers who commit suicide are male, but the average female teenager is prone to attempt suicide four more times during her teen years than the average male.
White teenage males are more likely to commit suicide than any other ethnic group, but teenage suicide among blacks was as of 2004 increasing.
Out of 100,000 adolescents, two to three thousand will have mood disorders out of which 8 to 10 will commit suicide.
In the early 2000s, suicide, attempted suicide, and thoughts of committing suicide are growing problems among adolescents in the United States and much of the world.
When depression fails to respond to treatment or when there is a high risk of suicide, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is sometimes used.
They may also ask direct questions of the child, such as "Are you thinking of committing suicide?" or "Are you thinking of ending your life?"
They should not leave the child alone if they say they want to commit suicide.
Unresolved grief is a term used to refer to a person who is grieving for a prolonged period, with intense symptoms such as suicidal ideation or suicide attempts.
The transit system has also initiated a few interesting studies, the most recent being the Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System Project.
The bridge is unfortunately a popular place to commit suicide in the Bay Area, and the city is working toward making the bridge exist solely for transit and tourism purposes, and never to end one's life.
The bridge has suicide hotline phones installed on it, and there is also a camera system and a watch group in action.
The Golden Gate Bridge is also the most popular place in the United States for people to commit suicide.
One infamous statistic about the Golden Gate Bridge is that it is the most popular place in the United States to commit suicide and one of the most popular places in the world.
San Francisco has approved a series of suicide barriers that are planned for installation on the bridge to provide a physical deterrent to attempted suicides.
During the 1980s and early 90s, she struggled with depression, bulimia and suicide.
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention has letter writing examples listed on their site, and there is no legality preventing you from taking these as a cue for your own organization.
Violence and suicide are, unfortunately, also common topics.
The official explanation was suicide via a lethal cocktail of alcohol and barbiturates, but Linda always maintained that Sally was either kidnapped or killed.
Even though Sally was supposed to have committed suicide by drinking vast amounts of alcohol and swallowing copious amounts of barbiturates, nothing was ever found at the apartment.
Your child seems unusually interested in death or talks about suicide.
In addition, studies have proven that children and teens who spend quality time with strong adult role models are less likely to do drugs, commit suicide, get pregnant, or join gangs.
When classic movie character George Bailey's uncle Harry loses the company's money, his life is turned upside down and he contemplates suicide.
Michael kills a nurse one day and his mother, stricken with grief, commits suicide.
On Saturday, February 5, 1967, Miller shot himself in the parking lot of the local Sears store where he'd purchased the weapon and ammunition only moments before the suicide.
According to legend, a head nurse was found dead there in 1928 after committing suicide by hanging herself from the light fixture.
It is reported to be haunted by the many people who have committed suicide there by jumping from the upper floors into the river below.
A young man committed suicide by tossing gasoline around the floor upstairs and then lighting a cigarette.
While there are many subtle variations among the different religions that incorporate reincarnation, when it comes to the subject of reincarnation and suicide, they share a high-level commonality.
Karma forms a set of spiritual rules that define what happens whenever someone attempts suicide.
The idea of reincarnation is actually a concept that you might think would motivate people to contemplate committing suicide in order to leave this life and enter the next quicker.
On the other hand, you would never even consider suicide once you understand the principles of karma.
The main reason for this is that the act of committing suicide reflects a failure of your soul to understand and learn the lessons of your current incarnation.
In Hinduism (and many other beliefs of reincarnation), the act of suicide is a failure of the soul to resolve a karmic entanglement and learn the lessons that would achieve an evolved spiritual state of being.
When someone contemplates suicide, whether it's because he's terribly depressed or in despair due to life circumstances, there are several spiritual events going on that very moment.
If the suicide is successful, the soul will be reincarnated into a lesser life that will lead to almost identical difficulties and hardship that must be faced once again.
While there are certainly many life circumstances that lead people to contemplate suicide, there are also natural biological imbalances and diseases of the brain that cause thoughts of suicide.
Therefore, one should never discredit someone who committed suicide after years of dealing with a mental illness.
Have-a-Heart offers a long list of excellent resources for people to find help with depression and thoughts of suicide.
The motto of Have-a-Heart is "Suicide is not a solution, Suicide is an end...before a solution is found."
The Kristin Brooks Hope Center is one of the greatest resources for people struggling with thoughts of suicide.
By understanding how reincarnation and suicide represent a vicious cycle that must be overcome, you'll take your first step toward a spiritual existence that includes only bliss and pure nirvana.
While talking further, Savalas discovered that the man had committed suicide by shooting himself in the throat, and this had destroyed his larynx.
The good folks with BPI host many events and conferences at the mansion which is associated with four tragic deaths, including one suicide that occurred on the premises.
One such ghost is reportedly that of Kate Morgan, a young woman believed to have committed suicide on the steps of the hotel that lead to the ocean.
He'd also committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest with a revolver.
The show premiered on October 3, 2004 and in the pilot episode, Mary Alice Young committed suicide.
Martha Huber (Christine Estabrook) blackmailed Mary Alice and that blackmail led to Mary Alice's suicide.
Major storylines included battles with alcoholism, fake deaths, suicide, homosexuality, mental illness and violent crimes.
In 2009, the show won its first ever Best Drama award beating out Days of Our Lives and All My Children with a reel that included the shocking suicide of Storm Logan so that his heart could be transplanted into sister Katie.
The pretty Degrassi character attempts suicide after she discovers she contracted an STD, but some how Darcy is able to pull herself together and moves to Kenya.
The first episode featured the suicide of Mary Alice, one of the residents.
Her character killed her husband and spent time in a psychiatric hospital after a suicide attempt.
Deb starts using drugs again after she admits the truth to Dan, and he threatens her, as she attempts suicide.
This cause outnumbers any other cause of death for this age group including drowning, diseases or suicide.
They will also not pay claims that arise because of the insured's suicide or self-inflicted injury or illness, including sexually transmitted diseases, incidents of drug or alcohol abuse, or risky or dangerous behavior.
Sadly, the model recently made headlines for a rumored suicide attempt in a Paris park.
By 1980 Joy Division had achieved national acclaim, though their time under the spotlight was cut short by the suicide of lead singer Ian Curtis on May 18th of that year.
His lyrics are saturated with themes of paranoia, alienation, and in retrospect, seem to romanticize and dramatize the idea of suicide.
In one unfortunate case, a young Myspace user actually used a "friends bulletin" to post his suicide note online.
Shortly after this performance, Kurt Cobain committed suicide, and Nirvana was no more.
Jesus is crucified - although notably the play does not depict the Resurrection - and Judas, consumed with guilt and angry at God, commits suicide.
They have gathered for the funeral of another college friend who committed suicide.
She suffered a nervous breakdown and tried to commit suicide by cutting her wrists.
She was committed to another series of films but had to drop out after a second suicide attempt, this time by attempting to overdose on pills.
She tried to commit suicide for a third time after this dismissal.
The band was formed in the wake of the suicide of Joy Division singer Ian Curtis.
Sadly, during the third season of the show, co-star David Strickland committed suicide and the following year the show was canceled.
This documentary aired as part of the Suicide Mission series.
Ice Road Truckers began as a single episode in a series of profiles of dangerous occupations called Suicide Missions.
He claimed it was an allergic reaction but rumors swirled that it was a suicide attempt.
The Wizard Hunters launches the trilogy, with Nicholas Valiarde's playgirl daughter Tremaine contemplating suicide.
Lee's ex-wife Dualla committed suicide after the fleet finally discovered Earth and learned that it was a nuclear wasteland.
While the flash forward was catastrophic, causing planes to crash and multiple deaths, the fallout even more so as some characters committed suicide; because they hated the futures they glimpsed.
His shocking suicide in the early episodes challenged his co-workers and friends to change their futures.
After just a few moments of exposure to Marvin's depressed state, the car commits suicide, saving the crew.
Megan Meier committed suicide in 2006 over a cyber bullying incident that has left one mother indicted for murder.
The whole business with Annie Quincy leads up to a similar suicide.
I'd had a problem myself all along, not seeing Edith as being on the brink of suicide.
Of those who escaped to the provinces the greater number, after wandering about singly or in groups, were either captured and executed or committed suicide, among them Barbaroux, Buzot, Condorcet, Grangeneuve, Guadet, Kersaint, Petion, Rabaut de Saint-Etienne and Rebecqui.
There have been numerous suicide attempts in the detention camp.
Repeated suicide attempts are common, but rates vary.
A combination of depression, substance abuse, and lowered impulse control can lead to suicide or attempted suicide.