Suffused Sentence Examples
It suffused him, seized him, and enveloped him completely.
But when on Sunday after church the footman announced in the drawing room that Count Rostov had called, the princess showed no confusion, only a slight blush suffused her cheeks and her eyes lit up with a new and radiant light.
A beautifully designed work, it's a tender film suffused with melancholy.
When he died his people were ' like ghosts their faces suffused with tears '.
The nest is generally in long heather, and contains two eggs of a dark olive-colour, suffused with still darker brown patches.
To me, the book seems suffused with a sense of sadness.
I remember, yes, I remember you with the standard! said Kutuzov, and a flush of pleasure suffused Prince Andrew's face at this recollection.
The young during the first twelvemonth are of a greyish-brown, but when mature almost the whole plumage, except the black primaries, is white, deeply suffused by a rich blush of rose or salmon-colour, passing into yellow on the crest and lower part of the neck in front.
When he died his people were ' like ghosts their faces suffused with tears ' .
His history is also suffused with values which I share.
AdvertisementBut as soon as he tried to continue the conversation he had begun with Princess Mary he again glanced at Natasha, and a still-deeper flush suffused his face and a still-stronger agitation of mingled joy and fear seized his soul.
Obviously also the cells are suffused with the life energies which sustain and animate our physical bodies.
Each of these feelings was to be deliberately practised, beginning with a single object, and gradually increasing till the whole world was suffused with the feeling."
Herein from four to seven eggs, of a greenishwhite closely freckled, so as to seem suffused with light olive, are laid in March or April, and the young on quitting it accompany their parents for some weeks.
Or the theology which religion contains is in Theology a state of solution - vaguely defined and suffused and with emotion; important practically, but intellectu- Religion.
AdvertisementIn his beloved Italy his etchings are suffused with a classicism that nonetheless appeals to a contemporary aesthetic.
The parliamentarian party was suffused with anti-aristocratic feelings even tho it was led by aristocratic feelings even tho it was led by aristocrats, and indeed partly against their leadership.
Failed states fail at all levels and are often suffused with crime.
The whole film has the feeling of being projected at two-thirds speed, so suffused is it with this overwhelming sense of ponderousness.
It is suffused with " magic realism " a folk surrealism in which people fly and mysterious juxtapositions are the norm.
AdvertisementThe War Game is suffused with moments of raw passion and a rare intensity of vision but also dry sardonic humor.
A beautifully designed work, it 's a tender film suffused with melancholy.
That was the moment her eyes lit up with recognition and her face became suffused with a sudden glow of happiness.
Suffused with natural light, these facilities are way above the spatial quality typical in WC blocks.
The light is suffused with color from a couple of notable windows in the north aisle.
AdvertisementIt is suffused, however, by a largely unspoken parallel dispute not about inputs or methods but about outcomes.
The flowers are borne on stout stalks, which vary in length with the depth of the water, and are beautifully fringed and suffused with pink.
Trollius Acaulis - A native of the Himalayan Mountains, and one of the most charming dwarf bog plants, 4 to 6 inches in height, its bright yellow flowers, 2 inches across, suffused with purple-brown on the outside.
Its flowers, produced from a tuft of bright green leaves that just peep over the soil, are white, suffused with pale Prussian blue, and blotched with velvety purple.
Other varieties are hirtum, distinguished by the hairiness of the leaves and branches, and purpureum, which has the leaves suffused with a dull purple tinge.
Leaves spotted with brown above, and suffused with red beneath.