Suffocate Sentence Examples
The air of the chamber stilled and grew heavy, as if it meant to suffocate him.
The fire element will quickly suffocate under the demand of an earth sign.
Other contaminants, like grease from industrial food processing, may leech the oxygen out of the water and suffocate fish.
This might seem as it would be a lot of fun, but the weight of it could cause someone to suffocate.
I cannot suffocate their plea for air with my careless indifference.
I suffocate in the smell of sodden earth. Can you ignore me just like that, friend? Stop it, I retort.
But, I don't think that means you should beat it with a bloody hammer and wait for its ghost to rise from the grave and suffocate you in your sleep either, so Nintendo be warned.
You will not suffocate, but if you find breathing difficult, puncture a few small holes in the bag around your face.
You will not Suffocate, but if you find breathing difficult, puncture a few small holes in the bag around your face.
To actually kill them, you may need to leave the shampoo on your dog for several minutes to suffocate the fleas.
AdvertisementAn inflamed epiglottis can swell and close off the windpipe, thus causing the patient to suffocate.
Maybe if you didn't suffocate me, I—" "Suffocate?