Suffix Sentence Examples
It is remarkable in how many marshy places this -co- or -ca- suffix is used.
All domain names must have a top level domain suffix.
Nouns are divided into two classes, one of which takes a pronominal suffix, while the other never takes such a suffix.
This patch has a diff suffix, what means it's a diff output.
You can put whatever name you want as the first part, just make sure the suffix is ".css".
In general, this can either simply append the suffix or replace the last suffix.
A14 Question 14 asked you to make an adjective from the word ' energy ' by adding a derivational suffix.
The fourth line is just like the third, but specifies a suffix file to be appended at the end of each page.
The browser only knows which application to use by the file suffix on the name.
Materials with the same shelfmark are then filed according to a three letter suffix which denotes the author, editor or person written about.
AdvertisementThe Samnite and Roman conquerors tended to impose the form of their own Ethnicon, namely the suffix -NO-, upon the tribes they conquered; hence the Marruci became the Marrucini, the *Arici became Aricini, and it seems at least probable that the forms Sidicini, Carecini, and others of this shape are the results of this same process.
According to MacNeill the Firbolg tribal names are formed with the suffix -raige, e.g.
You can also include a select prefix or suffix, and include up to three blank tile options.
The name Volsci itself is significant not merely in its suffix; the older form Volusci clearly contains the word meaning "marsh" identical with Gr.
The suffix ham in the latter three names may mean homestead from the OE word ham.
AdvertisementThe suffix -n is given to isolated nominal uses of adjectives, or to nominal uses of verb participles.
The sorting power of Cruncher allows you to find words by suffix - an instant snapshot of all the verbs in Macbeth!
Some codes contain a suffix of further characters which identify breakdowns of a series.
By default the converted file will be written to a file with the same filename as the input file but with the appropriate suffix.
The filename suffix provides a clue, but you need more detailed information.
AdvertisementThe name appears in Domesday, the suffix designating -the former insular, marshy character of the district; while the prefix is generally taken to indicate the name of a Saxon overlord, Beormund.
The noun preceding this preposition may be in the emphatic state or may (as is usually the case when the noun is definite) have a pleonastic suffix.
Here was a fortress-palace of Munster, originally called Dun-iasgach, the suffix signifying "abounding in fish."
The suffix -ulo- appears only in a few old names, Siculi, Rutuli, Appuli, Poediculi and * Vituli, which would have been the pure Latin form instead of Itali, which was taken over from the Grecized form 'IraXol.
Spra or spreu (a monkey), now altered into deu at Lhasa, teu in Lahul, Spiti and Tsang, is still more recognizable in the Gyarung shepri and in the following degenerated forms - shreu in Ladak, streu-go in Khams and in cognate languages, soba in Limbu, saheu in Lepcha, simai in Tablung Naga, sibeh in Abor Miri, shibe in Sibsagar Miri, sarrha in Kol, sara in Kuri, &c. Grog-ma (ant), now altered into the spoken t'oma, is still kyoma in Bhutan, and, without the suffix, korok in Gyarung, k'oro- in Sokpa, k'orok, k'alek in Kiranti, &c. Grang-po- (cold), spoken t' ammo, is still grang-mo in Takpa, k'yam in Burmese, &c. A respectful word for " head " is ii, written dbu, which finds its cognates in Murmi thobo, Sibsagar Miri tub, &c. Bya (bird), spoken cha, is still pye in Gyarung.
AdvertisementEarly records present the name Lamb-hythe in various forms. The suffix is common along the river in the meaning of a haven, but the prefix is less clear; a Saxon word signifying mud is suggested.
The name Paezigni may belong to the NO-class of Ethnica (see Sabini), but the difference that it has no vowel before the suffix suggests that it may rather be parallel with the suffix of Lat.
A similar suffix article is retained in Albanian, which almost certainly represents the original language of the Thraco-Illyrian tribes (see Albania); and these tribes belonged to the same ethnical and linguistic group as the Daco-Moesians represented by the Vlachs.
The unsaturated members of the series are named on the Geneva system in which the termination -ane is replaced by-ene, -diene, -triene, according to the number of double linkages in the compound, the position of such double linkages being shown by a numeral immediately following the suffix -ene; for example I.
The sorting power of Cruncher allows you to find words by suffix - an instant snapshot of all the verbs in Macbeth !
The relevant suffix letter will need to be input.
Pay Adjustment Tables, Tables A Use these tables in all cases where an employe has a suffix code or K code.
We explore the potential of the suffix tree data structure in this context.
ApplicationSetup The suffix of the files, where the results are stored.
Introduction of suffix notation and the summation convention including and.
Try and register your domain as ".com" and not ".net, .biz" or some other URL suffix.
In order to make use of the following codes, you must creat a shortcut to the Quake4 EXE file, and edit the shortcut's command line with the suffix +set com_allowConsole 1.
If the command line uses quotations, enter this suffix outside of the quote marks.
Postings on websites that don't have the suffix .gov are not hosted by the government.
Type in a prefix or suffix to yield more accurate and useful results, and you will be able to generate great words for your next Scrabble game.
To really experience the magic of CSS codes, the style selectors should be put in a separate file, usually with the suffix ".css" (as opposed to .html or the like).
While these servers interpret HTML pages in much the same as any other server, pages with the suffix ".ASP" get treated differently.
However, knowing the answer to "What is a PHP file" doesn't help you figure out what that little file with the ".php" suffix actually does.
External .js Files - Instead of ending in the ".html" suffix, ".js" files are simply JavaScript code that is referenced by an HTML file, usually by a call within the HEAD of the document.
That file suffix lets the browser know to interpret the code, and to put your instructions to work showing off your site.
It has been thought that it refers to the fact that ants form a large percentage of the prey of the insect, the suffix "lion" merely suggesting destroyer or eater.
From the east two main roads similarly converge upon the City, which they enter by Aldgate (the suffix in this and other names indicating the former existence of one of the City gates).
The Domain feature enables you to confine searches to certain classes of site, indicated by the suffix at the end of the URL.
Can you put a common suffix on them automatically?
If the conclusions suggested under Sabini may be accepted as sound we should expect to find the Volsci speaking a language similar to that of the Ligures, whose fondness for the suffix -sco- we have noticed (see Ligures), and identical with that spoken by the plebeians of Rome, and that this branch of Indo-European was among those which preserved the original Indo-European Velars from the labialization which befell them in the speech of the Samnites.
It was on that occasion pointed out that the ethnica or tribal and oppidan names of communities belonging to the Sabine stock were marked by the use of the suffix -NOas in Sabini; and that there was some linguistic evidence that this stratum of population overcame an earlier population, which used, generally, ethnica in -CO-- or -TI- (as in Marruci, Ardeates, transformed later into Marrucini, A rdeatini).
Deerhurst; -ing (patronymic suffix, plural form in O.E.), e.g.
The suffix is thus the common form hythe, a haven; but for the prefix no certain derivation is offered.
In the form of rao it appears as a suffix to the names of most Mahrattas, and to the names of Kanarese Brahmans.
Bredon, Everdon, but the suffix was still a living one in Saxon times.
The suffix -no-, for example, has almost driven out any other in the district of the Hirpini, and it is greatly preponderant among the Campani, in the district of the Lucani, and among the Latini and Sabini themselves.
The assumption of the Safine origin of the -no- suffix is further confirmed by the practice of the Romans themselves.
In modern place-names the suffix don often goes back to the Celtic dun, a hill, e.g.
Exeter, Wroxeter and perhaps Uttoxeter show the suffix in slightly different form.
Those things which belong to a person, as the parts of his body, &c., take the pronominal suffix; a thing possessed merely for use would not take it.
To the second hypothesis Skeat (Dictionary, p. 433) objects that it "will not account for the suffix -in, and is therefore wrong; besides which the ` Dutchmen ' [who were asserted to be the authors of the name] turn out to be Sir Francis Drake" and his men.
Thus, we find Sumerian ab, " dwelling," " sea "; ab, " road," and -ab, a grammatical suffix, which words, with many others of a similar character, were perhaps originally uttered with different voice-tones.
The shire organization of Kent dates from the time of Aethelstan, the name as well as the boundary being that of the ancient kingdom, though at first probably with the addition of the suffix " shire," the form " Kentshire " occurring in a record of the folkmoot at this date.
In the article Volsci it is shown that the addition of the -no- suffix is often a mark of the conquest of an original -co- folk by a Safine tribe.
The suffixes of all numbers and persons except the dual were in full use throughout, to Coptic; an, however, giving way to a new suffix, -w, which developed first in the New Kingdom.
The form of the name is of considerable interest, as it shows the suffix -NOsuperimposed upon the suffix -CO-, a change which probably indicates some conquest of an earlier tribe by the invading Safini (or Sabini, q.v.).
The addition of the -ati- suffix to the -no- ethnicon, as in Iguvinates, is comparatively rare, and no doubt denotes the opposite process, namely, the absorption of a -no- tribe by a population to whom it was natural to use the suffix -ti-.
A feature of the language which distinguishes it from all other members of the group, and appears to be of even higher antiquity than the word-forms above mentioned, is the retention of a suffix article - e.g.
The next higher octave has the suffix 2, the next higher the suffix 3, and so on.
Hybrid place-names are occasionally to be met with in the colonized portions of Wales, as in Gelliswick (a combination of the Celtic gelli, a hazel grove, and the Norse wick, a haven), and in Fletherhill, where the English suffix hill is practically a translation of the Celtic prefix.
On the other hand, the -co- suffix, which is nowhere frequent, is practically confined to the central areas.