Sufficiency Sentence Examples
These researches led to a wide discussion of the sufficiency of the law of uniformly varying stress when applied to horizontal joints as a test of the stability of dams. Professor Karl Pearson showed that the results are dependent upon the assumption that the distribution of the vertical stresses on the base of the structure also followed the law of uniformly varying stress.
We assume the teacher to have a knowledge sufficiency.
Almost all soda soaps are precipitated from their watery solutions by the addition of a sufficiency of common salt.
There will be a new law, dwelling specially upon the " external duties" required of all men, wise or unwise; and even the sufficiency of virtue for our happiness may be questioned.
In cases where the bishop himself is patron of the benefice, no presentation or petition is required to be tendered by the clerk, but the bishop having satisfied himself of the sufficiency of the clerk, collates him to the benefice and office.
By the early constitutions of the Church of England a bishop was allowed a space of two months to inquire and inform himself of the sufficiency of every presentee, but by the ninety-fifth of the canons of 1604 that interval has been abridged to twenty-eight days, within which the bishop must admit or reject the clerk.
Upon the bishop having satisfied himself of the sufficiency of the clerk, he proceeds to institute him to the spiritual office to which the benefice is annexed, but before such institution can take place, the clerk is required to make a declaration of assent to the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion and to the Book of Common Prayer according to a form prescribed in the Clerical Subscription Act 1865, to make a declaration against simony in accordance with that act, and to take and subscribe the oath of allegiance according to the form in the Promissory Oaths Act 1868.
When girders form the superstructure, the resultant pressure on the piers or abutments is vertical, and the dimensions of these are simply regulated by the sufficiency to bear this vertical load.
By the king's desire he undertook the vindication of the practices of confirmation, absolution, private baptism and lay excommunication; he urged, but in vain, the reinforcement of an ancient canon, "that schismatics are not to be heard against bishops"; and in opposition to the Puritans' demand for certain alterations in doctrine and discipline, he besought the king that care might be taken for a praying clergy; and that, till men of learning and sufficiency could be found, godly homilies might be read and their number increased.
This poem is valuable, as, presuming upon the sufficiency of his disguise, Tristan audaciously gives a resume of his feats and of his relations with Iseult, in this agreeing with the version of Thomas.
AdvertisementOn the other hand the law, once shown to hold approximately, may be used to test the sufficiency of a particular form of equation.
Tenison's reputation as an enemy of Romanism led the duke of Monmouth to send for him before his execution in 1685, when Bishops Ken and Turner refused to administer the Eucharist; but, although Tenison spoke to him in "a softer and less peremptory manner" than the two bishops, he was, like them, not satisfied with the sufficiency of Monmouth's penitence.
In other cases, where the buds themselves contain a sufficiency of nutritive matter for the young growths, the retention of leaves is not necessary.
Judicious and timely thinning so as to allow the trees room to grow, and to give them sufficiency of light and air, will generally obviate the need of the pruning-saw, except to a relatively small extent.
But the subjects dealt with concern more or less all the great problems of thought on what may be called the theological side of metaphysics - the sufficiency of reason, the trustworthiness of experience, the admissibility of revelation, free will, foreknowledge, and the rest.
AdvertisementThroughout three years such a dog failed to learn that the attendant's lifting it from the cage at a certain hour was the preliminary circumstance of the feedinghour; yet it did exhibit hunger, and would refuse further food when a sufficiency had been taken.
Their fortuitous dissemination does not always bring seeds upon a suitable nidus for germination, the primary essential of which is a sufficiency of moisture, and the duration of vitality of the embryo is a point of interest.
As successor Tuzun chose al-Mostakfi billah (" he who finds full sufficiency with God"), a son of Moktafi.
On the side of induction we find that experience is said to give the specific principles, 10 "the phenomena being apprehended in sufficiency."
The new prince, who was compelled to purchase his elevation with a heavy bribe, proceeded to the country which he was selected to govern, and of the language of which he was in nearly every case totally ignorant, accompanied by a horde of needy hangers-on; he and his acolytes counted on recouping themselves in as short a time as possible for their initial outlay and in laying by a sufficiency to live on after the termination of the prince's brief authority.
AdvertisementThe ideal soil for vinegrowing is that which possesses a sufficiency, but not an excess, of nutriment for the plant, and which is so constituted that it will afford good drainage.
The deists, differing widely in important matters of belief, were yet agreed in seeking above all to establish the certainty and sufficiency of natural religion in opposition to the positive religions, and in tacitly or expressly denying the unique significance of the supernatural revelation in the Old and New Testaments.
Only a knowledge of the great loss of capital that has resulted from abortive reservoir construction justifies this notice of defects which can always be avoided, and are too often the direct result, not of design, but of parsimony in providing during the execution of such works, and especially below ground, a sufficiency of intelligent, experienced and conscientious supervision.
The possibility of the existence of evil spirits, organized under one leader Satan to tempt man and oppose God, cannot be denied; the sufficiency of the evidence for such evil agency may, however, be doubted; the necessity of any such belief for Christian thought and life cannot, therefore, be affirmed.
Among plants from Lower Triassic strata there are a few which form connecting links with the older Permo-Carboniferous flora; of these we have a species, described by Blanckenhon as Sigillaria oculina, which may be correctly referred to that genus, although an inspection of a plaster-cast of the type-specimen in the Berlin Bergakademie left some doubt as to the sufficiency of the evidence for adopting the generic name Sigillaria.
AdvertisementThe usual response of catholic apologists is to repeatedly assert that 2 Timothy 3 does not teach sufficiency.
Maine prepared television advertisements urging teenagers to postpone sexual activity and to achieve self sufficiency before engaging in sex.
The main purpose of this was to keep outsiders out and thereby ensure a sufficiency of work for those that were ' in ' .
Perhaps they were denying the sufficiency of salvation for all men.
Access to abundant sea water, local marine organisms and fish breeding expertise provides a self sufficiency that ensures a reliable and consistent service.
It could only decide to discontinue cases which failed both the evidential sufficiency and public interest criterial.
Details of the course of studies proposed Accommodation arrangements Evidence of financial self sufficiency.
The focus of our courses includes economic self sufficiency, citizenship, personal autonomy and relationships.
Previously refugees who have had this kind of support have attained self- sufficiency more quickly than those without mentors.
The degree of self sufficiency in these accession states is around 80 %, vastly higher than in the existing 15 Member States.
The goal of national energy self sufficiency based on 100% renewable energy sources must apply to all nations.
Access to light is not required, because the seed contains a sufficiency of stored-up food.
The bishops of England have also jurisdiction to examine clerks who may be presented to benefices within their respective dioceses, and they are bound in each case by the 95th canon of 1604 to inquire and inform themselves of the sufficiency of each clerk within twenty-eight days, after which time, if they have not rejected him as insufficiently qualified, they are bound to institute him, or to license him, as the case may be, to the benefice, and thereupon to send their mandate to the archdeacon to induct him into the temporalities of the benefice.
There are a lot of myths about sufficiency of evidence, even within the those in the know.
The NBS ' prime concern is always the safety of patients through maintaining the quality and sufficiency of the blood supply.
York 's ample sufficiency of water continues - hosepipe ban not envisaged in the near future !
In testing the sufficiency of a child 's understanding I would not say that welfare has no place.
Summary These proposals attempt to address the sufficiency of representation information, both at the point of ingest, and throughout long-term preservation.
The main purpose of this was to keep outsiders out and thereby ensure a sufficiency of work for those that were ' in '.
Your teacher will decide whether the stated quality and sufficiency requirements have, on balance, been met.
Urban self sufficiency takes a little more effort and imagination than rural or suburban self sufficiency, but it is very possible.
Raise their own livestock - This may not be possible for most, but some people aiming for self sufficiency raise their own chickens and cattle.
Make their own clothes - Instead of buying new clothes, self sufficiency people make their own clothes.
Fill our hearts with joy and gladness, that ever having of all things a sufficiency, we may superabound in all good works, in Christ Jesus our Lord, &c.'" The writer then enjoins that, "if two or three other virgins are present, they also shall give thanks over the bread set out, and join in the prayers.
Should any one be sceptical as to the sufficiency of these laws to account for the present state of things, science can furnish no evidence strong enough to overthrow his doubts until the sun shall be found growing smaller by actual measurement, or the nebulae be actually seen to condense into stars and systems."
This would matter very little, perhaps, if Englishmen had a firm belief, established by actual experience, in the soundness of their policy, the present security of their position, and the sufficiency of their methods to strengthen or maintain it.
In the case of acetate the precipitation is quite complete; from a sulphate or chloride solution the greater part of the metal goes into the precipitate; in the presence of a sufficiency of free HC1 the metal remains dissolved; sulphide of ammonium precipitates the metal completely, even in the presence of ammonium salts and free ammonia.
The next requisite is that he should be admitted by the bishop as a fit person for the spiritual office to which the benefice is annexed, and the bishop is the judge of the sufficiency of the clerk to be so admitted.
But on reflection we are led to question the sufficiency of the account thus offered to us.
The Arminian system was an attempt to modify the Calvinistic theory in a moral interest, so as to maintain human responsibility, good and ill desert; but to this moral interest the system sacrificed the religious interest in the sufficiency and the sovereignty of divine grace.