Substitute Sentence Examples
I was positive all she did was substitute a different one for each letter in the alphabet.
These nuts, as far as they went, were a good substitute for bread.
It is used by brewers as a substitute for hops.
As these possess no glands they are a worthless substitute.
You can also substitute sweet potato fries with any burger or sandwich order.
It was often a pecuniary advantage to the master to liberate his slave; he obtained a payment which enabled him to buy a substitute, a^ .d at the same time gained a client.
The bark is also used as a substitute for paper.
Gladstone was implored to withdraw them, or substitute a resolution in favour of Irish autonomy; but he resolved to press at least the Home Rule Bill to a second reading.
They have been successfully dyed and used as a substitute for sable.
You can also use buttons as a substitute for bullets in list-style journaling.
AdvertisementScrambled eggs - substitute tofu for eggs and add a little soy milk to give it a creamy texture.
The leaves of a closely allied plant, Empleurum serratulum, are employed as a substitute or adulterant for buchu.
This is the great social fact - the failure of government to perform one of its most primary duties, the necessity of finding some substitute in private life - extending in greater or less degree through the whole formative period of feudalism, which explains the transformation of institutions that brought it into existence.
Along with this you'll find a selection of tasty vegetarian recipes and food substitute options to make cooking easier.
In the United States, tofu is extremely popular with vegetarians who use it as a protein substitute.
AdvertisementIn order to yield mouthwatering results, it is critical to find the egg substitute that will enhance your recipe.
If you are allergic to eggs or are vegan this product is not a recommended egg substitute.
The German emperor shared this desire, but Bismarck and the Austrian emperor wished to substitute for the imperial league some more advantageous combination.
But his proposal to substitute for all aides and customs duties a single capitation tax of a tenth of the revenue of all property was naturally opposed by the farmers of taxes and found little support.
It was found, however, that the steam work was done with less care than had been bestowed upon the horse tillage, and the result was that steam came to be regarded as an auxiliary to horse labour rather than as a substitute for it.
AdvertisementWe can therefore substitute sound diagnosis for guesswork more frequently in modern than in historical problems.
At the same time, his characteristic exactness makes his collection a most admirable substitute for the texts of the many valuable treatises of earlier mathematicians of which time has deprived us.
Mushrooms and other fungi are largely used as food, especially by the Hindus of the towns, to whom they supply a substitute for meat.
This was the beginning of his connexion with John Stuart Mill, which led to a life-long friendship. In 1841 he became substitute for Dr Glennie, the professor of moral philosophy, who, through ill-health, was unable to discharge the active duties of the chair.
He still for a short time retained influence with the king, and intended to employ George Grenville (whom he recommended as his successor) as his agent; but the latter insisted on possessing the king's whole confidence, and on the failure of Bute in August 1763 to procure his dismissal and to substitute a ministry led by Pitt and the duke of Bedford, Grenville demanded and obtained Bute's withdrawal from the court.
AdvertisementIn some tracts it was found advisable to substitute a less elaborate schedule for that generally prescribed.
The work was in fact the first attempt to substitute for the popular representations of Thiers and Lamartine the critical investigation which has been carried on with such brilliance by Taine and Sorel.
Of the intestines they make masks or covers for their faces, to protect them from the glare of the sun in the spring, and use them as a substitute for glass, by extending them over their windows.
Voltaire, though he did not originate, yet adopted a moral and religious scheme which he sought to substitute for the church tradition.
Esparto leaves contain 56% by weight of fibre, or about ro% more than straw, and hence have come into requisition as a substitute for linen rags in the manufacture of paper.
If then we substitute for the standard cell any other source of electromotive force, we can move the slider into another position in which the galvanometer will show no deflection.
Many even of these readings merely relate to variations of spelling, pronunciation or grammatical forms; others substitute a more decent expression for the coarser phrase of the text, but in some instances the suggested reading really affects the sense of the passage.
And these earliest epistles are just the substitute for his personal presence, advice which he took occasion to send to his converts after he had left them.
The notes are not legal tender, and it is forbidden to count them as " cash on hand " in bank returns, but ample safeguards both as to issue and redemption inspire full confidence in their employment as a substitute for gold.
According to the decisions of the Congregation of Rites chasubles must not be of linen, cotton or woollen stuffs, but of silk; though a mixture of wool (or linen and cotton) and silk is allowed if the silk completely cover the other material on the outer side; spun glass thread, as a substitute for gold or silver thread, is also forbidden, owing to the possible danger to the priest's health through broken fragments falling into the chalice.
For translations from the ancients he would substitute imitations.
In 1171 on the death of the Fatimite caliph he was powerful enough to substitute the name of the orthodox caliph in all Egyptian mosques.
This industry was ruined by the competition of chemical dyes, and a substitute was found in the cultivation of coffee.
The syrup is used chiefly as a substitute for jam or preserved fruits, and the sugar is used in country homes for sweetening, for cooking purposes and for the making of confectionery.
It remained for Spengel to entitle the work Anaximenis Ars Rhetorica in his edition of 1847, and thus substitute for the name of the philosopher Aristotle that of the sophist Anaximenes on his title-page.
Revard (Paris, 1816); Delambre, Traite de l'astronomie theorique et pratique, tome iii.; Histoire de l'astronomie moderne; Methodus technica brevis, perfacilis, ac perpetua construendi Calendarium Ecclesiasticum, Stylo tam novo quam vetere, pro cunctis Christianis Europae populis, F&c., auctore Paulo Tittel (Göttingen, 1816); Formole analitsche pel 1 If Saturday, substitute Sunday immediately following.
The soft inner bark is occasionally used in Siberia as a ferment, by hunters and others, being boiled and mixed with rye-meal, and buried in the snow for a short time, when it is employed as a substitute for other leaven, and in making the sour liquor called " quass."
The meal is an excellent substitute for soap, and is stated by Elliot to be an invariable concomitant of the Hindu bath.
For it he proposed to substitute the genetic method, whereby human conscious experience might be exhibited as growing or developing from its essential basis in connexion with external conditions.
But his substitute was his own hypothesis of panpsychism, from which he deduced a "cosmorganic " evolution from a " cosmorganic " or original condition of the world as a living organism into the inorganic, by the principle of tendency to stability.
This is to substitute " indirect experience " for all inference, and to maintain that when, starting from any " direct experience," I infer the back of the moon, which is always turned away from me, I nevertheless have experience of it; nay, that it is experience.
The popes were in favour of Charles of Anjou and his dynasty, but Charles was hostile to the union of the two Churches, since it was his intention to seize the Byzantine Empire and substitute himself for the Palaeologi.
The .- trunk contains a spacious body-cavity filled during the breeding season by the swollen ovaries, and the same is true of the tail if we substitute testes for ovaries.
The first is the department of extraordinary ecclesiastical affairs, having at its head the secretary of the Congregation of the same name; the second, that of ordinary affairs, directed by a substitute, is the department dealing, among other things, with the concession of honorary distinctions, both for ecclesiastics and laymen; the third is that of the briefs, which hitherto.
The brief is written on thin parchment, and dated by the ordinary era and the day of the month; they were formerly signed only by the cardinal secretary of briefs or his substitute, but now by the cardinal secretary of state or the head of the office, called the chancellor of Briefs (cancellarius Brevium) .
At one time also some species were used in the arts for supplying a gum as a substitute for gum-arabic. These were chiefly Ramalina fraxinea, Evernia prunastri and Parmelia physodes, all of which contain a considerable proportion of gummy matter (of a much inferior quality, however, to gum-arabic), and were employed in the process of calico-printing and in the making of parchment and cardboard.
Among other treasures it contains the silver coffin of St Liborius, a substitute for one which was coined into dollars in 1622 by Christian of Brunswick, the celebrated freebooter.
At the diet of 1605 Sigismund and his partisans endeavoured so far to reform the Polish constitution as to substitute a decision by a plurality of votes for unanimity in the diet.
As a substitute for Solenhofen stone it is used in a modified form of lithography, which can be performed on rotary printingmachines at a high speed.
For one kind of meat we could substitute another; wool could be replaced by cotton, silk or fur; were our common silicate glass gone, we could probably perfect and cheapen some other of the transparent solids; but even if the earth could be made to yield any substitute for the forty or fifty million tons of iron which we use each year for rails, wire, machinery, and structural purposes of many kinds, we could not replace either the steel of our cutting tools or the iron of our magnets, the basis of all commercial electricity.
The best, from Norway, are very durable and of good appearance and an excellent substitute for American sable.
It is very durable for linings, and is an economical substitute for sable for coats, capes, boas and trimmings.
It remains to be seen how knowledge can be explained on such a basis; but, before proceeding to sketch Hume's answer to this question, it is necessary to draw attention, first, to the peculiar device invariably resorted to by him when any exception to his general principle that ideas are secondary copies of impressions presents itself, and, secondly, to the nature of the substitute offered by him for that perception of relations or synthesis which even in Locke's confused statements had appeared as the essence of cognition.
These external relations are, in fact, what Hume describes as the natural bonds of connexion among ideas, and, regarded subjectively as principles of association among the facts of mental experience, they form the substitute he offers for the synthesis implied in knowledge.
As in the case of the previous problem, it is unnecessary to follow the steps of his analysis, which are, for the most part, attempts to self substitute qualities of feeling for the relations of thought The .
By Wilhelm Ostwald especially, attempts have been made to substitute the notion of atoms and molecular structure by less hypothetical conceptions; these ideas may some day receive thorough confirmation, and when this occurs science will receive a striking impetus.
These were intended as a substitute for the paid canvassers, about to be abolished by Mr Gladstone's Reform Bill.
The principle of the Tithe Commutation Acts (1836-1860) is to make permanent and general the system which had been only partial or temporary (in most cases), After the and to "substitute a corn rent (known as a tithe rent charge), permanent in quantity and payable Acts.
A military demonstration on the 8th of September 1881, led by Arabi, forced the khedive to increase the numbers and pay of the army, to substitute Sherif Pasha for Riaz Pasha as prime minister, and to convene an assembly of notables.
But without following the explanation into the details in which it revels, it may be enough to say that the whole hypothesis is but an attempt to exclude the occult conception of action at a distance, and substitute a familiar phenomenon.
In 1852 he began experiments in steam cultivation, and in 1858 the Royal Agricultural Society awarded him the prize of £50o which it had offered for a steam-cultivator that should be an economic substitute for the plough or the spade.
Here the tendency to substitute uniform imperial laws for state laws is clearly seen.
Moreover, a law of 1878, the occasion of which was Bismarcks long absence from Berlin, empowered the chancellor to appoint a substitute or representative (Stellvertreter) either for the whole duties of his office or for the affairs of a particular department.
Magyars and Sla y s never willingly recognized a style which ignored their national rights and implied the superiority of the German elements of the monarchy; to the Germans it was a poor substitute for a title which had represented the political unity of the German race under the Holy Empire.
The printing-office was for him, what it has been for many another poor boy, no mean substitute for the academy and for the college.
A regiment of regular infantry makes but a sorr substitute for the splendid cavalcade of former times.
The British officers had acquired the words of command in Turkish, as used in the old army, an attempt to substitute Egyptian words having failed owing to lack of crisp, sharp-sounding words.
He is even said to have given orders to substitute the name of the Fatimite caliph for that of the Abbasid in public prayer, but to have been warned of the unwisdom of this course.
The abolition of this system was announced in 1906, and, as a partial substitute, it was decided to hold an annual examination in Peking of Chinese graduates educated abroad (Times, 22nd of October 1906).
Pomp Eio (1569-1616), a native of Corsica, who served under Alessandro Farnese and the marquis of Spinola in the Low Countries, where he lost an arm, and, from the artificial substitute which he wore, came to be known by the sobriquet Bras de Fer.
The leaves are eaten by cattle, and have been employed as a substitute for tea.
Satisfactions took the new meaning of the temporal punishments due in this life and the substitute for the pains of purgatory.
He disclaims the intention of making his work a substitute for the actual narrative contained in the Bible.
Accordingly Protagoras, while with the one hand he put away philosophy, with the other offered a substitute.
That he should do so was only natural, since his position as a teacher of rhetoric was already secure when Protagoras made his first appearance in the character of a sophist; and, as Protagoras, Prodicus and the rest of the sophists of culture offered a comprehensive education, of which oratory formed only a part, whilst Gorgias made no pretence of teaching " civic excellence " (Plato, Meno, 95 C), and found a substitute for philosophy, not in literature generally, but in the professional study of rhetoric alone, it would have been convenient if the distinction between sophistry and rhetoric had been maintained.
Indeed, the sophists generally had a special predisposition to error of this sort, not only because sophistry was from the beginning a substitute for the pursuit of truth, but also because the successful professor, travelling from city to city, or settling abroad, could take no part in public affairs, and thus was not at every step reminded of the importance of the " material " element of exposition and reasoning.
Though some of those who resorted to the gymnasts, physicians and musicians derived from them such substitute for " higher education " as was before 447 generally obtainable, it was only incidentally that professional men and artists communicated anything which could be called by that name.
In 1761 it was found expedient and profitable to dethrone Mir Jafar, the nawab of Murshidabad, and substitute his son-in-law, Mir Kasim, in his place.
Repeated annexations, the spread of education, the appearance of the steam engine and the telegraph wire, all alike revealed a consistent determination to substitute an English for an Indian civilization.
The article Transit Circle describes one form of mounting in which the telescope is simply a refined substitute for the sights or pinules of the old astronomers.
After acting three years as his father's substitute he was elected professor of mathematics in conjunction with him in 1775.
Three years later Adam Ferguson was appointed secretary to the commissioners sent out to the American colonies, and at his urgent request Stewart lectured as his substitute.
Eutychius and others pretend that he desired to substitute Jerusalem for Mecca, because Ibn Zobair had occupied the latter place, and thus the pilgrimage to the Ka`ba had become difficult for the Syrians.
Only after sensation has ceased does an idea, or representation of what is not presented, become necessary as a substitute for a sensation and as a condition not of the first judgment that there is, but of a second judgment that there was, something sensible.
This analytical, Xoyos he offers as his substitute for knowledge.
This is perhaps fortunate for the history of doctrine, for it produces the commentator, your Aspasius or Alexander of Aphrodisias, and the substitute for the critic, your Cicero, or your Galen with his attempt at comprehension of the Stoic categories and the like while starting from Aristotelianism.
But it is not mere induction, with its " unanalysed concretes taken as ultimate " that is set up as the substitute for deduction.
These cases are really included in the equation if we substitute the proper values of n or m.
The highest pressures recorded for cane-sugar are nearly three times as great as those given by van't Hoff's formula for the gas-pressure, but agree very well with the vapour-pressure theory, as modified by Callendar, provided that we substitute for V in Arrhenius's formula the actual specific volume of the solvent in the solution, and if we also assume that each molecule of sugar in solution combines with 5 molecules of water, as required by the observations on the depression of the freezing-point and the rise of the boiling-point.
The flowers are sometimes eaten in salads, and the leaves and young green fruits are pickled in vinegar as a substitute for capers.
The Old Testament, allegorically explained, became the substitute for the outgrown mythology; intellectual activity revived; the new facts gained predominant influence in philosophy, and in turn were shaped according to its canons.
Since a couple is for our purposes sufficiently represented by its moment it has been proposed to substitute the name torque (or twisting effort), as free from the suggestion of any special pair of forces.
One can already discern a movement in various quarters towards a recognition of impersonal theism, and towards fixing the teaching of the philosophical schools upon some definitely authorized system of faith and morals, which may satisfy a rising ethical standard, and may thus permanently embody that tendency to substitute spiritual devotion for external forms and caste rules which is the characteristic of the sects that have from time to time dissented from orthodox Brahminism."
These sometimes completely absorb the shell on which they are settled, but then act as a substitute for it, and in any case by their outgrowth they extend the limits of the dwelling, so that the inmate can grow in comfort without having to hunt or fight for a larger abode.
In 1902 the success of deep tube electric railways in Great Britain was assured, and in 1904 main line railways began to abandon, at least experimentally, the steam locomotive and substitute for it the electric transmission of power.
Indeed, it was not until Mr. Rowan got the Dutch government, about 1838, to substitute jute yarns for those made from flax in the manufacture of the coffee bagging for their East Indian possessions, that the jute trade in Dundee got a proper start.
On the 10th of August 1792 he was a member of the revolutionary Commune of Paris, and became second substitute of the procureur of the Commune on the 2nd of December 1792.
It is, in a manner, Spinoza's "organon" - the doctrine of method which he would substitute for the corresponding doctrines of Bacon and Descartes as alone consonant with the thoughts which were shaping themselves or had shaped themselves in his mind.
The inner bark is twisted into ropes, and, like that of the spruce, is kiln dried, ground up, and mixed with meal in times of scarcity; in Kamchatka it is macerated in water, then pounded, and made into a kind of substitute for bread without any admixture of flour.
He also proposed to substitute for the elected Majlis a council of forty members, nominated by himself; but under pressure from Great Britain.
The letter is essentially a spontaneous, nonliterary production, ephemeral, intimate, personal and private, a substitute for a spoken conversation.
It is a useful method, and is often very satisfactory, but it has the disadvantage that it admits of but little progress, and when a trusted empirical remedy fails we do not know precisely in what direction to look for a substitute.
His method was to choose some Spanish or Italian play, cut out the parts he disliked, and substitute scenes with dialogues in his own way, but he has neither ideals, taste nor education; and, except in Os Maridos Peraltas, his characters are lifeless and their conventional passions are expressed in inflated language.
He also prepared potassium chlorate and attempted to use it in the manufacture of gunpowder as a substitute for saltpetre.
The Jews were ordered under pain of death to substitute for their own observances the Pagan rites prescribed for the empire generally.
It occasioned a sincere friendship between him and Pope, whom he persuaded to add a fourth book to the Dunciad, and encouraged to substitute Cibber for Theobald as the hero of the poem in the edition of 1743 published under the editorship of Warburton.
Eminently religious, and orthodox in his convictions, he did not seek to substitute a pagan for the Christian ideal.
We have evidence that he did not substitute an immanent world-soul for Aristotle's extra-mundane deity; he recognized nothing beyond natural necessity.
In the same year he entered public life, being chosen as substitute for the representative of the lower nobility of his district in the estates-general, which were in that year summoned to Berlin.
It was introduced as a substitute for iodoform and is stated to.
It is quite apparent that the predictions in the Book of Daniel centre on the period of Antiochus Epiphanes (175-164 B.C.), when that Syrian prince was endeavouring to suppress the worship of Yarweh and substitute for it the Greek religion.
To this correspond the Platonic confusion of logic and ethics and the attempt to substitute a theory of concepts for a metaphysic of reality.
Iron or steel as a substitute for wood for constructive purposes was long thought to be fire-proof or fire-resisting because it is incombustible, and for this reason it has not only replaced wood in many features of building construction but is also used as a substitute for masonry.
The presence of a perianth is a feature suggestive of an approach to the floral structure of Angiosperms; the prolongation of the integument furnishes the flowers with a substitute for a stigma and style.
If, however, they could be induced to discard the old Slavonic alphabet and substitute for it the Latin, and could be brought to recognize their national and ethnical unity with ancient Rome, it was hoped that then they would be more easily induced to enter into the unity of faith.
The office of vicepresident is abolished, and the president is authorized to choose a temporary substitute from his cabinet, and in case of his death or resignation his successor is chosen by the cabinet or the governor of a department who happens to be nearest Bogota at the time.
The central and essential ceremonies of the hajj or greater pilgrimage are those of the day of Arafa, the 9th of the "pilgrimage month" (Dhu'l Hijja), the last of the Arab year; and every Moslem who is his own master, and can command the necessary means, is bound to join in these once in his life, or to have them fulfilled by a substitute 1 The latter perhaps was no part of the ancient omra; see SnouckHurgronje, Het Mekkaansche Feest (1880) p. 115 sqq.
Sometimes the monks were directly subject to the lay abbot; sometimes he appointed a substitute to perform the spiritual functions, known usually as dean (decanus), but also as abbot (abbas legitimus, monasticus, regularis).
In the conversation with Nicodemus we seem to overhear a protest against the growing tendency of the last years of the 1st century to substitute formal sacraments for the free afflatus of the spirit, and to "crib, cabin and confine" the gift of prophecy.
He was educated at Glasgow University, where, at the age of twenty, he acted for a short time as substitute for the professor of Greek.
Lord Melbourne was without the qualification of attention to details, and he never displayed those brilliant talents which often form a substitute for more solid acquirements.
Among the Lutherans auricular confession survived the Reformation, but the general confession and absolution before communion were soon allowed by authority to serve as a substitute; in Wurttemberg as early as the 16th century, in Saxony after 1657, and in Brandenburg by decree of the elector in 1698.
The landowners had either to build a house within it for their own inhabiting, or to provide that a competent substitute dwelt there to represent them.
Hence came the curious paradox, that the party which started as the advocates of the rights of parliament against the incapable ministers appointed by the crown, ended by challenging the right of parliament, exercised in 399, to depose a legitimate king and substitute for him another member of the royal house.
They no longer asked, as many of them had asked in the beginning of Elizabeths reign, to substitute the presbyterian discipline for the episcopal government.
The only substitute for traditional authority is the clearly expressed expression of the national will, and it is impossible to doubt that if the national will had been expressed it would have swept away Cromwell and all his system.
In the presence of this difficulty the government decided, early in 1847, gradually to discontinue the relief works, and to substitute for them relief committees charged with the task of feeding the people.
On Monday, the 25th, the cabinet again met to consider the new difficulty which had thus arisen; and it decided (as was said afterwards by Sir John Pakington) in ten minutes to substitute for the scheme a mild measure extending the borough franchise to houses rated at 6 a year, and conferring the county franchise on 20 householders.
Anselm holds that it was best for the injured honour of God to receive from a substitute what the sinner was personally in no condition to offer.
For property Proudhon would substitute individual possession, the right of occupation being equal for all men.
The dean of the Arches originally had jurisdiction over the thirteen London parishes above mentioned, but as the official principal was often absent as ambassador on the continent, he became his substitute, and gradually the two offices were blended together.
The ultimate superiority of the moral consciousness over all other standards is recognized, even by those who impugn its authority, whenever they claim that all men ought to recognize the superior value of the standards which they themselves wish to substitute.
We have seen that in the latter's system the " moral sense " is not absolutely required, or at least is necessary only as a substitute for enlightened self-regard; since if the harmony between prudence and virtue, self-regarding and social impulses, is complete, mere self-interest will prompt a duly enlightened mind to maintain precisely that " balance " of affections in which goodness consists.
The influence of the Darwinian theory, moreover, has extended from historical psychology to ethics, tending to substitute " preservation of the race under its conditions of existence " for " happiness " as the ultimate end and standard of virtue.
It is only in the present day that there are noticeable signs of dissatisfaction with current morality itself, and a tendency to substitute or advocate a new morality based ostensibly upon conclusions derived from the facts of scientific observation.
It is frequently impossible to discover whether he wishes by an appeal to evolutionary principles to reinforce the sanctions and emphasize the absolute character of the traditional morality which in the main he accepts without question from the current opinions about conduct of his age, or whether he wishes to discredit and disprove the validity of that morality in order to substitute by the aid of the biological sciences a new ethical code.
Sir Leslie Stephen, for instance, wishes to substitute the conception of " social health " for that of universal happiness, and considers that the conditions of social health are to be discovered by an examination of the " social organism " or of " social tissue," the laws of which can be studied apart from those laws by which the individuals composing society regulate their conduct.
There is the fact also that Calvin used his endeavour to have the sentence which had been pronounced against Servetus mitigated, death by burning being regarded by him as an "atrocity," for which he sought to substitute death by the sword.
The death of the duke of Orleans in 1842 was a blow to Barrot's party, which sought to substitute the regency of the duchess of Orleans for that of the duke of Nemours in the event of the succession of the count of Paris.
A prohibition bill introduced in the legislature of 1892 was, through the influence of the Tillman Reform faction, replaced by a substitute measure, which established a dispensary system, based upon the Gothenburg plan.
Philip Augustus was not satisfied with the destruction of a turbulent feudalism; he wished to substitute for it such unity and peace as had obtained in the Roman Empire; Adminisand just as he had established his supremacy over the tration of feudal lords, so now he managed to extend it over the Philip clergy, and to bend them to his will.
Whilst others were triumphing openly, Mazarin, in the shadow and silence of the interregnum, had kept watch upon the heart of the queen; and when the old party of Marie de Medici and Anne of Austria wished to come back into power, to impose a general peace, and to substitute for the Protestant alliances an understanding with Spain, the arrest of Francois de Vendme, duke of Beaufort, and the exile of other important nobles proved to the great families that their hour had gone by (September 1643).
But to indicate this opposition in the qualities of the reals A+B, we must substitute for these symbols others, which, though only "contingent aspects" of A and B, i.e.
Taking conduction into account in the application of the second law of thermodynamics, he proposes to substitute the inequality, Td/dET - P
Oats and rye are cultivated only in the higher parts of the mountains, the former as a substitute for barley in feeding horses and mules, the latter as a breadstuff.
There was no definite idea anywhere as to how a substitute was to be found.
If pollen is scarce, a substitute in the form of either pea-meal or wheaten flour must be supplied to the bees, as brood-rearing cannot make headway without the nitrogenous element indispensable in the food on which the young are reared.
Further, in accordance with the tendency to substitute historical for economic explanations of the great feasts, Pentecost came to be regarded as the feast commemorative of the Sinaitic legislation.
It is cultivated for the sake of its leaves, which are used in salads and soups as a substitute for young onions.
Rendel Harris that the great twin pillars were connected with the cult of the Dioscuri, and that in the Acts of Thomas is to be seen a later attempt to substitute other " twins," viz.
Common frankincense is an ingredient in some ointments and plasters, and on account of its pleasant odour when burned has been used in incense as a substitute for olibanum.
Gum kuteera resembles in appearance gum tragacanth, for which the attempt has occasionally been made to substitute it.
The earliest examples were square or rectangular in horizontal section, but the general tendency of modern practice is to substitute round sections, their construction being facilitated by the use of specially moulded bricks which have entirely superseded the sandstone blocks formerly used.
He was also the first to discard the use of wooden bomb-shells, and substitute others cast in bronze.
The best method of birth control is abstinence and a little pill is no substitute for morality.
He needed a little mind-clearing R and R. Bird Song showed no damage from a day of substitute management.
A solution, which is perfectly acceptable to HMRC, is to substitute some of the employe's pay with the childcare vouchers.
In my experience, a slavish adherence to a methodology can be a good substitute for thought, for some bad PM's.
It can also be used to substitute anise seeds in recipes - 1 crushed star anise = 1/2 teaspoon crushed anise seed.
In case of supply difficulties substitute components may be supplied; for instance 100nF capacitors may replace 47nF parts.
Nothing that is said here by us is intended to substitute for reading the catechism.
If goat colostrum does not provide this immunity can its use still be justified as, for example, an enriched milk substitute.
And so, as a substitute for my lack of technique, I do a few contortions.
Other plants gathered included dandelion leaves for greens and salads, chicory roots for a coffee substitute, and cabbage leaves for chilblains!
People feel all kinds of ways, But nothing can substitute a drunken daze, Apart from Rage.
However, a suitable substitute delegate may replace an existing booking at any time without cost penalty.
If you're on a budget cloth diapers can be used as a substitute.
So we oppose the suggestion to substitute private easements over public roads.
Phone calls and analog faxes are routed via GSM and device works as a substitute for a fixed telephone line.
Second Test - Edgbaston The role of a substitute fielder can be a complicated one.
The throw, tho, from the substitute fielder Stephen Peters, who had only just taken the field, missed the stumps.
Pollen Substitute Toasted soya flour 1 part by weight.
The only ineligible player among the 16 being the substitute goalkeeper Tom Heaton.
Subsection (4) provides for substitute guardians, who have not been called upon to act, to resign.
Consequently a substitute was needed - walking the labyrinth in a church.
They may also serve as substitute holidays, as they do for me in my own marimba in the black course kind of way.
A substitute Medicaid for family coverage drive down health.
Now addicts are being offered the heroin substitute methadone.
It can be used as a substitute in most recipes calling for dark molasses.
I expect Hague would win each one, on account of his good oratory, but this is no substitute for policies.
Online learning material should not be a substitute for active participatory learning experiences.
However, she was eventually persuaded to substitute a fine.
Instead they hesitated and allowed substitute Williams to sneak in and toe poke past a bewildered Beresford.
That research is no substitute for understanding the human psyche.
Fresh winter savory leaves can be used as a substitute for black pepper.
For coffee milk shake, use coffee ice cream, or substitute vanilla or coffee syrup.
Solute atoms of similar size to those in the host lattice may substitute for host atoms - these are known as substitutional solute atoms of similar size to those in the host lattice may substitute for host atoms - these are known as substitutional solutes.
Created substitute programs to child's nativity stares quot cases were in the book.
The third Charlton player in England's squad, defender Casey Stoney, was an unused substitute.
Methadone is an opiate substitute and is synthesized from the raw materials found in the opium poppy.
As kosher food is an acceptable substitute for halal meat, many of the usual arguments over food at the wedding reception were bypassed.
Even retailers with national coverage did not feel that regional wholesalers were an adequate substitute for the co-ordinated service offered by a national provider.
The toxicology tests also showed what had killed him was being given the drug combined with an adult dose of the heroin substitute Subutex.
In bakery mixes Meritose provides a source of fermentable sugars to promote yeast activity and it may be used to substitute sucrose economically.
In their enthusiasm to have the working classes go teetotal, tea was regularly offered at temperance meetings as a substitute for alcohol.
This recipe is also included in Easy Sushi but here I substitute fish fingers for the prawn tempura suggested in the book.
The mutation produces a good solo timbre, a kind of cornet substitute.
Why bother with substitute sources of stand-in obligation when, thanks to having become moral saints, act utilitarianism will fortunately always do?
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the contemporary avant-garde must substitute itself for the missing political vanguard.
I have used the traditional thick white noodles but you could substitute Chinese egg noodles or rice vermicelli.
Recent projects have included processes for the production of fungal meat substitute, biodegradable plastic, and protein and ethanol from cheese whey.
If we substitute the latter value in (22) we find X Io 6 cm.
Ellis used mean-tone temperament in calculating this lower pitch; but as he used just intonation for the Halberstadt, it seems preferable to substitute it for the Chorton, thus reducing it to a' 422.8.
But the effect of the adoption of these conclusions has been rather to substitute a new metaphor for that of Bonnet than to abolish the conception expressed by it.
When, in the early years of steam navigation, the English government made known its desire to substitute steam vessels for the sailing ships then employed in the mail service between England and America, Cunard heartily entered into the scheme, came to England, and accepted the government tender for carrying it out.
He also wrote in 1832 Le Livre nouveau, intended as a substitute for the Christian Scriptures, but it was not published.
The same tendency led the pious worshippers to avoid His awful name and to substitute Adonai in their scriptures or to use in the Mishna the term " name " (shem) or " heaven."
Immediately after the discovery of guncotton SchOnbein proposed its employment as a substitute for gunpowder, and General von Lenk carried out a lengthy and laborious series of experiments intending to adapt it especially for artillery use.
Disillusioned and cynical, though clear-sighted as ever, he was henceforth before all things an Austrian, more Austrian on occasion even than Metternich; as, e.g., when, during the final stages of the campaign of 1814, he expressed the hope that Metternich would substitute "Austria" for "Europe" in his diplomacy and - strange advice from the old hater of Napoleon and of France - secure an AustroFrench alliance by maintaining the husband of Marie Louise on the throne of France.
Thanks to the enthusiasm of Schliemann and his successors, we can now substitute for the mythical "Age of Heroes" a historical "Mycenaean Age" of Greece, and give tangible proof of its relatively high state of civilization.
But attempts have been made, and have been largely successful, to make the revenue dependent to a less extent on monopolies and the products (especially agricultural) of the land; and to abolish licences and substitute direct taxes.
In 1550 it was proposed in Brunswick to banish all " profane " authors from the schools, and in 1589 a competent scholar was instructed to write a sacred epic on the kings of Israel as a substitute for the works of the "pagan" poets.
Revard (Paris, 1816); Delambre, Traite de l'astronomie theorique et pratique, tome iii.; Histoire de l'astronomie moderne; Methodus technica brevis, perfacilis, ac perpetua construendi Calendarium Ecclesiasticum, Stylo tam novo quam vetere, pro cunctis Christianis Europae populis, F&c., auctore Paulo Tittel (Göttingen, 1816); Formole analitsche pel 1 If Saturday, substitute Sunday immediately following.
In 1750 Dr Gowan Knight found that the needles of merchant-ships were made of two pieces of steel bent in the middle and united in the shape of a rhombus, and proposed to substitute straight steel bars of small breadth, suspended edgewise and hardened throughout.
But from this enormous increase of territory and influence arose a whole series of new and difficult problems. The court of Rome had to substitute for the old Greek hierarchy a hierarchy of Latin bishops; to force the remaining Greek clergy to practise the beliefs and rites of the Roman religion and bow to the supremacy of the pope; to maintain in the Greco-Latin Eastern Church the necessary order, morality and subordination; to defend it against the greed and violence of the nobles and barons who had founded the Latin Empire; and to compel the leaders of the new empire to submit to the apostolic power and execute its commands.
Translucent oyster shells are a common substitute for glass; and the walls are whitewashed, but on account of the frequency of earthquakes are not plastered.
Protests, especially in South Germany, were raised against the criminal procedure, for it was proposed to abolish trial by jury and substitute over the whole empire the Prussian system, and a sharp conflict arose as to the method of dealing with the press.
The secret police provided but a poor substitute for the assistance which an argus-eyed and articulate public opinion gives to the efficient working of a constitutional system; for the greatest of autocrats has but two eyes, and it is no difficult task to deceive him.
If the condition of things which we were made for is not yet, what were any reality which we can substitute?
You might be organizing free delivery for housebound people, or supervising the heroin substitute methadone and helping a patient 's recovery from addiction.
If you 're very worried then substitute 1/2 cup of skim milk powder for 2 eggs, but do n't replace more than that.
Solute atoms of similar size to those in the host lattice may substitute for host atoms - these are known as substitutional solutes.
Synthetic white spinel was often used in the past as a diamond substitute.
The third Charlton player in England 's squad, defender Casey Stoney, was an unused substitute.
Created substitute medicaid in companies of serious illnesses and.
In addition, Grace got promoted to the firsts, and Neil made a substitute appearance.
On came substitute keeper 18-year-old debutant Alex Davies with the chance to make himself the hero by saving Reid 's spot kick.
Meritose may be used as a sucrose substitute or a readily available energy source in sports drinks, isotonic drinks and baby foods.
For temporary relief, use sugarless candy or gum, melt bits of ice in your mouth, or use a saliva substitute.
If the character set of your project lacks special symbols and superscript characters, use the following substitute trademark notices.
Substitute Steve Brodie grabbed a deserved late consolation with a thumping diving header from a Steve Watkin cross.
Basic substitute foods for milk products are soya milk and desserts, soya margerine and tofu cheeses and spreads.
A painting more than fifty years old may be safely wiped over with turpentine substitute applied lightly with a soft pad.
In the absence of three-dimensional structures for variola proteins, it should be possible to substitute those obtained from the highly similar vaccinia virus.
Jack Defty volleyed just over the crossbar and substitute Sam McMahon saw his shot saved by Parkin.
He built a grand wickerwork image in which to burn them but the warriors objected and insisted on a substitute.
Place the baby bottle or substitute item in the center of the area marked on the cake platter.
For friends and acquaintances who don't text , email can be a good substitute.
Optional coverage includes towing and labor, substitute transportation, and collision/comprehensive, among others.
It is good to start your camera phone shopping with the realization that a camera phone is not a real substitute for a camera.
The type you use will depend on the project you're doing, and it's not always possible to substitute one type for another.
Be careful, however - some people feel gift cards are a poor substitute even for a less than perfect gift.
Some players will substitute their 7 or 8 iron if they don't have a pitching wedge in their bag.
As a substitute for lemon-lime soda, you can use vinegar by mixing two tablespoons of vinegar with one teaspoon of sugar in a quart of water.
Plexiglass is very light-weight and when coupled with its shatter-resistant quality, makes it a great substitute for glass.
Don't expect the same price for the substitute, but you might be able to get a better brand or a product with more features for a reasonable discount.
This is an inferior substitute for real meat protein.
I would take your cats off the commercial diet completely, and temporarily substitute a diet of fresh cooked meet and brown rice.
This information is not meant to be used as a substitute for competent veterinary care.
They shouldn't be used as a substitute for a regular balanced diet.
Well-drained tuna makes a great substitute for turkey, and you can try substituting different kinds of flour until you create a treat with the texture and taste your pet truly loves.
Now that the product has been discontinued, it may be difficult to find a substitute that a finicky cat enjoys.
Many cat owners experience a difficult set of responses when attempting to substitute pine litter as a litter alternative.
It is a safe litter substitute if you choose to declaw your cat or if your cat has had surgery.
Reading a story online is no substitute for hearing a bedtime story while tucked in for the night.
Kina Lillet is no longer sold, but Lillet Blanc makes an excellent substitute.
You can also substitute orange soda or sherbet for the juice.
Substitute the cinnamon schnapps for crème de cacao, and add a couple of tablespoons of chocolate syrup for a Mocha Frappaccino Cocktail.
You can easily substitute sparkling white wine for champagne in any of the recipes below, or if you are interested in making "virgin" cocktails, you can substitute mineral water as well.
Some southerners have been known to substitute sweet iced tea for simple syrup.
Instead of using rum, you can substitute vodka for a drink that's a little less sweet.
If you're watching your sugar or calorie intake, make simple syrup using Splenda or another sugar substitute instead of using regular sugar, and go very light on the triple sec.
Some people substitute vodka for a less sweet drink.
You can substitute a fancier orange liqueur, like Cointreau or Grand Marnier, but as with the rum, it's not necessary to buy a particularly expensive brand to make a tasty drink.
You can substitute simple syrup to ensure it blends thoroughly into your drink.
The second thing you can do is use low or zero calorie mixers as a substitute for high calorie ones.
Green Dot prepaid debit cards are one way to budget your money each month or to give someone as a substitute for cash.
A bench or chest makes an excellent substitute for a coffee table or can be placed in front of your desk for additional storage space.
If they are late or if the furniture is damaged upon arrival, they will refund your deposit or substitute a new piece of furniture.
Within the next fifteen years the country expects to substitute biodiesel for at least twenty percent of its conventional diesel.
Bach Flower Essences should never substitute for emergency first aid or medical treatment.
Substitute saturated animal fats such as butter and lard with unsaturated vegetable oils like olive, mustard, canola and sunflower oil.
You can also substitute your usual oil with flaxseed oil or purchase flaxseed oil in capsule form.
The extracts from the leaves of the stevia plant are used as a sugar substitute.
Instead, mix it with a bit of water and honey as a refreshing drink, or substitute it for distilled white vinegar when preparing sauces, salads, or marinades.
Chinese herbs should not be used as a substitute for a holistic cholesterol lowering plan.
Turmeric has been used as a substitute for saffron as well as an ingredient in foods like curry, mustard, and cheese - both for its flavor and color.
When it's time for a décor change, the blinds or shades will still be in place and you can substitute in a new pair of curtain panels in the new décor.
Depending on costs and budget, you'll either move ahead or begin to eliminate and substitute items for lower cost selections.
Now keep the sheers but substitute willow branches on hooks for the wrought iron.
If you're using a predetermined color palette that has an accent color that you really don't like, try to find a substitute for that color that will still work well with the other colors in the palette.
While self-tanning is a wonderful substitute to the damaging and skin-aging consequences of ultra-violet rays, application woes turned off many consumers for good reason.
If you have experience applying creamy eyeshadow, then using Fluidline as a substitute will be no problem.
In tough budget times, schools may not have the money to pay for your conference fees and a substitute teacher for the day.
Getting your school to cover the costs may still be an issue, but reimbursement may be possible when the school isn't also paying $75 for a substitute.
These features include Wild Symbols that substitute for other symbols to create a winning line, and also act as a special bonus when hitting over a certain number of Wilds.
Sometimes, though, it's hard to find a Portuguese translator, so the Internet is a reasonable substitute.
Soon you will have a new and fun way to kill time on the net -- and perhaps a temporary substitute for the real dog that you so desperately want.
Reviews can give a list of features, but it is no substitute for trying a camera in person.
Substitute the fresh lime juice for two tablespoons of wine vinegar.
If you're serving to kids, you can substitute apple juice or grape juice for the rum.
It's excellent as a cereal substitute or as a side dish.
Take a look at your recipe and ask yourself what you can substitute to make it healthier.
You may substitute fresh squeezed orange juice if you wish.
LoveToKnow reserves the right to substitute a comparable prize.
The key to keeping your blood glucose on target is to substitute small portions of sweets for other carbohydrates in your meals.
Add sugar, or sugar substitute, and mix until it dissolves.
When trying to convert recipes for diabetics you often just need to use a good sugar substitute.
Another way is to just not use milk or milk products in your cooking, but to go this rout you will need to find a substitute.
Before deciding on the type of egg substitute to use, it's a good idea to look over your recipe carefully.
For example, if a cake recipe calls for one egg, you should barely notice that an egg substitute was used.
However, if you are trying to substitute for four or five eggs the difference in taste and texture will not be as minimal.
In those cases you are better off using a flaxseed mixture or tofu as an egg substitute.
Ener-G Egg replacer is a commercial egg substitute that can be purchased at your local health food store, some larger grocery chains, or online.
It requires specific know-how to determine what role the egg substitute will play in conjunction with the other ingredients; its function.
For example, will the egg substitute have to work as leaven, a binder or is it added for taste or moisture?
Knowing which function you are trying to mimic will help you choose the right egg substitute for your recipe.
If you are a vegan, understanding the function of an egg substitute is only one part of what you need to know.
Leavening - eggs substitute used as a leavening agent makes baked goods light or fluffy.
If you don't really know for sure what egg substitute to use in your recipe, buying a commercial product like Ener-G Egg Replacer will make your life easier.
The Ener-G Egg substitute is easy to use.
This trend may just open the door to a wider selection of non-dairy egg substitute products.
While we may see an increase in egg substitute products, it's important to pay attention to the details.
Adding an egg substitute and bread or cracker crumbs will bind the veggies together to form a burger patty, and added spices give a flavor boost.
Lentils can be dry, however, so make sure you add some liquid and an egg substitute to lentil burgers to avoid them being crumbly.
It is meant to mimic ground beef or other ground meats, and can be swapped into standard burger recipes as a meat substitute.
If you'd rather skip the onions in a marinated salad and substitute bell peppers instead, the point value will not change, and you'll be happier with the result.
If you sacrifice some flavor and richness by using one egg substitute, you may be able to make up for it by mixing chocolate chips or fresh fruit into your pancake batter.
Use nibs as a substitute for nuts if you have a nut allergy or if nuts are unavailable.
Textured vegetable protein (TVP) is a dehydrated soy product used as a meat substitute in vegetarian and vegan dishes.
When using TVP as a meat substitute, one cup of dry TVP equals about one pound of meat when reconstituted.
Cube slices of bread, coat them with a little bit of vegan butter substitute and dry herbs, and toss them on top of a salad or bowl of soup.
Mix cooked veggies with bread crumbs, tamari sauce, herbs, and egg substitute, and bake as a casserole.
The head lei is a good substitute for the traditional wedding veil.
To coordinate with more serious Halloween themes, substitute strings of blacklights or Halloween-themed pumpkin, ghost, and bat patio lights.
If this proves too difficult, you may try to substitute a beverage with less caffeine for your usual choice.
Some heroin addicts have found Vicodin a cheaper substitute.
A depression test is not intended to provide an official diagnosis or act as a substitute for proper medical treatment.
Chewing tobacco contains a whopping 28 carcinogens (cancer causing agents) and furthermore, it's actually been declared by the Surgeon General that chewing tobacco is not a safe substitute for real cigarettes.
You can substitute the soft blue for many other colors.
Keep in mind that you'll want to substitute your own graduate's school colors to personalize the design.
The ingredients are all very important to the structure, texture and flavor of the finished product; so don't substitute any others into the recipe.
In fact, stands can even substitute for a centerpiece on a dessert buffet.
They can serve as a substitute for a professor's office hours and allow students the chance to ask questions and receive additional instruction on assignments or course concepts.
There is no substitute for professional veterinary care.
There's no substitute for veterinary care, and it sounds like your dogs truly need to see another vet.
There simply is no substitute for professional care in a situation that is as bad as this one sounds.
The recipes calls for a carob, a healthy chocolate substitute that both people and pups can enjoy.
It's important to emphasize that there is no substitute for vaccinations, or for getting the proper veterinary medical care when your pets are ill.
Education is very important for becoming a respected professional, but there is also no substitute for handling a variety of dog breeds and interacting with different types of people.
Between ten and twelve months of age, gradually substitute the adult dog food that you are planning to use for part of the puppy food.
Make a small amount of plaster of Paris (You can buy the mix at any craft store), but substitute liquid potpourri for the water the directions call for.
In light of the many good reports of this food, a good experiment would be to buy the smallest bag available and begin to mix in or substitute it for your animal's daily ration of food.
What is great about this type of gift is that you may substitute any of the ingredients for anything you might like better.
You can substitute the whole wheat flour for rice flour or any other flour you would like to, especially if you have a dog with allergies.
Rehabilitation is not a substitute for acute veterinary medical care, but it provides a way to enhance your pet's care for the fullest and most expedient recovery possible.
While the ingredients are nutritious, keep in mind that dog biscuits are not a substitute for a high quality, balanced diet.
For example, if your dog has a wheat allergy, you'll either want to avoid making a recipe that calls for wheat flour or substitute another type of flour instead.
They contain Almond-like seeds of mild and somewhat oily taste, which are eaten in Chili and Peru, where the fleshy envelope is made a substitute for the Pomegranate.
Levi's 550 relaxed denim shorts are a superb substitute for Dockers brand denim shorts, and have been kicking around for years without losing one bit of their appeal.
Denim, long beloved for its own ruggedness and wind-breaking ability, is the natural substitute.
You also need to avoid trying to substitute black athletic socks for dress socks.
Traditionally, shortening is a shelf-stable substitute for lard.
You can substitute shortening for butter in recipes for cookies and other baked delights, but they won't taste exactly the same.
Alternatively, you can substitute half of the butter for shortening and still use butter for the other half.
You can substitute other sweeteners for sugar, but you may need to experiment with the amount to get the sweetness just right.
As for animal origin ingredients, only the Henna Powder has honey, but we are studying a substitute ingredient.
Can be used as a wheat substitute for restricted diets.
If you can't find organic candy coated sunflower seeds, the all natural ones are a good substitute.
You may need to substitute one fabric for another in order to stay organic.
The Pakucho Worsted is the closest substitute for the Bernat organic cotton yarn and it comes in 14 natural colors.
Considered a medium worsted weight, this cotton yarn would be an excellent substitute for the discontinued Bernat.
Before you decide to substitute a conventional yarn for the Bernat organic cotton yarn, be sure you understand the differences.
All you do is substitute the clear straps on any bra with removable straps.
Designers may substitute other design features, like rhinestones instead of Swarovski crystals or faux pearls for beadwork, to keep the costs low but the look fabulous.
Take the person's bottle of shampoo and substitute baby oil for the contents.
Another creative joke is to substitute the morning newspaper with one you've "cut" a message into so that when they flip it open, they see a funny line or joke.
If you like the idea of working with kids in a school environment, but you don't want to commit to a full-time schedule, consider becoming a substitute teacher.
The qualifications necessary to substitute teach vary among districts, so you may need to take additional qualifying tests or classes.
No article is a substitute for a long conversation with a surgeon who is experienced in sleep apnea surgery.
Home remedies for snoring are no substitute for medical attention, but they can alleviate the symptoms.
While Wii Fit may not be a 100% substitute for actual exercise, the game may get your motivated by getting you off the couch.
For example, if you are training a linebacker on defense, it is perhaps in your best interest to substitute the running back on your team with someone who has a lower rating in your team's depth chart.
Every system available now has a number of educational games that you can substitute after Johnny beats the savage werewolves in the deepest parts of the jungle.
Nintendo swears the touch screen is a good substitute, but most gamers beg to differ.
If you can't find Creme de Cassis at your local liquor store, substitute Chambord.
Feel free to adjust the amounts and substitute ingredients based on your personal taste and what's available in the supermarket.
However, there's no substitute for experience.
Alternative treatments should not be used as a substitute for medical therapies prescribed by a doctor.
Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for medical therapies prescribed by a doctor.
Infant bath seats are not a substitute for adult supervision.
Even educational games should not be played to excess, because playing video games is not a substitute for positive social interaction or traditional learning.
Relaxation techniques and dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for medical therapies prescribed by a doctor.
Skin grafting-A surgical procedure by which skin or a skin substitute is placed over a burn or nonhealing wound to permanently replace damaged or missing skin or to provide a temporary wound covering.
The prognosis is excellent for young alcoholics who remain alcohol-free and who do not substitute other drugs for alcohol, sometimes called "chewing their booze" in AA.
A less common cause of internal injuries to the nose in older children and adolescents is the use of magnetized jewelry as a substitute for body piercing.
Be aware that "low-fat" foods often substitute sugar for fat, and calories may actually be the same as the regular or high-fat version.
Many Americans eat meat products at nearly every meal, and the first stage of a transition diet is to substitute just a few meals a week with wholly vegetarian foods.
Major vegetarian meat substitute brands include Morningstar Farms, Boca, Gardenburger, and Lightlife.
Chiropractic treatment may relieve pain, but it cannot halt scoliosis development and should not be a substitute for conventional treatment of progressing scoliosis.
They also are referred to as transitional objects, substitute objects, cuddlies, soothers, "loveys," and security blankets.
The security object may serve as a substitute for the parent in his or her absence and may assist separation from the mother or father by providing the comfort of something familiar.
In these cases, it may be possible, with patience, to substitute one security object for another.
The primary goal of parents is to provide safe and competent babysitting without feeling a need for substitute parents.
Substitute reading time or play time for television time.
Foster care is full-time substitute care of children outside their own home by people other than their biological or adoptive parents or legal guardians.
Alternative therapies should not be used as a substitute for medical therapies prescribed by a doctor.
These are all classified as lisping and include excessive pressure by the tongue against the teeth, the tongue held too far back along the midline of the palate, and a "substitute hiss" produced in the throat or larynx.
There is no substitute for treatment by a dentist or other medical professional.
It is sometimes necessary to create a substitute bowel by making an opening (ostomy) into the abdomen through the skin, from which waste products are discharged temporarily.
More than 8 million school-age and 15 million pre-school-age children in the United States are placed in the charge of substitute care givers during the hours their mothers are working.
Gangs serve some individuals as a substitute family structure.
If a child is allergic to a drug for which there is no substitute, sometimes the dosage can be reduced to prevent an allergic reaction.
A journal may substitute for or supplement a portfolio in providing a student-directed assessment of achievement and goals.
Pacifier use should not be terminated too soon or too abruptly since a baby may substitute thumb sucking or some other behavior such as hair pulling.
Because bipolar disorder is thought to be biological in nature, therapy and/or counseling is recommended as a companion to, but not a substitute for, pharmaceutical treatment of the disease.
In severe cases, medication will be administered to control behavior, but it should not be used as a substitute for therapy.
They are not a substitute for treatment with antitoxin.
While some shy children may benefit from using the anonymity and structural control features of cyberspace, the danger is that for many others virtual on-line reality may become a substitute for the reality of close human relationships.
Skin picking is best managed by ignoring the behavior, treating and bandaging sores, and providing substitute activities for the hands.
The Erickson approach of hypnosis helps the child to substitute hair pulling for a stroking behavior.
Changes in diet are no substitute for medical treatment.
For a slightly different flavor, you can substitute the salt with one teaspoon each of whole cloves, allspice, and cinnamon.
You can substitute whole grain flour, and use a sugar and salt substitute.
These skills can only be taught in person - articles, videos, and books are not a substitute.
One mistake many beginning dancers make is to think that dance step diagrams can be a substitute for actual instructors.
If you have no choice and must place your bed in front of a window, make sure your headboard is heavy and can substitute as a wall.
Substitute compilations have been attempted, including the use of the Supplemental Schedule for Union veterans and their widows.
This schedule is often used as a substitute for the destroyed 1890 Population Schedule.
If you are considering using DNA testing to obtain information for your family tree, it is best to remember that this is not a substitute for traditional genealogical research.
Aveda hair products offer a full array of plant based, custom blended color enhancing products perfect for at home maintenance or to substitute chemical services.
It is not uncommon for a homeschooling parent to supplement or substitute her child's curriculum with more effective resources, such as the Singapore math materials.
If you know you're greeting a Tamil (the largest minority), you can substitute, "Wanacome."
Checklists that are not used by professional home inspectors can be very useful, but should not be considered a substitute for a complete professional inspection.
Can I substitute larger-sized clothing for some of my maternity needs?
It is not a substitute for a regular form of contraception.
Sarongs, terry cover-ups or tee shirts/shorts are okay to toss on for a few moments; however, they are not a proper substitute for a modest bathing suit if that is the appropriate attire for the location/event.
Some string bikinis substitute thin bands of elastic in place of the string ties, while others have strapless bandeau style tops, but the result is always the same - minimal coverage.
This equals a substitute for an SPF of around five to ten, depending on the fairness of your skin and the time of day.
They are never a substitute for complete sun protection and it's vital to always shield your skin from harmful UVA/UVB rays.
While the freestyle swimming technique actually refers to any unregulated swim stroke during the course of competition, many people use this term as a substitute for the front crawl since it's the most widely used freestyle stroke.
There's no substitute for getting in the water and practicing your freestyle swimming technique in order to improve.
Do you ever wish you could substitute your favorite sweatshirt for your traditional coverup at the beach?
If your child wants a pet dog, but you have reservations about getting them a living, breathing pet, a stuffed puppy teddy bear can be a good substitute, at least until you think they are ready for a real pet dog.
Are Zhu Zhu Pets a perfect substitute for the messier live version?
Vitamin K3 is a manmade, synthetic substitute.
Don't use information in this article or others as a substitute for professional advice.
Men's coveralls and heavy pants don't leave much room for curves, but you can substitute brown jeans with a touch of Lycra to allow for quick movement.
In lieu of a jacket, a woman may substitute a sweater over her collared polo shirt.
Instead, you can substitute shades of navy and grey for black when you need to be formally dressed.
You can use the same board as any of the above games that you own and just substitute your own questions in place of the ones in the game.
There is still no substitute for personal contact.
Families in the Philippines generally can't afford fresh trees, so handmade trees in an array of colors and sizes are a common substitute.
Try your own songwriting creativity by taking a popular Christmas song and making it your own as you substitute words to imbue some humor into an otherwise classic tune.
You probably wouldn't want to make your own sexy bunny costume, but if you have a slinky piece of lingerie in black or pink you could probably make a good substitute as long as you don't want to leave the house in it.
You don't want to substitute too many materials, otherwise you risk compromising the integrity of the entire costume.
To get the look of the Notre Dame mascot, substitute the green coat or vest with a gold vest, and add the required ND to the costume.
Takeout food is easy and frozen dinners are ready in a snap, but there's no substitute for home-cooked food.
While it can do a good job of both entertaining you and also giving you ideas for interesting questions for your first date, no virtual dating game is going to be a substitute for the real thing.
Because of the incorrect assumption that moissanite is a diamond substitute, many people expect it to be far less expensive than natural diamonds.
For a more delicate approach, substitute a jeweled box for the original ring box and when the woman opens it she will find a glittering gift worth far more than a simple box.
Synthetic stones are common for necklaces, especially those that use multiple gems, and cubic zirconia is a frequent substitute, especially if the diamonds are accents to another stone or a larger design.
Couples who choose substitute gems instead of opting for fancy colored diamonds should be aware that no other gem can match the fire and brilliance of a true diamond.
You can also substitute the sign for a proposal poem or the engagement ring.
Black diamonds could also be used as a substitute for gemstones such as sapphires, rubies or emeralds to create a dramatic and unusual engagement ring.
Earrings set in sterling silver are also less expensive, or the couple could substitute cubic zirconia or treated diamonds instead of natural diamonds.
A diamond substitute ring is often a great compromise for couples who are seeking to follow the tradition of a classic diamond ring but without paying genuine diamond prices.
There is no substitute for having your purchase validated by a professional.
Champagne or wine is customary but sparkling cider is a good substitute for a non-drinking group.
Dating sites are a popular substitute for more traditional ways of meeting people, and professional dating ad writers have a role to play in helping people who use them find a compatible person.
Contests are at best, a good step toward getting work, not a substitute for a job search.
However, there are products that are grains or are able to be a substitute for grains that do not contain gluten.
When working with gluten free recipes, try not to substitute ingredients if you can avoid it.
You can even use a combination of the two or substitute another flour such as sorghum or soy flour.
Bear in mind that, much like some of the Cooking Light recipes, you will need to substitute flours.
With the fruit breads, feel free to substitute your favorite fruits to add to your repertoire of gluten-free breads.
You can also use an egg substitute to reduce fat and cholesterol.
It is simple to make your own substitute for the cream of mushroom soup, and if you are feeling adventurous, you can even make your own fried onions.
You can begin with a traditional family favorite salad and substitute gluten-free ingredients.
Simply substitute the fruits of your choice, perhaps adding a sprinkling of toasted coconut of an exotic flair.During the winter, you have several options for seasonal fruits.
You can also begin with a recipe which may contain gluten-containing ingredients and simply substitute the unsafe ingredients for gluten-free ones.
Substitute a liquid ingredient with eggnog for a taste of Christmas.
You can substitute whatever type of beans you would like as well as your meat choice.
No matter how you get your gluten-free yeast bread, finding a good substitute for traditional bread is important to anybody following a gluten-free diet.
Moreover, to decrease the cholesterol content of any gluten-free zucchini bread recipe, you can substitute butter for grapeseed oil, which seems to produce a similar texture.
Another clever trick to adjust the fat content of a zucchini bread recipe is to substitute some or all of the butter or oil with applesauce.
You can substitute wheat flour for rice in your favorite muffin or dessert bread recipe.
For recipes that call for flour-based topping, you can substitute rice flour.
You can easily substitute up to 1/3 of the gluten-free, all-purpose flour with soy flour without any appreciable differences.
In your basic bread recipe, substitute soy flour for some of the gluten-free flour.
The most popular substitute for xanthan gum is guar gum.
Locust bean gum, also known as carob gum, is another viable substitute for xanthan gum.
While this powder can work as a substitute for xanthan gum, it is not the right choice for every recipe because it has a flavor similar to chocolate, however it does provide high viscosity and functions well as a binder.
The downside to this substitute is that is not always easy to find.
Understanding the source of the substitute is a great place to start.
If you are unsure of how your body may react to a xanthan gum substitute, talk with your healthcare provider for recommendations.
Youmay want tosubstitute teff flour for about one-fourth of the all-purpose flour in your gluten-free recipes, thoughteff flour canhandle well on its own.
If you enjoy the printed stem look, but not the quad coloring, this quilted patent leather black wallet is the perfect substitute.
Astrology was difficult for those unschooled to grasp the concept of Ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Earthly Branches, so legend states that the Twelve Animals were used as a substitute for the Twelve Earthly Branches.
A blazer or sweater with matching or contrasting slacks comprises a good substitute for a suit.
Although these items offer some measure of comfort, they are no substitute for adult supervision.
Other programs are designed to restrict computer use at certain times.Keep in mind that parental controls are no substitute for parental supervision.
It's simply not possible to make a comparable substitute in your kitchen.
Substitute 1 teaspoon dried herbs for 1 tablespoon fresh herbs in your favorite recipes to save money without sacrificing flavor.
Substitute 1 cup chicken or beef broth or 1 cup fruit juice mixed with 2 teaspoons vinegar to achieve similar results without the added expense.