Substantial Sentence Examples
The check was for a substantial amount.
Best of all, she could save a substantial amount of money for a down payment on her own place.
Only those who have made substantial contributions will be considered.
The weak can now do substantial harm to the strong.
At year's end, the bills, totaling a substantial amount, would be culled and donated to charity.
The payments are substantial, about $1,000 per person.
Abu Mansur, the governor of Tus, patronized him and encouraged him by substantial pecuniary support.
The city has an air of substantial prosperity; its principal streets are from 80 ft.
There is wide anticipation in the industry of a substantial increase in the worldwide demand for exploration drilling over the coming year.
There is a substantial Gatehouse, the significant residential part of Pembroke Castle, and a Barbican which once had three portcullises.
AdvertisementIf you try to enforce retirement at 60 purely on age grounds, then you could face a tribunal awarding substantial damages against you.
Stopping the scheme meant a substantial saving on admin costs.
At this time Bianca's uncle, Ludovico Sforza, was invested with the duchy of Milan in return for the substantial dowry which his niece brought to the king.
Smoking Ginkgo's ability to scavenge free radicals means that it will make a substantial difference to the potential damage smoking may present.
Such findings are at odds with standard theory yet accord with a substantial number of findings within the marketing and experimental economics literatures.
AdvertisementOctober river flows were also exceptionally low in many catchments; a substantial number of new long term runoff minima have been established.
Without substantial and visible public actions by Saudi Arabia against terrorist financiers, continued stress in the U.S.-Saudi relationship is not merely probable.
You may be able to get free shipping or substantial discounts for one or more items.
Once the new roof is installed, make sure that you take care of it as best you can to protect your investment, which is likely substantial.
Furthermore, there may not be a warranty, and you are making a fairly substantial purchase sight unseen.
AdvertisementHaving proper anti-theft devices in place can also save you substantial amounts on your auto insurance, not to mention protect the modifications and electronics you may have added along the way.
Stores will sell slightly damaged patio furniture at a substantial discount.
One notable lawsuit involves the allegation that AHMSI prompted the sales of numerous foreclosed homes in an effort to obtain cash for the company's financial obligations despite the potential substantial loss to investors.
He now found Pitt and Dundas ready to listen, but, as neither of them would or could give him substantial help, he went to the United States, where President Adams only gave him fair words.
There is no reason to doubt its substantial accuracy, not as to words, but as to purport.
AdvertisementHis play, A Venetian Comedy, enjoyed a substantial success in 1904.
Huevos rancheros make a substantial breakfast with fried eggs smothered in spicy tomato sauce and served on a flour flatbread.
The need to limit the green water loading on FPSOs has led to the incorporation of substantial raised forecastle and bulwark structures.
If there is major growth in the 'no frills ' market these will need to be more substantial.
If there is not a substantial move to public transport we will have gridlock and the whole regeneration will not work,' he says.
Many believe that if Iraq once again allows inspections it may create a substantial diplomatic obstacle between Bush administration hawks and an Iraqi invasion.
Like many beta-blockers oxprenolol undergoes substantial first-pass hepatic metabolism.
His family homestead at Camphill is one of the more substantial of the cottages re-located here.
The prestigious four-year Fellowship attracts a substantial honorarium and will allow Dr. Priest to strengthen research links with the petroleum industry.
The buildings are substantial and commodious; the lands are generally well inclosed, and the fences mostly kept in good repair.
He also continues to raise substantial sums for the purchase of fine stringed instruments for top UK-based players.
However, the main point is undeniable; " chain migration " is still on a substantial scale and is seriously impeding integration.
Now substantial investment has been put into regenerating the center, things are really ' looking up ' .
It has successfully litigated in a number of group action cases as well as achieving substantial awards for individuals.
Impairment was also associated with substantial costs, e.g. attorney malpractice and the Washington State Bar Association discipline process.
Substantial enough to put them onto the radar of Cisco - the big mama of the networking industry.
Exceptionally some Districts have a manse and substantial reserve funds and investments.
A substantial & good quality martini shaped glow cup - the glow moves freely throughout the cup.
A fairly substantial or manages through who may be his pal Murray.
A substantial stone bridge, bearing the name of Coronation Bridge, was erected across the Wear in front of Newhouse in 1839.
The UK has also provided substantial numbers of election observers through OSCE Election Observer Mission.
However, despite these problems, demand remains substantial enough to make second-hand textile export a viable option for textile reuse.
The Strategy Unit in its report Private Action, Public Benefit recommended a substantial overhaul of the old law.
The term ' substantial oversupply ' is not defined.
Unfortunately, burning these fuels creates substantial environmental pollution that damages the ozone layer.
This facilitated the building of many substantial and elegant Georgian parsonages.
The substantial collection of 17th and 18th century pewter was sold for a staggering £ 25,000.
Others include a guild altar piscina in the nave, and some woodwork in the chancel - nothing substantial, but lovingly preserved.
Brick on rubble plinth, substantial remains of an earlier timber framed building.
A substantial portion of the Peak District National Park lies within Derbyshire.
The catering industry makes substantial use of contract labor, particularly where demand for labor is highly seasonal.
No substantial alteration has been made in the Prayer Book since 1662, but two alterations must be chronicled as having obtained the sanction of the Convocations of Canterbury and York, and also legal force by act of parliament.
Further, the very existence of conscious beings is the best proof of the distinct or substantial being of the soul, existing in man with body, in God as pure spirit.
From these two arbitrary hypotheses about corporeal motion, that it requires indivisibly simple elements, and that it offers only passive resistance, he concluded that behind bodies there must be units, or monads, which would be at once substantial, simple, indivisible and active.
He agrees with Fechner and Wundt that there is no substantial soul, and that soul is nothing but the mental states, or rather their unity--thus identifying it with Kant's synthetic unity.
Following Parmenides, Philolaus regarded the soul as a "mixture and harmony" of the bodily parts; he also assumed a substantial soul, whose existence in the body is an exile on account of sin.
He was undoubtedly a clear-sighted and able mathematician, who handled admirably the severe geometrical method, and who in his Method of Tangents approximated to the course of reasoning by which Newton was afterwards led to the doctrine of ultimate ratios; but his substantial contributions to the science are of no great importance, and his lectures upon elementary principles do not throw much light on the difficulties surrounding the border-land between mathematics and philosophy.
The Benefices Act of 1898 did not make any substantial change in the legal character of advowsons, which remain practically the same as before the act.
The grievances of the Belgians were indeed very substantial.
The election in May 1900 resulted in the return of a substantial (though reduced) Catholic majority in both chambers.
The public buildings include the town hall - a substantial edifice with a tower rising in three tiers from the body of the structure, the Telford library, and the Hope hospital for aged poor.
The substantial identity of the two titles cannot be doubted in the light of such passages as Acts xx.
In spite of the frequent pillage and destruction of monasteries by Northmen, Saracens, Arabs and other invaders; in spite of the existence of even widespread local abuses, St Benedict's institute went on progressing and consolidating; and on the whole it may be said that throughout the early middle ages the general run of Benedictine houses continued to perform with substantial fidelity the religious and social functions for which they were created.
The bill establishing the union was carried through its final stages by substantial majorities.
Canals and dikes have been constructed to control and distribute the much-needed water, and the officials are housed in new buildings of substantial appearance.
Charless reward was substantial and immediate.
Charles was aided by soldiers hurried from Italy and the Netherlands, but he did not gain any substantial successes until after October 1546, when his ally Maurice invaded electoral Saxony and forced John Frederick to march northwards to its defence.
Despite the united resistance of the civil servants, and an actual mutiny of two hundred military officers, Clive carried through his reforms. Both private trade and the receipt of presents were absolutely prohibited for the future, while a substantial increase of pay was provided out of the monopoly of salt.
The perfect man thus described will not be angry with the wrongdoer; he will only pity his erring brother; for anger in such a case would only betray that he too thought the wrong-doer gained a substantial blessing by his wrongful act, instead of being, as he is, utterly ruined.
The verdict given was in the main satisfactory; but doubts were expressed as to the severity of the discipline inflicted, the principal features of which were moderate labour, ample diet and substantial gratuities.
The symbolic logic, which confuses " is " with " is equal to," having introduced a particular kind of predicate into the copula, falls into the mistake of reducing all predication to the one category of the quantitative; whereas it is more often in the substantial, e.g.
His immense industry is shown by the fact that his biographer, Senckenburg, gives a list of 65 works published or written by him, some extending to several substantial volumes.
In 1885 a collection of spontaneous cases and a discussion of the evidence was published under the title Phantasms of the Living, and though the standard of evidence was lower than at the present time, a substantial body of testimony, including many striking cases, was there put forward.
As regards events the histories are of substantial accuracy and adequacy.
This we should expect indeed from its insistence upon individual freedom; yet, notwithstanding certain notable exceptions, amid the diversity there is a substantial unity, a unity which in our day finds expression in common organizations for great practical ends, for example in the " Bible Societies," " Tract Societies," the " Young Men's Christian Associations," " Societies of Christian Endeavour," &c., which disregard denominational lines.
This explanation of the decline is supported by the almost unanimous opinion of the medical profession in the countries in question, and substantial evidence can be found everywhere of the extensive prevalence of the doctrine and practice of what has been termed, in further derogation of the repute of the "much misrepresented Malthus," Neomalthusianism.
Then, again, the former are voluntary acts, entirely under the control of the individual; but mortality, though not beyond human regulation, is far less subject to it, and in order to have substantial results the control must be the outcome of collective rather than individual co-operation.
Thus, though the generally higher proportion of females in the community may seldom be enough to depress more than slightly the death-rate as a whole, it has a substantial effect upon it at the ages where women are in more marked numerical predominance, as in later life, and in places where the number of domestic servants is unusually great.
Their works were solid and substantial edifices, forming the substratum for future scholarship. In addition to this they brought philosophy and scientific thoroughness to bear on studies which had been pursued in a more literary spirit.
In 1589 he received the first substantial piece of patronage from his powerful kinsman, the reversion of the clerkship of the Star Chamber.
This same press, with a few modifications, was apparently still in general use till the early part of the 17th century, when Willem Janszon Blaeu (1J71-1638) of Amsterdam, who was appointed map maker to the Dutch Republic in 1633, made some substantial improvements in it.
It is still used where hand printing prevails, and it was this form of press which was employed by William Morris at his famous, but short-lived, Kelmscott Press, the upright frame or staple, of iron; the feet of this staple rested upon two pieces of substantial timber dovetailed into a cross, which formed a base or foundation for the in the production of many sumptuous books, the most celebrated of which was the Chaucer, a large folio volume, illustrated by Sir Edward Burne-Jones.
Apart from that, it will be observed that the substantial reason for connecting the two men is simply that both were "valets."
It accounts, too, for his polemic on the one hand against a Substantial Soul, a Buddhistic Absolute, an Infinite Spiritual Substance; on the other hand against the no less mysterious material or dynamic substratum by which naturalistic Monism explains the world.
The buildings, largely of brick, give a substantial appearance to the place.
The Scots confession, though of course drawn up independently, is in substantial accord with the others then springing up in the countries of the Reformation, but is Calvinist rather than Lutheran.
Thus, measures might be passed by a bare majority in three estates, when a real and substantial majority of all four estates in congress might be actually against it.
The president of the republic has no power to dissolve the chambers, to endeavour to remedy the evil by one or another political party obtaining a substantial working majority, but must wait to see the results of the triennial elections.
He was joint editor of the Christian Remembrancer, but withdrew from the position because of his substantial agreement with the famous Gorham decision.
As against the deists, however, he may be allowed to have made out his point, that the substantial doctrines of natural religion are not opposed to reason and experience, and may be looked upon as credible.
In these sermons Butler has made substantial contributions to ethical science, and it may be said with confidence, that in their own department nothing superior in value appeared during the long interval between Aristotle and Kant.
The treaty of 1854 was renewed in 1876 by Lord Lytton (under Sandeman's advice), and the khan received substantial aid from the government in the form of an annual subsidy of a lakh of rupees, instead of the Rs.
Spinning and weaving are carried on among the people as a household occupation, and fabrics are made of an exceptionally substantial character.It is not uncommon to see the natives busily twirling their rude spindles as they follow their troops of pack animals over rough mountain roads, and the yarn produced is woven into cloth in their own houses on rough Spanish looms of colonial patterns.
Men had become weary of Protestant scholasticism; religious wars had made peaceful thinkers seek to take the edge off dogmatical rancour; and the multiplicity of religious sects, coupled with the complete failure of various attempts at any substantial reconciliation, provoked distrust of the common basis on which all were founded.
It is, however, in the ugly palace of Prince Henry of Prussia, which was given for the purpose in the days of Prussian poverty and distress, that the university is still housed, and although some internal rearrangement has been effected, no substantial alterations have been made to meet the ever-increasing demand for lecture-room accommodation.
According to legends, which may or may not have a substantial basis, Delhi or its immediate neighbourhood has from time immemorial been the site of a capital city.
Vigan is the residence of the bishop of Nueva Segovia and has a fine cathedral, a substantial court-house, other durable public buildings and a monument to Juan de Salcedo, its founder.
Along the river-front are many substantial houses furnished with terraces, and with steps leading to the water.
The city is laid out with wide, straight streets, is well built, and has many public buildings of a substantial character.
The city has a well-built and substantial appearance, its chief attraction lying in the numerous churches, which belong in the main to a well-marked basilican type, and present almost too richly decorated exteriors, fine apsidal ends and quadrangular campaniles, in some cases with battlemented summits, and windows increasing in number as they ascend.
Since that time the progress of the city has been rapid and substantial, the population doubling every twenty years.
At the same time George Finlay, the historian, was urging his own grievances against the Greek government, and as both claims were repudiated Palmerston took them up. Eventually Pacifico received a substantial sum.
The obvious answer is, that the power of using words as signs to express thoughts with which their sound does not directly connect them, in fact as arbitrary symbols, is the highest grade of the special human faculty in language, the presence of which binds together all races of mankind in substantial mental unity.
Its spaciousness and free rural aspect, its old graveyards and towering elms, its great university, its cultivated society and its vicinity to humane, substantial, busy Boston, were all attractions for such a man.
It would be hard, however, to persuade the mass of occupiers in England that they do not pay the rates, so that the expedient of dividing the rates between owner and occupier, though it cannot affect their real incidence to a substantial extent, constantly finds favour.
In 1872 the Democrats gained substantial control, and after 1876 their power was established beyond challenge.
The writers' historical estimates are superficial and conventional, but report the verdict of public opinion with substantial accuracy..
A substantial excise duty was placed on spirits and beer, measures of relief for the brandy-farmers being taken at the same time.
The late 'eighties had to come and Boudin to be elderly before there was a sale for his work at any prices that were in the least substantial.
It is built on an eminence (1150 ft.), and has two public parks, a substantial court-house, a soldiers' and sailors' memorial building, a public library, a hospital and many fine residences.
Hawick is a substantial and flourishing town, the prosperity of which dates from the beginning of the 19th century, its enterprise having won for it the designation of "The Glasgow of the Borders."
Its details, indeed, were abundantly criticized, but its principles were hardly disputed, and it became law without any substantial alteration of its original provisions.
Disraeli characteristically dismissed it as coffee-house babble, but official investigation proved the substantial accuracy of the reports which had reached England.
George III., or those about him, insisted on substituting for the aristocratic division of political power a substantial concentration of it in the hands of the sovereign.
On the other hand e was wholly free from that quality which he ascribed to Lord eorge Sackville, a man "apt to take a sort of undecided, equ vocal, narrow ground, that evades the substantial merits of the qu stion, and puts the whole upon some temporary, local, accide tal or personal consideration."
Burke attempted to defend the alliance on the ground of the substantial agreement between Fox and North in public aims. The defence is wholly untenable.
The general election of March 1921 followed, and gave the new party a decisive victory at the polls and a clear and substantial majority in the Parliament of the Union.
The substantial good of the universe, in Aristotle's view, is the pure activity of universal abstract thought, at once subject and object, which, itself changeless and eternal, is the final cause and first source of the whole process of change in the concrete world.
They are skilful cultivators and good boat-builders, the carpenters, being an hereditary caste; there are also tribes of fishermen and sailors; their mats, baskets, nets, cordage and other fabrics are substantial and tasteful; their pottery, made, like many of the above articles, by women, is far superior to any other in the South Seas; but many native manufactures have been supplanted by European goods.
The essential nature of the concept is that it combines the general and the special, and the same combination recurs in being; in being the system of substantial or permanent forms answers to the system of concepts and the relation of cause and effect to the system of judgments, the higher concept answering to "force" and the lower to the phenomena of force, and the judgment to the contingent interaction of things.
The sum of being consists of the two systems of substantial forms and interactional relations, and it reappears in the form of concept and judgment, the concept representing being and the judgment being in action.
That there was substantial identity in the character of original and copy may be inferred from the fact that the well-known tract called Modus tenendi parliamentum was exemplified under the Great Seal of Ireland in 6 Hen.
An action begun by Parnell against The Times was settled by the payment of a substantial sum.
But Urban was too politic to embroil himself with the king of England, and Anselm found that he could obtain no substantial result.
Opposite, on the outer side of the Pleisse, are the district law-courts, large and substantial, though not specially imposing edifices.
The rush of the Mahommedan flood sent terror all over Europe, but the little opposition it encountered south of the Pyrenees is to be easily explained, and the victory, though genuine, was more specious than substantial.
It was the official recognition of a substantial political factnamely, that Castile and the kingdom of Castile and Leon had been made up Leon.
The first Cortes of the regency in five sessions did really good and substantial work.
The result of the elections was a substantial Liberal majority in both houses.
He made three important speeches at Welbeck (August 4), at Luton (October 5), and at Limehouse (December 15), but he had nothing substantial to add to his case, and the party situation continued in all its embarrassments.
Many of the best hunters in the United Kingdom are thoroughbreds, but of the substantial weight-carrying type.
The raffle of a new Jeep was an annual fund-raising activity that gleaned a substantial portion of the Chamber of Commerce's yearly budget.
While that conjecture made a nice pat story, it didn't answer who was now so concerned with forty-year-old happenings to switch the skeleton, steal a finger bone, offer a substantial price for a virtually worthless mine, and perhaps take a shot at visitors to the Lucky Pup.
While the sole down stairs room would have saved considerable huffing and puffing, Dean feared the smaller quarters and especially the bed would not adequately accommodate the woman's substantial mass.
He was acting against a clearing bank in relation to the recovery of substantial monies fraudulently obtained by a former employee and his accomplices.
Dr. Jim Elliott Head of Life Sciences Teaching Unit said, " It is a pleasure to celebrate the substantial accomplishments of these students.
Those too busy to plan deposit accounts may have built up substantial balances.
Then time spent with an HSE inspector plus external consultants ' fees to assist with the investigation can rapidly accumulate into substantial hidden costs.
The inward bend of the upper airstream is accompanied by a substantial drop in air pressure just above the disk, sucking it upward.
Not one to duck a challenge, Azed manages to include several very substantial one-word anagrams in the grid.
Exhibits include aviation archeology finds, memorabilia and the substantial wreckage of two wartime P-51 fighters.
She has assembled a substantial photographic archive on the subject.
That delay caused substantial arrears to accrue which Mr G had little or no prospect of being able to clear promptly.
Aggregates are ' substantial entities put together by nature or human artifice ' .
Some English regions exhibit substantial support for their own regional assembly, whilst the issue is dead in others.
Without any substantial domains in other aspects of life this alone cannot produce a truly bilingual society.
Substantial changes in functional capabilities of the soil microbial biomass have been detected.
Between these two surveys the number of wintering blackcap showed a substantial increase.
Finished with a deep gray blank with substantial high gloss black whippings.
In the course of these duties, he himself also received substantial bribes.
A company capitalized at £ 30,000 is clearly more substantial than one with a nominal £ 3 share capital.
Of relatively carefree incorporating a per to be substantial those in the.
If the allegations regarding this alleged cartel are proved, it is expected that substantial fines and possibly custodial sentences will be imposed.
This is because a substantial number of accessibility checkpoints can be controlled via a CMS, both technical and editorial.
The other regions of Europe also have substantial cultural treasures, in part as a result of the European colonial and imperial history.
The signing environment With a substantial proportion of deaf staff, effective communication within the team was a key issue.
On board this cruise ship, you will experience fine dining with a substantial variety of dishes concocted for you by our chefs.
Weaknesses Substantial stretches of the road system are still conjectural.
Japan, which is in many respects a unique case, faces substantial fiscal consolidation.
We offer substantial consulting in completing the proper merging and organization of a shelf company.
The result has been the growth of a series of ventures, which now together make a substantial contribution to University statistics.
Recently an investment merchant bank agreed to a substantial out of court settlement, following the disclosure that it was infringing copyright.
Our client brought a substantial counterclaim for loss of revenue.
The defendants counterclaim substantial damages for alleged defects in what was supplied.
In many ways, the work shows Rheinberger's classical leanings, with its substantial use of imitative counterpoint.
From the three participating denominations the United Free Church has provided a substantial part of the total givings.
This substantial deposit, which overlies further Aeolian deposition and parent material, probably extends southwards across the tell.
Stamp duty presents a substantial disadvantage for the London market.
They should be disclosed to complainants, subject only to the " substantial harm " test for withholding disclosure.
Such farmers may well be able to use their buying power to obtain substantial discounts.
Learn how to make a substantial selection of seafood dishes.
There was no doubt that the road was badly potholed and in substantial disrepair by 2002.
Indeed a substantial number of psychologically distressed patients were identified in the current study.
Ter came from a patrician family and brought a substantial dowry.
A party, therefore, who could not offer the other party substantial restitutio in integrum could not avoid a contract procured by duress.
The brackets carrying the bearings are iron, substantial and somewhat elaborate, and are bolted to beams.
For quick income, he often ran small errands for an elderly man of substantial wealth who had taken Peter into his trust.
A substantial, fully illustrated, color catalog will accompany the exhibition.
There is a substantial banking sector, second only to the Cayman Islands among offshore jurisdictions.
There is a substantial section on sedimentation, which focuses on stream load measurement and the problems of reservoir sedimentation.
Dark Age centered on 600 AD, timber building, evidence of metal workings, substantial metal working, Roman Samian pot shards.
A number of them have substantial gardens at the rear and carriage sheds and stables at one side.
Throughout the festival showcase month of October 2006, the best work will be awarded substantial media coverage.
The finale is another substantial movement, full of surprise harmonic sidesteps and enormous energy.
In addition a substantial site for new housing is proposed on the former railroad sidings adjoining the Town Moor.
The level of benefits in the LGPS is such that substantial employer contributions are required to maintain fund solvency.
Schools have a duty to take reasonable steps to avoid substantial disadvantage to disabled pupils.
Substantial experience has been accumulated in solving large-scale linear, integer programming problems, and recently stochastic integer programming.
An exciting opportunity to purchase this substantial period stucco house situated moments from the amenities, facilities and transport links of South Kensington.
In March 2002, Avonridge granted the subleases of a property in Wealdstone in north London in return for substantial premiums.
Attached to the agreement was the draft sublease, but substantial amendments had to be made to it.
He has a knack for making a simple, cute song more substantial by throwing in a clever, little twist or two.
He prepares the way, too, for a doctrine of evolution by his monistic idea of the substantial similarity of all things, inorganic and organic, bodily and spiritual, and still more by his conception of a perfect gradation of existence from the lowest " inanimate " objects, whose essential activity is confused representation, up to the highest organized beingman - with his clear intelligence.'
The other and larger tableland, which constitutes the substantial part of Iceland, reaches its culminating point in the south-east, in the gigantic snowfield of Vatnajokull, which covers 3300 sq.
Various combinations follow, including a substantial quintet piece from each night.
A substantial part of the rampart wall survives on the north side up to a height of about 3 meters.
Content Taught courses are supplemented by a substantial individual project that may be carried out in a ' real-world ' setting.
Obviously major expansion is going to hit profits, but I reckon when they do hit profit, it will be substantial.
Each building is lovingly hand made by trained carpenters with selected, 5th grade redwood cladding on a substantial heavy duty frame.
Financial Performance Profits from investment activity Our main activity is to acquire properties at a substantial discount in return for granting life-long rent-free leases.
Shannon is credited with leading a revival in fortunes for the restaurant brands, resulting in a substantial increase in shareholder value.
Substance abuse disorders were uncommon but a substantial proportion of individuals had problems with alcohol or drug misuse.
Cornwall also produced a substantial amount of passion plays during the Middle Ages.
A senior U.S. official says the flow has been quite substantial.
Reprographics costs were also substantial in the first year, making up about 10 per cent of the total.
The group also has substantial experience in defamation, entertainment, price adjustment, securitization, white collar and qui tam litigation.
These more substantial pieces include one on children 's responses to interactive Television.
No substantial documentary evidence has been discovered, and the testimony of the eyewitnesses is contradictory or just plain ludicrous.
So we can see the throat chakra as the sacrificing, substantial element in this whole thing.
These technical solutions offer a tripod with a unrivaled torsion rigidity with substantial weight saving comparing his competitors.
At the practical level the aqueduct has provided match funding for us to obtain a substantial tranche of European money.
Magnetic ceramics The steel alloys used for transformer cores have high resistivity in order to prevent substantial eddy current losses.
This is a compelling read and a substantial contribution to the social history of a relatively understudied period.
At Monks Cottage, an unmade lane leads to several 20 th century bungalows sited in substantial plots.
A substantial introduction surveys the past vicissitudes of the history of scholarship and its current expansion.
The virtuosity of the soloist was well matched by the virtuosity of the substantial orchestral forces in the fast and intricate accompaniment.
The two substantial water wheel pits housed 30 ' x 4 ' and 40 ' x 4 ' wheels respectively.
However, Manfred Wolf of the GPA white-collar union is looking for a substantial increase.
This family has been given a substantial write-up in Planche 's Corner of Kent.
I also appreciate the substantial positives that come from the simplicity of either owning something outright or with a small group of trusted partners.
A dehumidifier can be a substantial purchase.
They do not have to pay rent, business rates, fuel charges to light and heat stores plus other miscellaneous yet substantial expenses.
The more substantial they are, the safer you will be on the road.
Over time, a custom cover will pay off if it fits your vehicle well and protects your substantial purchase.
Check out each type by accessing consumer reviews online (or asking your friends with similar fences), because the time and skill required to install each fence can be substantial.
Apple employees receive substantial system discounts.
Apple offers a Student Developer membership program that includes a substantial "one time" lifetime system discount.
In states such as California, the savings are substantial on a high-end system.
Because silver performs better than gold during economic downturns, this investment can prevent you from losing substantial sums of money.
Whether you want a new computer, a new digital camera, a laptop, or other electronic device, you have to be prepared to make a substantial investment.
That year, there was a research study that found that 77 percent of online retailers reported a substantial increase in sales on the first Monday after Thanksgiving.
You may be able to save a substantial amount of money in the long term.
May have a sudden substantial income increase from a promotion, inheritance, or other source and wish to manage it wisely but lack experience with high incomes.
If you do, you may be charged additional late fees and substantial additional charges that will make it even more difficult to pay your expenses each month.
You may also be transferred to a special department with tempting offers to keep you as a customer, but stand fast to your objective unless the offer is substantial.
In extreme cases involving substantial debt or large estates, however, it is wise to seek professional assistance to manage your money.
Cash back cards used in this manner often wind up with huge balances and substantial monthly payments.
One great aspect of using these cards is that the amount of money you load onto the card does not necessarily need to be substantial in order to have an impact.
Prepaid cards can be a great idea for some people, but it is not the only way to save substantial money on gasoline purchases.
This card has one of the lowest interest rates available to applicants without substantial income.
Carefully review the terms on the gift card to make sure that a substantial amount of your balance will not go toward cash advance fees if you utilize the card in this way.
Don't purchase a card from one of these establishments without first reading the terms and conditions of the card to make sure you aren't going to lose a substantial portion of your balance to fees.
Some do have substantial fees for using them.
Smaller Payments - While in a substantial amount of debt, it can feel like running on a treadmill.
Accountholders who did not realize their accounts had negative balances continued using their debit cards and kept getting fees, which oftentimes added up to a substantial sum.
There is almost always a fee associated with a courtesy overdraft, and sometimes the fees can be quite substantial.
Promotional offers for new cardholders sometimes offer a substantial number of points for making a certain dollar amount of purchases within the first few months of having the card.
Companies can sometimes purchase these cards in bulk at a discount, resulting in potentially substantial savings.
However, adjustments can be made if the non-custodial parent sees a substantial increase or decrease in his/her income.
Many states will suspend the licenses of drivers who are found to owe a substantial amount of back child support.
And, with a do it yourself divorce, you'll save a substantial amount of money in legal fees.
The Appeal Court found that the husband had, in fact, contributed a substantial amount of moneys to the purchase of the home and that these funds should not be considered marital funds.
Should a substantial change in circumstances occur, such as unemployment, the amount of child support to be paid may need to be altered.
The amount of alimony payable may be reduced if there has been a "substantial change in circumstances."
For the spouse in a higher tax bracket, paying alimony may actually save him a substantial amount when tax time rolls around.
Under Florida child support guidelines, a judge can modify an existing child support order if a substantial change in circumstances has occurred.
This option can save you a substantial amount of money.
A program such as this has the potential to drastically reduce the amount of fossil fuel consumption in the United States, if the company signs-up a substantial number of homeowners to participate in the solar energy program.
It is important, however, to make sure that the recycled or reused material makes up a substantial amount of the overall product.
Traditional toilets use a substantial amount of water every day to carry that waste away.
The cost of connecting to a grid can be substantial even for a small turbine and should be taken into consideration when determining the installation costs.
The money saved for homes run totally on electricity is substantial.
Most experts do not believe that natural causes alone are substantial enough to result in the climate changes currently taking place on the planet.
Regardless of the type of tank, the environmental and financial savings are substantial.
While there may be substantial start up costs, the running costs can be minimal compared with traditional energy supply costs.
Another method that doesn't require such a large volume of water can be achieved if you have a small stream and a substantial land slope to let gravity compensate for the lack of water volume.
The city was reborn as a ski resort destination in the mid-twentieth century and has seen substantial growth in recent years.
You can invest in substantial quality furniture that can grow with your child like a three in one table that adjusts to three different heights.
Whether the pieces are casually sturdy or formally elegant, they are generally substantial in feel and scale.
Mediterranean furniture is typically substantial in size.
Dark stained wooden furniture is important to a Bohemian look along with chunky, substantial pieces.
This kind of floor pillow is often called a floor cushion because of the substantial construction.
Whether you are looking for swing arm rods, tension rods or something more substantial, Umbra has several curtain rods to choose from in contemporary designs.
Round tables that provide enough area for a substantial centerpiece offer lots of opportunities for dramatic design.
With their seasonal and annual marketing promotions, it is almost impossible to buy something substantial at Clinique without walking away with some free goodies.
Its cream color is minimal, offering more of a sheer sheen with a slightly frosty undertone, while its powder contains a more substantial amount of color.
You can purchase a tiny sampler vial spray for a nominal price or a store tester at a substantial discount from Beauty
The particular review for the Rock fragrance is fairly substantial, and while it does lack an editor's eye, it's very descriptive of the fragrance.
In addition to the right mascara formula, there are several types of wands that create substantial length and definition with just two coats.
Some programs make it easy and you don't have to worry about it, but if you are involved in a substantial network, then the TCP/IP protocol is critical.
Often you can save a substantial amount of money by repairing a Sony camera.
While an everyday dinner might do well with a quickly sautéed side dish, Thanksgiving dinner calls for something a bit more substantial.
Purchasing a die cut machine can require a substantial investment, so you'll want to take the time to research available products before making a final decision.
Consider using a lightweight cardstock to give your printable paper a more substantial texture and appearance.
Epic Pass holders also receive substantial discounts at certain on-mountain shops and cafeterias.
Despite a tight economy in 2008, many Pennsylvania ski areas are offering substantial improvements in terrain, services and special features.
Health related issues from work related stress are a substantial component to illness.
You are spending a substantial amount of money for your fairy tale night, and truthfully, most salon stylists would love to help you achieve it.
Relationships with friends and others in the school environment become substantial in a teens' life and affect their sense of self.
With classes often requiring multiple textbooks just for one class, the bill can become pretty substantial.
This makes for a more substantial soup that can provide a warming and satisfying main course.
Soy, dairy, grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes are some of the most substantial sources of protein in a vegetarian diet.
Add whole-wheat pasta to any vegan casserole recipe to make it more filling and substantial.
Heavy sauces, casseroles, stews, and other substantial dishes are quite filling and ideal for cold winter nights and times when you've worked up a considerable appetite.
Choosing a pre-worn wedding dress can save a bride a substantial amount of money that can be used for other things in the wedding budget.
Anyone who has assets such as real estate, stocks and bonds, or substantial savings would be wise to consider a prenup.
Don't forget to check the sale or bargain pages of wedding Websites -- these can often add up to substantial savings.
If you choose flowers that are out of season, they'll need to be shipped from another region-adding a substantial cost to your arrangements.
Rush orders are available but the extra fees can be substantial.
This can be a substantial savings and allows the couple great control over the personalization of each favor to match their wedding colors and decorations.
Free wedding dress catalogs are a good resource for any bride, as you will be spending money left and right on more substantial wedding expenses.
This is a delectable, slightly more substantial offering that looks chic in any setting.
Not every alcoholic will experience withdrawal symptoms during the detoxification period, but a substantial number will.
However, side effects that have a substantial impact on your quality of life may be helped by changing your dosage or trying a related antidepressant.
A comforter is typically a more substantial cover than a bedspread.
These are houses that are substantial enough to be put on a map as part of a tour of the homes of the stars.
It seems that Scott published a book called The Nocturne a few years back and both her lawyers and herself believe that Breaking Dawn "…shows a striking and substantial similarity" to The Nocturne.
Judging from what Scott calls copyright infringement and the examples given by the lawyers, most just don't see the "substantial" similarities.
Then, Heigl made a nasty comment that she thought she didn't deserve the Emmy win because her material wasn't substantial enough.
Anyone who has lost a substantial amount of weigh will look different, including in the face.
For example, you can buy spring clothes in winter and winter clothes in spring at substantial discounts.
Usually offering a substantial discount over a standard Gap Store, Gap Kids outlets are available at outlet malls nationwide.
Some designers can get away with a more substantial mark-up, but only if their label rests on the accolades of past quality.
Even if you or your parents have built up a substantial college fund for your future education, don't forget to fill out a FAFSA application and research scholarships to learn about your financial aid options.
With the price of college increasing every year, the savings can be substantial, especially if you purchase a plan early in your child's life.
One trip to Wal-Mart isn't going to pay the way through school, let alone buy a textbook, but if you make a committed effort to using the Upromise card over the years, you can build up a substantial amount.
Teachers with established research or writing backgrounds who have been published and are experts in their field are more likely to give a substantial education to students than those who have not.
Academic programs at Ashford University include a variety of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees; choose from a substantial list ranging from biology to special education classroom teaching.
The costs of insurance, gas, and maintenance are substantial, and most college towns and cities are very accessible by public transportation.
Having a relative involved in one of these groups could help you win a substantial amount of money for college, helping you reduce the cost of your education.
For more substantial meals, the main dining rooms focus on traditional gourmet favorites as well as light and healthy selections and a full vegetarian menu to meet alternative diet plans.
Cabin upgrades may span several categories and can add up to substantial savings.
The key to considering what may seem like a substantial discount is to remember that not everything is discounted.
Cruise vacations can be expensive, but passengers who take advantage of Caribbean luxury cruise airline flights all inclusive offers can enjoy substantial savings that may make cruise travel pleasantly affordable and even more convenient.
Finding the best discount cruises can be a challenge, but passengers who know when to travel to Europe as well as how to find the best price on a cruise can enjoy substantial savings on European sailings.
Jewelry sales and discount merchandise on the last day were kept restocked and offered substantial bargains for souvenirs.
Each coast offers spectacular scenery and unique advantages, and last minute deals can offer substantial savings to enjoy a Mexican cruise vacation without a sinking budget.
A little diligence and persistence may reward you with substantial savings on your next cruise.
When you travel between high cruise seasons, you are sure to save a substantial amount of money.
You may be able to save a substantial amount of money by simply choosing the right package.
If you sail at the end of November or early December, you're likely to save a substantial amount of cash compared to what you would with even the best deal if you tried to take your cruise in the summer.
However, keep in mind the cruise line may only offer these benefits if there is a substantial number of cabins open on a particular cruise.
In most cases you can save up to 60 percent off rack rates, though there are times when the savings are even more substantial, up to 80 percent off.
By packaging these services together, you may be able to save a substantial amount of money.
This can help you to save a substantial amount of money.
Keep in mind, you have just made a substantial investment in another living creature, and you should treat them with the same care you would give to any other creature living with you, human or not.
While many dog clubs offer prizes for winners at their shows, the prizes offered at the Eukanuba invitational are quite substantial.
These private-label items generally offer a substantial savings over name-brands.
A deck is a substantial investment in your home and is worth an extra investment to protect it.
This may mean choosing a local stone, such as Dakota Mahogany rather than one mined overseas, but the savings can be substantial.
It is not solid gold, however the layer of gold is thick and substantial meaning that it should not rub away even with constant wear.
As a result, he requested that his ties be made in a thicker material to produce this more substantial shape.
Especially if you've just spent a substantial sum on your first good suit, it's natural to shy away from the cost of men's designer ties.
Snowy climates require more substantial styles, so opt for long cuts with warm linings.
In addition to simply looking good, your coat should be lined with a material substantial enough to keep you comfort in uncomfortable conditions.
For something as substantial as a leather coat, it's helpful to try it on in person first.
While these may not be strong enough to give you any substantial amount of the detoxification or vitamin B you seek, you can at least feel relatively confident that you won't experience ill effects.
They also pose substantial health risks.
Most stores offer discount cards to members that may yield substantial savings even if you don't have any additional coupons for the organic food you want to buy.
Substantial fabric - Avoid polyester blends that will pill after repeated washings.
Comprised of 420 senior communities and a substantial staff, consisting of over 38,000 members, Sunrise provides personalized care solutions for seniors and their caregivers.
Medical reports should include the substantial difficulty involved for the senior patient, if and when they leave their home.
Assisted Living covers residential facilities that address the needs of the elderly, who require moderate to substantial personal care, but do not require a nursing home.
In addition, there are social and support programs available to help the caregiver adjust to the senior's changing and often substantial demands.
Investors cannot withdraw funds from an IRA before age 59 1/2 without incurring substantial penalties.
Employers can contribute more to a pension or defined benefit plan than to other types of plans, and because benefits are not dependent on asset returns, defined benefit plans provide substantial benefits even when retiring early.
If your congestion is severe; however, you will find that you have a substantial amount of 'drip.'
Both searches will yield a substantial list of results.
Who hasn't dropped a substantial amount of money on a fabulous pair of shades (think Fendi and Gucci) only to be horrified at the sight of a scratch?
If you purchase a pair of fakes that simply have tinted lenses but no substantial UV protection, more light will enter the eye because the darkness of the tint will cause the pupil to expand.
Here, you'll find a substantial selection of golf sunglass styles, and even better is the fact that there are designer names housed here along with some lesser known models, so you can make the selection you like best.
Remove the batteries from your goggles if they will be stored for a substantial amount of time.
Not only is the frame more substantial, but the arms of the glasses curves in lightly to help hug your face.
Additionally, what you'll really like about this site is the fact that, while the images are fairly substantial, you won't be bombarded with a lot of text--that only happens when you rest your cursor or mouse on a particular pair. should be high on your list of sites to search for reproduced Oakleys because the prices are low (most start at under $20.00) and the selection of different styles is also fairly substantial.
Enviso is the latest collection introduced by Silhouette, and this is a great look for anyone who prefers more substantial frames.
The added advantage of buying in bulk, say for example for your entire family, is that you can receive a substantial discount.
Online merchants often offer substantial discounts.
This is the perfect look for anyone who loves the heft of a substantial frame, but also wants to keep an eye on their budget.
Here, the lenses are substantial, but the arms of the glasses are actually quite, and surprisingly, slim.
Substantial in its appearance, you'll love the small "S" Smith logo that's located at the temple of this pair, as well as the wide variety of lens choices, including gold and blue finishes.
Ticket savings can be substantial and add up quickly for multiple guests.
If the initial buy-in and annual fees are not a significant financial burden, the club's benefits can represent substantial savings in the long run.
Park guests who will be visiting Cedar Point regularly can take advantage of substantial savings by choosing season passes.
You can save a substantial amount of money on Universal Studios tickets and accommodations by purchasing through this site.
Getaway deals frequently offer substantial discounts for surrounding resorts and park admission, and children ages 2 and younger are admitted to the water park free.
This is a substantial savings over purchasing two individual tickets.
Hotels, visitor centers, and tour companies often have discount theme park tickets available, and Florida residents can get substantial discounts on several types of tickets to either park.
If you are looking to take a substantial bite out of "The Sweetest Place on Earth," then stay a few days to take it all in.
Along with doing it what he loves and making money from it, Johnathan also tries to achieve a more substantial goal for every one of us.
The early 1990s brought Phillips into the market with CD-I, Commodore with their CDTV, the Panasonic 3DO, and Atari's Jaguar, none of which had substantial success.
As one of the more substantial negative effects of video games, the sheer cost of the hobby can become quite a burden on a family.
While this game has received substantial aesthetic upgrades over the original, the core gameplay remains much the same.
Rather than pinching a scant piece of plastic in your hand, your fingers know they're gripping something substantial.
In recent years, the video game industry has seen substantial consolidation as several of the larger publishers have purchased multiple developers.
When looking into more substantial purchases -- like picking up a new PlayStation 3 -- that extra 10% can go a long way.
They have proclaimed that many of the things Jack Thompson says are unfounded, citing that Thompson jumps to conclusions without any substantial evidence.
The interface and mechanic is much the same, and gamers still make substantial use of the Wii Balance Board as a primary accessory.
The staff also compiles a substantial list of reviews of new wines in addition to the special categories.
I'd also advise inviting a generous wine lover with a substantial wine cellar.
Check their website for more information and schedules on the tours at Thornton Winery If you have more time and would like a little more substantial experience, you can eat brunch in the café on premise as well.
Since these cellars are built into the earth or in old stone buildings, it's a very cost effective way of creating a cool environment-the natural insulation that old stones or earthen caves offer is substantial.
Light meat seems to indicate a white wine or a lighter-bodied red, but dark meat often requires a more substantial wine.
For example, if Service Provider A gives you free evenings starting at 6pm whereas Service Provider B has evenings starting at 9pm, that can be a very substantial difference.
As mentioned earlier, the BlackBerry Pearl is the first handset from the company to have substantial multimedia functionality.
It's not awkward and feels substantial as your fingers do their business.
While it may not be quite as substantial an aesthetic upgrade as you'll find when going from a Palm Centro to a Palm Pre, there is enough of the new stuff with the iPhone 3GS to make it a new iPhone.
Not surprisingly, buying wholesale cell phones can result in substantial savings and these savings can be translated into considerable profit through individual sale.
For some, these could be little more than minor quirks and inconveniences, but the problems could be a lot more substantial too.
Now that you know what updates are on new Apple IPhone, it is apparent that the device offers substantial improvements over the 3G and 3GS.
Since Windows Mobile and the QVGA screen resolution were quite popular for some time, there is a substantial library of themes available for download on the Internet.
A substantial number of poisonings also occur as suicide attempts or drug overdoses.
Once children begin spending a full day in school, a substantial, nutritious breakfast becomes more important than ever.
These symptoms can last four to ten days and can have a substantial impact on a woman's life.
Rates of drug use showed substantial variation by age.
Statistics compiled by the Women's Sports Foundation also demonstrate that young female athletes receive substantial benefits from participation in sports.
These procedures involve significant surgical alteration of the digestive tract and require substantial modification of diet after the surgery to much less than 1,000 calories per day.
By about nine to 10 months, most infants can sit up unassisted for substantial periods of time with both hands free for playing.
Although they do not restore normal hearing, cochlear implants can provide substantial improvement in speech recognition and production, as well as the ability to hear and identify common sounds such as doorbells.
Although there have been some changes, they have not been substantial enough to prevent many working mothers from feeling that the price for "having it all" is too high.
They should remind the child that a few months may be needed before he or she notices substantial improvement in symptoms.
The blood may increase in acidity (acidosis) and, under some circumstances, near drowning can cause a substantial increase or decrease in the volume of circulating blood.
Lack of such support is blamed for substantial poverty among single-parent families.
It accounts for a substantial proportion of the patients seen by specialists in diseases of the digestive system (gastroenterologists).
Treatment requires a long-term commitment; six months or more may be needed before the child notices substantial improvement.
Remind the child that six months or more may be needed before he or she notices substantial improvement in symptoms.
Vitamin C in substantial amounts can help stabilize the mucous membrane response.
Use a very substantial and tall headboard that will simulate a wall effect.
Use a substantial headboard, even when your bed is against a solid wall.
Purchase a bed that has a solid and substantial headboard - In form feng shui, the mountain is a support for life.
The FDA approval of minoxidil and finasteridemerely supports theclaimthat research has indicated these two ingredients have a slight to substantial effect on hair loss.
Of course, braiding is an art and it takes a substantial amount of time.
Long Island laser hair removal has gained substantial popularity in recent years.
In fact, there are a number of options out there that can transform the appearance of thin hair into something more substantial.
Elegant updos were made for women with thick hair, and nothing does long and wavy better than a headful of substantial locks.
However, keep in mind that if you want to wear hair extensions for a substantial amount of time, it may be best to let your hair stylist put them in for you.
While some items can be purchased used at substantial discount, other investments should be new and fully protected under manufacturer warranty to protect against unforeseen repairs and malfunction.
This may mean seeking alternatives in the community with substantial fees.
Happy Hearts Homeschooling Library is a blog listing a substantial amount of vintage materials, many of which are available on the public domain.
But for many families, the sudden increase puts a substantial strain on their finances.
Where mortgage payments are predominantly applied against interest during the early years, by 20 years into the mortgage, a substantial portion is now going toward reducing the principal balance.
Repairing substantial problems with the home such as exterior wall, roof, or structural damage.
While these may be extensive projects, they can also add substantial value to a home in the long term.
Some borrowers do not have the funds available for a substantial down payment, and in these instances a low down payment might be the only way to buy a mobile home.
Mobile homes that have been pre-owned normally come with substantial savings.
The point is to avoid a situation where you have a paid-off house, yet a substantial amount of other bills and no money in the bank.
Lower-wealth borrowers who experience substantial challenges in coming up with the funds for down payments and closing costs.
You can save substantial money by choosing the index which is lowest at the time you initially set your rate.
Applicants with a substantial down payment can borrow more than people with little or no down payment.
Sellers and buyers will both be upset if a home inspection is not accurate or misses a substantial issue.
You can also browse a substantial directory of mortgage brokers using the online UK Mortgage Brokers Index.
Applicants can increase their chances of approval by having a substantial down payment and by offering the most detailed income and employment documentation as possible.
In other words, the interest rates can be quite high and the fees can be substantial.
Do look for a substantial interest rate reduction.
If you bring a substantial down payment to the table, your lender may be willing to accept past history of foreclosure.
Cash out refinance loans are usually granted when a homeowner has substantial equity in their home.
This can translate into substantial savings for homebuyers, especially if the bank is particularly eager to be rid of the home for whatever reason.
If you're thinking about home loans FHA vs VA requirements, you may be doing so because you do not want to have a substantial down payment or you do not qualify for a traditional mortgage.
This means you make a full extra payment in the year, which results in substantial savings.
Although the answer depends largely on how big the mess is, it usually takes patience and hard work to recover from falling behind in payments or substantial depreciation in the value of the home.
The truth is that it does not take a substantial amount of extra payments to reduce a mortgage, but the more extra payments, the quicker the principal balance is reduced.
Property A and B by themselves have substantial equity.
If you are in the highest ten percent of wage earners in the company and your employer can prove that your absence would create substantial financial harm to the company, then your employer is not required to keep your job open.
His substantial wardrobe includes deluxe fashion essentials such as a Kitson Kids cashmere sweater with a faux Mommy tattoo on the sleeve and a pair of Yo My Booties angora booties.
Since children learn much of their behavior during the early years of their lives, relationships with siblings have a substantial impact on adult temperament.
If you're concerned about the development of your only child, remember that parenting styles have a substantial impact on a child's well-being.
Unfortunately, a substantial number of women are unable to stop their unhealthy eating habits even during pregnancy.
Egyptian cotton feels heavier to the touch, more substantial than the average cotton, and so towels made with this fabric fetch a slightly higher price.
Less is known to date about the 2010 fantasy film Fading of the Cries, although it is currently categorized as a horror/thriller with a substantial role for Mackenzie Rosman.
For added comfort for your toddler, look for swimsuits in a substantial, thick swimsuit fabric.
However, if you'd like a suit that's a bit more substantial, that can be accomplished too via mixing and matching styles.
This varies by style, but it's a substantial reduction.
The triangle bikini top had an interesting dimensional effect with floral, ruffled cups and tiny string straps, but the side-tie bottoms were slightly more substantial.
On the other hand, if you'd like to appear a bit more substantial, then a bright print might be your best option.
Additionally, a substantial photo gallery is also available that allows the customer to actually see just how their swimsuits wear against the various elements.
The suit may resemble a bikini loosely connected by straps between the top and bottom pieces, or it might be a slightly more substantial one piece with large cut outs along the bodice, complete with a plunging neckline.
Well, prepare to think again as many of the full coverage looks today come with bold and substantial side ties.
First, thanks to the sequins, this style of G-string is typically a bit more substantial in fabric, so if this is your first time going down the exotic route, it can be a good bet.
You can find Vitamin World stores in many malls around the United States, and customers know they offer a substantial array of store-brand vitamins, minerals, herbs and other supplements.
The discounts on store brand items tend to be substantial, with up to 50 percent off in some instances.
Don't overdo it with pieces that are as substantial as the dress.
Metal molds are more substantial, but they are also more expensive to buy.
Is the company reputable and been in business for a substantial amount of time?
A nonprofit capital campaign can help your organization raise a substantial amount of money for a large scale project.
They take a substantial chunk of your donation value to keep their business running.
Not all of them do, since it requires time and effort, not to mention substantial paperwork.
Charge a fee that will cover all costs of the supplies as well as a substantial amount more as the donation towards the mission.
If you're on a budget, check out for a chance to buy gift cards at a substantial discount.
While cubic zirconia can occur naturally, it is very rare because it requires temperatures in excess of 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit in order to form substantial crystals.
There are several ways to purchase three-quarter carat diamond rings, however, that look just as substantial as full carat designs.
To the naked eye, these optical illusions will not look significantly different than true one carat rings, but they can create a substantial savings when considering engagement ring prices.
There are many substantial benefits to using cultured diamonds rather than natural stones both for industrial as well as jewelry applications.
Many jewelers offer such plans for reasonable fees that can be a substantial savings if multiple repairs are needed.
Another definition of buying 'wholesale' is buying at the wholesale price, which is significantly less than the retail price and can offer the customer a substantial savings.
Buying in bulk can often create a substantial savings, or couples could opt to make their own simple favors or choose generic items instead of more elaborate favors.
Deciding early on who is hosting the party (and therefore who is likely to be paying at least a substantial portion of the costs) is essential.
A real pearl has a substantial weight, while an imitation pearl is very light.
If it is a large job, consider asking for a substantial deposit with the remainder due upon completion.
A substantial portion of her recipes have been devoted to vegan fans.
By choosing a discount bag, consumers can save substantial amounts of money, and those discounts can make owning a designer piece more affordable for individuals who may not be able or willing to pay top dollar for the newest fashions.
For whatever reason, your job requires you to handle monetary transactions of a substantial amount.
Often made from fabric, camo bags are usually durable and can withstand substantial use.
It's meant to hold a substantial amount of change securely, and when you need some, just squeeze and it opens.
There are also rhinestone accents on the bag's side and substantial studs on the straps and around the buckles.
Amazon features a substantial collection of these backpacks, so you'll want to be sure to visit this site.