Subscription Sentence Examples
The subscription remained open.
Peel Park, bought by public subscription in 1846, was the first public recreation ground in the borough.
In 1858 a subscription was opened for his benefit.
Cottage and village nursing are varieties of the same department; the former is organized on the benefit system, and aims at supplying domestic help and sick-nursing combined in rural districts for an annual subscription of from 2s.
The subscription of the Vatican MS., which adds the name Setinus Balbus, points to his having been a native of Setia in Latium.
This article expressed despair of the success of the British arms in Spain, and Scott at once withdrew his subscription, the Quarterly being soon afterwards started in opposition.
His hussar comrades--not only those of his own regiment, but the whole brigade--gave Rostov a dinner to which the subscription was fifteen rubles a head, and at which there were two bands and two choirs of singers.
The synod seems to have remained without a constitution and without subscription until 1729, when it adopted the Westminster standards.
In1730-1732the stricter party in the presbyteries of New Castle and Donegal insisted on full subscription, and in 1736, in a minority synod, interpreted the adopting act according to their own views.
The modification of the terms of clerical subscription (1865), the new lectionary (1871), the Burials Act (1880) were largely owing to him; for all of them, and especially the last, he incurred much obloquy at the time.
AdvertisementFour of these customers had since canceled their subscription and four more were personally known to Monica.
They did, indeed, represent the aristocracy of wealth, for they had to pay a subscription of four louis, a large sum at that time, besides six livres for attendance.
Subscribers outside the county of London pay only £4 in annual subscription and id.
The mayor of Venice sent a firm and dignified protest to the government for its inaction, and the people of Liguria raised a large subscription in favor of the troops, in recognition of their gallantry and admirable discipline during the troubles.
In 1860 he was compelled by the failure of the porcelain factory to leave Bruckberg, and he would have suffered the extremity of want but for the assistance of friends supplemented by a public subscription.
AdvertisementHis memory is appropriately kept green by a cot in the Children's Hospital, Great Ormond Street, London, which was endowed perpetually by a public subscription.
In the preface Chillingworth expresses his new view about subscription to the articles.
He enforced discipline and exact conformity within the church with an iron hand; and over 200 clergymen were deprived of their livings for disobedience to the ex animo form of subscription.
The vote of £T50o,000 a year for ten years for the reconstruction of the Ottoman navy by " national subscription," as already mentioned, was not included in the official budget, nor was there any allusion to it in the prefatory memorandum.
The minister of finance did, however, allude to it in his budget speech, (April 23, 1910), and stated that four destroyers purchased in Germany had been paid for from the national subscription only, without touching the ordinary state revenues.
AdvertisementThe public library contained 330,000 volumes in 1908, the Case library (subscription) 65,000 volumes, the Hatch library of Adelbert College about 56,000 volumes, the library of the Western Reserve Historical Society 22,500 volumes, and the Cleveland law library, in the court house, 20,000 volumes.
It also substituted another form of declaration for that required under the Clerical Subscription Act 1865 (see above).
It can in fact be shown conclusively that the Japan.ese have derived all their fundamental The highest rate of subscription to a daily journal is twelve shillings per annum, and the usual charge for advertisement is from 7d.
There, owing to measures taken in 1565-1566 to enforce clerical subscription to the authorized order of worship, especially touching vestments, certain persons of humble station began to assemble in houses " for preaching and ministering the sacraments " (Grindal's Remains, lxi.).
On the day following they were graciously received by the queen, who undertook to sign a bond for their security, but delayed the subscription till next morning under plea of sickness.
AdvertisementAbout this time a voluntary subscription among the members of the Royal Institution put him in possession of a new galvanic battery of 2000 double plates, with a surface equal to 128,000 sq.
The pillar, which contains a stairway, was raised by public subscription.
You need to ensure they comply with the rules in order to be able to re-claim tax on the membership subscription.
Regular site contributors are entitled to a free subscription.
A member not having tendered his/her resignation prior to 31 st December shall be liable for the ensuing year 's subscription.
A subscription arrangement was suggested where people gave part of their weekly salary to a fund to buy a Spitfire for the RAF.
After the Initial Period, the Subscriber may cancel the subscription to Cineworld Unlimited Card on one month 's notice.
Note the revised subscription fees agreed at the AGM.
The subscription rates shall be reviewed from time to time at a General Meeting.
Rule three stated 'A donation of ten guineas shall constitute a life member and a subscription of one guinea a yearly member.
Toucan broadband contracts are valid for 12 months, so you will have to cover the remaining subscription costs if you have to cancel.
Three of the ten venture capital trusts (VCTs) launched in this tax year have still to reach their minimum subscription level.
But interest wanes when the price of 15 times the annual subscription of £ 157 is quoted.
So think about a New Millenium 's resolution - place a subscription for one of our fruit and veg boxes to arrive weekly.
You are welcome to reprint it (with copyright and subscription information) and continue to enjoy the tips.
We decided to turn the model upside down and instead of charging the prospective employers for job listings, we would charge the job seekers a monthly subscription.
In 2009, they launched their research division, offering their services at a low $79 subscription price.
Always read the fine print with this promotion, as some may ask you to sign up for a subscription or something similar.
Your new PC will come bundled with Norton or MacAfee limited subscription anti-virus programs which can protect you against some virus infections, but are limited on spyware.
Xbox live does charge a subscription fee, but has been hailed as having the best online play of all the systems.
There are even some free games there for you to try, but note any limited time downloads or possible subscription fees.
After reading the sample books online, you can subscribe to Disney's digital reading site for a monthly fee that is less than 10 dollars, or you can opt for an annual subscription for about $80 per year.
Clicking the button will take to you a page that has a Cancel Subscription tab.
Click on the button to cancel the subscription.
In fact, many additional services actually offer the free report as part of a trial period for a paid subscription service or they include it as a membership bonus for other services.
The site offers a one-month free trial, and after that a paid subscription is required.
Read newspapers and magazines at a local library instead of buying a subscription.
The problem is that some of these sites lure people into thinking they are signing up for a chance to try the product for free, but in fact the site tricks them into signing up for a subscription that costs about $80 per month or more.
In 1710 there were five churches in the Carolinas; in1722-1723they formed the presbytery of James Island, which (after 1727) went through the same struggle as the synod of Philadelphia in reference to subscription; and in 1731 the parties separated into subscribers and non-subscribers.
We gained enough in monthly subscription fees to become profitable and eventually grow into the market leader.
In order to use Plan3D, you will need to get a monthly subscription.
Membership is free and includes a subscription to the club's e-newsletter, which often includes free sample offers.
All of the activities are free, however there are links to the pay subscription service for preschoolers, called "Preschool Time Online," that Disney also offers.
While there are a variety of games, some of them may charge a one-time fee or a subscription to play.
Although many of them may require a subscription, you can often find demo versions of older games or full versions of games that cost nothing.
Yahoo Games offers a variety of free games to download or play online, as well as a variety of subscription games.
Some games offer a subscription upgrade for special "members only" areas.
These days, people can choose to purchase a subscription for Blue Mountain Arts for high quality cards with no advertisements.
Premium members have unlimited play with a monthly subscription.
The cost of the full version of Family Feud Online Party varies at many game websites because it is based on monthly subscription fees.
The user may be limited to using it only a few times before having to buy a subscription to continue working with it.
You can either pay per card, or purchase a subscription to send unlimited ecards.
Lastly, you get a free subscription to their monthly online newsletter,
Purchasing a subscription is easy and if you aren't sure about buying one, then take the tour to see if the OED online has the features you need.
The site does require a log-in ID and a password as well as a subscription, but here is what you can find at the World Book Encyclopedia Online.
Just remember you need a subscription to access all the features.
Oxford Reference requires a subscription to use, unless you are a member of certain libraries or are a teacher with the proper credentials.
Free players have plenty to do and are not forced or hassled to purchase a subscription.
Generally, stock images are purchased on a subscription basis, where a fee is charged for each image that is downloaded.
If you refer other stock buyers, you can earn 20 percent of their subscription price.
A subscription to the toNoodle tutorial library was provided by the publisher for this article.
Epic Pass holders receive a one-year subscription to Ski magazine.
Make sure you check out magazine websites and digital subscriptions before committing to a print subscription.
If not flowers, then send some other gift, like chocolate or a paid subscription to the person's favorite magazine.
Although magazines in paper form are not as popular with teens, a gift subscription to a service such as Netflix, Hulu-Plus or a music service will definitely be the gift that keeps on giving.
A gift basket containing a selection of wines and a subscription to the beer or wine of the month club.
Conversely, the couple who is more reserved might enjoy a Netflix subscription or a few classic board games.
The following websites predominately consist of autograph collector websites in which you will have to pay a subscription fee for access to contact information.
Many photo archives and databases require a subscription and usually a fee, to use their images in your blogs, on websites or anywhere else.
If you want to get a head start, purchase a guide book or database subscription to a list of scholarships and grants.
You'll have to sign up for an entire set with your initial purchase, but you do get to choose your breed and you can cancel your subscription at any time.
To receive the free report entitled What the Pet Food Companies Don't Want You to Know; check the box at the bottom of the subscription form.
If you can't afford to subscribe at this point (as of August 2010, a yearly subscription cost $39.95) or just want more from the magazine, there are a few ways to keep in touch with your favorite publication.
While some of their lessons require a subscription, there are still many that do not.
However, to view the results, you must pay $26 for a yearly subscription or about $6 for monthly access.
Total Landscape Care offers a free annual subscription.
In some cases, free print magazines are only free for a while before the publisher sends you a bill in order to continue with the subscription.
By investing sometime in the website or a little money in a subscription, you can learn from some of the top experts in the field.
For more information on purchasing a subscription to Where to Retire magazine, visit the magazine's website.
Another gift idea is books or a magazine subscription that relate to retired life or continue to stimulate the mind.
The cost of upgrading to a paid membership subscription varies depending on how many months you agree to subscribe for.
The easiest way to guarantee access to all of the articles in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine is to buy a subscription.
Those looking for a quick and easy read may find that they don't need more than the featured abstracts to stay on top of the latest sleep research, but some may want the full article without the subscription fees.
Much like other online games, some mobile phone video games require a one time purchase and others are subscription based.
They believed that this was the next big thing, and they felt that they could build an unbeatable subscription business leveraged on titles like Majestic and Ultima Online.
Many online games seem like a teaser and a prelude to get you to purchase a monthly subscription to feed your gaming frenzy.
A part of the fee from the subscription goes towards paying royalties to the the publishers and developers of the games.
When you opt for the discounted rental fees described above, Gamefly will also offer you a free trial subscription to one of the most popular magazines today.
Just make sure you remember to cancel your subscription before the 14 issues run out if you want to avoid getting charged.
More importantly, you need an Xbox Live Gold subscription if you wish to play Xbox 360 games online with other players.
To buy Microsoft Points to spend on Xbox Marketplace content or to buy an Xbox Live Gold subscription, it is possible to go into any number of different retail stores and purchase a special redemption code.
This is a paid subscription service that costs $49.99 a year.
If you need the Microsoft Points to purchase downloadable content or you want to buy an Xbox Live Gold subscription, you can do so by buying prepaid cards at your local retailer.
Many MMOGs operate on a subscription basis, meaning that a fee is paid by each subscriber every month, a desirable scenario for game producers.
Gamerang has a subscription plan that allows players to rent up to 4 games at a time.
As of June 2005, they are running a special that includes a free one year subscription to Electronic Gaming Monthly with subscription sign up.
Monthly subscription fees cover all shipping costs and you can rent as many games as you like.
However, depending on your subscription plan, you have a limit of number of games you can have at once (games in the process of shipping are considered "out").
Next, there is a promotional page where you can get a free subscription to a game magazine for a year (or not).
Some companies offer flat rate subscriptions to play all of their games online; in early 2005 Sony modified their online service to this sort of subscription format.
Others charge per month and only give access to a single game for the subscription fee.
The downside to subscription fees for consumers is that the retail price of a game does not necessarily represent the cost of playing the game.
On the other hand, many gamers feel the entertainment value of their game subscription(s) is well worth the money they pay, especially when it is compared to the cost of even going to the movies for a single night.
You can get a 12-month subscription or pay month-by-month if you desire.
Age of Reckoning is an online only game so you will need an account or subscription.
Many of the online sites offer a monthly subscription plan where you simply sign up and then choose your games.
Limited access is free with expanded access on an annual subscription rate.
The magazine subscription price of around $25 USD per year is small compared to the vast amounts of helpful hints, tips and information it offers about home winemaking.
Some wine clubs are year-long subscriptions, similar to a magazine, while others are an ongoing subscription until you cancel.
While there is plenty of free information on the Antique Clocks Identification and Price Guide, you will have to pay for a subscription to utilize everything the site has to offer.
You'll receive a subscription to Lifestyles magazine and can also sign up to receive a monthly e-newsletter.
If you'd like to receive a free subscription to Safari Adventures Magazine', simply call 800-634-0855.
A one-year subscription to either publication costs $56.00.
Members receive special discounts on merchandise and services, as well as a subscription to RV View Magazine, relevant vendor discount programs, and an array of additional benefits.
As a member, you'll have access to Airstream-only campgrounds throughout the U.S., a subscription to Blue Beret magazine, opportunities to participate in Airstream campgrounds, and many other benefits.
There is also a Family Pack subscription for $149 a month that allows for up to four family accounts.
However, if you sign up for a V CAST VPak plan, you will only pay the set subscription fee.
These are like IDs that feature your particular subscription data, as well as your address book.
In order to have access to all of the step sheets (sent to you on a CD-Rom), as well as all of the online resources (many online resources can be used free), a $20 subscription fee grants you immediate and unlimited access.
You can sign up for a free trial before commiting to a monthly subscription.
These range from amateur user-contributed sites such as eHow to professional sites that allow you to learn new moves with a subscription.
Access to these streaming videos costs less than $10 for a two-month subscription, giving you adequate time to learn at an affordable rate.
Fees may cover costs of copies and research or they may be an actual subscription to a service.
Don't assume that you must purchase a subscription to get what you need.
Some of these listings will be free; others are by subscription.
There are some genealogy subscription services, such as that charge a monthly fee to access their records.
For genealogists, this is especially helpful as the library may also have a subscription to some of the online genealogy sites, such as Heritage Quest and Ancestry.
Libraries allow visitors to use the library subscription for free.
Genealogists are not limited to subscription services or hiring a professional.
Most subscription services have a free trial.
Many public libraries have a subscription to Ancestry which patrons may use free of charge.
While not all listings are free, there is a note if the website charges a subscription fee.
While is a subscription service, you can download their census forms for free. requires a subscription fee to view research information, you may download the forms for free.
Many subscription sites offer a free trial.
Ancestry is a subscription genealogy site geared to the family history enthusiast.
The site charges a monthly fee, which varies depending on the length and type of subscription.
It has worldwide records in the World Deluxe subscription package and United States information in the US Deluxe package.
Many public libraries and genealogy archives have a subscription to Ancestry.
Patrons and visitors are allowed to use the subscription on library computers.
If you are considering a subscription, try conducting free Ancestry research first.
There is a subscription fee of $20 per year to join Enchanted Learning.
While Ancestry does charge a fee for a subscription, you may be able to access it for free at your public library.
Ancestry is a subscription genealogy service that hosts numerous searchable databases including birth, death and military records.
While Ancestry charges a fee, local public libraries often have a subscription that patrons may use for free.
To access Ancestry databases requires a subscription.
While Ancestry is not technically a free site, many public libraries have a subscription for patrons to use.
There are several subscription sites that have collections, such as GenealogyBank.
While this site is a subscription site, you can view some of the papers with a free, basic membership.
It, too is a subscription site but many local libraries allow patrons to use the library's Ancestry account on library computers for free.
Some are free; others require a subscription., a subscription research site, has the Texas Marriage Collections, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002.
Ancestry does charge a subscription to view the complete results, but simple searches are free.
Ancestry is a subscription site, but you may do a basic search for free and it is frequently offered as a service to patrons of public libraries.
Florida Marriages Collection 1822-1875 and 1927-2001 is a database available on, a subscription service. is a genealogy subscription service, but many local libraries allow library patrons to use this service for free.
Heritage Quest is a subscription service.
Many libraries have a subscription that allows library patrons to access Heritage Quest for free.
Footnote charges a subscription fee for accessing some of its records, but the census index can be used for free.
The SSDI is completely searchable and is available on several paid subscription genealogy sites.
Other census years will be coming online in time, but you can find them now on paid subscription sites like, the paid subscription genealogy site, offers a free ascendency chart that can help you illustrate the pedigree of an ancestor. is a paid subscription site popular with genealogists, and they offer DNA testing and a database of test results. is a paid subscription service, but it offers some of the most complete collections of public records on the Internet.
A three month subscription is $14.95, and allows you unlimited photo uploads of yourself, family and friends.
Professional hair style consultation is also included with your subscription.
Time4Learnings is a subscription based service that costs only $19.95 per month and an additional $14.95 for each extra child.
You can cancel at any time and the site does offer opportunities to write articles and reviews, so members can earn enough to gain a free subscription with a little work.
Ed Helper is a subscription based service, but they do have a variety of free worksheets available for your perusal.
The satellite distance learning program is carried by the Bob Jones Homesat Satellite Network and is provided by subscription only.
They are a subscription based service, however, there is plenty there to take advantage of for free.
Parents also provide tips on low cost homeschooling options, ways to engage students in the curriculum and more.Most of these online curriculums and online books work by a membership or subscription fee.
When you pay the subscription fee, you'll be able to post your resume online so that hiring managers who are seeking English speaking employees will be able to find you.
Paid individual memberships include a quarterly magazine subscription, use of the group's lending library, discounts and invitations to conventions and special events.
These magazines are often found at your bookseller or newsstand, but to make sure you get every issue, it's a good idea to buy a subscription.
Each year, the magazine's office receives a moderate amount of protest letters and a few subscription cancellations over what some readers consider the "racy" nature of the issue.
Nonprofit members receive a subscription to the quarterly newsletter, Network News, free resource publications, and they may sign up for the Minnesota Grants Alert newsletter.
Basic Level Associate members receive discounts on publications and events, opportunities to purchase ads, a discount on mailing list rental, and a year subscription to the Network News.
You can sign up to receive email notifications or an RSS feed of the latest grant opportunities by visiting the email subscription page at
Subscription presents are gifts that keep on giving throughout the year.
To get your own village started, enroll in a subscription service to ensure that you get all of the pieces of the village delivered to your door.
Some services even offer cards free, and many subscription sites offer unlimited cards for a yearly fee that comes out to less than you'd pay for a couple of dozen boxed cards.
One nice perk is that a subscription will allow you to send cards for birthdays, Easter, Valentine's Day and for any other after Christmas celebration that comes to mind.
Membership includes items like a special pin, magazine subscription, and opportunities to make special purchases or purchases at a special price. will automatically renew your subscription plan when the term ends, whether you ask for it or not.
You will need to resign through your account settings, and you will not receive a refund of any fees for the current subscription period.
Your subscription will start at the beginning of the upcoming month, so contact Kim directly if you need immediate guidance.
That adds up to a significant savings on the one year subscription if you plan to subscribe for that long.
All subscriptions will automatically renew monthly unless you cancel your subscription before it renews.
If you purchase a subscription, you can send e-mail to anyone.
Without a subscription, you need to wait for the other person to contact you first.
To become eligible to be a VIP, buy a 12 month subscription or be a member for more than six months.
You do not need to purchase a subscription in order to search for people or communicate with them.
But like most dating sites, to really start communicating, you'll need to purchase a subscription.
There is a paid subscription option as well.
Note that a subscription is required to send cards, although a free one-month trial is available.
A subscription is required for this site as well.
This falls just short of spam, because it is actually giving you free ebooks, and you are voluntarily putting in your name in the subscription box.
Look for free subscription offers online or check out the selection of magazines at your local library, if you're on a tight budget.
Jobs in Sports bills itself as a comprehensive resource for anyone hoping to work in the sports industry, although a paid subscription is needed to access all of the site's services.
The Princess subscription is under $50 for designer from well-respected designer names in the handbag business.
While all the handbags offered from BBoS are designer, your selections are limited based on the subscription you choose.
Some women have had less than satisfactory experiences with the customer service departments, claiming they were charged subscription fees after cancelling their accounts or being charged for handbags they never received.
Availability issues also arise -- paying for a handbags rental subscription guarantees that you will be carrying the hottest, most up-to-date bags, right?
The price for receiving Sunbursts varies, depending on whether you have your subscription renewed automatically or prefer to renew it yourself on a month-to-month basis.
Currently an automatically-renewed subscription will cost $19.96 per month, and to go month-to-month, you will be charged $27.96 per month.
The site provides its Daily Love Horoscope for free by email subscription everyday.
The site asks for a birth time and location, although it does not require this information to process your subscription.
There are many children's subscription magazines designed for every age and written for a variety of different interests.
Many kids enjoy a magazine subscription because they love receiving something in the mail each month.
Children's subscription magazines, with their illustrated text and rich variety of content, can tempt even the most reluctant reader to settle down for a read.
These kid-friendly browsers are available in both free and subscription versions and may offer more customizable features than online kids search engines, and they may offer additional safety because they can only access approved sites.
The Disney Blast section can only be accessed through a paid subscription, however, but there are plenty of other activities to play for free.
Purchasing a subscription to Sports Illustrated for Kids or introducing your children to the magazine's website is a wonderful way to encourage your kids to read.
With a subscription, your child will receive 12 issues, with the first issue arriving within one to two months.
Each year one issue is published as a double issue, which counts as two of the 12-month subscription.
Consider ordering a subscription to this award winning sports magazine or any other magazine that focuses on your child's interests.
Enchanted Learning is a subscription site.
Operated as a subscription service, most online rentals require a flat monthly fee, which entitles members to rent as many movies as they like each month.
If you are a frequent visitor to the video store, you will likely save money with an online movie subscription.
With an online rental subscription, you are free to keep movies as long as you like.
Many subscription sites, like Cinema Now, offer free trials.
CinemaNow also offers a subscription service.
Check out Encore's website at for subscription information.
At $2.99 a DVD (for a minimum of 3 DVD's), the site is a great alternative to websites that require subscription plans in order to use them.
By selecting Quick Browse, you can look through rent, buy, television, and subscription options.
The only downsides are the high price for purchasing new movies and the fact that with a subscription, you may still be asked to pay for certain movies separately.
You'll find the movies you can download within your subscription in the subscription tab.
By doing a little comparison shopping, you can often save over 50 percent off the regular subscription price.
All Free Magazines is a directory of free magazine subscription offers provided by various websites.
Magazine City offers visitors a chance to sign up for an email newsletter that lists free magazine subscription offers in various categories.
If you read more than two or three issues per year, you'll definitely save money by ordering a subscription.
And, if your favorite publication isn't available, you can often request that it be added to their subscription list.
Look for lists of magazines and check for free subscription and issue offers.
If you both love Southern Living, get one subscription, split the cost, and share the mag.
The only people who profit from these work at home opportunities are those who are collecting the "subscription fees" from people who pay to join the program in the hope of receiving information about a legitimate work at home opportunity.
Unfortunately, the Internet is flooded with stories about people who have had trouble trying to cancel free trial mail order subscription services, so use caution when signing up for free service subscriptions.
However, if you find yourself running checks frequently, it may be worth paying for a subscription service rather than spending the labor doing it yourself.
Remember that a free trial is set up in a manner to get a paid subscription.
Perks include unlimited zoo admission, a 10 percent discount on gift shop purchases, reduced fees for zoo educational classes, and a subscription to the zoo's magazine.
Perks of a zoo membership often include free or reduced-priced zoo admission, gift shop discounts, access to special events, free parking, and a zoo newsletter subscription.
Although individual DVD rentals are the most economical option for people who only watch movies once or twice a month, those who rent more frequently may find that a subscription service is a better bargain.
If you have a subscription to your local newspaper, don't forget to check the Sunday coupon insert for Papa Murphy's coupons as well.
You can also use the same form to cancel your subscription if you later decide the newsletter isn't helpful.
A subscription to Coupon Sense costs either $10 or $15 per month, depending upon where you live and how many stores in your area the site tracks.
Subscription numbers dipped with the arrival of the Internet as fans were able to connect with fan sites, message boards to get their updates, spoilers and more.
You can order subscriptions online or from subscription cards placed in the magazine.
The registration desk allows members to register accounts, create their initial profile and pay the subscription fees in order to post on the message boards.
The site is open both to the public and subscription members.
If you absolutely cannot live without knowing who is sleeping with whom on Young and the Restless, then you might consider paying for a subscription to Toni's spoilers.
The publications are available in stores or by subscription and provide in-depth coverage on what you might have missed and what lies ahead for your favorite characters.
You can go online to order a subscription, or pick up the latest issue at your grocery store checkout stand.
Available by subscription and/or on any grocery store newsstand, you will find many great updates and news pieces on all CBS soap operas.
A subscription through an online video site such as Netflix or allows you the opportunity to watch True Blood as an instant download on your computer.
Venice the Series is available on the web, but requires a membership and a subscription fee in order to view the episodes.
Tattoo Magazine, available by subscription or on newsstands, reports on artists, conferences and other happenings, but some readers find the tone less cultured.
You need to purchase a satellite radio receiver and a subscription to take advantage of this service, although many new cars are starting to offer satellite radio as a factory installed option.
Later developments include the invention of subscription television and introducing North America to HDTV amid much fanfare and acclaim.
At press time of May 2011, the site doesn't require a subscription to access most features, but you may need to establish an account to participate in the community sections.
At press time of May 2011,Yoga Journal's subscription base is 350,000.
Subscription prices may vary based on promotions, but the U.S. subscription price is $16.95 for nine issues annually.
While your teacher may have yoga magazines at the studio, he or she may not have a subscription delivered at home.
Subscription prices vary based on promotions, but an annual U.S. subscription of nine issues is $16.95.
SkypeIn numbers are sold on a subscription basis at differing rates.
If your employees travel out of town and need access in a hotel, it may be unnecessary to use a subscription services.
An employee, such as a realtor, who travels within a city might find it necessary to find Internet access at places like coffee shops, so a subscription might be the best option.
Even if you are using a subscription service, that payment goes to a wireless provider such as Boingo, not to the business.
If you choose to utilize e-mail marketing, be sure to place a subscription form on the main page of your company's website as a way of capturing email addresses from site visitors.
Subscription fees are about 65 pounds or $130, depending on the foreign currency exchange market.
You can request and pay for your subscription by visiting Great UK Magazines, or calling their phone number, 0845 601-2672.
You can sign up for a one-year online subscription to their Online eAutoRepair that is vehicle specific for $29.95 and covers model years 1983 through 2008.
The price for the guides is $36 for one issue and $72 dollar for an annual subscription that includes three updates.
This guide is available as an annual subscription and it is completely searchable.
Depending on your budget, you can choose to get a year's subscription of either daily or weekly Black Book updates.
If you're simply trading in an ancient hatchback, paying the subscription rate will be impractical.
Know how many times you plan to use the subscription in the next year.
If so, you could very well get your money's worth out of your subscription.
Most Canadian Black Book resources are available for an annual subscription fee.
However, it pays to determine whether or not the information you receive will be worth the subscription fee.
If the vehicle is old or in bad shape, you are unlikely to recoup the costs of a Canadian Black Book subscription.
If you'll be negotiating a lot of transactions, a Canadian Black Book subscription is probably well worth the money.
If so, it may be worth enough to justify the cost of the subscription.
While these sites require a subscription to view the information they have compiled, they are generally seen as extremely accurate and well-respected.
If you are considering buying or selling several used vehicles this year, getting a Black Book subscription could be a good idea.
This organization offers numerous subscription products, and you can choose to have Black Book values updated to your cell phone or PDA.
A Black Book subscription will cost you over $100 and is updated weekly, and Internet subscriptions will run you between $100 and $400 depending upon the update and upgrade options you choose.
You can visit the Product Page to see subscription offers or call their toll-free number, 1-800-554-1026.
Buy a Subscription to Black Book - You can opt to subscribe to the Black Book to receive instant weekly or monthly access to their values, but this option is not free.
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The apartment had been rented the following day—the day of the newspaper subscription.
Dean reluctantly explained Fred O'Connor's idea about the newspaper subscription and the fact that a paper had been sent to Scranton to a somewhat mysterious occupant.
The subscription was being sent to the name Cleary on Bascomb Place in Scranton but it stopped arriving there after he 'died.'
It was his suggestion about the newspaper subscription that started the whole business rolling— even if it was blind luck.
The ancient differences between Old and New Side were revived, and once more it was urged that there should be (1) strict subscription, (2) exclusion of the Congregationalized churches, and strict Presbyterian polity and discipline, and (3) the condemnation and exclusion of the new divinity and the maintenance of scholastic orthodoxy.
In several university towns there are free teaching establishments for women, supported by subscription, with programmes and examinations equal to those of the universities.
In 1747 Johnson sent Chesterfield, who was then secretary of state, a prospectus of his Dictionary, which was acknowledged by a subscription of X10.
This, in my opinion, is all intended by subscription."
The theological division was accentuated by the Salters' Hall Controversy (1717-1719), which, nominally touching religious liberty versus subscription, really involved differences as to Trinitarian doctrine.
The subscription was raised on the 1st of January 1906 from three guineas to four guineas for new members, but the number of members continues to increase and early in 1906 amounted to 8786.
During the colonial period there were many sectarian and neighbourhood subscription schools in which the poor could receive a free education, but public schools in the modern American sense were unknown.
After preparing a small volume of miscellanies, which was published by subscription, he studied dentistry with Anthony Norris Groves in Exeter.
The city has a soldiers' memorial hall, erected by popular subscription, and a Carnegie library.
Dr Hugh Blair, who was a firm believer in the authenticity of the poems, got up a subscription to allow Macpherson to pursue his Gaelic researches.
The bulk of the work has been done by voluntary societies, membership in which depends upon a pecuniary subscription, and the administration of which is entrusted to elected committees.
There is no membership by subscription, nor any elected committee.
Among the remaining buildings must be mentioned the town hall (17th century; restored 1823), the court-house, the concert-hall of the "Harmonic" club, the record office (1900), the leeskabuiet, or subscription library and reading-rooms, and the ten-storeyed Witte Huis (1897), which is used for offices and is one of the highest private buildings on the Continent.
The General Assembly of 1638 was composed of ardent Covenanters, and in 1640 the covenant was adopted by the parliament, and its subscription was required from all citizens.
In his policy against the Puritans, and in his vigorous enforcement of the subscription test, he thoroughly carried out the queen's policy of religious uniformity.
He left a wife and children, on whose behalf a public subscription was made.
He then put forth proposals for publishing by subscription the poems of Politian, with notes containing a history of modern Latin verse; but subscriptions did not come in, and the volume never appeared.
He proposed to bring out an edition of Shakespeare by subscription, and many subscribers sent in their names and laid down their money; but he soon found the task so little to his taste that he turned to more attractive employments.
Two positions on which he repeatedly insisted have taken a firm hold - first, that it is of the essence of a church to be comprehensive of various views and tendencies, and that a national church especially should seek to represent all the elements of the life of the nation; secondly, that subscription to a creed can bind no one to all its details, but only to the sum and substance, or the spirit, of the symbol.
But the speculation was unsuccessful, and for many years Godwin struggled with constant pecuniary difficulties, for which more than one subscription was raised by the leaders of the Liberal party and by literary men.
The various religious secessions in Scotland led to the founding of a large number of sectarian and subscription schools, and at the Disruption in 1843 the Free Church made provision for the secular as well as the religious instruction of the children of its members.
These changes included the transference of the initiative in university legislation from the sole authority of the heads of houses to an elected and representative body, the opening of college fellowships and scholarships to competition by the removal of local and other restrictions the non-enforcement at matriculation of subscription to the Thirty-nine Articles, and various steps for increasing the usefulness and influence of the professoriate.
In 1836 he published a Letter to the Bishop of London, advocating a relaxation of the terms of clerical subscription to the Thirty-nine Articles and the Prayer-book.
There are a public library, established by subscription in 1858; and a students' union, for helping the sick and poor and promoting the intellectual and physical improvement of boys.
In July further reinforcements of volunteers under Cosenz and Medici, assisted by Cavour, arrived at Palermo with a good supply of arms furnished by subscription in northern Italy.
The subscription controversy was then agitating the university, and Paley published an anonymous Defence of a pamphlet in which Bishop Law had advocated the retrenchment and simplification of the Thirty-nine Articles; he did not, however, sign the petition (called the "Feathers" petition from being drawn up at a meeting at the Feathers tavern) for a relaxation of the terms of subscription.
In 1833 the Washington National Monument Society was formed and a popular subscription was taken.
Telephones have an enormous extension both in the towns and between the different towns of southern Finland; the cost of the yearly subscription varies from 40 to 60 marks,' and is only Io marks in the smaller towns.
The educational institutions include the free grammar school (founded by James Leigh in 1619 and rebuilt in 1876), the Wigan and District Mining and Technical College (built by public subscription and opened in 1903) and the mechanics' institution, also the convent of Notre Dame (1854), with a college for pupil teachers and a high school for girls, and several Roman Catholic schools.
This act fixed the formula of subscription to be signed by all ministers.
This body at once raised the question of the relaxation of subscription, which was in a few years seriously taken up by the church, and the National Church Union, feeling that in this, as well as in the growth of liberal opinion in the church its object had been attained, discontinued its operations.
The question of subscription has been more or less before the church for many years.
Ten years later the assembly was again debating the question of subscription.
In July 1808 Davy laid a request before the managers of the Royal Institution that they would set on foot a subscription for the purchase of a specially large voltaic battery; as a result he was provided with one of 2000 pairs of plates, and the first experiment performed with it was the production of the electric arc light between carbon poles.
The government thirds lie neglected in a " Cyprus Museum " maintained at Nicosia by voluntary subscription.
The buildings; of the monastery of Grey Friars, Newgate Street, were appropriated to it; liberal public subscription added to the king's grant endowed it richly; and the mayor, commonalty and citizens of London were nominated its governors in its charter of 1553.
In 1880 a statue was erected to Spinoza at the Hague by international subscription among his admirers, and more recently the cottage in which he lived at Rhijnsburg has been restored and furnished with all the discoverable Spinoza relics.
Subscription to the restored orthodox doctrine was to the Iranian a matter of course.
A fine crypt, along with remains of the prior's lodging, refectory and chapel, may still be viewed, as the priory was purchased by private subscription and handed over to the municipality in 1896.
A handsome sum was raised for Bell by subscription among the citizens of Glasgow; and he also received from the trustees of the river Clyde a pension of X100 a year.
Originally it can hardly have formed part of the same collection; for (a) the order is different, that of the second group being supported by its subscription, and (b) the laws in vi.
A fountain, surmounted by the statue of a war-horse, erected by public subscription in 1905 commemorates "the services of the gallant animals which perished in the Anglo-Boer war, 1899-1902."
In 1811 he proposed that a public subscription should be raised to put a price on Napoleon's head, but this suggestion was strongly reprobated by the British government.
A mausoleum was erected by national subscription, and in 1887 a statue, overlooking the Danube, was erected to his memory.
In 1872 his house was burned down, and was rebuilt by popular subscription.
He promoted the subscription for Pope's Homer, contributed some numbers to the Tatler, Spectator, and Intelligencer, and joined with Pope and Arbuthnot in establishing the Scriblerus Club, writing Martinus Scriblerus, his share in which can have been but small, as well as John Bull, where the chapter recommending the education of all blue-eyed children in depravity for the public good must surely be his.
It was given by Napoleon to Marshal Berthier, from whose widow it was purchased by subscription in 1821, and presented to the duc de Bordeaux, the representative of the older branch of the Bourbons, who assumed from it the title of comte de Chambord.
In 1705 the Belfast Society was founded for theological discussion by Presbyterian ministers in the north, with the result of creating a body of opinion adverse to subscription to the Westminster standards.
Toleration of dissent, withheld in Ireland till 1719, was then granted without the requirement of any doctrinal subscription.
Next year a movement against subscription was begun in the General Synod of Ulster, culminating (1725) in the placing of the advocates of non-subscription, headed by John Abernethy, D.D., of Antrim, into a presbytery by themselves.
From 1783 ten of the fourteen presbyteries in the General Synod had made subscription optional; the synod's code of 1824 left "soundness in the faith" to be ascertained by subscription or by examination.
Schulz on the other, protesting against both subscription to the ancient creeds and the imposition of a new rationalistic formulary.
By this time his unpopularity had nearly died away, and generally revered and beloved, he occupied a dignified and enviable position, which he constantly employed for the promotion of culture and in particular for the relaxation of subscription to ecclesiastical formularies.
Its sheltered situation and desirable winter climate began to attract notice about 1840; in 1855 a national sanatorium for consumptive patients was erected by subscription; a pier was opened in 1861, and in 1870 railway communication was afforded.
Cyril, the president, apparently regarded the subscription of the legates as the acknowledgment of "canonical agreement" with the synod.
On his seventieth birthday a large sum of money (270,000) was raised by public subscription, of which half was devoted to repurchasing the estate of Schonhausen for him, and the rest was used by him to establish a fund for the assistance of schoolmasters.
He was found guilty, and was sentenced to pay a fine of £loo, while his expenses as defendant amounted to about 14,000, a sum that was at once raised by public subscription, a surplus being spent on the purchase of Rednall, a small property picturesquely situated on the Lickey Hills, with a chapel and cemetery, where Newman now lies buried.
It is covered with pure gold from base to summit, and once in every generation this gold is renewed by public subscription.
Maury, who had lost nearly his all during the war, settled for a while in England, where he was presented with a testimonial raised by public subscription, and among other honours received the degree of LL.D.
The apartment had been rented the following day—the day of the newspaper subscription.
It was his suggestion about the newspaper subscription that started the whole business rolling— even if it was blind luck.
So you would say that America is becoming more secular and that its subscription to religious beliefs is becoming less fervent?
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Low cost premiums were offered by The American agriculturist for a small number of subscriptions or even a single subscription.
Still things were not going well for Mr in 1917 Collins arranged a public subscription for William on his 70th birthday.
The subscription cost for each membership category shall be determined at each Annual General Meeting.
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The reredos, altar rails, and pulpit are of modern carved oak, and were erected by subscription in 1878.
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After the Initial Period, the Subscriber may cancel the subscription to Cineworld Unlimited Card on one month's notice.
Of 344 clubs, 154 had paid a subscription.
In the garden attached to the Art Gallery is a fountain to the memory of Horsman, erected by public subscription.
The first annual subscription for each journal appears to include free access to the on-line version.
They believe it will mean paying a monthly subscription, be expensive to install or have to be obtained from Sky.
This issue is available for £ 75 + £ 1.00 VAT as part of a three-month trial subscription.
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So think about a New Millenium's resolution - place a subscription for one of our fruit and veg boxes to arrive weekly.
He was buried in Cleveland, Ohio, where in 1890 a monument was erected by popular subscription to his memory.
Different views on subscription and discipline, and the arbitrary act of excision were the barriers to union, but these were removed; in 1758 the adopting act was re-established in its original breadth, the "Synod of New York and Philadelphia" was formed, and the reunion was signalized by the formation of the presbytery of Hanover in Virginia.
If you're not happy with the renewal price for a magazine subscription you enjoy, call the customer service number and ask for a better deal.
A subscription arrangement was suggested where people gave part of their weekly salary to a fund to buy a spitfire for the RAF.
Older issues may be in the closed stack and are referred to in the Subscription Summary.
You cannot accidentally stumble across a pin protected subscription based channel.
At the beginning of the 19th century a subscription was raised by the proprietors of land in the neighbourhood for improving the harbour, and an act was obtained by which they were incorporated under the title "The Grimsby Haven Co."
We have endeavoured to show that the ascription " to David " in these groups did not originally denote authorship by David, and that, notwithstanding the subscription of Ps.
It is certainly not impossible that the two groups of " Davidic " psalms once formed separate collections independently compiled, and that the subscription to Ps.
The state subsidy having been withdrawn, the Institute voted a yearly subscription of Io,000 francs and nominated a commission of five members, one for each section, who managed the Journal.
Then there was the apartment rental with Burgess's identification of Byrne, however tenuous, followed by the newspaper subscription and the motor home purchase.
When I checked with the Sentinel, they told me the subscription remained open but there weren't any papers lying around unclaimed, yet you said there wasn't any forwarding notice filed with the Post Office.
A bronze statue, erected by public subscription, in the Kerepes cemetery,.
To the student of ecclesiastical history it is remarkable as exhibiting a form of Christianity widely divergent from the prevalent types, being a religious fellowship which has no formulated creed demanding definite subscription, and no liturgy, priesthood or outward sacrament, and which gives to women an equal place with men in church organization.
By the Clerical Subscription Act 1865 a declaration was substituted for the oath, and a new canon incorporating the alteration was ratified by the crown in 1866.
His remains lie in a majestic tomb in the Jeronymos at Belem, near Lisbon, which was raised by public subscription to the greatest modern historian of Portugal and of the Peninsula.
Other institutions are the public library, which from 1808 to 1898 was a subscription library; the Berks County Law Library; the Berks County Historical Society; and the Harmonie Maennerchor, organized in 1847 and one of the oldest singing societies in the United States.
The total amount raised by subscription for this purpose was £673.
It is not easy to state with certainty the doctrines of a body which (in England at least) has never demanded subscription to any creed, and whose views have undoubtedly undergone more or less definite changes.
In spite of a large subscription list it came to an end on account of the costly style of its production.
They have remained unchanged ever since, though the terms of subscription have been modified.
Upon the bishop having satisfied himself of the sufficiency of the clerk, he proceeds to institute him to the spiritual office to which the benefice is annexed, but before such institution can take place, the clerk is required to make a declaration of assent to the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion and to the Book of Common Prayer according to a form prescribed in the Clerical Subscription Act 1865, to make a declaration against simony in accordance with that act, and to take and subscribe the oath of allegiance according to the form in the Promissory Oaths Act 1868.
The city has a public library and four large parks; in Court House Square there is a monument erected by popular subscription in honour of the soldiers from Kankakee county who died in the Civil War.
Nine years after a monument, raised by public subscription, in the cemetery of Kensal Green, was inaugurated by Monckton Milnes (Lord Houghton) with a concourse of spectators that showed how well the memory of the poet stood the test of time.
Trade and other gilds in antiquity held subscription suppers or g pavot, similar to those of the early Corinthian church, usually to support the needs of the poorer members.
Very low rates of subscription, and almost prohibitory charges for advertising, are chiefly to blame.i The vicissitudes of the enterprise may be gathered from the fact that, whereas 2767 journals and periodicals were started between 1889 and 1894 (inclusive), no less than 2465 ceased publishing.
Title.-According to the best authorities H CA (in the subscription) 2, 8, 82, 93, the title of this book is auroKlOwths 'IWavvov.
The volume was issued by subscription, and brought in the sum of four hundred guineas.
Mill's subscription to the election expenses of Bradlaugh, and his attitude towards Governor Eyre, are generally regarded as the main causes of his defeat in the general election of 1868.
The choir (restored in 1873 by public subscription) is a fine example of 15th-century architecture, and the Gothic crown surmounting the central tower forms one of the most characteristic features in every view of the city.
In 1883, however, an observatory, equipped at a cost of f4000 (raised by public subscription), was opened by Mrs Cameron Campbell of Monzie, who provided the site.
It may be said to be an absolutely autocthonous enterprise, no recourse having been had to foreign capital to find the means requisite for construction and equipment, which were provided by means of a " national subscription " - not entirely voluntary - and from other sources which, although the financial methods were not strictly orthodox, were strictly Turkish.
A few of them demand from their ministers definite subscription to a specific body of doctrine, mostly of the ordinary " evangelical " type.
New construction to an amount of £T5,000,000, repayable over ten years at the rate of £T50o,000 a year by national subscription guaranteed by the government, had by 1910 been voted by parliament.