Subroutine Sentence Examples
Determining the Context As mentioned above, you can determine the context of the currently executing subroutine in Perl with wantarray.
A user supplied subroutine providing the dipole at any configuration space is a program requirement.
In place of a SUBNAME, you can provide a BLOCK as an anonymous, in-line sort subroutine.
A library subroutine called LEDGER is provided, written in Standard Fortran, which performs various operations on this file.
Suppose that subroutine A calls subroutine B, and that subroutine B also builds a stack frame on top of the stack.
A user provides the initial structure function or quark distribution as a subroutine or as a data file.
Calling a subroutine pushes the return address onto the stack.
This name can be a module subroutine subprogram, a dummy procedure, or a secondary entry name.
The value of the task parameter is stored in a 32-byte area of the system when subroutine PTFORK is executed.
Suppose the program stops at the CALL statement that calls the subroutine PRRESULT.
AdvertisementSubroutine Attributes A subroutine declaration or definition may have a list of attributes associated with it.
Argument 0 is the first argument passed in the Perl subroutine call.
Readline is a subroutine library any program can use get a line of input from the keyboard.
Sort subroutine did n't return a numeric value (F) A sort comparison routine must return a number.
These are added to the return value from the c subroutine discussed earlier which results in the squares in the c subroutine discussed earlier which results in the squares in the current grid being selected.
AdvertisementThis is also true if control was passed to a user-defined error handling routine specified by the intrinsic subroutine, ERRALT.
To end event synchronous control, an event must be released using intrinsic subroutine PEFREE.