Submit Sentence Examples
He gave us access to a web site on which to submit our information.
He would submit all minor questions to the reason of the individual member, but he set certain limits to toleration, excluding "whatsoever is against the foundation of faith, or contrary to good life and the laws of obedience, or destructive to human society, and the public and just interests of bodies politic."
If he replied and argued, it was only because he wished to maintain his independence and not submit to Speranski's opinions entirely.
Hezekiah was besieged and compelled to submit (70r).
Consequently, it made more sense to submit to Alex than argue with him.
I won't submit to your Napoleon!
Give us a few days to learn what sort of laws you will make for us, and then we will say whether we can submit to them or not.
One has to submit, and Vasili Dmitrich doesn't want to.
You might as well make it on your terms, ordering him to submit, rather than begging and mauling him like an animal.
Select " Submit Payment Request " to send the request for processing.
AdvertisementExperienced scriptwriters should submit a sample of their screen writing work to the show 's production team.
As a wife she was wholly admirable; she had to entertain a man who would not be amused, and had to submit to that terribly strict court etiquette of absolute obedience to the king's inclination, which Saint-Simon so vividly describes, and yet be always cheerful and never complain of weariness or ill-health.
It would be required to submit an annual report and accounts before Parliament.
The individual may also submit, if s/he wishes, an assessment of the benefits which would result from career support.
It was furthermore charged that he was in contempt of the Senate in having failed to submit on request a complete report of the management of his office.
AdvertisementIn the faculty of sciences a candidate for the doctorate may submit two theses, or else submit one thesis and undergo an oral examination.
Authors of selected refereed papers will be invited to submit their papers for publication in a special issue of Women in Management Review.
In 1276 Edward entered Wales from Chester, and after a short campaign brought his obstinate vassal to submit to the ignominious treaty of Conway, whereby Llewelyn lost almost all the benefits conferred on him by the compact of Montgomery ten years before.
Fortified by their support the king refused to submit to Rome.
The legislature may, also, submit to the people the question of calling a convention to amend or revise the constitution, and such a convention must be called whenever, upon the submission of this proposition, a majority of the votes are cast in favour of it.
AdvertisementThe principal duties of this board are to examine the condition and the management of such institutions and report to the governor; and county and city authorities must submit to it for criticism all plans for new jails, public infirmaries, and hospitals.
But hence too he more than once took doubtful shortcuts to some of his most important ends; giving the ministry within the new Church more power over laymen than Protestant principles would suggest, and binding the masses outside who were not members of it, equally with their countrymen who were, to join in its worship, submit to its jurisdiction, and contribute to its support.
Napoleon he rightly distrusted, though, at first he was obliged to submit to the emperor's dictation.
The annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was acknowledged by the Powers; an agreement was reached with Turkey; Serbia, after long hesitation, was obliged to submit.
Do I need to submit an affidavit in support?
AdvertisementAs a bonus, when you're done, you may just have a finished product you can submit.
Murat boasted that he had ioo,000 men behind him, and on his return Massenbach implored his chief to submit to an unconditional surrender, advice which the prince accepted, though as a fact Murat's horses were completely exhausted and he had no infantry whatever within call.
A submission is defined as a written agreement (it need not be signed by both parties) to submit present or future differences to arbitration, whether a particular arbitrator is named in it or not.
In it, of ter going over the several instances, he says, " I do again confess, that on the points charged upon me, although they should be taken as myself have declared them, there is a great deal of corruption and neglect; for which I am heartily and penitently sorry, and submit myself to the judgment, grace, and mercy of the court."
On the 17th of April 1896 another protocol was drawn up, by which the contending parties agreed to submit any differences to the arbitration of Great Britain, at the instance of one or both governments.
These require the inset appointee to submit to the Inspectorate a risk assessment for each works.
They invite colleagues interested in presenting a paper to the panel to submit a 3-400 word abstract by 5th May.
In addition to viewing application details, you can also submit online comments on planning proposals via our mailbox facility.
All students are also required to submit a research dissertation of a maximum 20,000 words.
Due to the subsequent failure by the Company Directors to submit further documentation to the Commission, registration of the charity did not proceed.
The students will also submit a dossier of drafts of their own academic writing, which will be worked on with the tutor.
They will also be required to submit three essays during the course.
The interim review You must submit evidence of work at the halfway stage of your project.
For situations, other than medical or last minute computer problems, you are normally expected to submit the request 7 days in advance.
Academic departments and pharmaceutical sponsors submit research projects involving primary care gastroenterology to the PCSG each year.
The Department expects that PhD students will submit within four years from their date of registration (taking intermissions into account ).
We look forward to receiving your formal invitation to submit written evidence in due course.
For good measure, they have agreed they will submit to applications for summary judgment.
Both parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the United Kingdom Courts.
At the discretion of the pre-selection jury, an applicant may be invited to submit additional information or an amended application.
Schemes that accredit landlords usually require them to submit all of their properties within the boundaries of the scheme for approval.
Prospective candidates must submit a limerick with their applications.
You will still need to submit an application to be eligible for the small business multiplier.
Researchers working within any of the variety of disciples that have contributed to the analysis of strategic management are welcome to submit papers.
The Committee shall submit any approved recommendations to the Head of School.
Will I only be paid the repeat dispensing payment if I submit repeat dispensing prescriptions each month?
Assessment bodies carry out the audits and submit reports and recommendations to the SIA.
You may not submit Postings intended to promote and or generate revenue for yourself and or any third party business activity.
The entrepreneur must submit a synopsis of their business which may at a later stage include a full business plan.
Ideally any writers who wish to submit a play to us should, in the first instance send a synopsis of the play.
If you would like to submit a testimonial please CLICK HERE!
In many subjects candidates for these degrees are also required to submit a short thesis.
Also included is advice on marketing your book, how to get an agent and how to submit a typescript.
If the videotape is not of adequate audio / visual quality they may be asked to submit a further videotape within 1 month.
Entrants are asked to submit a curriculum vitae with their submission.
Why not speak to your colleagues and submit a collective grievance and try to get the water cooler put back.
The ultimate goal, I submit, is not to optimize just meter by meter but what I call "grape by grape," down to each individual piece of flora and fauna.
Before you submit your order, Coddan will review the answers you provide on the questionnaire for consistency, completeness, spelling and grammar.
Humanism, I submit, can help humanity overcome ancient rivalries and create a new world order.
To date 14 public sector organizations have elected to submit for the STEPS scheme.
You should initially submit two copies in softbound format.
For example, a state may voluntarily submit to the sovereignty of another state or two states may merge into an entirely new body.
You must also submit a 10,000 word dissertation by 1 September.
You must submit a report for each newly hired employe.
The payment structure for this fee has been devised to encourage students to complete and submit their theses in a timeous manner.
Many applicants submit their undergraduate dissertation or similar extended piece of work.
Once you fill out your search criteria, you may be instructed to submit the information you have chosen.
Anyone can submit an idea about how to make the world a better place-and then vote for their favorites.
At first, when you see a lot price that appears ridiculous for 10 or 20 printers, don't get too excited, bidding typically works like other auction sites where bidders often wait until the last 10 minutes to submit their bids.
Their Ask-a-Vet section allows readers to submit questions for thoughtful, authoritative information.
Some reading Web sites have places for young writers to submit stories and poems they have created.
In fact Kristen Stewart's makeup artist, Van Phue, was required to submit preliminary artwork before the first scene was shot, and she had to work closely with the restoration artist and sculptor, Kathy Shorkey, to create the wanted look.
Many of the sites also allow you to submit your own love poetry for publication or just for others to take pleasure in.
Alberta Correspondence School was renamed Alberta Distance Learning Centre in 1991 and in 1995 students were able to submit assignments by email.
The Constant Content forum is a place where freelance writers who submit work to the site can interact with each other and company representatives.
The priests who had refused to submit to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy perambulated these retired districts, and stigmatized the revolutionists as heretics.
First you would fill out an application in full and submit it to Household Bank.
If you're interested in opening a merchant account with E-Commerce Exchange of Orange County, you can apply online or submit a request for pre-qualification.
To request a debit card through Score FCU, members can fill out an application online or submit a request in writing through a local branch.
Applicants can also submit an application by calling a customer service representative at (800) 610-1961.
Consumers who prefer to submit the request via postal mail can print the opt-out request from the website and mail the form instead of submitting it electronically.
You can link a checking account or savings account to your Chase account to submit payment from.
First USA customizes the process by allowing you to submit a password which will be required every time you make an online purchase, regardless of where you purchase from and what items you are buying.
Submit an application online or by visiting a local Chase branch.
At this hearing, both parents must submit evidence that their circumstances have changed such that the modification is necessary.
If the parents decide between themselves that they wish to modify the child support payments, they must submit a stipulation to the court.
Even if you decide that you want to file for divorce on your own, you may consider hiring an attorney to review the completed versions of the forms that you must submit to the court.
The Court has the power to order all parties involved (the mother, alleged father, and the child) to submit to DNA testing.
Your last step is to submit it to the court system, upon approval by a judge; the county clerk's office will make it official.
A divorce kit includes everything you need to submit to court to start the divorce process.
If after reading and searching, you've decided to request a certified copy of your divorce record you can submit a request to Superior Court the divorce took place.
If the draft is acceptable, each party may either show it to his or her attorney or submit it for the divorce court's approval.
Most parents naturally feel like they know what is best for their children, so when they are forced to submit to a court's decision it can elicit strong feelings of helplessness.
If they are successful at doing so, they can submit a copy of the divorce agreement to the court for approval.
Spouses may agree to a property division and submit their agreement to the court.
Ask family members to submit their own ideas for fun activities and projects that interest everyone and are doable in just a few hours.
Once you enter your information, click "submit" and you'll see the availability of the discontinued furniture that you are looking for.
You can also call the store at 407-447-6453 or submit a request for information via the store's online inquiry form.
The applicant must then complete the application, pass two levels of exams, submit five clinical cases and pass an oral interview.
Submit your order and MirrorMate will ship your frame right to your front door.
The first step to getting picked up by a modeling agency is to submit your pictures and information.
It is important to gain experience where you can, even before you submit to an agency.
Be prepared to submit other information, such as the addresses and telephone numbers of references, a complete job history, and details about your skills.
Once you've located one you like, you'll have to decide how to word and present your online ad. The first dilemma is the most troublesome for many online daters; submit an ad with pictures or without?
You can also submit your book to epublishers who have a large stock.
You can submit your ebook to Amazon, who will sell it for you at their site for a large commission, currently 55%, even for ebooks.
If you're confused about a piece of information you're supposed to submit, look for help menus or graphics.
Make sure you click the final submit or confirm button after viewing this screen.
Make sure to actively search the sites for potential jobs and submit an application promptly.
In general, if anything about a site makes you feel uncomfortable, don't submit any personal information, and certainly don't give them your hard-earned money.
If you have a quiz idea of your own, you can submit it to the site.
Simply give a potential name for your quiz as well as an outcome example, then click Submit.
Online shoppers should take a moment to search for online coupon codes before clicking the submit button on any order.
This feature allows you to fill out the application form and submit it for review.
If you ever receive an e-mail claiming to be from your bank that asks you to click on a link to submit personal information, close the browser window.
If you receive a high score, then you can submit your score to the server.
If you have a coupon code, you can also submit it to the site.
Photographers can simply submit their photos to these stock photography businesses, agree to the terms of the contract, and sit back and wait to get paid.
If you get organized and submit your [[Free Photo Editing|best images]], there is no reason you can't make a decent amount of money selling stock photos.
To get you started, check out the Adobe Marketplace, where users submit their best Photoshop freebies.
If you ever decide to enter a scrapbook contest or submit your work for publication, your inventory will also make it easier to provide the required supply list.
If you plan to submit your digital work for publication in a magazine or online gallery, make notes of who designed each item.
You can also submit a request for feedback from a qualified instructor.
You will have to register with the site by mail before you will be able to submit any of your photos or information to the site.
Also, there are most likely some coaches that don't submit records at all.
This site also invites you to submit your own poems!
Teen Love Poems Quotes - Here's another great site for you to submit your own poems or read some of the ones other visitors submitted.
The website for Teen Ink features poems written by teens and makes it easy for you to submit your own poetry for possible publication in the magazine.
Your peers have poured their heart out and spent a lot of time writing the poetry they submit to teen poetry sites.
If you want to submit a poem, write your own.
You'll need to create a professional portfolio with both head and body shots of yourself that you can submit to modeling agencies.
Don't submit photos or information about yourself to sites that make you feel uneasy or that you don't trust.
Be sure to pay close attention to details like deadlines and materials to submit.
You can do this either by brainstorming together or asking teens to anonymously submit ideas to a group leader.
Parents may submit their monitor information via the parent website of the VDLP.
Therefore, each state department must be contacted individually for directions on how to submit a request.
Persons wishing to be married under the age of 18 must also submit a parental consent form.
To find out if you do, visit the UK Visas website and submit the questionnaire provided.
Alternatively, she may prefer to be paid an hourly wage and submit weekly or monthly invoices.
An entertainment lawyer from Nashville enjoyed her singing and encouraged her to submit a demo tape.
Applicants must also provide their scores from the GMAT (applicants from non-English speaking countries must submit scores for the TOEFL or the IELTS).
After you submit an information request, you'll be contacted by an admissions counselor who will discuss program requirements and financial aid options.
Keep copies of every application you submit.
Generally, the earlier you can submit your application, the better.
They must have a G.P.A. of at least 2.5, demonstrate financial need, and submit a letter of recommendation from a school official.
The fact that the NEF manages so many funds in one place makes it an excellent organization to submit an application to.
Applicants must submit official transcripts from all schools attended to the LSDAS.
It is important to submit your best work and to plan ahead.
Proofread and re-draft any essays until they're the best you can make them, and double-check that all of your materials are complete and professional before you submit them.
Those who wish to apply to be full-time students at JJC need to complete an application for the school and submit a high school or GED transcript and their score on the ACT COMPASS placement test.
Applicants will have to submit their SAT, ACT and TAKS test results or take the Texas State Initiative tests to determine student placement.
Students who do not supply transcripts must submit scores from the ACT test instead.
Submit the FAFSA as soon as possible because many programs award funds on a first come-first served basis.
If a site looks suspicious, or it appears that a company is just looking for your personal information, do not submit a grant application.
Some organizations require you to submit receipts to document how you've spent the money.
Submit any requested documentation to the granting agency by the deadline, or you run the risk of having to forfeit unused funds.
Remember to submit your application on or before the deadline to ensure that the grant committee considers you for funding.
Some grant programs require applicants to submit tax returns or provide information about gross income and itemized deductions.
If necessary, fill out and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and search for alternate sources of financial aid.
To appeal the amount that you must pay or to submit additional information about a changed circumstance, it is normally required that you appeal the process in writing to your college or university.
Once you submit your application, track it online by going to the Office of Student Financial Assistance website.
Students can submit an online application or print out an application and submit it through the mail or in person.
Prospective students do not need to submit standardized test scores.
The following are notable points to keep in mind while searching for potential reading or literacy degrees and considering whether to submit an application.
Students complete assignments individually and submit them through postal mail.
Students may be required to submit workout logs detailing different workout programs and body measurements as a part of their "labs."
The techniques taught in the courses can help students negotiate the team building process, outline deliverables, create deliverables and submit them to the course facilitator or instructor for grading.
The electronic version is more convenient for students because it allows them to submit answers at any time during the academic year in a format with which they're familiar.
As with other types of new majors, you may have to submit an application or proposal to get your major course of study approved.
With online learning, you receive all of the classroom information through presentations and discussions online and submit work through the UMassOnline system.
You may have to submit a detailed application and provide other information to earn the repayment money.
Most small ship companies allow job applicants to submit their resumes online.
Since cruise lines are required by law to submit passenger manifests within 24 to 48 hours of departure, you won't be able to wait until the absolute last minute to set sail, but you can still book on a whim and save in the process.
The way our plans work is that you pay for your pet's treatment up front, and then submit your claim to VPI.
This might sound silly, but I'm a teacher and my class has a question board where students are allowed to submit science-related questions about the world.
To adopt a rescue, begin by visiting the BCA Rescue Network website and submit an online application.
In order to be considered for acceptance, potential students must submit an application for admission, pay a registration fee and complete a personal interview with a school representative.
Users can look through the latest additions and request or submit song information.
One thing you need to be aware of here is that users like yourself submit these transcriptions, so sometimes the chords and/or the lyrics might be wrong.
Like many tab sites, visitors to Ultimate Guitar submit the tabs offered here, so some of the transcriptions are very accurate and some are a little less so.
Fans and musicians usually submit the tabs available at these locations and although they are accurate most of the time, it's important to note that they are someone else's interpretation of the original music.
You can even submit your own artwork to the site if you'd like to see one of your own cool designs on a shirt.
Among other things, farmers who want to be accredited by the USDA must submit to monitoring by an independent panel of certifiers who are themselves periodically re-evaluated by the Department of Agriculture.
The site lists general requirements and how to submit photos to legitimate agencies.
It tells you what kind of photographs to submit and what to expect in return.
The list is open, so if you know of something that is not there, you should feel free to submit it.
To keep things interesting, you may want to release a question a day for several days before allowing participants to submit their answers.
It allows you to submit and browse pictures, videos, and profiles.
When you click on "submit", you'll see a pop-up window with different health insurance plans you can choose from.
Potential authors must submit a statement of disclosure with their work that details any conflicts of interest or profit they received as a part of their research, as well as a statement that their work is completely original.
The JCSM website lists manuscript format requirements, styles for citation of sources, and general information for authors as they prepare to submit their work.
Authors submit manuscripts to JCSM via an electronic file transfer system.
If not available, submit a note stating where and when you purchased the glasses.
Once you hit submit, store locations will be featured along with a map.
The first is to be represented by an agency that will submit you to their requests for actors and actresses to come to casting calls for specific roles in upcoming projects.
Part of the new campaign allows visitors to submit photos and videos taken at Disney theme parks to the Disney website.
To submit a photo for the "Let the Memories Begin" campaign, you must create an online account and provide additional personal information that can be shared with other Disney firms and companies that do business with Disney.
Click on adjacent letters to spell words, then submit them to get points.
Members of the site can submit walkthroughs and other similar types of guides for the enjoyment of the online gaming community.
Sign up with their free membership, which allows you to submit your own icons, post comments, and add others to your Buddy list.
For those of you with the initiative to create your own video game guitar tabs, they allow you to submit your own creations onto their website.
Gamewinners is a somewhat user controlled site in the fact that users are the ones that submit tips and tricks.
However, the determined race would not submit and fled the cosmos to find a save place to live.
Be sure you submit your wine glass and bottle size when ordering to ensure the inserts fit snugly.
If you don't see what you are looking for here, submit your own question at Ask the Camping Expert.
Before you submit the form, you'll be able to specify whether or not you want to receive email communications from Camping World and/or about other services and products that may be of interest to RV enthusiasts.
Aggravated sexual abuse-When an individual is forced to submit to sexual acts by use of physical force; threats of death, injury, or kidnapping; or substances that render that individual unconscious or impaired.
In the United States, children who participate in the nationwide invention contest organized by the Weekly Reader do not have to submit a model.
You can also submit a request to be matched with an ideal studio and/or instructor.
To enter competitions or audition at dance schools and master programs you must submit a video of your work.
Any funeral home offering preneed funeral services (paying for the funeral ahead of time, long before it is actually needed) must submit financial documents to the state and maintain certification.
Requesting State of California death records isn't difficult but it will require you to fill out an application or submit a request online.
You can only submit a request for a State of California death record by mail to the Office of Vital Records.
Because of the Freedom of Information Act; however, your state licensing entity is required to give you this report if you submit a request in writing.
You can submit your ancestor's name and volunteers will look it up in the index of patriots whose service has been established.
Lineage societies require each member submit documentation on a ancestor veteran's service.
Submit a request for with the names, approximate date and place of marriage.
Through this exciting event, hairdressers are invited to submit an image to the Visionary Photo Image Award competition.
Once you get your cut and color, you can submit your own pictures to inspire others and get feedback.
In some states, parents have to submit very specific paperwork, which clearly outlines what their goals, objectives and curriculum are.
While not all states require parents to submit a homeschool instruction plan, those that do usually require specific information.
For instance, some areas require parents to submit a homeschool instruction plan to ensure that their children are receiving a suitable education.
Within 30 days of the establishment of a Georgia homeschool program, parents must submit a letter declaring intent to homeschool to the superintendent.
Parents are required to submit attendance records to the local superintendent every month.
Georgia does not require parents to submit standardized test scores to the public school authorities.
Do your own legwork, and submit your applications directly to the cruse ship lines with job openings that appeal to you.
Some of the sites will allow you to submit a resume to be on file for employers to browse when they have vacancies.
If you find an opportunity you believe you are a good fit for, you just need to submit an application through their site.
Please do not submit personal contact information in your questions.
I think it's a good idea to develop a list of law firms in your area, search their web sites for employment postings, and submit resumes to all of them that have openings posted.
Submit your resume and application to the ones that seem interested.
Ask about the availability of open positions that match your qualifications and submit an application.
If you're looking for steady telecommuting writing employment, you may want to submit an application to write for LoveToKnow.
Click on a job title to learn more about any position and use the "Apply Now" button to submit your information.
If the cruise line offers an online application process, you may want to go ahead and submit an application for the cruise ship jobs that interest you.
If the answer is ''yes'', ask who you should contact to submit an application.
Once your resume is posted to the site, you'll be able to use the site's 'Quick Apply feature to quickly and easily submit your resume to advertised job openings.
If you aren't sure that a particular agency can help you find the kind of work you want, call before you submit a resume.
Once you have determined the way you will file (over the web, phone or in person) submit your application in full.
When you find stores that have openings and that hire teens in your age group, fill out and submit an employment application.
For some higher-level jobs, you then submit your resume/CV and cover letter.
Be sure to complete the COBRA paperwork within the required time frame and submit all payments for coverage on time to ensure continued participation.
Finally, you can submit your Toys R Us application for consideration.
Finally, you'll review the personal information you provided earlier and submit your application.
While it's not realistic to expect that you'll be offered every job for which you submit an application, learning and applying these free job interview tips can help prepare you to make the best possible impression on hiring managers.
Once you find jobs that you're interested in applying for, you will often be able to submit your resume and cover letter on the spot.
Once you know a job listing is from a legitimate company, go ahead and submit your cover letter and resume.
Applicants can apply for an internship online, but must submit a letter of recommendation from an instructor and current grade point average information.
After clicking the submit button, a receipt confirmation will appear on the screen.
If for some reason the confirmation page does not appear, open the saved application and attempt to submit again.
If you are interested in being considered to work with BSC as a contractor, submit a resume highlighting relevant experience per the instructions provided on the Resume Scrub page on the company's website.
To apply for unemployment insurance, Ontario residents are required to submit a Record of Employment (ROE).
In some states, individuals seeking benefits are required to submit electronic applications, while others still accept paper application forms.
Even if your state accepts paper applications, you may want to submit your request online for faster processing.
You may be required to submit copies of recent pay stubs or W-2 forms.
You'll be required to complete an application form, take a pre-employment exam, and submit to a background test.
When you visit the company's Careers page you can quickly and easily obtain information about current job openings, find dates and locations of upcoming recruiting events, and submit your application for employment.
For those who do not live nearby, submit applications after contacting the human resource department of the company.
Candidates can easily browse the options available and submit their application, all virtually.
Job seekers can choose to submit this information by e-mail, regular mail or facsimile transmission.
You can quickly and easily search for available positions and submit your application via the Sears Holdindgs Corporation website.
After that period of time, if you have not been hired and still want to be considered you will need to submit a new application form.
Once you are finished, click on the "Submit to Job(s)" button.
Interested individuals can submit an existing resume or create a custom one specifically for this position.
The application that you submit will form the basis of the first impression you will make on the company's hiring manager.
The government only accepts applications for posted positions;job seekers cannot submit a resume for future consideration.
Students who would like to be considered for employment under this Program are invited to submit an application online.
Each posting will also have a closing date and to be considered, a candidate must submit his or her application before that time.
At that point, they can fill out an online application and submit it.
Competition for available positions with the government is fierce, but qualified individuals should still submit an application.
Failing the test or refusing to submit to one means the company will withdraw the offer and the position will go to someone else.
Sears is a drug-free workplace and job seekers are required to submit to a drug test after being offered a position and before starting work.
Recruiters, human resource professionals, consulting firms, and agents acting on behalf of employers are allowed to submit announcements.
You may be asked to submit a complete resume.
You can search for open positions, submit your resume, and create a job seeker account.
If you submit more than one application, the first application will be removed from the system.
Some of these websites will also allow you to submit mortgage applications directly from the website.
The pre-existing business can submit historical financial statements for several years showing proven levels of business profitability.
The approval will be finalized after a 90 day evaluation of the loans you submit during the probationary period.
Potential customers can submit their Florida mortgage application right through the company's website.
A home value tool which allows you to check the market value of the home you want to buy before you submit a bid.
As many as sixteen English banks submit each of the interest rates they would charge other banks to borrow money for maturities from overnight to 12 months.
They submit the interest rates every business day to the British Bankers Association, commonly called the BBA.
You must work with a real estate broker, real estate agent, or servicing representative to submit your offer or bid.
Other organizations or lenders seeking qualification must submit a form (Mortgage Letter 98-3) to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
If you are serious about buying, take advantage of this window and submit your bid well before the due date.
Opponents of this plan found by November of 2008, that it became difficult not only for homeowners to deal with their lenders, but to complete and submit the required paperwork.
It's important to read their Privacy Policy before you submit personal information.
You must submit your offer to HUD through a licensed real estate broker who has been approved by HUD.
You must submit a bid through a real estate agent.
Working through a real estate agent, you may submit a bid or offer on the home of your choice.
Submit a bid or offer on the home of your choice through an approved local real estate agent.
Working through a real estate broker, you may submit a bid or offer on the home of your choice.
Frequently, the mortgage broker has several lenders he or she deals with on a regular basis and does not blindly submit applications without an existing business relationship.
Beyond these requirements there are fees to pay, documents to fill out and submit, and a minimum number of years of working within the mortgage industry.
The application fee itself is rather costly, but is required in order to submit an application for licensing.
What do you do if you submit an application and the professionals assigned to your file are rude?
To make a reservation or learn more, interested parties are asked to call (831) 645-1199 or submit an online contact form.
Glossy hard copies and digital images will both come in handy since you may want to submit them in person and online.
However, if your photos are really good and you submit them to enough modeling agencies, you're bound to get a bite from at least one agent.
The only way to wear one of these suits is to first submit to the dreaded bikini wax.
You simply submit two photographs of yourself, one where you're in a bikini.
Simply fill out their online form to submit your entry.
The contest is easy to enter as all you'll have to do is take photographs of yourself in your favorite Malibu bikini and then submit these photos to the judges.
For additional information about Oppenheim toy awards and how to submit a product for review, you can call the group directly at (212) 598-0502 or e-mail them at
They don't list parts on their website, but you can ask submit a request to find out where you can go for service and repair.
Groups can submit original artwork and have it turned into custom products.
Not only can you down load a complete free application package, but you can also submit it there and track it as your application weaves its way through the process.
The shelter invites people to submit applications ahead of time if they are looking to find a specific breed so that they can be notified when one comes in.
Submit your proposal via St. Jude's site, or look into becoming a corporate sponsor if you own your own business or know someone who does.
Have your current tax information and be prepared to submit it.
Once you become a registered user, you can apply for free grants online and track the status of the requests you submit via the site.
Submit the application via the exact method requested prior to the stated deadline.
Consider enlisting the help of individuals and businesses in your community to help you raise money by collecting items that fundraising companies will pay the school to submit.
You will then need to enter your donation amount and personal information then hit the submit button at the bottom of the page.Donations may be submitted online or sent through the mail.
To support the organization's efforts, click the link on the website to enter your information and submit your donation.
Write a letter of inquiry and submit the letter, along with any required materials, to the grand funding agency or organization.
Many foundations want a letter of inquiry submitted before inviting you to submit a full proposal.
It is also important to submit the grant on time.
If you are about to submit a request for grant funding, you may want to review several free sample grant proposals before starting or finalizing your work.
Unless the proposal guidelines state that asking to see applications submitted by prior award recipients is prohibited, it's certainly worth your while to submit a request.
In order to get this claim, you will need to submit the value of the items given with your tax return.
Some groups even hold contests that allow members of the community in which they operate to submit design ideas.
Once that is done, you will need to submit the organization's articles of incorporation and pay a filing fee.
Once the letter is reviewed, an organization may be invited to submit a proposal to the foundation.
Many of the federal grant agencies submit significantly sized grant funding to states and local governments without awarding the funds to any particular organization.
If you're preparing to draft and submit an application for grant funding, reviewing a written example of a grant before you get started is certainly a good idea.
Ask members of the church to submit their favorite recipes that will be featured in the book then create a cookbook filled with member recipes.
Once you have the bond, complete the Registration Statement of Professional Fund Raiser or Fund-Raising Counsel form and submit with the $100 registration fee.
If you're completing the quiz online, you will click on the space next to your chosen answers and click the "submit" button when you've finished.
Fetishism may include a desire to submit, dominate, have someone spank you or simply act out fantasies of multiple origins.
Once the auction is complete, submit your payment immediately and always request shipping insurance.
Some newspapers will allow people to write and submit their own engagement announcement as long as they meet certain guidelines.
A number of newspapers also allow couples to write and submit their own engagement announcement if it fits their guidelines.
Once you create your own masterpiece, you might want to submit your cake to this site as well.
Game developers and publishers willingly submit their games to the ESRB for ratings and, similar to the method used by filmmakers, will edit their games' content if seeking a particular rating.
Camp Staff allows potential camp employees to submit their profiles to multiple camps.
You can also submit your own personal grant ideas as well!
Encourage your children to submit their own horse poems to the site where they might be published!
Visitors to this website are free to browse for specific talent listings that interest them, and then submit their contact information.
Fans can submit a movie script that they either dictated from a film or found elsewhere on the site for the enjoyment of all.
The user reviews section is expanded under this, highlighting the most recent review on the film and prompting users to submit their own review.
There is also a link on the website for people who wish to submit videos of their own.
Read the fine print - Some sites offer to send your report to you by e-mail, but what they don't make clear is that, once you submit your e-mail address, you'll end up on a variety of mailing lists.
These cameras have a screen capture function that allows you to submit evidence you find to the library.
This website allows visitors to submit their favorite ghost videos, and it claims to have sorted out the best for your viewing.
Many customers will either forget to submit their rebates or fail to cash the check once the rebate is received.
If you're too busy to submit the forms, you'll never receive the money and you're better off buying a lower-priced product that doesn't require the rebate.
You don't want to run out of ink the night before the boss needs you to submit an important presentation or your daughter needs to turn in her history report.
However, Staples makes it easy to submit your rebate by offering the option of completing all of the necessary forms online.
On the Easy Rebates portion of the Staples Web site, look for current rebate offers, submit your rebate claim, and check the status of your rebate-even if you purchased your item from a Staples retail location.
Add your own tips by clicking on the "Submit Your Tip" button.
Because it is so difficult to save money when you have none, it is important to submit your application as soon as possible for Section 8 assistance.
In some states, you can submit the form online, or you can download, print and submit it to the state.
Readers are encouraged to submit their best parenting tips, particularly those that include creative re-purposing of ordinary household items.
What's nice is that readers can submit questions about spoilers or storylines and the spoiler maven will do what he or she can to update the site with answers.
If he chooses to submit work for that year after he turns 25, however, he cannot be considered a nominee in the younger category and must be considered for the adult categories instead.
Anyone involved in the daytime television industry could submit one nomination for each category.
This Just In--Fans can submit their own spoilers in this section.
In addition to a written request, fans had to submit a small fee to obtain show transcripts, but today, things have changed dramatically.
You can even submit quotes that you feel they're missing.
Yes, people really do choose to tattoo their faces, have jewelry inserted in their tongues, hands and genitals, submit to branding and other forms of scarification and even have body parts removed.
Flash2xs may look more like a store than a place to get free stuff (really, they are), but they do host a monthly contest in which tattoo artists from all over the world submit their work.
In addition to the immersion, hands-on trainings, you must complete several reading and writing assignments as well as submit a DVD of your teaching, along with your own analysis of your teaching as see on the DVD.
In general, however, business owners must submit a business plan containing a request in order to apply for funding.
After identifying potential SBICs and completing a business plan, it is time to submit the plan for the lender's review.
The current law only allows you 10 days to submit a written demand for return of your product shipped to a bankrupt company.
Once you've got the basics down, you can write articles and submit them to free article sites.
If you submit a canned plan, they may inwardly question how much research you've performed or how much thought you've put into writing your business plan.
Design your own site accordingly, and then submit it to the search engines.
Be sure to note that the return is final using the appropriate check-box on the forms and schedules that you submit.
Kruse International offers an online appraisal form you can submit to them via their site or your email.
Finally, you must check the box indicating that you have read the Canadian Black Book's terms and conditions before you hit the submit button to receive your valuation via email.
Q-Gifts allows you to submit your own artwork to customize any cheerleading clothes you buy from them.
In addition, potential candidates have to submit to a background check that includes civil, criminal and driving records.
Encourage staff and faculty to submit baby pictures, and then have the student body guess who is who.
They also encourage you to submit your own videos.
It also has a place for the reader to submit tips of his or her own.
Be ready to submit your bid quickly in order to outbid other last minute bidders.
After entering all of the information and pressing "submit", the site offers guidelines for diet and workout routines, a healthy target weight and examples of exercises.
Prepare to submit your order for organic, natural and gourmet cuts of beef at The Butchers a few days in advance.
What is not okay is to submit something that is not done just because it is the deadline.
Before you write your article and submit it - make sure to either contact Debbie or leave a comment on the article.
Only Submit Articles When They Are Ready to Be Edited - If you have a question on any article or are unclear on what is being asked in a rejection - do not submit.
Ideally, you are doing your research before the deadline, but even if the article is about to expire - do not submit an article unless it is ready for editing.
You should never submit an article that is not ready for editing and is as GREAT as it can be for the reader.
Some companies use premium increases without justification or may reduce coverage if you submit claims against the insurance plan.
This means that you will submit your claim for any procedures you have and the insurance company will reimburse you for a percentage of the cost.
To obtain health insurance quotes, you will be required to submit a certain amount of information about yourself, your family, your health condition, and your current insurance situation.
Certain members may also choose to visit an eye care professional who is not on the approved list of providers, but the member is required to pay for the visit out-of-pocket and then submit a claim to be reimbursed for the charges.
Members can contact AAA over the telephone or submit a request for a quote online.
If your employer does not offer Guardian's dental insurance, submit a request with your human resources department to consider Guardian as an insurance carrier for employees.
Submit requests for health insurance quotes, compare cost and benefits of each plan, check the rating of the insurance company, and then select the least expensive option with the highest deductible.
You can expect to be asked to submit to a blood and urine testing for insurance amounts of $50,000 or more.
The company provides customers with the ability to view their contract, submit claims, make payments or conduct other business that historically required the customer contact an agent for.
Seeing a specialist outside of the network means that you will need to pay for your procedures yourself and submit a claim to Delta Dental asking to be reimbursed.
The Group also requires members to submit to an annual payroll audit.
You can get the form from the EDD web site, print your answers on it, and then submit it to be processed.
Applying by phone allows people to submit their information in English, Hmong, Spanish, or Somali, but filing online is the fastest way to get your application processed.
If you want to have the funds put into your checking account you will need to complete and submit a Direct Deposit form to the Minnesota Unemployment Insurance Program office, along with a blank check marked "Void."
Nationwide Home Warranty doesn't require a homeowner or landlord to submit to a home inspection before coverage starts.
You are not required to submit any personal information to get an online quote.
Submit a quote request through one of these sites, or through another site that offers quote comparisons, to find out which health insurance company can offer you the lowest costs for the coverage you want.
Depending on what state you live in, you can review the available policies and submit an application.
You need to pay the full amount of the vet bill and then submit a claim form and your receipts.
You submit the completed claim form and itemized receipts by email, mail or fax.
For quotes for individual and family health insurance - Click on your state from the state map, fill out the quote request and submit it for review.
Another option is to go through a website that is designed to submit quotes to several renters insurance companies at once.
It is common for medical expenses -including medical transportation- to be paid directly by the insurance company, but for many expenses you may have to pay up front and then submit a claim for reimbursement.
To contact American Fidelity directly, visit the official website and submit an e-mail inquiry or call one of the telephone numbers listed on the website.
Be prepared to submit an itemized bill from your doctor or the medical facility that details what services were provided and the cost of each.
In some cases, they must also submit a plan for treatment, including the anticipated number of sessions needed.
Depending on what type of claim you are filing, you may have to visit a local Progressive claims office in order to submit forms or obtain paperwork related to a specific claim, such as rental car information or estimates for damage.
You may run the risk of having your identity stolen as you submit your personal medical information through the mail.
According to the Aetna website, if you visit an in-network provider, it is the provider's responsibility to complete and submit the forms.
Even some out-of-network providers will submit forms on your behalf.
In the event that you're billed in full for services and need to submit the proper claim forms, you can do so through the company's website.
Don't be alarmed by the application process; you can apply online, call a toll-free number listed on the website, or submit your application by postal mail.
Before you submit your application, you can look at the qualifications and see if you qualify by visiting the website for CHIP.
Submit an application for a renter's insurance quote through eRenters Insurance by providing your zip code, which will then lead you to another page that will give you options depending on your location.
Like with standard home insurance policies, you should not submit claims for every little event that happens.
These sites obtain your quote request and submit your information to several insurers in an attempt to get you the best coverage options.
After you submit your information, most websites provide instant quotes and the option to purchase coverage immediately.
You don't want to wait until it is time to submit a claim to find out that your policy will not cover it.
If the cost of the medical care or services that were rendered to you surpasses your deductible amount, you will need to pay the remainder of your deductible and submit the claim to your insurance company.
They will need to submit your old iPod to them to receive a replacement.
If you spot something that isn't right, you can submit a correction.
There are many different websites that offer song lyrics, and many allow members of the site to submit lyrics to songs that are not listed on the website, or to correct lyrics that are incorrect.
Team members must submit their applications together in one envelope.
You must be at least 21 years old at the time you submit your application.
Semi-finalists will be required to submit to physical and psychological testing conducted by physicians of the producers' choosing.
Semi-finalists must be willing to submit to a thorough background check.
In addition to filling out the application, applicants are asked to submit a video that is absolutely no longer than three minutes in length.
You can submit an application for yourself or for a neighboring family in need.
The ideas for which jobs to explore on the show come from viewers, who submit their suggestions at the official website.
Other shows require wannabe participants to submit a short video which showcases their talents or illustrates what characteristics they have that will enhance the series.
You will have to submit to a background check, physical exam and psychological profile.
You must be willing to submit to a physical and psychological evaluation, including medical testing.
If you can't make it to a casting call, then you can submit your application by mail along with a videotape of yourself.
Rather than being a form that you can fill in and submit, applications are actually sent by e-mail.
She decides Sophia should get Social Security Survivor Benefits from her father's death, but his family refuses to submit to a test to prove paternity.
According to the site, only published writers may submit queries for future Stargate novels.
The magazine even ran contests to draw new talent and entice new writers to submit their work.
Here, you'll find original stories and an option to submit your own writing.
After finding the perfect one, you can submit information about your due date.
Visitors can submit their own nominations by leaving a comment in the previous post.
After you have made your selections, you click the submit button to receive your answer.
Click on Post A Comment to submit your new message.
Google Blog Search is working on a plan so that blog owners will be able to submit their blogs for inclusion in the search engine in a similar fashion to the procedures used by site owners to submit web sites.
One thing that differentiates these online communities from others is that most of them adhere to a fascinating format where the user doesn't simply write a post and click "submit."
At the bottom of any blog post, you'll notice any icon that's says "Share This," which will allow you to submit your blog posts to social book-marking sites such as Digg and Stumble Upon.
You can't communicate as quickly and timely as you can via the Internet, but you can still write Letters to the Editor, suggest local stories, and submit events that you are holding or planning to the paper.
Designed to work with the social bookmarking site Scuttle, it claims to be "designed to submit your domains to 1000's of Scuttle sites with ease."
No worries, Scuttlr will automatically detect whether a Scuttle site is marked "follow" or "do not follow" and only submit your link to the sites where it will do the most good - for you, anyway.
However, you need to be careful about how many times you submit the same site.
Make sure to occasionally submit websites other than your own.
Contrary to what you might think, the Technorati WTF page actually stands for "where's the fire?" It allows users to justify the popularity and importance of the pages that they submit.
Before you submit to a social bookmarking website, be sure to read the content that is already on the site.
Some directories will allow you to submit your own podcasts, while others simply provide a list for you to browse.
The ASP Alliance is where you can find .NET community groups, read blogs or locate .NET training, or even submit your own article for publication.
From there, you only need to complete the forms and click submit.
Once you submit your blog post it will appear on your blogging website instantly.
If you want to submit the podcast to iTunes, you will just need to submit the URL of the podcast's RSS feed.
If you're sure you want to permanently remove your account, click on "Submit."
Once you've written and formatted your blog post, most platforms have a simple "publish" or "submit" button that allows you to publish your post immediately.
The IRS e-filing system, called "Free File", provides taxpayers earning less than $58,000 a year to complete a return and submit it online.
Along with form 5405, taxpayers must submit a copy of the certificate of occupancy for new homes or, for mobile homes, a copy of the executed sales contract.
For all other homes, the taxpayer must submit a copy of the settlement statement.
Today, e-filing is the most common way that individual taxpayers submit their forms.
While many taxpayers know that they must submit their returns by a specific date each year (usually in the middle of April), very few know how to track their return once filed electronically or by mail.
To receive a copy, the IRS requires that taxpayers complete Form 4506, titled "Request for Copy of Tax Return," and submit it to the address on the form, which differs depending on the taxpayer's address.
This allows employers to submit a larger, lump-sum to the IRS rather than several, smaller amounts.
Taxpayers wanting a payment plan must submit their returns and a formal request for a payment plan by the due date.
If they want an additional four month extension, however, they must submit the form prior to the expiration of the two month automatic extension.
If you have more that the four dependents the form allows you to list, you may list them on a separate sheet of paper and submit it with your return.
Failure to file the form or submit payment may result in your being penalized for not filing your taxes.
Patch Superstore can create embroidered patches from designs that you submit or from designs from their in-house staff.
To begin the design process, simply submit a photo of your logo or a drawing of what you have in mind.
You can choose from a stock design or submit one of your own.
Just like you submit your website to search engines, you need to submit the link to your feed file to blog directories and RSS feed directories.
There are paid services that will submit your feed to all of the directories for you, but you will see enough traffic increase by submitted it yourself to the top RSS feed directories.
If you are a flash designer, then take note of the following awards and submit your own site for consideration!
My Design Award allows web designers to submit their site for review if they feel they deserve a bit of recognition.
Anyone can submit their site to be judged as worthy of a Golden Web Award.
However, they've put quite a few more fonts in the list, either from other "free" sources and also submitted through their "Submit a Font" link at the bottom of the page.
In the early days of the web, the final step to building a new website was to submit the domain name to the major search engines.
There are a few other services that have some name recognition as search engines and you can submit your domain name to their indexes as well.
On their submission page, you simply type in the URL and hit "submit".
If your site is a blog or some other kind of RSS-powered feed, you can submit the URL of the feed as well.
There are hundreds of thousands of companies online that offer "site optimization packages" that will submit your site to hundreds of search engines.
Many web experts, such as Trenton Moss from WebCredible suggest that there is no need to submit to search engines at all, because if you have a well designed site the search engines will find you anyway.
Short of fighting him off as she would an attacker, there was nothing she could do but submit.
The fifth death-dealer hesitated to submit.
I'll have the command submit your new orders.
On the other hand, a two-thirds majority of each house of the legislature may submit an amendment or amendments to popular vote at the next general election, when the approval of a majority of the qualified voters is necessary for ratification.