Submissive Sentence Examples
Natasha went back to her father in the other box, now quite submissive to the world she found herself in.
Bayle also paraded the opposition between reason and revelation; but the argument in his hands is a double-edged weapon, and when he extols the merits of submissive faith his sincerity is at least questionable.
I was completely submissive.
But the proud Israelites did not remain submissive for long; Damascus had indeed fallen, but neither Philistia nor Edom had yet been crushed.
In many cases sober convictions or submissive assent supplied the want of spontaneous enthusiasm.
To Nur-ed-din he was invariably submissive, but from the vigour which he employed in adding to the fortifications of Cairo and the haste with which he retreated from an attack on Montreal (1171) and Kerak (1173) it is clear that he feared his lord's jealousy.
There he disowned the sermons of the pardonsellers, let it be seen that he did not approve of the action of the Legate, and so prevailed with Luther that the latter promised to write a submissive letter to the pope, to exhort people to reverence the Roman See, to say that Indulgences were useful to remit canonical penances, and to promise to write no more on the matter unless he happened to be attacked.
The British, especially, appear to have been submissive to the native powers at Madras no less than in Bengal.
Either they will take an aggressive approach or a submissive strategy.
After the passing of this torrent the Visigoths, under their kings Ataulphus, Wallia and Theodoric, still dazzled by the splendours of this immense empire, established themselves like submissive vassals in Aquitaine, with Toulouse as their capital.
AdvertisementIn disposition the Siamese are mild-mannered, patient, submissive to authority, kindly and hospitable to strangers.
The Finns are morally upright, hospitable, faithful and submissive, with a keen sense of personal freedom and independence, but also somewhat stolid, revengeful and indolent.
When the country first became known to the Spaniards in the 16th century the northern tribes were found to be more civilized and much more submissive than those of the south.
Without Charles him the apostle of Germany, the English monk Boniface, Martel would never have succeeded in preserving the purity and the of the faith and keeping the bishops submissive to Chumh.
In addition to sterility, fluoride would also, after a period of time, make an individual more submissive.
AdvertisementThat if one is totally submissive and surrendered to his will then peace and harmony will be contingent.
At the hearing do not be aggressive, hostile or on the other hand too submissive.
However in very threatening situations like the vet's consulting room they are usually very submissive.
Their only alternative is to become submissive, to give in or they will never walk out of that place.
So long as the Mongol empire remained united and strong, they were most submissive and 1362- obsequious, but as soon as it was weakened by internal 1389.
AdvertisementOn the other hand, the upstart Latin emperors, far from proving submissive and humble tools, assumed with the purple the habits and pretensions of the sovereigns they had dispossessed.
Court intrigue favouring him, he succeeded, by the betrayal of his comrades and by two submissive letters, in reconciling himself with the help of Halifax both to the king and to James, though he had the humiliation of seeing his confessions and declarations of penitence published at length in the Gazette.
Hadi, indignant at the fact that she was generally regarded as the real source of authority, had attempted to poison her, and Khaizoran, hoping to find a more submissive instrument of her will in her second and favourite son, caused Hadi to be smothered with cushions by two young slaves whom she had presented to him.
Having wrung a submissive "I understand" from Dron, Alpatych contented himself with that, though he not only doubted but felt almost certain that without the help of troops the carts would not be forthcoming.
The young man in the fur-lined coat, stooping a little, stood in a submissive attitude, his fingers clasped before him.
AdvertisementHe alone of all the Russians has disgraced the Russian name, he has caused Moscow to perish, said Rostopchin in a sharp, even voice, but suddenly he glanced down at Vereshchagin who continued to stand in the same submissive attitude.
I might take a submissive attitude with respect to an idea.
Although they aren't really pack oriented like dogs are, some will respond with a submissive gesture now and then.
Happy, excited commands will elicit a happy, excited reaction from your pet, and likewise, a scolding tone will cause your dog to act sheepish and submissive.
What your boyfriend perceived as guilt was really only submissive behavior on your dog's part.
Depressive or withdrawn children may be excessively reserved, submissive, anxious, and inhibited.
As the name implies, dependent personalities exhibit a pattern of dependent and submissive behavior, relying on others to make decisions for them.
The governor, supported by the great families, retained the same House of Burgesses for sixteen years lest a new one might not be submissive.
The city seems to have been more than once under tyrannical rule in the early Ionian period; and it fell thereafter first to Croesus of Lydia, and then to Cyrus, the Persian, and when the Ionian revolt against Persia broke out in the year 500 B.C. under the lead of Miletus, the city remained submissive to Persian rule.
The author appears to have a sincere belief that woman are naturally submissive to men and would be far happier as slaves.
But if the epithet is intended to designate an animal that takes an interest in its rider so far as a beast can, that in some way understands his intentions, or shares them in a subordinate fashion, that obeys from a sort of submissive or halffellow-feeling' with his master, like the horse or elephant, then I say that the camel is by no means docile - very much the contrary.
In South America the passive character of the population made them submissive alike to the Spanish government and the Roman faith.
Though outwardly submissive, the Kumasi chiefs were far from reconciled to British rule, and in 1900 a serious rebellion broke out.
He had been somewhat inconsistent in his relations with his predecessor Leo, but his election was confirmed by the emperor Otto, and his submissive attitude towards the imperial power was so distasteful to the Romans that they expelled him from the city.
By his efforts the northern portion of the race were made submissive to the Danish crown; but, though conquered, they were by no means subdued, and were incessantly in revolt, until, after a great rebellion in 1343, Waldemar IV.
The effect was slight upon England, which had already secured most of the reforms desired by the French, and upon Spain, where the bulk of the people were entirely submissive to church and king.
The nation was submissive, and a few scattered plots alone showed that republican ideas persisted among the masses.
The Articles Organiques hid from the eyes of his companions in arms and councillors a reaction which, in fact if not in law, restored to a submissive Church, despoiled of her revenues, her position as the religion of the state.
She'd teased and flirted with him, adventurous one minute and submissive the next in a way that made him burn hotter for her.
And what can be done with a people who are their own masters if they are not submissive to the Deity?
A single, dominant male seeks a deviant, decadent sexually submissive female for discreet meets.
His immediate successors, being men of humble origin and submissive character, made no pretensions to such an exalted position, but when the haughty, ambitious and energetic Nikon, who enjoyed in large measure the affection and favour of the devout Tsar Alexius, became patriarch, he took Philaret as his model, and propounded, like the popes in western Europe, the doctrine that the spiritual is higher than the temporal power, the former corresponding to the sun and the latter to the moon in the firmament.
The same submissive, expressionless look with which he had listened to the Emperor's commands on the field of Austerlitz seven years before settled on his face now.
The submission of the spirit is symbolized by the submissive gestures of the body, made according to a ritualized pattern.
Islam allegedly is the best and final religion for all humankind, and the Muslim man may convert his submissive wife.
Your dog should regard you as ' pack leader ' and should display submissive behavior toward you and your family.
Victims and abusers are often seen as submissive women and large domineering men but this simply is n't the case.
We come then into a submissive role in terms of the cause of Christ at the point of salvation.
It can be used for the runt who is being pushed out and for submissive urination and fear of dogs.
However in very threatening situations like the vet 's consulting room they are usually very submissive.
Thus, externally, he is surrounded by all the splendour of sovereignty; on his head he wears a great and resplendent crown, with a high circular centrepiece; he is clothed in gold and jewels; round him is a brilliant court, composed of his submissive servants.
Two days later Parnell called the prime minister a " masquerading knight-errant," ready to oppress the unarmed, but submissive to the Boers as soon as he found " that they were able to shoot straighter than his own soldiers."