Sublime-porte Sentence Examples
This was not a difficult matter, because the Sublime Porte had many things to complain of in the past and had good reason to fear aggression in the near future.
Each ministry and department then sent in a detailed budget to the Sublime Porte before the end of November of each year.
The Sublime Porte forwarded these budgets, with its own added thereto, to the minister of finance, who thereupon drew up a general budget of receipts and expenses and addressed it to the Sublime Porte before the 15th of December.
The commission formed by them in conjunction with the delegates of the Sublime Porte is more generally known as the " Valfrey-Bourke commission," from the leading parts played by the Right Hon.
Article 8 of the Treaty of Paris, concluded in the same year, stipulated that "if there should arise between the Sublime Porte and one or more of the other signing powers any misunderstanding which might endanger the maintenance of their relations, the Porte and each of such powers, before having recourse to the use of force, shall afford the other contracting parties the opportunity of preventing such as extremity by means of mediation."
The divan of the Sublime Porte was for long the council of the empire, presided over by the grand vizier.
In 1870 he quitted the military service and was attached to the translation bureau of the Sublime Porte.