Subglacial Sentence Examples
In certain districts the subglacial till was not spread out in a smooth plain, but accumulated in elliptical mounds, 100 or 200 ft.
These deposits are superimposed upon bedrock in the uplands, and subglacial diamict of rogen moraine morphology in the lowlands.
This will be carried out by detailed ice cap survey; ice sheet modeling; and subglacial process.
Results suggest that the position of the terminus stream is sensitively dependent on subglacial water pressures.
Subglacial lakes in Antarctica were first identified in the 1960s.
When the ice sheets fronted on land sloping southward to the Ohio, Mississippi and Missouri rivers, the drift-laden streams flowed freely away from the ice border; and as the streams, escaping from their subglacial channels, spread in broader channels, they ordinarily could not carry forward all their load; hence they acted not as destructive but as constructive agents, and aggraded their courses.