Subdued Sentence Examples
The beast inside her was subdued, waiting.
The child was shy, but seemed excited in a subdued way by the new surroundings.
She sounded subdued and whispered as she asked how Molly was doing.
He was subdued by King Louis VI.
Styria, Carinthia and Carniola were next subdued, and Trieste was only saved by the intervention of the Venetians.
Julie was a tad subdued, don't you think?
The Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats and Avars in the southern provinces were subdued with equal ease.
He then marched into Armenia and Georgia, which, in 1064, he finally subdued.
Here a remnant of the Borinquenos, assisted by the Caribs, maintained a severe struggle with the conquerors, but in the end their Indian allies were subdued by English and French corsairs, and the unfortunate natives of Porto Rico were left alone to experience the full effect of forced labour, disastrous hurricanes, natural plagues and new diseases introduced by the conquerors.
In May Bruce was again in England, and though he failed to take Carlisle, he subdued the Isle of Man.
AdvertisementThe invaders were encouraged by the German monarchs and aided by the dissensions and mismanagement of the successors of Svatopluk, and in a short time completely subdued the eastern part of Great Moravia.
After Sextus Pompeius had been subdued, the chief naval harbour was transferred to Misenum.
The empire included large tracts of mountain or desert, inhabited by tribes, which the Persian government had never subdued.
In 1286 Richard ravaged and subdued Connaught, and deposed Bryan O'Neill as chief native king, substituting a nominee of his own.
Some two centuries before the arrival of the Turks in Asia Minor the Seljuks, then a mere horde of savages, had overrun Persia, where they settled and adopted the civilization of the people they had subdued.
AdvertisementThat he was the most attractive figure of a man of letters in his generation is admitted; and the acknowledged fascination of his character was deepened, and was extended over an extremely wide circle of readers, by the publication in 1899 of his Letters, which have subdued even those who were rebellious to the entertainment of his books.
This Turkish empire of the Khagases must have lasted until the 13th century, when the Mongols, under Jenghiz Khan, subdued them and destroyed their civilization.
In 1607-1610 the Tunguses fought strenuously for their independence, but were subdued about 1623.
He subdued the Gascons, and defended Narbonne against the infidels.
The country of Cutch was invaded about the 13th century by a body of Mahommedans of the Summa tribe, who under the guidance of five brothers emigrated from Sind, and who gradually subdued or expelled the original inhabitants, consisting of three distinct races.
AdvertisementOn the 28th of May 585, during a battle on the Halys between him and Cyaxares, king of Media, an eclipse of the sun took place; hostilities were suspended, peace concluded, and the Halys fixed as the boundary between the two kingdoms. Alyattes drove the Cimmerii (see Scythia) from Asia, subdued the Carians, and took several Ionian cities (Smyrna, Colophon).
Watch the DVD in a room with subdued lighting.
Some looks can be playful and flirty, while others are darker and more subdued.
Fred O'Connor was nearest and talked in subdued and nervous conversation, reaching for a paper and pencil to take down a number.
Harpagus afterwards stood in high favour with Cyrus, and commanded the army which subdued the coasts of Asia Minor; his family seems to have been settled in Lycia.
AdvertisementThe hero seized it by the horns and was borne headlong in the flight of the animal, which he finally subdued and dragged into a cavern.
The southern Picts ultimately subdued the Britons, and the castle became their chief stronghold until they were overthrown in 617 (or 629) by the Saxons under Edwin, king of Northumbria, from whom the name of Edinburgh is derived.
He was twice banished for attempting to overthrow the oligarchical party in Syracuse; in 317 he returned with an army of mercenaries under a solemn oath to observe the democratic constitution which was then set up. Having banished or murdered some Io,000 citizens, and thus made himself master of Syracuse, he created a strong army and fleet and subdued the greater part of Sicily.
Alompra was now master of all the navigable rivers; and the Peguans, shut out from foreign aid, were finally subdued.
The Siamese who had revolted in 1771 were never afterwards subdued by the Burmans; but the latter retained their dominion over the sea-coast as far as Mergui.
Cilicia Trachea became the haunt of pirates, who were subdued by Pompey.
Gis-ukh was subdued and a priest named Illi was made its governor.
Another Semitic ruler of Kis of the same period was Alusarsid (or Urumus) who " subdued Elam and Barahse."
So far as the Old Testament goes, therefore, we gather that the Hittites were a considerable people, widely spread in Syria, in part subdued and to some extent assimilated by Israel, but in part out of reach.
The stele of Harsiotf contains the record of nine expeditions, in the course of which the king subdued various tribes south of Meroo and built a number of temples.
It was for some time during the middle ages an independent republic, but was subdued by the Venetians in 1405.
The disciplined Egyptian army, supported by a well organized fleet, rapidly accomplished what the Turks had failed to do; and by 1826 the Greeks were practically subdued on land, and Ibrahim was preparing to turn his attention to the islands.
The country was not, however, definitely subdued until 9 B.C., when it was incorporated with Illyria, the frontier of which was thus extended as far as the Danube.
His next exploit was the conquest and plunder of Sicily, after which he subdued Corsica and Sardinia and sent a Gothic fleet against the coasts of Greece.
About 57 o the dynasts of Yemen, who had been subdued by the Ethiopians of Axum, applied to Chosroes for help. He sent a fleet with a small army under Vahriz, who expelled the Ethiopians.
He subdued the Silures, and held the other native tribes in check till he was superseded by Agricola (78).
Its walls were completed in 1316; and it maintained itself as an almost independent republic until it was subdued in 1521 by the Spaniards, who had become masters of the kingdom of Naples in 1503.
Yun-nan, long independent, was subdued by Kublai Khan, but was not finally incorporated in the empire until the 17th century.
The coloring, harmonious but subdued in tone, held a place altogether secondary to that of the outline, and was frequently omitted altogether, even in the most famous works.
But the character of the old red differs essentially from that of the modern manufacture the former being a soft, subdued color, more like a bloom than an enamel; the latter a glossy and comparatively crude pigment.
The interior, which the Greeks never subdued, continued to be in the hands of the Bruttii, the native mountaineers, from whom the district was named in Roman times (Bperrfa also in Greek writers).
The period of war began with the Ditmarsh expedition, when the independent peasant-republic of the Ditmarshers of West Holstein, which had stoutly maintained its independence for centuries against the counts of Holstein and the Danish kings, was subdued by a Dano-Holstein army of 20,000 men in 1559, Frederick and his uncles John and Adolphus, dukes of Holstein, dividing the land between them.
For several centuries Tegea served as a bulwark of Arcadia against the expanding power of Sparta; though ultimately subdued about 550 B.C. it was allowed to retain its independence and its Arcadian nationality.
The conquest of Spain by Augustus, which was completed in the thirty-ninth year B.C., gave rise to this era, which began with the first day of the following year, and was long used in Spain and Portugal, and generally in all the Roman provinces subdued by the Visigoths, both in Africa and the South of France.
Egypt soon revolted anew and could not be subdued again.
In the following year he accompanied Julius upon his march through Perugia into the province of Emilia, where the fiery pope subdued in person the rebellious cities of the Church.
The constable de Richemont marched with the king's troops into Poitou, his old battleground with Georges de la Tremoille, and in two months he had subdued the country.
When the internal disorders had been repressed and Arabia completely subdued, he directed his generals to foreign conquest.
Nine years later the raja rebelled, but although with the help of the Bahmani kings of the Deccan he managed for a time to assert his independence, he was finally subdued and deprived of his territories.
Colonel C. Delme-Radcliffe finally subdued the last Sudanese Mutiny.
The country between Peru and Panama was subdued before 1537 by the conquest of Quito by Sebastian de Benalcazar 'and of New Granada by Jimenez de Quesada.
These districts were never wholly subdued when the Moors overran the country (711-713).
Between 1855 and 1859, after many sharp contests, the Indians were partially subdued.
Saxony at last seemed to be subdued, and Saxon warriors took service in the Frankish armies.
The Saxons, however, were not quite subdued; risings took place from time to time, and the opponents of Henry IV.
On the outbreak of the Great Rebellion feeling was much divided, but after capturing Dover Castle the parliament soon subdued the whole county.
In the following year, in conjunction with Sulla, he brought the war to a triumphant issue, and passed two years in his province of Numidia, which he thoroughly subdued and annexed.
Had Reshid at once advanced over the Isthmus, the Morea also must have been subdued; but he was jealous of Ibrahim, and preferred to return to Iannina to consolidate his conquests.
He subdued also the Germanic tribes; annexed Frisia, where Christianity was beginning to make progress; put an end to the duchy of Alemannia; intervened in the internal affairs of the dukes of Bavaria; made expeditions into Saxony; and in 738 compelled some of the Saxon tribes to pay him tribute.
They continued the struggle against Rome from 201 to 191, when they were finally subdued by P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica, and deprived of nearly half their territory.
The existence of a tribe called Thyni in Thrace is well attested, and the two cognate tribes of the Thyni and Bithyni appear to have settled simultaneously in the adjoining parts of Asia, where they expelled or subdued the Mysians, Caucones, and other petty tribes, the Mariandyni alone maintaining themselves in the northeast.
His armies penetrated to Lake Van and Tarsus, the Hittites of Carchemish were compelled to pay tribute, and Hamath (Hamah) and Damascus were subdued.
It is true that Great Kabylia had to be subdued only ten years later, and that terrible insurrections still had to be quelled.
The Beni-Manassir, who rose almost at the same time in the Dahra, were subdued soon after.
Malik Shah, third of the Seljuk dynasty of Persia, passed the Oxus about the end of the 11th century, and subdued the whole country watered by that river and the Jaxartes.
In 1216 Bokhara was again subdued by Mahommed Shah Khwarizm, but his conquest was wrested from him by Jenghiz Khan in 1220.
Later, when Gaul had been subdued, the place was dismantled and its Gaulish inhabitants resettled 4 m.
Meanwhile Sabinus was victorious on the northern coasts, and Crassus subdued the Aquitani.
They were an energetic people, were never subdued by the Aztecs, and are now recovering from their long subjection to Spanish enslavement more rapidly than any other indigenous race.
This country was subdued (c. 550) by the Emperor Justinian, who introduced Christianity.
He was appeased by Khalaf's speedy submission, together with the gift of a large sum of money, and further, it is said, by his subdued opponent addressing him as sultan, a title new at that time, and by which Mahmud continued to be called,, though he did not formally adopt it, or stamp it on his coins.
But Mahmud found he had not yet sufficiently subdued the idolaters nearer his own border, between Kabul and the Indus, and the campaign of 1022 was directed against them, and reached no.
The last independent vassal was thus subdued and the Latin kingdom enclosed on every side by a hostile empire.
Sanguinary feuds continued throughout the 16th and 17th centuries among these rival clans and their dependent tribes, and the turbulent spirit was not subdued till a comparatively recent period.
The White Mountains of northern New Hampshire may be treated as a complex group of rnonadnocks, all of subdued forms, except for a few cliffs at the head of cirque-like valleys, with Mt Washington, the highest of, the dome-like or low pyramidal summits, reaching 6293 ft., and thirteen other summits over 5000 ft.
The valley floors always join at accordant levels, as is the habit among normally subdued mountains; they thus contrast with glaciated mountains such as the Alps and the Canadian Rockies, where the laterals habitually open as hanging valleys in the side slope of the main valleys.
The mountains in the southern part of the block, which had been reduced to subdued forms in the former cycle of erosion, were thus given a conspicuous height, forming the High Sierra, and greatly sharpened by revived erosion, normal and glacial.
Norse pirates having made the islands the headquarters of their buccaneering expeditions indifferently against their own Norway and the coasts and isles of Scotland; Harold Haarfager ("Fair Hair") subdued the rovers in 875 and both the Orkneys and Shetlands to Norway.
As the crusaders marched by way of Dorylaeum and Iconium towards Antioch, the Greeks subdued the Turkish amirs residing at Smyrna, Ephesus, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea, Lampes and Polybotus; 1 and Kilij Arslan, with his Turks, retired to the north-eastern parts of Asia Minor, to act with the Turkish amirs of Sivas (Sebaste), known under the name of the Danishmand.
Nevertheless the Seljukian dominion was petty and unimportant and did not rise to significance till his son and successor, Kilij Arslan II., had subdued the Danishmands and appropriated their possessions, though he thereby risked the wrath of the powerful atabeg of Syria, Nureddin, and afterwards that of Saladin.
But his authority was scarcely respected in his own residence, for several Turkish amirs assumed independence and could only be subdued by Mongol aid, when they retired to the mountains, to reappear as soon as the Mongols were gone.
The district now known as Upper Lusatia was occupied by a Slav tribe, the Milzeni, who like the Lusitzi, were subdued by Henry the Fowler early in the 10th century.
The left wing, the Second Legion (under Vespasian, afterwards emperor), subdued the south; the centre, the Fourteenth and Twentieth Legions, subdued the midlands, while the right wing, the Ninth Legion, advanced through the eastern part of the island.
The uplands were hardly subdued completely till the end of the 2nd century.
Although defeated at the council of Nicaea, the Arians were by no means subdued.
Unfortunately they contain practically nothing that is not of Christian origin.4 On the death of Aurelius Hatra aided Niger against Septimius Severus in 194; Osroene rose against Rome, and Nisibis was besieged and other Roman places taken; but Septimius Severus appeared in person (195), and from Nisibis as headquarters subdued the whole country, of which he made Nisibis metropolis, raising it to the rank of a colony, the Sinjar district, where Arabs from Yemen had settled, being incorporated.
Mang-srong mang tsan, the second son and successor of Srong tsan gam-po, continuing the conquests of his father, subdued the Tukuhun Tatars around the Koko-Nor in 663, and attacked the Chinese; after some adverse fortune the latter took their revenge and penetrated as far as Lhasa, where they burnt the royal palace (Yumbu-lagang).
He subdued Tibet proper and Kham, for the continued possession of which he was, however, compelled to fight for several years; but he succeeded in the long run, and with the approval of the court of Peking established a dynasty which furnished twelve rulers in succession.
Xenophon says it was subdued by the Assyrians; Curtius that 6000 Hyrcanians were in the army of Darius III.
The Istrians, protected by the difficult navigation of their rocky coasts, were only subdued by the Romans in 177 B.C. after two wars.
After the death of Pompey, Pharnaces, the son of Mithradates, rose in rebellion against the Roman yoke, subdued Colchis and Armenia, and made head, though but for a short time, against the Roman arms. After this Colchis was incorporated with Pontus, and the Colchians are not again alluded to in ancient history till the 6th century, when, along with the Abasci or Abasgi, under their king Gobazes, whose mother was a Roman, they called in the aid of Chosroes I.
The German conquerors of the Rhenish districts were singularly little affected by the culture of the provincials they subdued, and all traces of Roman civilization were submerged in a new flood of paganism.
It was subdued by Caesar, who entirely destroyed the seafaring tribe of its south coast, the Veneti.
There was below the surface much discontent and subdued criticism of the exaggeration of the monarchical power, which the Germans called Byzantinismus; but after all the nation seemed to welcome the government of the emperor, as it did that of Bismarck.
This attack was followed by campaigns on the part of his lieutenants, and in 805 the Avars were finally subdued, and their land incorporated with the Frankish empire.
They were therefore partly subdued, partly assimilated, without much effort.
Gaiseric (429-477) subdued the great islands for which Roman and Phoenician had striven.
In 1750 he took Nishapur, and in 1752 subdued Kashmir.
In that year both provinces were subdued, their emirs deposed, and letters of appointment given to new emirs, who undertook to rule in accordance with the requirements of humanity, to abolish slave-raiding and slave dealing, and to acknowledge the sovereignty of Great Britain.
He subdued Nubia and Sennar in 182022; and then, requiring a larger army, he obtained instructors from France.
The surfaces are not in the least subdued by a general breadth of style, as in the last period; but, on the contrary, revel in the full detail of variety.
Tethmosis thoroughly subdued Cush, which had already been placed under the government of a viceroy.
Sheshonk secured Thebes, making one of his sons high priest of Ammon, and whereas Solomon appears to have dealt with a king of Egypt on something like an equal footing, Sheshonk re-established Egyptian rule in Palestine and Nubia, and his expedition in the fifth year of Rehoboam subdued Israel as well as Judah, to judge by the list of city names which he inscribed on the wall of the temple of Karnak.
The energetic prince of Sais, Tefnakht, followed by most of the princes of the Delta, subdued most of Middle Egypt, and by uniting these forces threatened the Ethiopian border.
At the close of the year 1819, Ibrahim returned to Cairo, having subdued all present opposition in Arabia.
Symptoms attendant on the hypnotic state are closure of the eyelids by the hypnotizer without subsequent attempt to open them by the hypnotized subject; the pupils, instead of being constricted, as for near vision, dilate, and there sets in a condition superficially resembling sleep. But in natural sleep the action of all parts of the nervous system is subdued, whereas in the hypnotic the reactions of the lower, and some even of the higher, parts are exalted.
It was subdued by the Spaniards in 1580, but reconquered by Maurice of Nassau in 1594.
The Viking raids were one of the determining causes of the establishment of the feudal monarchies of western Europe, but the untameable freebooters were themselves finally subdued by the Church.
Guienne was conquered in 1451 by Duncis, but not subdued, and another expedition was necessary in 1453, when Talbot was defeated and slain at Castillon.
At Rignano the indomitable Ranulf again utterly defeated the king, but in April 1139 Ranulf died, leaving none to oppose Roger, who subdued pitilessly the last of the rebels.
Originally herdsmen in the western and central Sudan, they extended their sway east of the Niger, under the leadership of Othman Dan Fodio, during the early years of the 19th century, and having subdued the Hausa states, founded the empire of Sokoto with the vassal emirates of Kano, Gando, Nupe, Adamawa, &c.
In 623 he made his son Dagobert king of the Austrasians, and gradually subdued all the provinces that had formerly belonged to Childebert II.
Malcolm subdued " the King of Moray," son of Lulach, who died in far Lochaber, though his family's claims to the crown of Scotland did not lapse.
Malcolm the Maiden, before his early death in 1165, had put down the menacing power of Somerled, lord of the Isles, a chief apparently of mixed Celtic and Scandinavian blood, the founder of the great clan of Macdonald, whose chiefs, the lords of the Isles, were almost royal; Malcolm also subdued the Celts of Galloway, sometimes called Picts, but at this time Gaelic in speech.
He was in deep poverty, the Estates were chary of supplies, plotters in Scotland had been offering to Cecil to kidnap the king (1598), and his relations both with the English government and with his own subdued but struggling preachers were bitterly unfriendly.
Armenia and Cappadocia were likewise subdued; the attempt to advance farther into Asia Minor led to a war with Alyattes of Lydia.
They were first attacked by the Romans about 150 B.C.; they were not subdued till Agrippa and Augustus had carried out a series of campaigns (29-19 B.C.) which ended in their partial annihilation.
The former friend of Saint Just now offered his services to the Thermidorians, and after receiving from the Convention the title of "Sauveur de la Patrie," subdued the sans-culottes of Paris, when they rose in insurrection against the Convention on 12 Germinal (April 1).
Alexander Jannaeus subdued it, and under Pompey it became Roman.
They subdued the Fula and Arabs already settled in the district, and after being converted to Islam under Abdullah, their fourth king (about 1600), they extended their authority over a large number of tribes living to the south and east.
The female figure is largely made use of, and rich and harmonious colours are sought, the glitter of metal being invariably subdued by deadening its lustre, or by patinas and oxides.
The subdued colour and soft contours of pewter render it once more a favoured material, peculiarly adapted to the methods of the art revival, and perhaps destined to supersede electro-plate for household purposes.
Within three years of his appointment, the whole of the eastern Caucasus was subdued and the long elusive Shamyl was taken captive.
Yet the spirit of the rugged saint subdued that of the polished scholar, and the works of Severus.
Near the Christian era the chief of one of these, which was called Kushan, subdued the rest, and extended his conquests over the countries south of the Hindu Kush, including Sind as well as Afghanistan, thus establishing a great dominion, of which we hear from Greek writers as Indo-Scythia.
With his vassals terrorized and subdued, Louis continued to subsidize the Swiss and Rene II.
Next, the whole weight of Wellesley's resources was turned against Tippoo, whom Cornwallis had defeated but not subdued.
Balkh and Tokharistan, Bokhara, Samarkand and Khwarizm (modern Khiva), even Kabul and Kandahar had been subdued; but in the time of the civil war a great deal had been lost again.
Five years later he renewed the war, defeated and killed the Kahina, and subdued the Berbers, who henceforward remained faithful to the Arabs.
It is said that Suleiman was firmly persuaded that Constantinople would be conquered during his reign, in accordance with a Sibylline prophecy which said that the city would be subdued by a caliph bearing the name of a prophet, he himself being the first to fulfil this condition.
Ahwaz (Khuzistan), Fars and Kirman were easily subdued, but in Khorasan the Azd could not prevail over the Tamim, who were loyal to the caliph.
The Sogdians raised a revolt in Ferghana, but were subdued by Said and obliged to pay.
The Sogdians, though subdued by Said al Harashi, were not appeased, but implored the assistance of the Turks, who had long been contending earnestly against the Arabs for the dominion of Transoxiana.
Abdallah subdued Munisa, crossed the mountains and penetrated into Gascony by the valley of Roncesvalles.
Notwithstanding a vigorous resistance, Bogha subdued and pacified the province in the following year.
The caliph sent against them Mahommed al-Qommi, who subdued them in 856 and brought their king Ali Baba to Samarra before Motawakkil, on condition that he should be restored to his kingdom.
He was real ruler not only of the district of Bagdad, but also of the rest of Irak, which he subdued by force.
Then Poitou was thoroughly subdued, and another truce was made in 1208, little more than southern Saintonge and Gascony being left in the hands of John.
Custer (q.v.) and his command were killed in 1876 on the Little Bighorn in Montana, the Indians were thoroughly subdued and confined to reservations.
In 1820 the oasis of Siwa was subdued by his arms; in 1823 he laid the foundations of Khartum.
It needed the intervention of Mehemet Ali in person before, in the following year, they were finally subdued.
Though Frederick failed to subdue the republics, the failure can scarcely be said to reflect either on his prudence as a statesman or his skill as a general, for his ascendancy was finally overthrown rather by the ravages of pestilence than by the might of human arms. In Germany his resolute will and sagacious administration subdued or disarmed all discontent, and he not only succeeded in welding the various rival interests into a unity of devotion to himself against which papal intrigues were comparatively powerless, but won for the empire a prestige such as it had not possessed since the time of Otto the Great.
As to its style, the Christian Year is calm and grave in tone, and subdued in colour, as beseems its subjects and sentiments.
Carleton against the Navahos, who were subdued and placed on a reservation on the Pecos river, and later removed to the north-western part of the Territory.
The Vedic deities of the nobler sort, the shining devas, the asuras (the " breathers " or living, perhaps to be identified with the Scandinavian cesir) rose above a vast multitude of demonic powers, many of them doubtless derived from the local customs and beliefs of the native races whom the immigrant Aryans subdued.
By his efforts the northern portion of the race were made submissive to the Danish crown; but, though conquered, they were by no means subdued, and were incessantly in revolt, until, after a great rebellion in 1343, Waldemar IV.
But they were by no means subdued, and in later times seized every opportunity of crossing the frozen Danube and ravaging the province of Moesia.
In 1830 he subdued the mountaineers of Daghestan.
The east of Iran was further subdued, and, after Cyrus met his end (528 B.C.) in a war against the eastern Nomads (Dahae, Massagetae), his son Cambyses conquered Egypt (525 B.C.).
In the west he conquered Media, and thence subdued Babylonia.
Armenia alone was again subdued in 34 B.C. by Antony, who treacherously captured and executed King Artavasdes.
Then Shapur resumed the war, subdued Armenia and plundered Antioch.
In the interval between these two struggles (570) he despatched assistance to the Arabs of Yemen, who had been assailed and subdued by the Abyssinian Christians; after which period Yemen remained nominally under Persian suzerainty till it.s fate was sealed by the conquests of Mabomet and Islam.
In the succeeding reign Persia was further subdued by the great conqueror Qoteiba (Qotaiba) b.
The former of these subdued Khorasan, Rai and Isfahan, while the latter brought practically all Persia under his sway, conquered Bokhara, Samarkand and Otrar, capital of the Karakitai, and had even made himself master of Ghazni when his career was stopped by the hordes of the Mongol Jenghiz Khan.
Five years later he subdued Mazandaran, and later still he was again at Shiraz, having effected the subjugation of Luristan and other provinces in the west.
Bought off by gold they withdrew from Rome, but they continued to hold a great part of northern Italy, extending as far south as Sena Gallica (Sinigaglia), and henceforward they were a standing source of danger to Rome, especially in the Samnite Wars, until at last they were either subdued or expelled, e.g.
In 56 B.C. the Romans destroyed the fleet of the Veneti, and in 52 the inhabitants of Armorica took part in the great insurrection of the Gauls against Caesar, but were subdued finally by him in 5 i.
In the seventh year of his reign (839 or 841) he took advantage of the effects of a Danish invasion of the Pictish kingdom to attack the remaining Picts, whom he finally subdued in 844 or 846.
According to very ancient traditions accepted by the modern historians of Bohemia, the Boii, whose capital was called Boiohemum, were weakened by continual warfare with neighbouring tribes, and finally subdued by the Teutonic tribe of the Marcomanni (about 12 B.C.).
They originated in the agglomerations of Turkish stems which in the region north of the Altai reached some degree of culture between the 4th and the 8th centuries, but were subdued and enslaved by the Mongols.
For more than loo years the Senones were engaged in hostilities with the Romans, until they were finally subdued (283) by P. Cornelius Dolabella and driven out of their territory.
General van der Heyden appeared to have subdued them in 1878-81, but they broke out again in 1896 under the traitor Taku Umar, who had been in alliance with the Dutch.
Prince Schwarzenberg assumed the government of the empire with dictatorial power; and, in spite of what Palmerston termed his " judicious bottle-holding," the movement he had encouraged and applauded, but to which he could give no material aid, was everywhere subdued.
In 1367 Bessarabia was subdued and annexed by the ruling prince of Moldavia.
Anciently Courland was inhabited by the Cours or Kurs, a Lettish tribe, who were subdued and converted to Christianity by the Brethren of the Sword, a German military order, in the first quarter of the 13th century.
In 853 AEthelwulf subdued the North Welsh, in answer to the appeal of Burgred of Mercia, and gave him his daughter AEthelswith in marriage.
The town submitted on the following day and the whole country was quickly subdued by the Imperialist armies.
The obstinacy of the resistance convinced Boleslaus that Pomerania must be christianized before it could be completely subdued; and this important work was partially accomplished by St Otto, bishop of Bamberg, an old friend of Boleslaus's father, who knew the Slavonic languages.
Bede tells us that Edwin had subdued the islands of Anglesey and Man, and the Annales Cambriae record that he besieged Cadwallon (perhaps in 632) in the island of Glannauc (Puffin Island).
Still the war went on, till at length Sandili, the chief of the Gaikas, surrendered, followed gradually by the other chiefs; and by the beginning of 1848 the Kaffirs were again subdued, after twenty-one months' fighting.
Laromiguiere taught the philosophy of Locke and Condillac, happily modified on some points, with a clearness and grace which in appearance at least removed difficulties, and with a charm of spiritual bonhomie which penetrated and subdued."
The invaders harried Wiltshire and Hampshire at their leisure, and vainly thought that Wessex was at last subdued.
His barons subdued much of South Wales, though his own expeditions into North Wales, which he had designed to conquer and annex, had a less fortunate ending.
The justiciar, Richard de Lucy, routed the army of the earl of Leicester at Fornham in Snifolk, the castles of the rebel earls were subdued one after another, and William of Scotland was surprised and captured by a force of northern loyalists while he was besieging Alnwick (1173-1174).
Edwards grip on the land was strong, and it had need to be so, for in 1287 and 1294 1295 there were desperate and widespread revolts, which were only checked by the existence of the new castles, and subdued by the concentration of large royal armies.
The ease with which he had subdued the realm misled him; he fancied that the slack resistance, which was mainly due to the incapacity and unpopularity of Baliol, implied the indifference of the Scots to the idea ol annexation.
But the delusion that Scotland had been finally subdued was to last only for a year, although in 1305 Edward seemed to have accomplished his task, and stood triumphant, with the northern realm at his feet, his domestic foes humbled, and France and the papacy defeated.
Scarcely an English Catholic would have raised a finger in Philips favor; and when he could not subdue the two provinces of Holland and Zeeland, it is absurd to suppose that he could have simultaneously subdued them and England as well.
The Aryan Tajik, the aborigines of the fertile parts of Turkestan, were subdued by the Turko-Mongol invaders and partly compelled to emigrate to the mountains, where they are now known as Galchas.
Grigoriev, 2 the Turks who succeeded the Chinese in the western parts of East Turkestan were the Karlyk Turks, who extended farther south-west up to Kashmir, while the north-eastern parts of the Tarim region were subdued by the Uighurs.
Abd-ar-rahman subdued the nobles by means of a mercenary army, which included Christians.
It must have been at least after his Commentary on Seneca's De Clementia that his heart was "so subdued and reduced to docility that in comparison with his zeal for true piety he regarded all other studies with indifference, though not entirely forsaking them.
Eogan had subdued the Ernai and the Corco Laigde (descendants of Lugaid son of Ith) in Munster, and even the supreme king was obliged to share the island with him.
The bulk of the population here was probably Pictish; but the Dal Fiatach, representing the old Ulidians or ancient population of Ulster, maintained themselves until the 8th century when they were subdued by their Pictish neighbours.
After reducing the Desi, who were in alliance with the Northmen of Waterford and Limerick, in 984 he subdued Ossory and took hostages from the kings of East and West Leinster.
He subdued more than half of Ireland, and almost reached the position once held by his father.
In 877 the Croats were temporarily subdued by the Byzantine emperor, but after successive insurrections which tended to centralize their loosely knit tribal organization, and to place all power in the hands of a military chief, they regained their independence and founded a national kingdom about 910.
The Aetolians settled in Elis the Dorians pushed up to the headwaters of the Alpheus, where they divided into two forces, one of which under Cresphontes invaded and later subdued Messenia, while the other, led by Aristodemus or, according to another version, by his twin sons Eurysthenes and Procles, made its way down the Eurotas valley and gained Sparta, which became the Dorian capital of Laconia.
Moreover, the countries formerly subdued by the Franks availed themselves of this opportunity to loosen the yoke; Thuringia was lost by Sigebert in 641, and the revolt of Alamannia in 643 set back the frontier of the kingdom from the Elbe to Austrasia.
It is extraordinary that Louis should have escaped final destruction, considering that Henry had subdued Scotland, retaken Anjou from his brother Geoffrey, won a hold over Brittany, and schemed successfully for Languedoc. But the Church once more came to the rescue of her devoted son.
After many struggles West Friesland became completely subdued, and was henceforth virtually absorbed in the county of Holland.
The Indians, however, were not yet subdued, and for two years a petty warfare was maintained.
During 713 and 714 the north was subdued to the foot of the mountains, and when Miis and Tank were recalled to Damascus by the caliph the progress of the Moslems was not delayed.
He inherited or subdued all the other countships of Catalonia, except Peralada.
In 1595 he subdued Walachia and annihilated the army of Sinan Pasha at Giurgevo (October 28th).
But the capacity of the tribes for resistance was already failing, and when at the close of the Crimean War Russia was able to employ large forces on the Caucasus, the defenders were gradually subdued, Shamyl himself being captured in 185 9.
In a few years the Fula had subdued most of the Hausa states, some, like Kano, yielding easily in order to preserve their trade, others, like Katsena, offering a stubborn resistance.
The island was seething with disorder, but by stern and sometimes cruel measures the emperor suppressed the anarchy of the barons, curbed the power of the cities, and subdued the rebellious Saracens, many of whom, transferred to the mainland and settled at Nocera, afterwards rendered him valuable military service.
In the 5th century B.C. with the aid of Athens they subdued the Corinthian factories on their coast.
During the early years Of the Christian era, the district was inhabited by the Semnones, and afterwards by various Slavonic tribes, who were partially subdued by Charlemagne, but soon regained their independence.
The meal was subdued as we contemplated our second success.
But the old man surprised him with a subdued reaction.
Mariah's voice is equally angelic on Joy to the World, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, and a properly subdued Silent Night.
Jayne has expressed anger at Big Brother ' s insistence that she be uncharacteristically subdued.
A subdued Mr Straw experienced the anger of his own backbenchers.
There are evils which have sported with the weakness and subdued the strength of all human contrivances to vanish them.
Back to top What to wear Subdued elegance rather than over-the-top glitz is the order of the day among the seriously rich.
The films are at once hardened, philosophical, passionate and darkly subdued.
The subdued lighting in this picture captures the effect of a cloudy overcast sky which is common in the winter months.
Her tongue color had subdued and she had lost the facial pallor.
Randy Greif, always interesting, contributes a subdued, lightly percussive composition that unfortunately sounded a bit muddy.
They are being given a send-off by the Boy Scouts and a group of subdued locals.
There was a strangely subdued atmosphere around the Show Court.
In the 54th minute Adie Orr came on to replace Dave Swarbrick who had been unusually subdued.
The second of these tunes even managed to get the somewhat subdued crowd screaming along with the chorus.
No-one could have put it better and the Bristol fans were temporarily subdued as they watched the UWE fans chant at their victorious rowers.
However, despite an encouraging performance from his players, Magpies manager Carl Taylor seemed surprisingly subdued.
The symptoms are similar to those caused by the diseases but in a very subdued and mild form.
There was light modern music playing a bit loud for my tastes but as more people arrived it did become more subdued.
Zimbabweans are blamed all over the world for being too subdued, too well-mannered, just accepting anything without protest.
One of these under Humbert succeeded in landing a force in Killala Bay, and gained some success in Connaught before it was subdued by Lake and Cornwallis, Wolfe Tone's brother Matthew being captured, tried by court-martial, and hanged; a second, accompanied by Napper Tandy (q.v.), came to disaster on the coast of Donegal; while Wolfe Tone took part in a third, under Admiral Bompard, with General Hardy in command of a force of about 3000 men, which encountered an English squadron near Lough Swilly on the 12th of October 1798.
Damaji Gaekwar descended from the Western Ghats upon the alluvial plains of Gujarat around Baroda; Tukoji Holkar subdued the uplands of Malwa beyond the Vindhya range on the north bank of the Nerbudda; and Mahadji Sindhia obtained possession of large tracts immediately south of Agra and Delhi, marched into Hindustan and became virtually the master of the Mogul emperor himself (see GwAL10R).
The Spanish levies had been unable to contribute much aid to the Allies; the French having subdued almost all Spain, and being now in possession of Ciudad Rodrigo and Almeida.
Eight centuries later the Turkish stocks of " Tukiu " (the Chinese spelling for " Turks "), Khagases and Uigurs - also compelled to migrate north-westwards from their former seats - subdued the Ugro-Samoyedes.
Of these risings the first (December 1848-July 1849) took place in Mazandaran, at the ruined shrine of Shaykh Tabarsi, near Barfurush, where the Babis, led by Mulla Muhammad `Ali of Barfurush and Mulla Husayn of Bushrawayh (" the first who believed "), defied the shah's troops for seven months before they were finally subdued and put to death.
Rostov riding in front gave the order "Forward!" and the hussars, with clanking sabers and subdued talk, their horses' hoofs splashing in the mud, defiled in fours and moved along the broad road planted with birch trees on each side, following the infantry and a battery that had gone on in front.
Oh, ooh! his frightened moans could be heard, subdued by suffering and broken by sobs.
Lampard was subdued again but Gerrard relished the freedom.
This is a beautifully sculpted piece with subdued vocal harmonies over some wonderful spacey keyboards, tinkling ivories and pure sweet guitar sounds.
The nation which has declared itself your enemy must be subdued by force of arms and forced to submit to your way of thinking.
He subdued the Saxons after about 30 years of war and forced them to accept Christianity.
Set in the dark Assembly Rooms, with subdued lighting, the Grandmothers met together for the first time.
I 've been involved in football for a few years and games on the 1st January can be a little subdued at times.
However, domestic consumption and investment remained subdued due to near record unemployment and uncertainty about the future.
Although an attractive flower its coloring Is somewhat subdued when compared with the brilliant cultivated tulips in our gardens.
The walls above the dado were subdued in tone, relieved by family portraits.
The nose was very subdued with some vague hints of a grassy or floral scent.
The long and laborious study demanded by the sculptor 's profession subdued for a long time Sarrasine 's impetuous temperament and unruly genius.
He was a great admirer of Whistler and envied his mastery of subdued tones and abstract effects of light.
The weather was fair but I was in a subdued mood and could only manage an egg.
Christmas at the Drake flat is a subdued affair.
Stopping short and listening intently, they heard subdued voices not far from the spot where they stood.
The quality of the finish was a little lost in the subdued atmosphere.
Use subdued lighting and quieter tones at night.
Some parents want whimsical murals on the walls, while others prefer subdued paintings and colors.
If you choose to use two colors on your walls, or your walls and ceiling, pick the more subdued color as the main color of the room to highlight the accent wall or ceiling.
Consider a wild granite with lots of movement to be the centerpiece for an otherwise subdued design, or look into a polished concrete counter that can be customized in any color.
However, pink is now winning fans with its girlish charm and subdued glamour.
Brighter hues can easily be mixed with lighter ones, resulting in a subdued hue.
As the early 60s catapulted fashion into the black eyeliner and false eyelashes doll-like makeup scene, the 70s subdued these striking eye-effects and began the movement towards a more natural effect.
To avoid a heavy-handed makeup job, your lips and cheeks should be more subdued.
Slow motion water shots are breathtakingly beautiful and can be achieved by forcing the camera's shutter to remain open for a couple of seconds to create a subdued, flowing effect.
The trick is to bounce light off of the ceiling or drape loose fabric over light fixtures to give your glamour figure photos a subdued look.
Decorate for an Asian themed shower in bold red, or use more subdued tones to celebrate the Mediterranean.
K.T. Bridal shows off a few subdued styles from Hilary Morgan.
Though most weekend weddings are more subdued, activities such as golf, swimming, or even horseback riding will clearly call for a specific wardrobe.
Because of those seasonal color transitions, brighter, more vivid colors are most appropriate for early September weddings, while celebrations later in the month may opt for slightly more subdued tones.
However, there's a wide variety of more subdued marine life forms that can add unique touches to a cake without making it look tacky.
Whether you want to go all out and exhibit a colorful, flamboyant cake or something that's a bit more subdued, rest assured that you can find a cake fit for the occasion.
For those of you who hesitate to introduce animal prints into an otherwise conventional décor, there are lots of ways to introduce the zebra pattern from bold and daring to subtle and subdued.
Create a backdrop-If you really want the zebra patterned bedding to pop, you need to create a more subdued background.
Create a backdrop of more subdued shades.
You can choose bedding with bright parrots or colorful fish or you may want to go with something more subdued.
Bright, primary colors are most popular for Sesame sets, although some styles do feature softer or more subdued colors.
A more subdued approach is ideal for adults who prefer an understated yet visually intriguing look.
In a detraction from her normal foot-in-mouth barbs regarding movies like Knocked Up and shows like Grey's Anatomy, that made her career, Heigl's comments about her early Grey's departure were rather subdued.
Each of these legging options give her a different look, from classic and subdued to funky and cheerful.
Wear plain, solid-colored leggings under busy patterns, and save whimsical designs when her dress or top is simple and subdued.
The atmosphere onboard cruises down Mississippi River are casual, subdued and relaxing.
Its subdued growth and distinct globe-shaped flowers make it one of the most distinct of white Water-Lilies.
You have two different options when it comes to color selection; you can either go with a bold color that stands out, or a more subdued shade that blends in with the rest of your wardrobe.
That's because there are a few conservative styles thrown in for good measure - they aren't exactly appropriate to wear to the office, of course, but they definitely appear more subdued in comparison to their brighter counterparts.
If you want to keep things subdued, opt for a maroon or hunter green shade.
From bright yellows to vivid reds to subdued greens, colors and styles for any budget are plentiful.
For business attire, solid color socks or those with a subdued pattern are always the safest choice, in either nylon or rayon blends.
If loud, bright golf shirts are not your style, you can always find tops in more subdued, classic hues like black, white, gray, navy, and beige.
These fun, light dresses are often brightly colored but are also available in more subdued tones.
Whether a brilliant cherry hue or a subdued maroon, red has the ability to turn heads, instill confidence in a woman and add a shot of brazen color to her look.
Fashion Contact is pretty well-rounded because they not only offer some of the more wild and crazy contacts, but also more subdued shads like amethyst and blue.
Love this look for its successful coupling of subdued color (grey) and its bold statement of monochrome simplicity.
For those who prefer a more subdued color, but still long for a bit of glitz and splash, consider Polished Black.
The subdued gray tones of soft-tech nose pads provide discrete comfort and gives the style a finished look that is sure to please even the most discriminating buyer.
The music soundtrack is a lot more subdued than the Warrior Within.
Subdued lighting was popular during the Art Deco era.
Keep your room's lighting subdued, almost as if lighted by many candles.
A more subdued approach is undertaken with children who have less severe psoriasis.
Since dance as worship is rarely flashy, the silhouettes add a classy and subdued look to any site.
Ease into spring with a softer, subdued color.
There was not one 80s hair style but several popular ones that ranged from the outrageous to the subdued.
Colors were subdued and the notion of wearing something funky or statement-setting was unheard of.
Most tops are available in a color palette that includes tasteful neutrals, subdued pastels, and trendy bright shades.
If you aren't comfortable wearing a bikini, consider a fitted tankini top in a bright pattern and a complementary, yet slightly subdued, bottom piece.
This stunning style, available at Macy's, is resplendent in its graphic flower print, and because the colors are a bit more subdued -- here white, navy blue and red rule the entire top -- you'll find that it's a sophisticated look as well.
If you have a slim upper body, but a heavier than you would like lower body, you can purchase a tank in a bold color, while keeping the lower portion of your body encased in a darker, and more subdued, hue.
The majority of the available styles can be characterized by their bold prints, but like the 2-Piece Jogger Skortini, are done in the more subdued shades of grey, brown and black.
Ranging in patterns from bold and bright, to elegant and subdued, you should be able to find one to perfectly fit your personal sense of modesty.
On the other hand, you can try something a bit more subdued.
She isn't afraid to wear unconventional outfits, but she also mixes it up with elegant, more subdued fashions as well.
Brightly colored stripes, intricate patterns and subdued hues with the Roxy Swimwear insignia are just a few of the options you will find in the board short line.
Made of cotton and available in vibrant as well as more subdued colors, these sarongs will brighten any summer day.
One of their looks, The Reactive Rainbow beach towel, is more graphic than others in the collection, but if you prefer a more subdued tie dye, they have that available as well.
Tutti Bella's tankinis are available in boy cut designs, and in more subdued colors than many kids' costumes.
High cut styles often feature moderate or thong bottoms, so while the front may be more subdued, the rest of your bathing suit doesn't have to be.
Because Oscar dresses are just as subject to trends as other items of clothing, some years will find more subdued fashions are popular (such as soon after 9/11), while other years are more daring and carefree.
Though summer dresses are often short and brightly colored, they can come in longer lengths and more subdued colors, too.
Whether her particular choice leans toward bold or more subdued, the First Lady prefers classy dresses that are also classic.
If your style is more subdued, then by all means stick with it.
Moreover, their color palette is gentle and their prints are fairly subdued.
The usual suspects showed up dressed to the nines, but by Oscar standards - and especially in contrast to years' past - it was a remarkably subdued type of glamour for the red carpet.
Elaborate details on skirt panels, necklines, headdresses, and accessories that will draw attention away from an individual's size as well as spice up the costume with flair and elegance, while leaving the body's midsection subdued.
Women's Santa costumes come in a wide array of looks, from sexy to subdued.
While they may seem stuffy, they are the best choice for a very formal, subdued couple that will undoubtedly have a very traditional wedding.
Along with their more lighthearted styles, Dooney & Bourke handbags are also available in number of sleeker, more subdued designs.
Fendi is frequently sported by daring divas and fanatical fashionistas who crave the limelight; Fendi styles are, for the most part, a long shot from subdued.
However, if you're a timid fashionista who prefers more standard and subdued fashions, then Betsey Johnson is a designer you may prefer to pass up.
The latest Furla handbags hit season in a surprisingly subdued fashion.
They are bright, they are shiny, and, so, when you're running around town with your gold Fendi bag, make sure that the rest of you is charmingly subdued.
One of the first things you'll notice about the Animalier collection is that it is fairly subdued where hardware is concerned.
The Liz Claiborne Wildflower Wheeled Duffel offers a hint of feminine flair with this subdued floral pattern.
Available in your choice of dark grey or olive green, this print features softly rounded tree silhouettes that cast a subdued pose against a dark backdrop.
However, if you enjoy subdued and mellow activities, Geminis may not be a good love match because they like to be on-the-go, all the time.
Work will be a challenge, so keep things subdued and don't say anything you'll later regret.
Unlike cowboy boots, which are often richly ornamented and come in all the colors of the rainbow, jodhpur boots tend to be simple, subdued footwear in black or shades of brown.
However, if you seek a basic color that can match more outfits in your closet or if you're feeling serious, you'll find plenty of Pucci platform shoes in subdued colors as well.
For fall shoes, expect to find more subdued colors and plenty of boots.
Since your feet will be busy calling attention to themselves when you wear these shoes, make sure your outfit is more subdued.
Some feature a prominent brand logo, while others are more subdued, so whether or not you're the type to flaunt a label or prefer a quieter show of elegance, you'll find a Gucci shoe to meet your needs.
With their subdued laces and pointed toes, these are the quintessential man's shoe.
Unless you prefer very subdued footwear all the time, there's no reason you can't let loose at times with shoes with fun embellishments on them.
Very active children may appreciate outdoor toys to expend some energy with physical exercise, or those that are a bit more subdued may find books or science kits more enjoyable.
Whether you prefer jewelry that is fun and funky or find yourself searching for more subdued pieces, there's a jewelry making project guaranteed to appeal to your tastes.
A card offering your sympathy after a loss should be tasteful and subdued.
If you're not fond of bright colors, try using muted pastels for a more subdued look.
You can find boxers in whimsical, over-the-top designs or more subdued styles, depending on how far you want to take your Easter celebration.
Reds tend to provide greater activity and warmth, while blues are more subdued and relaxing.
If you like feminine panties, try silk, satin, or lace in pastels and subdued colors.
Some women love bright colors; others are a bit more subdued.
The theme for most Flamenco music is based around a woman's estranged or abusive lover and so often starts very quiet and subdued, signifying the woman's sadness, then drawing to a crescendo of feminine empowerment.
Because the crowd is smaller and more subdued, this performance feels a bit more intimate than the American Idol performance.
Subtle and subdued is the most important factor of the music you are choosing.
Fluorescent hues may be better suited for a children's party or wild pool parties, while more subdued, watercolor tones are sophisticated and elegant for an afternoon tropical lunch or a spa pampering bridal shower.
More subdued yet still traditional affairs might include cake and tasteful gifts.
She seems more subdued than the other stars, but she is considered a "heartbreaker" by friends.
So far, the celebrations appear subdued next to other Star Wars events, such as the Star Wars Celebration, a convention conducted with official recognition from Lucas.
It won't be as appropriate with a subdued suit, but for date nights and parties, feel free to get that leopard print manicure.
Shorter nails designed in this fashion will be more subdued.
Patrons will dine in an elegant environment accentuated by subdued colors, theater-style lighting, oversized mirrors, beautiful floral displays and a maple-top bar.
Another Tibetan epic in Khaur, the Gyaldrung, praises Dagyolong, a famous warrior who subdued the savage men of Kham.
He subdued the Edomites and compelled them to become Jews.
There seemed to be improvement in her mother's condition but Cynthia's mood remained subdued.
The soldier looked over his subdued rank then at Dan and Elise.
Taran quickly assessed he was the prince despite his subdued appearance.
Moravia was subdued and its government entrusted to Rudolph's representatives, while Wenceslaus was again betrothed to one of his daughters.
Towards the end of his life Ivan was partially consoled for his failure in the west by the unexpected acquisition of the kingdom of Siberia in the east, which was first subdued by the Cossack hetman Ermak or Yermak in 1581.
The people of the interior are mostly of the old Iranian stock, and there are also a few nomads of the Turkish Baharlu tribe which came to Persia in the lath century when the province was subdued by a Turkish chief.
The walls and ceiling of the fine Romanesque interior are covered with frescoes of 1570, subdued in colour and well suited to the character of the building; those of the octagonal cupola representing the Assumption of the Virgin are by Correggio, but much restored.
The rebels had hoped for assistance from Urquiza, but the powerful governor of Entre Rios maintained the peace in his province, which under his firm and beneficent rule had greatly prospered, and the revolutionary movement was quickly subdued.
About the middle of the 12th century the country was subdued by the duke of Saxony, Henry the Lion, who founded a bishopric at Ratzeburg, and after Henry's fall in 1180 it formed part of the smaller duchy of Saxony, which was governed by Duke Bernhard.
By the end of the century nearly the whole of Rajputana had been virtually subdued by the Mahrattas.
It was with their own militia that the burghers won freedom in the war of independence, subdued the nobles, and fought the battles of the parties.
The Parthians had at the best been beaten, not subdued; the Britons threatened revolt; there were signs that various tribes beyond the Alps intended to break into Italy.
The attempt to introduce a new faith led to renewed strife, this time between converts and pagans, but King George (who fully appreciated the value of intercourse with foreigners) supported the missionaries, and by 1852 the rebels were subdued.
As a rule the mountain slopes are well graded and subdued, but a few are steep and some are rocky and precipitous.
Meanwhile the Russians had also subdued the Ossetes (1802) and the Lesghian tribes (1803) of the middle Caucasus.
In the beginning of the 16th century Tatar fugitives from Turkestan subdued the loosely associated tribes inhabiting the lowlands to the east of the Urals.
The Pamphylians are first mentioned among the nations subdued by the Mermnad kings of Lydia, and afterwards passed in succession under the dominion of the Persian and Macedonian monarchs.
The inhabitants frequently rebelled and were as often subdued; records of these repeated conquests were set up by the Egyptian kings in the shape of steles and temples; of the latter the temple of Amenhotep (Amenophis) III.
When he did so and heard the subdued moaning with which Karataev generally lay down at the halting places, and when he smelled the odor emanating from him which was now stronger than before, Pierre moved farther away and did not think about him.
While summer is about bright, airy, and cheerful, winter is a little more subdued.
Acting as lieutenant for the Spaniards, he subsequently (1555) subdued Siena, and bequeathed to his descendants the grand-duchy of Tuscany.
All were silently crossing themselves, and the reading of the church service, the subdued chanting of deep bass voices, and in the intervals sighs and the shuffling of feet were the only sounds that could be heard.
Towards the end of the century, Charlemagne, himself a Netherlander by descent and ancestral possessions, after a severe struggle, thoroughly subdued the Frisians and Saxons, and compelled them to embrace Christianity.
A new dynasty arose in Ava, which subdued Pegu, and maintained their supremacy throughout the 17th and during the first forty years of the r8th century.
The Deans shared a subdued silence as they boarded the Jeep to pick up their guest at the Beaumont.
Randy Byrne was in his usual place at shortstop, but the young man was much more subdued than the last time Dean had seen him play.
After some days' stay in Constantinople, during which he granted wide privileges to the Greeks and to their patriarch, the sultan proceeded northwards and entirely subdued the southern parts of Servia.
For their sake, Xander subdued the lethal instinct that made him want to snatch Jessi, haul her away somewhere quiet and do whatever it took to pull the truth from her.