Styled Sentence Examples
Think Chinese styled dresses (the slim ones with high necked cuts and flowers) and purses with intricate designs.
The vidames usually took their title from the see they represented, but not infrequently they styled themselves, not after their official fief, but after Head Vicugna.
The vice-president is the destined commander-in-chief of the field armies and is styled the generalissimo.
This animal can scarcely be regarded as more than a local race, and should be styled Oreamnus montanus kennedyi.
He promised to accept the " Pacification of Ghent," and finally an agreement was drawn up, styled the " Perpetual Edict," which was signed by Don John (February 12th) and like force.
To the " Malcontents " (as the Catholic party was styled) the domination of heretical sectaries appeared less tolerable than the evils attendant upon alien rule.
During the whole of the middle ages Tournai was styled the "seigneurie de Tournaisis," and possessed a charter and special privileges of its own.
Grampound (Ponsmure, Graundpont, Grauntpount, Graundpond) and the hundred, manor and vill of Tibeste were formerly so closely associated that in 1400 the former is found styled the vill of Grauntpond called Tibeste.
In consequence the army organized a systematic opposition, and elected representatives styled Agitators or Agents to urge their claims.
The names of some of these earliest captains of adventure, Fra Moriale, Count Lando and Duke Werner, who styled himself the Enemy of God and Mercy, have been preserved to us.
AdvertisementThus Westminster Abbey is sometimes styled the British "Pantheon," and the rotunda in the Escorial where the kings of Spain are buried also bears the name.
Investigations of every kind which have been based on original sources of knowledge may be styled "research," and it may be said that without "research" no authoritative works have been written, no scientific discoveries or inventions made, no theories of any value propounded; but the word also has a somewhat restricted meaning attached to it in current usage.
The Greek form of Gallia was FaXaria, but Galatia in Latin denoted another Celtic region in central Asia Minor, sometimes styled Gallograecia.
The whole area, often collectively styled "Gallia Comata," often "Tres Provinciae," was divided into three provinces, each under a legatus pro praetore appointed by the emperor, with a common capital at Lugudunum (Lyons).
In England the second military member of the Army Council is styled adjutant-general to the forces.
AdvertisementHe first directed his attention to Novgorod, and by gradually undermining and then destroying the ancient republican liberties he reduced the haughty city, which had long styled itself Lord Novgorod the Great, to the rank of a provincial town.
The Pupipara are also termed Eproboscidea (although they actually possess a well-developed and functional proboscis), and by some dipterists the Eproboscidea are regarded as a suborder .and contrasted as such with the rest of the Diptera, which are styled the suborder Proboscidea.
Candia, the former capital and the see of the archbishop of Crete (pop. in 1900, 22,501), is officially styled Herakleion; it is surrounded by remarkable Venetian fortifications and possesses a museum with a valuable collection of objects found at Cnossus, Phaestus, the Idaean cave and elsewhere.
The high commissioner is aided in the administration by a cabinet of three members, styled " councillors " (utµ ovXoe), who superintend the departments of justice, finance, education, public security and the interior.
However absolute a philosopher's idealism may be, he is erroneously styled a mystic if he moves towards his conclusions only by the patient labour of the reason.
AdvertisementNevertheless, subsequent attempts on the part of Poland to subordinate Lithuania drove Witowt for the third time into the arms of the Order, and by the treaty of Salin in 1398, Witowt, who now styled himself Supremus Dux Lithuaniae, even went so far as to cede his ancestral province of Samogitia to the knights, and to form an alliance with them for the conquest and partition of Pskov and Great Novgorod.
The other work of Jordanes commonly called De rebus Geticis or Getica, was styled by himself De origine actibusque 1 The evidence of MSS.
He was educated for the Church, and at the Sorbonne, to which he was admitted in 1749 (being then styled abbe de Brucourt), he delivered two remarkable Latin dissertations, On the Benefits which the Christian Religion has conferred on Mankind, and On the Historical Progress of the Human Mind.
Domitian was the first emperor who arrogated divine honours in his lifetime, and caused himself to be styled Our Lord and God in public documents.
The final and all-important act of selection from among these men was, however, to be made by a personage, styled the proclamateur-electeur, who chose all the important functionaries, and, conjointly with the notabilities of the nation, chose the members for the Council of State (wielding the chief executive powers), the Tribunate and the Senate.
AdvertisementUsually, however, he is styled son of Sualdam, an Ulster warrior who plays a very inferior part in the cycle.
Such insects have been styled anapterygotous.
Their original name was Hoa or Hoa-tun; subsequently they styled themselves Ye-tha-i-li-to after the name of their royal family, or more briefly Ye-tha.
His coins of 270 struck at Alexandria bear the legend v(ir) c(onsularis) R(omanorum) im(perator) d(ux) R(omanorum) and display his head beside that of Aurelian, but the latter alone is styled Augustus.
The whole locality was the seat of the ancient cult of this deity, afterwards styled " Hypacraeus," with which was associated the legend of Creiisa and the birth of Ion.
Dying in 1243, he was succeeded as lord of Connaught by his son Richard, and then (1248) by his younger son Walter, who carried on the family warfare against the native chieftains, and added greatly to his vast domains by obtaining (c. 1255) from Prince Edward a grant of "the county of Ulster," in consequence of which he was styled later earl of Ulster.
Salecah is perhaps less doubtful; it is a remarkable name, and a ruin similarly styled, Salkhat, is to be seen in the Hauran.
The consistent firmness with which he adhered to the cause of constitutional liberalism during the many changes of his times gained him the highest respect of his countrymen, by whom he was styled the Aristides of the French tribune.
Zvornik fell before the Austro-Hungarian army in 1688, and the Turkish vali, who was still officially styled the "vali of Hungary," removed his headquarters from Banjaluka to Travnik, a more southerly, and therefore a safer capital.
They in their turn distributed the lands so acquired among their sons and principal emirs on strictly feudal principles, the feudatory lands being styled ziamet and timar, a system long continued by their successors in regard to the territories which they conquered.
Further 6% bonds, repayable in ten years, and styled serguis, were issued in the same year.
This property is also styled mevad.
The great names at this period were those of Isaac Barrow (1630-1677); Robert South (1634-1716), celebrated for his wit in the pulpit; John Tillotson (1630-1694), the copyright of whose sermons fetched the enormous sum of 2500 guineas after his death, and of whom it was said that he was "not only the best preacher of the age, but seemed to have brought preaching to perfection"; and Edward Stillingfleet (1635-1699), styled, for his appearance in the pulpit, "the beauty of holiness."
Bonaparte, who styled him "la haute pyramide des sciences mathematiques," loaded him with personal favours and official distinctions.
Thus in the 5th century, among the comites attached to the emperor's establishment, we find, e.g., the comes sacrarum largitionum and the comes rei privatae; while others, forming the council, were styled comites consistorii.
Two of the generals of the Roman province of Britain were styled the comes Britanniae and the comes littoris Saxonici (count of the Saxon shore).
A relic of the old official meaning of "count" still survives in Transylvania, where the head of the political administration of the Saxon districts is styled count (comes, Graf) of the Saxon Nation.
The result ' Of these there were four who, as counts of the Empire par excellence, were sometimes styled "simple counts" (Schlechtgrafen), i.e.
Dividing the power between their two orders of the nine and the people, they excluded the riformatori and replaced them by a new and heterogeneous order styled the aggregati, composed of nobles, exiles of 1456 and citizens of other orders who had never before been in office.
The government was now reconstituted under the protection of the French agents; the balia was abolished, its very name having been rendered odious by the tyranny of Spain, and was replaced by a similar magistracy styled capitani del popolo e reggimento.
Beust was the only " imperial chancellor " in Austro-Hungarian history; even Metternich bore only the title of " chancellor "; and Andrassy, who succeeded Beust, styled himself " minister of the imperial and royal household and for foreign affairs."
Valyi-Nagy, the first Magyar 1 The earliest, styled " Song on the Discovery of the right hand of the Holy King Stephen," and printed at Nuremberg by Anton Koburger in 1484, is lost.
Andrew Fay, sometimes styled the " Hungarian Aesop," is chiefly remembered for his Eredeti Mesek (Original Fables).
After concluding peace with Carthage, Agathocles styled himself king of Sicily, and established his rule over the Greek cities of the island more firmly than ever.
He inherited a strong sentiment of independence from his mother; and his objections to the social homage expected by those whom the catechism boldly styled his "betters" made him an "agitator."
Debendra Nath Tagore sought refuge from the difficulty by becoming an ascetic. The "Brahma Samaj of India," as Chunder Sen's party styled itself, made considerable progress extensively and intensively until 1878, when a number of the most prominent adherents, led by Anand Mohan Bose, took umbrage at Chunder Sen's despotic rule and at his disregard of the society's regulations concerning child marriage.
A better time began under Hiero II., who had fought under Pyrrhus and who rose from the rank of general of the Syracusan army to be tyrant - king, as he came to be soon styled - about 270.
After the establishment of the Commune and the appointment of a mayor the sheriffs naturally lost much of their importance, and they became what they are styled in Liber Albus " the Eyes of the Mayor."
Mosilikatze was not of the Zulu tribe proper, and he and his followers styled themselves Abaka-Zulu.
Chemically it is one of the most interesting substances known, since it is the parent of the enormous number of compounds styled the " aromatic " or " benzenoid " compounds.
At the south-eastern extremity of Tunisia there is a clump of mountainous country, the wind-and-water-worn fragments of an ancient plateau, which for convenience may be styled the Matmata table-land.
The head of the Mevlevi dervishes (Aziz-Effendi, HazretiMevlana, Mollah-Unkiar, commonly styled simply ChelebiEffendi) has the right to gird on the sultan's sword at his investiture, and is master of the considerable revenues of the greatest religious establishment in the empire.
The Moderator of the Church of Scotland is also styled "right reverend."
Death being a transition to a new form of life, the destroyer is really a re-creator, and thus Siva is styled the Bright or Happy One.
It is odd that this irregular poem, with its copious and varied music, its splendid sweep of emotion, its unfailing richness of texture - this poem in which Tennyson rises to heights of human sympathy and intuition which he reached nowhere else, should have been received with bitter hostility, have been styled "the dead level of prose run mad," and have been reproved more absurdly still for its "rampant and rabid bloodthirstiness of soul."
In 1817 it was given, with the duchy of Leuchtenberg, as a mediatized domain under the Bavarian crown, by the king of Bavaria to his son-in-law Eugene de Beauharnais, ex-viceroy of Italy, henceforth styled duke of Leuchtenberg.
The most distinguished names in French literature have been among its contributors, for whom it has been styled the " vestibule of the Academy."
In the same city was also first established L'Esprit des journaux (1772-1818), styled by Sainte-Beuve " cette considerable et excellente collection," but " journal voleur et compilateur."
These were followed by the Laerde Efterretninger (1799-1810), afterwards styled Litteratur-Tidende (1811-1836), the Athene (1813-1817), and Historisk Tidsskrift (1840).
The Excise Bill in 1733 and the Septennial Bill in the following year offered opportunities for further attacks on the government, which Bolingbroke supported by a new series of papers in the Craftsman styled "A Dissertation on Parties"; but the whole movement collapsed after the new elections, which returned Walpole to power in 1735 with a large majority.
The archbishop exercises the ordinary jurisdiction of a bishop over his diocese through his consistory court at Canterbury, the judge of which court is styled the commissary-general of the city and diocese of Canterbury.
We might expect persons who have experienced spontaneous visual hallucinations, of the kind vulgarly styled "ghosts" or "wraiths," to succeed in inducing pictures in a glass ball.
Their descendants styled themselves of Berkeley, and in 1200 the town was confirmed to Robert of Berkeley with toll, soc, sac, &c., and a market on whatever day of the week he chose to hold it.
After this victory Presbyter John - for so he was wont to be styled - advanced to fight for the Church at Jerusalem; but when he arrived at the Tigris and found no means of transport for his army, he turned northward, as he had heard that the river in that quarter was frozen over in winter-time.
With this mention Prester John ceases to have any pretension to historical existence in Asia (for we need not turn aside to Mandeville's fabulous revival of old stories or to the barefaced fictions of his contemporary, John of Hese, which bring in the old tales of the miraculous body of St Thomas), and his connexion with that quarter of the world gradually died out of the memory of Europe.(fn 3) When next we begin to hear his name it is as an African, not as an Asiatic prince; and the personage so styled is in fact the Christian king of Abyssinia.
He was styled "El pacificador de Espana," was made a grandee of the first class, and received two dukedoms.
The same name was originally applied to the Bantu kingdom of Buganda, which is one of the five provinces of the protectorate, but which is now styled officially by the correct native name of " Buganda."
It is thus styled in a charter granted by Henry VIII., but by Elizabeth's time the town was invariably termed Aberystwyth in all documents.
The word originally signified a military commander, but very early came to be extended to anyone bearing rule, Mahomet himself being styled by the pagan Arabs amir of Mecca.
Two aldermen, later styled burgomasters, were to preside, the one over the Schepenen, the other over the Raad, sharing this presidency with two episcopal officials.
Members styled themselves descendants of Oro-Tetifa, the Polynesian god, and were divided into seven or more grades, each having its characteristic tattooing.
The place of his birth is uncertain in spite of some evidence pointing to Arezzo; on the title-page of all his works he is styled Guido Aretinus, or simply Aretinus.
Zwingli indeed seemed still to be devoted to the pope, whom he styled "beatissimus Christi vicarius," and he publicly proclaimed the mercenary aid given by the Swiss to the papal cause to be its dutiful support of the Holy See.
The founder of a colony was styled a patroon, and, although the colonists were bound to him only by a voluntary contract for specified terms, the relations between them and the patroon during the continuance of the contract were in several important respects similar to those under the feudal system between the lord of a manor and his serfs.
The first, styled a charter of liberties and privileges, required that an assembly elected by the freeholders and freemen should be called at least once every three years; vested all legislative authority in the governor, council and assembly; forbade the imposition of any taxes without the consent of the assembly; and provided for religious liberty and trial by jury.
So, too, the angels are styled " holy ones," 2 and " watchers," 3 and are spoken of as the " host of heaven " 4 or of " Yahweh."
The " Conquered Territory," that is the valley of the Caledon, is the most fertile region and is styled the granary of South Africa.
A nominated legislative council was created, a high court established and other steps taken for the orderly government of the country, which was officially styled the Orange River Sovereignty.
The sole legislative authority was vested in a single popularly elected chamber styled the volksraad.
As he was the first king of Saxony, he is usually styled Frederick Augustus I.
The praetor, who had the arrangement of all trials or private suits and the formal appointment of judges for them, referred the great majority of such cases for decision to a judge who was styled usually judex but sometimes arbiter.
Anselm and the scholastics regarded the atonement as an offering to God of such infinite value as to outweigh men's sins, a view sometimes styled the " Commerical Theory."
And He who was born of the Father as to the Divinity, and from the Holy Virgin as to the humanity is and is styled one; for of the two natures there was a union."
Mention must also be made of his epigrams, which he styled "Trifles" (Fraszki); they are full of spirit and geniality.
Although several of these leaders were Voltairians, they held up Louis XVI., who had been executed in January 1793, as a martyr to Catholicism, and the Vendeans, who had hitherto styled themselves the Christian Army, now adopted the name of the Catholic and Royal Army.
It has long been the official title of the judges of two of the English superior courts of common law, and it is now extended to all the judges in the supreme court of judicature - a judge in the High Court of Justice being styled Mr Justice, and in the court of appeal Lord Justice.
The president of the king's bench division of the High Court is styled Lord Chief Justice.
Potassium sulphate, K2S04, a salt known early in the 14th century, and studied by Glauber, Boyle and Tachenius, was styled in the 17th century arcanum or sal duplicatum, being regarded as a combination of an acid salt with an alkaline salt.
The religious significance of the past is dominant, and the past is idealized from a later standpoint; and whether the narratives in Chronicles are expressly styled Midrash or not, they are the fruit of an age which sought to inculcate explicitly those lessons which, it conceived, were implied in the events of the past.
Hence the latter are sometimes styled Pesiqta (" section ").
In the Church of England the word is applied to a private place of worship, attached either to the palaces of the sovereign, "chapels royal," or to the residence of a private person, to a college, school, prison, workhouse, &c. Further, the word has particular legal applications, though in each case the building might be and often is styled a church.
Most of the recent buildings for worship erected by Nonconformist bodies will be found to be styled Wesleyan, Congregational, &c., churches.
This class was styled in France "Jesuits of the short robe," and there is some evidence in support of its actual existence under Louis XV.
But although, like his fellow-brigands under Ruffo, he styled himself "the faithful servant and subject of His Sicilian Majesty," wore a military uniform and held militaryrank, and was even created duke of Cassano, his atrocities were worthy of a bandit chief.
In the settlement of 64 B.C. Galatia became a client-state of the empire, the old constitution disappeared, and three chiefs (wrongly styled "tetrarchs") were appointed, one for each tribe.
There are also the Memoirs (Malfuzat) and Institutes (Tuzukat), of which an important section is styled Designs and Enterprises (Tadbirat wa Kangashaha).
In the Avesta Sraosha is the angel that guards the world at night from demons, and is styled "the righteous" or "the strong."
Parallel with the western walk is an immense vaulted substructure (U), incorrectly styled the cloisters, serving as cellars and store-rooms, and supporting the dormitory of the conversi above.
Thus in connexion with the subject a genus of workers became possible who may be styled " ur-computers or circle-squarers " - a name which, if it connotes anything uncomplimentary, does so because of the almost entirely fruitless character of their labours.
He joined Paul Szemere in a new periodical, styled Elet es literature (" Life and Literature"), which appeared from 1826 to 1829, in 4 vols., and gained for Kolcsey the highest reputation as a critical writer.
The islets are usually styled hams and the isolated rocks skerries.
His descendants (who from the 13th century onwards styled themselves De Avan or D'Avene) established, under the protection of the castle, a chartered town, which in 1372 received a further charter from Edward Le Despenser, into whose family the lordship had come on an exchange of lands.
This is called the Dionysian or Great Paschal Period, from its having been employed by Dionysius Exiguus, familiarly styled " Denys the Little," in determining Easter Sunday.
The first Seljuk rulers were Toghrul Beg, Chakir Beg and Ibrahim Niyal, the son of Mikail, the son of Seljuk, the son of Tukak, or Tuqaq (also styled Timuryalik, "iron bow").
Under the present constitution, which dates from 1783, the general affairs of the commonwealth are entrusted to an assembly (o-vvaes) of twenty members, one from each monastery; a committee of four members, chosen in turn, styled epistatae (7rurrfirat), forms the executive.
Principia or, as it is often (though perhaps less correctly) styled by moderns, Praetorium.
Indeed, it shares with Romans the right to be styled "the first treatise of Christian theology."
Ordinary bulls are signed by several officials of the chancery, and a certain number only by the cardinal at its head, who until 1908 was styled vicechancellor, because the chancellor used formerly to be a prelate, not a cardinal; but since the constitution Sapienti has been entitled chancellor.
The native chiefs of the Panaka and other Tibetan tribes of this region are styled pdmbo (" official " or " headman ") by both the natives and the Chinese.
The province of Khamdo, including all eastern Tibet, is governed by local chiefs, styled gyalpo, " king," and deba, " chief," succession to the chieftainship being usually assured to the eldest son not a lama.
The immediate successor of Gedundub, who ruled from 1475 to 1541, had appointed a special officer styled depa to control the civil administration of the country.
In contrast to Hiram I., king of Tyre, Ithobal or Ethbaal is styled in 1 Kings xvi.
Tavistock was governed from before the Conquest by a portreeve, who in the 14th century was assisted by a select council of burgesses, styled in 1660 "the Masters of the Toune and Parish of Tavistock."
The Roman bishop ranks immediately after the cardinals; he is styled reverendissimus, sanctissimus or beatissimus.
It was occasionally styled the Windy or Windward coast, from the frequency of short but furious tornadoes throughout the year.
To two regions only of the coast is the name Guinea officially applied, the French and Portuguese colonies north of Sierra Leone being so styled.
On the fall of the latter in 1529, he was made chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, and the same year speaker of the House of Commons, presiding over the famous assembly styled the Black or Long Parliament of the Reformation, which abolished the papal jurisdiction.
For now the corporation was styled " The Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America," and its object was defined to be " not only to seek the outward welfare and prosperity of those colonies, but more especially to endeavour the good and salvation of their immortal souls, and the publishing the most glorious gospel of Christ among them."
His arms were successful both in Europe and Asia, and he was the first Ottoman sovereign to be styled "sultan," which title he induced the titular Abbasid caliph to confer on him.
They were henceforth known as " Remonstrants"; their opponents were styled "Contra- Contra- Remonstrants."
The " patriots," as the anti-Orange republicans still styled themselves, joicings, and the government was reorganized so as to bring it into close harmony with that of Paris.
Opposed to them is the coalition of the orthodox Protestant conservatives, styled antirevolutionaries, supported by the Calvinistic peasantry, and the Catholics, who represent about one-third of the population and have their headquarters in Dutch Brabant, Dutch Flanders and Limburg.
Even in the imperial period its chief magistrate was styled dictator, and its council senatus, and it preserved its own calendar of festivals.
When this fur is symmetrically spotted with black lamb pieces it is styled miniver, in which form it is used at the grand coronation functions of British sovereigns.
The kolinski, or as it is sometimes styled Tatar sable, is the animal, the tail of which supplies hair for artists' brushes.
In his boyhood, according to the usual accounts, he resided for some time at Dunipace, in Stirlingshire, with an uncle, who is styled "parson" of the place.
About the year 1180 Lambert gathered some of these women, who had been ironically styled "Beguines" by his opponents, into a semi-conventual community, which he established in a quarter of the city belonging to him around his church of St Christopher.
They increased their power considerably by reducing the voting qualification for electors to provincial councils to 20 frs., and to communal councils to 10 frs., and also by recognizing the importance of what was styled " the Flemish Movement."
The judges are styled Reichsgerichlsrale (counsellors of the imperial court).
Certain regiments are styled grenadiers and fusiliers.
Its ancient bans or military governors were, next to the princes, the chief dignitaries of Walachia, and the district is still styled the banat of Craiova.
By a letter to Beust of the 14th of November 1868 the emperor ordered that he should henceforward be styled, not as before " Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, King of Bohemia, &c.," but " Emperor of Austria, King of Bohemia, &c., and Apostolic King of Hungary," thereby signifying the separation of the two districts over which he rules.
The national or state church of Denmark is officially styled " Evangelically Reformed," but is popularly described as Lutheran.
It is not logically distinguishable from the halakha, for the latter or forensic element makes up with the haggada the Midrash, but, being more popular than the halakha, is often itself styled the Midrash.
Such a method of entrance is styled chalazogamic, in contrast to the porogamic or ordinary method of approach by means of the micropyle.
The first poetical work in which NizAmi embodied his thoughts on God and man, and all the experiences he had gained, was necessarily of a didactic character, and very appropriately styled Makhzanul Asrar, or "Storehouse of Mysteries," as it bears the unmistakable stamp of Sufic speculations.
In sending to know the issue of his illness, the king caused himself to be styled "thy son Benhadad."
The consequence was that what had been Pictland came to be styled Scotland.
He surrounded himself with men of low birth, such as Ireland, a scholar and diplomatist; Rogers, a great musician; and Cochrane, apparently an architect or sculptor - he is styled a mason or stone-cutter.
The followers of these two men, and of their successor, Renwick, who later was hanged, became the armed and organized " Societies," a large force of yeomen and farmers in south-western Scotland, usually styled Cameronians.
He is variously styled Byzantinus, Hierosolymitanus (as an inmate of the monastery of St Saba near Jerusalem) and Scholasticus (the first "schoolman," as the introducer of the Aristotelian definitions into theology; according to others, he had been an advocate, a special meaning of the word scholasticus).
The fact that in 1814, by Napoleon I.'s abdication in his favour, the king of Rome (as he was then styled) became for a few days titular emperor "by the will of the people," was held by Prince Louis Napoleon to justify his own assumption of the style of Napoleon III.
For pilgrimage overseas, as it was styled, the permission of the Church was still requisite.
One of his cousins, named Bhaddiya, is styled a raja; but Suddhodana is spoken of, like other citizens, as Suddhodana the Sakiyan.
The chief executive officer is styled administrator and is chosen by the Union ministry; the administrator is appointed for five years and is irremovable.
Owen styled himself openly prince of Wales, established a regular government, and called a parliament at Machynlleth.
This battle derives its name from a ruin on the northern bank of the river Tchernaya near its mouth, but it was fought some distance away, on a nameless ridge (styled Mount Inkerman after the event) between the Tchernaya and the Careenage Ravine, which latter marked the right of the siegeworks directed against Sevastopol itself.
A Bureau of Labor Statistics (1879), whose members are styled Commissioners of Labor, makes a study of economic and financial problems and publishes biennial reports; a Mining Board (1883) and an inspector of factories and workshops (since 1893) have for their duty the enforcement of labour legislation.
By others, however, the latter is sometimes styled Suleiman II.
Sokotra is regarded as a dependency of Aden, but native rule is maintained, the local governor or viceroy of the sultan of Kishin being a member of that chief's family, and also styled sultan.
Among the Azgar, an important division of the Tuareg, one of the noble or free tribes, styled Aouraghen, is said to descend from a tribe named Avrigha.
He is best known as an able defender of the semi-Arian position, and was styled by Athanasius the "advocate" of the Arians.
It was felt in British circles at the time that a very considerable concession to Habibullah's independence of attitude was displayed in the fact that he was styled in the treaty " His Majesty "; but, in the circumstances, it seems to have been thought diplomatic to accede to the amir's determination to insist on this matter of style.
Next to the cathedral in artistic importance come the church of Santa Maria in Istrada, and the broletto or old palace of the commune, usually styled the Arengario; the former (founded in 1357) has a rich terra-cotta facade of 1 393, and the latter is raised on a system of pointed arches, and has a tall square tower terminating in machicolations surrounding a sharp central cone.
That the persons styled sophists " were not a sect or school, with common doctrines or method," is clear.
Nor is it altogether correct to say that " the persons styled sophists had no principles common to them all and distinguishing them from others."
At the head of the government in India is the governorgeneral, styled also viceroy, as representative of the sovereign.
In a regulation province the district officer is styled a collector, while in a non-regulation province he is called a deputy-commissioner.
The means by which the land revenue is assessed is known as settlement, and the assessor is styled a settlement officer.
The figures given are the partial dispersions for ordinary crown and ordinary extra dense flint glasses, styled in Messrs Schott's catalogue of optical glasses as o 60 and 0.102 respectively, having refractive indices of 1 5179 and 1.6489 for the D ray respectively, and (µ D -I)/(l F -µc) =60 2 and 33.8 respectively to indicate their dispersive powers (inverted), = v.
We find that we have now got a course of dispersion or degree of rationality which very closely corresponds to that of an ordinary light flint glass, styled o.
At the head of the Anglican community is the bishop of Mauritius; the chief Romanist dignitary is styled bishop of Port Louis.
In old maps of south-east Africa, derived originally from Portuguese and from Dutch sources, an extensive region on the Cuama or Zambezi and to the south of it is styled regnum monomotapae.
Other minor works written in later life, such as the Partitiones Oratoriae, a catechism of rhetoric, in which instruction is given by Cicero to his son Marcus; the Topica, and an introduction to a translation of the speeches delivered by Demosthenes and Aeschines for and against Ctesiphon, styled de optimo genere oratorum, also need only be mentioned.
The writers of the silver age found fault with his prolixity, want of sparkle and epigram, and monotony of his clausulae.4 A certain Largius Licinius gained notoriety by attacking his Latinity in a work styled Ciceromastix.
Where the sentence passes beyond two years it ceases to be styled imprisonment and becomes penal servitude, which may be inflicted for any period from three years to life.
The well-known products, styled articles de Paris, prison-made, find a large sale, and many objects of high art, fine paintings, cloisonné enamels and gold lacquer are among the beautiful products from Japanese prisoners.
In England the title of duke was unknown till the Toth century, though in Saxon times the title ealdorman, afterwards exchanged for "earl," was sometimes rendered in Latin as dux,' and the English kings till John's time styled themselves dukes of Normandy, and dukes of Aquitaine even later.
A duke in the British peerage, if not royal, is addressed as "Your Grace" and is styled "the Most Noble."
But this scheme was never fully carried out, and in 1835 another statute authorized the appointment of a lieutenant-governor for the North-Western Provinces, as they were then styled.
One was reputed to be his kitchen, another his cellar, a third his stable, while the hill above was styled the King's Hill.
The promised Garter was withheld from Marlborough, and the incensed "Mrs Morley" in her letters to "Mrs Freeman" styled the king "Caliban" or the "Dutch Monster."
In 1708, on the occasion of the Scottish expedition, notwithstanding her solicitude for his safety, she had styled James in her speech closing the session of parliament as "a popish pretender bred up in the principles of the most arbitrary government."
He took a leading part in the government of Germany during the minority of King Henry IV., and was styled patronus of the young king, over whom he appears to have exercised considerable influence.
This fossil-bearing set of strata he first styled the "fossiliferous greywacke series," changing it in 1835 to "Silurian system."
On this square stands the Artusor Junker-hof (the merchant princes of the middle ages were in Germany styled Junker, squire), containing a hall richly decorated with wood carving and pictures, once used as a banqueting-room and now serving as the exchange.
Their patriarch is styled of Antioch, but seldom comes west of Mardin.
The body now passes once (at most) through its equilibrium position, and the vibration is therefore styled aperiodic.
In fact, Brahma, having performed his legitimate part in the mundane evolution by his original creation of the universe, has retired into the background, being, as it were, looked upon as functus officio, like a venerable figure of a former generation, whence in epic poetry he is commonly styled pitamaha, " the grandsire."
Nor do Buddhist places of worship appear as a rule to have been destroyed by Hindu sectaries, but they seem rather to have been taken over by them for their own religious uses; at any rate there are to this day not a few Hindu shrines, especially in Bengal, dedicated to Dharmaraj," the prince of righteousness,"as the Buddha is commonly styled.
Some changes were made in the "York Rules"; and so altered, the body of rules was adopted at the last-named conference, and was styled the "York and Antwerp (or York-Antwerp) Rules."
The new rules were styled the York Antwerp Rules 1890.
An imperial officer, styled the burggrave of Nuremberg, who, however, seems to have been merely the military governor of the castle, and to have exercised no sway over the citizens, became prominent in the 12th century.
Although he was at least sixty-five years of age at this period, his poetic faculty displayed itself with more than usual warmth and lustre in the glowing series of elegies, styled Eridanus, which he poured forth to commemorate the rapture of this union.
The latter feeling ultimately triumphed; he condescended to accept in the dying days of Grenville's cabinet, and to retain through the "lutestring" administration of Lord Rockingham - "pretty summer wear," as Townshend styled it, "but it will never stand the winter" - the highly paid position of paymaster-general, refusing to identify himself more closely with its fortunes as chancellor of the exchequer.
Strictly, the term includes the English Roman Catholics, who in the original draft of the Relief Act of 1791 were styled "Protesting Catholic Dissenters."
To Rashi's disciples are due the Tosaphoth " additions," which, with the commentary of " the Commentator," as he was styled, are often reproduced in printed editions of the Talmud.
But the chief evangelist (so Schopenhauer styled his literary followers as distinct from the apostles who published not) was Frauenstadt, who made his personal acquaintance in 1846.
Its constitution resembled that of an ancient priestly college, and Laetus was styled pontifex maximus.
The Gothic Society eventually included certain younger men than these - Arvid August Afzelius (1785-1871), the first editor of the Swedish folk-songs; Gustaf Vilhelm Gumaelius (1789-1877), who has been somewhat pretentiously styled " The Swedish Walter Scott," author of the historical novel of Tord Bonde; Baron Bernhard von Beskow (q.v.; 1796-1868), lyrist and dramatist; and Karl August Nicander (1799-1839), a lyric poet who approached the Phosphorists in manner.
The detective is the direct descendant of the old "Bow Street runners" or "Robin Redbreasts" - so styled from their scarlet waistcoats - officers in attendance upon the old-fashioned police offices and despatched by the sitting magistrates to follow up any very serious crime in the interests of the public or at the urgent request of private persons.
Its members are styled inspectors, not agents, and their functions fall under four principal heads.
The administration of justice throughout the Union is vested in a minister of state who has all the powers of the attorneygenerals of the several colonies at the time of the Union, save that power as to the prosecution of crimes is vested in each province in an official appointed by the governor-general in council and styled the attorney-general of the province.
The executive power in each province is invested in an officer appointed by the government and styled provincial administrator.
The Cape Afrikanders also formed what was styled a " conciliation committee " to help the party in Great Britain which still supported the Boer side.
A year later (15th of July 1761) the British defended the heights of Vellinghausen with what Ferdinand himself styled "indescribable bravery."
These are styled pits or domes, according to the position occupied by the observer.
The two first of these were vested in the sovereign, who might be a woman, and who shared the legislative power with two chambers, the Camara dos Pares or House of Peers, and the Camara dos Deputados or House of Commons; these were collectively styled the Corks Geraes, or more briefly the Conies.
Thenceforward, until 1822, the Portuguese sovereignty was styled the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves.
Other forms are rao, rana and rawal, while chiefs of high rank are styled maharaja, maharao and maharana.
They were members of the governing body known as the consulat, and in Latin documents are sometimes styled consiliarii, i.e.
Particular quarters of mercantile cities were assigned to foreign traders and were placed under the jurisdiction of their own magistrates, variously styled syndics, provosts (praepositi), echevins earliest foreign consuls were those established by Genoa, Pisa, Venice and Florence, between 1098 and 1196, in the Levant, at Constantinople, in Palestine, Syria and Egypt.
Later on, however, his own claim told on the Church's mind, when his epistles were read in church as a collection styled simply "the Apostle."
After the short and cruel reign of Cleph, the successor of Alboin, the Lombards (as we may begin for convenience sake to call them) tried for ten years the experiment of a national confederacy of their dukes (as, after the Latin writers, their chiefs are styled), without any king.
This church, decorated with elaborate symbolism, was styled the "Ark of the Covenant," and in it the elect were to await the coming of the Lord.
Under the new system modelled upon that of the Bombay municipality, this body, styled the corporation, remains comparatively unaltered; but a large portion of their powers is transferred to a general committee, composed of twelve members, of whom one-third are elected by the corporation, one-third by certain public bodies and one-third are nominated by the government.
From 1707 to 1773 the presidencies were maintained on a footing of equality; but in the latter year the act of parliament was passed, which provided that the presidency of Bengal should exercise a control over the other possessions of the Company; that the chief of that presidency should be styled governor-general; and that a supreme court of judicature should be established at Calcutta.
He has been styled the "bishop of society"; but society occupied only a fraction of his time.
For the comprehension of his character the treatise De contemptu mundi, addressed to St Augustine and styled his Secret, is invaluable.
These Bangala are not to be confused with the Bangala of the Kwango, also cannibals, who in marauding bands under leaders styled Jaga were devastating the country in the days of the early Portuguese settlements in the Congo regions.
The poet speaks in the first person and is styled Simichidas 2 by his friends.
In the Isle of Man it is styled Mauthe Doog.
The emperor, styled negus negusti (king of kings), is occasionally assisted by a council of rases.
He died unmarried, and seemed so little susceptible to female influence that he was styled a Mars without a Venus.
The rulers of Walachia and Moldavia were styled hospodars from the 15th century to 1866.
As a boy he was styled earl of March, and spent most of his time at Ludlow.
The holder of the estate is styled rawat, and is one of the first-class nobles of Mewar.
To the colonists of Parthenope there came afterwards a considerable addition from Athens and Chalcis, and they built themselves a town which they called Neapolis, or the " new city," in contradistinction to the old settlement, which in consequence was styled Palaeopolis or the " old city."
Hence we find Neapolis variously styled - by Horace otiosa Neapolis, by Martial docta Parthenope, by Ovid in otia natam Parthenopen.
This task of co-ordination, in the broadest sense, is undertaken by philosophy; for the philosopher is essentially what Plato, in a happy moment, styled him, ovvonrrucen, the man who takes a "synoptic" or comprehensive view of the universe as a whole.
Robert, lord of Clifford, and subsequently the barons styled themselves indifferently Lords Clifford or de Clifford, until in 1777 the 11th lord definitively adopted the latter form.
In his Almanac for 1707 a Protestant alarmist and plot vaticinator styled John Partridge warned customers against rivals and impostors.
Stanton in 1887, where he is styled " a martyr whose cause is deferred for future investigation."
In the conifers proper the female reproductive organs have the form of cones, which may be styled flowers or inflorescences according to different interpretations of their morphology.
The idea, inasmuch as it is a law of universal mind, which in particular minds produces aggregates of sensations called things, is a "determinant" (iripas ixov), and as such is styled "quantity" and perhaps "number" but the ideal numbers are distinct from arithmetical numbers.
The metropolitan archbishop of Bucharest, officially styled metropolitan primate of Rumania, presides over the Holy Synod; the other members being the metropolitan of Jassy (primate of Moldavia), the six bishops of Ramnicu Valcea, Roman, Hushi, Buzeu, Curtea de Argesh and the Lower Danube (Galatz); together with eight bishops in partibus, their coadjutors.
Two magistrates, styled rahanadores, are appointed by the Council General to see that viguiers and judges preserve the customs and privileges of Andorra.
By the Arab slavers whom he opposed he was also greatly admired, and was by them styled "the very great doctor."
The castle where Wallace surprised the English garrison and threw their corpses into the dungeon, grimly styled "Wallace's Larder," was finally destroyed by Cromwell, who is said to have used part of its masonry for the construction of the fort at Ayr; but its ruins still exist.
First and foremost is its ascription to the Lord Himself, which we can hardly be mistaken in regarding as an attempt to claim yet higher sanction than was claimed by the various compilations which were styled " apostolic. " This fact alone would lead us to infer the pre-existence of certain of the latter.
This example was followed by lesser magnates, who styled themselves loosely, or were so styled by the chroniclers, " princes," even though they had little claim to independent sovereignty.
All these various classes of princes are styled Fiirst and have the predicate " Serene Highness " (Durchlaucht).
The chief executive officer is an official appointed by the Union government and styled administrator of the province.
Silistria was the Durostorum of the Romans (Bulgarian Drstr); the ancient name remains in the title of the archbishop, who is styled metropolitan of Dorostol, and whose diocese is now united with that of Tcherven (Rustchuk).
In 1372 the burgesses obtained assize of bread and ale, and right to hold the courts of the lord of the manor, the prepositus being styled his mayor.
This elder line of Berkeley survived for more than two centuries on their lands of Dursley and Cubberley, but after his father's death Maurice, son of Robert, is styled Maurice of Berkeley.
The fowls were kept in cages by a servant, styled pullarius.
The connexion with Tyrrhenians which began with Hellanicus, Herodotus and Sophocles becomes confusion with them in the 3rd century, when the Lemnian pirates and their Attic kinsmen are plainly styled Tyrrhenians, and early fortress-walls in Italy (like those on the Palatine in Rome) are quoted as "Arcadian" colonies.
The calf, if calf there be, is probably a symbol of the execrable heresy of Darazi, who is frequently styled the calf by his Orthodox opponents.
On a hill of lower elevation than the castle and separated from the esplanade by a depression styled the Valley - the tilting-ground of former times - a cemetery has been laid out.
To indicate its political dignity, it was named New Rome, while to perpetuate the fame of its founder it was styled Constantinople.
This explains the fact that Arians are sometimes styled Exokionitae by ecclesiastical historians.
So much did the race-course (begun by Severus but completed by Constantine) enter into the life of the people that it has been styled " the axis of the Byzantine world."
Traces of the harbour styled the Kontoscalion are found at Kum Kapu.
He is officially styled the prefect of Stamboul, and is assisted by a council of twenty-four members, appointed by the sultan or the minister of the interior.
In 1646 he is styled one of the "secretaries" of the Parliament, and in 1647 he published his best known work, The History of the Long Parliament.
In 1629 he was able to beat off a formidable attack of the sultan of Mataram, sometimes styled emperor of Java, upon Batavia.
This " eased the lazy from the pains of search, stopped the inquiry of the doubtful, concerning all that was once styled innate.
In November the duke of Orleans, who had styled himself Philippe Egalite, had sat in the Convention, and had voted for the king's death, went to the scaffold.
In the progeny of these crossed wheats, especially in the second generation, much variation and difference of character is observable - a phenomenon commonly noticed in the descendants from crosses and hybrids, and styled by Naudin "irregular variation."
The proper designation of the judge is official principal of the Arches court, but by custom he came to be styled the dean of the Arches, a title belonging formerly to the chief official of the subordinate court.
If Thucydides is justly accounted the first political historian, Ari may be fitly styled the first of scientific historians.
He was successful, and by the treaty of Arras, January 1579, he was able to secure the support of the "Malcontents," as the Catholic nobles of the south were styled, to the royal cause.
To-day Vishnu is adored by the Vishnavite sects as the equal or even the superior of Brahma, and is styled the Preserver.
A committee of the privy council in Ireland was appointed, to be styled the Irish Universities Committee.
In one text the Cromm Cruach is styled the chief idol of Ireland.
Turgeis apparently united the Viking forces, as he is styled the first king of the Norsemen in Ireland.
The state 'legislature is officially styled the General Assembly, and is composed of a Senate and a House of Representatives.
Afterwards (1866) the Gambia became a portion of the officially styled "West African Settlements."
For the sake of brevity we might call the former the " philological " system, as it rests chiefly on the study of language, while the latter might be styled the " historical " or " anthropological " school, as it is based on the study of man in the sum of his manners, ideas and institutions.
While the All-Father belief is common in the tribes of southeastern Australia, the tribes round Lake Eyre, the Arunta (as known to Messrs Spencer and Gillen), and the other central and northern tribes, are credited with no germs of belief in what is called a supreme, and may truly be styled a superior being.
Turning to the Congo basin in the south, the great Luba and Lunda peoples are found stretching nearly across the continent, the latter, from at any rate the end of the 16th century until the close of the 19th century, more or less united under a single ruler, styled Muata Yanvo.
It is also styled MaKKaf3aiuw MaKKaaaiovr.
The export of wines of the southJerez, Malaga and other fullbodied wines styled generosodid not suffer so much, and England and France continued to take much the same quantities of such wines- There is also a large export of grapes and raisins, especially from Malaga, Valencia, AlmerIa and Alicante.
Its members are styled regidores or concejales, and half their number is elected every two years.
The immense majority of the people are professed adherents of the Roman Catholic faith, so that, so far as numbers go, Spain is still the most Catholic country in the world, as it has long been styled.
The secondary schools, of which there must be at least one in every province, are styled institutes and are mostly self-supporting, the fees paid by the pupils usually cover the expenses of such establishments, which also receive subsidies from some of the provincial councils.
The military academies are Toledo for infantry, Segovia for artillery, Valladolid for cavalry, Avila for commissariat, Escorial for carabineers, Getafe for civil guards, besides a staff college styled Escuela Superior de Guerra at Madrid.
The political as well as the administrative life of the country was absolutely in the hands of the wire-pullers in Madrid; and their local agents, the governors, the mayors and the electoral potentates styled los Caciques, were all creatures of the minister of the interior at the head of Castilian centralization.
Silvela endeavoured to unite in what he styled a Modern Conservative party the bulk of the followers of Canovas; the Ultramontanes, who were headed by General Polavieja and Seor Pidal; the Catalan Regionalists, whose leader, Duran y Bas, became a cabinet minister; and his own personal following, of whom the most prominent were the home secretary, Seor Dato, and the talented and energetic finance minister, Seor Villaverde, upon whose shoulders rested the heaviest part of the task of the new cabinet.
In the last quarter of the igth century they fell under the control of France, the region being styled officially the French Sudan.
Rose, editor of the British Magazine, who has been styled "the Cambridge originator of the Oxford Movement."
This supreme head of their church they styled "bishop of Philadelphia," Philadelphia being the mystic name of their community; under him were bishops, e.g.
It was no secret that this action of the Arminians was taken with the approval and connivance of the advocate, who was what was styled a libertine, i.e.
And three hundred years after Hipparchus, the Alexandrian astronomer Ptolemy adopted a very similar scheme in his uranometria, which appears in the seventh and eighth books of his Almagest, the catalogue being styled the "EKOfois Kavovud7 or " accepted version."
In spite of precautions this fact became public and provoked the formidable riot styled "The battle of the umbrellas" that broke out the next day.
The leading poets of the court dedicated to her a collection of verses entitled Isottaei, styled her their mistress and the chosen of Apollo.
He was punished by him on some desolate hill (usually styled Caucasus) for fire-stealing, and was finally released by Heracles.
After good times and hard times and a number of renovations, it is once again a major New England travel hub, second only to Logan Airport where I'd just left my wife Even the iconic clock on the front of the building with its twelve foot face, styled after Big Ben, has been restored and running again.
Ginger, coiffed and styled by the best, was ready for a fashion photographer's lens while continually rolling her eyes with disdain toward her sister-in-law.
His clothing was styled differently, with a dark V-neck tunic, dark pants, and a thick belt around his lower abdomen.
However, with few exceptions, the cottages are styled within the vernacular revival idiom.
Her band The True Warriors were rather more elegantly attired in a Japanese styled suit get up.
This traditionally styled trike (right) can be fitted with a supportive backrest, as shown.
The bodies are styled in light crepe georgette with contrasting pink charmeuse trim.
The delightful bedrooms are all individually styled, commanding views of the sea, the gardens or the wooded combe that flanks the hotel.
Made of the most gorgeous black silk crepe and styled with a slight puff to the front panel, they invite total adoration.
The 2004 model features three-spoke wheels and a boldly styled full fairing painted in either Ducati red or Ducati yellow.
Savings on everything from Asian styled gifts to Zebra porcelain figurines.
This elegantly styled headboard with its antique gold rails and sculpted accents is certainly full of Italian charm.
To this day, the Grand Master of the Order of Malta is styled His Most eminent highness.
Although styled to resemble the screwcutting lathes, only the tailstock handwheel and minor controls were the same.
Has luminous filled hands and hour indications, classic styled bracelet and glass display back.
Nightwear french knicker - £ 49 Day Birger et Mikkelsen's nightwear french knicker - £ 49 Day Birger et Mikkelsen's Nightwear french knicker is styled in delicate, crushed silk.
Many of it's executive styled offices overlook the apple orchard.
Using full 18/8 grade headers or pipes matched to an impeccably styled sports silencer, these are the definitive sports tourer systems.
All outfits were again styled with red tights, sparkly slip-ons and additional knitted head pieces which resembled mini Tam O'Shanter beret hats.
Styled with a V neckline and square armholes, this longline sweater pattern is written for sizes 32 " - 50 " .
All handmade tiaras can be styled to suit your design or budget, call or email with your requirements.
This was traditionally styled, beautifully designed and has a proved track record at the box office - making it a very smart buy.
Each of the bedrooms has been styled individually, all are exceptionally well-appointed and Freeview and broadband Internet access feature in every room.
We've got the unit itself already attached (via watch styled spring pins) to the wide Velcro wrist strap.
Meanwhile Durazzo, with Berat and Central Albania, had passed into the hands of the Sicilian kings of the house of Anjou, who ruled these regions, which they styled the "Kingdom of Albania," from 1271 to 1368, maintaining a constant warfare with the Byzantine emperors.
He has been sometimes erroneously called "Peer of Merchiston," and in the 1645 edition of the Flamm Discovery he is so styled (see Mark Napier's Memoirs, pp. 9 and 173, and Libri qui supersunt, p. xciv.).
His policy was to establish a strong central government, and he became the head of a party known as Unitarians in contradistinction to their opponents, who were styled Federalists, their aim being to main taro to the utmost the local autonomy of the various provinces.
Bruges was forced after strenuous resistance to submit to the loss of its most cherished privileges in 1438, and the revolt of Ghent was quenched in the " red sea " (as it was styled) of Gavre in 1453.
It was probably his son or nephew (for the relationship is uncertain, the genealogies of the O'Neills being rendered obscure by the contemporaneous occurrence of the same name in different branches of the family) Hugh O'Neill, lord of Tyrone, who was styled "Head of the liberality and valour of the Irish."
But, though the invention of the terms " Roman Catholic " and " Roman Catholicism " early implied the retention by the English Church of her Catholic claim, her members were never, after the Reformation, called Catholics; even the Caroline divines of the 17th century, for all their " popish practices," styled themselves Protestants, though they would have professed their adherence to " the Catholic faith " and their belief in " the Holy Catholic Church."
For the Asiatic provinces and Egypt, the old Persian name of satrapy (see Satrap) was still retained, but the governor seems to have been styled of Govern- officially in Greek strategos, although the term satrap certainly continued current in common parlance.
The members and sympathizers of the party of reform who styled themselves " Young Turks," working largely from the European centres and from the different points in the Turkish Empire to which the sultan had exiled them for the purpose of repression - their relentless persecution by the sultan thus proving to be his own undoing - spread a powerful propaganda throughout the Turkish Empire against the old regime, in the face of that persecution and of the open and characteristic scepticism, and indeed of the hostile action, of some of the European powers.
Tobacco Regie.-From the beginning of the year 1884 the tobacco revenue has been worked as a monopoly by a company formed under Ottoman law, styled " La Regie Imperiale Cointeressee des Tabacs Ottomans."
When we come to Elizabethan times, we possess a few examples of the sermons of the "judicious" Hooker (1 554 - a 600); Henry Smith (1550-1591) was styled "the prime preacher of the nation"; and Lancelot Andrewes (1555-1626), whose sermons were posthumously printed at the command of James in 1628, dazzled his contemporaries by the brilliancy of his euphemism; Andrewes was called "the star of preachers."
The opinions of his enemies were ventilated in a lampoon styled Mondolat.
The Exposition du Systeme du monde (Paris, 1796) has been styled by Arago "the Mecanique celeste disembarrassed of its analytical paraphernalia."
A central body, styled the Metropolitan Board of - Works, having jurisdiction over the whole metropolis (including the City) was also established, the members of which were elected by the Common Council of the Works.
Ippolito was styled the Magnifico and destined to be ruler of the republic, but Cardinal Passerini's regency proved most unpopular, and the city was soon seething with discontent.
It is unfortunate, as it awakens prejudice, but in the present writer's opinion it is true, that crystal-gazing sometimes is rewarded with results which may be styled "supra-normal."
If the process commonly styled "telepathy" exists (see Telepathy), that may account for the scryer's power of seeing facts which are in the mind of the inquirer.
The political history of the parts of Saxony left by the capitulation of Wittenberg to the Ernestine line, which occupy the region now generally styled Thuringia (Thuringen), is mainly a recital of partitions, reunions, redivisions and fresh combinations of territory among the various sons of the successive dukes.
The household of the Norman and Angevin kings of England included certain persons of secondary rank, styled dapifers, seneschals or stewards (the prototypes of the lord steward), who were entrusted with domestic and state duties; the former duties were those of purveyors and sewers to the king, the latter were undefined.
It was in this sense, and not, as has been often asserted, in the sense of " Gate of God " or " Gate of Religion," that the title Bab was understood and assumed by Mirz&`Ali Muhammad; but,though still generally thus styled by non-Babis, he soon assumed the higher title of .Nugta (" Point "), and the title Bab, thus left vacant, was conferred on his ardent disciple, Mull& Husayn of Bushrawayh.
Among the other churches of Cologne, which was fondly styled in the middle ages the ",,holy city," (heilige Stadt) and "German Rome," and, according to legend, possessed as many sacred fanes as there are days in the year, are several of interest both for their age and for the monuments and works of art they contain.
Ellis was an intimate friend of Sir Walter Scott, who styled him "the first converser I ever saw," and dedicated to him the fifth canto of Marmion.
Not long since I read his epitaph in the old Lincoln burying-ground, a little on one side, near the unmarked graves of some British grenadiers who fell in the retreat from Concord--where he is styled "Sippio Brister"--Scipio Africanus he had some title to be called--"a man of color," as if he were discolored.
Miloradovich, who said he did not want to know anything about the commissariat affairs of his detachment, and could never be found when he was wanted--that chevalier sans peur et sans reproche * as he styled himself--who was fond of parleys with the French, sent envoys demanding their surrender, wasted time, and did not do what he was ordered to do.
The retro styled venue has two main rooms which can accommodate a wide variety of events.
Elle Macpherson 's Nova chemise is styled in slinky fabric for a sexy, figure hugging look.
Features unique race car styled wheel that lets you steer in all directions.
Styled with a V neckline and square armholes, this longline sweater pattern is written for sizes 32 " - 50 ".
Finished in a high luster white gloss, complete with a traditionally styled weir waste overflow.
We 've got the unit itself already attached (via watch styled spring pins) to the wide velcro wrist strap.
The unit 's occupier is the maker of wrought iron styled gates and other similar items.
Made of silky satin with fret board styled wrist strap and star zipper pull.
A highly stylized minimal design steel and glass lamp will definitely look weird when placed in a room with Victorian styled furniture.
Remember that knee-length retro styled cutoffs may not be appropriate for that parent teacher meeting, even if they are currently the rage!
If you have clay styled tiles on your roof, you can replace them with solar designed tiles that look like the real thing.
Modern styled lamps and nightstands blend perfectly with the warmth of the wood ceiling and walls.
Antique or retro styled furniture might be mixed with modern pieces that complement each other with clean lines and simple forms.
Neo-rococo was a popular sub-theme in the Louis styled furniture.
Wrought iron wall art has made a huge impact on the decorating world, and stores such as Kirklands and Tuesday Morning typically have a large selection of these and other Tuscany styled designs at affordable prices.
Use your imagination and be creative in recycling something into a whimsical or bohemian styled headboard.
The function of a family room will directly influence how the room is styled and decorated.
One of America's most popular decorating schemes, traditional style is rooted in designs that emerged during the 18th and 19th centuries, including Queen Anne style, and furnishings styled after Chippendale and Thomas Sheraton.
Blanket styled throws and stylized pillow designs are great texture and color contrasts to soften the overall interior design.
After your makeup is complete, relax while your hair is styled by a professional stylist.
In other words, a bohemian styled dress calls for equally relaxed looking makeup, while a more formal looking dress may call for a look that is equally formal.
If you want to find California styled clothing, then a local Pac Sun store is a good place to look.
She also got her hair styled at a local hair salon.
St. Lucia Sandals Resort-This British Colonial styled resort features the 200 year old Fort Rodney, and the resort has been awarded the 5-Star Diamond Award.
Funky fonts are a great way to bring a touch of fun to your slim wedding programs, but may look incongruous with a classic styled program.
Therefore contemporary styled bud vases are ideal for a modern wedding, whereas classically styled vases are perfect for a traditional event.
Because these decorating themes are so popular, finding western styled items and furnishings is quite simple, and creating a timeless feeling in the bathroom begins with a rustic cabin shower curtain.
Solids or prints make this an excellent fabric choice for casual styled bedding.
This style of bedding comes with both realistic or cartoon styled dinosaurs.
Fortunately, there are also well styled dresses that can answer to a slightly older girl's wish to look trendy and a parent's wish that she still look age-appropriate.
Beautiful vests - Pair a Hannah Montana styled vest with any dress to revamp your little girl's style.
Styled similar to a toboggan, but with lighter-weight material, stocking hats fit tightly on the head.
Instead of the old styled glass umbrella table, newer materials like plastic laminates, all-weather wickers, resins, tiles and slates are popular for modern lawn furniture.
Wicker furniture is a beautiful addition to a cottage-type patio, but looks silly on a sleek, tropically styled one.
Besides adding functionality, window seats can dress up or down a room depending on how they are styled.
Fans come with bowl styled lights, turtle light kits with glass shades, and more.
Items of beaded jewelry may be classically styled, with simple shapes and understated beauty or fun and funky with flamboyant styles and unusual gemstone colors or shapes.
Vintage style jewelry would look great with classic styled prom gowns.
Necklaces - Whether your necklace is going to be a dramatic gold pendant or a classic styled collar the end result will be stunning.
The earring organizer is styled, tree like, with branches that are used to hang earrings from.
Dark brown oak is fantastic for traditional styled bedrooms and dressing rooms and complements other dark wood items.
Some popular forms of earring trees are styled after real trees and these make a particularly good choice for many situations.
This hundred year step-up from the 1928 designs reflects a forward-thinking mindset for incorporating vintage styled pieces with modern fashion demands.
There are some uniquely styled jewelry sets that use black onyx and white pearls together.
In contrast, you may prefer a modern styled jewelry set with a strand of pearls and an emerald cut onyx dangling from the center.
If you want to transform an old watch, you might enjoy the signature Native American styled watch bands of sterling silver with blue turquoise and coral.
Unless you have a very distinctive sense of humor, your best bet is to wear a khaki colored sports coat with a similarly styled pair of pants.
For example, the Princeton Courtney Sport Coat is a classically styled blazer that's made in medium-wale corduroy with woven leather buttons.
Geoffrey Beene Dress Shirt in Wrinkle Free Fitted Sateen is a professionally styled fitted shirt that has a sateen finish.
There are many styles available, ranging from pullovers to cardigans, and they can really look quite fashionable when styled right.
These days, a lot of designers recognize that plus size teens want clothes that are up-to-the-minute, and styled to fit and flatter them.
Styled by fashion designer Stephen Hadley, this line of clothing is created specifically with the plus size woman in mind.
From their exquisite sheath style evening dress of silk chiffon called Simply Elegant to the sexy and shimmery A-line halter styled evening dress Captivating, there is sure to be a style that will make you feel like a million dollars.
It's the more elaborately styled variations that lend themselves better to dressy occasions.
Though it's rare for such a combination to successfully work, it can be accomplished when it's styled right.
They go with nearly everything and can be styled in plenty of creative ways!
Petite and tall pluses get a better fit if they purchase from manufacturers who specialize in those unique sizes because the garments will be designed and styled to flatter the shorter or taller body.
Gym or pool time - Aerobic exercising, either at the gym or in the pool, might make you consider a shorter hair style that can be quickly washed, dried and styled after a shower.
A bit of texturizing adds interest and gives you a fun, gently "messy" look that is very hip and can be styled in a variety of ways.
You also want to avoid anything that looks too styled or fussy.
Think of the things you need to do on a regular basis, such as grocery shopping, banking, and getting your hair cut or styled.
With short layers at the crown area, pixie cuts are easy to maintain, styled quickly and look great on many older women.
If your time for grooming is limited, you may want to choose a short, tailored-looking cut that can dry naturally or can be quickly styled with a hair dryer and a round brush.
Caviar styled frames are great fashion fun!
What helps this site stand apart from other similarly styled resources is the company's full service approach to helping potential customers find what they need.
If that is a bit too off the mark for you, no worries, as you'll also be able to find more "traditionally" styled looks.However, it is worth noting that there are not many styles that are done in a metal frame.
In Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas he steps it up a notch and wears very large aviator styled frames with a retro feel.
These often outrageously styled glasses go hand in hand with everything else that Cavalli does; pushing the envelope of what is hip by adding risqué touches and lavish embellishments is what Cavalli has always done best.
The Igea is a classically styled design.
The guitar controller that comes with this bundle is styled to look like the Hofner Bass that Paul McCartney played.
The game is really two games in one, as it includes a single player adventure styled in the classic Metroid flavor, but it also has an extremely robust multiplayer mode that utilizes Nintendo's Wi-Fi connection service.
The graphics in Seed are realistic enough to be believable but styled in a way that's very pleasing to the eye.
Deca Sports is developed by Hudson Soft and not Nintendo, so while there is no support for the Mii characters, you do get on-screen avatars that are styled in much the same way.
Located in the Rhône River Valley, the region has multiple appellations that each produce uniquely styled wines with different grape compositions.
Most people start their wine 101 white, sweeter wines like Gewurtztraminer or Riesling and then move into lighter body reds such as Beaujolais or Merlot and then end up with the dryer, bigger styled reds like Syrah or Cabernet.
Since France, Germany and Italy are considered the grandaddy of wine regions, many wines are classified as being styled in the tradition of wine regions in these countries.
Vintage Victorian styled Valentine's Day cards were made in a wide variety of designs and styles making them a fun and popular collectible of today.
Colonial Revival - Colonial styled chairs came back into style between the 1930s and 1950s.
Many of these instructions detail how to build a pickup truck camper, and others show how to build an RV styled camper.
Peek-a-boo highlights are a creative option that allows for highlights to peek through in different ways depending on how hair is styled.
Human hair wigs can be washed, colored,highlighted and styled just like your own hair.
The term "virgin" implies that the hair has never been color treated or permanently styled.
This cut can be styled in a messy manner or smoothed out.
If an updo is wanted, and a hair stylist will be adding it, make sure to be prepared on the day the hair is to be styled.
The hair is styled so it appears there are patterns of rings around the head, however no cutting or shaving is required.
Layers may add volume and texture, but it is important to remember that the hidden layers beneath the hair are far shorter than those on top, and the hair will not be able to be easily styled into updos or pulled-back looks.
First of all, make sure your hair has been properly cut and styled using appropriate hair products such as the TiGi Bed Head line.
Hair could be worn curly, styled into sultry waves, or crafted into a sleek sedu hair style.
Most people assume that punk hair styles have a single look, but in fact hair that can be classified as punk can be styled in a number of ways, and it may be long, short, layered, teased, or otherwise coiffed differently from day to day.
While any length of hair can be styled into a creative punk look, longer hair is generally easier to mold into exotic looks.
Another option is to purchase a costume wig either already in a punk style or just with long locks that can be styled with unique colors and shapes.
Red hair can be coiffed and styled into many stunning looks that show off its unusual color.
However, if you are not going to have your hair styled in a salon, you should practice your style several times before the big event, no matter how simple it is.
Loose styles are also popular with short and medium length hair that may not be able to be styled into an updo, but can be turned into a stylish flip, bob, or other look with bridal flair.
Ashton Kutcher's hair is expertly styled, yet the end result is simple, casual and extra-tousled, lending it a youthful look.
If that isn't in your prom budget, opt for a less expensive, simpler style, or try getting your hair styled at a beauty school instead.
This technique uses a combination of highlights and lowlights for a dramatic color style that enhances straight or styled hair.
Remember, only cut bangs when they're dry, and try to have your hair styled the way you will normally wear it.
Even a trendy hair style can look bad if it isn't right for the person wearing it, and a poorly styled look can turn otherwise fabulous fashion into a style nightmare.
When done right, they have a look that's at once styled and yet wild.
To ensure that hair can be styled into a luxurious updo, eat a diet for healthy hair and drink plenty of water for several weeks prior to the special event.
Natural hair wigs can be colored and heat styled just like a regular head of hair.
Emo hair may be styled or colored in a different fashion, but the overall look is right on trend.
Hair should be freshly styled and adorned to celebrate this romantic occasion.
There's a reason all those pre-Raphaelite paintings feature women with their hair hanging long and only partially bound up - lightly styled long hair has always been considered beautiful and sensual.
Needless to say, it requires a touch of daring to really pull off a look that is as heavily styled as these.
The models are an interpretation of the hairdresser's unique vision, and everything - from the makeup to the clothes to the hair - is styled magnificently and enigmatically.
Long hair can be styled in more ways than short hair, letting you experiment with different long hair prom styles that you wouldn't be able to wear without the extensions.
Braids are also a good transitional style for people who are trying to go from relaxed hair to natural, perm-free hair, and neatly styled braids are acceptable in a professional work environment.
The hair may be plaited only about a half of an inch down so that the loosely hanging hair can be styled as desired.
Box braids with human hair last longer than synthetic hair, and the human hair can be styled a variety of ways, just as a person would style their own hair.
Short hair is a beautiful alternative to longer hairstyles and can be styled in so many different ways, despite the length.
His blonde, shaggy hair was styled in a traditional mullet, which happened to be the style of the moment in the mid-1980s.
If you notice that you have loss hair and you believe that it is due to your braids, you need to go immediately to the braider who styled your hair.
A 70s shag hairstyle will always be considered a sexy and carefree alternative to neatly arranged and styled hair.
Of all of the layered hair styles, this style is the one of the easiest to maintain because your hair can be styled almost exclusively with your hands.
The hair is styled, usually sculpted into the desired look.
Although bangs were a trademark in many decades, the 1980s was famous for the heavily sprayed and styled bang, also known as "mall hair."
Modern bangs are also softer and styled with minimal product, creating full yet touchable body.
The most popular, sexy look is slightly longer, wavy hair styled with a bit of hair gel for boost and structure, such as Twilight star Robert Pattinson's messy look.
Banks does not have an afro; rather her shoulder length locks, which she claims are not chemically treated, were blown out and styled by a professional to make them appear healthy, shiny, and curvy, not kinky.
A frizz serum will go a long way to prevent unruly ends, while hair accessories such as elastics, bobby pins, and effortless head bands will help keep hair styled while the mercury is rising.
They can be treated like your own hair and dyed to match or styled with curling irons, blow dryers and other styling products.
Curly hair is much more wash-and-go friendly than heavily styled tresses.
While a bang may seem like a harmless addition to any haircut, they can be problematic on the best styles if they aren't styled correctly.
Some of Lady Gaga's most outrageous and most memorable hair looks include her innovative and edgy "hair" accessories where her own locks are heavily styled and crafted into unique hair pieces.
Royal styles were very decorated and heavily styled.
It's easy to make dark hair look glossy, whether it's styled straight, in waves, or in curls.
Shags are frequently cut with a razor into uneven lengths that can be styled into a variety of tousled, messy looks.
Emo hair is usually dyed black with uneven choppy layers, an asymmetrical front, crazy-colored highlights, and styled to look straight and stiff, especially in the front.
More and more men are beginning to sport longer hair styled in braids, low ponytails, cornrows or dread locks, which gives them the option of a little more hair that is still easy to maintain and has a trendier look.
It can be pulled back into a ponytail, secured with a sweatband, or styled into cornrows or dreadlocks, but avoid overly tight styles that can damage the hair and promote hair loss.
For an outdoor day wedding, or if as the bride you're the only one that wants her hair to be elaborately styled, having the bridesmaids sport waves will make your bridal party look polished and not overdone.
If your style borders on funky, you may opt for cool long layers that can be styled in spikes or messy bed head styles.
While the Bandeau Kini is self-explanatory (bandeau styled tops), the Beach Undie is heavily influenced by women's lingerie and features a wide array of boy short bottoms.
One of the best things about a bikini styled top is the fact that it can work with just about any kind of bottom.
There you'll find a similarly styled white bikini.
Note too that a similarly styled swim diaper and sun hat are also available to purchase.
Some women may prefer a tankini styled top to a traditional bikini top for a few different reasons.
If that's the case, you can find a similarly styled white bikini top and blue bikini bottom at Bella Beachwear.
This campaign was styled in a fresher, more innocent look to appeal to women interested in buying bikinis - not the guys who want to see her in one!
Accessories were virtually nonexistent, but her hair was highly styled in a slick-back look.
Even if you are a guy, wouldn't you be happy if you got your girlfriend or wife to wear a Joanna-Krupa styled bikini?
Therefore, well styled swimwear will allow the youngster to join in the fun with her friends without feeling self-conscious or that people are looking at her.
Some two piece suits are surprisingly modest, particularly those with boy-cut legs and athletic styled bras.
You can find similarly styled bikinis at the American Bikini Shop.
The bottoms were styled like a traditional string bikini bottom.
Expect to have the suit fit closer to the skin and to be styled in a bright pattern like jungle prints or flowers.
There are a couple of good reasons to wear a tonga styled bikini.
Whether you prefer a bandeau-styled top, or a halter styled one, you'll be delighted with all the different options that are available for purchase.
Whether you are in the market for a cute tankini, eye-catching hipster swim shorts, or are in need of a smartly styled coverup, you'll want to browse this diverse collection.
Styles like Under Armour's Tide Board Shorts combine the best of both worlds as it blends a brilliant color -- a periwinkle blue -- with a smartly styled, grey and white geometric pattern, for a truly modern look.
This Tropical look is no exception as the suit features deep side cutouts, a plunging neckline that’s held together by a seductive O-shaped ring, and a halter styled top that is quite flattering to the shoulders.
A retro styled suit has the advantage of being flattering on just about every figure.
Tankini bathing suits can a wonderfully fashionable alternative to a traditionally styled bikini.
Here, you'll find halter style bikinis that are paired with boy shorts, and more traditionally styled tankinis that are then coupled with high-cut bikini bottoms.
The Madame Alexander Doll Factory and Styled By Me Barbie both follow a similar model.
It has rooted brown hair, styled similarly to the movie, and wears a button-up shirt, jacket, jeans and shoes.
Magic Hair Stamp 'n' Style - Sophina and Avery come with longer hair that can be colored and styled with the accessories included.
The lid of this toy box is removable and styled to serve as a portable play surface.
Soft lace tank tops are great for warmer weather, and they can be styled with embroidered cotton tees in a peasant style.
You'll enjoy wearing them after you get used to the feeling of wearing a jumpsuit-like garment, mostly because they are incredibly comfortable, even when styled in a sexier manner.
But however it's styled, this is a cut that always says "summer."
While you can fashion a halter top out of a scarf, you can also buy one that's simply styled like one.
These halter looks are never-fail, and they can be styled very effectively, depending on how you put together your outfit of choice.
Yumdrop's Versatile Vixen Halter Dress, which can actually be styled several different ways.
The maxi dress is ideal for dinners out with the family, knee-length dresses are great for shopping and running errands, and a shorter styled dress works well for romantic evenings.
Both are styled in the true fashion of a vintage crock pot with a whimsical flair.
Classically styled birthday cake candles remain popular and are a great choice.
They provide stained glass styled votive holders in jeweled tones.