Stumps Sentence Examples
Actually, her legs felt like stumps and her groin muscles were knotted with pain.
You use this lever to lower the sickle, like this and then lift it over stumps and such.
The higher Australian peaks in the south-east look just what they are, the worn and denuded stumps of mountains, standing for untold ages above the sea.
Sawdust, slabs, stumps and large quantities of logs are wasted.
Similar granitic intrusions occurred in New South Wales and Queensland, and built up a mountain chain, which ran north and south across the continent; its worn-down stumps now form the east Australian highlands.
Pine stumps and waste limbs are utilized, notably at Hattiesburg, for the manufacture of charcoal, tar, creosote, turpentine, &c. Fisheries Fishing is a minor industry, confined for the most part to the Mississippi Sound and neighbouring waters and to the Mississippi and Yazoo rivers.
The development of this fungus is greatly promoted by the presence of decaying stumps and wood in the plantation.
Vigorous measures are now taken in many plantations to remove all old wood and to extract stumps of old trees, which in the first instance it was considered unnecessary to remove.
The stumps of Prynne's ears were shorn off in the pillory, and he was branded on the cheeks with the letters S.L., meaning "seditious libeller," which Prynne, however, interpreted as "stigmata laudis."
Limbs sometimes reduced to small stumps.
AdvertisementThe highlands are the worn down stumps of this mountain line.
They live beneath the bark of trees, in the crevices of rock and of rotten stumps of trees, and beneath stones.
In the Coal Measures they commonly occur in the underclay beneath the coal-seams. Complete specimens of the stumps show that from the base of the aerial stem four Stigmarian branches were given off, which took a horizontal or obliquely descending course, forking at least twice.
Medieval ridge and furrow earthworks and three post medieval tree stumps were recorded within the development area.
The throw, tho, from the substitute fielder Stephen Peters, who had only just taken the field, missed the stumps.
AdvertisementHis first 3 balls all hit the stumps, making him surely the youngest hat-trick hero in Collegiate's history.
By using the dowels to inoculate cut logs or stumps, mushroom mycelium can be encouraged to grow throughout or colonize the wood.
Wood ants will use pine needles for making their nest mounds, and decayed tree stumps will be frequented by weevils.
A further flush of flowering may occur from September to October if new shoots develop on the cut down stumps left in cereal stubble.
These Aussies can't even hit the stumps from 80 yards!
AdvertisementIt takes you off track into a narrow taped chicane around fir trees, trying to miss stumps on the off side.
Crops grow in the fields and tall trees in woods have replaced the shattered stumps of eighty years ago.
Malcolm pointed to some rotten stumps with holes in, " a good example of Weka work " he muttered.
Both would be left as mere stumps in a wasteland.
There may be a few pine stumps among the Field Maple.
AdvertisementIn autumn you may see toadstools growing in the leaf litter or bracket fungus growing on tree stumps.
Despite a burgeoning waistline, Piper remains a safe pair of hands behind the stumps.
Heavy clays, gravel and sands, containing cypress stumps, driftwood and mastodon bones, are characteristic. The loess or bluff formation lies along the bluffs bordering the Bottom, nearly continuously through the state.
Meanwhile charred and rotting stumps give a melancholy and untidy air to valleys and denuded hillsides, for hard-wood stumps - and most New Zealand trees are hard-woodtake more than a generation to decay utterly.
I got out several cords of stumps in plowing, which supplied me with fuel for a long time, and left small circles of virgin mould, easily distinguishable through the summer by the greater luxuriance of the beans there.
He cut his trees level and close to the ground, that the sprouts which came up afterward might be more vigorous and a sled might slide over the stumps; and instead of leaving a whole tree to support his corded wood, he would pare it away to a slender stake or splinter which you could break off with your hand at last.
He sawed a channel in the ice toward the shore, and hauled it over and along and out on to the ice with oxen; but, before he had gone far in his work, he was surprised to find that it was wrong end upward, with the stumps of the branches pointing down, and the small end firmly fastened in the sandy bottom.
I had an old axe which nobody claimed, with which by spells in winter days, on the sunny side of the house, I played about the stumps which I had got out of my bean-field.
Stumps thirty or forty years old, at least, will still be sound at the core, though the sapwood has all become vegetable mould, as appears by the scales of the thick bark forming a ring level with the earth four or five inches distant from the heart.
Farther down the hill, on the left, on the old road in the woods, are marks of some homestead of the Stratton family; whose orchard once covered all the slope of Brister's Hill, but was long since killed out by pitch pines, excepting a few stumps, whose old roots furnish still the wild stocks of many a thrifty village tree.
The cleared rhododendron has been regenerating very rapidly from the cut stumps.
Swift currents flowing between the Atlantic and the North Sea soon eroded the islands, leaving the stumps as sandbanks in the channel.
Pietersen has a shy at the stumps, but misses with the Australian just about making his ground.
In the photograph, the stark silhouettes of the ragged tree stumps fade into the aerial perspective of the murky, undefined distance.
These Aussies ca n't even hit the stumps from 80 yards !
Throwing For run-outs from my favorite cover-point and point positions I often throw underarm at the stumps.
Things are never dull when she stirs her stumps to create a mild uproar in that pompous little town.
Here, uprooted tree stumps are arranged to form a natural sculpture that provides a safe haven for woodland plants and wildlife.
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Excellent for covering bowers, railings, stumps, cottages, etc., and also for naturalisation in hedgerows and copses.
A. Sipho is generally used as a wall-plant, but is finer for covering bowers, or for clambering up trees or over stumps.
Smilax Tamnoides - This grows well in the Bamboo Garden at Kew, and shows well how such a plant may be used to ramble over tree stumps to make a mass of picturesque vegetation.
It thrives in the open air in summer, and is a beautiful plant for festooning old stumps, or for trailing over dead branches placed against a warm south wall.
Muhlenbeckia - These graceful free-growing evergreen trailers are useful as coverings for trellis-work or rocks or stumps.
The evergreen Polypodiums associate well with flowering plants that do not require frequent removing, and they may be made to cover bare spaces beneath trees, or to overrun stumps.
Whilst some vines are valuable for the walls of houses, others may be used for covering arbours, pergolas, the pillars of verandahs, old tree stumps, or sloping banks.
For covering arbours, walls, verandahs, or old tree stumps there is no climber which produces so brilliant an effect in so short a time.
Trim shrubbery from around the area and clear away debris, like dead wood, leaves and stumps that may be a hazard.
It never grows in wet boggy places, never in woods, or on or about stumps of trees.