Stumble Sentence Examples
There was no way to know where Lana was; he had to hope to stumble upon her.
That's why you changed the lock so snoopy Mrs. Glass wouldn't stumble on it.
Couldn't he stumble - just once?
As we stumble about in the dark, we will never be able to find our way home.
You may stumble on some retro styles that look cool and trendy now.
Do not let a little stumble disrupt the vows.
Luckily for them, they stumble across an abandoned village.
I suddenly realize what I've done and mumbling some excuse, I stumble outside.
If you happen to stumble upon a yellow jacket colony, you should slowly walk away with both hands covering your face.
Since many bookmarking sites such as Digg and Stumble Upon will penalize or possibly ban you for constantly submitting your own work, allowing your readers to do this might be a good idea.
AdvertisementAt best he was going to be a distraction - at worst he would be one more thing to stumble over in the barn.
You cannot accidentally stumble across a pin protected subscription based channel.
This type of bad publicity can often cause actors' careers to stumble.
Tired legs are more likely to trip and stumble, leading to potential injuries.
Direct sources, such as people who work on the show, make up anonymous accounts to post their information or pass it on to someone else to be reported.Sometimes fans stumble upon spoilers accidentally.
AdvertisementNot soon after the beginning of the year, Harry and his friends stumble upon a petrified cat next to a stunned ghost and an eerie warning written on the castle wall.
If you're using the name in a story, if it is too difficult to pronounce, readers will just stumble over it, which breaks the flow.
The two stumble onto Frodo and Sam's quest and join them.
The first thing visitors see when the stumble on your MySpace space is your profile's background.
This is also a popular place to place those quiz results you will eventually stumble upon when you're bored.
AdvertisementIt takes time, and sometimes it may seem random, but you'll accumulate more followers as people retweet your tweets, or people just stumble across your tweets in searches of their own.
Good. You'll keep her out of my way and make sure Darkyn doesn't stumble upon her or the treasure in her head.
Then there were voices, Gladys with a shrill laugh, than hushed giggling, a stumble on the steps, a grunt and finally silence.
I was glad to stumble upon this site as I am new to the delayed food allergy plagued world.
It is a surprise to stumble upon the dramatic red bulk of Castelnau Castle, built on a shoulder of red ironstone.
AdvertisementMost kids will stumble over unfamiliar words; a parent nearby can help them sound it out and repeat it several times until they're comfortable with it.
I am curious, doctor, did you know she would come to you or did you stumble upon her?
Having some poor, unexpecting Realtor stumble upon him before his paperwork cleared wouldn't be pleasant.
The game was so taut that when you did stumble across the old ET, even the neighbors could hear you scream.
Secondly, the priests had " caused many to stumble " by their false teaching (2.8 ).
A few miles further on they stumble across a great ram shagging a small sheep.
At the end I stumble out, my eyes squinting in the bright light of day, to touch reality again.
Does no-one buy an album from a support band they stumble across, except me?
You don't want to trip and stumble on something your walking shoes could tread across while walking.
A phone number is also included if you would like to contact them directly.By surfing through these sites, you can stumble across some great prices.
Bears can be dangerous, especially if you stumble across a mother bear with cubs nearby.
Shopping Amazon not only gives you a chance to find some unique items you might not stumble across elsewhere, but it is a great place to comparison shop so you get the best deal.
Play the tape back to hear parts that sound forced or places where you stumble.
The most well written vows will sound awful if you stumble over every word.
If you stumble upon baggies filled with a substance that resembles small white clumps or rocks, you may have stumbled upon crack cocaine.
Secondly, the priests had " caused many to stumble " by their false teaching (2.8).
You stumble in after a long day and can barely summon the strength to grab a drink, let alone wash off a face full of makeup.
Even after you've seen it many times, the right one should still give you some pleasure when you stumble into the bathroom to wash up.
Their loss is your gain, and you'll often stumble upon name brands and adorable ensembles you never expected to find.
One of the best ways to stumble onto old guitars for sale is to check ebay regularly for old Ibanez guitars.
Most people don't pay attention to where their feet are going, so they'll be surprised when they stumble over the barrier.
Of course, anybody who's actually tried to stumble home from the bar at one in the morning to break off a piece of squirrel tail knows that getting from point A to point B is never that easy.
It's possible to "accidentally" stumble upon your party members bathing in the hot springs in-between quests.
As they are older titles, they may be harder to find, but when you do stumble across Zoids Legacy, it can oftentimes be purchased for about $15.
Without guidance, you may stumble into images that are not work-friendly, so use caution when you are not seeking your jeans theme in the privacy of your own home on your own computer.
In their preschool years, children with A-T begin to stumble and fall, and drooling is frequent.
You may even stumble across a picture or etching of the ancestor, which is a rare find indeed.
If you do an online search for candle discussion or message boards, you'll likely stumble across dozens of forums.
In your search for what sign goes best with Aquarius, you may stumble upon a chart for an earth or water sign that has enough planets in air or fire signs to make it a compatible match for Aquarius.
If you should stumble across a full-version modern movie being offered free of charge, it is most likely a bootleg version or an illegal operation.
If you are not aware of any ghost stories about graveyards within your local community, consider visiting some graveyards to see if you can stumble upon anything paranormal on your own.
In love with a pair of silver shoes you just happened to stumble across when you weren't really looking?
Here at LoveToKnow Yoga, we report in the "Comments" section below any Yoga Toes coupon codes we stumble upon, as do other readers.
Leaving stuff where others stumble on it is not, and dragging more than you need for the class itself is generally not a good idea -- use the lockers!
If you stumble and break your stereo system, will it be covered by Geico renters insurance?
If you're craving a robe in matching, shimmering color, you might just stumble across one of those, too.
You'll even stumble across confessional blogs where men speak of wearing women's nightgowns instead.
No. Did I stumble upon people talking about strategy, even what they thought of me while they thought I was sleeping.
If you happen to stumble across it in a bin, grab hold of this polish and don't let go!
At the bottom of any blog post, you'll notice any icon that's says "Share This," which will allow you to submit your blog posts to social book-marking sites such as Digg and Stumble Upon.
Stumble Upon is similar to Digg, in that users can give you either a thumbs up or a thumbs down rating.
His biggest stumble came when he mistakenly assumed Mr Levin had backed the war.
This can cause a hesitation, stumble and/or rough idle problem as well.
Sometimes home inspectors stumble upon issues that need to be addressed that the homeowners may not have been aware of at all, such as a cracking foundation or other potentially serious issue with the home.
The character Hagrid speaks with a very thick dialect and it's hard not to stumble through his words, but reading slowly through his dialog allows the reader to really hear the voice of this character.
Perhaps you'll stumble upon a stencil that inspires you to one day create the permanent image you'd like, but the beauty of temporary ink lies in its ability to fade just as you change your mind about having a tattoo.
Often popular European games (for example, the critically-acclaimed French action-adventure game Beyond Good and Evil and gorgeously crafted adventure The Longest Journey) stumble when they reach American shores for exactly this reason.