Studied Sentence Examples
He studied her for a moment over the rim of his cup.
He studied her face with amused eyes.
I have studied human nature for the entirety of my existence.
I went to college and studied animal husbandry.
He stopped and studied her for a minute.
Señor Medena folded his hands under his chin and studied Alex thoughtfully.
He studied what she had written.
Carmen took the picture from her hand and studied it.
Dean studied the book.
He studied her for a long minute.
AdvertisementWhen I came to build my chimney I studied masonry.
Carmen lifted her chin and studied his face.
For a moment he studied her face.
He studied her face intently, masking any emotion.
Adrena tipped her head to the side and studied Cynthia thoughtfully for a moment.
AdvertisementKatie studied one of the pictures thoughtfully, and then flipped back to another.
His troubled gaze studied her as he sat down at the table.
Alex studied her for a few moments.
Carmen stood in the stirrups and studied the two calves? both females.
In this same leisurely manner I studied zoology and botany.
AdvertisementLast year, my second year at Radcliffe, I studied English composition, the Bible as English composition, the governments of America and Europe, the Odes of Horace, and Latin comedy.
She turned and studied his stoic profile anxiously.
He studied her face with mocking eyes, and his mouth twisted into a humorless smile.
He studied her a moment before responding.
She studied him, alarm swirling through her for the first time.
AdvertisementWhen she was done, she studied her reflection.
Wynn studied her, warmth in his eyes.
Deidre studied her, hearing the carefully chosen words.
Deidre studied her hands.
Deidre studied him, unable to determine what was going on with him and the human he'd kept in Hell.
Carmen studied the foal for a few minutes.
That evening Carmen studied the picture of Alex and Katie's parents.
Glancing up sharply, she studied his response as she spoke.
For a moment he studied her, his expression unreadable.
He studied her, waiting.
Fate studied him for a long moment.
She studied the toast.
She offered the clipboard to him hesitantly He took the clipboard and studied it, kicking his boots off as he did so.
She drew her knees up against her chest and studied his face.
The additional possibility of access to all humans' Digital Echoes, to be studied for a million unnoticed causal correlations, will hasten the demise of disease as well and will increase quality of life and longevity.
He reached out and took one of her curls in his big hand and studied it.
Gabriel studied him with a frown.
We read and studied out of doors, preferring the sunlit woods to the house.
Before October, 1893, I had studied various subjects by myself in a more or less desultory manner.
Obviously he liked ranch work better than anything he had studied.
Damian studied him, not sure what to think of the oldest vamp in the universe.
Uncertain if she understood him or not, Deidre studied him.
Gabriel studied the scene before deciding finally he had to tell Rhyn.
He studied the five symbols on the paper in his hand.
Seating herself on a low bank, she studied the souls.
Gabriel studied the demon lord.
He studied her reflectively.
Wynn studied him for a moment then shrugged.
He studied her for a moment then nodded.
Deidre studied him, uncertain what she said that set him on edge.
Gabe swiped it off the ground and studied it.
Deidre curled up on the couch, eyes thoughtful as she studied him.
Deidre studied her, picking up other signs of how different they were.
He studied the DNA molecule to see if the child was related to the man.
His gaze settled on Jade's familiar features, and he studied his companion of so many years.
The woman studied her for a long moment.
Rhyn studied the demon, aware he could never trust such a creature fully.
Surprised at the raw, bitter note in Sasha.s voice, Kris studied him.
Darkyn studied him and then withdrew a thin collar and approached.
His youngest sister paused beside him, leaning against his thigh while she studied his lifemate with brown eyes a shade lighter than his.
Talal gasped, and Ne'Rin studied her.
A'Ran studied her for a long moment before turning on the reciprocal viewer, curious yet wary as to what his nishani had to say in place of Ne'Rin.
He studied her, dark depths taking her in with quiet intensity she was not yet accustomed to.
Nishani studied the scene before her.
Both hands rested in her lap as she studied it for two full rotations.
The boy complied, with a shy smile, and the group studied the notebook together.
Cynthia studied the words carefully.
Janet's request was far too studied for a simple baby-sitting gig.
She took a sip, licked her lips, then studied the glass for a moment.
He leaned back in his chair, the letter forgotten as he studied the girl in the picture.
There he sat for a while, sipping the juice while he studied the picture again.
Alex paused with the fork half way to his mouth and studied the meat uneasily.
The dark eyes studied her reflectively.
Leaning back, he studied the picture.
Lana studied the general.
They both studied the unconscious woman.
She pulled it on quickly, and studied the marks on her face.
She studied him with more interest than fear, even if she did push herself into the corner again.
The nurse smiled again and studied the micro in her hand, which monitored his vitals.
Lana studied the soldiers.
Brady studied the map.
They studied one another for a long moment.
The resignation in her tone sounded like a farewell. Gabe studied her, uncertain what could stop Death from doing anything she pleased. She was not only letting him go when she shouldn't, but she was telling him just how much time he had to get Katie out of the underworld. Gabriel knew something was wrong if Death was turning her back on the duty of collecting souls, a duty she normally took such joy in. She'd been unwilling to do that for him when their relationship had been at its peak.
Gabe studied her then allowed a small smile to cross his features. It was a hollow smile, and she wondered if Death was on his mind again.
She studied him, not understanding why the necklace with his family's souls was worth killing her for one day and not a concern the next.
Rhyn studied him a moment longer.
Fred studied the magazine.
As he maneuvered the truck through muddy ruts in the drive, she covertly studied his profile.
He studied her a moment.
Taking a deep breath, she studied her iced tea as she spoke.
Those cool gray eyes studied her face reflectively.
He pulled the grass from his mouth and studied the end.
Crossing the creek and field to her house, she studied the hillside beyond for any sign of a deer.
He followed her and studied the deer.
He studied her for a moment and then put a hand on her shoulder.
A pang of guilt shot through him as he studied Carmen's soft features in the dim light.
Darian studied his friend, unable to discern exactly what Jule wanted him to know.
Darian studied him a moment before his gaze went to the flowers floating from the apple trees.
She studied him closely, as if looking for signs of the man he'd been the last time she saw him.
They studied each other, trying to read one another.
He studied her features and touched her face with tenderness.
Jenn studied him, unable to fathom the type of evil he'd endured.
He studied her, his eyes lingering on her lips and the swells of her breasts before he met her gaze again.
He studied her hard.
Damian studied him, the White God's power swirling in the space between them.
One of the guards studied a barbed dagger before placing all his weapons in a small sack.
Taran remained in the hall and paced as he studied the guards.
Her gaze was distant, haunted, as she studied the map.
Pity for the boy increased as Taran studied the bruises on the youth's arms and face.
His voice faded in and out as she studied him.
Hilden studied him then rose and crossed to the bed.
He studied the pictures and began puzzling through the words, determined to discover why a woman who could not read books chose to keep this one in her chamber.
He studied her for a long moment, and she saw his resistance give before he spoke.
Memon's smile faded, and he studied Taran.
He searched her face, and she studied him, wondering why she'd never noticed the strength of his features.
Memon studied him with a frown.
Gray eyes studied him, waiting for a response.
Carmen studied his face as she spoke.
Alex turned quickly and studied her face.
His expression was solemn as he studied her face.
He studied her face for a moment and then nodded.
She studied his stoic features.
For a moment he studied her face, and then he shrugged.
Carmen studied his face.
She pulled back and studied his face.
Megan stepped back and studied the cake.
She studied the map Mr. Muldrow had sketched for her.
She lifted the lid and studied the gage.
She stepped off the porch and studied the brush.
She studied the berry-like seeds that grew in a cluster at the top of the bush.
She picked them up and studied the covers.
He studied a spot on the plate and wiped at it with the towel.
He lifted the baby and studied it with adoring eyes.
Mr. O'Hara pursed his lips and studied Justin.
The woman studied him.
Eden studied him then faced the dome marking the Grey God's palace.
The Watcher studied her and then nodded.
The teen studied her.
She studied him, noticing the sharpness of his gaze for the first time.
Jessi studied Xander's body once more, forced to admit that the man had the perfect combination of rugged beauty and flawless form.
Jessi studied him briefly, sensing his mood darken, as it had yesterday when she mentioned dating Gerry.
She studied the picture more closely.
Jessi studied him for a brief moment.
She studied it for a few seconds before digging through the box for something similar.
Xander studied the wily Grey God, aware of Darian's reputation for having a wild streak that bordered on suicidal.
Jessi studied her, nervous around the woman who read her entire life the last time they interacted.
Jonny studied her for a long minute.
She studied him apprehensively, reminded of her cousins, when they were caught up in some sort of drama.
She studied the teen god's face.
She studied him curiously.
First there were the natural sciences, themselves only just emerging from a confused conception of their true method; especially those which studied the borderland of physical and mental phenomena, the medical sciences; and pre-eminently that science which has since become so popular, the science of biology.
Under the Reign of Terror he was arrested and imprisoned for nearly a year, during which he studied Condillac and Locke, and abandoned the natural sciences for philosophy.
At Leipzig, Göttingen and Halle he studied for four years, ultimately devoting himself to mathematics and astronomy.
The ideal truth within us, constituting the inner life that is studied by philosophers, becomes transmuted by the facts of history into assured reality.
He studied at the Boston Latin School, and graduated at Harvard in 1850.
At the age of thirteen he entered the university where he studied under Graevius and Gronovius.
For about a year he studied at Leiden, paying special attention to philosophy and Greek.
She hits the happy mean between the studied archaism of Courier's Daphnis et Cloe and the realistic patois of the later kailyard novel which for Southerners requires a glossary.
From 1489 to 1491 he studied theology and canon law at Pisa under Filippo Decio and Bartolomeo Sozzini.
The Thysanoptera are probably world-wide in their range, but they have hardly been studied outside Europe and North America.
From 1816 to 1819 Leo studied at the universities of Breslau, Jena and Göttingen, devoting himself more especially to history, philology and theology.
He first studied theology at Giessen, but after the campaign of 1814, in which, like his brother August, he took part as a Hessian volunteer, began the study of jurisprudence, and in 1818 established himself as Privatdocent of civil law at Giessen.
William Livingston graduated at Yale College in 1741, studied law in the city of New York, and was admitted to the bar in 1748.
For very refined work, however, the irregularities in the reproduction of the reseau may be studied by comparing the measures of the original reseau with the mean of corresponding measures of a number of photographed copies of it.
Leaving the service after the war, he studied jurisprudence at Heidelberg, Göttingen and Jena, and in 1819 went for a while to Geneva to complete his studies.
He studied at Upsala from 1876 to 1881 and at Stockholm from 1881 to 1884, then returning to Upsala as privat-docent in physical chemistry.
In 1721 he entered Merton College, Oxford, as a gentleman commoner, and studied philosophy, mathematics, French, Italian and music. He afterwards studied law at the Inner Temple, but was never called to the bar.
From 1604 to 1612 he studied at the school of La Fleche, which Henry IV.
In all his travels he studied only the phenomena of nature and human life.
Having received his elementary education at the monastery of Monte Cassino, he studied for six years at the university of Naples, leaving it in his-sixteenth year.
Fleeming Jenkin was educated at first in Scotland, but in 1846 the family went to live abroad, owing to financial straits, and he studied at Genoa University, where he took a first-class degree in physical science.
He graduated at Yale College in 1807, studied theology under Timothy Dwight, anfl in 1812 became pastor of the First Church of New Haven.
He studied at Halle, and became professor of philosophy at Halle and at Frankfort on the Oder, where he died in 1762.
Her connexion with Port Royal should be studied in Arnauld's Memoirs, and in the different histories of that institution.
Although there is no direct evidence of the fact, there can be no doubt that he left St Andrews to complete his education abroad, and that he probably studied at the university of Paris, and visited Italy and Germany.
Having studied at Ingolstadt, Vienna, Cracow and Paris, he returned to Ingolstadt in 1507, and in 1509 was appointed tutor to Louis and Ernest, the two younger sons of Albert the Wise, the late duke of BavariaMunich.
He discerned their capabilities, studied their characters, and sought to remedy their defects by frank and searching criticism.
He was educated at Zurich and at Saumur (where he graduated), studied theology at Orleans under Claude Pajon, at Paris under Jean Claude and at Geneva under Louis Tronchin, and was ordained to the ministry in his native place in 1683.
Having studied medicine at Paris, Lucas took the degree of M.D.
In the following year he started practice as a physician in London, and in 1756 he published a work on medicinal waters, the properties of which he had studied on the continent and at Bath.
In 1819 he removed with his parents to Chillicothe, Ohio, where he attended the local academy for two years, studied law in the office of his uncle, William Allen,' and in 1835 was admitted to the bar, becoming his uncle's law partner.
The flora of Argentina should be studied according to natural zones corresponding to the physical divisions of the country - the rich tropical and sub-tropical regions of the north, the treeless pampas of the centre, the desert steppes of the south, and the arid plateaus of the north-west.
He was educated at the Jesuit College in Calatayud and afterwards studied law at the university of Valladolid.
At twenty he entered the university of Wittenberg, and studied afterwards at the university of Leipzig.
The son was brought up in Utica, studied in1824-1825at Geneva Academy (afterwards Hobart College), and then at a military school in Middletown, Conn., and was admitted to the bar in 1832.
He studied law, first at Bologna and later at Pisa, and after graduating in utroque jure, practised as a lawyer in Naples.
He began his education at Valladolid, and studied law afterwards at Madrid University, where he leaned towards Radicalism in politics.
Samples of this timber have been studied after forty-three years' immersion in sea-water.
In spite of their savagery they are admitted by those who have studied them to be far removed from the low or Simian type of man.
He also studied the first six books of Euclid and some algebra, besides reading a considerable quantity of Hebrew and learning the Odes of Horace by heart.
The policy of Charles towards the Netherlands was for many years one of studied moderation.
He graduated at the university of Virginia in 1856, and studied at the university of Berlin in 1866-1868.
He studied law at Gottingen and Leipzig, but ultimately devoted himself entirely to literary studies.
He studied at the Polytechnic institute of Brooklyn, graduated at Rutgers College in 1870, and was admitted to the bar in 1875 in New Brunswick, New Jersey, where he taught in the Rutgers College grammar school from 1876 to 1879.
He studied philosophy and medicine at the university of Louvain, where he remained as a lecturer for several years.
In 1851 he visited the Bonn Observatory, and studied astronomy under Argelander.
There is probably no other branch of art in which orthodox tradition is so entirely divorced from the historical sense, and the history, when studied at all, so little illuminated by the permanent artistic significance of its subjects.
Lodge particularly studied the action of electric waves in reducing the resistance of the contact between two metallic surfaces such as a plate and a point, or two balls, and named the device a coherer."
The possibility of reforming these contracts in some parts of the kingdom has been studied, in the hope of bringing them into closer harmony with the needs of rational cultivation and the exigencies of social justice.
Butler on the soul may be studied in chap. i.
It all seems a very hurried and imperfectly studied philosophical analysis.
He studied medicine in London, Paris and Leiden, receiving his M.D.
In each species, two or three kinds of nematocysts occur, some large, some small, and for specific identification the nematocysts must be studied collectively in each species.
Such a condition has been termed, with regard to the group of animals or plants the organs of which are being studied, archecentric. The possession of the character in the archecentric condition in (say) two of the members of the group does not indicate that these two members are more nearly related to one another than they are to other members of the group; the archecentric condition is part of the common heritage of all the members of the group, and may be retained by any.
The most famous of these was Buddhaghosa, from Behar in North India, who studied at the Minster in the 5th century A.D., and wrote there all his well-known works.
It would seem that up to the 4th century of our era the Sinhalese had written exclusively in their own tongue; that is to say that for six centuries they had studied and understood Pali as a dead language without using it as a means of literary expression.
He studied at Trinity College, Dublin, and obtained a fellowship in 1814; for some years he was deputy professor of natural philosophy, until in 1821 he obtained the college living of Enniskillen.
Even in the higher flowering plants, in which the processes of the absorption of substances from the environment has been most fully studied, there is a stage in their life in which the nutritive processes approximate very closely to those of the group last mentioned.
The relation of the chlorophyll to light has been studied by many observers.
The development of these structures has been studied by many observers, both in England and on the continent of Etirope.
The existence of rhythm of this kind has been observed and studied with some completeness.
The leaf of the higher plants will be taken as the illustrative case because it is the most plastic of the members, the one, that is, which presents the greatest variety of adaptations, and because it has been most thoroughly studied.
With it may be studied with advantage the unique collection at Kew of pictures of plant-life in its broadest aspects, brought together by the industry and munificence of Miss Marianne North.
The forms of the dry land are of infinite variety, and have been studied in great detail.'
The arm-muscles have been studied in an absolutely exhaustive manner by Fiirbringer, who in his monumental work has tabulated and then scrutinized the chief characters of fourteen selected muscles.
These are instances, now well understood, that almost every organic system, even when studied by itself, may yield valuable indications as to the natural affinities of the various groups of birds.
Destined by his parents for the Roman Catholic priesthood, he studied theology at Munich, but felt an ever-growing attraction to philosophy.
The authors he most carefully studied at this period were Thucydides and Aristotle, and for their writings he formed an attachment which remained to the close of his life, and exerted a powerful influence upon his mode of thought and opinions, as well as upon his literary occupations in subsequent years.
His draperies are tight and closely folded, being studied (as it is said) from models draped in paper and woven fabrics gummed.
He engraved about fifty plates, according to the usual reckoning; some thirty of them are mostly accounted indisputable - often large, full of figures, and highly studied.
Rashi was a pupil of Jacob ben Yaqar, and studied at Worms and Mainz.
About the same time Isaac Israeli wrote his Yesodh `Olam and other astronomical works which were much studied.
Having studied at Marburg and Jena, he for some time lived at Leipzig as a private tutor; but in 1802 he was appointed professor at Marburg, and two years later professor of philology and ancient history at Heidelberg.
His father, who was physician to the constable Charles of Bourbon, sent him to study at Toulouse, whence at the age of eighteen he was driven, a consequence of the evil fortunes of the family patron, to Padua, where he studied law and letters for about six years.
He studied law for three years in South Carolina, and then spent two years abroad, studying French and Italian in Paris and jurisprudence at Edinburgh.
He studied at the university of Padua, where he graduated in 1696.
He was educated at the lycee Louis le Grand, and afterwards studied medicine, a profession which he abandoned in 1894 for that of literature.
The Coleoptera have been probably more assiduously studied by systematic naturalists than any other order of insects.
Alfred Arneth studied law, and became an official of the Austrian state archives, of which in 1868 he was appointed keeper.
He joined the Franciscan order in early life, and studied at Merton College, Oxford, of which he is said to have been a fellow.
This question has given rise to an enormous amount of discussion among learned men, and some of the disputants have not yet laid down their arms; but for impartial outsiders who have carefully studied the evidence there can be little doubt that 1 See Researches into the State of Fisheries in Russia (9 vols.), edited by Minister of Finance (1896, Russian); Kusnetzow's Fischerei and Thiererbeutung in den Gewassern Russlands (1898).
In view of this contingency the Russian and French military authorities studied the military questions in common, and the result of their labours was the preparation of a military convention, which was finally ratified in 1894.
Such statistics are studied mainly with the object of learning the lessons which they may afford as to preventive measures for the future; and from this point of view the most important element is the single item of passengers killed in train accidents (a 1).
The resistance to motion round a curve has not been so systematically studied that any definite rule can be formulated applicable to all classes of rolling stock and all radii of curves.
Hodgson should be studied in this connexion.
He was prepared for college by a private tutor, studied for two years at the Farmers' College, near Cincinnati, and in 1852 graduated from Miami University, at that time the leading educational institution in the State of Ohio.
He studied theology at Erlangen and Berlin, and in 1856 became professor ordinarius of systematic theology and New Testament exegesis at Leipzig.
All three brothers studied at St Andrews University.
But this difficulty was soon removed by the pupil's diligence; the very exigencies of his situation were of service to him in calling forth all his powers, and he studied the language with such success that at the close of his five years' exile he declares that he " spontaneously thought " in French rather than in English, and that it had become more familiar to " ear, tongue and pen."
The Christian apologists and their pagan assailants; the Theodosian Code, with Godefroy's commentary; the Annals and Antiquities of Muratori, collated with " the parallel or transverse lines" of Sigonius and Maffei, Pagi and Baronius, were all critically studied.
He was a son of the 18th century; he had studied with sympathy Locke and Montesquieu; no one appreciated more keenly than he did political liberty and the freedom of an Englishman.
After graduating from Amherst in 1895 he studied law in an office at Northampton, Mass.
His father, Alphonso Taft (1810-1891), born in Townshend, Vermont, graduated at Yale College in 1833, became a tutor there, studied law at the Yale Law School, was admitted to the Connecticut bar in 1838, removed to Cincinnati in 1839, and became one of the most influential citizens of Ohio.
His boyhood was spent with a grandmother in Middletown, Connecticut; and prior to his entering college he had read widely in English literature and history, had surpassed most boys in the extent of his Greek and Latin work, and had studied several modern languages.
Graduating at the university of North Carolina in 1816, he studied law in the famous Litchfield (Connecticut) law school, and in 1819 was admitted to practice in Southampton county, Virginia.
Bennigsen, having studied at the university of Gottingen, entered the Hanoverian civil service.
He made a tour of the cities of the United States as a popular lecturer, and then studied law and was admitted to the New York bar in 1855.
As a very great number of important chemical actions take place on mixing solutions, the method for such cases has been thoroughly studied.
Hebrew religious institutions can be understood from the biblical evidence studied in the light of comparative religion; and without going afield to Babylonia, Assyria or Egypt, valuable data are furnished by the cults of Phoenicia, Syria and Arabia, and these in turn can be illustrated from excavation and from modern custom.
Having completed his studies in the Capranica College' at Rome, and having taken holy orders, he studied diplomacy at the College of Ecclesiastical Nobles, and in 1875 was appointed councillor to the papal nunciature at Madrid.
At Berlin (1844-1846) and Halle (1846-1847) he studied theology, philosophy and oriental languages.
Later in the century he was much studied by the members of the Philadelphian Society, John Pordage, Thomas Bromley, Jane Lead, and others.
He studied history and humanities at the university of Moscow, and, after having gone through his military training in a grenadier regiment, left for Germany where he read political economy in Berlin under Prof. Schmoller.
Grammar and prosody were studied in India with a marvellous accuracy and minuteness several centuries before Christ.
Another son, Thomas Ewing (1829-1896), studied at Brown University in1852-1854(in 1894, by a special vote, he was placed on the list of graduates in the class of 1856); he was a lawyer and a freestate politician in Kansas in 1857-1861, and was the first chiefjustice of the Kansas supreme court (1861-1862).
By draining the land, by planting millions of trees and by erecting numerous buildings, he greatly improved the condition of his Aberdeenshire estates, and studied continually the welfare of his dependants.
Graduating from Harvard in 1841, he was a schoolmaster for two years, studied theology at the Harvard Divinity School, and was pastor in1847-1850of the First Religious Society (Unitarian) of Newburyport, Massachusetts, and of the Free Church at Worcester in 1852-1858.
He may have studied at Paris in his youth, but the earliest fact which he records of himself is his admission as a monk at St Albans in the year 1217.
He studied at Ghent and then at Cologne under Albertus Magnus.
The declining prices that have operated against the growers of wheat should be studied in conjunction with Table III., which shows, at intervals of five years, the imports of TABLE III.
In the following year he was introduced to political economy and studied Adam Smith and Ricardo with his father.
Copious extracts from a diary kept by him at this time are given by Bain; they show how methodically he read and wrote, studied chemistry and botany, tackled advanced mathematical problems, made notes on the scenery and the people and customs of the country.
But, as he suggests himself, his studied advocacy of unfamiliar projects of reform had made him unpopular with "moderate Liberals."
That they must be studied closely by every one who wishes to follow the history of economics goes without saying.
That they must be studied by the economic historian is equally clear, owing to their practical influence and the fact that they furnished the theoretical bases of much of the economic policy of the 10th century.
Firdousi's own education eminently qualified him for the gigantic task which he subsequently undertook, for he was profoundly versed in the Arabic language arid 1'itefature and had also studied deeply the Pahlavi or Old Persian, and was conversant with the ancient historical records which existed in that tongue.
There had been, however, a good deal of other evidence available before 1876, which, had it been collated and seriously studied, might have discounted the sensation that the discovery of the citadel graves eventually made.
From the skullforms studied, it would appear, as we should expect, that the Aegean race was by no means pure even in the earlier Minoan periods.
The war may be studied from the military point of view as an extreme example of what Clausewitz calls "war with a restricted aim."
He studied at Breslau, Gottingen and Berlin, first law, then theology; and in 1839 became professor ordinarius of theology at Halle (1839).
His father, a farmer, also named John, was of the fourth generation in descent from Henry Adams, who emigrated from Devonshire, England, to Massachusetts about 1636; his mother was Susanna Boylston Adams. Young Adams graduated from Harvard College in 1755, and for a time taught school at Worcester and studied law in the office of Rufus Putnam.
Schwangart, who has studied (1904) the embryonic insects, twenty-one of these divisions - not, however, all similar - development of Lepidoptera.
They have chiefly been studied in the female, and form the sting and ovipositor, organs peculiar to this sex.
The development of the armature has been little studied, and the question whether there may be present gonapophyses homologous with those of the female is open.
The process of destruction of the larval tissues was first studied in the forms where metamorphosis is greatest and most abrupt, viz.
Mayr and others, while Scudder has studied the rich Oligocene faunas of Colorado (Florissant) and Wyoming (Green River).
Together they studied, together they travelled and together they collected.
With this view he studied the latter most laboriously, and in some measure certainly not without success, for he brought into prominence several points that had hitherto escaped the notice of his predecessors.
The points at issue between Cuvier and Etienne Geoffroy St-Hilaire before mentioned naturally attracted the attention of L'Herminier, who in 1836 presented to the French Academy the results of his researches into the mode Isidore of growth of that bone which in the adult bird he had already studied to such good purpose.
In the evolution of these laws Dr Cornay had most laudably studied, as his observations prove, a vast number of different types, and the upshot of his whole labours, though not very clearly stated, was such as to wholly subvert the classification at that time generally adopted by French ornithologists.
At the same time he states that authors who have occupied themselves with the sternum alone have often produced uncertain results, especially when they have neglected its anterior for its posterior part; for in truth every bone of the skeleton ought to be studied in all its details.
New amalgams and methods of colouring have been discovered, and fresh forms have been diligently studied.
Having studied classical philology at the university of Giessen, he was appointed (1803) master in the high school, an office which he combined with that of lecturer at the university.
He then studied law in his father's office, was admitted to the bar in 1815 and began to practise in Upper Marlborough,.
He studied at Haddington, and graduated in 1739 at the university of Edinburgh, where he completed a divinity course in 1743.
In the following year, or perhaps later, he crossed over to France and studied at the university of Paris, then the centre of intellectual life in Europe.
After travelling in France and England, he studied the Cartesian philosophy under John Racy at Leiden.
The architecture was carefully studied by Wood and Dawkins in 1751, whose splendid folio (The Ruins of Palmyra, London, 1753) also gave copies of inscriptions.
He studied at the university of Gratz, where he became a professor in 1885, and died at Gratz on the 22nd of November 1906.
In his fourteenth year Pico went to Bologna, where he studied for two years, and was much occupied with the Decretals.
He studied in the common schools, and from 14 to 17 at the Ohio Central College at Iberia.
He studied theology, and won his doctor's degree by an edition of thirty-four chapters of Genesis from the Arabic version of the Samaritan Pentateuch.
On the other hand, an overwhelming and increasing majority of those who have studied the natural conditions under which petroleum occurs are of opinion that it is of organic origin.
Of these the people's Crusade - prior in order of time, if only secondary in point of importance - may naturally be studied first.
The Crusades - a movement which engaged all Europe and brought the East into contact with the West - must necessarily be studied not only in the Latin authorities of Europe and of Palestine, but also in Byzantine, Armenian and Arabic writers.
He studied Latin under John of Ravenna, and Greek under Manuel Chrysoloras.
Both Hetero- and Metane- mertini have been more exhaustively studied than the other two groups, the first, as was noticed above, being characterized by peculiar larval forms, the second developing without metamorphosis.
He was educated at the Carolinum, an endowed school at Osnabruck, and studied at the universities of Gottingen and Heidelberg.
The facts, however, are in exact contradiction to this; and accordingly the theory now most generally held by those who have studied the question is that the Malays form a distinct race, and had their original home in the south.
He studied the various branches of Arabic learning with great success.
He studied at King's college, Aberdeen, where he graduated with distinction in 1849, thence proceeding to Cambridge, where he remained till 1855 without taking a degree.
While still young he became a monk, and studied grammar and theology first at Exeter, then at Nutcell near Winchester, under the abbot Winberht.
In 1424 he went to the university of Paris, where he became a master of arts in 1429, and afterwards studied law at Louvain and Pavia.
Later he spent some time in the schools of London, which enjoyed at that time a high reputation, and finally studied theology at Paris.
He graduated at Williams College in 1825, and settled in New York City, where he studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1828, and rapidly won a high position in his profession.
No fault was found in their life and teaching; but they were forbidden to define any sins as being mortal or venial until they had studied for four years.
He studied at Phillips Andover Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, and entered Yale, but left in his junior year (1857) to accept a position as a teacher of shorthand in the St Louis, Missouri, public schools.
After having studied law at the university of Toulouse he practised successfully at Pau.
He studied law and from 1871 to 1882 held various administrative offices in the Grand Duchy of Baden.
From the Alexandrians the science passed to the Arabs, who made discoveries and improved various methods of separating substances, and afterwards, from the 11th century, became seated in Europe, where the alchemical doctrines were assiduously studied until the 15th and 16th centuries.
Metallurgical operations, such as smelting, roasting, and refining, were scientifically investigated, and in some degree explained, by Georg Agricola and Carlo Biringuiccio; ceramics was studied by Bernard Palissy, who is also to be remembered as an early worker in agricultural chemistry, having made experiments on the effect of manures on soils and crops; while general technical chemistry was enriched by Johann Rudolf Glauber.1
The action of these acids on many metals was also studied; Glauber obtained zinc, stannic, arsenious and cuprous chlorides by dissolving the metals in hydrochloric acid, compounds hitherto obtained by heating the metals with corrosive sublimate, and consequently supposed to contain mercury.
Antimonial, bismuth and arsenical compounds were assiduously studied, a direct consequence of their high medicinal importance; mercurial and silver compounds were investigated for the same reason.
Since then the subject has been extensively studied, more particularly by Alexander Classen, who has summarized the methods and results in his Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Electrolysis (1903).
It is unnecessary here to dwell on the precautions which can only be conveniently acquired by experience; a sound appreciation of analytical methods is only possible after the reactions and characters of individual substances have been studied, and we therefore refer the reader to the articles on the particular elements and compounds for more information on this subject.
Educated partly at Tiverton grammar-school, and partly at Dublin, where he studied chemistry, he afterwards proceeded to Edinburgh and took the degree of M.D.
He studied law at Bologna, and after his uncle's election he was created successively bishop, cardinal and vice-chancellor of the church, an act of nepotism characteristic of the age.
Antoine Henri Becquerel (1852-1908), son of the lastnamed, who succeeded to his chair at the Musee d'Histoire Naturelle in 1892, was born in Paris on the 15th of December 1852, studied at the Ecole Polytechnique, where he was appointed a professor in 1895, and in 1875 entered the department des posts et chaussees, of which in 1894 he became chef.
The history of the modern forward movement may be studied in Essays and Addresses by John Wilhelm Rowntree, and in Present Day Papers edited by him.
Subsequently he edited a weekly paper at Waltham, studied law and was admitted to the bar, his energy and his ability as a public speaker soon winning him distinction.
He was taught first by his father Spintharus, a pupil of Socrates, and later by the Pythagoreans, Lamprus of Erythrae and Xenophilus, from whom he learned the theory of music. Finally he studied under Aristotle at Athens, and was deeply annoyed, it is said, when Theophrastus was appointed head of the school on Aristotle's death.
He studied law at Pavia, and took the degree of doctor in 1831.
Felix Dahn studied law and philosophy in Munich and Berlin from 1849 to 1853.
She was well versed in mathematics, which she studied at the university of Moscow, and in general literature her favourite authors were Bayle, Montesquieu, Boileau, Voltaire and Helvetius.
He was educated at the universities of St Andrews and Glasgow, and in his sixteenth year was sent to Paris, where he studied civil and canon law.
Only in familiar letters, prolegomena, and prefaces do we find the man Ficino, and learn to know his thoughts and sentiments unclouded by a mist of citations; these minor compositions have therefore a certain permanent value, and will continually be studied for the light they throw upon the learned circle gathered round Lorenzo in the golden age of humanism.
We may then completely dismiss the notion of there being any studied secrecy in connexion with the early Christian cemeteries, and proceed to inquire into the mode of their formation.
He then studied law for a short time at Wrentham, Massachusetts; was tutor in Latin and Greek (1820-1822) and librarian (1821-1823) at Brown University; studied during 1821-1823 in the famous law school conducted by Judge James Gould at Litchfield, Connecticut; and in 1823 was admitted to the Norfolk (Mass.) bar.
In 1777 he studied theology under the evangelical John Newton at Olney.
He studied theology at Halle and Göttingen.
But the complexity of the idea of number is practically illustrated by the fact that it is best studied as a department of a science wider than itself.
Mechanics (including dynamical astronomy) is that subject among those traditionally classed as "applied" which has been most completely transfused by mathematics - that is to say, which is studied with the deductive spirit of the pure mathematician, and not with the covert inductive intention overlaid with the superficial forms of deduction, characteristic of the applied mathematician.
He studied law, and while still young took to politics, associating himself with the most advanced movements, writing articles for the anarchist journal Le Peuple, and directing the Lanterne for some time.
He went back to Padua, where he studied hydraulics, removed in 1800 to Holland, and in 1803 went to England, where he married an Englishwoman.
He went to Bologna, and studied under the friendly tutelage of Guido; thence he proceeded to Rome, where he painted, in the Cistercian monastery, the "Miracle of the Loaves."
He studied also the Bolognese painters and Giovanni Barbieri, and formed for himself a style with very little express mannerism, partly resembling that of Maratta.
He graduated at Yale in 1767, studied theology under the Rev. John Smalley (1734-1820) at Berlin, Connecticut, and was licensed to preach in 1769.
Though he showed a fondness for the profession of arms, he studied divinity, and was licensed by the presbytery of Edinburgh in 1745.
Here the son received his education, until in 1595 he entered the university of Leiden, where he became the lifelong friend of Hugo Grotius, and studied classics, Hebrew, church history and theology.
Subsequently he studied law and in 1811 was admitted to practice.
He was educated at Schulpforta, and studied the classics at the universities of Bonn and Leipzig.
The development of the brachial supports has been studied by Friele, Fischer and Oehlert.
In 1796 he began the study of law, completing his preparation in 1802 at New York, where he studied under William Peter Van Ness (1778-1826), an eminent lawyer and later Aaron Burr's second in the duel with Alexander Hamilton.
Thus in 1857 he went to Peru in order to determine the magnetic equator; in1861-1862and 1864, he studied telluric absorption in the solar spectrum in Italy and Switzerland; in 1867 he carried out optical and magnetic experiments at the Azores; he successfully observed both transits of Venus, that of 1874 in Japan, that of 1882 at Oran in Algeria; and he took part in a long series of solar eclipse-expeditions, e.g.
The Partial Differential Equations.--It will be shown later that covariants may be studied by restricting attention to the leading coefficient, viz.
Besides the invariants and covariants, hitherto studied, there are others which appertain to particular cases of the general linear substitution.
He started as a physician and practised for some years, kept a school and studied astronomy.
He also mastered the English language and studied English literature.
He studied at Venice, where he became acquainted with Erasmus and Aldus Manutius, and at an early age was reputed one of the most learned men of the time.
After studying at Berlin, he went to Stockholm to work under Berzelius, and later to Paris, where he studied for a while under Gay-Lussac and Thenard.
After leaving Waynesburg (Pa.) College he studied surveying and became assistant chief engineer for a railway.
He next studied law,, was admitted to the bar in 1875, and for three years practised in Chicago.
During their dominion Merv, like Samarkand and Bokhara, was one of the great schools of learning, and the celebrated historian Yaqut studied in its libraries.
He graduated from Illinois College as valedictorian in 1881, and from the Union College of Law, Chicago, in 1883; during his course he studied in the law office of Lyman Trumbull.
Alain studied, as his elder brother had done, at the university of Paris.
John Lydgate studied him affectionately.
The effect of tension was subsequently studied by Nagaoka and Honda, who in 1902 confirmed, mutatis mutandis, the results obtained by Chree and Ewing for cast cobalt, while for annealed cobalt it turned out that tension always caused diminution of magnetization, the diminution increasing with increasing fields.
The effects of temperature upon hysteresis were also care fully studied, and many hysteresis loops were plotted.
On his return to Berlin he studied art under the sculptor Christian Daniel Rauch and the painter and architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781-1841), proving himself in the end a good draughtsman, a born architect and an excellent landscape gardener.
Their anatomy has not been studied, as yet, by means of freshly-killed material, and is imperfectly known, though the presence of the coxal FIG.
He studied ancient theories of music, and is said to have invented the thirteen-syllable verse known subsequently as versi martelliani.
In his boyhood he was taken to Canada, but in 1843 he returned to Scotland; then studied at Calcutta in the military academy, entered the army, and after distinguishing himself in the Punjab campaign, returned to Canada, whence in 1857 he removed to Vinton, Iowa.
For a few years Campbell studied at the United College, St Andrews.
He studied theology at Orleans, was ordained priest in 1824 and placed in charge of the parish of Puiseaux, in the diocese of Orleans.
In the spring of 1706 he travelled, in company with a student named Brix, through London to Oxford, where he studied for two years, gaining his livelihood by giving lessons on the violin and the flute.
Eric or Heiricus, who studied there under Haimon, the successor of Hrabanus, and after wards taught at Auxerre, wrote glosses on the margin of his copy of the pseudo-Augustinian Categoriae, which have been published by Cousin and Haureau.
Szechenyi, who had resided abroad and studied Western institutions, was the recognized leader of all those who wished to create a new Hungary out of the old.
Having studied law at Toulouse and lectured there on jurisprudence, he settled in Paris as an advocate, but soon applied himself to literature.
Here he had the pleasure of finding that the Republique was studied at London and Cambridge, although in a barbarous Latin translation.
This form of algebra was extensively studied in ancient Egypt; but, in accordance with the practical tendency of the Egyptian mind, the study consisted largely in the treatment of particular cases, very few general rules being obtained.
Moritz Cantor has suggested that at one time there existed two schools, one in sympathy with the Greeks, the other with the Hindus; and that, although the writings of the latter were first studied, they were rapidly discarded for the more perspicuous Grecian methods, so that, among the later Arabian writers, the Indian methods were practically forgotten and their mathematics became essentially Greek in character.
Linnaeus taught zoology and botany as branches of knowledge to be studied for their own intrinsic interest.
The Senate, which exercises the greater part of the executive power, is composed of eighteen members, one half of whom must have studied law or finance, while at least seven of the remainder must belong to the class of merchants.
He studied at Erfurt and in Italy, where he took his degree of doctor utriusque juris at Ferrara and devoted himself more especially to the study of Greek.
Having studied theology at the university of Gottingen under Heinrich Ewald, he established himself there in 1870 as privat-docent for Old Testament history.
When sixteen years old he began to attend the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, and from 1837 to 1839 studied at the Ecole des Mines.
In 1858 he pointed out the isomorphism of the fluostannates and the fluosilicates, thus settling the then vexed question of the composition of silicic acid; and subsequently he studied the fluosalts of zirconium, boron, tungsten, &c., and prepared silicotungstic acid, one of the first examples of the complex inorganic acids.
These considerations, in addition to numerous phrases and expressions which cannot here be noticed, of which the full force can only be felt by those who have specially studied the Maccabaean period and those other portions of the Old Testament, such as Zechariah ix.
Born on the 15th of February 1514, he studied at Tiguri with Oswald Mycone, and afterwards went to Wittenberg where he was appointed professor of mathematics in 1537.
At Reims he seems to have studied and lectured for many years, having amongst his pupils Hugh Capet's son Robert, afterwards king of France, and Richer, to whose history we owe almost every detail of his master's early life.
Despite his residence on the Spanish mark, he shows no token of a knowledge of Arabic, a fact which is perhaps sufficient to overthrow the statement of Adhemar as to his having studied at Cordova.
For Isaiah cannot be studied by himself.
He rejected the theory of the unity and continuity of history so far as it would obliterate distinctions between ancient and modern history, holding that, though work on ancient history is a useful preparation for the study of modern history, either may advantageously be studied apart.
His works were studied and _learned by heart by the great Latin writers of the Renaissance, such as Erasmus and Melanchthon; and Casaubon, in his anxiety that his son should write a pure Latin style, inculcates on him the constant study of Terence.
The chemical composition and constitution of guncotton has been studied by a considerable number of chemists and many divergent views have been put forward on the subject.
But the Prussians having studied their allies in the war of 1864 knew the weakness of the Austrian staff and the untrustworthiness of the contingents of some of the Austrian nationalities, and felt fairly confident that against equal numbers they could hold their own.
He studied with great distinction at Greif swald and at Wittenberg, and having made a special study of languages, theology and history, was appointed professor of Greek and Latin at Coburg in 1692, professor of moral philosophy in the university of Halle in 1693, and in 1705 professor of theology at Jena.
It is when studied on these lines that pathology finds its proper place as a department of biology.
This phenomenon, called chemiotaxis, has been studied by several investigators.
Massart and Bordet, Leber, Metchnikoff and others have studied the phenomenon in leucocytes, with the result that while there is evidence of their being positively chemiotactic to the toxins of many pathogenic microbes, it is also apparent that they are negatively influenced by such substances as lactic acid.
He also studied philosophy, astronomy and geometry, and wrote works on those subjects, which, together with his consulship, formed the subject of a panegyric by Claudian.
He studied at Paris under Girard la Pucelle, who began to teach in or about 1160, but as he states in his book De nugis curialium that he was at the court of Henry II.
The discoveries of recent years in the south-eastern portion of Sicily, including especially the objects found in Sicel and Greek cemeteries, may be studied here.
The change of views above referred to may be studied in the detached articles of MM.
Galen was a man furnished with all the anatomical, medical and philosophical knowledge of his time; he had studied all kinds of natural curiosities, and had stood in near relation to important political events; he possessed enormous industry, great practical sagacity and unbounded literary fluency.
The study of Hippocrates, Galen, and other classics was recommended by Cassiodorus (6th century), and in the original mother-abbey of Monte Cassino medicine was studied; but there was not there what could be called a medical school; nor had this foundation any connexion (as has been supposed) with the famous school of Salerno.
The plague was carefully studied by Isbrand de Diemerbroek, in his De Peste (1646), and others.
Sydenham showed that these processes might be profitably studied and dealt with without explaining them; and, by turning men's minds away from explanations and fixing them on facts, he enriched medicine with a method more fruitful than any discoveries in detail.
Many of the leading English physicians of the 18th century studied there; Gerard Van Swieten (1700-1772), a pupil of Boerhaave, transplanted the latter's method of teaching to Vienna, and founded the noted Vienna school of medicine.
His object was to make all the anatomical and physiological acquisitions of his age, even microscopical anatomy, which he diligently studied, available for use in the practice of medicine.
In the case of Laennec himself this qualification takes nothing from his fame, for he studied so minutely the relations of post-mortem appearances to symptoms during life that, had he not discovered auscultation, his researches in morbid anatomy would have made him famous.
Shortly after 1815, however, when the continent of Europe was again open to English travellers, many English doctors studied in Paris, and the discoveries of their great French contemporaries began to be known.
In the preservation of immunity then, in its various degrees and kinds, not only is the chemistry of the blood to be studied, but also its histology.
An enormous accumulation of lunatics of all sorts and degrees seems to have paralysed public authorities, who, at vast expense in buildings, mass them more or less indiscriminately in barracks, and expect that their sundry and difficult disorders can be properly studied and treated by a medical superintendent charged with the whole domestic establishment, with a few young assistants under him.
Sufferers from mental disease are still regarded too much as troublesome persons to be hidden away in humane keeping, rather than as cases of manifold and obscure disease, to be studied and treated by the undivided attention of physicians of the highest skill.
The philosophy of Lucretius has been much studied in recent times.
From 1581 he studied at the universities of Strassburg, Leipzig, Heidelberg and Jena.
He entered the university of Wittenberg in 1599, and first studied philosophy.
He also attended lectures in theology, but, a relative having persuaded him to change his subject, he studied medicine for two years.
He studied law, became a judge in the tribunal of the Seine in 1806, was attached to the cabinet of Louis Bonaparte in 1807, and was counsel to the court of appeal at Paris in 1811.
During an illness, which kept him virtuous by confining him to his room, he studied French and English, gaining a mastery of these languages which, at that time exceedingly rare, opened up for him opportunities for a diplomatic career.
C. Maxwell Garnett, who has studied the optical properties of these glasses, has suggested that the changes in colour correspond with changes effected in the structure of the metals as they pass gradually from solution in the glass to a state of crystallization.
He studied at Kiel University (1832), and became professor ordinarius of theology at Rostock (1850).
He next went to Paris, where he studied chemistry under Gerhardt, and on his return to London he was appointed director of the chemical laboratory at Guy's Hospital.
He studied at the university of Vermont in 1812-1814, and then entered Brown University, where he graduated in 1815.
He studied law, and in 1817 came under the influence of a religious revival in Vermont, where at Lyndon in the following year he was licensed as a local preacher and was admitted to the New England conference.
He had studied Arabic, Turkish, Greek, the vernacular languages of India and Sind, and perhaps even Hebrew; he had visited Multan and Lahore, and the splendid Ghaznavide court under Sultan Mahmud, Firdousi's patron.
Puchstein has cleared and studied important architectural remains.
He studied in Copenhagen, and was ordained in the Danish Church.
The last-named studied under him (78-77 B.C.), and speaks as his admirer and friend.
He studied at Rome and in Naples, afterwards adopting the life of an independent student and occupying himself especially with literary and with Neapolitan history.
In the treatment of the spiritual categories, Croce laid special stress upon those which had been least elaborated and least studied.
The specific effects of different impurities on the physical properties of zinc have only been imperfectly studied.
Under these men and influences, Arminius studied with signal success; and the promise he gave induced the merchants' gild of Amsterdam to bear the further expenses of his education.
In 1582 he went to Geneva, studied there awhile under Theodore Beza, but had soon, owing to his active advocacy of the Ramist philosophy, to remove to Basel.
As a native of Hesse-Darmstadt he ought, according to the academical rules of the time, to have studied and graduated at the university of Giessen, and it was only through the influence of Humboldt that the authorities forgave him for straying to the foreign university of Erlangen.
He studied law, and was called to the bar at Paris, but soon went into politics, contributing to various newspapers, particularly to the Temps.
After spending some time at the university of Kiel, he went to Berlin, where, from 1814 to 1817, he studied under De Wette, Neander and Schleiermacher.
Since prehistoric remains must be studied where they are found, the difficulty in the way of exploration makes itself severely felt.
After taking orders at Parma, when he was made canon of the cathedral, he studied jurisprudence at Bologna.
He studied at Leipzig and Erlangen, and in 1829 was called to Jena as professor of theology.
He studied law with the intention of becoming an advocate, but soon became absorbed in politics.
He was educated in the common schools and afterwards studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1842.
The result has been that in subsequent years mosquitoes have been collected, studied and described by naturalists and medical men in all parts of the globe.
He was educated at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, and afterwards studied at the university of Paris, where in the year 1581 he was made a doctor of the civil law.
He went to Texas in 1839, studied law, and was admitted to the bar by a special act of the legislature before he was twenty-one.
He studied for a time at Norwich University, Vermont, but did not graduate.
He was educated at the monastery of Reichenau, near Constance, where he had for his teachers Tatto and Wettin, to whose visions he devotes one of his poems. Then he went on to Fulda, where he studied for some time under Hrabanus Maurus before returning to Reichenau, of which monastery he was made abbot in 838.
Saracenic art has perhaps not attained here the high degree it reached in western Algeria, Spain and Egypt; still it presents much that is beautiful to see and worthy to be studied.
From 1815 to 1818 he studied medicine in London and Edinburgh.
His parents moved to San Francisco, Cal., where he studied in the public schools.
From 1880 to 1882 he studied in Berlin, Heidelberg and Paris.
Nitric, hydrochloric and sulphuric acids, all more or less impure, were better studied; and many ethereal oils were discovered.
The technology of distillation is best studied in relation to the several industries in which it is employed; reference should be made to the articles COAL-TAR, GAS, PETROLEUM, SPIRITS, NITRIC ACID, &c. (C. E.*)
The extraterrestrial bodies which happen to find a resting-place on the earth are studied under the name of meteorites (q.v.).
He studied surveying and navigation, and joined his father in his ship-building, fishing and general trading business, quickly becoming one of the wealthiest and most influential men in the province.
He studied in the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn and in Columbia University, where he graduated in 1870.
He studied at Yale and Princeton, graduating from the latter in 1766, studied theology for a year, then law, and began to practise at Hartford in 1771.
He graduated at Bowdoin College in 1837, studied law in Boston, was admitted to the Suffolk bar in 1840, and practised his profession in Boston.
After attending the gymnasium of his native town, he studied at Marburg and Heidelberg, and then, attracted by the fame of Liebig, went in 1839 to Giessen, where he became a privatdozent in 1841, and professor of chemistry twelve years later.
Even as a boy he had intense pleasure in reading St Thomas Aquinas and the Arab commentators of Aristotle, was skilled in the subtleties of the schools, wrote verses, studied music and design, and, avoiding society, loved solitary rambles on the banks of the Po.
From Berlin he passed to Freiberg, and here he made his brilliant researches in the theory of functions, elliptic, hyperelliptic and a new class known as Abelians being particularly studied.
In 1844 Viscount Hardinge opened government appointments to all who had studied in institutions similar to Duff's foundation.
He was born before the year 99 o, in Cordova, studied in Lucena, left his native city in 1012, and, after somewhat protracted wanderings, settled in Saragossa, where he died before 1050.
This is worthy of consideration in any attempt made to sketch the mind of a man who was above all other masters of recent literature an artist, and who must be studied in the vast and orbic fullness of his accomplishment in order to be appreciated at all.
One of his most intimate friends was William Stukeley (1687-1765) with whom he studied anatomy, chemistry, &c. In1708-1709Hales was presented to the perpetual curacy of Teddington in Middlesex, where he remained all his life, notwithstanding that he was subsequently appointed rector of Porlock in Somerset, and later of Faringdon in Hampshire.
He afterwards studied divinity at Geneva under Calvin, and Hebrew at Paris under Jean Mercier.
In 1667 he became a Dominican (as Vincentius Maria), studied theology and philosophy, was made a cardinal in 1672 and archbishop of Benevento in 1686.
But the boy proving too sensitive for the life of a public day school, was sent to Bristol to the private academy of Dr Lant Carpenter, under whom he studied for two years.
Flora.The flora of Japan has been carefully studied by many scientific men from Siebold downwards.
If, on the one hand, huge stones are transported hundreds of miles from sea-shore or river-bed where, in the lapse of long centuries, waves and cataracts have hammered them into strange shapes, and if the harmonizing of their various colors and the adjustment of their forms to environment are studied with profound subtlety, so the training and tending of the trees and shrubs that keep them company require much taste and much toil.
As illustrating the rapid development of familiarity with foreign authors, a Japanese retrospect of the Meiji era notes that whereas Macaulays Esfays were ii the curriculum of the Imperial University in 1881-1882, they were studied, five or six years later, in secondary schools, and pupils of the latter were able to read with understanding the works of Goldsmith, Tennyson and Thackeray.
Sessh (1421-1507) was a priest who visited China and studied painting there for several years, at length returning in 1469, dis-.
He was an artist of eccentric originality, who achieved wonders in bold decorative effects in spite of a studied contempt for detail.
He was the eldest son of an artist, named Ogato SOken, and studied the styles of the KanO and Tosa schools successively.
He was recalled to Rome, where he lived a life of studied retirement, to avoid the possibility of giving offence to the tyrant.
He was intended for the medical profession, and studied at the universities of Berlin, Halle, Gottingen and Leiden.
He studied for the priesthood, but abandoned the idea before ordination, and took the diploma of doctor of letters (1860).
Then he studied medicine, taking his degree in 1867, and setting up in practice at Pons in Charente-Inferieure.
He was a descendant of one of the founders of the New Haven colony, worked as a boy in an uncle's blacksmith shop and on his farm, and in 1797 graduated from Yale, having studied theology under Timothy Dwight.
His son, Edward Beecher (1803-1895), was born at East Hampton, Long Island, on the 27th of August 1803, graduated at Yale in 1822, studied theology at Andover, and in 1826 became pastor of the Park Street church in Boston.
He was carefully educated, and in 1849-1850 studied at the university of Bonn.
While he taught during the day at Stote's Hall, he studied mathematics in the evening at a school in Newcastle.
There he studied under Bezzuoli and Segnolini at the Accademia delle Belle Arti, and attended anatomy classes under Zanetti; but he soon returned to complete his general education at Frankfort, receiving no further direct instruction in art for five years.
In 1849 he studied for a few months in Paris, where he copied Titian and Correggio in the Louvre, and then returned to Frankfort, where he settled down to serious art work under Edward Steinle, whose pupil he declared he was "in the fullest sense of the term."
To say, however, that he studied English literature would be an exaggeration.
He studied, first theology and then philosophy and natural science, at the universities of Konigsberg and Berlin.
Frederick Theodore, left an orphan at the age of three, was adopted by his uncle, graduated at Rutgers in 1836, and studied law in Newark with his uncle, to whose practice he succeeded in 1839, soon after his admission to the bar.
But the subject is now being vigorously studied, and, apart from its importance as a branch of descriptive chemistry, it is throwing light, and promises to throw more, on obscure parts of chemical theory.
He bought and resided at the estate of La Source near Orleans, studied philosophy, criticized the chronology of the Bible, and was visited amongst others by Voltaire, who expressed unbounded admiration for his learning and politeness.
He studied at Leipzig, and at first belonged to the Hegelian school of philosophy.
During this period, also, he studied law.
He studied medicine in Paris at the newly established Ecole de Medecine, and was appointed by competition prosector when only eighteen years of age.
Subsequently he studied in Berlin, especially under Trendelenburg, whose ethical tendencies and historical treatment of philosophy greatly attracted him.
He studied at the university of Alcala, and was admitted at the age of seventeen into the Society of Jesus.
The alloys of the formulae AuAg, AuAg 2, AuAg 4 and AuAg 2 o are perfectly homogeneous, and have been studied by Levol.
He studied at Bowdoin College, where he graduated in 1850, after which he proceeded to Berlin.
Of the species known not one has so wide a geographical range, and has so well been studied, as the common British threespined stickleback (Gastrosteus aculeatus).
He studied law, theology and science at the university of Poitiers from 1536 to 1539; then, after some travel, attended the universities of Bologna and Padua, receiving the doctorate from the latter in 1548.
A special envoy, sent by Louis XIV., to make inquiries and demand reparation, was treated with studied insult; and the result was that Mazarin abandoned the Turkish alliance and threw the power of France on to the side of Venice, openly assisting the Venetians in the defence of Crete.
He entered the university of Virginia in his seventeenth year and was one of its first graduates; he then studied law at the Winchester (Va.) Law School, and in 1830 was admitted to the bar.
He studied at St Andrews in the newly-founded college of St Leonard's, where he graduated in 1515.
He studied chemistry under Priestley and gave attention to the practical applications of the science.
Mary's College, Kan., studied art at the school of the San Francisco (Cal.) Art Association, and during 1890-3 attended the Academie Julien and the Rcole des Beaux Arts in Paris.
On his return to his native city he studied medicine, and in 1694 took the degree of M.D.