Stucco Sentence Examples
Modelling in stucco was extensively used.
The houses, of wood or stucco, are painted in warm reds and yellows.
Remains of the original marble wall lining and stucco decoration also exist.
The decorations were of somewhat gaudy stucco.
The corridor is beautifully ornamented by figures in stucco, of the royal lineage from the Tudors to our time.
It has three stories and has rusticated stucco on the ground floor.
They were finished in white stucco - hence the name White City.
A classic and grand stucco fronted five story terrace house.
Next, they used a thin layer of stucco followed by the artists' brushes that left bright vibrant paints as the final treatment.
The great gopuram, or gate-pyramid, is one of the most imposing buildings of the kind, rising in twelve stories to a height of upwards of 100 ft., and ornamented with a profusion of figures of men and animals formed in stucco.
AdvertisementIn the private houses even the columns are mostly of brick, covered merely with a coat of stucco.
His palace lay farther south on the west bank, built of crude brick covered with painted stucco.
Within, the palace is unsurpassed for the exquisite detail of its marble pillars and arches, its fretted ceilings and the veil-like transparency of its filigree work in stucco.
These images, which have been much injured, apparently by cannon-shot, are cut in niches in the rock, and both images and niches have been coated with stucco.
The façade is fine, and the interior, divided into three naves by columns, with galleries over the aisles, has fortunately not been restored; the vaulting of the crypt has, however, been covered with modern stucco.
AdvertisementIt is highly ornamented with gilt and stucco.
The building material in general use is sun-dried bricks, which in the better houses is covered with plaster or stucco.
The Spanish design with its ivory stucco walls reminded her of a mission.
They installed high-energy air filters and stucco ceilings to cut down on odors and noise.
Redcliffe Road is a part stucco fronted house in a cherry tree lined street just off the Fulham Road.
AdvertisementAn exciting opportunity to purchase this substantial period stucco house situated moments from the amenities, facilities and transport links of South Kensington.
The internal façade of the Palazzo Ginetti is finely decorated with stucco, and has a curious detached baroque staircase by Martino Lunghi the younger, which Burckhardt calls unique if only for the view to which its arched colonnades serve as a frame.
The façade is fine, and the interior, divided into three naves by columns, with galleries over the aisles, has fortunately not been restored; the vaulting of the crypt has, however, been covered with modern stucco.
The town hall (Rathaus), an edifice in the Italian style, erected in 1616-1619, contains frescoes by Dürer, and a curious stucco relief of a tournament held at Nuremberg in 1446.
The bars are both long and brightly painted with high fine stucco ceilings.
AdvertisementThe earthquake also caused some of the painted, stucco walls to fall off, revealing Inca foundations.
Right, near the Church is North Burton Hall, a white stucco house with 7 bays, built early 1800's.
Like Nice, cream and pink stucco buildings lining with broad streets planted with palm trees.
The use of traditional materials - white painted stone or stucco with gray roofs would be least intrusive.
The building materials included everything from rock, brick and stucco to crystal, marble and quartz.
Rough stucco walls or limed-washed complement sleek patterned ceramic tile borders, back-splashes, and polished stone countertops.
Wall surfaces in Tuscan homes are usually plaster or stucco with handcrafted, decorative finishes.
This attractive home style is also sometimes referred to as Spanish Modern or Spanish Mediterranean and usually features elements such as stucco walls, terracotta roof tiles, and wrought iron details.
Walls in Mediterranean style homes often feature deep, rich texture from hand-troweled stucco, mud, or plaster applications.
The current trend towards hand-scraped, dark stained wood floors is perfect for this design motif because the rustic textures are a nice complement to neutral stucco or plaster walls.
Porticos are typically made of stucco with tiled flloors.
Stucco and rock walls are not just for the outside, but make perfect interior wall finishes.
You can use a faux paint to give different appearances to your stucco walls.
You can also use a misture of stucco and rock.
Spanish and Italian stucco homes use warm yellows, golds and tans.
Greek stucco homes are typically white with bright blue trim around the windows.
You probably associate stucco walls with Tuscan design.
You can use a simple painting application technique to give the faux look of stucco.
It's not surprising that this is also a popular wall color and is enhanced with faux paint finishes that resemble an aging stucco Italian countryside farm house.
Stucco walls painted a buff or warm gold color are great choices.
Shutters are a nice touch, especially if you opted for stucco interior walls.
For a look of authenticity, use a faux paint technique to create the look of stucco or adobe.
This includes courtyards, iron gates, stucco, and desert landscaping.
This goes for drywall, metal, stucco, stone and brick installations too.
Pale yellow and cream reflect the tones in sun bleached stucco.
The area's narrow streets are filled with colorful stucco homes with dark wrought ironwork.
Other finishes that are becoming more popular in outdoor fireplace design include natural rock, stucco, and even porcelain.
Some styles also emulate other materials, such as stucco, stone, brick, cedar shakes and cement.
Encasing a home in a shell of siding will provide a lower maintenance option when compared to stucco, brick and wood exterior choices.
Olive Garden's décor is designed to promote an ersatz Italian-American look-prominently featuring elements such as wine bottles, stucco walls, and displays of lush foliage.
The piers carrying the arches have shafts at their angles, the earliest examples known, and the decoration of the walls consists of friezes, borders, and impost-bands, all enriched with conventional patterns interwoven with cufic characters and modelled in stucco.
In a fit of jealousy the emperor commanded that this masterpiece should be thrown down, and sent commissioners to Amber charged with the execution of this order; whereupon Mirza, in order to save the structure, had the columns plastered over with stucco, so that the messengers from Agra should have to acknowledge to the emperor that the magnificence, which had been so much talked of, was after all pure invention.
These are painted on a fine stucco in beautiful colours (notably a kind of turquoise-green) and represent archaic forms of flowers and butterflies.
Tiles are used for roofing, and on modern edifices stucco` ornamentation is lavishly employed.
The whole was bedded, not in mortar, but in clay, which has mostly been washed out of the joints; originally the surface was probably protected with a coating of stucco.
The stucco of the internal wall is decorated with bold and very effective patterns - birds and scroll-work and other decorative designs.
The octagonal sacristy (before 1488), with niches below and a gallery above, with stucco decorations by Bramante himself (the frieze with putti and medallions is ascribed to Caradosso), is a masterly work, and one of his best.
The present structure was erected c. 1600, and ornamented with stucco in 1809.
Grey tufa period; ashlar masonry of tufa, coated with fine white stucco; rubble work of lava.
The buildings of Montevideo are chiefly of brick and broken stone, covered outside with plaster and stucco, of one to three storeys, with flat roofs, usually surmounted by a square tower, or mirador.
The exact dates of the stages in this development cannot be fixed, for strangely enough few inscriptions of any length have been found at Petra, 4 perhaps because they have perished with the stucco or cement which was used upon many of the buildings.
When first built the dome was covered by gold leaf, and the outer walls were adorned with stucco work picked out in gold and blue, but to-day there are very few traces of this ornamentation.
In the older districts there is a countless variety of narrow gloomy streets, many of them steep. The houses are mostly five or six storeys high, are covered with stucco made of a kind of pozzolana which hardens by exposure, and have large balconies and flat roofs.
Late Minoan art in its finest aspect is best illustrated by the animated ivory figures, wall paintings, and gesso duro reliefs at Cnossus, by the painted stucco designs at Hagia Triada, and the steatite vases found on the same site with zones in reliefs exhibiting life-like scenes of warriors, toreadors, gladiators, wrestlers and pugilists, and of a festal throng perhaps representing a kind of " harvest home."
The chest is of limestone coated with stucco, adorned with life-like paintings of offertory scenes in connexion with the sacred Double Axes of Minoan cult.
It was a large quadrangular building of conglomerate, with a back wall faced with stucco, and stood open to the road.
That it was restored and was in use in Roman time is shown by the fact that both the seven columns still standing and two fallen columns discovered in the excavations, to say nothing of several fragments of others, have a thick coating of Roman stucco laid over the finer Greek.
Maria in Valle belongs to the 8th century, and contains fine decorations in stucco which probably belong to the 11th or 12th century.
The exterior walls are decorated with groups of figures of coloured stucco, illustrative of events connected with Thorvaldsen's life.
The vestibule was decorated with stucco mouldings by Domenico di Paris of Padua.
The town hall (Rathaus), an edifice in the Italian style, erected in 1616-1619, contains frescoes by Dürer, and a curious stucco relief of a tournament held at Nuremberg in 1446.
The Madonna della Ghiara, built in 1597 in the form of a Greek cross, and restored in 1900, is beautifully proportioned and finely decorated in stucco and with frescoes of the Bolognese school of the early 17th century.
The architect is said to have been a Coptic Christian who deprecated the destruction of ancient buildings to obtain columns and blocks of stone, and who undertook to design a mosque which should be built entirely in brick, which when coated with stucco and appropriate decorative designs would rival its predecessors.
Both the roof and the walls are almost universally coated with stucco and covered with fresco paintings - in the earlier works merely decorative, in the later always symbolical or historical.
They are sometimes provided with doorways faced with stucco, and these have painted ornamentation.
Of the fresco and stucco decorations of the walls and ceilings, less is naturally preserved.
The internal façade of the Palazzo Ginetti is finely decorated with stucco, and has a curious detached baroque staircase by Martino Lunghi the younger, which Burckhardt calls unique if only for the view to which its arched colonnades serve as a frame.
Built in brick, it was found necessary to give a more monumental appearance to the walls by a casing of stucco, which remains in fair preservation to the present day.
The old City Hall (finished in 1898), destroyed in 1906, was a great edifice of composite and original style, built of bricks of stucco facing (cost $6,000,000).
The walls, piers and arches, are all built in brick, covered with stucco, a great portion of which is preserved down to the present day.
Unfortunately only the foundation and a few Doric capitals and other architectural fragments remain; they were coated with stucco which was brightly painted.
C. t has for its subject pavements and roads, their construction, mosaic floors; c. 2 is on white stucco for walls (opus albarium); c. 3 on concrete vaults, gypsum mouldings, stucco prepared for painting; c. 4 on building of hollow walls to keep out the damp, wall decoration by various processes; c. 5 on methods and styles of wall painting, the debased taste of his time; c. 6 on fine stucco made of pounded marble - three coats to receive wall paintings; c. 7 on colours used for mural decoration; c. 8 on red lead (minium) and mercury, and how to use the latter to extract the gold from wornout pieces of stuff or embroidery; c. 9 on the preparation of red lead and the method of encaustic painting with hot wax, finished by friction; cc. to-14 on artificial colours - black, blue, purple;, c. to white lead and ostrum, i.e.
A wide porch peeked from behind three stucco arches.
The most beautiful portion of the mosque, however, still exists in the prayer chamber of Hakim, where are to be found the earliest examples of the cusped arch and the origin of many of the geometrical patterns in stucco at the Alhambra.
Since then exterior ornamentation and architectural eccentricities have run riot, and the city is now a mixture of the plain one-storey and two-storey buildings of the Portuguese type, and fanciful modern creations, embellished with stucco and overtopping the others by many storeys.
Its most important feature is a large stucco bas-relief, occupying a central position on the back wall of the sanctuary.
The walls are in many places coated with stucco adorned with frescoes, including palms, doves, labara and other Christian symbols.
The corpse was treated with natron and asphalt, and wound in a copious swathing of linen bandage, with a mask of linen and stucco on the face.
One practice which is especially prevalent, so as to strike every casual visitor, and dates from the early years of the empire, is that of filling up the flutings of the columns for about one-third of their height with a thick coat of stucco, so as to give them the appearance of being smooth columns without flutings below, and only fluted above.
Sculptured slabs form balustrades to the steps leading up to the temple, and its exterior is ornamented with figures in stucco, the outer faces of the four pillars in front having life-size figures of women with children in their arms. The small Temple of Beau Relief stands on a narrow ledge of rock against the steep slope of the mountain.
C. i is on the earliest dwellings of man; C. 2 on systems of Thales, Heraclitus, Democritus, &c.; c. 3 on bricks; c. 4 on sand; c. 5 on lime; c. 6 on pozzolana; c. 7 on kinds of stone for building; c. 8 on methods of constructing walls in stone, brick, concrete and marble, and on the materials for stucco; c. 9 on timber, time for felling it, seasoning, &c.; and c. to on the fir trees of the Apennines.