Struggling Sentence Examples
I looked and saw this little fellow struggling in the water.
Jenn closed her eyes, struggling to breathe.
You've been struggling for so long to take care of yourself.
Rows of red tulips stood like sentinels along the walkway, struggling to survive against the encroachment of summer.
She gagged and clawed at his hands, struggling to take a breath.
Obviously he was still struggling with it.
Natasha knows that he is struggling with terrible pain.
There's water now, A'Ran, she managed, struggling not to cry.
Dean cried, struggling to maintain his precarious position.
She braced herself and pulled his power into her, struggling to control it while panic rose.
AdvertisementHis face turned pale, he was struggling for air.
He closed his eyes to the darkness, struggling against his crippling terror.
With a startled gasp, she dashed into the cabin, struggling to shut the door against the rising wind.
She leaned against a building, struggling for control of herself.
She stopped struggling, apparently realizing how futile it was.
AdvertisementGabriel's mate was struggling to sit up.
She moved to the emerops computer, struggling to hold back tears.
She was hauled to her feet and she blinked, struggling to keep the pain at bay.
She stopped struggling, overcome by feelings.
She poured herself some more, struggling to figure out what she was missing.
AdvertisementWhile not privy to the Council's business, he assessed the appearance of their father at a time when Rhyn was struggling for control did not bode well for any of them.
She breathed deeply, struggling to remain in control when all she wanted to do was run for the nearest psych ward and check herself in.
Elise said nothing else, struggling to control her own emotions.
Her legs felt weak, and she sat heavily on the curb, struggling to control her breathing so she didn't pass out.
Struggling with consciousness, Jackson first noticed the intense burning in his throat.
AdvertisementShe swallowed hard and nodded, struggling to control the strange sense of desire bubbling uncontrolled within her.
She sucked in a breath, struggling to calm herself.
Taran saw the two struggling figures teeter dangerously close to the edge of a pit.
The tall youth, against whom he stumbled, seized his thin neck with his hands and, yelling wildly, fell with him under the feet of the pressing, struggling crowd.
Hopefully, the synergy of our combined teams are generating will have effective results for the struggling businesses.
One day she arrived to find him struggling to sit up in bed.
Mandy Rice said The duckling was really struggling and kept going under the water.
I took up the chip on which the three I have particularly described were struggling, carried it into my house, and placed it under a tumbler on my window-sill, in order to see the issue.
Dolokhov, after Anatole entered, had remained at the wicket gate and was struggling with the yard porter who was trying to lock it.
The other wife had already finished while the good-for-nothing was still struggling with the singed feathers.
In fact, he must be struggling to float on the ocean of problems this family represented.
What was clear was the fact that he was struggling over something.
It stunned him to feel the planet breathing, struggling back to life after hovering so long on the edge of death.
Rhyn squinted towards the sound of his brother's voice, struggling to balance the sensations within him.
It seemed every other rider had passed him on the climb until he looked down the mountain and saw hundreds of dots of color still struggling up the incline behind him.
Struggling into his shirt, Charles tried to yank away, but Darian Traveled to his cabin before releasing him.
So this was what he had been struggling with.
Still, their presence on the Asiatic side of the Straits was for the time being indirectly helpful to their British comrades who were struggling for a grip on the extremity of the Gallipoli Peninsula.
A small cluster of flames was struggling to stay alive in a pile of logs.
He was already struggling not to let his hands roam her body freely, the way he wanted to.
But on the night before the algebra examination, while I was struggling over some very complicated examples, I could not tell the combinations of bracket, brace and radical.
That instant, when Nicholas saw the wolf struggling in the gully with the dogs, while from under them could be seen her gray hair and outstretched hind leg and her frightened choking head, with her ears laid back (Karay was pinning her by the throat), was the happiest moment of his life.
She went in with rapid steps, pausing at the door for an instant as if struggling with herself, and then ran to her mother.
A strange wheezing noise was heard near the window end of the room, rather like someone struggling for breath.
Shortly after crossing the Bohemian-Saxon frontier, and whilst still struggling through the sandstone defiles, the stream assumes a north-westerly direction, which on the whole it preserves right away to the North Sea.
Society is constantly struggling to ensure the main condition of its existence - peace.
In England the fraternities of journeymen, after struggling a while for complete independence, seem to have fallen under the supervision and control of the masters' gilds; in other words, they became subsidiary or affiliated organs of the older craft fraternities.
While the latter were struggling with little success against the rising tide of French national feeling, Edward's want of money made him a willing participator in the attack on the wealth and privileges of the Church.
Three batteries succeeded in struggling through the mass, and, in coming into action, their left resting on St Hubert.
When the news of the Milanese revolt against the Austrians reached Turin (19th of March) public opinion demanded that the Piedmontese should succour their struggling brothers; and after some hesitation the king declared war.
On the one hand were the English plantations, populated, cultivated, profitable, stretching along the east coast of North America; on the other were the Canadian settlements, poverty-stricken, empty, over-officialled, a cause of constant expense to the home government, and, at a vast distance, those of Louisiana, struggling and bankrupt.
This was attributed by his opponents to personal motives, and a letter from Greeley to Seward, the publication of which he challenged, was produced, to show that in his struggling days he had been wounded at Seward's failure to offer him office.
The council of Constance then deposed him, as a perjurer, an incurable schismatic and a heretic (26th July 1417), After struggling with the popes of Rome, Urban VI., Boniface IX., Innocent VII.
Even without allies, however, the Dutch continued to extend their trade and to annex fresh territory, for the British were weakened by civil war at home, while, after 1640, the Portuguese were struggling to maintain their independence against Spain.
Many Russian historians even maintain that, but for the fact that Witowt had simultaneously to cope with the Teutonic Order and the Tatars, that energetic prince would certainly have extinguished struggling Muscovy altogether.
There was nothing heroic about Cecil or his policy; it involved a callous attitude towards struggling Protestants abroad.
Its forests are not composed of one or a few dominating species, as in the cold temperate zone, but of countless genera and species closely interwoven together - a confused mass of giant trees, lianas and epiphytes struggling to reach the sunlight.
Meanwhile, however, the truth about the Eudemian Ethics in general is that it was an earlier rudimentary sketch written by Aristotle, when he was still struggling, without quite succeeding, to get over Plato's view that there is one philosophical knowledge of universal good, by which not only the dialectician and mathematician must explain the being and becoming of the world, but also the individual and the statesman guide the life of man.
This state of things, occurring just as the last rulers of the Ming dynasty of China were struggling against the encroachments of the Manchus, their future successors, favoured the interference of a Khoshot Mongol prince, Tengir To, called in the Tibetan sources king of Koko Nor.
William, now supreme in the States, while on land struggling with chequered success against the superior forces of the French, strove by his diplomacy, and not in vain, to gain allies for the republic. The growing power of France caused alarm to her neighbours, and Sweden, Denmark, Spain and the emperor lent a willing ear to the persuasions of the stadholder and were ready to aid his efforts to curb the ambition of Louis.
After a struggling youth of great poverty, he published, in 1807-1809, a translation of Ossian; in 181 4 a volume of lyrical poems; and in 1817 he attracted considerable attention by his descriptive poem of The Tour in Jutland.
He was in deep poverty, the Estates were chary of supplies, plotters in Scotland had been offering to Cecil to kidnap the king (1598), and his relations both with the English government and with his own subdued but struggling preachers were bitterly unfriendly.
The author's confession that, being " thretty 3eris nurist in Fraunce, and in the noble study of Paris in Latin toung," he " knew nocht the gret eloquens of Chauceir," and again that he had written another work in Latin, " the tounge that I knaw better," is valuable testimony to the difficulties in the way of a struggling Scots prose.
Our earliest glimpses of India disclose two races struggling for the soil, the Dravidians, a dark-skinned race of aborigines, and the Aryans, a fair-skinned people, descending from Legends.
The dialectical doctrine of judgment as the declaration of one member of a disjunction by contradiction, which is later so important, is struggling with one of its initial difficulties, 2 viz.
All the forces against which he had been struggling united to overwhelm him.
Struggling in these difficulties, the government of the state was upset by the first Reconstruction Act.
While they were struggling to enforce their claims to universal sovereignty, the royal power, less extravagant but more real, was welding together the feudal states of France and moulding the England of to-day.
It is enough to say that two rival doctrines of grace and free-will were struggling for mastery in the Roman Church.
St Paul's utterances on this subject, though they go somewhat further, amount only to the assertion that a struggling missionary body will find more freedom in its work in the absence of wives and children.
Moreover, the promotion of Greek civilization and city life had created numerous local centres, with separate interests and centrifugal tendencies, struggling to attain complete independence, and perpetually forcing new concessions from the empire.
They bear in themselves irrefutable proofs of their authenticity, bringing us face to face not with the Zoroaster of the legends but with a real person, announcing a new doctrine and way of salvation, no supernatural Being assured of victory, but a mere man, struggling with human conflicts of every sort, in the midst of a society of fellow-believers yet in its earliest infancy.
The British immigrants of 1820 were still struggling against heavy odds; the Dutch colonists were in a state of great indignation.
His career is that of a good man, struggling for the welfare of his Church against corruptions not essential to the system to which he was devoted.
Damaged by the Thirty Years' War, it led a struggling existence for a century and a half.
In the densest forests the trees, struggling through the tangle of underwood to the light, are often 150 ft.
But they did not understand the sage, and felt a contempt for him struggling on against the tide, and always hoping against hope.
Under this regime Neapolis retained independence for nearly four hundred years, though constantly struggling against the powerful Lombard dukes of Benevento, who twice unsuccessfully besieged it.
He came to London and led a struggling life, partly in trade and partly in literature.
His Pindaric Odes, written at this period or earlier, in the manner of Cowley, indicate the rudiments of a real satirist, but a satirist struggling with a most uncongenial form of expression.
Soon the irresistible charm of a book which gratified the imagination of the reader with all the action and scenery of a fairy tale, which exercised his ingenuity by setting him to discover a multitude of curious analogies, which interested his feelings for human beings, frail like himself, and struggling with temptations from within and from without, which every moment drew a smile from him by some stroke of quaint yet simple pleasantry, and nevertheless left on his mind a sentiment of reverence for God and of sympathy for man, began to produce its effect.
The archives are mostly kept in the "house of the valley" in the capital, Andorra Vicilla, a struggling village of 600 inhabitants.
But after struggling on for a few miles he fell by the way, and died at Burgh-on-Sands, just inside the English border, on the 7th of July 1307.
The manufacture of paper was declared to be a struggling industry, which would be destroyed by the withdrawal of protection.
This appears in his works on social polity, written at a time when the principles of democracy and toleration were struggling with divine right of kings, and when " the popular assertors of public liberty were the greatest engrossers of it too."
A born warrior, he speedily raised the little struggling Polish principality on the Vistula to the rank of a great power.
After Colberts day, when the crutches lent by privilege were removed, his achievements lost vigour; industries that ministered to luxury alone escaped decay; the others became exhausted in struggling against the persistent and teasing opposition of the municipal bodies and the bourgeoisieconceited, ignorant and terrified at any innovationand against the blind and intolerant policy of Louis XIV.
Desires are presentations struggling into consciousness against hindrances, and when accompanied by the supposition of success become volitions.
Instead of reducing the southern provinces of France, the Spaniards were driven from the strong fortresses that guarded the Pyrenees, and the French advanced almost to the Ebro; and at the same time the British were utilizing the war to extend their colonial power and were establishing more firmly that maritime supremacy which the Spanish government had been struggling for almost a century to overthrow.
Jule held her tightly, struggling to balance the power flowing between them.
I know you and I can squeak by with Bird Song, but the State of Colorado must see us as a pair of paupers struggling to put bread on the table.
Rhyn's Immortals were struggling to recover from battles with the demons, while he struggled to keep the Council together, let alone focused.
I made Zamon, his predecessor, a private deal first … I … Her head hurt from struggling.
He started towards the fortress at a trot, struggling to decipher the instincts of a deity.
If both boys were struggling in the water, I suppose her natural impulse would be to first save her own child.
Rhyn gripped and released the dagger, struggling between the tiny voice that reminded him of his promise to Katie and the vision before him. If he took back his mate and child, there would be nowhere safe for them to go. But he didn't want to live eternity without her.
She'd never even seen Damian prior to the Schism, when the Guardians exiled to the mortal world were a small band struggling to stay alive.
She brought him humans to feed off of and – in the lean years where they'd been struggling to survive – she let him drink from her.
Whatever the reason, I was vulnerable, and all the self composure I was struggling to attain was quickly disappearing.
Platt, also struggling with things his mind could not contrive to reconcile, said " that confounded hypocrite.
I was struggling to find anywhere decent to bird from near the car and so returned for another brief spell at south Van marshes.
Ian Seager himself had flown down in a Cirrus and was struggling to find something derogatory to say about it.
Seedhouse, meanwhile, was successfully fending off Robertson with Tim Jones struggling along behind, still short on traction.
Family friend and retired Aussie footy star Lionel (Hugo Weaving) is also struggling with his addiction.
Across the UK, there are reports that newly-qualified nurses are struggling to find Band 5 posts because trusts have imposed recruitment freezes.
MotorSport Vision champion Dempsey was struggling with the set-up of his car and spun entering the hairpin.
After the entire hullabaloo about debt ridden customers, somebody seems to have finally come to the rescue of debtors struggling to make repayments.
Even the earliest Greek philosophers have routinely been seen as struggling precursors of the enlightenment ideal.
Martin's approach doubtless appeals to many who are struggling to preach the gospel to a biblically illiterate culture.
They found the apparent lunatic struggling in the grasp of two or three gentlemen and uttering imprecations of the most violent kind.
She is struggling to deal with her husband's infidelity.
Our results suggest that nearly all premotor interneurons are rhythmically active during struggling.
On the one side you have relative mediocre Java based games, struggling with the phone platform and yielding sometimes awful results.
This is especially true with respect to the struggling members of society, including laborers, farmers, fishermen, and the unemployed.
Struggling with her heavy cases and tired legs Rosemary fought her way by tube into central London.
The new mainframes could revive a struggling zSeries unit at IBM.
The kids get a good laugh at Samantha's old mom struggling to reach down and grab the block for a good start.
Insurers are struggling most common but the gsm module fall the newlyweds.
However, in the end we were comprehensively outplayed, struggling to 65 all out.
Mr. Chairman, events of the last few years in Indonesia paint a vivid picture of a state struggling to regain stability.
Greg is a fading middle-aged actor whose family life has long since become stale; Sally is a struggling young playwright.
Darling's novel is a moving portrayal of a family struggling to co-exist.
By implementing new production patterns publishers are struggling to face a new world of cross-media publishing.
The small town radial is struggling with low margins and high fares.
I am a self-employed roofer and am struggling to do my job.
Struggling with buttons and right-handed scissors, or constantly smudging the ink on my homework - well, that can be pretty annoying.
The second quarter became much more scrappy with both teams struggling to find any fluency ion their play.
But, and I think this is the point I've been struggling to grasp, to me it feels second-rate, somehow.
Or is it the original genius battling his own demons, struggling for truth and plagued by self-doubt.
Are at last about his woes were imprisoned sunbeams struggling in its depths.
In short, Kazantzakis has turned Jesus and his world into that of a struggling Nietzschean superman, almost wholly of his own making.
Wildcats were struggling to keep up but through sheer tenacity trailed by nine at half time.
Paul Ince is also struggling after surgery to remove an in-growing toenail.
But the urban music underground is a reality, despite struggling to live up to the expectations of a cohesive independent scene.
The US broker believes the struggling retailer provides the greatest potential upside on the High Street.
Aristotle speaks of him as uneducated and simple-minded, and Plato describes him as struggling in vain with the difficulties of dialectic. His work represents one great aspect of Socratic philosophy, and should be compared with the Cyrenaic and Megarian doctrines.
Amongst the threads, which entangle the wings and legs of intercepted prey, the spiders are perfectly at home and can pounce on the struggling victim at once if it be small and harmless or keep at a respectful distance, checking all efforts at escape, if it be poisonous or strong.
His "Athlete struggling with a Python" was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1877, and was purchased for the Chantrey Bequest collection.
The history of Africa Minor is the history of all those foreigners who have successively endeavoured to exploit this land, the history of their divers civilizations struggling against an everrenascent barbarism.
Principles of descent and other applications of uniformitarianism which had been struggling for expression in the writings of Lamarck, St Hilaire and de Blainville here found their true interpretation, because the geological succession, the rise, the migrations, the extinctions, were all connected with the grand central idea of evolution from primordial forms.
Even at Stonehenge, the oldest relic of prehistoric religion in England, where we picture in imagination the worship of the rising sun, nature worship degraded to a horrible depth by human sacrifice, we find struggling for expression the idea of a corporate religious life.
A national policy of "growling before fighting" - later practised successfully enough by the United States - was not then possible; and one writer has very justly said that what chiefly affects one in the whole matter is the pathos of it - "a philosopher and a friend of peace struggling with a despot of superhuman genius, and a Tory cabinet of superhuman insolence and stolidity" (Trent).
After his departure (1587) the advocate of Holland, Oldenbarnevel,dt, became the indispensable statesman of the struggling republic. The multiplicity of his functions gave to the advocate an almost unlimited authority in the details of administration, and for thirty years the conduct of affairs remained in his hands (see Oldenbarneveldt).
He treated with supercilious contempt the National Convention, which had dethroned the king and proclaimed a republic. Above all, he took up a declaration by the Convention, that they would give help to all peoples struggling for liberty against their respective governments, as a challenge to England.
With their Greek mindset they were struggling to come to terms with the bodily resurrection of believers.
But, and I think this is the point I 've been struggling to grasp, to me it feels second-rate, somehow.
We know that all four hospitals in Hertfordshire have been struggling with the same issues of staff shortages at key times of the year.
Zhivago is a poet, surgeon, husband and lover struggling for survival.
Subsonic aircraft have been measured at twice the legal noise level, struggling to take off with heavy loads in adverse conditions.
In a top-secret military laboratory, scientists are struggling to defeat man 's oldest rival.
Stuart responded by upping the tempo, producing some magnificent attacking topspin shots which even Peter was struggling to return.
Struggling to his feet he tottered forward supporting himself with the branches.
Our children are like uprooted plants struggling to survive in a pot .
You can almost hear him struggling to sound like someone he 's not which is slightly wincing.
Derek was struggling to assemble the desk, so he deeply regretted throwing away the instructions.
Observing that the poor dotard was struggling to find his way, I pointed him in the right direction.
My cousins were told that they would prosper if they moved to remote Alaska, but in reality they are struggling to get by.
If you are struggling to conceive and not having any luck, your ob-gyn will talk to you initially, and then she may refer you to a fertility specialist.
If you are struggling to get by, you may have a harder time selling your role as a single parent to an adoption agency.
If you see your child struggling to keep up with pre-school peers, skill assessments are available to help parents determine if professional help is needed or if there are specific ways to encourage development in their child.
Suddenly you have a screaming infant, who you are struggling to calm while you find the sanitizer to wash it off, again.
No matter what pin you choose, make sure that the tip is very sharp to avoid struggling during the pinning process and possibly injuring you or your baby.
This will provide ample material to pin without struggling.
If the bat wobbles or if your hand is struggling to stay gripped to the bat, it's too heavy.
If you are purchasing for someone who is struggling to remember the day, then chances are the oversized hanging electronic calendars with clock functioning will suit you perfectly.
Many investors are wondering how to buy gold the safest way in an economy that is struggling and with the American dollar that is slipping in terms of worth.
How can you get any work done if you're struggling with the keyboard?
If your cat has had contractions for more than an hour without delivering a kitten or seems to be struggling more than normal, take her to a vet immediately.
Because they are shorter than traditional books, comics are less intimidating to struggling readers.
Struggling readers can benefit from selecting subjects that interest them paired with guided reading activities that can help transition from determining meaning to comprehension and eventually to fluency.
Just because someone has amassed significant consumer debt or is struggling to save for a down payment on a house, it does not mean they automatically require a financial consultant.
There are also plenty of articles available that profile individuals who have had their identities stolen and explain how they were able to recover from this problem, or how they are still struggling.
Debt consolidation can be a difficult process, but there is some government aid in free debt consolidation available to those who are struggling with unmanageable debts.
The government also offers an income contingent repayment plan and deferment and forbearance options that can put your payments on hold for a period of time if you are truly struggling to make ends meet.
If you are struggling to pay your debts, looking into Bank One loans may be an answer.
It's important to take the necessary steps to get out of debt before you find yourself struggling to pay your bills.
After all, they're struggling with their own issues and usually trying to reach a final resolution as quickly as possible.
Obviously, being a struggling writer, there's a limit to how many of those I can tackle in one year - especially this year.
No more struggling to get the tape into the corner or getting it to stay straight.
A home-based party business or Internet business, or even a combination, could quickly find profitable success without struggling with big business competition.
With her first appearance on the show as a woman struggling with her own life issues, she evolved to become the beautician and stylist for future shows and stars.
Unfortunately this dye caused serious disfigurement in a fair number of patients, leaving them struggling to complete daily tasks such as talking and eating.
You don't want to turn your company off or leave him or her struggling for breath.
Working with black and white photos also lets you choose any color scheme you wish, instead of struggling to match your patterned paper and embellishments to the colors within your photos.
If you're struggling to keep your household budget in check, you may find ideas for free scrapbooking projects to be the perfect budget stretchers.
Gone are the days of struggling with a pair of decorative edged scissors when trying to make a designed corner.
Financial stress affects everyone from students struggling to find college loans to parents trying to pay the mortgage to retirees taking jobs into their golden years because retirement funds and social security don't make ends meet.
While they may not have the same quality as manufactured items, they can be fast and easy to make, letting you relieve your stress without struggling to find a stress ball in a store at a good price.
If you're a teen struggling to get through the end of high school and trying to make your parents understand where you are coming from, becoming a young adult and getting a taste of freedom probably sounds like a wonderful thing.
Military Schools -- Perfect for struggling teens who do not have any significant underlying emotional or behavioral problems.
Specialty Boarding Schools -- Also known as emotional growth schools, these facilities work to build up struggling teens through behavior modifications programs, mental health services and individualized academic studies.
Struggling through homework assignments isn't anyone's idea of a good time.
With tutors and the Internet, you can spend less time struggling and more time learning.
Whatever subject area or assignment you're struggling with, the individual assistance you get from contacting a hotline can make a huge difference.
Begin to seek out the positives during science class, and if you are already considered to be a chemistry enthusiast, make the decision to help those struggling around you.
Your topic should be one that is interesting to you, yet not so difficult that you won't be able to finish it without struggling.
If your teen chooses revealing prom dresses, it may be a sign she is struggling to form her own identity and wants to blaze her own trail.
If you're a student struggling with the sport and homework, it may pay to enlist the services of a private tutor or personal trainer to help guide you throughout the sport and school season.
If you've been struggling, read on for some tips that you can put to use today!
It is important to ask for assistance if you are struggling in any of your classes.
Instigating these attacks often causes the teen to become more violent and increase severe behaviors such as fighting, stealing, skipping school, struggling academically and drug abuse.
Many communities have groups of like-minded raw foodists who are willing to share their experiences and expertise with those struggling to make the transition.
Many are especially sensitive to others' dietary needs and concerns because they have personal experiences with struggling to find food to eat or talking with people who challenged their way of eating.
If you are struggling to find the right words, relax and follow these suggestions.
However, many tips can be tough for someone struggling with diet addiction.
However, after some reflection and time with a therapist, the person struggling with addiction will begin to notice the patterns that led toward drug abuse.
Get an inside look at this disorder so you can understand what you or a loved one may be struggling with inside.
If you ever find yourself shifting awkwardly or struggling to find a relaxed position while playing games with the kids, you may find your solution in a large floor pillow.
If you're stuck creatively, struggling with a difficult step, or wondering where to purchase the cake topper that will complete the design, cake designing websites can help.
As a teenager struggling to become an actress, Swank and her mother lived in their car until they could afford to rent an apartment.
In Fat Actress, Kirstie plays an overweight woman struggling to succeed in weight obsessed Hollywood.
After struggling with infertility, she has had three beautiful children through infertility procedures.
He led a pretty traditional life, even struggling to make the school football team.
Downey Jr.'s, story is much like other struggling actors' stories, in that he worked as a busboy at a restaurant and other odd jobs while auditioning for various film and stage roles.
Swayze earned critical acclaim for his portrayal of a ghost who must help his girlfriend while struggling to deal with his own death and limited means of interaction.
Struggling single parents who work two jobs but still cannot make ends meet and have to apply for food stamps to feed their children.
Though it was rumored that she struggled to be struggling with anorexia, the images in Playboy showed a healthy, happy woman.
If you are still struggling to find just the right party dress for your little girl, you might consider adding a new twist on a classic style.
With many families struggling to make ends meet, it's no wonder kids discount clothing is in high demand.
If you're struggling to keep up with your reading assignments, you may need to work on improving your reading speed.
Nobody will think you're stupid or uncool if you admit you're struggling with the course material.
And if you major in a field that doesn't offer a high starting salary, you may be struggling to make ends meet for several years after graduation.
The colleges and universities make more money, while people struggling to find employment because of lack of credentials can get ahead by earning a new degree.
Old breeds struggling to evade extinction and new breeds in development both find themselves classed as Rare Dog Breeds when they are approved for registry with the AKC's Foundation Stock Service.
Needless to say, we were in a very low place and struggling to get through the days.
As the process continues, a dog will begin to show labored breathing as though struggling a bit for air.
These movements can appear as repetitive jerking motions, or it may simply look like the dog is struggling to change position without much success.
Although perfect dirt is a joy, struggling with imperfect soil is one of gardening's greatest frustrations.
Browse by song title, and if you're struggling, there are plenty of video lessons available to help you along the way.
The band's 1999 follow-up album, Utopia Parkway, still found the band struggling to find their place in the mainstream.
When others are struggling through weeks of lessons, you are starting a band and jamming out on simple songs with friends.
Consumers who make responsible purchasing decisions can make a positive impact on the environment, as well as on the lives of coffee growers struggling to make a living all over the world.
If you're struggling with where to buy organic cake flour and need to find other alternatives, try any of these products or methods.
The 24-year old supermodel chronicled her battle with anorexia and exercise as she was struggling to survive as a waif thin supermodel in her memoir, "Hungry."
On websites selling plus size swimwear, the models aren't named and are more often than not struggling models who do other work in order to get by.
For teens struggling with early morning hours at school, talk to the school's counselor about adjustments to their schedule to better accommodate these needs.
Anyone struggling to get to sleep could be battling insomnia when this happens more than one night per week.
For those struggling with sleep apnea, having treatment options is important.
Doctors may view your sleeping habits with a sleep study or have someone at home track your movements to better understand why you are struggling with this sleep problem.
Those struggling with getting a good night's sleep may wish to keep a sleep log.
It is good practice anytime you are struggling with getting enough sleep.
For those struggling with insomnia or the inability to get to sleep, chamomile can help.
In some cases, patients prefer to have surgery to treat the sleep disorder to avoid uncomfortable nights struggling with masks or oral appliances.
By participating in a forum you can onnect with other patients struggling with the same problems and find solutions for problems associated with reordering CPAP supplies.
If you are struggling with this condition talk to you doctor and see what other kinds of treatment are available.
The gradient design of the lenses will allow you to keep your glasses on all the time instead of struggling to keep up with a pair of readers as you go from one activity to the next, and back again.
There won't be any pulling over and struggling for twice the amount of time it used to take you to read a map and be on your way.
They're affordable, readily available, and if you've been struggling for a while, you'll wonder why you didn't get a pair much sooner.
Waiting in lines at the gate to purchase tickets is a chore that can be avoided, and guests can instead focus on enjoying their getaway rather than struggling with organizing it along the way.
However, this extensive walkthrough can be very useful for gamers struggling with specific stages in the epic journey.
Play in the early morning and watch your neighbours struggling to wake up.
Nintendo was actually struggling to make money in the late 1960s and by accident Yamauchi, the president at the time, saw a mechanical arm being used to make playing cards and wanted that developed as a toy.
Accompanying him on this dangerous adventure are a struggling actress (Ann), a scriptwriter (Jack) and a couple of sailors.
This way, you can get full enjoyment out of these rhythm games without struggling through the lengthy career mode.
Behemoths like Gallo and Mondavi are struggling to shed their reputations of plonk vendors as legions of smaller growers are concentrating on making a quality product.
Still, it represented a monumental step forward for Palm, a company that had been struggling to recapture its former prominence in the smartphone and PDA market.
Unfortunately for both companies, Iridium faced many significant growing pains in its early stages, struggling to turn a profit and elicit a large enough customer base.
The child is very anxious, has rapid breathing, and/or is struggling to get a breath.
They can also benefit from hearing parents tell older siblings that it took time for them to do the things that lastborns are struggling to do.
The patient often leans forward and juts out his or her jaw, while struggling for breath.
A constitutional prescription also can help rebalance someone who is struggling with chronic constipation.
It may create more confusion and anxiety by reinforcing negative thoughts and emotions with which the child is already struggling, the advisory states.
Because infants on ECMO may have been struggling with low oxygen levels before treatment, they may be at higher risk for developmental problems.
You can have these in addition to the standard ages and stages of skill if you are struggling to choose between mainstream competition form or something a bit more unique and artistic.
If you are struggling with finding someone on the index or would like to know how to report someone to it, you can contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) by calling 1-800-772-1213 or visit the SSA website.
When the time came during the funeral to close the casket, the funeral assistant and pallbearers were struggling to latch it closed.
No one wants to spend a great deal of time struggling with a database.
A cutting edge hair removal technique, usually reserved for women struggling with excessive facial hair, is found in a medically prescribed cream called eflornithine.
It is paramount for struggling individuals to be proactive and attempt to conquer their hurdles or learn to accept their hair loss as a fact that does not impinge on the wonderful style they have inside.
Unfortunately, it's not just a small amount that's collected over a period of time; instead, it's just a few days worth of your precious locks that have left the drain struggling for air.
Choose a more casual updo such as a stylish ponytail with a fun hair accessory instead of struggling with a more elaborate look.
When Brad Pitt left the University of Missouri in 1982 just two weeks prior to earning his degree, he wasn't much different than the rest of the young actors struggling in Hollywood.
Whether you are fighting the elements of a harsh winter or struggling to keep your tendrils tame during the scorching and humid summer months, the right products will help keep your locks shiny and manageable.
Or, if you have been particularly blessed and don't need the funds, give the curriculum to a family who is trying to homeschool, but struggling financially.
If your child is struggling at math, or you just want to create a math whiz, then fraction worksheets can make a huge difference while homeschooling your child.
Whether you want to know more about what it takes to homeschool through high school, or need help teaching a struggling student this site's resources will keep you up-to-date or point you in the right direction.
There are also many online help sites which offer tutoring and support for children struggling in one or several classes.
Do not become discouraged if your child is struggling or bored.
If your child is struggling with a concept, you will need to review it on your own with supplementary materials.
Though the latter territory may be understated by many preschool curricula, this site makes the argument that children struggling with these areas may be ill-equipped for more advanced school work.
If you have the knowledge and patience required to work with a student struggling with a particular subject, you can charge as much as $30.00 an hour for tutoring.
The underlying goal of the problem was to revitalize the struggling real estate markets by getting more people to purchase.
It can also help those struggling to make payments on their home to negotiate with lenders to secure a more stable option for them and therefore to keep them out of foreclosure.
For those who are struggling with foreclosure, refinancing can be one of the best ways to stop the process.
One of the largest misconceptions today is that there is no help for struggling homeowners.
This program also works well for those who are struggling to make their monthly payment because of an interest rate increase.
Further, several metropolitan areas were struggling with what to do with all of the empty houses, vacated either by foreclosure or default, that filled some neighborhoods.
Despite this, more than one lawsuit has been filed against AHMSI by state Attorney General offices on the behalf of struggling homeowners.
If you are struggling to get just the right look to the dragon, or you are struggling with one of the steps, you can often find other sources online offering the same or similar dragons.
For older children who may be struggling to learn geometry, this type of hands on activity can be fun and educational.
If you find that you are already struggling with milk supply after birth, you may want to explore a different option.
With frequent urination topping the list of pregnancy annoyances, struggling with a zipper and buttons or yanking down tight pants just adds to the frustration.
Clomid is a popular choice for women struggling with infertility because it requires no painful injections and is one of the most affordable fertility drugs available.
Although not foolproof, IUI is still a great way to conceive for couples who have been struggling with infertility.
Shopping-standing in long lines and struggling with grocery bags are no fun for an expectant mother.
If you've been struggling to conceive, you may be interested in the research that indicates acupressure treatments can help to increase fertility.
If you're struggling to keep a clear complexion, you may find yourself wondering if birth control that helps acne is the right choice for you.
Women struggling with an addiction while pregnant can benefit from learning about their treatment options and learning about how those treatments affect their developing babies.
A model struggling to gain a toehold in the business must make sure she's the best person to work with out of all her competitors.
She's not afraid to admit that her childhood was less than idyllic, and if she can help a young lady who's struggling with similar adversities, she's willing to try.
The top models will get the best care, but a struggling model might need to look after herself.
As you get into modeling, it's a good idea to join an online forum comprising struggling models so that you can get an education and have a support group.
Whether the economy is thriving or struggling, the desire to score gorgeous clothing on a budget always remains strong.
Perhaps you have an elementary school aged child who is struggling with a certain subject, or you're a teen or an adult who needs an extra boost of help mastering a certain school-related skill.
Making a Pantene hair donation is a wonderful way to help women struggling with cancer.
She received the Bob Hope Humanitarian Award in 2002, and continues to give to those struggling in life.
This can help families struggling with birthdays and other holidays as well.
Cars - This organization takes vehicles that you donate, refurbishes them and provides them to struggling families to get them back on their feet.
After years of struggling to keep delicate ornaments secure on tree branches and wreaths or seeing them broken on the ground because of a flimsy ornament hook, Heather created a new type of ornament clip.
The costs can be significant with $250 - $5,000 being a common range, but for someone struggling with dating and relationships, the advice and additional services can be invaluable.
Whether you are struggling with a dilemma in a current relationship or simply need a boost to get you going on a starting up a new spark, we are here for you.
If you are still struggling for help with your son's bipolar condition, visit a caregiver support group.
With so many couples struggling to make sex work in their relationship, Tantra might just be worth a try.
It says that your heart is struggling between being a good parent and husband with being the 'rock star' you remember.
What you're struggling with, is what family and neighbors will think if they learn of your desires.
If you see she is struggling with bags or carrying something heavy, ask her if you can help her.
What you're struggling with is the need to understand what you did that changed his mind.
At this time, your support systems, the people you have leaned on when you are struggling, are not available to you because they are struggling themselves.
If you and your partner are struggling to get along, you may not be seeing things the same.
By knowing what to do with the engagement ring, however, a couple can part ways without struggling over the initial symbol of their relationship.
Parents sometimes hire private tutors for elementary or high school age students who are struggling.
In children, the loss of a lot of weight, diarrhea or feelings of weakness without due cause, could be indications that the child is struggling with celiac disease.
More than half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce, which leaves many children struggling with its aftermath of pain and confusion.
If you're still struggling to read your email, MySpace may seem like a technological mystery.
Kids PC games are helpful for kids who are struggling in one or more subject area, and can often bring kids up to speed in a non-threatening way.
If you are really struggling financially, try saving pocket change for your children.
If you're truly struggling to pay for uniforms, ask the school about any programs they have to assist low-income families purchase their children's uniforms.
Elementary aged students who are struggling with science in school may benefit from doing some easy science projects at home.
If your child is struggling in the home and is having difficulty fulfilling his family contributions, a small reward at the end of each week may make the difference in his motivation.
Childcare vouchers can help struggling families with childcare expenses, but who can qualify, and what are the stipulations?
Since daycare rates have become so expensive, many parents may want to consider exploring government help with daycare, nanny shares, or other types of cost-savings methods if they are struggling to afford care for their children.
You don't have to be the parent of a struggling student to appreciate the usefulness of math games; even kids who do well in the subject will find something they enjoy in these drills disguised as fun.
This will also encourage kids who are struggling in school; seeing that people care about their success can be a motivating tool.
The site also has both detailed line drawings (good for older children) and simple cartoons such as pilgrim faces for younger kids still struggling to stay between the lines.
This decision was one that would turn the struggling bit part actor into a major motion picture film star.
As he drove along a dark stretch of road, weaving and struggling to stay in his lane of traffic, he felt a thud and shudder near the front of his sport utility vehicle.
When a person contemplates ending his or her life in an unnatural way, it is the result of the soul struggling to learn a lesson that's critical to its evolution to a higher state of being.
It's very important to understand that for people who suffer from such an illness, the karmic entanglement is similar to people who are struggling with physical disabilities.
The cumulative lifetime karmic-effect of struggling with that illness might easily place the person, at the time of his or her death, on a higher astral plane than someone who has lived a life free of any disability.
The Kristin Brooks Hope Center is one of the greatest resources for people struggling with thoughts of suicide.
Many Americans are struggling to control their debt and manage their money.
Whether you're struggling through an English literature course or in need of assistance understanding your book club's latest selection, a free summary of a book can be a helpful resource.
Unless someone has experienced struggling through the holidays without enough income and with children who believe wholeheartedly in the magic of Christmas, it's hard to understand exactly how that feels.
If you're struggling to keep a roof over your head and food on the table, planning for retirement or saving for a child's college education probably seems like an impossible goal.
If you're struggling, there's no shame in asking others for help.
If you're struggling to pay your expenses due to a job loss or a family member's illness, your local humane society may be able to help you make sure your pet gets the care it needs.
If you're struggling to balance your household budget, you may be wondering if you can pick up a few helpful tips on saving money from the Economides.
LoveToKnow Save can help you find the best ways to save money, whether you're on your own for the first time, struggling to raise a family, or a senior citizen on a fixed income.
If you're struggling with chronic health conditions, you may be taking multiple prescriptions per day.
If you're struggling with high utility bills, consider completing LIHEAP applications to get the help you need to deal with your energy costs.
Angel Food Ministries was started in 1994 by Pastors Joe and Linda Wingo in order to help provide affordable food to people in their Georgia community who were struggling financially.
There are many different programs available to help people who are struggling financially, including a few that are specifically for parents of young children.
For parents who are struggling financially, this expense often eats up the bulk of their salaries.
Diapers for Babies is an organization that works to provide free diapers to poor parents who are struggling to afford this necessity.
These savings funds take a while to build and are usually more mid-to-long term goals for families struggling with debt and money management.
Households that are not currently struggling can look over their entire budget and figure out where they are wasting money.
If you are already struggling to meet your minimum payment obligations, making a non-equitable debt repayment could cause problems if you need to file bankruptcy at some point.
If you're struggling to keep on top of your monthly bills, a debt snowball calculator may be a helpful tool for getting your finances in order.
If you're struggling to meet your basic expenses, it's natural to wonder why Ramsey would suggest giving away part of your money.
If you're struggling to get your finances in order, you may be wondering if Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University can help.
If you're struggling with high grocery bills, you may be wondering how to get food stamps.
If you're struggling to make ends meet, you may be wondering about welfare qualifications in your state.
Also, if you're worried about struggling to pull these on and off, don't; this is one style of Uggs that comes with a back zipper.
When Dr. Drake returned to GH in 2006, his character was a struggling alcoholic whose son, also on staff at the hospital, felt a combination of ambivalence and dislike for his father.
Her affair with Steve Frame produced son Jamie and her great love MacKenzie Cory (Douglas Watson) brought struggling Rachel to prominence and wealth.
He's had to make amends and he is always struggling with his darker nature despite his love for Blair.
Tara is struggling with a life of abuse at the hands of her alcoholic mother.
Tara's second season journey has her struggling with who she wants to be and living for a time with Mary Ann, a newcomer to town who seems to incite drunken orgies during her parties.
He is struggling with medical school prerequisites and is considering dropping out.
Billy was a trouble teenager struggling with his sexuality.
Lost and Found - Still struggling with her new life, a young Deb must celebrate Jane's 32nd birthday and help a man who was wrongfully imprisoned.
Alicia's children are angry with their parents and struggling to cope with their changes.
Jeremy comes home struggling with what he faced during the war.
When the koi in the tattoo is shown swimming upstream, it can be used to mean that the tattooee is still struggling with his problem, whereas a koi swimming downstream implies that the tattooee has already overcome his difficulty.
This design is believed to have come into existence when St. Patrick was struggling to convert the Celts to Christianity, although many people contend the design was around long before Patrick ever reached Ireland's shores.
Like many companies during the Depression Era, Ingersoll-Waterbury had been struggling along, barely able to make ends meet, but the Mickey Mouse wrist watch solved the firm's cash flow problems.
However, nothing takes the place of a yoga teacher moving your body into the proper position, assisting you with a prop when you're struggling or suggesting a modification best suited for your level at the time.
It should be a sufficient length and width per your body, enabling you to perform a range of movements and positions without struggling for more surface area.
If you are struggling, Ganesha Mudra is a hand yoga pose that may help.
Seeking advice and support from others who have already been through the process can be of invaluable assistance to families struggling to come to terms with an autism diagnosis.
Those around the adult struggling to learn the new, unnatural language can help by learning how he communicates as well.
If the child seems to be struggling with making friends, find out what options there are in the school.
She just might imagine she will be the one struggling to put food on the table and pay medical bills for her sibling in 30 years.
If you're struggling with this decision, doing additional research and talking to your doctor may help you decide what to do.
They look for struggling businesses that need a boost, and by helping that business, increase their own net worth in the process.
Financing a small business can be risky, which is why so many people with struggling small businesses turn to small business grants.
While the huge airline order is good news for the struggling French economy, it's not good news for the airlines industry in the U.S. Boeing has won about 60% of all airline manufacturing orders from the Chinese to date.
If you notice someone else struggling to connect, offer assistance if you can.
Look at your numbers and use the competition to boost the areas which your employees are struggling.
If you're struggling to fund an effective marketing plan, you can check with other businesses in your area to see if any of them would like to form an alliance to send business to each other.
On the other hand, in times when the business is struggling, it can be in a period of contraction or even trough.
If you don't feel comfortable saying, "Yes" to a request for a reference letter, you are better off saying so from the beginning than struggling to write a letter that you don't feel comfortable signing your name to.
That way, you'll be able to focus your efforts on the accuracy and quality of the information included in the document rather than struggling with various word processing functions while you are working on the document.
Instead of struggling to create sections for your proposal, the template gives you labeled sections for all of your information.
Even if you are closing your business because it is struggling financially, the Internal Revenue Service still has expectations that must be fulfilled.
If you had your eye on a car made by one of these struggling automakers during that time period, you could expect to see impressive deals from time to time.
If your team is struggling with arm movements, this is the model to watch.
If you're struggling, rhyming is one way to make it easier.
Are you struggling with getting ideas for crafts?
If you wait until the last possible minute to get started, you may find yourself struggling to complete your centerpiece while your turkey is in the oven!
For people who are struggling to lose weight, the point of exercise is not only to increase cardiovascular fitness, but also to burn as much fat as possible.
Overeaters Anonymous offers help specifically to those struggling with binge-eating disorder.
Teens are often struggling with the hormonal and physical changes of puberty, and the resulting emotional fragility can make it seem a daunting task to deal with a weight problem.
Some websites are also available for specific people groups such as women or those struggling with particular physical challenges like diabetes or a mobility-related handicap.
Many of those struggling with obesity, who have been studied, could eat whatever they wanted, exercise a moderate amount and still lose weight while taking ephedra.
And maybe worse for people struggling with their weight, these quick loss plans don't tend to work for the long term.
This feeling is due to your body being stressed and struggling to complete the digestion process.
While there is little evidence to back up claims that too much protein in your diet damages your kidneys, if you have pre-existing kidney conditions, a high-protein diet may place unwanted strain on an already struggling system.
Don't force yourself to complete your set if you are struggling to lift your weights.
The human body evolved in the presence of stress, whether it be fighting off predators or struggling to find food.
Even if you are butchering the accent or struggling to string a sentence together, the French are generally very responsive to even attempts at their language.
If you are still struggling to memorize the French numbers, try using mnemonic devices such as flashcards, songs, or even rhymes.
For shoppers struggling to make a purchasing decision, Balducci's sells gift cards at various prices and also carries a full line of gift baskets that include an array of some of their most popular sweet and savory items.
In the early 1900s, Herman Wittwer was struggling to sell insurance in Wisconsin.
This plan is designed to stimulate the economy and assist corporations and families that are struggling financially during shaky economic times.
This Act, among other things, provides financial relief to struggling individuals and families.
If you have a family that is struggling with income, you can determine whether or not you can be eligible for coverage.
Parents in Texas who are struggling to make ends meet are eager to know about free health insurance for children in Texas.
If your lingerie drawer is filled with skimpy thongs and camisoles, you may be struggling to understand the appeal of girdles.
These stockings are harder to get on than the sheerer types and you may even find yourself struggling to get them off at night, but the way you put them on is still the same.
They were a struggling local band for many years and released a number of singles with several independent record labels.
This latest offering marked a distinct decline in interest in the band, with singles struggling to make a mainstay on MTV2 and mainstream radio.
Rent is basically a modernized La Boheme, Puccini's opera about young Parisian artists struggling with poverty and disease - namely, consumption (tuberculosis).
Larson lived in the Alphabet City area, lived the life of a struggling artist, and lost several friends to AIDS - his own experiences inspired many of the scenarios in the script.
In reference to the band's title track of their third debut album, "Friend Like That," Dunn says, "So many people are struggling today.
The action on Glee centers around a struggling glee club at a high school in Lima, Ohio.
Sam Phillips, owner of Sun Studios, shared Elvis' fascination with African-American music but was struggling to sell those artists to white audiences.
After the song reached number one, Kesha changed the spelling of her name to Ke$ha as a nod to the way she was on the number one song in the country and struggling to pay her bills.
In 2005, BMG scooped up struggling Columbia House, making BMG the only direct sales company left.
The song was actually penned by Willie Nelson, who was a struggling Nashville songwriter at the time.
Instead, it was penned by Willie Nelson, who at the time of the recording (1961) was a struggling Nashville songwriter.
Whatever their reason, each celebrity experiences a unique journey, struggling with dance steps and pushing their bodies to the limit.
Supernanny is a reality show that showcases families struggling to effectively discipline their children.
This show follows hairstylist Tabatha Coffey, a former Shear Genius contestant, as she travels to struggling salons in New York and Los Angeles, taking them over and turning them around.
After struggling with infertility, Kate and Jon had fertility treatments which led to the births of their twin girls, Madelyn and Cara, in 2000.
In this show, Ramsay enters struggling restaurants and - with the sometimes reluctant help of the owners - transforms both the building and the menu.
Duff recruits those he has personal connections to, so it is not uncommon to see a member of his rock band struggling in the shop with buttercream frosting.
Ramsay travels to restaurants that are struggling to make ends meet and guides them toward profitability through drastic transformations, based on their menus and kitchen staff.
Often, however, these restaurants are struggling so badly and in so much debt that even a complete overhaul can't save them.
Always with the assistance of a licensed therapist or other professional qualified to work with those struggling from addiction, the family and friends of the struggling individual stage a loving confrontation.
Besides having to continue struggling with addiction, some individuals have lost income, custody of their children, and contact with loved ones.
One of the gut-wrenching aspects of A and E Intervention is sometimes during the course of an episode it is clear a concerned friend or family member is a struggling addict as well.
Bill's success in the world of business is well documented on The Little Couple, with numerous episodes featuring him struggling to balance career and family.
James later claimed that she was struggling with bulimia brought on by the stress of being in the music industry spotlight.
It's like a teasing reveal each and every time.The belt is continually moving, and as the men struggle to get their pitches out in time, the women are also struggling to decide whether or not to express interest.
Michaels' own show debuts in 2010, and will give her the chance to help families struggling with unhealthy lifestyles.
Each episode features one family struggling with unemployment.
Viewers found that Farrah was still struggling with many of the same problems.
In Sorrells' case, she had grown up in foster care after being abandoned by her mother, who was struggling with heroin addiction.
After struggling with alliances and the usual backstabbing that Big Brother is known for, she finished in fourth place.
With so many forces working against him, Harry struggles to keep his blood from boiling and, struggling from the same issue, loyal readers will find themselves turning the pages a little faster.
Season one's pilot starts out with young Clark Kent struggling to fit in with his peers as he becomes aware of his emerging powers.
If your readers are struggling to decipher your message, they're likely to simply click on a different Web site.
Find out what you need within a list of social networking sites-new friends in your area, support from people experiencing something similar that you're struggling with, or reuniting with old acquaintances and friends.
The following methods are the most efficient ways you can help a struggling non-profit establish a high-quality web page.
Damian turned in time to see the vamp Charlie struggling to drag a skinned deer carcass across the threshold.
He held his head and leaned into her, struggling.
One of Martha's Bird Song chores had been keeping the struggling plant hydrated.
In her mind, she saw only them being happy, finally, after an eternity of struggling to understand one another.
Deidre thought back, struggling to remember what human-Deidre felt, if not the events.
I made Zamon, his predecessor, a private deal first … I … Her head hurt from struggling.
Sticking her arms through what passed for an armhole, she shrugged into it, struggling to zip it up in the back.
Deidre withdrew a few feet down the balcony, struggling with the heat streaking through her blood and scattering her rationale.
Kiera stared at him, struggling to focus on his face when all she wanted to do was study every inch of his perfect body.
She pressed one button, then another, struggling to understand the symbols that popped up on the screen in response.
The momentary pause of the space battle quickly turned to chaos, and Mansr was struggling to outmaneuver the ships darting away from the planet.
She stared up at him, struggling over her next move.
She was in the barn one morning before Alex arrived, struggling to trim Penny's hooves.
She pushed herself up, reaching into a pocket for a food and water cube. Gabriel took her arm and pulled her to her feet. She nearly choked on the cubes and swallowed them whole, struggling to keep up with the death-dealer as he darted into the forest.
Struggling against the demands of his roaring blood, Rhyn closed his eyes, sought his magic and willed himself awake.
Rhyn heard the note of pain in the death-dealer's voice. In a week's time, Gabe had gone from quietly confident to troubled to lost. The death-dealer was struggling with himself, a feeling Rhyn knew well.
Death commanded. His body obeyed her, and he found himself struggling against himself not to turn around. Death won the fight for his body, and he watched.
Rhyn stopped in place. He'd never thought he'd hear her voice again, and he couldn't remember the last time he'd heard anything that stopped his world in place. He turned to see Katie supporting Hannah as they entered the Sanctuary courtyard. Katie wore simple jeans and a t-shirt. Her dark curls cascaded down her shoulders, and her face glowed. Her bright eyes locked on his. She stopped too far away for his comfort, struggling to support her sister.
I think you're struggling with something only you can work your way through.
Rissa drew her sword but guided her horse forward, eyes searching the mass of struggling bodies for the warlord.
Natalie pushed at Matthew, struggling to find equal place in mama's arms.
She brought him humans to feed off of and – in the lean years where they'd been struggling to survive – she let him drink from her.
Eden watched the pacing predator, admiring the warrior he had turned into while struggling with a new emotion.
She read the paper again, struggling to digest that she just saw someone disappear.
Jessi pretended to take her time settling on the sand, struggling to recall what Gerry said the name of Xander's show was.
William was still struggling to carry out that larger scheme of a union of all the seventeen provinces, which at the time of the " Pacification of Ghent " had seemed a possibility.
Meanwhile Macdonald, after struggling through central Italy, had defeated an Austrian force at Modena (June 12, 1799), but Suvarov was able by swift movements utterly to overthrow him at the Trebbia (June 1719).
Then came the news of the Five Days of Milan, which produced the wildest excitement in Turin; unless First war the army were sent to assist the struggling Lombards of Italy at once the dynasty was in jeopardy.
Descartes was an expert; Bacon was the prophet of a great, if half comprehended, future; and the science they loved was struggling for its infant life against a mass of traditional prejudices, which sought to foreclose every question by confident assertions about the purposes of God and Nature.
This luminous judgment, it must be noted, was written by a man of acknowledged purity of life, who admired Mirabeau in early life not when he was a statesman, but when he was only a struggling literary man.
That originality and independence became more conspicuous when he reached his second stage as a political economist, struggling forward towards the standpoint from which his systematic work was written.
A more debased population than the peoples thus struggling for supremacy could scarcely be conceived.
He established a lending stock to help struggling business men and did much to relieve debtors who had been thrown into prison.
What the war and revolution had left of the large farms, subsequent agrarian legislation further damaged; and in 1921 the Latvian state was still struggling against the dislocating effects of war and revolution, and its finance and commerce were seeking new methods of reconstruction.
In the first group are found Infinite Time, or Cronus; Tellus and Atlas supporting the globe, representing the union of Earth and Heaven; Oceanus; the Fates; Infinite Time giving into the hand of his successor Ormazd the thunderbolt, the symbol of authority; Ormazd struggling with a giant of evil - the Mithraic gigantomachy.
The most important function they have to perform, that of seizing and holding firmly animals of considerable size and strength, violently struggling for life, is provided for by the great, sharp-pointed and sharp-edged canines, placed wide apart at the angles of the mouth, the incisors between them being greatly reduced in size and kept back nearly to the same level, so as not to interfere with their action.
It appears safer, notwithstanding, to take the less subtle interpretation 11 that dialectical induction struggling with instances is formally justified only at the limit, and that this, where we have exhausted and know that we have exhausted the cases, is in regard to individual subjects rarely and accidentally reached, so that we perforce illustrate rather from the definite class-concepts falling under a higher notion.
Edison in the United States, were engaged in struggling with the difficulties of producing a suitable carbon incandescence electric lamp. Edison constructed in 1879 a successful lamp of this type consisting of a vessel wholly of glass containing a carbon filament made by carbonizing paper or some other carbonizable material, the vessel being exhausted and the current led into the filament through platinum wires.
He was the best friend of his innumerable poor relatives, and the Maecenas of all the struggling authors of his day.
Tacitus belonged to the highest official and senatorial class, Juvenal apparently to the middle class and to that of the struggling men of letters; and this difference in position had much influence in determining the different bent of their genius, and in forming one to be a great national historian, the other to be a great social satirist.