Struggles Sentence Examples
The town became embroiled in the struggles that ended in the independence of Scotland.
For it is to the individual conscience that God speaks; through the struggles of the individual conscience He builds up a strong and stable Christian character.
But the struggles between Guelphs and Ghibellines in Bologna itself soon followed, and the commune was so weakened that in 1337 Taddeo de' Pepoli made himself master of the town, and in 1350 his son sold it to Giovanni Visconti of Milan.
Its medieval history consists of struggles between the native sovereigns and Tamil invaders.
The religious feeling, which had not been absent even during the struggles of manhood, deepened in old age, and took the form the piety of the times prescribed.
The period from the election of the first doge to the appearance of the Franks was characterized by fierce struggles between Heraclea and Jesolo.
The Seleucidae had severe struggles with the Ptolemies for the possession of the southern part of Syria.
Albert was engaged in struggles with his three sons, who took him prisoner in 1288; but he was released the following year by order of the German king Rudolph I.
In the struggles of that time it was generally on the Ghibelline side.
This shy son of Hammer struggles with his school work but is a talented poet and writer.
AdvertisementIn 1864 he divided Venezuela into twenty states and formed them into a Federal republic. The twenty parties whose struggles had caused so much strife and bloodshed were the Unionists, who desired a centralized government, and the Federalists, who preferred a federation of semiautonomous provinces.
In the Guelph and Ghibelline struggles Cremona took the latter side, and defeated Parma decisively in 1250.
But in spite of the fiasco of the Irish Councils Bill (1907), the struggles over education (Mr Birrell's bill of 1906 being dropped on account of the Lords' amendments), the rejection by the peers of the Plural Voting Abolition Bill (1906), and the failure (again due to the Lords) of the Scottish Small Holdings Bill and Valuation Bill (1907), which at the time made his premiership appear to be a period of bitter and unproductive debate, a good many reforming measures of some moment were carried.
Afterwards, when Louis became a prisoner in the hands of his powerful vassal Hugh the Great, duke of France, Otto attacked the duke, who, like the king, was his brother-in-law, captured Reims, and negotiated a peace between the two princes; and in subsequent struggles between them his authority was several times invoked.
Divorces take place chiefly among the lower orders,who frequently treat marriage merely as a test of a couples suitability to be helpmates in the struggles of life.
AdvertisementThe most highly coveted office at this time was not that of BaotXEbs, which, like that of the rex sacrorum in Rome, had been stripped of all save its religious authority, but that of the Archon; soon after the legislation of Solon repeated struggles for this office between the Eupatridae and leading members of the other two classes resulted in a temporary change.
Hence the two great forms of prose literature which drew their nourishment from the struggles of political life, oratory and contemporary history, were arrested in their development.
The value of the work consists not in any power of critical investigation or weighing of historical evidence but in the intense sympathy of the writer with the national ideal, and the vivid imagination with which under the influence of this sympathy he gives life to the events and personages, the wars and political struggles, of times remote from his own.
In 344 party struggles between oligarchs and democrats led to a usurpation by the tyrant Timophanes, whose speedy assassination was.
After frequent struggles with Milan, it fell under the power of the Visconti in 1 335.
AdvertisementDuring the revolutionary struggles of 1848-49 the fortress was held by the insurgents for a short time.
From the time of Charlemagne it was under the rule of its bishops, who had the title of prince and the right to coin money, until 1185, when it became a free republic. It had many struggles with Fermo, and in the 15th century came more directly under the papal sway.
The city has suffered much through inundations from the Rio Dulce, and from frequent local revolutions caused by misgovernment and the struggles of rival factions.
The struggles of the Bundelas for independence resulted in the withdrawal of the royal troops, and the admission of several petty states as feudatories of the empire on condition of military service.
Beginning about 1827, Los Angeles, being the largest pueblo of the territory, became a rival of Monterey for the honour of being the capital of California, was the seat of conspiracies to overthrow the Mexican authority, and the stronghold of the South California party in the bickerings and struggles that lasted down to the American occupation.
AdvertisementThe marquises being opponents of the house of Savoy, and taking part in the struggles between France and the empire, the city often suffered severely from the fortunes of war.
In tracing the growth of Persia from a petty subject kingdom to a vast dominant empire, he has occasion to set out the histories of Lydia, Media, Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, Scythia, Thrace, and to describe the countries and the peoples inhabiting them, their natural productions, climate, geographical position, monuments, &c.; while, in noting the contemporaneous changes in Greece, he is led to tell of the various migrations of the Greek race, their colonies, commerce, progress in the arts, revolutions, internal struggles, wars with one another, legislation, religious tenets and the like.
During the crisis in Schleswig and Holstein in 1850 he endeavoured in person to aid the duchies in their struggles.
The most celebrated of these struggles is the one known as the Hildesheimer Stiftsfehde, which broke out early in the 16th century when John, duke of Saxe-Lauenburg, was bishop. At first the bishop and his allies were successful, but in 1521 the king of Denmark and the duke of Brunswick overran his lands and in 1523 he made peace, surrendering nearly all his possessions.
As patron of maritime adventure (i yee 6vtos) he struggles with Nereus and Triton, slays Eryx and Busiris, and perhaps captures the wild horses and oxen, which may stand for pirates.
For twenty years thereafter the political history of the colony consisted of two long, intermittent struggles - one constitutional between the central government (first seated in Auckland, but after 1864 in Wellington) and the powerful provincial councils, of which there were nine charged with important functions and endowed with the land revenues and certain rating powers.
The years 18 9 6,1897 and 18 9 8 were marked by struggles over the Old Age Pensions Bill, which became law in November 1898.
The next duke, John's son Magnus I., spent much time in struggles with the archbishop of Bremen and the bishop of Ratzeburg; he also assisted the progress of the Reformation in Lauenburg.
Large sections of the old history are devoted to the religion and politics of the ten tribes, which are altogether unintelligible and uninteresting when measured by a strictly Levitical standard; and in general the whole problems and struggles of the prophetic period turn on points which had ceased to be cardinal in the life of the New Jerusalem, which was no longer called to decide between the claims of the Word of Yahweh and the exigencies of political.
Her letter to the emperor, pervaded with he religious and almost mystic sentiments which predominate in the queen's mind, particularly since the death of Prince Albert, seems to have made a deep impression on the sovereign who, amid the struggles of politics, had never completely repudiated the philanthropic theories of his youth, and who, on the battlefield of Solferino, covered with the dead and wounded, was seized with an unspeakable horror of war."Moreover, Disraeli's two premierships (1868, 1874-80) did a good deal to give new encouragement to a right idea of the constitutional function of the crown.
In 1336 it became subject to Florence for six years, and after intestine struggles, finally came under her rule in 1384.
After further struggles between Guelphs and Ghibellines, the Manfredi made themselves masters of the place early in the 14th century, and remained in power until 1501, when the town was taken by Caesar Borgia and the last legitimate members of the house of the Manfredi were drowned in the Tiber; and, after falling for a few years into the hands of the Venetians, it became a part of the states of the church in 1509.
These struggles constitute the entire political history of Geneva up to about 1535, when a new epoch of unrest opens with the adoption of Protestantism.
The bishop was thus threatened on two sides by foes of whom the influence was rising, and against whom his struggles were of no avail.
When it became clear that the idea of doctrinal change would find no acceptance at Rome, the Reformers appealed to the divine authority of the civil power against that of the popes; and princes within their several states succeeded, as the result of purely political struggles and combinations, in establishing the form of religion best suited to their convictions or their policy.
In 827 he married Emma, daughter of Welf I., count of Bavaria, and sister of his stepmother Judith; and he soon began to interfere in the quarrels arising from Judith's efforts to secure a kingdom for her own son Charles, and the consequent struggles of Louis and his brothers with the emperor Louis I.
Boghra Khan, the most celebrated prince of this line, was converted to Mahommedanism late in the 10th century and the Uighur kingdom lasted until 1120 but was distracted by complicated dynastic struggles.
The importance of Rudolph's reign is negative rather than positive, consisting more in what he did not do than in what he did; although it is questionable whether any ruler could have prevented the religious struggles of Germany and the Thirty Years' War.
Occasionally he is didactic, as in Worek Judaszow (The Bag of Judas) and Victoria deorum, where, under the allegory of the gods of Olympus, he represents the struggles of parties in Poland, not without severely satirizing the nobility and ecclesiastics.
The Civil War between the northern and southern sections of the United States, which began with the bombardment of Fort Sumter on the 12th of April 1861, and came to an end, in the last days of April 1865, with the surrender of the Confederates, was in its scope one of the greatest struggles known to history.
The rivalry of these towns is intimately connected with the struggles and insurrections which have stained the land with blood.
Profoundly troubled as Algeria was in the last years of the 19th century by the anti-Semitic agitation, which occasioned frequent changes of governors, it appears to-day to have turned aside from sterile political struggles to interest itself exclusively in the economic development of the country.
Huguenots and Dutch were aided just enough to keep them going in the struggles which warded danger off from England's shores.
On both sides in Mexico there was an element consisting of honest doctrinaires; but rival military leaders exploited the struggles in their own interest, sometimes taking each side successively; and the instability was intensified by the extreme poverty of the peasantry, which made the soldiery reluctant to return to civil life, by the absence of a regular middle class, and by the concentration of wealth in a few hands, so that a revolutionary chief was generally sure both of money and of men.
Just as nature exhibits to us the series of dynamical stages of processes by which spirit struggles towards consciousness of itself, so the world of intelligence and practice, the world of mind, exhibits the series of stages through which self-consciousness with its inevitable oppositions and reconciliations develops in its ideal form.
Constant struggles with the Irish resulted in intermissions of the Danish supremacy from 1052 to 1072, at various intervals between 1075 and r r 18 and from 1124 to 1136.
France's plan for a great empire in America was now taking shape and there, as in Europe, a deadly Struggles g P P with struggle with England was inevitable.
This position was only established in New Brunswick and Manitoba after violent political struggles, and frequent appeals to the highest courts of the empire for decisions on questions of federal or provincial jurisdiction.
An imperial palace was constructed here, in which the emperors after the time of Diocletian frequently resided; and the city often played a part in the struggles between the rulers of the 4th century.
Resorting to stimulants after illness, his marked excess in this respect on the occasion of his inauguration as vice-president undoubtedly did him harm with the public. Faults of personality were his great handicap. Though approachable and not without kindliness of manner, he seemed hard and inflexible; and while president, physical pain and domestic anxieties, added to the struggles of public life, combined to accentuate a naturally somewhat severe temperament.
A long and peaceful reign followed, disturbed only by the struggles of rival political factions.
During the religious struggles between the East and West he was on a few occasions condemned (by the Eastern council of Sardica, by Dioscorus, by Photius); but the sentences were not carried out, and were even, as in the case of Dioscorus, considered and punished as sacrilegious attacks.
As to Gregory's political pretensions, zealous theorists were quick to transform them into legal principles; and though his immediate successors, somewhat deafened by the disturbance which they had aroused, seem to have neglected them at first, they were handed on to more distant heirs and reappeared in future struggles.
Martin rendered the greatest service by his admission of a whole series of distinguished men into the College of Cardinals; but he was less fortunate in his struggles against Hussitism.
Mesopotamia naturally had its share of suffering in the struggles that disturbed the time, when Eumenes or Seleucus traversed it or wintered there.
He had many struggles to pass through in early life, which tended to discipline his character and to form the habits of severe study and the mental independence for which he came to be distinguished.
The Roman Church, which is dominant throughout the continent, has been engaged in serious struggles with the anti-religious tendencies of the Republican governments, and L'Annee de l'Eglise makes no mention of missions among the Indians.
During the struggles with Barbarossa, when freedom seemed on the point of being destroyed, many Milanese vowed themselves, their goods and their families to the Virgin should their city come safely out of her troubles.
The name appears to have been derived from the Yussuf ben-Serragh, the head of the tribe in the time of Mahommed VII., who did that sovereign good service in his struggles to retain the crown of which he was three times deprived.
Stephen III., duke of Bavaria-Ingolstadt, was distinguished rather as a soldier than as a statesman; and his rule was marked by struggles with various towns, and with his brother, John of Bavaria-Munich.
The subordinate characters are conceived with even more force and vividness; and the plot, which reflects precisely the struggles and aspirations of the period that immediately followed the Seven Years' War, is simply and naturally unfolded.
It deals chiefly with the struggles of the Byzantine army, under the command of the eunuch Narses, against the Goths, Vandals, Franks and Persians.
Arguments for a preMaccabean date may be derived (a) from the fact that the book contains apparently no reference to the Maccabean struggles, (b) from the eulogy of the priestly house of Zadok which fell into disrepute during these wars for independence.
In the struggles which ensued, the Hindu kingdom of Telingana fell bit by bit to the Bahmani dynasty, who advanced their frontier to Golconda in 1373, to Warangal in 1421, and to the Bay of Bengal in 1472.
There are signs that during Ottos reign they began to have a distinct consciousness of national life, their use of the word deutsch to indicate the whole people being one of these symptoms. Their common sufferings, struggles and triumphs, however, account far more readily for this feeling than the supposition that they were elated by their king undertaking obligations which took him for years together away from his native land.
But the emperors were not merely absent, they had to engage in struggles in which they exhausted the energies necessary to enforce obedience at home; and, in order to obtain help, they were sometimes glad to concede advantages to which, under other conditions, they would have tenaciously clung.
Moreover, the greatest of all their struggles was with the papacy; so that a power outside their kingdom, but exercis.
The old enmity between the cities and the princes blazed out afresh; grievances of every kind were brought forward and many struggles were the result.
During the period of these constitutional struggles the kings chief energies were spent in warring against the French kings Maxi- Charles VIII.
During Charles V.'s struggles with the German Protestants, Ferdinand preserved a neutral attitude, which contributed to gain Germany a short period of internal peace.
By this treaty the loss of the Belgian provinces was confirmed, and though Austria gained Venice, the establishment of French preponderance in the rest of Italy made a breach in the tradition of Habsburg supremacy in the peninsula, which was to have its full effect only in the struggles of the next century.
The struggles between the Bell (Mbeli) and Akwa families were also largely composed.
From 983 to 1018 C, D and E are practically identical, and give a connected history of the Danish struggles under Æthelred II.
While the patient fellah, resigned to the decrees Of the Almighty, saw the ruling Egyptian class hurry away from Cairo, he saw also those of his comrades who were stricken tenderly nursed, soothed in deaths struggles, and in many cases actually washed, laid out and interred by their new self-sacrificing and determined masters.
The power was contested for by various groups of amirs, whose struggles ended with the deposition of the sultan Salih on the 20th of October 1354, and the reinstatement of his brother 1.-lasan, who was again.
Much of Kait Beys reign was spent in struggles with Uzun Hasan, prince of Dirbekr, and Shah Siwar, chief of the Dhul-Kndiri Turkomans.
For many years before the accession of his uncle Justin, the Eastern world had been vexed by the struggles of the Monophysite party, who recognized only one nature in Christ, against the view which then and ever since has maintained itself as orthodox, that the divine and human natures coexisted in Him.
Its great natural strength and situation, not far from the mouth of the Sis pass, and near the great road which debouched from the Cilician gates, made Anazarbus play a considerable part in the struggles between the Byzantine empire and the early Moslem invaders.
In the last struggles of the Seleucid house, Antioch turned definitely against its feeble rulers, invited Tigranes of Armenia to occupy the city in 83, tried to unseat Antiochus XIII.
Armagh itself fell before the king Brian Boroime, who was buried here; and before Edward Bruce in 1315, while previous to the English war after the Reformation, it had witnessed the struggles of Shane O'Neill (1564).
House-cleanings and struggles with builders during the construction of a " soundproof room " taxed her energy, while Carlyle was hiding himself with his family in Scotland or staying at English country houses.
In the middle ages it had frequent struggles with Perugia, and its obedience to the church until the 16th century was somewhat fitful.
About 1765 the wazir of Ahmad Shah Abdali of Kabul invaded Badakshan, and from that time until now the domination of the countries on the south bank of the Oxus from Wakhan to Balkh has been a matter of frequent struggles between Afghans and Uzbegs.
Amid the struggles between Greek emperors and Western crusaders during the 12th century, Corfu, Cephalonia, Zante, &c., emerge from time to time; but it was not till the Latin empire was established at Constantinople in 1204 that the Venetians, who were destined to give the Ionian Islands their place in history, obtained possession of Corfu.
It is pleasing to turn from these vehement struggles of thought to a tour which Hegel in company with three other tutors made through the Bernese Oberland in July and August 1796.
But there is no trace of any theological difficulties in Luther's mind in the struggles which sent him into the convent and distracted him there.
There were frequent struggles between the bishops and the citizens, who espoused the cause of the emperors against them, and were rewarded by privileges which fostered trade.
The period of the pilgrimage caused a momentary truce to all these struggles, and in Dhu 'l-hijja, A.H.
For about ten years the Syrian and Mesopotamian deserts were the scene of a series of raids, often marked by great cruelty, and which have been the subject of a great many poems. Abdalmalik had need of all his tact and energy to pacify ultimately the zealous sectaries, but the antagonism between Yemenites (Kalb and Azd) and Madarites (Qais and Tamim) had been increased by these struggles, and even in the far east and the far west had fatal consequences.
From 1824 to 1840 there is a complicated and not uninteresting movement of local politics and a preparation for the future, - the missions fall, republicanism grows, the sentiment of local patriotism becomes a political force, there is a succession of sectional controversies and personal struggles among provincial chiefs, an increase of foreign commerce, of foreign immigration and of foreign influence.
Unfortunately the manner of carrying it out discredited a policy neither unjust nor bad in itself, increasing its importance in the political struggles of the time.
There was considerable hostility between the newly entered family and the Salinguerra, but after considerable struggles Azzo Novello was nominated perpetual podesta in 12 4 2; in 1259 he took Ezzelino of Verona prisoner in battle.
Her struggles to free herself from the influence of factions only involved her deeper; she was always under the domination of some person or some party, and she could not rise above them and show herself the leader of the nation like Elizabeth.
It became a town in 1208, and during the middle ages there were many struggles between the abbots and the townsfolk.
All this while the political policy of Tudors and Stewarts tended towards monarchical absolutism, while the Reformation in England, modified by contact with the Low Countries during their struggles, was narrowing into strict reactionary intolerance.
Though on friendly terms with Governor Norborne Berkeley, Baron Botetourt and his successor, John Murray, earl of Dunmore, he nevertheless took a prominent part, though without speechmaking, in the struggles of the Assembly against Dunmore, and his position was always a radical one.
The Colorado "labour wars" were among the most important struggles between labour and capital, and afforded probably the most sensational episodes in the story of all labour troubles in the United States in these years.
The working of Lord Aberdeen's Act had given rise to many unedifying scenes and to lengthy struggles over disputed settlements, and it was early felt that some change at least was necessary in Aboli- the law.
His circumstances were then less evil, after struggles as severe as those endured in Paris.
Its inhabitants included many Calvinists, and it was in 1562 and 1567 the scene of struggles between them and the supporters of the Roman church.
During the schism of Anacletus (1131-1137) the town of Brescia was torn by the struggles between the partisans of Pope Innocent II.
He is the patron-deity of the invading Aryan race in India, the god of battle to whose help they look in their struggles with the dark aborigines.
To these struggles obviously must be attributed mainly the fact that in the whole of this period no Roman war broke out.
In the interval between these two struggles (570) he despatched assistance to the Arabs of Yemen, who had been assailed and subdued by the Abyssinian Christians; after which period Yemen remained nominally under Persian suzerainty till it.s fate was sealed by the conquests of Mabomet and Islam.
His strong championship of the independence of the Scottish church involved him in struggles with both the English metropolitan sees.
There are good reasons for thinking that the Christian story did not originate with John of Damascus, and a strong case has been made out by Zotenberg that it reflects the religious struggles and disputes of the early 7th century in Syria, and that the Greek text was edited by a monk of Saint Saba named John, his version being the source of all later texts and translations.
Regarded at first with distrust by Turkey, Russia and Austria, he succeeded in gaining general recognition in six months; but he had to contend for ten years with fierce party struggles between the Conservatives and the Liberals.
Then, in the larger political struggles and changes of Europe, they were incorporated into a kingdom, or principality or duchy, carved out to suit the interest of a foreigner, or to make a heritage for the nephew of a pope.
To obviate the incessant struggles which had endangered the land at every vacancy of the throne, Bfetislav, with the consent of the nobles, decreed that the oldest member of the house of Pfemysl should be the ruler of Bohemia.
The consequences of these constant internal struggles were twofold; the German influence became stronger, and the power of the sovereign declined, as the nobility on whose support the competitors for the crown were obliged to rely constantly obtained new privileges.
Annalists of the Gracchan age imported into the early struggles of patricians and plebeians the economic controversies of their own day, and painted the first tribunes in the colours of the two Gracchi or of Saturninus.
During his rule, which lasted till 1879, the Fiji Islands were annexed; telegraphic communication with England and mail communication with the United States were established; and the long series of political struggles, which prevented any administration from remaining in office long enough to develop its policy, was brought to an end by a coalition between Sir Henry Parkes and Sir John Robertson.
This reform had its effect in the struggles that followed.
His favourite amusements were, one after another, relinquished, though not without many painful struggles.
During the struggles between the Royalists and Covenanters the city was impartially plundered by both sides.
The earliest struggles between the king and the people testify to the extent to which this prerogative became a public grievance, and the charter by which its exercise was bounded (Carta de Foresta) was in substance part of the greatest constitutional code imposed by his barons upon King John.
His eclecticism was the proof of a reverential sympathy with the struggles of human thought to attain to certainty in the highest problems of speculation.
Having been impressed by the failure of historians to allow for the influence of sea power in struggles between nations, he was led to make prolonged investigations of this general theme (see SEA Power).
In the decade following 1880, struggles in the western counties for the location of county seats (the bitterest local political fights known in western states) repeatedly led to bloodshed and the interference of state militia.
But in the earlier years of their struggles with Christendom the vikings seldom suffered a complete disaster; they were often beaten but seldom annihilated.
To free himself for these new struggles Philip made up his mind to conclude peace with England, even at the cost of sacrificing his conquests in.
The government in England was now in the hands of the faction which Bishop Beaufort had originally led, for afte.r long struggles the churchman had at last crushed his nephew acyofthe Humphrey.
Such a character, while free from any weak shame about the shabby necessities of early struggles, yet is naturally unwilling to make them prominent in after life.
The next few years were consumed in struggles with his father and his uncle Abdullah ez Zagal.
They enter into the basis of theology; results attained by long struggles in the East are simply presuppositions to the West; but, for the most part, no independent interest attaches to them in the Western world.
To this power or to the Kirghiz the "Whites" and "Blacks" alternately appealed in their struggles, in which Yarkand supported the latter and Kashgar the former.
These struggles paved the way for a Chinese invasion, which was supported by the White khojas of Kashgar.
Foreign questions arose which strongly excited English feeling - the arrangements of peace with Russia, Italian struggles for freedom, an American quarrel, the "Arrow" affair and the Chinese war, the affair of the French colonels and the Conspiracy Bill; and as they arose Palmerston gathered into his own sails (except on the last occasion) every wind of popular favour.
He soon, however, retired to his estate at Tegel, near Berlin, but was recalled and sent as ambassador to Vienna in 1812 during the exciting period which witnessed the closing struggles of the French empire.
Just as the phenomena of sudden conversion, complete revolutions of character occurring to outward appearance in a momentary space of time, are no valid argument against determinism - they may be due to the sudden emergence of elements in life and character long concealed - so what looks like the orderly and necessary development of a character growing and exhibiting its activity in accordance with fixed laws may in reality be due to innumerable secret struggles and momentous decisions, acts of choice of which only the results are outwardly apparent.
Destroyed in the course of these struggles, it was restored by Casimir of Poland in 1346, and down to the close of, the 16th century it continued to be a flourishing commercial city.
For the civil wars broke down the great houses who had monopolized the chieftaincies; and after violent struggles (in which the Sturlungs of the first generation perished at Orlygstad, 1238, and Reykiaholt, 1241, while of the second generation Thord Kakali was called away by the king in 1250, and Thorgils Skardi slain in 1258) the submission of the island to Norway quarter after quarter took place in 1262-1264, under Gizur's auspices, and the old Common Law was replaced by the New Norse Code " Ironside " in 1271.
The Banda-manna saga (1050-1060), the only comedy among the sagas, is also a northern tale; it relates the struggles of a plebeian who gets a chieftancy against the old families of the neighbourhood, whom he successfully outwits; Ol-kofra pattr is a later imitation of it in the same humorous strain.
The former work, Arna Saga Biskups, is imperfect; it is the record of the struggles of church and state over patronage rights and glebes, written c. 1315; it now covers only the years 1269-1291; a great many documents are given in it, after the modern fashion.
Dallas was United States attorney for the eastern district of Pennsylvania from 1801 until 1814, a period marked by bitter struggles between the DemocraticRepublican factions in the state, in which he took a leading part in alliance with Governor Thomas M ` Kean and Albert Gallatin, and in opposition to the radical factions led by Michael Leib (1759-1822) and William Duane (1760-1835), of the Aurora.
Much political influence is wielded by the priests, who played a prominent part in the struggles for national independence.
The early history of Strassburg consists mainly of struggles between the bishop and the citizens, the latter as they grew in wealth and power feeling that the fetters of ecclesiastical rule were inconsistent with their full development.
Like most gods, they had struggles for pre-eminence with Titanic opponents, the Asuras, who partly answer to the Greek Titans and the Hawaiian foes of the divine race, or to the Scandinavian giants and the enemies who beset the savage creative beings.
The interest of the struggles between Jacob and Esau lay, not in the history of individuals of the distant past, but in the fact that the names actually represented Israel and its near rival Edom.
Like their private life, their public life, no longer stimulated by struggles and difficulties, had become sluggish; their power of initiative was enfeebled.
Aquitaine, hitherto the common prey of all the Frankislh kings, having in vain tried to profit by the struggles between Fredegond and Brunhilda, and set up an independent king, Gondibald, now finally burst her bonds in 670.
But the history of France during the 11th and 12th centuries does not entirely consist of these painful struggles of the Capet dynasty to shake off the fetters of feudalism.
After many struggles West Friesland became completely subdued, and was henceforth virtually absorbed in the county of Holland.
The portion which lies between the Lauwers and the Ems after some struggles for independence had, like the rest of the country, to submit itself to Charles.
In the following year Charles involved himself in a series of difficulties and struggles which ultimately brought about his downfall.
In the struggles of the reign of Stephen, castles at Newark and Sleaford were raised by Alexander, bishop of Lincoln, against the king, while Ranulf "Gernons," earl.
In the struggles between John and his barons Lincoln in 1216 made peace with the king by surrendering hostages for the payment of a fine of 1000 marks, but after the landing of Louis the city was captured by Gilbert de Gant, then earl of Lincoln.
His sole aim is honestly to relate what he knew of the glorious struggles of his nation.
In spite of revolts and of fratricidal struggles a state was formed.
He overflows with anecdotes, seldom indeed gets beyond the anecdotal stage, yet from this all study of nature must begin; and he sees everywhere intelligence and beauty, love and sociality, where a later view of nature insists primarily on mere adaptation of interests or purely competitive struggles.
During the absence of the papal court in Avignon it was a prey to the struggles between Guelphs and Ghibellines, until in 1354 Cardinal Albornoz brought it once more under the authority of the Church.
John II.'s brother, Otto IV., who became elector in 1281, had passed his early years in struggles with the archbishop of Magdeburg, whose lands stretched like a wedge into the heart of Brandenburg.
Although Dalton seems amiable enough, he struggles at times to find anything worthy to say.
Hearing this the man in the wheelchair struggles into the water and he too has a long cool drink then bathes in the water.
He struggles to his feet, his exposed skin now completely blackened by a chemical reaction.
We are drawn into the deeply personal struggles of Charles Wentworth, an apprentice blacksmith at the advanced age of 27.
Europe, hardest hit by its temperature drop, struggles to deal with immigrants from Scandinavia seeking warmer climes to the south.
Rock is a talented comedian; however, he struggles with most areas in Head of State.
I came across this cool plugin today for anyone who struggles making cutouts the old fashioned way.
I think you are right about ' left ' advisers in the imperialist heartlands telling anti-imperialists how to conduct their struggles.
Div kid has stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms and struggles to empathize with other children.
As any TV newscast shows, there are many women supporting liberation struggles, even when injury and death are the inevitable result.
As Hatoum struggles to rise, her limbs mark the sides of the container until they become a palimpsest of muddy traces.
But Clive finds himself cast in Jim's long shadow and struggles to emerge from it as the family's new patriarch.
He struggles as the head restrainer is clamped over his neck.
The workers' and people's movements must aim their struggles against such imperialist retrogression.
In his struggles against infidelity, Brown has suffered innumerable reverses.
The Tories don't exactly, ahem, inspire confidence, what with their leadership struggles and slightly snotty public image.
We need theory that allows us to understand the historical specificity of struggles.
The importance of this shift is illustrated using first-hand testimony from participants in the struggles of Bolivian radio practitioners.
Workers must be extremely vigilant of the aim of the new government to compromise their struggles.
Simply lock the vino of your choice in the puzzle's complex clutches and watch as your host struggles to set it free.
They led the struggle for the shorter workday, and these struggles were recognized by Marx and Engels as having great historical importance.
During the disintegration of the Roman empire Clermont suffered as much perhaps from capture and pillage as any city in the country; its history during the middle ages chiefly records the struggles between its bishops and the counts of Auvergne, and between the citizens and their overlord the bishop. It was the seat of seven ecclesiastical councils, held in the years 535, 549, 587, 1095, 1110, 1124 and 1130; and of these the council of 1095 is for ever memorable as that in which Pope Urban II.
The great p g object of these early struggles being attained, Labour directed its attention mainly to securing shorter hours.
It is a melancholy history, telling of the invasion of the Northmen, and of the dynastic struggles between the petty feudal sovereigns who carved out counties and lordships Growth of the for themselves during the dark centuries which feudal followed the fall of the Carolingian empire.
The nature of Cromwell's statesmanship is to be seen rather in his struggles against the retrograde influences and opinions of his time, in the many political reforms anticipated though not originated or established by himself, and in his religious, perhaps fanatical, enthusiasm, than in the outward character of his administration, which, however, in spite of its despotism shows itself in its inner spirit of justice, patriotism and self-sacrifice, so immeasurably superior to that of the Stuarts.
He held somewhat aloof from the political struggles of the Waldeck-Rousseau and Combes ministries, travelling considerably in foreign countries.
Once having accepted the principle of constitutional government, the emperor-king adhered to it loyally, in spite of the discouragement caused by party struggles embittered by racial antagonisms. If in the Cisleithan half of the monarchy pv rliamentary government broke down, this was through no fault of the emperor, who worked hard to find a mod us vivendi between the factions, and did not shrink from introducing manhood suffrage in the attempt to establish a stable parliamentary system.
Andrew's report to his sovereign, whom he rejoined in 1251 at Caesarea in Palestine, appears to have been a mixture of history and fable; the latter affects his narrative of the Mongols' rise to greatness, and the struggles of their leader, evidently Jenghiz Khan, with Prester John; it is still more evident in the position assigned to the Tatar homeland, close to the prison of Gog and Magog.
Nub II., in order to retain at least a nominal sway over those Afghan territories, confirmed him in his high position and even invested Sabuktagin's son Mahmud with the governorship of Khorasan, in reward for the powerful help they had given him in his desperate struggles with a confederation of disaffected nobles of Bokhara under the leadership of Fa'iq and the troops of the Dailamites, a dynasty that had arisen on the shores of the Caspian Sea and wrested already from the hands of the Samanids all their western provinces.
At whatever spot an insect becomes entangled in the frame, the vibration set up by its struggles is transmitted along the nearest radiating thread to the centre and thence up the trap line to the shelter where the occupant lurks awaiting the signal.
A provisional and afterwards a permanent regency, composed of three members, was now formed in Brazil, but scenes of disorder succeeded, and discussions and struggles between the republican party and the government, and a reactionary third party in favour of the restoration of Dom Pedro, occupied the succeeding years.
Hiero through his long reign was the stanch friend and ally of Rome in her struggles with Carthage; but his paternal despotism, under which Greek life and civilization at Syracuse had greatly flourished, was unfortunately succeeded by the rule of a man who wholly reversed his policy.
The history of the following years is filled with the struggles between these two princes and with their attempts to seize the authority in the name of the demented king.
Santa Barbara took part in the revolution of 1829, and in the sectional struggles following leaned to the side of Monterey and the North.
In the 1st century of the Christian era, the nature of the time, with its active political struggles, naturally called Stoicism more into the foreground, yet Seneca, though nominally a Stoic, draws nearly all his suavity and much of his paternal wisdom from the writings of Epicurus.
From 983 to 1018 C, D and E are practically identical, and give a connected history of the Danish struggles under Æthelred II.
He felt, no doubt, that the object of epic poetry was not to teach moral lessons or doctrines of faith, but to depict the good and bad tendencies of the human mind, the struggles and passions of men; and indeed in the whole range of Persian literature only Firdusi and Fakhr-uddin As`ad Jorjani, the author of the older epopee Wis u.
It was intended that that title should henceforth be hereditary, but it again fell into abeyance during the struggles between the Pfemyslide princes which followed the abdication of Vladislav in 1173.
Moreover, the English states, which had seldom turned their swords against each other in the 5th or the 6th centuries, were engaged during the 7thand the 8th in those endless struggles for supremacy which seem so purposeless, because the hegemony which a king of energy and genius won for his kingdom always disappeared with his death.
After many struggles and no small suffering, this energetic spirit had succeeded in planting the evangelical standard at Geneva; and anxious to secure the aid of such a man as Calvin, he entreated him on his arrival to relinquish his design of going farther, and to devote himself to the work in that city.
It is a rare privilege to watch the birth, growth, and first feeble struggles of a living mind; this privilege is mine; and moreover, it is given me to rouse and guide this bright intelligence.
The Tories do n't exactly, ahem, inspire confidence, what with their leadership struggles and slightly snotty public image.
In recent struggles against capitalism, anarchist groupings have taken a prominent role.
Follow dramatic, political power struggles, German scientists switching allegiance and what happened to early rockets transporting fruit flies into space.
As Dempsey struggles with engine problems the other title contenders start queuing up behind him.
New members who had joined as a result of the anti-war movement came together with veterans of past struggles.
Simply lock the vino of your choice in the puzzle 's complex clutches and watch as your host struggles to set it free.
The wars of independence and later struggles between Scotland and England lasted centuries.
It is the America which struggles against the witch hunt launched by Bush.
Trey's optimistic attitude began to falter as he dealt with family struggles.
Fascism began to spring up in several European states after the struggles of World War I.
I expect my son's teacher to apprise me of his academic struggles.
Slow failures are agonizing, drawn-out struggles that always end badly.
Sometimes, corporations provide a short-term respite from the uncertainty and financial struggles of the startup life.
In fact, making such assumptions can lead to power struggles and extreme frustration on the part of your child.
Just as one child may seem to learn to read overnight while another struggles through the first few years of school, each child learns at their own pace.
One reason that kids love "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series is that they can relate to Greg's struggles.
If a child struggles with reading, this will usually become obvious if an adult sits with them and listens to them read aloud.
The book opens when main character Milo, a small boy who struggles with boredom, discovers a magical tollbooth in his room.
Despite being highly creative and very talented, Milo struggles to find outlets for his thoughts and despises doing schoolwork.
The Ramona books are especially fitting for kids with older siblings, as Ramona constantly struggles to maintain sanity when her older sister, Beezus, is around.
While raising a child with another person may ease the pressure, co-parenting has its own struggles that can make many people want to just raise their child on their own without the help of the other parent.
Although these pressures were there growing up in a Greek family, they were relatively minor struggles.
One of the struggles in mineral makeup success is learning to apply the product for maximum coverage without a cakey appearance.
You will find new information arriving weekly to address both the fun and struggles common during the teen years.
These quotes help inspire students to perservere as they face struggles beyond high school and give other advice about leading a successful life.
Teenagers who are just coming to terms with their sexual orientation can find comfort in these girls who have faced the same struggles.
Also, since creative people frequently live their lives in the public eye, their struggles with addiction simply receive more media attention than the problems of an average person.
Most women need to talk about their feelings and struggles as a way to release the addiction.
Her struggles with relationships, her children, and her personal well-being have been well documented, but Britney Spears continues to churn out high-quality pop music that her fans adore.
She suffers a family tragedy, struggles to overcome sadness and frustration, and regains happiness and inspiration in a surprising way.
Although she rose to fame playing Rebecca Howe in Cheers, Alley is now best known for her constant struggles with her weight.
His autobiography, Out of Sync, covers the first portion of his career and his initial struggles with hiding his sexual orientation.
High profile stars who share their struggles with fans can inspire hope and optimism.
The Charlie Sheen biography is full of great acting roles, career highlights, and of course, personal struggles.
Even though most of these unions seemed to be matches made in heaven, it appears that celebrities have the same relationship struggles as everyone else.
The show ended up focusing on Neiers' legal struggles, which was not what she had planned as her ticket to stardom.
The show was popular with young kids, who felt they could identify with Punky Brewster's struggles to find herself.
While her son's death was tragic, often times she struggles with why it happened; however, she has not let her son's death stop her from living the rest of her life.
Lindsay Lohan's arrests have been well-documented as she struggles with addiction.
With a variety of different treatment methods, these stars went into remission and have since spoken out about their struggles.
After touring with Metallica and having some early success with videos on MTV, Metal Church fell into a period of internal struggles that proved to taint the rest of the band's career.
He has had his fair share of struggles along with high amounts of fame.
You'll learn about the struggles coffee farmers have faced in ten different countries around the world, and how Fair Trade certification is making a positive impact on their businesses and their lives.
Depression in senior citizens is not uncommon, particularly for those who are dealing with separation from friends and family, financial struggles, forced retirement, and other stressors.
He may avoid social contact as he struggles to understand his episodes of memory loss.
Normal conversation becomes complicated as he struggles to remember words or calls objects by their wrong name.
The creator of the product goes on to describe his struggles with obstructive sleep apnea, the time consuming process of getting a sleep study before he could invest in a CPAP machine.
It is important that parents help the child to establish a healthy bedtime routine that will assure adequate sleep time, minimize bedtime struggles, and help to reduce the occurrence of common childhood sleep problems.
When parents are too restrictive, children and adolescents with ODD can rebel, and power struggles can frequently occur.
However, if you have a child who struggles to read, you know the frustration in seeking out the "right" program that will finally break down the wall.
If, however, your child struggles with math and especially if he is in one of the higher grades, Saxon or Abeka may be a better choice.
When the economy struggles, the government wants to encourage home purchases.
This means Britney's in for a huge challenge as she struggles to raise two children born barely 13 months apart!
Stacy talks about her struggles with weight in a interview for Sirens Magazine written by Andrea Bartz.
The authors suggest joining a message board or online forum to find other couples with the same struggles as you are facing.
In the midst of all this, the authors scatter small "emails" from one to another as Patty struggles with infertility.
Fans who want to play out the struggles of their favorite series at home can turn to the Battlestar Galactica Trading Card Game or the Battlestar Galactica board game.
Too much calcium may result in kidney stones as the body struggles to rid itself of calcium.
As they settled in a rustic inn located in Vermont and learned of the owner's financial struggles, the group generously decided to put on a musical show with hopes to financially help him during the joyous holiday season.
Do you find cultural differences come into play during your dating struggles?
It's so difficult in fact that the Seattle Times newspaper ran a multi-part series on the struggles faced by local singles.
Just like any relationship, Virgo and Libra love relationships will face their share of struggles.
For many couples, struggles over money are at the root of all their relationship problems.
This will eliminate any problems or irreconcilable differences, and is a way to see who is flexible and who is not, in reference to money and power, and struggles over money.
As he struggles to cope with this new information about you, he may do or say things that make you feel bad and make him feel strong.
Like all struggles for civil rights, the road to full acceptance for homosexuals in South Asia is a long and difficult one, but step by step, the better world they hope for is getting closer.
You can ask questions about the business of freelancing, learn about potential job leads, and simply share your daily struggles with a group of people who truly understand what you're going through.
Since many children are plagued by complicated nutritional needs, companies like Jamie Stern's supply allergy-friendly products to parents who endeavor to provide their children with a high quality of life, despite dietary struggles.
So, the next time you do that batch of sit-ups, blame Christian Dior for your struggles.
The same can be said of shared strengths that lead to power struggles within your relationship.
This true humanitarian has great compassion for life's struggles.
Depression is the main ghost that Pisces struggles to keep at bay, but there are other Pisces zodiac characteristics that the twelfth sign tries to keep at at arm's length, the most notable of which is the struggle with addictions.
While there are certainly disadvantages to solo child-rearing, there are also quite a few advantages of single parenting that more than outweigh the common struggles and concerns associated with a one-parent household.
While there are several organizations that continue to fight for improvements in these children's lives, the struggles they endure are often heartbreaking.
A League of Their Own is about the struggles that America faced during World War II.
Financial stress frequently increases struggles with depression and other mental health issues.
The cast now (in 2011) reflects members of the Horton, Brady, DiMera and Kiriakis families in their day-to-day struggles.
Interviews with Bernard were gobbled up by fans inside and outside the industry as he shared a very private part of himself and the struggles he faced.
The struggles they faced as she wanted to work and had to balance a chosen job with her family life was something husbands and wives everywhere could relate to.
Power struggles at Newman Enterprises are as enticing to fans as the love triangles, illegitimate children and affairs that also populate the landscape.
Raised by his loving father John, Jack and his siblings Ashley and Traci, Jack often struggles with living up to who he thinks he should be rather than seeking happiness as who he is.
In the first season, Betty struggles with her new position and balancing her personal and professional lives.
Betty's boyfriend can't handle her new position and she struggles with his insecurities.
Betty's family difficulties also fill out many of the storylines including her sister Hilda's employment woes and her father's immigration struggles.
New players come on the scene and Betty struggles with her new boyfriend Henry, because he got his former girlfriend pregnant.
Christina struggles with her pregnancy and more internal office politics, including a jealous Marc who is annoyed that he is passed over in favor of Betty.
Amy struggles with her feelings for Ben, although her friends Lauren and Madison encourage her to sleep with him and tell him that the baby she is carrying is his.
Jack laments his failure with Adrian and attempts to get back with Grace who struggles with forgiving him.
Kris (Shannen Doherty) struggles with her new school, because it does not have an Air Force prepatory program and she intends to join the Air Force when she turns 18.
In the pilot, Lucy struggles with the fact she doesn't have a period. 7th Heaven did not rely on ethical tales alone, but also employed the use of story arcs.
Sydney struggles to focus on a new specialty in general medicine, working in a clinic and treating family, friends and new patients.
Instead, the series emphasizes the struggles the characters face as they try to do their best.
Providence takes a progressive tack towards the struggles modern families encounter as they make mistakes, work, adopt stray animals, have accidents and do their best to make the right decision.
In the cliffhanging final installment, Manual throws them off a cliff and the couple struggles to survive.
Ava is a 30-something clothing designer, who struggles to raise her niece and nephews while trying to get her fashion line off the ground.
The role of Erica made Susan Lucci a household name and Erica's struggles with love continue to entertain fans as she becomes a grandmother both on the daytime drama and in real life.
In season two, Sookie struggles with Bill's newly made daughter, an attack by a vicious creature, a near kidnapping and work for the local vampire sheriff Eric that takes her to Dallas.
Spinner is a troublemaker, who struggles with academics.
Manny (played by Cassie Steele) struggles with her Filipino heritage.
Leia comes to Degrassi from a ballet school and struggles to fit in with the "it" crowd.
By season eight, many of the original characters graduated or moved on allowing a new crop of Degrassi students to take front and center with their own struggles.
Friday Night Bites - Elena struggles with feeling connected as what was once important no longer is.
Lost Girls - Vicki becomes another pawn in the game of chess between the brothers while Elena struggles to understand what can't be possible.
Elena struggles to reconcile herself to Stefan's true nature.
Finally, the role of Bianca Montgomery has been subject of many young struggles, including underage drinking and anorexia.
Not an easy man to begin with, Adam and Victor struggles with each other are enhanced by the fact that Adam is every bit as determined and clever as his father.
The resultant season deals with the struggles of the Ewing family to go on after losing Bobby.
She relays to him the struggles she has had with Ben, and tells Noel that there is no way to express to him what she's gone through to be with him.
Through the decades, the Llanview Banner has been at the center of multiple storylines from Viki's first love affair with star Banner reporter Joe Riley to her struggles with former mother-in-law Dorian Lord.
The two provide emotional support as Jane struggles with the changes she feels on the inside and the out.
Deb's struggles with Jane's intellect and skill versus Deb's sense of style and black and white ideas of justice are catalogued in the multiple song and dance numbers that occur when Deb /Jane is sleeping.
While Jane is an attorney that specializes in the hard to win cases, Elliot manages the tremble of an overwhelmed Deb as she struggles in Jane's world.
Pamela struggles with Chase's secretiveness and Joan wrestles with whether to terminate a pregnancy.
Her husband Roland struggles with Joan's decision and fights to balance his life as a single father and full time earner.
Denise struggles with the fallout from her affair while Claudia Joy struggles to reconnect with her younger daughter.
Denise - She struggles with her abusive son, Jeremy, and he decides to join the Army, She goes back to school to become a nurse.
Emmalin struggles with a knee injury, worried that it could end her hockey career.
Fourth season episodes reflected the struggles on and off camera for the series.
They both have their struggles with their parents, as well as romantic relationships and friendships with other members of the cast.
Helping your child learn effective ways to deal with the disorder will not only help him cope, it may help other teenagers relate to him and understand the daily struggles and setbacks he endures.
Lifelong struggles with social interaction can stem from a number of problems.
Everyone struggles with this for a while, but once you get the feel for it, it is actually quite simple.
Again, this is a process that you must get the feel of through practice, and everyone struggles with it at first.
Automotive industry history has seen incredible inventions, financial struggles, environmental concerns, and vehicle price tags as high as the cost of owning some homes.
It's a vicious cycle, as the body struggles to regulate itself, and the consumption of carbohydrate foods -- especially simple carbohydrates -- exacerbates the problem.
The story of Lauren's childhood is also peppered with struggles and heartbreak, as is the case with many great artists.
The movie deals with Ringwald's character, Andie, in a coming-of-age story where she faces pressure from high school cliques, and struggles to find her niche.
The Amy Winehouse biography is the story of an artist whose talent has often been obscured by her legal and personal struggles.
The star also struggles with an alcohol problem and has been treated for an eating disorder, self harming and depression.
Some gospel music purely offers praise, while other lyrics describe life struggles and how faith can help overcome those struggles.
In Dear Mama, he talks about the struggles of his youth, the struggles he had with his mother, and his growing understanding of the situation she faced trying to help him grow up strong in poverty.
Depeche Mode reigns supreme as one of the last keepers of the New Wave flame, even though singer David Gahan's struggles with drug addiction have impacted the band's ability to tour and record on schedule.
Many of the cast members featured on the show went on to further greatness in the entertainment industry, and some raised awareness for others sharing their very personal struggles.
Reality shows have revolutionized the way we watch television, as America has shown a much stronger interest in observing real life struggles and conflicts, as opposed to the sitcom series format popular in the 1970s and 1980s.
She is best remembered for her struggles with trying to shed her Southern accent, or at least to lessen it enough to properly become a spokesmodel.
People are fascinated by the struggles and joys experienced by the parents of these instantly huge families.
Madison struggles with his sexuality all season, trying to figure out if he is attracted to men, women or both.
The show teaches wilderness survival tips by stranding Grylls in the middle of nowhere and filming his struggles and successes.
The program combines elements of both dating shows and makeover shows to create a unique look at the romantic struggles of the upper class.
Many clients come in looking for much younger partners, and Stanger often struggles to sell the virtues of same-age companions while also catering to what her clients are truly looking for.
A and E Intervention has gathered both fans and critics over the years, as this television show continues to intimately document human struggles.
Others have defiantly refused, continuing to live with their struggles.
She is also a top notch student who struggles to juggle the demands of both academics and practicing.
She is the least confident of all of the cast members and struggles to believe she is good enough to reach her goals.
He had been asked to be a contestant, but was barred from leaving the country due to his ongoing legal struggles on federal corruption charges.
During the show, she struggles on the dating scene trying to find the right man for her.
She struggles to tap into her confidence, however, and frequently shies away from the spotlight her singing could earn her.
Camille is an overachiever who struggles to balance school, sports, shopping, shopping and more shopping.
Maci struggles to balance motherhood, college and a part-time job.
Matt's struggles with his condition are a frequent focus of the show.
He is the sole cameraman, filming himself as he struggles and succeeds through a number of different survival situations.
Fantasia's off stage struggles have always kept her and her personal stories in the spotlight.
He struggles with the success his sister has had and thinks she doesn't do enough to help him reach his own musical goals.
Alley has had many tabloid struggles throughout her career, mostly due to her fluctuating weight.
Aside from her weight struggles, the show is also a docu-reality program that captures a bit of what Alley's life is like.
Sweeney wrote an autobiographical book in 2004 called All the Days of My Life (So Far), which documented her rise to fame, her struggles with her weight, and what it's like to work on a long-running soap opera.
Using shows that deal with the disease of addiction, such as Sober House and Intervention, Psychology Today suggests that viewers' compassion makes them invested in the characters and human struggles they see on the screen.
On top of long term unemployment they each face struggles including self esteem issues, marriage problems and even coping with life after Hurricane Katrina.
Josie’s premature birth and early health struggles were viewed by some as proof positive of the risk of Michelle’s pregnancy.
The Fabulous Beekman Boys follows the couple as they strive to keep their relationship healthy while dealing with the daily struggles at the farm.
With so many forces working against him, Harry struggles to keep his blood from boiling and, struggling from the same issue, loyal readers will find themselves turning the pages a little faster.
Between acting as Gryffindor's Quiddich captain, homework, friends and girl trouble, Harry struggles to find time to investigate everything.
On his Firefly class ship, named Serenity, Mal struggles to keep his boat in the air and his hand-picked crew fed by accepting any and every job he is offered.
The struggles of such colonization are the center of the universe, focusing on the little guy who works hard to earn his living instead of the silver-spoon lives of those in positions of authority.
All the while, Bruce Wayne struggles with his dual identities having met a woman, photographer Vicky Vale, with whom he shares a romantic connection.
While fighting for survival, Michael struggles to adjust to the concept of immortal creatures living among humans, and Selene struggles with her own growing attraction to Michael-now a Lycan and her sworn enemy.
During his stay on Deep Space Nine, Constable Odo struggles to cope with existing with humanoids and fights a constant battle within himself to accept who he is and what his people have done as the Founders.
They become lovers for a time and Buffy struggles against the love she feels for Spike, because he's supposed to be evil.
Adama struggles with the concept of the Cylons, his role in the previous Cylon War and in the fishing mission that took place just prior to the Cylon Attacks.
Through the years, Roslin's struggles with breast cancer and herbal remedies caused her to see visions.
Luke struggles with what he learns when he meets Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Benford's surgeon wife, Olivia, sees the man from her flash forward at the hospital where she works while her little girl struggles to deal with her own flash forward experience.
Yet he rises to make the tough calls, is a friend and more to the president, and struggles in his relationship with his son.
The newer show, like the original, carries viewers into a future setting where humankind struggles for survival against the robotic race known as the Cylons.
Col. Tigh struggles between guilt, rage and hatred and often tries to find solace in the bottom of a bottle.
Lee holds to a strong code of ethics which often causes conflict with his father and others as he struggles to do the right thing at any cost.
Cedric's death marked a turning point in Harry's struggles against Voldemort, bringing the reality of war to life.
Paranormal romance explores the relationships of supernatural creatures as werewolves, vampires, angels, demons, witches and more struggles with life, love and survival in the urban world.
Then she sticks her pin into it when it struggles - that is the conge and it always comes from her.
But we know that the pressure of the barbarians began to be felt seriously in the later part of the 2nd century, and after long struggles the whole or almost the whole district east of Rhine and north of Danube was lost - seemingly all within one short period - about A.D.
In the continual struggles between Pisa and Genoa some of these princes took the side of the latter.
In the ensuing party struggles the city passed under a tyrant, Theagenes (about 640), whose rule was too brief to produce great changes.
During the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries Parma had its full share of the Guelph and Ghibelline struggles, in which it mainly took the part of the former, and also carried on repeated hostilities with Borgo San Donnino and Piacenza.
In the 4th century its political development was arrested by constant struggles between oligarchs and democrats, who in turn brought the city under the control of Sparta (4 12 -395, 39 1 -37 8), of Athens (395-39 1, 37 8 -357), and of 'the Carian dynasty of Maussollus (357-340).
On the other hand, Kant's religion is of a type which requires a sort of deistic God, standing outside the world and constraining it into moral paths, or standing outside our moral struggles and rewarding our goodness.
After long struggles this was hindered, in France by the bull Romana (Fournier, p. 218), in England by the Bill of Citations, 23 Henry VIII.
Under Arnold's superintendence the school became not merely a place where a certain amount of classical or general learning was to be obtained, but a sphere of intellectual, moral and religious discipline, where healthy characters were formed, and men were trained for the duties, and struggles and responsibilities of life.
We see indeed faint traces of distinction among the patricians themselves, which may lead us to guess that the equality of all patricians may have been won by struggles of unrecorded days, not unlike those which in recorded days brought about the equality of patrician and plebeian.
A series of struggles raised this new people, the plebs, to a level with the old people, the populus.
During these interminable struggles of rival princes, Kiev, which had been so long the residence of the grand-prince and of the metropolitan, was repeatedly taken by storm and ruthlessly pillaged, and finally the whole valley of the Dnieper fell a prey to the marauding tribes of the steppe.
There were considerable Guelph and Ghibelline struggles even at Orvieto, the latter party being finally destroyed in 1313, and the representatives of the former, the Monaldeschi, obtaining the supreme power.
The various branches of the Monaldeschi continually fought among themselves, however, and the quarrels of two of them divided the city into two factions under the names of Muffati and Mercorini, whose struggles lasted until 1460, when peace was finally made between them.
Albinus fostered and turned to his profit the struggles of priests with priests and of Zealots with their enemies.
Owing to the existence of a strong Mussulman minority among its inhabitants, the warlike character of the natives, and the mountainous configuration of the country, which enabled a portion of the Christian population to maintain itself in a state of partial independence, the island has constantly been the scene of prolonged and sanguinary struggles in which the numerical superiority of the Christians was counterbalanced by the aid rendered to the Moslems by the Ottoman troops.
He had done much for the welfare of Crete, but his participation in party struggles and his attitude towards the representatives of the powers had rendered his position untenable.
The subsequent history of China is mainly a record of struggles with various tribes, commonly, but not very correctly, called Tatars.
During the struggles of the Mahommedan dynasties for the possession of Syria the country still enjoyed a considerable degree of prosperity.
An ardent Liberal, he took an active part in party struggles under the Restoration, while throwing himself with equal vigour into the great work of historical regeneration which was going on at that period.
The abolition of the French slave trade was preceded by struggles and excesses.
Up to this time Wesley says he had no notion of inward holiness, but went on "habitually and for the most part very contentedly in some or other known sin, indeed with some intermission and short struggles especially before and after Holy Communion," which he was obliged to attend three times a year.
The local authorities were divided among themselves by bitter feuds - the ecclesiastical against the civil, the ayuntamiento against the governors, the administrative officers among themselves; brigandage, mutinies and intestinal struggles disturbed the peace.
Towards the close of his life, he had to fight against his own son, Thomas de Marie, who in 1115 succeeded him, subsequently becoming notorious for his deeds of violence in the struggles between the communes of Laon and Amiens.
It then returned to the Visconti, and after various struggles with the papacy was again secured in 1438 by the Bentivoglio, who held it till 1506, when Pope Julius II.
Throughout the middle ages it was the scene of vigorous struggles between Sla y s, Byzantines, Franks, Turks and Venetians, the chief memorials of which are the ruined strongholds of Mistra near Sparta, Gerald (anc. Geronthrae) and Monemvasia, "the Gibraltar of Greece," on the east coast, and Passava near Gythium.
After long struggles the city fell into the hands of the Lucanians (who nevertheless did not expel the Greek colonists) and in 273 B.C. it became a Latin colony under the Roman rule, the name being changed to the Latin form Paestum.
Alboin, the Lombard king, captured it in 568, and it was one of the chief residences of the Lombard, and later of the Frankish, monarchs; and though, like other cities of northern Italy, it suffered much during the Guelph and Ghibelline struggles, it rose to a foremost position both from the political and the artistic point of view under its various rulers of the Scaliger or Della Scala family.
The struggles of the great rival clans, replete with episodes of the most tragic and stirring character, inspired quasi-historical narrations of a more popular character, which often took the form of illuminated scrolls.
But in 1813 Baden joined the coalition, and since then that nation created of odds and ends (de brit et de broc) and always handsomely treated by us, had not ceased to take a leading part in the struggles against our country.
The Russians have abolished slavery; and their rule has put an end to the interminable intestine struggles which had weakened and desolated the whole region.
We heard of the cruel, unnecessary fighting in the far-away Pacific, and learned of the struggles going on between capital and labour.
He began reading about the sufferings and virtuous struggles of a certain Emilie de Mansfeld.
Damon gleefully kills his way into town while Stefan struggles with his feelings for Elena and Damon's taunts.