Struggled Sentence Examples
For a moment she struggled with him until something changed in his eyes.
He struggled to rise.
She struggled in his strong arms.
She struggled to remember.
Yully struggled to control it and then surrendered.
She struggled to control her emotions as the words came out.
He struggled for a while.
She struggled to draw deep breaths.
She must have struggled and may have hurt him.
He struggled to free his arms from the invisible bonds, his eyesight darkening until he dropped into unconsciousness.
AdvertisementShe struggled to understand what the images were trying to tell her.
Elisabeth struggled to climb onto the sofa.
Deidre struggled to focus.
Deidre struggled to take in everything around her, bombarded by the noise, smells and activity.
At the familiar voice and stiff order, she struggled into a sitting position.
AdvertisementShe struggled against him, not caring what he did to her now that he'd taken away her only real hope of leaving.
Deidre struggled to recall what happened, when human-Deidre had last seen Andre.
He'd watched over Katie every night for months while she and Rhyn struggled to find their paths.
Weakened already, she struggled for her balance.
Lana struggled hard without being able to dislodge the muscular man.
AdvertisementYully struggled to control the energies into her body, still leery of the invaders.
When garb and miscellany were re-packed, sort of, the two struggled indoors amid greetings and apologies just as Fred and Cynthia entered the hall.
The kid struggled weakly, voicing a faint cry.
He went limp, and she struggled to hold him up.
Jenn struggled to keep up, to breathe, to make sense of the world around her.
AdvertisementThe crew struggled for some time to lower a lifeboat which had jammed.
She struggled, but he wrapped his arms around her in a hold she couldn't break.
Deidre struggled to remember if this had ever happened before and if so, how it was fixed.
For nearly a half hour she struggled with the idea of going to the clinic.
Alex had watched in silence as she struggled with the issue of wanting a baby.
Isac shouted as he struggled to remain on his feet.
The demon struggled, and she felt her body begin to give.
The demon sensed it, even as she struggled to figure out where he was.
She struggled up from the blankets and staggered through the living room.
On the French side, Lannes' men were working their hardest, under Napoleon's personal supervision, to make a practicable road up to the Landgrafenberg, and all night long the remaining corps struggled through darkness towards the rendezvous.
Joab thrust three spears through the heart of Absalom as he struggled in the branches, and as though this were not enough, his ten armour-bearers came around and slew him.
She struggled, but his grip was firm - and then he released her.
The parents were proud of their son for making good grades because he normally struggled academically.
People who have struggled to overcome great hardships and emerged from their battles victorious choose Leo zodiac tattoos to signify or document their success.
Viewers got to watch as Danity Kane struggled to find an identity for themselves as a band, recorded hit singles, made their record, recorded music videos, and prepared to tour.
It couldn't make him hurt any more than he did, legs aching and breath heaving as he struggled higher and higher up the Rockies.
Lori nodded and struggled off the porch swing, her swollen stomach a reminder that babies were still an option for some people.
She struggled with the decision a little longer and then blurted it out.
Damian struggled to lift the woman at his feet then carried her towards a tree.
And I think I … He struggled with the words, hating how weak they sounded.
They obeyed faster than they ever would a command from the Black God, who still struggled to control his vamps.
Jenn's cold hand closed around it as she struggled to identify it.
She struggled out from under his body as the last of her opponents slashed at her.
They struggled through the remains of the orchard as the earth rumbled and bucked.
Jenn struggled to her feet.
She struggled to mount behind one of the guards shielding her, when an attacker's blow landed solidly against his horse's flank.
He struggled against the darkness, trying to rally his fury to keep from falling completely unconscious after her blow.
Taran struggled to keep up, acutely aware of the sounds of men crashing through the forest behind him.
Her fatigued body ached while her tired mind struggled to keep her thoughts clear of emotion.
Pure will kept her conscious as she struggled to keep it from shredding her.
As she struggled to focus and keep her tears away, another thought came to her.
She struggled to escape his embrace.
A wave of homesickness engulfed her, and she struggled back to the firm ground of reality.
Jessi struggled to keep from running across the road and grabbing her cousin.
For her sake, Xander struggled to remain calm.
The Frisians struggled against Roman over-lordship somewhat longer, and it was not until A.D.
The negotiations were long drawn out; for Cavour struggled to save Nice and Napoleon was anxious to make conditions, especially as regards Tuscany.
The proprietors struggled in vain to bring about a closer union.
Many of the notes and essays written by him at Auxonne bear witness to his indomitable resolve to master all the details of his profession and the chief facts relating to peoples who had struggled successfully to achieve their liberation.
It will more surely suit my son" - show that his mind seized the salient facts of the situation; but his instincts struggled against them.
It is between the two claims of east and west that Venice struggled for and achieved recognized independence.
From 1809 the new administration, drifting steadily towards war, struggled on from one abortive and exasperating negotiation to another.
Banda, which forms one of the districts included under the general name of Bundelkhand, has formed an arena of contention for the successive races who have struggled for the sovereignty of India.
With unflinching pertinacity he struggled till he had completed a likeness, of the king upon which he `was engaged at the time, and then started for his beloved Italy, leaving behind him a series of fifty royal portraits to be completed by his assistant Reinagle.
The Church of England, in which the Lutheran and Calvinistic points of view struggled for the mastery, a struggle which resulted in a compromise, is separately dealt with below.
After the king's death Emma became the wife of Canute the Great, and after his death in 1035 she struggled hard to secure England for her son, Hardicanute.
Every species of good fortune was now to descend on the path of the man who had struggled against ill luck so long.
For a long time he struggled bravely with this cruel disease, never omitting except from absolute necessity any of his official duties except during a brief period of rest abroad, which failed to produce the desired effect.
On the 23rd of the same month he obtained a decree closing all the churches of Paris, and placing the priests under strict surveillance; but on the 25th he retraced his steps and obtained from the Commune the free exercise of worship. He wished to save the Hebertists by a new insurrection and struggled against Robespierre; but a revolutionary decree promulgated by the Commune on his demand was overthrown by the Convention.
The schism extended down to the bishoprics, and even to the monasteries and parishes, where partisans of the rival popes struggled to obtain possession of sees and benefices.
True it was precisely against this that Descartes' immediate successors struggled.
The worst enemy of the P Y Greeks was their own incurable spirit of faction; in the very crisis of their fate, during the siege of Missolonghi, rival presidents and rival assemblies struggled for supremacy, and a third civil war had only been prevented by the arrival of Cochrane and Church.
It was against this primitive state of things that the Czartoryscy struggled, and struggled in vain.
In December 1812, while "the last shattered remnants of Napoleon's Grand Army struggled across the ice of the Niemen," the tsar Alexander I.
It is not difficult to lay one's finger upon very many obliquities, self-deceptions and sophisms in Tertullian in matters of detail, for he struggled for years to reconcile things that were in themselves irreconcilable; yet in each case the perversities and sophisms were rather the outcome of the peculiarly difficult circumstances in which he stood.
As the saint purified in heaven is he who struggled with his sins on earth, so is the church triumphant one with the church militant.
But the speculation was unsuccessful, and for many years Godwin struggled with constant pecuniary difficulties, for which more than one subscription was raised by the leaders of the Liberal party and by literary men.
The whole of Austria and nearly the whole of Styria were mainly Lutheran; in Bohemia, Silesia and Moravia, various forms of Christian belief struggled for mastery; and Catholicism was almost confined to the mountains of Tirol.
But the evils against which he struggled were real and grave; the milder measures of the Constitutional Reformers might have taken long to achieve the results which were due to his hot-headed advocacy.
On the deposition of Louis Philippe in 1848, the duchess of Orleans struggled to secure the succession to her son, and bore him through an excited populace to the chamber of deputies.
During the Civil War, Judge Taney struggled unsuccessfully to protect individual liberty from the encroachments of the military authorities.
It was overrun by Slavic hordes, who have left their traces in many village names, and was one of the chief battlefields of the various powers - Byzantines, Franks, Venetians and Turks - who struggled for the possession of the Morea.
From remote antiquity Russian merchants were wont to meet in summer with those from the East at different places on the Volga, between the mouths of the Oka and the Kama - the fair changing its site with the increasing or decreasing power of the nationalities which struggled for the possession of the middle Volga.
Henceforward the minority of James was disturbed by constant quarrels between a faction, generally favourable to England, under Angus, and the partisans of France under Albany; while the queen-mother and the nobles struggled to gain and to regain possession of the king's person.
Physical science struggled into feeble life in the cells of Gerbert and Roger Bacon.
The noticeable barrenness of Italian literature at this period is referable to the fact that men of genius and talent devoted themselves to erudition and struggled to express their thoughts and feelings in a speech which was not natural.
That, in spite of retardation and retrogression, the old order of ideas should have yielded to the new all over Europe, - that science should have won firm standing-ground, and political liberty should have struggled through those birth-throes of its origin, - was in the nature of things.
Between 1811 and 1813 the lectures of Fichte (subsequently published from his notes in his Nachgelassene Werke) dealt with what he called the "facts of consciousness" and the "theory of science," and struggled to present his final conception of philosophy.
Naturally of a combative temperament, and endowed with a persevering tenacity rare among his countrymen, he struggled for what he considered the liberation of his country from the economic bondage of foreign nations.
Herodotus of Heraclea struggled to rationalize mythology, and established chronology on a solid basis.
She struggled long against her powerful kinsfolk, nor did she know happiness till near the end of her life, when she abandoned the unequal strife, and found repose with Francis of Borselen, Ruward of Holland, her fourth husband.
Jacoba, however, escaped from prison in disguise; and for three years struggled gallantly to maintain herself in Holland against the united efforts of Philip of Burgundy and John of Brabant, and met at first with success.
In Kathiawar a chief named Bhatarka, probably of foreign origin, had established himself at Valabhi (Wala) on the ruins of the Gupta power (c. 500), and founded a dynasty which lasted until it was overthrown by Arab invaders from Sind in 77 0.1 The northern Konkan was held by the Mauryas of Puri near Bombay, the southerly coast by the Kadambas of Vanavasi, while in the southern Deccan Chalukyas and Rashtrakutas struggled for the mastery.
From 1143 onward the power of the latter had been overshadowed by that of the Vaghela chiefs of Dholka, and during the same period the Deccan had been rapidly lapsing into absolute anarchy, amid which rival chiefs struggled for the supreme power.
The dynasty struggled on till the end of the century, amid civil war, in which the parties seem to have been divided by the earlier Arab factions of Kaisites (Qaisites) and Yemenites, the Maan belonging to the latter.
He likewise struggled bravely to be faithful to fact in his report of the state in which we find ourselves when we try to conceive continued personal identity.
He struggled to withhold them until they could be presented in a complete form; but they were urgently needed for the progress of science, and the astronomer-royal was a public servant.
Essex struggled on for more than three years, seeing his friends gradually drop away, and dying ruined and unsuccessful.
Radbod died in 719, but for some years his successors struggled against the Frankish power.
Berengar of Tours (11th century) had struggled in that interest, and with Abelard, in the 12th century, the revolt against authority in belief grew loud.
Aided by the disorders of the minority of Louis XIV., she struggled on till the peace of the Pyrenees in 1659, by which Roussillon was ceded to France.
Frederick struggled hard to retrieve his fortunes, and for a while with success.
Robertson, the dominant figure in the early years, struggled to counteract the efforts of Spanish intriguers among the Indians, and when diplomacy failed led the settlers against the Indian towns.
Darian-- who was older than everyone but Jule-- was going through what Sofia called a teenager phase as he struggled to re-establish his identity after thousands of years as a brainwashed slave.
She struggled to reach him, even if only to touch his skin or for her little fangs to graze his neck.
Tiny blossoms struggled out of incredibly hostile locations, seemingly growing from the rocks themselves before celebrating their success in a brilliance of color.
Rhyn's Immortals were struggling to recover from battles with the demons, while he struggled to keep the Council together, let alone focused.
She struggled in vain to break his grip, turning her head to the side to avoid his lips.
The vampire struggled to break free, a blur of flailing limbs.
The tree obeyed. Toby bit back a yell as he was launched over the treetops into the sky, in the direction of the Lake of Souls. Another tree branch caught him, and he struggled to orient himself. He heard the sounds of pursuit but was stuck upside down.
The air cooled appreciably and the ever-thinning atmosphere caused Dean to labor all the more as he struggled upward.
And I think I … He struggled with the words, hating how weak they sounded.
The woman fought him, and Taran struggled to stabilize himself, finally wrapping his arm around her neck and forcing her head against him.
He struggled for some slip of discipline, but there was something about this woman that drove him mad.
The Landis prince struggled to control his raw emotion, his own soul as tormented as Taran's.
My participants and I struggled to talk about our sexuality completely outside of a gender dichotomy.
He decided to make a citizen's arrest but she struggled free with the help of two women accomplices.
Edwards and Manek struggled to lay a bat on some wayward Oratory bowling but they did bring up a 50 opening partnership.
Back at Queensferry, the heavily-loaded car always struggled very hard to get up the steep brae from the Hawes Inn.
This agency was recently started by Angela Rossi after many of her friends with kids struggled to find good child-care.
Kai struggled to his feet as befitted an elderly dame, calling on the lad to buy some pegs for his mother.
The " Belle " steamer fleet struggled on, despite vessel sales and increasing financial disarray, under various owners until 1931.
I struggled to find any gripes about this hardware.
A few moments earlier this had been an animated scene as EWS staff and railtour organizers struggled to attach the home-made GWR style headboard.
I struggled to find some words of comfort to send by private email, but they seemed pitifully inadequate.
Third, Jesus had no " evil inclination " which he struggled with.
The UK sector has struggled to perform, with many areas of advanced instrumentation now only available from foreign manufacturers.
In America they have struggled to elect a leader.
Batting first on a difficult wicket and slow outfield, Park struggled to 95-7 (Matt Bebbington 24 ).
With runs no longer an issue, we kept attacking and rotating the bowlers but struggled to break their 7th wicket partnership.
During the more than ten years that Stuart Spencer has taught playwriting, he has struggled to find an effective handbook for his courses.
Up to now they had struggled to find the poliovirus in human spinal tissue.
The sailors struggled with the circuit as the wind seemed relentless.
Having a mother who struggled with such negative physical self-image shaped me quite a lot, I came to realize.
I was told I had the classic cysts on my ovaries & I also struggled to lose weight & was quite spotty.
Having struggled to see curve-billed thrasher earlier on in the trip they became rather common here.
Big Themes/standout tracks To be honest, I struggled to find a standout track on this album.
Shingle is not the favorite surface for walking but we struggled along, seeing widgeon on the way to the tern colony.
The old Cartesians, Jean Jacques Dortous de Mairan (1678-1771) and especially Fontenelle, with his Theorie des tourbillons (1752), struggled in vain to refute Newton by styling attraction an occult quality.
But this proved beyond his strength; he struggled as far as the border in July, but could not shake off his disease, and was forced to linger, a broken invalid, in the neighborhood of Carlisle for many months.
The Cossack was dead, but the horse still struggled.
It has struggled to transfer recalculated maintenance payments across a flawed £ 465m computer system, leaving thousands of families out of pocket.
The Swans, who were relegated from division two this season, struggled with 10 men for most of the game.
Well might the Dead who struggled in the slime, Rise and deride this sepulcher of crime.
A few minutes later the calf struggled into the world, took one first shuddering breath, closely followed by its last.
We struggled through the waves toward a spit of land.
There are no notes, no player names to refer to, and the camera struggled to cope with the blinding rain.
Big Themes/Standout Tracks To be honest, I struggled to find a standout track on this album.
The first half was pretty turgid stuff from both sides as Swindon struggled to get out of first gear.
She struggled up and over to the door, unbolting the massive iron bolts and turning the big brass key.
Mike and I had struggled to go buy a vox amp from Dawsons in Chester.
The mother struggled with letting her children make messes with their toys because she wanted everything to be immaculate.
The abductee struggled with severe anxiety and depression for many years after she was freed from her captor.
She struggled to find a partner that embodied all of the characteristics she desired.
This could help farmers all over the world, who have traditionally struggled to earn a fair wage for all of the work involved in their trade.
It was a common additive for those who struggled to consume dairy products.
As a young woman, she struggled in the 1980s with the fashionable beauty ideals of the time.
Not only did the movie bring Spiderman face-to-face with two major villains, the plot also turned Peter Parker against himself as he struggled with the dark side inflicted upon him by the crash landing of an alien symbiote.
In the past, I've always struggled with finding a boyfriend.
You will also be able to prepare yourself for any possible difficulties in subjects your child struggled with in elementary school.
She struggled with a combination of emotion issues, money and poor diet choices.
One study found that anorexics were 12 times more likely than the general population to have a close relative who struggled with the disease.
For the next few years they lived on the verge of poverty as his mother struggled to make ends meet on a teacher's salary.
Bloom struggled in his early years of schooling, due to his dyslexia, but found his niche when he moved to London in 1993 to study acting at the National Youth Theatre.
The couple has struggled through breakups and reconciliations, but remains committed to each other and their daughter, Willow Sage.
Despite her obvious talent, Winehouse struggled with addictions to alcohol and drugs.
Although he struggled to make the high school football team, Chesney still managed to appear in Sports Illustrated.
The movie is loosely based on Austen's life and how she struggled with issues of class, romance and wealth.
On the show, she struggled to decide whether or not to go through with posing naked.
Jackman starred in several more movies, some of which were hits, while others struggled at the box office.
Mass media struggled to confirm that Jackson had indeed died, and the investigation unraveled quite slowly.
In recent years, 1980s child actor Corey Haim struggled with alcohol and drug abuse.
Ever since his success began to wane, Haim struggled with various addictions with cocaine and prescription drugs.
He has struggled with his image in the past, after dating pornography stars and being linked to call girls.
After picking up the habit once again, he and his wife, Demi Moore, have struggled with kicking the addiction.
Though it was rumored that she struggled to be struggling with anorexia, the images in Playboy showed a healthy, happy woman.
Though he has often struggled personally, Edward Furlong is a talented actor capable of tackling complicated roles.
Native American actors have struggled with stereotypical roles throughout the history of film, though modern movie makers are beginning to realize that Native Americans have just as much to offer viewers as other actors.
As an adult he struggled through personal, marital, and financial situations which often landed him in the tabloids.
These stars have proven themselves just as capable as hearing celebs, though they may have struggled with prejudice along the way.
Ali, a plus-sized gal herself, has struggled with her weight for most her life until she underwent gastric band surgery in 2004.
Along with other famous plus size models, Mia has struggled with accepting her weight (she's also appeared on Celebrity Fit Club), but being a size six is simply not a realistically healthy goal for her and for many other women.
As the only child of legendary African American model, Beverly Johnson, the first Black model to make the cover of American Vogue in 1974, Anansa struggled to lose 40 pounds before moving to New York to launch a modeling career.
Adding durability without significantly increasing the weight of the glasses is something eyewear manufacturers struggled with for years.
The Wachs struggled to find anyone interested in their venture.
Retro struggled, taking fierce heat from Nintendo when early results didn't meet the home office's expectations.
Replay value for the game is excellent, because as you play through the game, you unlock a ridiculously harder version of the game you just struggled through the first time.
Some were flops (Atari Jaguar), some were huge successes (Super Nintendo), some made small splashes (3D0), and others struggled and were ultimately defeated, leaving a small but dedicated fan base to keep the memory alive (Sega Dreamcast).
Since then, researchers and healthcare providers have struggled to define the syndrome and determine its causes.
Losing their own "dance voice" would result in losing the competition, and many crews struggled to find that perfect balance between re-living classic choreography while breathing new life into it.
A hairdresser coiffed Banks' God-given locks on stage while she interviewed women who struggled with insecurities about their own hair.
If you struggled with algebra or English in school, find a tutor for your child or enroll her in a program that includes support from a qualified teacher.
Although Halle's struggled to find true love, her tangled romantic past has given her some insight into the demands of motherhood.
Jenny McCarthy has also struggled with losing the baby weight.
This book has an easy-going feel about it that is sure to help life your spirits as you realize others have struggled exactly as you are.
During the 1960's, the company struggled to stay profitable and was forced to try a new business strategy.
Just ask any woman who's struggled into a pair of jeans, stood frustrated in the middle of the swimsuit department or searched in vain for that perfect dress.
During the 1980s and early 90s, she struggled with depression, bulimia and suicide.
She struggled for many years to gain acceptance for the fledgling organization.
Many secondhand stores, such as Goodwill, provides jobs and other re-entry programs to those who have struggled with the law or mental and physical disabilities.
At times, I even imagine you struggled with your decision to tell the people who mean so much to you, the truth of who you are.
But after Walt Disney's death in 1966, the studio struggled through the 1970s, as if it could not find its way without its founder at its helm.
When first arriving in Hollywood, Ford, like most aspiring actors, struggled and eventually became a carpenter to help support his family.
Torn over this proclamation, he struggled with the idea and says, "I had never been religious.
It's a question millions of Americans asked as the economy tanked, jobs were lost and people struggled to make ends meet.
Falcon Crest (1981-1990) - This soap told the tale of the Gioberti family as they struggled for control of the Falcon Crest winery.
The blog's unique appeal began with the fact that it allowed viewers to follow Robin's internal dialogue as she struggled with love, death, HIV and later her medical profession and love.
In the early 2000s, Lily's son Luke struggled with his homosexuality and during a fight with his mother; she fell down the stairs and into a coma.
Jack struggled on and off with a leukemia in the early years.
Over the years she's also struggled with her previous life as Mary Ellen Walters when her biological brother and sister came to town.
Nieces Kelly and Blair struggle with their problems and dysfunctions while Kelly's mother Melinda languishes in a mental institution and Dorian's own daughter Cassie struggled with a psychotic break.
In 2009, Ashley struggled with a storyline that lead to her being gaslighted by Victor's son Adam and the off-balance Patty Williams who returned in the form of Mary Jane Benson (Stacy Haiduk).
Their battles became legendary as they struggled to make room for each other in their lives.
Rex struggled with this revelation as he'd grown to despise Roman Brady and did not want to be related to him in any way.
During the first season, Deb struggled with her new life as Jane, her work in the law firm and her desire for Grayson.
Roxy struggled with expectations and obligations as a new army wife and made friends with Claudia Joy, a veteran of the army wives who is married to a Colonel.
Throughout the season, the wives struggled with serving their country as the loved ones who are left behind.
Pamela struggled with her husband's secrecy about his work while Joan dealt with with her feelings on pregnancy and whether or not to terminate.
Claudia Joy and her husband continued to cope with their younger daughter's rebellion while Pamela struggled with whether her marriage was worth saving.
Meanwhile, Roland struggled with being a single parent as Joan fought for her life after being grievously injured.
When Fred joined her on Earth (he was demoted), Jane/Deb struggled through her "new" life as an attorney, picking up where Jane left off.
In other episodes, Cristina struggled with her upcoming marriage to Burke and her desire to be the best surgeon.
The doctors struggled with post traumatic stress related to the shooting and had to be cleared one by one to return to surgeries.
Meredith and Cristina struggled with their own issues (Cristina having to perform surgery with a gun to her head and Meredith's miscarriage).
Cristina, Alex, Meredith and Izzie struggled with having their own interns, medical issues and romantic woes while George struggled with the desire to take his residency exam again.
They've struggled to find their place on network and cable, but the winners were always chosen by the fans themselves.
In her 40 years on the series, Viki has struggled with rape, divorce, stroke, breast cancer, love, loss and widowhood.
Roger Howarth, Todd's original portrayer, struggled with the idea of his character being a love interest in light of his brutal past.
Sam struggled with his roots and getting to know the family.
There are also some adults who have always struggled with social situations and communication but never received an official autism diagnosis.
In truth, before I accepted these facts about myself, I didn't have a clue as to how much I actually struggled with communication.
Others may have struggled with the disorder their entire lives, and discovered that they have the condition as adults.
If you've ever struggled to stay awake during a lecture or speech, you know firsthand the result of ineffective language and/or poorly organized ideas.
While Detroit struggled to offer these models, foreign automakers like Toyota gained the largest market share ever seen by any manufacturer at over 35 percent.
The move was bold because it was the first rear-drive sedan Hyundai has ever offered in the U.S. and because so many other automakers struggled during the same time period to bring more of their own rear-drive sedans to the market.
Cheerleading and dance troupes have struggled hard to be taken seriously within the world of sports.
He's struggled with his weight for years.
If you've struggled to lose weight and keep it off, this might be the answer you're looking for.
If you've struggled losing weight using more traditional methods, then you may want to give Atkins a try.
The group struggled as an independent local band for a number of years before attaining widespread success in 2001.
She hardly struggled in the show business world, although she has had to deal with the shadow of a successful, older sister.
The band struggled to carry on, with a second album seeming years away, splitting up looked like their only option.
Lauren looks back at her troubled teenage years with both painful reflection as well as admiration for her mother, who struggled to make ends meet on one salary.
A major theme of the plot involves the character Benny, who formerly lived in the Village and struggled with his friends, but has since married a wealthy woman and moved out of the area.
Given the much larger and more widely adopted ecosystem of iTunes and the iPod family of media players, Microsoft struggled to get a foothold with its Zune products.
He struggled to adjust to small town life, but the hardest thing for him to come to terms with was the rules about music and dancing.
He struggled with manic depression for most of his life.
The songs were carefully chosen to fit both the theme and the atmosphere of the movie, which focused on a high school girl who struggled to fit in with her wealthy peers.
Incredibly successful as a performer, Garland struggled constantly with failed relationships, financial problems and drug addiction.
She still struggled with her addiction, however, and developed a reputation for being difficult to deal with in the industry.
Although he sometimes struggled socially, being two years younger than the other students, he excelled academically throughout his school career and was valedictorian of his high school class.
The Cure discography is the musical history of a band that struggled for years to define its sound.
Her two oldest children struggled on the show, but a major plotline surrounded her son's drug abuse and their attempts at reconciliation (at one point, her son ended up living with her new boyfriend's ex-wife).
Over the years, NBC reality TV shows have struggled in the ratings race because the network is overpowered by Fox, ABC and CBS, which have all created award-winning programs such as American Idol, The Amazing Race and Extreme Makeover.
Jackson struggled with drug addiction, which sidelined his acting career almost completely.
Sweeney has struggled with her weight in the past, and although she was never obese, she felt pressure being an active Hollywood actress who was overweight.
He has struggled for a long time with the loss of his fame and fortune but is now determined to get it all back for his family.
She had struggled with drugs for many years, and been arrested because of her addiction.
She struggled with treatment, and eventually relapsed.
As someone who had struggled with weight issues in the past, Sweeney is able to relate to the contestants and provides a great deal of encouragement and positive energy to the show.
Some of the contestants struggled to maintain their creative visions.
Mayumi found the men of the Silver family too feminine and struggled to make a connection with them.
On that show, the Council Bluffs, Iowa native struggled with the reaction of her family and friends to her pregnancy.
During her time on the show, Barney has clashed with cast mates, struggled with an out of control son and even gone through a divorce.
From proclaiming herself the "hottest housewife in Orange County" to trying to poach real estate business from established Housewife Jeana Keough, Barney struggled at first to fit in with her cast mates.
Buffy also struggled with the realization that the young man she was interested in was actually centuries older than she and a vampire, to boot.
He struggled to justify his existence among the vastly different life forms he had learned to live with.
One of the longest-running romantic interests in Star Trek history, Constable Odo struggled with the feelings he harbored toward Nerys for many years.
Beleiving her to be Boomer, Helo and Boomer struggled for survival on the nuked planet.
They struggled for acceptance and after two years in captivity aboard Galactica, the Eight was allowed to join the military and took the call sign Athena.
Unfortunately, the show struggled with fans because so many old storylines (done before on other shows) were used, and comparisons to those shows made it difficult to chart its own course.
Odo, like Spock and Data, was the alien in the triangle, but Major Kira Nerys complimented him as a Bajoran who also struggled with understanding human interactions.
Audiences cheered as Godzilla and Ebirah struggled in the water and Godzilla ripped Ebirah's claws off.
This time, Howie struggled to get to sleep.
She struggled to move again, to draw their attention so they'd help her.
Dusty struggled not to smile then released it with a chuckle.
She struggled for control, focusing on the road.
His gaze was unusually intense as he struggled to control his emotions.
Darian struggled visibly, his gaze stormy and his frame shaking.
She floundered to a sitting position, then her feet, cringing as she struggled upright, the sting in her wounded knees bringing tears to her eyes.
She struggled to recall what her real mother looked like or the day she became Death or even the day she met Gabriel.
The intense fear broke within her, and she struggled.
Deidre struggled to absorb the wild story, unable to comprehend most of it.
She slumped in a chair at the kitchen table, eyes blurring as she struggled to make out the forms.
Another boom, another flash of light outside the window, another shudder as the building struggled to stand upright.
And yet, he couldn't help feeling as if he alone bore the weight of his planet on his back as he struggled to pay for food, water, and weapons.
He struggled, resisting the temptation to go to Elisabeth's.
Jackson continued to scream Elisabeth's name with abject terror as she struggled to raise her head.
She leaped from the bed and struggled into her jeans, tucking her nightgown in while she grabbed her boots.
She struggled through a hiccup.
Arnie struggled to grab her wrist.
He reached for her, as gentle as possible when she struggled.
She struggled to pull herself out of the cabin, against the flow of cold river water.
With a deep breath, she rose and struggled in to the straps of the rucksack.
Brady struggled to move his body.
Lana struggled out of bed, exhausted still.
Katie started in the direction of the woman's voice. She stumbled over fallen, slick wood and brambles she couldn't see. Whatever magic that had cleared a path for her was gone. She struggled through the jungle before calling out, "Can you hear me? I can't see much. You'll have to say something, so I can find you."
Helpless until the trees finished flinging them around, Katie struggled to grab the branches, so she didn't end up like Deidre. Finally, a branch wrapped around her and pulled her through the canopy, dumping her at the edge of the jungle. Toby landed with a grunt beside her, and she lay still to catch her breath, still hoping Deidre reappeared.
Rhyn gasped and struggled to sit. Kiki's still body lay a few feet from him, the ocean lapping at his brother's feet. The Caribbean night was humid and warm, and the moon large over head.
The city had struggled through the drabness of poverty and joblessness in an effort to raise itself from the ashes of long-dead industries.
At Palermo the Sicilians struggled hard to establish a republic in place of the odious government of an alien dynasty.
They built up great estates, especially in the principality of Tripoli; they quarrelled with one another, until their dissensions prevented any vigorous action; they struggled against the claims of the clergy to tithes and to rights of jurisdiction; they negotiated with the Mahommedans as separate powers; they conducted themselves towards the kings as independent sovereigns.
Against these difficulties he struggled with characteristic obstinacy.
The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract.
His brother and sisters struggled for the places nearest to him and disputed with one another who should bring him his tea, handkerchief, and pipe.
The majority struggled back to the bank from which they had started.
It filled her whole soul, had become an integral part of herself, and she no longer struggled against it.
She did not let go of her mother but struggled tenderly with her, demanded a pillow and hot water, and unfastened and tore open her mother's dress.
Lisa struggled to sit up.
She'd struggled with Claire, wanting to spare him the pain he'd unleashed on her.
She struggled into a sitting position, her neck achy from her spot sleeping on the floor before the fire.
Having once got hold they never let go, but struggled and wrestled and rolled on the chips incessantly.
Blood was flowing from his head; he struggled but could not rise.
Lisa struggled out of the chair and limped over to the sack of groceries.
I struggled free but she pushed me down.
She struggled to get her feet beneath her before she finally found her footing in the sand.
She struggled to rise and Alex helped her to her feet.
And they all struggled and suffered and tormented one another and injured their souls, their eternal souls, for the attainment of benefits which endure but for an instant.
Deidre struggled against the sensations.
As I talked, happy thoughts fluttered up out of my words that might perhaps have struggled in vain to escape my fingers.
She stared hard at his chest as she struggled with her anger and need.
Hannah had been a kept woman with no problems since meeting Gio, whereas Katie had always struggled to find her path.
He struggled to sit up, and she helped him.