Strongest Sentence Examples
She was the strongest woman he'd ever met.
The magic is at its strongest between dusk and midnight.
Union sentiment was strongest in the north.
She walked in a circle until she found the strongest of the energy patterns in the vicinity and paused above it.
He hated those words, because he was the biggest and strongest of all Death.s assassins.
Even the purest and strongest of them, to include my brother's daughter, went mad and were killed.
It's probably the strongest urge you'll ever experience.
The child cannot believe that the strongest and wisest of its people have no remedy for its pain, and the hope of relief and the expression of its mother's sympathy while she rubs the bump comforts it.
It is situated on the river San and is one of the strongest fortresses in Galicia.
The strongest personal interest in his life was the affliction which befell him in the loss of his children, one after another.
AdvertisementThe revocation of the charter aroused the strongest fears of the colonists Andros speedily met determined opposition by measures undertaken relative to taxation and land titles, by efforts to secure a church for Episcopal service, and an attempt to curb the town meetings.
The strongest statement regarding the inviolability of such dogmas is in Cicero's Academics, ii.
At first Seward had the strongest support.
Its bloom is never attractive, and the plants transferred to gardens from the mountains usually perish, because perhaps the strongest specimens are selected instead of the younger ones.
This temporary emigration is strongest in the spring, and consists principally of adult males (agriculturists, farm and day labourers, bricklayers and masons) in search of work.
AdvertisementThe Germans and the Magyars were also proportionately split up. The strongest party in the republic was that of the Czechoslovak Social Democrats, which up to Sept.
Of the German parties the strongest was again the Social Democratic party, originally numbering 31 deputies and 16 senators, but having subsequently lost three deputies who formed a German Communist party acting more or less in concert with the Czechoslovak Communists.
For if it had failed utterly as a mission in partibus, it had succeeded in establishing on the Baltic one of the strongest military organizations in Europe.
The Calvinistic Methodists form in some respects the strongest church in Wales, and its forward movement, headed by Dr. John Pugh of Cardiff, has brought thousands into its fold since its establishment in 1891.
This consciousness receives perhaps its strongest expression in the Apocalypse.
AdvertisementIn the result these troops were repulsed with a loss of 6000 men, a circumstance hardly to be wondered at, since McClellan had entrenched eight divisions on the strongest position in the country, and was aided by his siege artillery and also by a flanking fire from his gunboats on the river near Haxall's Landing.
In the south-east farmers are often compelled to retire with their flocks and herds before the thousands of huge, migratory vampires, which descend suddenly on the pastures and are able in one night to bleed the strongest animal to death.
The Roman amphora being equal to the cubic foot, and containing 80 librae of water, is one of the strongest cases of such relations, being often mentioned by ancient writers.
Probably no statesman has ever had a more disgusting task; and the fact that he discharged it to the satisfaction of a vast majority is the strongest testimony to Thiers's merits.
If he marries, it is to have children who may celebrate them after his death; if he has no children, he lies under the strongest obligation to adopt them from another family, ` with a view,' writes the Hindu doctor, ` to the funeral cake, the water and the solemn sacrifice.'" "May there be born in our lineage," so the Indian Manes are supposed to say, "a man to offer to us, on the thirteenth day of the moon, rice boiled in milk, honey and ghee."
AdvertisementThe discovery of this significant looped arrangement of the morainic belts is the greatest advance in interpretation of glacial phenomena since the first suggestion of a glacial period; it is also the strongest proof that the ice here concerned was a continuous sheet of creeping land ice, and not a discontinuous series of floating icebergs, as had been supposed.
The Roman Catholics are strongest in the Western division and the North Atlantic division, with 49.2% in the former and 56.6% in the latter of all church members; their share in the North Central division is 36-9%.
To control the primary or the convention (as the case may be) of the party which is strongest in any given area is therefore, in ninetynine cases out of a hundred, to control the election itself, so far as the party is concerned, and in many places one party has a permanent majority.
All these tendencies, although strongest in municipal finances, are general.
The Methodists are the strongest, and in Ontario form over 30% of the population.
The substance to be reduced is brought into the luminous portion, where the reducing power is strongest.
The wood is the hardest and strongest of all the American conifers; it is durable and adapted for construction work or household furniture.
Had his career ended at this time, his Indian despatches alone would have proved him to have been one of the wisest and strongest heads that have ever served England in the East.
According to an important law discovered by Rydberg and shortly afterwards independently by the writer, the frequency of the common root of the two branches is obtained by subtracting the frequency of the root of the trunk from that of its least refrangible and strongest member.
By this desertion his self-esteem, one of his strongest passions, though curiously united with singular sincerity and humility, was doubtless hurt to the quick; but the wound inflicted was of a deeper and deadlier kind, for it confirmed him finally in his despair of the world's gradual amelioration, and established his tendency towards supernaturalism.
Next to the son of James II., still an infant under his father's control, Mary, princess of Orange, elder daughter of James II., had the strongest claim to the crown; but the claims of the prince of Orange also, even apart from his marriage, were not very remote, since he was the son of Mary, eldest daughter of Charles I.
Nietzsche, who afterwards, passing from the philosophy of will to the theory of evolution, ended by imagining that the struggle of the will to live produces the survival of the fittest, that is, the right of the strongest and the will to exercise power, which by means of selection may hereafter issue in a new species of superior man - the Uebermensch.
Its castle was the seat of the kings of Sodermanland, and after those of Stockholm and Kalmar was the strongest in Sweden.
The feet are small, each with five claws, those of the fore feet strongest, and fitted for scratching and digging.
In common with all enlightened opinion, he complained bitterly of the excessive multiplication of exemptions, of the exaggerated extension of appeals to Rome, of the luxury of the Roman court, of the venality of the cardinals, and of the injury done to the traditional hierarchy by the very extent of the papal power, which was calculated to turn the strongest head.
This conflict, moreover, brought Ultra montanism the enormous advantage that, even after the abolition of the May Laws, it had still left to it a well-disciplined press, an admirable organization, and a network of interests and interested parties; and all these combined to make the Centrum the strongest and the most influential political party in Germany for the remainder of the 19th century.
The matrix most commonly used is Portland cement, by far the best and strongest of them all.
The waters, which contain over 45% of salt, iodine and sulphur, are among the strongest of their kind in Europe; and are of high repute, being annually visited by more than a thousand patients.
Now as to this there is quite a remarkable unanimity in the testimony of the ancients, and the evidence is of the strongest kind, ascending to Herodotus, and, according to the account of Diogenes Laertius, even to Xenophanes, who was an Ionian, and not much later than Thales.
Forgiveness of injuries was as alien from her fierce and loyal spirit as forgetfulness of benefits; the destruction of England and its liberties by Spanish invasion and conquest was the strongest aspiration of her parting soul.
William had taken up his residence at Antwerp in order to give the French prince his strongest personal support, and while there a serious attempt was made upon his life (March 18th) by a youth named Jean Jaureguy.
Aarssens, the strongest advocate of the French alliance, passed away in 1641, and his death was quickly followed by those of Richelieu and Louis XIII.
Iron, the most abundant and the cheapest of the heavy metals, the strongest and most magnetic of known substances, is perhaps also the most indispensable of all save the air we breathe and the water we drink.
The skins, being the strongest of foxes', both in the fur and pelt, are serviceable.
Otter with the water hairs removed, the strongest fur suited for linings, is here taken as the standard.
Sable gills, the strongest fur suited for ladies' linings, is taken as the standard.
Otter with the water hairs, the strongest fur suited for motoring garments, is taken as the standard.
Here the Danes had placed their strongest ships.
This was strengthened in 404, but in 393 Velitrae regained its freedom and was Rome's strongest opponent; it was only reduced in 338, when the freedom of Latium finally perished.
The strongest churches were those of Philadelphia, Lancaster and Germantown in Pennsylvania, and Frederick in Maryland.
In 1919 the Labour party, as the second strongest combination in the House of Commons, decided to assume the position of the official Opposition, and Mr. Adamson became its leader, taking his seat on the front Opposition bench.
Afterwards he became successively assistant cashier (1868), vice-president (1882), and president (1891) of the First National Bank of Chicago, one of the strongest financial institutions in the middle west.
Whether we look at his pure mathematical or at his physical researches we receive the same impression of Pascal; we see the strongest marks of a great original genius creating new ideas, and seizing upon, mastering, and pursuing farther everything that was fresh and unfamiliar in his time.
The whole dispute seems, to-day, entirely uncalled-for, but the marriage aroused some of Johnson's strongest prejudices.
During the civil war he was one of Vespasian's strongest supporters.
Great kings and emperors came after him, but none of them possessed the direct, absolute authority which he freely wielded; even in the case of the strongest the forms of feudalism more and more interposed themselves between the monarch and the nation, and at last the royal authority virtually disappeared.
As for the electors, they had the strongest possible motive forresisting the papal claim, because if this were once admitted they would quickly lose their grcrwing importance in the state, Lastly, the cities which had stood behind the Empire in the most difficult crises of its contest with Rome were not likely to desert it now.
The discovery of America, the invention of printing, the revival of learning and many other causes had contributed to effect a radical change in the point of view from which the world was regarded; and the strongest of all medieval relations, that of the nation to the Church, was about to pass through the fiery trial of the Reformation.
Under the name of National -Liberal-Partei they became in numbers as in ability the strongest party both in Prussia and the empire.
Their influence was strongest in Berlin, and in the towns of East Prussia; they have atways remained characteristically Prussian.
The persecution of the Poles in Prussia naturally iroused indignation in Austria, where the Poles had for long been among the strongest elements on which the government depended; and it was not always easy to prevent the agitation on behalf of the Germans in Bohemia from assuming a dangerous aspect.
To conciliate the Catholic Centre party, numerically the strongest of all, various concessions were from time to time made to the Roman Catholic Church, e.g.
The Methodists are, numerically, the strongest religious body, then come Presbyterians, Roman Catholics and Anglicans, in the order named.
The Coalition gained an absolute majority and the Independence party became the strongest political group. Nevertheless the various adherents of the dual system retained an actual majority in the Chamber and prevented the Independence party from attempting to realize its programme of reducing the ties between Hungary and Austria to the person of the joint ruler.
This attitude of hostility and contempt is strongest among the educated middle class; it is not shown to the same extent by the clergy and the nobles.
The strongest of them were the fifty-nine Poles and sixty Young Czechs; he therefore attempted, as Taaffe had done, to come to some agreement with them.
Baltimore was then one of the centres of the domestic slave trade, and upon this traffic Garrison heaped the strongest denunciations.
The earlier merciless practice had been in theory abolished by a decree based on the German system, published in 1880; but owing to defective organization, and internal disturbances induced by Khedive Ismails follies, the law had not been applied, and the 6000 recruits collected at Cairo in January 1883 represented the biggest and strongest peasants who could not purchase exemption by bribing the officials concerned.
In the 15th century its fortifications were extended to include Irish Town, and until their demolition in 1760 it was one of the strongest fortresses of the kingdom.
In the case of the heart muscle this threshold stimulus evokes a beat as extensive as does the strongest stimulus; that is, the intensity of the stimulus, so long as it is above threshold value, is not a function of the amount of the muscular response.
Alberti, who had been minister of justice since 1901, and was admitted to be the strongest member of the cabinet, was openly accused of nepotism and abuse of the power of his position.
It would not be difficult to show that the reaction in the i 8th century against literary and class affectation - however editorial and bookish it was in the choice of subjects and forms - was in reality a re-expression of the old themes in the old ways, which had never been forgotten, even when Middle Scots, Jacobean and early 18th-century verse-fashions were strongest.
And, since the strongest motive in the pilgrimage was the acquisition of indulgences, unnumbered thousands were moved to assume the Cross, when, in 1095, Urban II.
The movement in favour of Magyarizing all institutions has found its strongest development in Budapest, where the German names have all been removed from the buildings and streets.
It was regarded by the Romans as the strongest position in Numidia, and was made by them the converging point of all their great military roads in that country.
Hence much ingenuity is exercised in order to obtain the strongest joint which is consistent with security of union.
Time soon tested, too, his principle that that government must prove the strongest on earth "where every man.
The reckless conduct of the Madras government had roused the hostility both of Hyder Ali of Mysore and of the nizam of the Deccan, the two strongest Mussulman powers in India, who attempted to draw the Mahrattas into an alliance against the British.
To suppress the Pindari hordes, who were supported by the sympathy, more or less open, of all the Mahratta chiefs, Lord Hastings (1817) collected the strongest British army that had been seen in India, numbering nearly 1 20,000 men, half to operate from the north, half from the south.
One expedition with gunboats proceeded up the Brahmaputra into Assam; another marched by land through Chittagong into Arakan, for the Bengal sepoys refused to go by sea; a third, and the strongest, sailed from Madras direct to the mouth of the Irrawaddy.
Those under small jurisdictions in the boroughs and under the petty corporate bodies continued open to the strongest reprobation, and thus remained until they were swept away by the measure which brought about the reform of the municipal corporations in 1835.
The largest and strongest group of these were the Persians, who, before the conquest of Irak by the Moslems, were the ruling class of that country, so that Persian was the dominant language.
It is my wood that he has found the hardest and strongest, and I am the arrow which he shoots against you."
The water as it thus issues from the nozzle feels to the touch like metal, and the strongest man cannot sensibly affect it with a crowbar.
In 1890 Roman Catholics constituted more than half the total number of church communicants, Methodists a fifth as many; Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Baptists and Episcopalians being the other strongest sects.
Suckers afford the strongest and earliest-bearing plants.
The Act of Union with Scotland constituted one of the strongest foundations of the future empire.
This devotion to the church, the strongest of all motives in Anne's conduct, dictated her hesitating attitude towards the two great parties in the state.
The strongest argument for the derivation from the Latin alphabet is undoubtedly the value of f attaching to P; for, as we have seen, the Greek value of this symbol is w, and its value as f arises only by abbreviation from FH.
An outbreak of plague at Messina in 1743 is important, not only for its fatality, but as one of the strongest cases in favour of the theory of imported contagion.
Murray,' Homeric art does not rise above the stage of decoration, applied to objects in common use; while in point of style it is characterized by a richness and variety of ornament which is in the strongest contrast to the simplicity of the best periods.
Christian socialism becomes a real force when it translates itself into anti-Semitism; and anti-Semitism is at its strongest when it is pursuing one particular Jewish captain in the French artillery.
As to the future of the Church in the United States, all Catholics feel, with their latest historian, that " the Catholic Church is in accord with Christ's revelation, with American liberty, and is the strongest power for the preservation of the Republic from the new social dangers that threaten the United States as well as the whole civilized world.
Bancroft, the loyalty to the Union cause resulted " largely from the fact that the Confederate invasion came from Texas, the old hatred of the Texans being the strongest popular feeling of the natives, far outweighing their devotion to either the North or the South."
The Yorkist faction seems to have been strongest in the eastern portion of the Principality, where the Mortimers were all-powerful, but later the close connexion of the house of Lancaster with Owen Tudor, a gentleman of Anglesea (beheaded in 1461) who had married Catherine of France, widow of Henry V., did much to invite Welsh sympathy on behalf of the claims of Henry Tudor his grandson, who claimed the English throne by right of his grandmother.
His mind, strongly imbued with the theocratic ideal, saw more clearly than any other the enormous increase of influence which would accrue to a strictly celibate body of clergy, separated by their very ordination from the strongest earthly ties; and no statesman has ever pursued with greater energy and resolution a plan once formulated.
There is nothing revealed to us by "the broad clear light of that wonderful book," 1 The History of the Reformation in Scotland, more remarkable than the four Dialogues or interviews, which, though recorded only by Knox, bear the strongest stamp of truth, and do almost more justice to his opponent than to himself.
Neither Margaret herself nor her successors observed the stipulation that in each of the three kingdoms only natives should hold land and high office, and the efforts First of Denmark (at that time by far the strongest Breach of member of the union) to impose her will on the the union, weaker kingdoms soon produced a rupture, or, 1436.
Of the states which arose out of the shattered Assyrian Empire (Media, Babylon, Egypt, Cilicia and Lydia), Media was by far the strongest.
Among his people he is accounted the fairest, strongest and wisest man of the empire; and from him is required the practice of all piety and virtue, as well as skill in the chaseand in armsespecially the bow.
The harbour is protected by two forts, Fort Scratchley, the strongest in Australia, and Shepherd's Hill Fort.
It was a period of territorial expansion, during which the empire was the strongest power in Europe.
By inoculating first with a weak virus and then with others which were stronger and stronger, he was able completely to protect oxen either from the effects of inoculation with the strongest virus or from infection through contact with other animals suffering from the disorder.
Numerically the Brahuis are the strongest race in Baluchistan.
It is employed in shipping of all kinds; some of the strongest plants are selected for masts of boats of moderate size, and the masts of larger vessels are sometimes formed by the union of several bamboos built up and joined together.
Book I., embracing the first five satires, was written in the freshest vigour of the author's powers, and is animated with the strongest hatred of Domitian.
By this victory the Portuguese showed themselves equal in military power to their strongest rivals in the Peninsula.
If the above-mentioned condition be not satisfied, the triangle is imaginary, and the three fluids cannot rest in contact, the two weaker tensions, even if acting in full concert, being incapable of balancing the strongest.
If this takes place more rapidly on one side of the piece of camphor than on the other side, the surface-tension becomes weaker where there is most camphor in solution, and the lump, being pulled unequally by the surface-tensions, moves off in the direction of the strongest tension, namely, towards the side on which least camphor is dissolved.
It was natural, therefore, that in the series of stormy debates, protracted through several years, that ended in the downfall of Walpole, his eloquence should have been one of the strongest of the forces that combined to bring about the final result.
Columns (a) and (b), forming the strongest part of the army, and also column (c) soon met with strong resistance (morning 22nd), and the country, the weather (stormy since the 20th) and tactical incidents making progress uneven, the front at nightfall of the 22nd was very sinuous, the Turks holding pronounced salients at Eski Polos, and .also at Almajik, while the Bulgarians had penetrated nearly to Kadikoi in the centre and within 2 m.
But the strongest argument, and one which has never been attacked by authorities really competent to judge, is that the "griffe de l'aigle" is on the book, and that no known author of the time except Rabelais was capable of writing the passage about the Chats fourres, the better part of the history of Queen Whims (La Quinte) and her court, and the conclusion giving the Oracle of the Bottle.
The Yezd opium is considered better than that of Ispahan, but the strongest or Theriak-e-Arabistani is produced in the neighbourhood of Dizful and Shuster, east of the river Tigris.
To break off the habit of opium-eating is exceedingly difficult, and can be effected only by actual external restraint, or the strongest effort of a powerful will, especially if the dose has been gradually increased.
These nervures taper towards the extremity of the wing, and are strongest towards its root and anterior margin, where they supply the place of the arm in birds and bats.
The strongest influences in his development about this time were the liberating philosophy of Coleridge, the mystical visions of Swedenborg, the intimate poetry of Wordsworth, and the stimulating essays of Carlyle.
The hostilities were later renewed; in 1302 Boniface himself drafted and published the indubitably genuine bull Unam sanctam, one of the strongest official statements of the papal prerogative ever made.
Thus he has the strongest attraction for the picturesque side of medievalism and catholicity, the strongest repulsion for the restrictions which medieval and.
His strongest weapons were the fine presence, the affable manners (even with citizens), and the love of pleasure and entertainments which secured his personal popularity.
The cult is found not only where oriental influence was strongest, but in places remote from it, such as Sparta, where she was known by the name of Areia (" the warlike "), and there are numerous references in the Anthology to an Aphrodite armed with helmet and spear.
But choice, he holds, is not arbitrary; it is determined in every case by " that motive which as it stands in the view of the mind is the strongest," and that motive is strongest which presents in the immediate object of volition the " greatest apparent good," that is, the greatest degree of agreeableness or pleasure.
In five months he had beaten the enemy in thirteen general actions and sieges, and had captured some of the strongest forts in India.
After Lincoln's election as President he was one of the strongest advocates of secession in Virginia.
But he met and checked the armies of the Confederacy when they were at their best and strongest, and his work laid the foundations of ultimate success.
As Missouri was originally a French colony the Roman Catholic is its oldest church; and it is still the strongest with 382,642 communicants in 1906 out of a total of 1,199,239 for all denominations.
The strongest lines are those due to calcium, iron, hydrogen, sodium, nickel, in the order named.
At the census of 1904, 21.68% of the European population was born outside Africa, persons of Russian extraction constituting the strongest foreign element.
The colonists also, pressing forward to those territories, came in contact with these Ishmaelites - the farmers' cattle and sheep, guarded only by a Hottentot herdsman, offering the strongest temptation to the Bushman.
But that subterranean method of Dutch policy which found its strongest expression in Pretoria, and which operated from Pretoria to Cape Town, could not but be resented by loyal colonists.
This decision created the strongest resentment among the people of the territory, as it was in distinct 1 The act enjoined that " every male native residing in the district, exclusive of natives in possession of lands under ordinary quit-rent titles, or in freehold, who, in the judgment of the resident magistrate, is fit for and capable of labour, shall pay to the public revenue a tax of ten shillings per annum unless he can show to the satisfaction of the magistrate that he has been in service beyond the borders of the district for at least three months out of the previous twelve, when he will be exempt from the tax for that year, or unless he can show that he has been employed far a total period of three years, when he will be exempt altogether."
It is clear that the material upon which any high masonry dam is founded must also have a large factor of safety against crushing under the greatest load that the dam can impose upon it, and this consideration unfits any site for the construction of a masonry dam where sound rock, or at least a material equal in strength to the strongest shale, cannot be had; even in the case of such a material as shale the foundation must be well below the ground.
After a time Bazard seceded and many of the strongest supporters of the school followed his example.
It is the largest and strongest of all sea-birds.
Bruce having at last made an almost complete end of the English garrisons within his realm, laid siege to Stirling, the last and strongest of them all, in the spring of 1313.
Charles the Bold, whom he had thus deliberately deserted in the middle of their joint campaign, used the strongest language about this mean act of treachery, and with good cause.
His notorious sympathy with the peasantry further alienated the official classes and landed gentry, and his campaign against enclosures brought him into conflict with the strongest forces of the time.
As soon as the demand for a vigorous prosecution of the war relaxed, the Whigs could but rely on their domestic policy, in which they were strongest in the eyes of posterity but weakest in the eyes of contemporaries.
The common sense of a British jury had preserved, in spite of parliament and ministry, that free right of meeting which was to be one of the strongest instruments of future reform.
The death of Fox (September 13, 1806) deprived the ministry of its strongest member, and in the following March it fell on the old question of concessions to the Roman Catholics.
News of this settlement excited the strongest feelings both in Paris and London.
The type is, moreover, common among the mammals of the early Eocene, and still more so in those of the Jurassic epoch; this forming one of the strongest arguments in favour of the tritubercular theory.
The strongest claim that can be put forward for the doctrine of the Trinity is that it is loyal to Christ without being disloyal to the Divine unity.
It is strongest in xi.
Conduct was regarded as the result of interaction between character and environment; or it was asserted to be the resultant effect of a struggle between motives in which the strongest prevailed.
He was the moving spirit of the sentant du peuple and other journals, in which the most advanced theories were advocated in the strongest language; and as member of assembly for the Seine department he brought forward his celebrated proposal of exacting an impost of onethird on interest and rent, which of course was rejected.
The individualistic was the strongest element of opposition; the necessity, or at least the desirability, of a bill of rights was almost universally felt.
They thus endeavoured to resist Epicureanism even on the ground where the latter seems prima facie strongest; in its appeal, namely, to the natural pleasure-seeking of all living things.
But on the important question as to what constitutes the strongest social tissue, or to what extent the analogy between society as at present constituted and organic life is really applicable, we are left without certain guidance.
It bears the strongest likeness to the epic in all save its unversified form; in both are found, as fixed essentials, simplicity of plot, chronological order of events, set phrases used even in describing the restless play of emotion or the changeful fortunes of a fight or a storm, while in both the absence of digression, comment or intrusion of the narrator's person is invariably maintained.
The new constitution was the embodiment of Radical principles, and the numerically strongest party in the country was Radical.
This citadel was, even as late as the beginning of the 19th century, the strongest fortified place in Persia, and owed its strength to the Afghans who took Barn in 1719 and were not finally expelled until 1801.
His strongest opponent was his son-in-law Diarmait Mael-na-mBo, king of Leinster, who was also the foster-father of his brother Tadg's son, Tordelbach (Turlough) O'Brian.
During Richard III.'s short reign the earl of Kildare, head of the Irish Yorkists, was the strongest man in Ireland.
In 1906 there were in the state 655,933 members of different religious denominations, of whom the Baptist bodies were the strongest with 341,456 communicants; the Methodist bodies had 249,169 members; 35,533 were Presbyterians; 12,652 were Lutherans; 10,317 were Roman Catholics; and 8557 were Protestant Episcopalians.
Thus at the end of 1860, the very time when he had hoped that his personal policy was to rally round him once for all the whole of France, and assure the future of his dynasty, he saw, on the contrary, that it was turning against him his strongest supporters.
As in every social scheme where the government is wor without real power, the weakest sought protection of the strongest; and the system of patron, client and journeyman, which had existed among the Romans, the Gauls and the Germans, spread rapidly in the 6th and 7th centuries, owing to public disorder and the inadequate protection afforded by the government.
Thus, not content with encouraging writers with innovating ideas to the prejudice of traditional institutions, he attacked, in the order of the Jesuits, the strongest defender of these latter, and delivered over the new generation to revolutionary doctrines, A woman.
On the outbreak of the Civil War, he denounced secession as criminal, and was one of the strongest advocates of maintaining the integrity of the Union at all hazards.
Barere, however, appears to have been wholly free from any guiding principle; conscience he had none, and his conduct was regulated only by the determination to be on the side of the strongest.
These apparently retrogressive measures simply amounted to a statesmanlike recognition of the fact that the pagan element was still the strongest force in Lithuania, and could not yet be dispensed with in the coming struggle for nationality.
When he went to Frankfort he was still under the influence of the extreme Prussian Conservatives, men like the Gerlachs, who regarded the maintenance of the principle of the form of bitter personal hostility; in 1863 the ministers refused any longer to attend the sittings, and Bismarck challenged Virchow, one of his strongest opponents, to a duel, which, however, did not take place.
This superstition, perhaps at its strongest in the 1 3 th to the 15th century, passed into Protestantism.
A former leader of Liberals, he proved to be now the strongest upholder of reaction.
The Pathans include all the strongest and most warlike tribes of the NorthWest frontier of India, such as the Afridis, Orakzais, Waziris, Mohmands, Swatis and many other clans.
She exercised the strongest influence over her brother, and her published letters reveal a mind almost equal, a moral nature superior, to his own.
By way of asserting his right to resume theological disquisition, he also issued in 1798 his Strife of the Faculties, in which all the strongest points of his work on religion were urged afresh, and the correspondence that had passed between himself and his censors was given to the world.
But the dismissal of Wallenstein and the declaration in Gustavus's favour of Magdeburg, the greatest city in the Lower Saxon Circle, and strategically the strongest fortress of North Germany, encouraged him to advance boldly.
Katie's gaze flickered from the snake-like movement of lively jungle trees to Gabe's back. Gabe's words terrified her. If the strongest man she'd ever met couldn't save her, what hope did she have?
Tall and lean, the Guardian was one of the strongest he knew.
Even the strongest laboratory oxidizing agents are unable to oxidize hydrogen fluoride.
So where there is the largest agglomeration of information is where the strongest conclusions lie.
No wonder its known as nature's strongest antiseptic.
Miss Burdock, to whom I told my affair, expressed the strongest approbation.
The title track is the album's strongest - a pleasing, wistful ballad accompanied by echoing guitars and drums.
First, it is essential to use the strongest magnets available, preferably neodymium iron boron.
They will work in teams to build the highest, strongest tower and to create a promotional brochure for their own housing development.
She has the strongest moral compass of anyone I know.
The Lobster is the largest and strongest of our native crustaceans.
However even this is not his strongest ability - Mandala is very smart and extremely devious, and that is his greatest strength.
They represent the strongest of calls for intervention to resolve this conflict, which is now enmeshed with all surrounding countries.
He led Russia from its self-imposed exile to become one of the strongest national sides in Europe.
The strongest quality of Treasure Island is that it is still surprisingly fresh.
The skills system is one of the game's strongest underlying fundamentals, so it's fortunate that it actually works so well.
The strongest aspect is the film's edgy confrontation of rampant homophobia.
Marsupial lion bites strongest - 06/04/2005 Study reveals extinct marsupial lion bites strongest - 06/04/2005 Study reveals extinct marsupial lion may have had the strongest bite among mammals.
Redgrave had the experience and the big-race cool; Pinsent had become the strongest oarsman in Britain, perhaps the world.
The Chinese Government and people hereby express their utmost indignation and stern condemnation and lodge the strongest protest against this barbaric atrocity.
The cast steel prow is 48 cm thick at its strongest point.
State radio described it as the strongest quake to hit Taiwan in decades.
Although the markets we service are diverse, the strongest performing year on year products are the core racking, shelving and plastics products.
Visually sumptuous, the performances are equally strong; Cruz delivers arguably her strongest showing yet.
Maximum sustained winds were near 90 knots and was one of the strongest typhoons to impact the region in several years.
England's strongest xi would see the return of Flintoff despite the suspicion he could do with more time off to recharge the batteries.
His eloquence was of that nature, in its impassioned appeals to the strongest emotions, that it required for its full effect the highest themes and the most dramatic situations.
The Methodist bodies with 115,825 communicants (38.4% of the total communicants or members) were the strongest.
Happy the humorist whose works and life are an illustration of the great moral truth that the sense of humour is the just balance of all the faculties of man, the best security against the pride of knowledge and the conceits of the imagination, the strongest inducement to submit with a wise and pious patience to the vicissitudes of human existence.
The strongest protests were raised, but the utmost they could effect was that, in 1618, permission was granted to export from Buenos Aires two shiploads of produce a year.
Religion was still his dominant passion, and when a pope in Liberal guise appeared on the scene and was bullied by Austria, his two strongest feelingspiety and hatred of Austriaceased Qevolu- to be incompatible.
The formation of dense banks of cloud in the afternoon, when the up wind is strongest, along the southern face of the snowy ranges of the Himalaya, is a regular daily phenomenon during the hotter months of the year, and heavy rain, accompanied by electrical discharges, is the frequent result of such condensation.
On the basis of his idea of God Origen was obliged to insist in the strongest manner on the personality, the eternity (eternal generation) and the essential divinity of the Logos.'
It was only to be expected that such a step, which was virtually a declaration of war against the king, should arouse in him the strongest feelings of resentment.
That a philosopher like Justin, with a bias towards an Hellenic construction of the Christian religion, should nevertheless have accepted its chiliastic elements is the strongest proof that these enthusiastic expectations were inseparably bound up with the Christian faith down to the middle of the and century.
The British government seemed, at one time, rather to favour a British participation, but when the terms of the convention were published, the strongest objection was taken to the constitution of the board of directors which established German control in perpetuity, while it was evident from the general tenor of the convention that a political bias informed the whole; in the end public feeling ran so high that any British participation became impossible.
The calamity is described in the strongest colours of Hebrew hyperbole, and it seems arbitrary to seek too literal an interpretation of details, e.g.
When Marie had recovered breath from such audacity she proceeded to attack him in the strongest terms, declaring that the king must choose between him or her.
He also took a prominent part in the proceedings which followed the Kentish petition, and was the author, some say the presenter, of the Legion Memorial, which asserted in the strongest terms the supremacy of the electors over the elected, and of which even an irate House of Commons did not dare to take much notice.
At this latter privilege, which perhaps formed the strongest bulwark of the authority of the Eupatridae, a severe blow was struck (c. 621 B.C.) by the publication of a criminal code by Draco, which was followed by the more detailed and permanent code of Solon (c. 594 B.C.), who further threw open the highest offices to any citizen possessed of a certain amount of landed property (see SoLON), thus putting the claims of the Eupatridae to political influence on a level with those of the wealthier citizens of all classes.
The electrolyte is gold chloride (2.5-3 parts of pure gold per loo of solution) mixed with from 2 to 6% of the strongest hydrochloric acid to render the gold anodes readily soluble, which they are not in the neutral chloride solution.
Machiavelli conceived the strongest admiration for Cesare's combination of audacity with diplomatic prudence, for his adroit use of cruelty and fraud, for his self-reliance, avoidance of half-measures, employment of native troops, and firm administration in conquered provinces.
On the eve of the struggle with Napoleon, Alexander, conscious of his unpopularity, conceived the idea of making Speranski his scape-goat, and so conciliating that Old Russian sentiment which would be the strongest support of the autocratic tsar against revolutionary France.
He spent his time over books and in long daydreams, and evinced the strongest distaste for business and all the more bustling pursuits of life.
This document annulled the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges, with its schismatic tendencies, but at the same time confirmed the preponderating influence of the king upon the Gallican Church - a concession which in spite of its many dubious aspects at least made the sovereign the natural defender of the Church and gave him the strongest motive for remaining Catholic. The war for the duchy of Urbino (1516-17) entailed disastrous consequences, as from it dates the complete disorganization of papal finance.
Later criticism, though divided, has tended in the contrary direction, and has based its strongest negative judgment on the consideration of rhymes, assonance and vocabulary (see bibliography).
The Roman Catholics muster strongest on the left bank, while on the right bank about half the population is Protestant.
The Cabana, which alone can accommodate some 6000 men, fronts the bay for a distance of more than Boo yds., and was long supposed, at least by Spaniards, to be the strongest fortress of America.
The strongest belief of the natives was in the power of the ghosts of the dead, so that they carried the bones of relatives to secure themselves from harm, and they fancied the forest swarming with malignant demons.
Samuel Hopkins laid even greater stress than Edwards on the theorem that virtue consists in disinterested benevolence; but he went counter to Edwards in holding that unconditional resignation to God's decrees, or more concretely, willingness to be damned for the glory of God, was the test of true regeneration; for Edwards, though often quoted as holding this doctrine, protested against it in the strongest terms. Hopkins, moreover, denied Edwards's identity theory of original sin, saying that our sin was a result of Adam's and not identical with it; and he went much further than Edwards in his objection to " means of grace," claiming that the unregenerate were more and more guilty for continual rejection of the gospel if they were outwardly righteous and availed themselves of the means of grace.
The strongest of all his instincts was the thirst for imperious domination.
He took for colleagues some of the strongest and most popular statesmen of the Liberal party, virtually representing the three important groups of men of the Revolution united under his leadershipveteran Liberals like Camacho and Venancio Gonzalez; Moderates like Alonzo Martinez, Gamazo and Marshal Jovellar; and Democrats like Moret, Montero Rios and Admiral Beranger.
After all, the practical reason why, when the power is once in the hands of the people, a majority are permitted, and for a long period continue, to rule, is not because they are most likely to be in the right, nor because this seems fairest to the minority, but because they are physically the strongest.
This highly purified CLA is the strongest of its kind on the market place.
The biggest, strongest young Colpoda never got out of the resting cyst.
Habitats with less natural buffering capacity, such as dwarf shrub heaths, show the strongest eutrophication signal.
His voice was at its strongest in years taking ' Lips Like Sugar '; to towering peaks.
My strongest interest is in the area of electronic structure theory, in particular the valence bond model.
He recommended writing a letter opposing the transfer in the strongest terms.
England 's strongest XI would see the return of Flintoff despite the suspicion he could do with more time off to recharge the batteries.
Putting together the strongest possible team with complimentary skills and character traits is critical.
Medela pumps are some of the strongest available.
The console's strongest selling point is arguably its exclusive titles and recognizable name.
Top grain steer hides make strongest, most durable types of leather.
They use the best Maine Firs, which gives off the strongest scent right out of the box.
However, it is one of the strongest drinks you can make.
Family is one of the strongest support systems in many people's lives, which is why it is so important to receive guidance through the many trials that families go through.
If you live in the type of climate that has severe weather, including high winds and significant amounts of rain or snow, you'll need the strongest type of protection that a furniture cover can offer.
Chi connects all things - Though most of us find our strongest connections with people and animals, we are also connected to things we possess and our abstract relationships.
Sisal is strongest and more durable material.
Our strongest associations with the word Americana is the rustic characteristics of the old west, cowboys and Indians, dirt, metal, stone and wood.
If your kitchen design contains a little bit of everything, then pull the strongest design element to reproduce in the light.
Perfumes are the strongest fragrances, consisting of 15% to 30% essential oils.
Despite containing an abundance of very particular notes, each so unique and profound in its own right, I was struck by the strongest presence of sweet rose.
I've heard others state that Magnifique is easily the strongest rose scent they've used, but I'm more inclined to categorize this as a warm, rich vanilla when all is said and done.
The Rule of Thirds states that the strongest composition is created when the subject is off-center in the photo.
You can also find treatment centers through the American Society of Addiction Medicine website.Studies suggest that the symptoms of depression are strongest during the early stages of alcoholism treatment.
The team selects the contestant with the strongest connection to the paranormal experience to enter this area.
J.Crew's raincoats for boys are made from water-resistant, water-repellent nylon and features a special hydrophilic coating, which repels water molecules and protects your little one from the strongest winds.
One of the strongest arms at the community college in Oakland is its counseling department.
Pennsylvania might not be known for having the best schools in the country but it does have some of the strongest online degree programs available.
Kong dog toys are some of the strongest toys you'll find on the market.
Essential oils usually produce the strongest results, but you can also try blends with your favorite scents.
I'm still a beginner when it comes to sewing and use non-toxic glue, but if you sew, that is the strongest and safest way to go.
It is not the strongest grower, and is better on walls in sunny places.
It is strongest and best in moist peaty bottoms in woods or shrubberies.
Its dense tufts are strongest with us in light or warm soil, in positions with a south aspect.
The bold, striking foliage of some of the strongest plain-leaved section renders them very effective for edging large beds.
One of the strongest species, and when in flower is very handsome.
Californian Vitis (Vitis Californica) - This is the best of the American Grape Vines (excluding the Ampelopsis section) for color in autumn, and it is one of the strongest growers, climbing over lofty trees.
You should also go with the hardest, strongest and best quality ceramic or porcelain tile you can find.
This is the strongest and most durable type.
It is also one of the strongest fabrics created.
To prevent disease, start off with the strongest plants possible.
The strongest of the natural vegetable fibers, linen has two to three times the strength of cotton.
Remember that the sun is at its strongest between 10am and 3pm.
The Nudy series, 3-tone series and Twin series probably give the strongest effect in color change while other series such as the Angel series and Fresh Color series act as color enhancers to create subtle changes in eye color.
They use nylon and titanium in their frames--definitely some of the lightest, strongest and most flexible materials available.
Titanium is the strongest material a frame can be made from; add the agents used to make it flexible and you get Flexon frames.
Guess is our strongest mid-priced brand.
It's the strongest material a frame can be made out of, and it's also non-corrosive.
His ultimate goal is to be a Hokage, or strongest ninja of the village.
Titanium is the strongest metal, and some, like the Flexon line, are even designed to be very flexible, springing back into place if something does bump them.
Look for styles made from titanium for some of the strongest, lightest materials.
The network originally broadcast lesser-known sports and events such as the World's Strongest Man competition, Australian Rules Football and the United States Football League.
Even today, with the Nintendo DS available, the Game Boy Advance and its upgraded sister units, the Game Boy Micro and the Game Boy Advance SP, continue to be the strongest selling gaming systems on the market.
Aries trained Kratos to be the strongest, cruelest, and most feared mortal.
The sword is the strongest and should be your choice.
However, the PC's very flexibility created one of the strongest compulsions for the creation of the video game consoles - the nemesis of PC gamers everywhere.
Simple. The strongest console will have the allegiance of more publishers.
The sound is easily the strongest part of the game.
Peter is the oldest, strongest and best fighter of the four.
This encourages the natural "S" shape of your spine and is its strongest position.
When done right, it is one of the strongest, most visceral, and most accurate representations of what a game will be.
Major areas in Canada that have the strongest video game industry presence includes Montreal and Vancouver, as well as numerous developers throughout Ontario.
Although it is one of the strongest porcelains available, it has a unique translucence that is valued among those who admire it.
To make matters even more complicated, there is no single cell phone that systematically gets the strongest signal or the absolute voice quality, because several other factors can come into play.
Which appear to be the most reliable and strongest signal where you work and live?
The Palm Pre was initially released by Sprint in June 2009, offering one of the strongest alternatives to the Apple iPhone to date.
In general, AT&T has the strongest coverage in major metropolitan areas like New York and Chicago, but these same major markets may result in the network being overloaded.
Avoid midday sun (between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.) when rays are the strongest.
Once the strongest dose is reached, the child's sensitivity has decreased, and the injections are given monthly to control allergic symptoms.
Narcotics are the oldest as well as the strongest analgesics, or pain-relieving drugs, known to humans.
They should try to stay out of the sun between 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. (11 A.M. to 3 P.M. daylight saving time), when the sun's rays are strongest.
The strongest form of traction involves inserting a stainless steel pin through a bony prominence attached by a horseshoe-shaped bow and rope to a pulley and weights suspended over the end of the patient's bed.
The link is strongest among African-American and Latino children.
Being overweight or obese is the strongest predictor of hypertension in young adults.
The strongest risk factor for nail-patella syndrome is a family history of the disease.
The studies suggest that pacifiers only be used with babies under ten months of age, when the need to suck is strongest and the incidence of ear infection is relatively low.
Dura mater-The strongest and outermost of three membranes that protect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves of the cauda equina.
However, once smoking becomes a habit, the smoker faces a lifetime of health risks associated with one of the strongest addictions known to humans.
Steroids are the strongest class of asthma medications and can cause numerous side-effects, including bleeding from the stomach, loss of calcium from bones, cataracts in the eye, and a diabetes-like state.
Avoid the sun between 10 A.M. and 3 P.M. when the sun is strongest and most direct.
For death records, a death certificate is considered the strongest proof for an individual's demise.
Tuftrix gel is classified as a type 3 gel, meaning that it is one of the strongest products Matrix has to offer.
A missed period is not an automatic indicator of pregnancy, but it is by far the strongest indicator of conception.
Best known for housing one of the most infamous maximum-security prisons in all of America for 29 years, the island was also one of the military's strongest outposts in the entire west for some time before.
Make the most of your figure by accentuating your strongest features and concealing those trouble spots.
Make the most of your strongest features!
The strongest swimmers achieve a fully vertical position in the water, which leads to the most efficient kicking and paddling, moving them along at optimum speed.
Take a moment to reflect on what you consider your strongest features.
While you can watch videos to help you gain the strongest sense of what the stroke should look like when done right, the only obvious way to become an expert yourself is to get in the pool and practice regularly.
It is taken from the purple flowering species of the Tabebuia avellanedae tree, which is thought to have the strongest biological and disease fighting properties.
Some of our strongest selling products, especially during the holiday shopping seasons, are classic board games.
These very basic questions can induce hilarity, while weakening your strongest players.
However, essential oils are most commonly used with beeswax candles to create the strongest possible therapeutic scent.
No one can resist a sweet treat, and often the strongest of New Year's resolutions can stave off the pull of a cupcake or brownie.
Body language makes the first and strongest impression.
The strongest of these in the younger years is more physical - athletic strength, physical ability, and confidence.
This kind of celebration of life seems to be the strongest kind of imagery in poems about being single and loving it.
Platinum is the strongest metal and is considered rarer than gold.
The strongest metal available, tungsten creates a durable ring that comes in a variety of stunning designs for men and women.
In fact, it is one of the strongest substances on Earth.
A standard book is 75,000 words and takes even the strongest writer 30 to 45 days to write, edit and complete.
Its excessively lightweight construction belies the fact that it's one of the strongest bags on the market today.
The strongest muscles in the body are in the back and abdomen, so the nearer heavier items are to these muscles, the more support they have.
Overall, the prognosis on compatibility for Gemini and Virgo is not the strongest in the Zodiac.
At this point, gravity itself is thought to be the strongest.
In truth, she's emotionally one of the strongest women of the zodiac, but her fluid gentleness deceives Virgo into believing she needs his protection.
However, if you can't think of what to say, talk about how one of the strongest scenes made you feel but be vague on the details of the scene itself.
Use this free test for psychic ability to help you assess where your strongest talents lie.
P&G wants to promote its strongest brands, so free Iams cat food coupons are featured in these special product circulars on a regular basis.
Brian's strongest tie was to his high school sweetheart Hayley Vaughn, when that relationship stumbled and failed Brian was left with little to no ties.
As Lisa, Fulton portrayed daytime's strongest vixen that blazed the way for subsequent vixens on daytime including Erica Kane.
In addition to a sexy story, the series features some of primetime's strongest actors and actresses in key roles.
One of the strongest reasons to utilize employee assistance programs is the increase in productivity among your employees.
In spite of what GM and Honda predict about US manufacturing, industry experts such as the Automotive News suggests vehicle manufacturing will be strongest in South America, China, and India where labor costs are cheaper.
The Bases are usually the tallest and strongest members of the team, and need to have absolute focus and confidence.
It is said to have begun in convents and it had its strongest upsurge in the Great Irish Famine of 1846, where its sales helped alleviate poverty woes.
Choose bright, bold colors to make the strongest style statement.
Whichever one of these glands is the strongest in your particular metabolism, will dictate your body type.
Your strongest option is to use your voice and actively seek out inexpensive plans; don't keep your struggle to insure your children to yourself.
Playing the position of quarterback for Lingerie Bowl champs The Los Angeles Temptation (formerly the Los Angeles Dream), Joey Davenport is considered to have the strongest arm in the Lingerie Football League.
High impact sports bras offer one of the strongest levels of protection for women.
If you think you will use it a lot for a long time, it may be worth the investment in organic so that you get the strongest possible performance.
Movie soundtracks feature some of the strongest songs in the movie.
Whitmore considers himself a fierce competitor, but he's also counting his personal charisma as one of his strongest survival skills.
They worked together to manipulate many of the evictions in the house, eventually hooking up with Toasteee and Pumkin to eliminate the strongest players.
Not limited solely to sunscreen, the line includes a variety of items formulated to provide the strongest and most effective line of defense against harmful rays.
People with eczema should use the strongest lotions they can find, as keeping the skin moisturized helps control the rash.
Though the line includes a wide selection of facial products, including plumping lip glosses, firming eye serums and detoxifying cleansers, it's the rich moisturizers that have had the strongest impact.
Itching is usually at its strongest within 24 hours of the bite.
The Essential Fade complex is a serum, marketed as the strongest fade cream that can be bought through the Black Opal line without a prescription.
In addition to Interactive Flash, our strongest suit is PHP and the open-source LAMP stack.
Damian was the strongest man Two had ever met.
It was the second strongest memory in human-Deidre's mind, the day when both of their lives changed.
He didn't know much about the woman staring at him except that she was the strongest person he'd ever met.
Was that what Katie meant all those times she indicated his looks weren't his strongest point?
You are the strongest, most honorable person I've ever known.
We have the thickest walls, and the creature promised to help me build the strongest armies with the strongest warriors.
No, we immediately go out and buy the strongest insecticide we can get.
One of the strongest towns in Silesia it was besieged several times during the 17th and 18th centuries.
His strongest denunciation is directed against the religious practices of the time in Judea - the worship of the Canaanite local deities (the Baals), the Phoenician Tammuz, and the sun and other Babylonian and Assyrian gods (vi., viii., xvi., xxiii.); he maintained vigorously the prophetic struggle for the sole worship of Yahweh.
The downfall of Rosas was at last brought about by the instrumentality of Justo Jose de Urquiza, who as governor of Entre Rios, had for many years been one of his strongest supporters.
Emerson declares that " the impulse to seek proof of immortality is itself the strongest proof of all."
In fact, the strongest and most conclusive arguments in favour of evolution are those which are based upon the facts of geographical, taken in conjunction with those of geological, distribution.
The strongest direct evidence seems to be that the nuclear substances are the only parts of the cells which are always equivalent in quantity, and that in the higher plants and animals the male organ or spermatozoid is composed almost entirely of the nucleus, and that the male nucleus is carried into the female cell without a particle of cytoplasm.i Since, however, the nucleus of the female cell is always accompanied by a larger or smaller quantity of cytoplasm, and that in a large majority of the power plants and animals the male cell also contains cytoplasm, it cannot yet be definitely stated that the cytoplasm does not play some part in the process.
Thus the stream bed, from which at first the water might be blown away into a new channel by a gale of wind, ultimately grows to be the strongest line of the landscape.
It is noticeable that the patriotic spirit is strongest in those places where people are brought most intimately into relation with the land; dwellers in the mountain or by the sea, and, above all, the people of rugged coasts and mountainous archipelagoes, have always been renowned for love of country, while the inhabitants of fertile plains and trading communities are frequently less strongly attached to their own land.
It is absolutely certain that the wings of the Ratitae bear the strongest testimony that they are the descendants of typical flying birds.
In the 16th century the city was the strongest Spanish fortress in the New World, excepting Cartagena, and gold and silver were brought hither by ship from Peru and were carried across the Isthmus to Chagres, but as Spain's fleets even in the Pacific were more and more often attacked in the 17th century, Panama became less important, though it was still the chief Spanish port on the Pacific. In 1671 the city was destroyed by Henry Morgan, the buccaneer; it was rebuilt in 1673 by Alfonzo Mercado de Villacorta about five miles west of the old site and nearer the roadstead.
What added to the practical difficulties of this arrangement was that the post of grand-prince was not an hereditary dignity in the sense of descending from father to son, but was always to be held by the senior member of the dynasty; and in the subordinate principalities the same principle of succession was applied, so that reigning princes had to be frequently shifted about from one district to another, according as they could establish the strongest claim to vacant principalities.
It was this impotence of the state commission that furnished the strongest incentive to Congressional action.
It is feeblest in architecture and strongest in the branches demanding skill and care in a limited compass, such as painting, porcelain and enamel.
The work was strongest in the scientific department, and many of its most valuable articles were from the pen of the editor.
In 1906 the Baptists were the strongest religious denomination; the Methodists ranked second, while the Roman Catholic, Presbyterian and Protestant Episcopal churches were of relatively minor importance.
The hardships of their lot, and, above all, the system by which the strongest of their sons were carried off as recruits for the corps of janissaries, frequently drove them to brigandage, and occasionally to open revolt.
In 1540 the fort of Castelnuovo, the strongest point on the Dalmatian coast, was taken by the Venetians and recaptured by Barbarossa.
But the French army was already completely out of hand, and the degree to which the panic of a crowd can master even the strongest instinct of the individual is shown by the conduct of the fugitives who crowded over the bridges, treading hundreds under foot, whilst all the time the river was easily fordable and mounted men rode backwards and forwards across it.
The enemy, having everything to gain and nothing to lose thereby, agreed finally to a six weeks' suspension of arms. This was perhaps the gravest military error of Napoleon's whole career, and his excuse for it, " want of adequate cavalry," is the strongest testimony as to the value of that arm.
Bismuth, the strongest of the diamagnetics, has a negative susceptibility which is numerically 20 times less than that of liquid oxygen.
The strongest magnetic fields employed for experimental purposes are obtained by the use of electromagnets.
For this reason a thin bar suspended at its centre of gravity between a pair of magnetic poles will, if paramagnetic, set itself along the line joining the poles, where the field is strongest, and if diamagnetic, transversely to the line.
Since the demagnetizing factor was o 052, the strongest field due to the coil was about 1340; but though arrangements were pro vided for cooling the apparatus by means of o ice, great difficulty was experienced owing to heating.
From data contained in Joule's paper it may be calculated that the strongest external field Ho produced by his coil was about 126 C.G.S.
According to the best determinations the value of elm does not exceed 1.8X Io', and T is of the order of Io 15 second, the period of luminous vibrations; hence OM/M must always be less than 109 H, and therefore the strongest fields yet reached experimentally, which fall considerably short of Io %, could not change the magnetic moment M by as much as a ten-thousandth part.
He had raised him to princely rank, endowed him with property which made him the greatest territorial magnate in the kingdom, placed in his hands the sacred crown and half-a-dozen of the strongest fortresses, and won over to his cause the majority of the royal council.
The separatist movement was strongest in the south, where the Rumans were in touch with their kinsmen in Walachia and Moldavia, the Serbs with their brethren in Servia, and the Croats intent on reasserting the independence of the" Tri-une Kingdom."
His own personality was his strongest ally.
Moreover the collapse of Tsarism had deprived Mr. Pasic of his strongest support abroad, and forced him to abandon his narrowly Orthodox basis and bring his policy more into line with modern democratic tendencies.
No party secured an absolute majority, and the two strongest, the Radicals and Democrats, being almost exactly balanced, were forced to strengthen still further their unnatural alliance.
Brand had arranged, in the teeth of the strongest protests from Kruger, that the Cape railway should extend to Bloemfontein and subsequently to the Vaal river.
The place is chiefly noted for its sulphur and chalybeate springs, the former being the strongest of the kind in Wales.
Of the older ontological notions of disease the strongest were those of the essence of fever and of the essence of inflammation.
Those physicians who had occupied themselves in the study of the exacter sciences, or more closely or more exclusively of the wreckage of the post mortem room, were the strongest men of this school, whether in England or abroad.
But the strongest confirmation of the tradition is the unfinished condition in which the poem has reached us.
Under his guidance the church grew to be one of the strongest of that denomination in the West, and Mr Collyer himself came to be looked upon as one of the foremost pulpit orators in the country.
The strongest reason for believing in a British London is to be found in the name, which is undoubtedly Celtic, adopted with little alteration by the Romans.
The Londoners broke up some, and brought the strongest and best to London.
At such pressures all but the strongest rocks will be strained beyond their limit of elasticity.
Similar swelling ground is not infrequently met with in metal mines, as, for example, in the Phoenix copper mine in Houghton county, Michigan, where the force developed was sufficient to crush the strongest timber that could be used.
On the other hand, the tendency to maintain peace naturally takes its course towards the strongest ruler, the king, and we witness in Anglo-Saxon law the gradual evolution of more and more stringent and complete rules in respect of the king's peace and its infringements.
He would ascribe them to the Kummukh (Commagenians), who seem to have succeeded the Khatti as the strongest opponents of Assyria in these parts.
They remained the strongest power in Syria and eastern Asia Minor till well into the first millennium B.C., and their Syrian seat was not lost finally till after the great extension of Assyrian power which took place in the latter part of the 9th century.
When the shoots are fairly developed, the two strongest are to be selected and trained in.
His opposition to 'the philosophes had its strongest expressions in Fanatisme des philosophes (Geneva and Paris, 1764) and Histoire des revolutions de l'empire romain (Paris, 1766-1768).
On some of the strongest land it was formerly the practice to add to and plough into it burnt clay, with the object of making the land work more easily.
After the failure of the Italians, the Hanseatics remained the strongest group of alien merchants in England, and, as such, claimed the exclusive enjoyment of the privileges granted by the Carta Mercatoria of 1303.
The gonfalonier, Francesco Valori, used his strongest influence to obtain their condemnation, and all five were put to death.
Clearly they must work from the strongest element in human nature, and this element is Feeling or the Heart.
His death in October 1633 put an end to the RussoPolish War (1632-33), withdrawing the strongest prop from an executive feeble enough even when supported by all the weight of his authority.
Until 1886 Olmiitz was one of the strongest fortresses of Austria, but the fortifications have been removed, and their place is occupied by a town park, gardens and promenades.
The character of the man reveals itself especially in a perfect simplicity of style, the result of the clearest intelligence and the strongest sense of personal dignity.
The powerful poetical force which for half a century continued to be the strongest force in literature, and Lucretius.
They are called Metawali and are strongest in North Lebanon (Kesrawan and Batrun), but found also in the south, in Buka`a and in the coast-towns from Beirut to Acre.
But hitherto the countries of strongest emigration (England, Germany, &c.) have shown practically undiminished birth and marriage-rates and a steady growth in population.
He omits, however, to mention this, which is Zahn's strongest argument, II.
From the dawn of maritime trade its possession has been important to the strongest nations on the sea for the time being.
During the Venetian rule it was one of the strongest cities in the island, but it fell into the hands of the Turks in 1646, several years before the capture of Candia.
But in the midst of the parliament the death of the Black Prince robbed the commons of their strongest support.
In these districts and others the number has become much reduced, owing doubtless in part to the fatal practice of catching the birds just before or during the breeding-season; but perhaps the strongest cause of their growing scarcity is the constant breaking-up of waste lands, and the extirpation of weeds (particularly of the order Compositae) essential to the improved system of agriculture; for in many parts of Scotland, East Lothian for instance, where goldfinches were once as plentiful as sparrows, they are now only rare stragglers, and yet there they have not been thinned by netting.
But Austria and Russia gave him no time for anything but defence, and it was not until the peace of Jassy (1792) that a breathing space was allowed him in Europe, while Bonaparte's invasion of Egypt and Syria soon called for Turkey's strongest efforts and for the time shattered the old-standing French alliance.
Irenaeus's testimony is the earliest and admittedly the strongest we possess for the Zebedean authorship; yet, as Calmes admits, " it cannot be considered decisive."
It is in the simple narrative and naive egotism of Le Mie prigioni that he has established his strongest claim to remembrance, winning fame by his misfortunes rather than by his genius.
He understood that political materialism, selfishness and corruption in federal administration afford the strongest possible argument for those who advocate strengthening the independent power of the separate states at the expense of nationalism.
But family affection, except towards his father, was by no means Montaigne's strongest point.
His strongest arguments are that the wind would easily develop into the messenger of the gods (Len oU pos), and that it was often thought to promote fertility in crops and cattle.
As "Mitchell's Bank" this institution was known for forty years as one of the strongest banking houses west of the Alleghanies, its notes passing at par during panics in which even the government issues were depreciated.
When young he was fond of wrestling with the strongest countrymen he could find.
Forts Wadsworth and Tompkins commanding the passage of the Narrows constitute one of the strongest defences of New York Harbor.
Nevertheless, the new conditions did exercise the strongest influence upon the character of the Church.
For further details as to the development of the priestly caste and wisdom in India the reader must refer to Brahminism; here it is enough to observe that among a religious people a priesthood which forms a close and still more an hereditary corporation, and the assistance of which is indispensable in all religious acts, must rise to practical supremacy in society except under the strongest form of despotism, where the sovereign is head of the Church as well as of the state.
Territories were distributed among the powers with no consideration for the feelings of their inhabitants, and in general the right of the strongest prevailed.
In Bavaria, where Dollinger's influence was greatest, the strongest determination to resist the resolutions of the council prevailed.
He hunted down the Carbonari and the Freemasons; he took the strongest measures against political agitation in theatres.
The resultant of these two effects has not yet been well established; but it is probable that the strongest cast iron has a little more than 1% of carbon combined as cementite, so that its matrix is nearly equivalent to the strongest of the steels.
Wolverine, the strongest fur suited for rugs and foot-sacks, is taken as the standard.
Eventually he became the strongest advocate for open examinations, for the claims not only of philosophy and classics but also of natural science, and, as vice-chancellor in 1862, for the admission of women to examinations.
Amana was the strongest in numbers of the few sectarian communities in America which outlived the 19th century.
Conception is the weakest, judgment the strongest power of man's mind.
The strongest religious sects are the Methodists and Baptists.
Developed out of an episode of the history, it has all its author's peculiarities in the strongest degree.
It is comparatively unimportant to the determinist whether the cause to which he attributes conduct be the self, or the will, or character, or the strongest motive, provided that each of these causes be regarded as definitely ascertainable and that its effects in sufficiently known circumstances be calculable.
Veracity is the strongest element of her character.
Let us see who is the strongest.
Your best offense is to educate yourself so that you can become your child's strongest advocate!
The business plan is the strongest element of an organized thinker.
Carnot, the ablest administrator, but not the strongest man, soon joined Barthelemy in opposing their Jacobinical colleagues - Barras, Rewbell and Larevelliere - Lepeaux.
Independent local developments of art before the middle of the 2nd millennium B.C. suggest the early existence of independent units in various parts, of which the strongest was the Cnossian.
If any one nation, he said, were able to back the strongest fleet with an overwhelming army, the whole world would be in jeopardy.
It is probable that the electrical effects constitute the strongest arguments in favour of the theory.
Caoutchouc is not dissolved by water or alcohol, and is not affected except by the strongest acids.
The knights and nobles of Bohemia and Moravia, who were in favour of church reform, sent to the council at Constance (September 2nd, 1415) a protest, known as the "protestatio Bohemorum" which condemned the execution of Huss in the strongest language.
The Bohemian brethren, whose intellectual originator was Peter Chelcicky, but whose actual founders were Brother Gregory, a nephew of Archbishop Rokycan, and Michael, curate of Zamberk, to a certain extent continued the Taborite traditions, and in the 15th and 16th centuries included most of the strongest opponents of Rome in Bohemia.
He is the handsomest and strongest of men, and I believe he is the wisest also.
I stood in the middle of the church, where the vibrations from the great organ were strongest, and I felt the mighty waves of sound beat against me, as the great billows beat against a little ship at sea.
One of Helen's old habits, that is strongest and hardest to correct, is a tendency to break things.
In her thoughts of marriage Princess Mary dreamed of happiness and of children, but her strongest, most deeply hidden longing was for earthly love.
The whole number of this race is 620,229, and nowhere do they form a majority of the whole population in a state; but they are strongest, numerically, in the northern states and in Udaipur.
There is such a many-sided richness, such a tenderness, such a poetry, such an originality, such a distinction revealed by the innumerable anecdotes in the memoirs of his disciples, that his personality is brought home to us as one of the most lovable and one of the strongest of men.
It is one of the strongest instances furnished by history of the fascination exercised by an idea that the Italians themselves should have grown to glory in this dependence of their nation upon Caesars who had nothing but a name in common with the Roman Imperator of the past.
Natural boundaries are always the most definite and the strongest, lending.
Three of them express in the strongest language the orthodox faith of the church in opposition to the Arian heresy, and these three put in unmistakable language the procession of the Holy Spirit from both Father and Son.
Those substances which are attracted, or rather which tend, like iron, to move from weaker to stronger parts of the magnetic field, are termed paramagnetic; those which are repelled, or tend to move from stronger to weaker parts of the field, are termed diamagnetic. Between the ferromagnetics and the paramagnetics there is an enormous gap. The maximum magnetic susceptibility of iron is half a million times greater than that of liquid oxygen, one of the strongest paramagnetic substances known.
Others, like the Ambrosiusbrunnen and the Karolinenbrunnen, are among the strongest iron waters in the world, while the Rudolfsbrunnen is an earthy-alkaline spring.