Stronger Sentence Examples
They were much older, much stronger than he.
The emotion was stronger than hunger and sorrow.
During this transfer he felt a little stronger and was able to look about him and even speak.
Have you got anything stronger than tea to drink?
Connor is much stronger than he should be.
I'm stronger than you think.
She'd built up a callus around her heart, one that got stronger and easier to maintain as she manipulated evil men.
Sometimes that temptation can be stronger than the man - or woman.
They had been through better and worse and each time they had come out on the other side with a stronger relationship.
The system has data from all their GPS records and infers that to drive across town several times for a place is a stronger vote than eating at the corner restaurant.
AdvertisementIf I love Sonya, that feeling is for me stronger and higher than all else.
To increase the power of your electromagnet, use a stronger battery.
Kris's memories stirred stronger than he liked. He remembered Lilith, a beautiful Immortal whose laugh had filled him with happiness. Their love had been intense and brief, lasting less than a human year in total. One day, she was just … gone.
Far stronger than boys many years older than he was, he bent and lifted her, carrying her to her permanent resting place.
The third time that he thrust out the weapon there was a loud roar and a fall, and suddenly at his feet appeared the form of a great red bear, which was nearly as big as the horse and much stronger and fiercer.
AdvertisementAnd truly though the enemy was twice stronger than we, we were unshakable.
Dean started slowly and she answered in a straightforward manner, her voice becoming stronger as she proceeded.
And yet, the creature is generous and lets me take as much of his magic as I need, enough to build our walls in a season's time and make them stronger than the walls of my enemies.
He was stronger than she was, had been for quite some time.
Every thwarted desire was the signal for a passionate outburst, and as she grew older and stronger, these tempests became more violent.
AdvertisementIt is the art of being stronger than the enemy at a given moment.
Their energies are stronger when they're alive.
Instead of destroying him, it made him stronger.
The sense she was falling ill grew stronger.
Was it possible for such a connection to be stronger than her bond to her own world?
AdvertisementThere were men of stronger build than the weak Ishbaal and the crippled son of Jonathan, the survivors of Saul's house, and it is only to be expected that David's first care must have been to cement the union of the north and south.
The setae vary much in form and are often longer and stronger than in the Oligochaetes.
But the appeal to the verbally inspired Bible was stronger than that to a church hopelessly divided; the Bible, and not the consent of the universal church, became the touchstone of the reformed orthodoxy; in the nomenclature of the time, " evangelical " arose in contradistinction to " Catholic," while, in popular parlance, the " protest " of the Reformers against the " corruptions of Rome " led to the invention of the term " Protestant," which, though nowhere assumed in the official titles of the older reformed churches, was early used as a generic term to include them all.
The stronger current of modern authority is in favour of the landlords and not in favour of restricting the meaning of covenants of this class.
But the Genoese, who had helped with provisions and siege-tackle in the capture of Antioch and of Jerusalem, had both a stronger claim on the crusaders, and a greater interest in acquiring an eastern emporium.
Secession is a right claimed or exercised by weaker states of a union whose rights are threatened by the stronger states, which seldom acknowledge such a principle.
Syracuse repaid the debt by good service to the Peloponnesian cause, and from that time the mutual influence of Sicily and old Greece is far stronger than in earlier times.
Brentano's much stronger claim is however that no propositions at all are accepted in such judgements, not even existential ones.
The present feeling, though not so bright and poetic as the former, was stronger and more serious.
That rule says that an attacker should concentrate his forces in order to be stronger than his opponent at the moment of conflict.
The child molester was tied to a similar but stronger case.
If anything, the nagging feeling was growing stronger.
The closer she got, the stronger she felt him.
Whatever is between us is only getting stronger.
Yully grew more anxious the nearer they got; her father was right about the magic feeling stronger.
The urge almost seemed stronger with her today than when he left her last night.
Forced into hiding by the circumstances of the past two weeks, Gabriel's yearning for his mate emerged stronger than ever at her passionate kisses and touch.
Another sense grew stronger.
His predecessor had seemed much stronger.
She knew he could've taken so much more, made himself stronger by bleeding her dry.
This—combined with General Greene's encrypted messages—made her instincts stronger.
Father and Andre always said we were stronger together than apart.
It makes you stronger.
He wasn't sure which instinct was stronger.
Darian's scent and touch overwhelmed her while his hot kisses set fire to a desire stronger than any she'd ever experienced.
If what he said were true, she wasn't weaker than her father; the demon was growing stronger.
The stronger demon stretched within him to test its bonds while the other demon cowered.
Each life makes me stronger.
A seed of a thought that emerged yesterday returned stronger.
Otherwise Berthollet's position would have been a much stronger one, and the atomic theory might have had to wait a long while for acceptance.
They possessed in Cyprus a kingdom, in which they had vindicated for themselves a stronger hold over their feudatories than the kings of Jerusalem had ever enjoyed, and in which trading centres like Famagusta flourished vigorously.
Presbyterianism was stronger in Connecticut than in Massachusetts.
In this arrangement a catch is provided so that the plate being once driven back by the wind cannot return until released by hand; but the catch does not prevent the plate being driven back farther by a gust stronger than the last one that moved it.
This allowed a shorter train and stronger wheelwork to be used, securing more certain action, and involving less risk of derangement.
This was a violation of the letter as well as of the spirit of the September convention, and a stronger and more straightforward statesman than Rattazzi would have declared Italy absolved from its provisions.
Firmness such as this secured for him the support of all constitutional elements, and after three years premiership his position was infinitely stronger than at the outset.
At Faenza, Piacenza, Cremona, Pavia and Milan, where subversive associa tions were stronger, it assumed the complexion of a political revolt.
In foreign affairs Danby showed a stronger grasp of essentials.
Nothing, however, was done during the remainder of the year, and John, feeling his position had grown stronger, went abroad early in 1214, and remained for some months in France.
If a growing stem receives stronger illumination on one side than another, its apex slowly turns from the vertical in the direction of the light source, continuing its change of position until it is in a direct line with the incident rays.
The cytological evidence for this appears to be made stronger for animal than for plant cells.
The influence of physical environment becomes clearer and stronger when the distribution of plant and animal life is considered, and if it is less distinct in the case of man, the reason is found in the modifications of environment consciously produced by human effort.
There is a general tendency among these insular birds to vary more or less from their continental representatives, and this is especially shown by the former having always darker plumage and stronger bills and legs.
In the first state the prints have been taken off with the roller, or even by handpressing, and they are weak in tint; in the second state the printing press has been used, and the ink is stronger.
Norman influence has been far stronger in England than in Sicily, and signs of Norman presence are far more easily recognized.
They fought simply for their own hands, and took what they could by the right of the stronger.
If, in the Gnostic systems, these become daemonic or semi-daemonic forces, this points to the fact that a stronger monotheistic religion (the Iranian) had gained the upper hand over the Babylonian, and had degraded its gods to daemons.
For half a century the struggle between the two races went on with varying success, but on the whole the Polish government proved stronger than its insubordinate subjects, and about 1638 it seemed to have attained its object.
Even pure gold, it may be noted, is darker or lighter in colour according as a stronger or a weaker current is used.
According to the legend, her father Zeus swallowed his wife Metis ("counsel"), when pregnant with Athena, since he had been warned that his children by her might prove stronger than himself and dethrone him.
At shorter distances the magnetism induced in the weaker magnet will be stronger than its permanent magnetism, and there will be attraction; two magnets with their like poles in actual contact will always cling together unless the like poles are of exactly equal strength.
Where the lines are crowded together, as in the neighbourhood of the poles, the force is greater (or the field is stronger) than where they are more widely separated; hence the strength of a field at any point can be accurately specified by reference to the concentration of the lines.
If however there is a small variation of the force in the space occupied by the body, it can be shown that the body will be urged, not necessarily towards a magnetic pole, but towards places of stronger magnetic force.
Those substances which are attracted, or rather which tend, like iron, to move from weaker to stronger parts of the magnetic field, are termed paramagnetic; those which are repelled, or tend to move from stronger to weaker parts of the field, are termed diamagnetic. Between the ferromagnetics and the paramagnetics there is an enormous gap. The maximum magnetic susceptibility of iron is half a million times greater than that of liquid oxygen, one of the strongest paramagnetic substances known.
The coefficient K/(i +171-K) is positive for ferromagnetic and paramagnetic substances, which will therefore tend to move from weaker to stronger parts of the field; for all known diamagnetic substances it is negative, and these will tend to move from stronger to weaker parts.
The standard force H =20 was selected as being sufficiently low to distinguish between good and bad specimens, and at the same time sufficiently high to make the order of merit the same Ss it would be under stronger forces.
Nickel exhibited retraction from the very beginning (as observed by Barrett), its greatest change of length considerably exceeding that undergone by iron; in a field of Boo the original length was diminished by as much as 1/40,000 part, but stronger forces failed to produce any further effect.
In the latter case the first application of stress is always attended by an increase-often a very great one-of the magnetization, whether the field is weak or strong, but after a load has been put on and taken off several times the changes of magnetization become cyclic. From experiments of both classes it appears that for a given field there is a certain value of the load for which the magnetization is a maximum, the maximum occuring at a smaller load the stronger the field.
It appears that as the temperature rises the resistance decreases to a minimum and then increases, the minimum point occurring at a higher temperature the stronger the field.
A somewhat stronger field will deflect many of the needles beyond the limits of stability, causing them to turn round and form new stable combinations, in which the direction assumed by most of them approximates to that of the field.
This corresponds to the second stage of magnetization, in which the susceptibility is large and permanent magnetization is set up. A still stronger magnetizing force has little effect except in causing the direction of the needles to approach still more nearly to that of the field; if the force were infinite, every member of the group ‘ would have exactly the same direction and the greatest possible resultant moment would be reached; this illustrates " magnetic saturation " - the condition approached in the third stage of magnetization.
The natives are in general of a stronger and stouter make, and even handsomer, than those of western India; and the women of the higher classes are also handsome.
I feel that I could succeed in making out a stronger case for the prohibitive nations of Europe to compel them to adopt a freer system than I had here to overturn our protection policy."
The corolla is generally funnelshaped, more rarely bell-shaped or tubular; the outer face is often marked out in longitudinal areas, five well-defined areas tapering from base to apex, and marked with longitudinal striae corresponding to the middle of the petals, and alternating with five non-striated weaker triangular areas; in the bud the latter are folded inwards, the stronger areas being exposed and showing a twist to the right.
This has the disadvantage that while the Serbs are stronger than any other single race in the two towns, their cession involved the loss of many purely Rumanian villages by Rumania, and also her loss of the important railway line connecting Temesvar southward with the Danube.
Yugoslavia's relations with Albania, though simplified by this decision, have been affected by the Albanian counterclaim to Pee, Djakovo and the plain of Kosovo, where since the middle of last century the Albanian element had grown steadily stronger at the expense of the Serbs.
The stock may be destroyed, killed out by adverse conditions, but its quality is not directly affected, and if removed to more favourable conditions it will show no hereditary results of the previous adversity; indeed it will probably have been strengthened in some ways by the destruction in severe conditions of its weaker members and the survival of the stronger individuals.
It is probable that the Iranian element was stronger among the Sarmatae, whose power extended as the ruling clan of the Scyths became extinct; but it is quite likely that they in their turn were officered by some new horde from upper Asia.
Iron renders the metal hard and brittle; arsenic, antimony and bismuth (up to 0.5%) reduce its tenacity; copper and lead (1 to 2%) make it harder and stronger but impair its malleability; and stannous oxide reduces its tenacity.
But bodily defect is largely a result of evil circumstances, in the prevention of which the physician is not unsuccessfully engaged, and the growth of sympathy means a stronger cement of the social structure.
Much stronger are the reasons for believing that there was a bridge in Roman times.
At first a fall of the roof occurs locally, here and there throughout the mine, and these falls may succeed one another until the settlement of portions of the roof has so far relieved the strain that the remaining areas are supported by the stronger pillars, and by the fallen rock masses.
Numerically, the contending armies would at this very critical juncture of the campaign be almost equal, the invaders rather the stronger; but the Turks were much dispersed, so that the result almost hinged upon the speed with which the attacking side should gain ground before the defenders had time to concentrate.
Monro arrived and recommended evacuation of the peninsula, the Ottoman host gathered about the Dardanelles was already decidedly stronger in point of numbers than was the army which was clinging to patches of littoral without a sheltered base.
Large bodies of infantry with a fair proportion of guns still remained on shore on the 17th, but of these roughly half - about io,000 men and a number of guns in each area - were removed that night, so that on the 18th only a meagre force, composed almost wholly of infantry and disposed almost entirely in the trenches, was holding a long front face to face with a numerically far stronger enemy.
Flint chips, which appear to have been fashioned by hand, are said to have been found in the Miocene beds, but to prove the existence of man at so early a period would require stronger evidence than has yet been brought forward.
Oxen are used for ploughing the higher lands with light soil, and the heavier and stronger buffaloes for ploughing wet tracts and marshy lands.
He felt the necessity for a larger following and a stronger organization, and following the example of his Mahommedan enemies used his religion as the basis of political power.
Lead, in sufficiently dilute acid, or in stronger acid if not too hot, remains unchanged.
At higher temperatures, or with stronger acid, nitric oxide, NO, is produced besides or instead of nitrous.
By the action of sodium amalgam on an alcoholic solution of anthracene, an anthracene dihydride, C14H12, is obtained, whilst by the use of stronger reducing agents, such as hydriodic acid and amorphous phosphorus, hydrides of composition C14H16 and C14H24 are produced.
The relative weakness of territorial power in the North, after the fall of Henry the Lion of Saxony, diminished without however removing this motive for union, but the comparative immunity from princely aggression on land left the towns freer to combine in a stronger and more permanent union for the defence of their commerce by sea and for the control of the Baltic.
The defeat of the Germans at Helsingborg only called into being the stronger town and territorial alliance of 1367, known as the Cologne Confederation, and its final victory, with the peace of Stralsund in 1370, which gave for a limited period the four chief castles on the Sound into the hands of the Hanseatic towns, greatly enhanced the prestige of the League.
At the close of the long contest the Mogul power was weaker, the Mahratta stronger than at first.
The wood is generally reddish-brown, light and of a coarse grain and spongy texture, easy to work, but liable to shrink and warp. Mountain-grown wood is harder, stronger, less liable to warp and more durable.
Alive to the danger, the pope knew that his foe must be crushed, and the religious carnival of 1496 afforded a good pretext for stronger proceedings against him.
Young adults with slighter forms of hypermetropia need glasses only for near work; elderly people should have one pair of weak glasses for distant and another stronger pair for near vision.
These may be conveniently combined, as in Franklin glasses, where the upper half of the spectacle frame contains a weak lens, and the lower half, through which the eye looks when reading, a stronger one.
When the constitutional convention met in Philadelphia in 1787 to frame a constitution for a stronger Federal government, the agriculturists of Rhode Island were afraid that the movement would result in an interference with their local privileges, and especially with their favourite device of issuing paper money, and the state refused to send delegates, and not until the Senate had passed a bill for severing commercial relations between the United States and Rhode Island, did the latter, in May 1790, ratify the Federal constitution, and then only by a majority of two votes.
On the other hand, though the Athenian fleet became stronger and several cities were captured, the league itself did not gain any important voluntary adherents.
In a 50% solution or stronger - as when neat whisky is taken - alcohol precipitates the pepsin which is an essential of gastric digestion, E.nd thereby arrests this process.
The strengths employed depend also upon the mode of precipitation adopted, stronger solutions (up to 0.25% KCN) being used when zinc is the precipitant.
A more probable explanation is the love of booty and the desire of the stronger to take possession of the lands of the weaker.
In science and theology, mathematics and poetry, metaphysics and law, he is a competent and always a fair if not a profound critic. The bent of his own mind is manifest in his treatment of pure literature and of political speculation - which seems to be inspired with stronger personal interest and a higher sense of power than other parts of his work display.
Soon after Blake had gone, Tromp appeared in the Downs with a stronger force and threatened an attack on Ayscue.
But the name and the figure which it suggested occupied so prominent a place in the mind of Europe for two or three centuries that a real history could hardly have a stronger claim to exposition.
The hostile French faction was much the stronger, since at this time the king (whom the whole of the pagan party followed) was of that faction; but after some critical episodes the treaty was signed on the 26th of December.
It is probable that after the Danish invasions of the 1 rth century the modern Southampton (Hantune, Suhampton) gradually superseded the Saxon Hantune as the latter did the Roman settlement, the site being chosen for its stronger position and greater facilities for trade.
The outcome of the uprising was an encouraging test of loyalty to the commonwealth; and the insurrection is regarded as having been very potent in preparing public opinion throughout the country for the adoption of a stronger national government.
He sustained many single combats, one very famous struggle being the wrestling with the Libyan Antaeus, son of Poseidon and Ge (Earth), who had to be held in the air, as he grew stronger every time he touched his mother, Earth.
B ut more important and less speculative is the hero's aspect as a national type or an amalgamation of tribal types of physical force, of dauntless effort and endurance, of militant civilization, and of Hellenic enterprise, " stronger than everything except his own passions," and " at once above and below the noblest type of man " (Jebb).
At the close of that year a settlement was at length concluded with Moshesh, which left, perhaps, that chief in a stronger position than he had hitherto been.
This feeling grew stronger until the election.
The hopelessly vicious policemen hated him, but no man ever had a stronger personal hold upon the great body of the honest officers - a hold which existed long after he left the police department, and was frequently expressed by members of the force as he passed through the city streets.
This bridge has now been replaced by a stronger bridge to carry the greater loads imposed by modern traffic. Fig.
In metal bridges wrought iron has been replaced by mild steel - a stronger, tougher and better material.
This humiliation convinced Nerva of the necessity of placing the government in stronger hands than his own.
Thus the motive force of nationality proved itself stronger than that of Socialism.
By 1604 the Dutch could already claim to be the stronger power at sea.
We might thus examine a structure formed of an aggregation of very thin vortex rings, which would move across the fluid without sensibly disturbing it; on the other hand, if formed of stronger vortices, it may transport the portion of the fluid that is within, or adjacent to, its own structure along with it as if it were a solid mass, and therefore also push aside the surrounding fluid as it passes.
Their influence was probably never stronger than during the rule as bishop (1118-1119) of Guy, the brother of the reigning count.
The Orlovs had even stronger motives than Catherine for suppressing the ex-emperor, for Gregory Orlov aspired to win the hand as well as the heart of his imperial mistress, and so long as Catherine's lawful husband lived, even in a prison, such a union would be impossible.
But Castlereagh saw that war could only be avoided if one party was made stronger than the other.
Laud's complete neglect of the national sentiment, in his belief that the exercise of mere power was sufficient to suppress it, is a principal proof of his total lack of true statesmanship. The hostility to "innovations in religion," it is generally allowed, was a far stronger incentive to the rebellion against the arbitrary power of the crown, than even the violation of constitutional liberties; and to Laud, therefore, more than to Strafford, to Buckingham, or even perhaps to Charles himself, is especially due the responsibility for the catastrophe.
From 1820 to 1860, however, the Whigs were in general a trifle the stronger; and from 1866 to 1895 the Democrats were triumphant; in 1895 a Republican governor was elected; in 1896 Maryland gave McKinley 3 2, 23 2 votes more than it gave Bryan; and in 1904 seven Democratic electors and one Republican were chosen; and in 1908 five Democratic and three Republican.
Meanwhile Vicksburg was steadily becoming stronger and more formidable.
The Federal detachment retreated during the night to a stronger position in rear at Gaines's Mill near Cold Harbor, and on June 27 the Confederates again attacked Porter's corps.
Being an intelligent man, he perceived the commercial value of his chance discovery, and began the manufacture of articles which, with all the appearance of silver, were both cheaper and stronger than those made of the pure metal.
This can only be explained on the assumption that some religion hostile to, and stronger than the Babylonian, has superimposed itself upon this, and has degraded its principal deities into daemons.
It was not merely for conquest and tribute that the fierce Mexicans ravaged the neighbourlands, but they had a stronger motive than either in the desire to obtain multitudes of prisoners whose hearts were to be torn out by the sacrificing priests to propitiate a pantheon of gods who well personified their bloodthirsty worshippers.
In the next year,, however, laws were passed repeating in a stronger form the attacks of 1857 on the supremacy of the Church, and prohibiting monastic life.
Generally speaking, the colour of the head, neck, and upper-parts of the body was reddish-brown, irregularly banded and marked with dark brown stripes, stronger on the head and neck and gradually becoming fainter until lost behind the shoulder.
In most rotifers, on the contrary, the trochus is stronger than the cingulum, often lobed, and with some of its cilia aggregated into vibratile styles homologous with the combplates of Ctenophora (q.v.) and the membranelles of ciliate Infusoria (q.v.).
This is accounted for partly by the strong civic feeling which formed a bond of unity stronger than most sources of friction, and partly to the general prosperity of the towns, which removed any acute discontent.
But the latter proved himself the stronger, and the primal man was for a moment vanquished.
Hence Adam is a discordant being, created in the image of Satan, but carrying within him the stronger spark of light.
The assumption explicitly made by General Walker that among the immigrants no influence was yet excited in restriction of population, is also not only gratuitous, but inherently weak; the European peasant who landed (where the great majority have stayed) in the eastern industrial states was thrown suddenly under the influence of the forces just referred to; forces possibly of stronger influence upon him than upon native classes, which are in general economically and socially more stable, On the whole, the better opinion is probably that of a later authority on the vital statistics of the country, Dr John Shaw Billings,i that though the characteristics of modern life doubtless influence the birth-rate somewhat, by raising the average age of marriage, lessening unions, and increasing divorce and prostitution, their great influence is through the transmutation into necessities of the luxuries of simpler times; not automatically, but in the direction of an increased resort to means for the prevention of child-bearing.
The second cause is the Civil War of 186f65, which practically negatived the far-reaching claims of state sovereignty and the right of secession made by statesmen of the type of Calhoun, and showed that the nation was really much stronger than any group of states.
Its numerous root extractions amply justify a stronger expression than " multo labore," especially in an epitaph.
As then Anaximenes did not, but Aristotle did, recognize three genera, and as Aristotle could as well as Anaximenes recognize seven species, the evidence is overwhelming that the Rhetoric to Alexander is the work not of Anaximenes, but of Aristotle; on the condition that its date is not that of Aristotle's confessedly genuine Rhetoric. There is a second and even stronger evidence that the Rhetoric to Alexander is a genuine work of Aristotle.
It is far more durable than any of the oaks of that region, is heavy and close-grained, and much stronger, as well as more lasting, than that of the pines and firs of Canada.
Special interest attaches to this trace of their earlier origin, because of the famous cult of Diana Nemorensis, whose temple in the forest close by Aricia, beside the laces Nemorensis, was served by "the priest who slew the slayer, and shall himself be slain"; that is to say, the priest, who was called rex Nemorensis, held office only so long as he could defend himself from any stronger rival.
The stronger the solution administered, the greater is the quantity of water that passes into the bowel, a fact to be borne in mind when the salt is administered for the purpose of draining superfluous fluid from the system, as in dropsy.
Oaths were strictly forbidden; their word was stronger than an oath.
If a more dilute acid than this be distilled, water passes over in excess and the residue in the retort reaches the above composition and boiling point; on distillation of a stronger acid, excess of acid passes into the distillate and the boiling point rises until the values of the constant boiling mixture are reached.
Good Portland cement is so much stronger than any lime that there are few situations where it is not cheaper as well as better to use the former, because, although cement is the more expensive matrix, a smaller proportion of it will suffice for use.
Columns have generally to bear a heavier weight than walls, and have to be correspondingly stronger.
Assuming the materials to be of equal tensile strength per unit of area - hard-drawn copper is stronger, but has a lower conductivity - the adoption of aluminium thus leads to a reduction of 52% in the weight, a gain of 60% in the strength, and an increase of 26% in the diameter of the conductor.
After repairing this damage to some extent, the elector died at Ingolstadt in September 1651, leaving his duchy much stronger than he had found it.
The distortion which rails undergo in manufacture and use is incomparably less than that to which rivets are subjected, and thus rail steel may safely be much richer in carbon and hence in cementite, and therefore much stronger and harder, so as to better endure the load and the abrasion of the passing wheels.
This in turn is because the direct pull of the pincers on the protruding end of the wire is much stronger than the forward-drawing pull due to the friction of the cold rolls on the wire, which is necessarily cold because of its small section.
It is for this reason, for instance, that railroad rails are of constant uniform section throughout their length, instead of having those parts of their length which come between the supporting ties deeper and stronger than the parts which rest on the ties.
Facts of this character taken by themselves would perhaps be sufficient to convince most philologists that in Sumerian we have an arbitrarily compounded cryptography just as Halevy believes, but these facts cannot be taken by themselves, as the evidences of the purely linguistic basis of Sumerian are stronger than these apparent proofs of its artificial character.
It is found that in densely wooded districts furs are darker in colour than in exposed regions, and that the quality of wool and hair is softer and more silky than those from bare tracts of country, where nature exacts from its creatures greater efforts to secure food, thereby developing stronger limbs and a consequently coarser body covering.
Those from the neighbourhood of Sydney are light clear blue, while those from Victoria are dark iron grey and stronger in the wool.
Is of a similar description, but darker and stronger in the wool and larger.
But as the North grew stronger and the South in comparison grew weaker, as slavery came to be more and more the dominant political issue, and as the South made demands concerning that "peculiar institution" to which the North was unwilling to accede, less was heard of secession in the North and more in the South.
In 1860-1861, when the federal government passed into the control of the stronger section, the Southern states, individually, seceded and then formed the Confederate states, and in the war that followed they were conquered and forced back into the Union.
Permanency in republican government is, therefore, based upon corresponding experience and culture, and its possibilities grow ever stronger.
Bernstorff's sympathy with England grew stronger still when in 1779 Spain joined her enemies; and he was much inclined, the same winter, to join a triple alliance between Great Britain, Russia and Denmark-Norway, proposed by England for the purpose of compelling the Bourbon powers to accept reasonable terms of peace.
The unpleasing effect of this anomalous arrangement is greatly aggravated by the lower part of each column being almost always coloured with red or yellow ochre, so as to render the contrast between the two portions still stronger.
He also noticed the still stronger Ratite character, that the male takes on himself the duty of incubation.
By 1907, however, the greatly increased production in India and Ceylon, with the willingness of many nations to drink such teas, in preference to those of China, had left to her Russia as a customer for nearly half her export of the article, a proportion rapidly diminishing, as that country too turned in the direction of using the stronger varieties.
One important factor in keeping down the amount per person is the substitution in use, which for a generation has been in progress, of the stronger teas of India and Ceylon for the old-fashioned weaker produce of China.
History shows that states forming unions of the second class are certain in after time to deny or assert that the sovereignty of the state is one of the rights reserved, according as the state belongs to a stronger or weaker section or faction; state sovereignty being the defence of the weaker state or faction, and being denied by the stronger group of states which controls the government and which asserts that a new sovereign state was created by a union of the former independent ones.
The feeling described in that fine but gloomy paper which closes the series of his Idlers seemed to grow stronger in him as his last hour drew near.
In this frontier community law and politics claimed a large proportion of the stronger and the more ambitious men; the law early appealed to Lincoln and his general popularity encouraged him as early as 1832 to enter politics.
Lothairs position, which before 1130 was very weak, had gradually become stronger.
The reasor for this was not that the Empire was stronger, but that in crown was worn by a succession of princes who were greal sovereigns in their own right.
Thus the war continued, but the desire for peace was growing stronger, and this was reflected in the proceedings of the diet which met at Regensburg in 1640.
The Austrian government strove to secure the appointment of a stronger executive than had hitherto existed; but its proposals met with steady opposition from Prussia.
Although, then, as the result of the war, Silesia was by the treaty of Dresden transferred from Austria to Prussia, while in Italy by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748 cessions were made at the expense of the house of Habsburg to the Spanish Don Philip and to Sardinia, the Austrian monarchy as a whole had displayed a vitality that had astonished the world, and was in some respects stronger than at the beginning of the struggle, notably in the great improvement in the army and in the possession of generals schooled by the experience of active service.
In 1887 things went better; there was some difficulty about the tariff, especially about the tax on petroleum, but Count Taaffe had a stronger position than the Austrian ministers of 1877.
They had considerable towns, as Segesta and Eryx, and the history, as well as the remains, of Segesta, shows that Greek influences prevailed among them very early, while at Eryx Phoenician influence was stronger.
For whatsoever moveth is stronger than that which is moved, and whatsoever governeth is stronger than that which is governed."
The well-educated Egyptian officer, with his natural aptitude for figures, does subordinate regimental routine carefully, and works well when supervised by men of stronger character.
Dr Elliott Smith, who has examined thousands pf skeletons and mummies of all periods, finds that the prehistoric population of Upper Egypt, a branch of the North African-MediterraneanArabian race, changed with the advent of the dynasties to a stronger type, better developed than before in skull and muscle.
Lord Hartington replied that the government did not consider that a demonstration of this kind could be effective, and again suggested stronger measures.
It was stronger on the islands, where the rural population increased by 5.3% only in eleven years, whereas in Jutland the increase of the rural population between 1890 and 1901 amounted to 12.0%.
But the work he left behind him is the best proof of his statesmanship. He found Denmark in ruins; he left her stronger and wealthier than she had ever been before.
She exercised over him that influence which a stronger character always exercises over a weaker, whatever their respective positions; and unfortunately it was seldom a good influence, for Theodora (q.v.) seems to have been a woman who, with all her brilliant gifts of intelligence and manner, had no principles and no pity.
Other things being equal, the higher the percentage of lime within the limits indicated above the stronger is the cement, but such highly limed cement is less easy to burn than cement containing about 62% of lime; and unless the burning is thorough and the raw materials are intimately mixed, the cement is apt to be unsound.
The attraction became stronger on both sides, in spite of occasional spasms of doubt.
The death of Mar (28th of October 1572) left power in the stronger hands of Morton, and the death of Knox (24th of November) put the kirk for a while at the mercy of the new regent.
The Dutch at once despatched a much stronger expedition, which landed at Ampanam in September.
A stronger argument in favour of the Portuguese case is drawn from the existing Spanish text.
Still stronger was the feeling caused by his efforts to make the recital of the Athanasian Creed optional instead of imperative in the Anglican Church.
One clan being more numerous and stronger than another, and its chief being ambitious, it is easy to see how by conquering a neighbouring clan he increased the importance of his clan and extended his own power.
The final year of Plaza's tenure of office was marked by a still stronger measure, all the property of the church being declared to be national property, and let to the highest bidders.
It is probable that Sozomen did not approve of Socrates's freer attitude towards Greek science, and that he wished to present a picture in which the clergy should be still further glorified and monasticism brought into still stronger prominence.
Even against the stronger measure of the following April only nine Labour members were found to go into the lobby on the second reading.
He was himself a prophet, and his prophecy was this, " He that is stronger than I am is coming after me."
His appearance has been announced by a reforming prophet, who has summoned the nation to return to its God, and promised that a stronger than himself is to follow.
With Holderlin Hegel learned to feel for the old Greeks a love which grew stronger as the semi-Kantianized theology of his teachers more and more failed to interest him.
But his rooted aversion to the democratic theories imported from France, which were gradually winning their way into England, only grew stronger with advancing age.
Physically they are quite distinct from the normal type, also found at Gezer, which was taller, of stronger build, with well-developed skulls, and is akin both to the Sinaitic and Palestinian type illustrated upon Egyptian monuments from c. 3000 B.C., and to the modern native.
The majority of the early settlers came from the southern and border states, principally from Missouri and Kentucky; but subsequently there was a large immigration of New England and Eastern people, and these elements were stronger in the population of Jacksonville than in any other city of southern Illinois.
It is not easy to make it stronger than 92% of sodium carbonate, which is technically expressed as " 52 degrees of available soda " (see next page).
If purer and stronger soda-ash is wanted, the boiling down must be carried out in pans fired from below, and the crystals of monohydrated sodium carbonate " fished " out as they are formed, but this is mostly done after submitting the liquor to the purifying operations which we shall now describe.
This pan may be followed by a third pan, in which a stronger vacuum is maintained, and so forth.
The country to the east of the gap receives the rainfall of the south-west monsoon; and during the north-east monsoon ships passing Beypur meet with a stronger wind from the land than is felt elsewhere on the Malabar coast.
But in India the bravery of the Rajputs and the devotion of the Brahmans seem to have afforded a stronger national bulwark than existed in western Europe.
The driving circle was greatly increased in diameter and placed at the upper end of the polar axis, and both the polar and declination axes were made much stronger in proportion to the mass of the instrument they were designed to carry.
They rebuilt all that the emperor had destroyed, and made this key of Asia Minor stronger than ever before.
The Sophistes is apparently matter for animadversion by Aristotle in the Metaphysics and elsewhere, but derives stronger support from the testimonies to the Politicus which presumes it.
By the written Constitution, drafted in 1787 and in operation since 1789, a stronger and more centralized union was established - in theory a federal republic formed by the voluntary combination of sovereign states.
Even after the severe reverses which he experienced in Italy, his position in Germany was never seriously weakened; and in 1181, when, almost without striking a blow, he deprived Henry the Lion of his duchy, he seemed stronger than ever.
It was no longer possible to wait for the assembling of a general council; stronger and stronger grew the tendency to ascribe infallibility to the pope alone, as being always on the spot.
Under the short-lived Second Republic (1848-52) the position of the Church grew even stronger, for the introduction of universal suffrage brought to the polls great masses of new voters strongly clerical in sympathies.
But, as he grew stronger, his desire for their good opinion paled before an overmastering propensity to meddle in the affairs of foreign nations.
One spell is stronger than another, one taboo more inviolable than another.
A still stronger evidence to the same effect was given by the Religious Census taken in 1904.
The crop is said to be ready for gathering when the flowers appear; if gathered before, the fibre is weak, while if left until the seed is ripe, the fibre is stronger, but is coarser and lacks the characteristic lustre.
Recently prepared fibre is always stronger, more lustrous, softer and whiter than such as has been stored for some time - age and exposure rendering it brown in colour and harsh and brittle in quality.
This peculiarity of jute, coupled also with the fact that the machinery on which it was first spun, although quite suitable for the stronger and more elastic fibres for which it was designed, required certain modifications to suit it to the weaker jute, was the cause of many annoyances and failures in the early days of the trade.
The idealist position Kant seemed at first sight to retain with an even stronger force than ever.
Hitherto Charles had aimed at supporting the weaker Slavonic power against the stronger; but now that Muscovy seemed about to disappear from among the nations of Europe, Swedish statesmen naturally sought some compensation for the expenses of the war before Poland had had time to absorb everything.
Thomas Thorild (1759-1808) was a much stronger nature, and led the revolt against prevailing taste with far more vigour.
This idea of universal conquest was with him a conception much stronger developed than that which had inspired the Achaemenid rulers, and he entered on the project with full consciousness in the strictest sense of the phrase.
But the power of the mo-Persian Empire was not great enough for further conquests, though its army was capable and animated by a far stronger national feeling than that of the Parthians.
By inoculating first with a weak virus and then with others which were stronger and stronger, he was able completely to protect oxen either from the effects of inoculation with the strongest virus or from infection through contact with other animals suffering from the disorder.
Summing up, it may be said that the exasperation caused by just grievances unremedied was no stronger a motive with the trekkers than the desire to be free from the restraints imposed on British subjects and the wish to be able to deal with the natives after their own fashion.
I It is remarkable that the Liberal government, despite this aspiration, and despite stronger language used by Mr Gladstone, did nothing to give the Boers any real self-government.
The elections, which resulted in a Nationalist majority of 13 over all other parties, showed that the Unionists were stronger than had been thought.
The full-sized tubers are, however, preferable to smaller ones, as their larger buds tend to produce stronger shoots, and where cut sets are used the best returns are obtained from sets taken from the points of the tubers - not from their base.
As in his political theories, the critical element is much stronger than the constructive.
The king was feeble and vicious, but had wit enough to leave the Melhor conduct of affairs to stronger hands.
Most critics detect a stronger influence of P in chap. xxii., more especially in vv.
In the middle of the vessel the superficial layer recovers its strength by diffusion from below, but the film adhering to the side of the glass becomes more watery, and therefore has a higher surface-tension than the surface of the stronger wine.
In the hands of Brefeld, BurdonSanderson, de Bary, Tyndall, Roberts, Lister and others, the various links in the chain of evidence grew stronger and stronger, and every case adduced as one of " spontaneous generation " fell to the ground when examined.
As the stronger side of Gotama's teaching was neglected, the debasing belief in rites and ceremonies, and charms and incantations, which had been the especial object of his scorn, began to spread like the Birana weed warmed by a tropical sun in marsh and muddy soil.
The consequences of these constant internal struggles were twofold; the German influence became stronger, and the power of the sovereign declined, as the nobility on whose support the competitors for the crown were obliged to rely constantly obtained new privileges.
It is reduced by sodium amalgam to benzhydrol or diphenyl carbinol C 6 H 5 [[Choh C 6 H]] 5; a stronger reducing agent, such as hydriodic acid in the presence of amorphous phosphorus converts it into diphenylmethane (C6H5)2.
Perhaps an even stronger proof of the skill which enabled Livy to avoid dangers which were fatal to weaker men is to be found in his speeches.
The war of course made the distinction stronger; under the kings who were chosen for the purposes of the war national Gothic feeling had revived.
According to this, Christopher - or rather Reprobus, as he was then called - was a giant of vast stature who was in search of a man stronger than himself, whom he might serve.
During the 18th century the Indian title to the soil was rapidly extinguished, and at the same time the vices and diseases of the stronger race were gradually reducing their numbers.
In the higher Decapoda the male is generally larger than the female and has stronger chelae.
The elytra are to the delicate wings of some insects what the thick anterior margins are to stronger wings.
From the later part of the 18th century a stronger tendency to increase set in, and at the taking of the first census, in 1801, it was ascertained that the population numbered 8,892,536, being-if the former estimates were approximately correct-an increase of very nearly 2.1 millions in little over fifty years.
This excess of male births, which is usual, has been ascertained to find its equilibrium, through a higher rate of infant mortality among the males, about the tenth year of life, and is finally changed by perilous male occupations and other causes, including the stronger tendency of males to emigration.
But both imply a desire to carry out changes without friction and not to break up ancient forms; both proceed on the plan of securing to the stronger state the substance of power while allowing the weaker state a semblance of its old constitution.
But he was stronger as a preacher and an agitator than as a writer, the pamphlets which he now issued from the press of his colleague the ex-priest Hans Vingaard, who settled down at Viborg as a printer, being little more than adaptations of Luther's opuscula.
The two men were bound together by a mutual respect deeper than a sympathy of tastes, and a community of spirit stronger than a similarity of opinions.
The experiments given by Professor Burr indicate that a closed column is stronger than an open one, but practice does not always support theory, and many other questions besides mere form arise in connexion with the choice of a section; special considerations in the use of columns in buildings sometimes call for a form very different from the circular section, and such include the transfer of loads to the centre of the section, the maximum efficiency under loading, and the requirements for pipe space around or included in the column form.
The Broad Flange Differdange Beams are claimed by the manufacturers to be stronger and to minimize weight for use as girders; they are made in twenty-one different sizes with flanges from 88 to i 2 in.
The colonization of the eastern provinces and the struggle against the Sla y s necessitated a stronger concentration of aristocratic power, and the reception of Roman law during the 5th and 16th centuries hardened the forms of subjection originated by customary conditions.
The laborious attempts that have been made, particularly in Germany, to affiliate the Travels only serve to bring Swift's essential originality into stronger relief.
But there is a stronger argument for a Hebrew original of certain sections to be found in the fact that the Testaments of the XII.
They are stable towards aqueous alkalis, but on digestion with moist silver oxide yield the phosphonium hydroxides, which are stronger bases than the caustic alkalis.
In calcium, for instance, the g line shows in the laboratory much stronger anomalous dispersion than H and K; but in the solar spectrum H and K are broad out of all comparison to g.
Others use stronger language, and it seems to be confessed that either from shyness, from pride, or from physical defects of utterance, probably from all three combined, he did not attract strangers.
Any horizontal fissure in a weak place would, in the nature of things, strike somewhere a stronger place, and the final failure would be deferred.
The number of the arms is arbitrary, and they may be curved to diminish the liability to fracture from contraction in the cooling of the cast iron, but in other respects are preferably straight, since they are then lighter and stronger.
Pulleys are also built up of wrought iron and steel, and can then be constructed entirely free from internal stress; they are thus much lighter and stronger, and are not liable to fly to pieces like cast iron if they break.
Since the Civil War, the non-Mormon element (locally called "Gentile") has steadily increased in strength, partly because of industrial changes and partly because the city is the natural point of attack on the Mormon church of other denominations, which are comparatively stronger here than elsewhere in Utah.
The one satisfactory outcome was the establishment of the Council of the North, which gave the shires between the Border and the Trent a stronger and more efficient government than they had ever had before.
Elizabeths head was stronger and she had no heart at all.
As resistance grew stronger in America, the king urged the use of compulsion.
Save for the commanding personality of Pitt, the new government was scarcely stronger than that which it had replaced.
In 1850, after the Don Pacifico debate, the queen repeated these commands in a, much stronger memorandum.
Its chief, Lord Aberdeen, was dominated by a desire to preserve peace; but he had not the requisite force to control the stronger men.
Lord John Russellwho had already vainly urged in the cabinet that the duke of Newcastle should be superseded, and the conduct of the war entrusted to a stronger minister resigned office.
His father, who was an attorney of substance, had a distaste still stronger for so vagrant a profession as letters were in that day.
The camels (Tylopoda) certainly originated in the northern hemisphere, but although their birthplace has been confidently claimed for North America, an equal, if not stronger, claim may be made on the part of Central Asia.
This scheme is particularly applicable to coal-gas Carbon dioxide is absorbed by a potash solution containing one part of potash to between two and three of water; the stronger solution absorbs about 40 volumes of the gas.
It contains, as its principal constituents, ammonia, partly combined with carbonic acid and sulphuretted hydrogen to form compounds which are decomposed on boiling, with evolution of ammonia gas, and partly combined with stronger acids to form compounds which require to be acted upon by a strong alkali before the ammonia contained in them can be liberated.
It dissolves in dilute cold nitric acid with the formation of ferrous and ammonium nitrates, no gases being liberated; when heated or with stronger acid ferric nitrate is formed with evolution of nitrogen oxides.
True, in the theologian properly so called the scientific interest is strong; where the religious or practical interest is stronger, you get church rulers or administrators in a narrower sense.
Esther is a modification of Ishtar, the name of the Babylonian goddess of fertility and of the planet Venus, whose myth must have been partially known to the Israelites even in pre-exilic times,' and after the fall of the state must have acquired a still stronger hold on Jewish exiles.
In the Turanian basin the contrast between desert and oasis is much stronger than in the Balkash region.
When settled they are mostly designated Sarts - a name which has reference more to manner of life than to anthropological classification, although a much stronger admixture of Iranian blood is evident in the Sarts, who also speak Persian at Khojent and Samarkand.
The barbarians had meantime also grown more formidable, and this made it necessary to have stronger fortifications for the capital.
Another famous statue is one from Gabii, in which she is finishing her toilet and fastening the chlamys over her tunic. In older times her figure is fuller and stronger, and the clothing more complete; certain statues discovered at Delos, imitated from wooden models (oava), are supposed to represent Artemis; they are described as stiff and rigid, the limbs as it were glued to the body without life or movement, garments closely fitting, the folds of which fall in symmetrical parallel lines.
Those natives who retained land were often oppressed by their stronger neighbours, and sometimes actually swindled out of their property.
On the 25th of January 1881 the jury disagreed, and Parnell became stronger than ever.
In opposition to the absolutist "vice-emperor" Rouher, whose influence over Napoleon had become stronger and stronger since the death of Morny, Emile 0111vier grouped the Third Party.
Practically this left matters as they were, and Anselm, who had received a message forbidding him to return to England unless on the king's terms, withdrew to Lyons, where he waited to see if Paschal would not take stronger measures.
Hence the sixty years of terror and confusion which came between Charlemagne and the death of Charles the Bald suppressed the direct authority of the king in favor of the nobles, and prepared the way for a second destruction of the monarchy at the hands of a stronger power (see FEUDALISM).
Now, however, in order to obtain substantial help from taxes instead of mere driblets, the Valois needed a stronger lever than cunning or force.
Confronted by a pale weakly boy like the dauphin Charles and the remnants of the discredited council, the situation of the states was stronger than ever.
The tide meanwhile flowed in stronger and stronger.
In 1711 he asked the pope for a second, and still stronger bull, that would tear up Jansenism by the roots.
The cabinet seemed stronger than it really was, for it was divided by intestine quarrels, and the earl of Chatham refused to have anything to do with it.
Although we now know how the errors of lenses may be corrected, and how the simple microscope may be improved, this instrument remains with relatively feeble magnification, and to obtain stronger magnifications the compound form is necessary.
The first compound miscroscope (discovered probably by the Middelburg lens-grinders, Johann and Zacharias Janssen about 1590) was a combination of a strong biconvex with a still stronger biconcave lens; it had thus, as well as the first telescope, a negative eyepiece.
The pencils producing the real image are very much more acute, and their inclination is the smaller the stronger the magnification.
The progress of physical discovery during the last half of the 19th century was perhaps as much due to the kindly encouragement which he gave to his students and to others who came in contact with him as to his own researches and inventions; and it would be difficult to speak of his influence as a teacher in stronger terms than this.
Through the introduction of the cage (clodding) presses circular cakes have become fashionable, and as the material of these presses can be made much stronger and therefore higher pressure can be employed, more oil is expressed from the meal than in open presses.
In the meantime an insurrection had broken out in Darfur, and Gordon proceeded to that province to relieve the Egyptian garrisons, which were considerably stronger than the force he had available, the insurgents also being far more numerous than his little army.
Raouf was recalled, and succeeded by Abdel Kader Pasha, a much stronger governor, who had some success, but whose forces were quite insufficient to cope with the rebels.
The progress of events showed him, on the contrary, a France which every day left a little stronger, and he aroused himself from his disbelieving, disillusioned mood.
It gives with water a somewhat stronger mucilage than gum arabic, from which it is distinguished by its clear interior, fewer cracks and greater toughness.
Her marriage with Malatesta did not take place until 1456; but of the ardent affection that had long bound them together there are stronger proofs than the lover's juvenile verses, or than even the children Isotta had borne to him.
Their marriage was stronger - fuller - than it had ever been.
A Watcher was stronger than any Guardian in the mortal realm, except for Damian, and more powerful than any immortal in the immortal realm, except for an Original Being.
Stronger. If any of us turns on the other, we all cease to exist.
Their bond was stronger than ever, and Jule's body bristled with magic that felt both foreign and familiar, like a memory long ago forgotten.
His terrified, brave little Oracle was entrancing, the shimmer that caught his attention when they met much stronger with their bond.
Katie wasn't sure if the homemade alcohol was stronger than normal or if her weakened state made her more vulnerable to its effects.
This—combined with General Greene's encrypted messages—made her instincts stronger.
Rather than feel privileged by her visit, he felt his sense of foreboding grew stronger.
Kris's memories stirred stronger than he liked. He remembered Lilith, a beautiful Immortal whose laugh had filled him with happiness. Their love had been intense and brief, lasting less than a human year in total. One day, she was just … gone. Slaughtered by Rhyn, who had taken her head the same way his brothers took the head of Rhyn's demoness mother.
The small woman was the most powerful Oracle since ancient times, stronger even than his own mother.
Atomic chlorine, being heavier, exhibits stronger spin-orbit coupling.
Or lead the unbid suit, knowing that declarer could easily have a stronger spade holding than heart holding?
Children are drugged either with Godfrey's Cordial or stronger decoctions of opium.
The moats were then categorized as ' moated enclosures with stronger defensive works ' .
During acute episodes of pain, you may need stronger conventional pain medication - contact your GP for advice.
On 30th December the party, much stronger after their cannibal feast, set off again.
Dodsy's a lot stronger than you are, young fellah.
The clutch springs fitted to the 750 are stronger than those fitted to the 650 I am told.
The more " hard " evidence you can give to your clinician the stronger the case he/she will be able to put forward.
Despite the enormity of the war's casualties, the Iraqi insurgency continues to grow stronger with every passing day.
Jesus quickly makes his identity known in a way that shows there are ties that are stronger than blood kinship.
Domestic tungsten - Domestic tungsten lighting has a strong yellow/orange cast, because its color spectrum is shifted toward stronger wavelengths.
And how can stronger links be built between the police and all parts of the community?
Our frames are stronger and thicker than every other look-alike.
Of us two, which is the stronger, the young maiden or the withered man?
Rhea A standing martingale will stop the rearing but if you put a stronger bit in your horse will get stronger.
Taste test and add a little more miso or plum vinegar if you require a stronger taste.
Later, they built stronger ships that could use either oars or sails for trading with their neighbors.
A prima facie obligation is one ' that must be fulfilled unless it conflicts on a particular occasion with an equal or stronger obligation.
Why do your feet have a stronger odor than the rest of you does?
The most noticeable feature of the Strong PB model is the much delayed onset of a, then, much stronger take-up phase.
It is entirely possible that Shipman gave a much stronger opiate than pethidine.
And if you can stomach his account of how to prepare and eat an ortolan, you've got a stronger constitution than me.
Your doctor can prescribe stronger painkillers for more severe cases.
She's been having trouble sleeping - stronger painkillers are on the request list.
For example, " 4X pancreatin " is four times stronger than the USP standard.
City started the stronger of the two sides with some clever and almost incisive passing around the Cinderford box.
I've met people who take cannabis who swear they'll never touch something stronger.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy provides stronger evidence that the surface of these granules is modified by oxidation.
This means we are now in a stronger position than ever to help secure our key manifesto pledges.
Detailed stream sediment and rock chip sampling led to the identification of mineralised porphyry with stronger copper than gold potential.
But what isn't obvious is that import precedence is stronger than priority selection.
The shadows were getting longer and the wind getting more ragged with stronger gusts.
There is a stronger rebuttal, on which I cannot hope to carry everyone.
Using stepwise regression of a number of features of the signal stronger prediction equations are possible (R = 0.95 for meat toughness ).
Stronger story then says Roger Stewart-Greenslade Limited johnson says of his you a copy.
For children aged over two, you may be offered a stronger sedative or a general anesthetic.
Despite their sometimes self-destructive impulses in 2004 The Vines are back, stronger and more focussed than ever.
Stronger hydrogen bonding causes the O···O distance to be shorter, so easing the further shortening required for transfer.
But, despite a stronger second-half showing against the League of Wales's champions, Swansea could not find the extra firepower.
Recently, stronger types of herbal cannabis have become available with names like northern lights and super skunk.
However, her stronger role that year was in the Korean box office smash, The Warrior.
Some deafblind people may need a stronger indication, perhaps a gentle squeeze of the wrist, but check with them.
The ring tightened and the concentration of magic grows stronger.
They often become stronger within weeks with the care we provide.
I should feel so much stronger if I felt that you were at the back of me.
Appearing in a feature is worth thousands in advertising and you get a much stronger return.
Stronger effort, more enterprise and inventiveness, and greater thrift can only be encouraged by lower taxes.
Roasting the diced carrots produces a stronger, sweeter flavor which is enhanced by the addition of dried thyme.
Pipes and cigar tobacco contain a higher concentration of sulfur that produces stronger bad breath.
While they can claim to be moving on an upward trajectory Griffin is in a stronger position to hold his party together.
The stronger the thermohaline circulation, the more tropical cyclones occur, as larger areas have warm sea surface temperatures.
This new spec version now includes a stronger plastic undercarriage & extra mounts for the possibility of using lithium batteries.
The case for man-made UFOs is stronger than ever whereas the evidence for ' alien flying saucers ' is wholly untenable.
Where I was pretty wishy-washy on animal testing before, I'm much stronger in my support for it now.
Whilst Lotze had thus in his published works closed the circle of his thought, beginning with a conception metaphysically gained, proceeding to an exhaustive contemplation of things in the light it afforded, and ending with the stronger conviction of its truth which observation, experience, and life could.
Her third novel, Lelia (1833), is in the same vein, a stronger and more outspoken diatribe against society and the marriage law.
Innocent was genial, skilled in flattery, and popular with the Romans, but he lacked talent and relied on the stronger will of Cardinal della Rovere, afterwards Julius II.
They possessed in Cyprus a kingdom, in which they had vindicated for themselves a stronger hold over their feudatories than the kings of Jerusalem had ever enjoyed, and in which trading centres like Famagusta flourished vigorously; and they used the resources of their kingdom, in conjunction with the Hospitallers of Rhodes, to check the progress of the Mahommedans.
But although the conservative party was successful in inducing successive general assemblies to lay repeatedly stronger stress on the verbal inerrancy of Holy Scripture and to make belief in such inerrancy a requisite of teachers in theological seminaries and of candidates for the ministry, there was in other matters an increasing liberal tendency.
It is now generally held that he may possibly be the author of the last (although the claims of Hirtius are considered stronger), but certainly not of the two first, although Niebuhr confidently assigned the Bellum Africanum to him; the writer of these took an actual part in the wars they described, whereas Oppius was in Rome at the time.
On her part there seems to have been from first to last nothing more than warm friendship, but his feelings towards her were of a stronger kind and her death deeply affected him.
Until 1786 he was a leading advocate of a stronger central government but when chosen a delegate to the Philadelphia constitutional convention of 1787, he had become cold in the cause and declined to serve.
Georgia and Armenia were invaded and in great part occupied by the Khazars, and then for more than a thousand years the mountain fastnesses of this borderland between Europe and Asia were the refuge, or the restingplace, of successive waves of migration, as people after people and tribe after tribe was compelled to give way to the pressure of stronger races harassing them in the rear.
But as the colony had no voice in the Cortes, while the " special laws " were never passed (Cuba expected special fundamental laws, reforming her government, and the government regarded the old Laws of the Indies as satisfying the obligation of the constitution) the arbitrary rule of the captains-general remained quite supreme, under the will of the crown, and colonial discontent became stronger and stronger.
Yet the great bulk of the sayings remain substantially authentic; if the historicity of certain words and acts is here refused with unusual assurance, that of other sayings and deeds is established with stronger proofs; and the redemptive conception of the Passion and the sacramental interpretation of the Last Supper are found to spring up promptly and legitimately from our Lord's work and words, to saturate the Pauline and Johannine writings, and even to constitute an element of all three synoptic Gospels.
Thus in A the twist may be right-handed or left-handed; in B the polarity of a given end may become north or south; in C the circular magnetization may be clockwise or counter-clockwise; in D the length may be increased or diminished; in E the magnetization may become stronger or weaker.
It was assumed that the Protestant nobles' jealousy of the burgesses would prevent them from interfering; but religious sympathy proved stronger than caste prejudice, and the diets protested against the persecution of their fellow citizens so vehemently that religious matters were withdrawn from their jurisdiction.
The republicans hoped that the issue of its deliberations would be favourable to their views; whilst the military, on the other hand, did not conceal their conviction that a stronger and more permanent form of government was essential to the public welfare.
The prevailing winds respond to the stronger poleward temperature gradients of winter by rising to a higher velocity and a more frequent and severer cyclonic storminess; and to the weaker gradients of summer by relaxing to a lower velocity with fewer and weaker cyclonic storms; but furthermore the northern zone occupied by the prevailing westerlies expands as the winds strengthen in winter, and shrinks as they weaken in summer; thus the stormy westerlies, which impinge upon the north-western coast and give it plentiful rainfall all through the year, in winter reach southern California and sweep across part of the Gulf of Mexico and Florida; it is for this reason that southern California has a rainy winter season, and that the states bordering on the Gulf of Mexico are visited in winter by occasional intensified cold winds, inappropriate to their latitude.
Emphasizing the many real analogies between physical and mental agency, but underrating the much stronger evidences that all the mental operations of men and animals require a nervous system, he flew to the paradox that soul is not limited to men and animals, but extends to plants, to the earth and other planets, to the sun, to the world itself, of which, according to him, God P y is the world-soul.
Thus a shoot will grow more vigorously whilst waving in the air than when nailed close to the wall; consequently a weak shoot should be left free, whilst its stronger antagonist should be restrained; and a luxuriant shoot may be retarded for some time by having its tender extremity pinched off to allow a weaker shoot to overtake it.
The Scottish cause seemed stronger than ever, under Bruce, the Steward, the Red Comyn and Lamberton, but in June 1300 Edward mustered a splendid array, and took Carlaverock castle, but, on the arrival of the archbishop of Canterbury with a letter from the pope approving of the Scottish cause, he granted a truce till Whitsuntide 1301.
In July 1782 Lord Rockingham died; Lord Shelburne took his place; Fox, who inherited from his father a belief in Lord Shelburne's duplicity, which his own experience of him as a colleague during the last three months ltd made stronger, declined to serve under him.
This reopened the question of the succession to the throne; and although Venizelos, as a desperate makeshift, proposed Prince Paul, Constantine's youngest son, as King, the utter insignificance of this boy candidate only threw Constantine's own claim to restoration into stronger relief and gave a fresh impetus to the efforts of his party.
A slight qualification of the last statement is necessary, in so far as, among the Fula in the western Sudan, and the Ba-Hima, &c., of the Victoria Nyanza, Libyan and Hamitic elements are respectively stronger than the Negroid.
The first plan of building a new theatre for the purpose in Munich itself was rejected, because Wagner rightly felt that the appeal of his advanced works, like the Nibelungen trilogy, would be far stronger if the comparatively small number of people who wished to hear them were removed from the distractions of a large capital; Bayreuth possessed the desired seclusion, being on a line of railway that could not be approached from any quarter without changing.
Then, being very comfortable, he began to grow stronger.
Labor will fall, material costs will fall, materials will be better, stronger, greener, prettier, lighter, more malleable, and just altogether better.
But fortunately for us both, I am a little stronger, and quite as obstinate when I set out.
If I suggest her leaving a problem in arithmetic until the next day, she answers, "I think it will make my mind stronger to do it now."
Pierre did not understand a word, but the conviction that all this had to be grew stronger, and he meekly followed Anna Mikhaylovna who was already opening a door.
You are fortunate, for the latter are generally the stronger!
The more she tried to hide this feeling from others and even from herself, the stronger it grew.
The foul air, to which he had already begun to get used in the corridor, was still stronger here.
I cannot, because the law is stronger than I, and he raised his foot to the stirrup.
Thoughts of home grew stronger the nearer he approached it--far stronger, as though this feeling of his was subject to the law by which the force of attraction is in inverse proportion to the square of the distance.
Natasha was foremost in setting a merry holiday tone, which, passing from one to another, grew stronger and reached its climax when they all came out into the frost and got into the sleighs, talking, calling to one another, laughing, and shouting.
But the mind of man not only refuses to believe this explanation, but plainly says that this method of explanation is fallacious, because in it a weaker phenomenon is taken as the cause of a stronger.
Another still stronger wave flowed through the crowd and reaching the front ranks carried it swaying to the very steps of the porch.
And for the first time Sonya felt that out of her pure, quiet love for Nicholas a passionate feeling was beginning to grow up which was stronger than principle, virtue, or religion.
In such actions, instead of two crowds opposing each other, the men disperse, attack singly, run away when attacked by stronger forces, but again attack when opportunity offers.
They form parallel arrays to make larger, stronger quaternary structures called fibers.
Using stepwise regression of a number of features of the signal stronger prediction equations are possible (R = 0.95 for meat toughness).
Never give up against stronger opponents but never relent against weaker ones.
Our commitment to helping the vulnerable is a renewal of Conservatism, offering a vision of a stronger and better society.
Now each site can be roamed at will using the stronger mobility scooters.
Stronger story then says roger Stewart-Greenslade Limited johnson says of his you a copy.
Their secret weapon is repetition, making the eventual break away from the pattern stronger.
But, despite a stronger second-half showing against the League of Wales 's champions, Swansea could not find the extra firepower.
As soon as I started to feel good about myself again, I began to eat more healthily and I got stronger.
By building up our community links we create a stronger force against UCI.
The Yeltz finished the stronger side, with former Aston Villa midfielder Paul Birch shining.
In life and in death they were not divided; they were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions.
A wave of disorientation hit him, much stronger than before, and he toppled forward.
The stronger than expected increase in commissionable travel agency bookings was the main reason why the operating margin fell slightly.
These findings from different sources can then be triangulated to produce stronger evidence than that produced by any single method.
Here the rhyme words are emphatic, an effect made stronger by the trochaic meter.
Sheets made of a two-ply fabric are stronger and more durable, but usually heavier.
A vacillating character easily influenced by people of stronger personality than himself, Arran nevertheless had a great talent for self-preservation.
Where I was pretty wishy-washy on animal testing before, I 'm much stronger in my support for it now.
After overcoming that dilemma, I think our friendship is stronger.
The dog's blindness caused his hearing and sense of smell to become even stronger.
As her independence grows, her will becomes stronger.
Real labor contractions will come at regular intervals, and they will get progressively stronger.
While of course this is still important, a stronger case is being built based on new recommendations from The American Academy of Pediatrics.
Although parenting a premature baby can be stressful at times, remember that your little one is growing and becoming stronger every day.
As you shared your memories, your past, and your dreams with your new love, your bond grew stronger.
The stronger your support system is, the more competent you'll feel.
The more connected the whole family is to the childcare arrangement, the stronger the relationship will be for the baby.
Once your baby begins sitting up, she'll need support as her back muscles grow stronger.
Keep in mind that the more nerve connections your baby makes, the stronger his brain will become, so educational stimulation is important.
By purchasing a stronger model, you can spare yourself a great deal of anxiety.
Unlike safety pins, diaper pins are stronger and made to withstand the pinning of cloth diapers.
They remain popular because many parents think they are softer and stronger than modern cloth diapers.
Sports bras provide broader bands and stronger, close fitting support for hectic activities.
These are typically stronger than the cotton-based threads that are also available and widely used.
Premium shoes will be made form stronger and better materials and will also provide you with long-term comfort.
Flowery perfumes tend to be sweeter and a bit stronger, while earth-based are simple fragrances that take their base scents from minerals and plants other than flowers, like vanilla or cinnamon.
For example, a DuPont 1050 Denier ballistic is one of the best--stronger than common 1680 or 2520 Denier weaves.
For stronger players, you may consider going with a stiffer racket (and string tension) as they would have the strength to muscle through and have a more powerful shot.
Wild animals have stronger responses to stress than domesticated animals like cats and dogs.
However, if you plan on doing more than surfing, e-mailing and typing papers, then consider a stronger machine.
Understanding this helps us understand our cats and build a stronger relationship with them.
Many male kitten names are easy for a cat to recognize, and the stronger the sounds the easier it is for your cat to learn.
By simply mixing the pine litter slowly into the previous litter, a cat may gradually become accustomed to the stronger pine smell and the different texture in its litter box.
For a stronger cocktail, try Stolichnaya which can be purchased in the "Blue Label" 50% alcohol by volume.
Key limes are smaller and more difficult to find, and they have a stronger, more aromatic flavor.
If you are creating a Champagne cocktail where the mixers have a stronger presence in the drink, you can probably get away with using cheaper Champagne since the mixers will cover up any flavors that lower quality champagne might have.
For a stronger apple flavor, reduce the amount of cranberry juice to 1.5 ounces.
For a stronger drink, try adding fruit-flavored liquors instead of triple sec, such as the fancier orange Cointreau or Chambord for raspberry flavor.
The stronger the drink is, the more calories there will be in the alcohol.
When you have a stronger drink, you may also end up consuming more calories without realizing it.
Even though it may not seem like that now, you will become stronger and more confident as time goes on.
In the end, good coping skills will make you stronger than ever and ready to tackle a brand new life as an independent and capable person.
Once you choose a list of family values and connect them to your faith, you can share them with other family members in ways that make both the values and faith stronger.
It seems counter-intuitive, but selecting a heavy-duty thread that's stronger than the fabric may cause the fabric to tear at stress points.
When you consider what the need for oil has done to the planet, both in terms of the environment and world politics, the argument for a car that doesn't require oil is that much stronger.
Instead, they multiply and grow stronger as they work their way up the food chain as that creature is devoured by another or the planet and nothing but death is the outcome.
Rather, as that organism that first consumes it get consumed by the next creature on the food chain, the mercury level combines with the first animal's making it stronger and more toxic.
Many government leaders believe that what's needed is the implementation of a stronger standard of what renewable energy is and is not.
To make a bit stronger solution increase the liquid dish soap to a full teaspoon and add a tablespoon of baking soda.
Its main active ingredient is green tea, which the company's marketing says is bioavilable and 1000 times stronger than other green tea products.
The longer you allow the parsley to steep, the stronger the tea will be.
Stronger tea has more of the vitamins and benefits than a weaker tea.
The same Harvard scientists feel if your parents or grandparents went gray prematurely, the chances you will are much stronger.
It is often misrepresented as a wood because it is stronger than many hardwoods, including oak.
Newer dorm rooms may be equipped to handle higher powered appliances, such as microwaves and big screen TVs, while older dorms may not allow anything stronger than a hair dryer or curling iron.
Warm colors are generally brighter and stronger than cool colors and known as advancing colors as they jump out and meet the eye.
This is a subtle color that will give either an excellent wall color or serve as a tie between two stronger color choices.
Ralph Lauren's Urban Loft Collection is full of stronger, city-inspired colors.
The result is stronger, softer more lustrous yarns that accept color with the greatest clarity.
The more shimmer and shine your lip products have, the stronger the look of plump lips.
Over seventy years ago, a young man's passion for color led him to create this revolutionary nail enamel - a creative nail polish designed by Charles Revson that used true pigments for a stronger nail color.
A fragrance that has become known as a much lighter scent ideal for teens and those who are particularly sensitive to stronger perfumes it provides a mild background aroma.
Wet your brush before dipping into your eye shadow to create a stronger color.
Women associate scents to memories stronger than men, which is why so many ladies purchase colognes for their boyfriends and husbands.
Adding moisture, layers, or a stronger hand can quickly create the difference between subtle or bold.
I have found other mascaras which offer a stronger lash impact.
Smoky shadows and deep lids can be applied with a stronger hand, and rich tones can be worn without appearing garish.
Whether you're interested in stronger notes or lean toward more subtle scents, you'll find an abundance of appropriate choices for evening wear.
Several of the reviewers like this fragrance, but some would have preferred it to be a bit stronger.
The product produces stronger lashes with less breakage.
If you are unhappy with the appearance of your eyelashes and desire longer, stronger, and fuller lashes, try either a prescription product such as Latisse or one that can purchased over the counter.
This scent, more eau de toilette than parfum, has a stronger citrus smell.
With more competition and people to play with, you can develop stronger, more personalized characters.
Instead, it is a great way to condition your mind to be stronger at crosswords over time.
After a brief downturn in the mid 1970s, Canon forged through hard times to emerge stronger than ever thanks to its digital SLR camera and inkjet printer sales.
Meals of this style boast a stronger and earthier taste with seafood, duck, and geese being the prominent ingredients.
How does this time together help you build a stronger bond?
When you drink enough water, you will feel stronger and you find it easier to deal with stress.