Strong Sentence Examples
He was strong and ready for every duty.
A strong hand shot out and grasped her arm.
A strong hand gripped her shoulder.
The thin pipes didn't look strong enough to hold him.
In fact, he had a strong respect for the security it could provide.
Too head strong to do what you know is best.
I'm not strong enough!
I was strong, active, indifferent to consequences.
Strong arms slipped around her waist, drawing her back against him.
I will choke it with my strong arms.
AdvertisementThe crane is a large and strong bird.
The building swayed gently in the strong winds whipping through southern Florida, and water pelted the windows across from her.
Whoever he was, he was as strong as a lion.
Instantly a strong arm gripped her around the waist.
The weak group could fight and lose, or comply with whatever the strong group demanded.
AdvertisementThere is a band of thieves in our district who ought to be arrested by a strong force--October 11.
Secure in his strong arms, she wondered how she could have suspected him of anything sinister.
A strong hand gripped her arm, bringing her to an abrupt halt.
Jumbo is very strong and faithful.
He was so strong.
AdvertisementWhen might no longer makes right for the strong, they think twice about preying on the weak.
Instantly strong arms scooped her off the ladder and lowered her safely to the floor.
I wasn't a strong believer in coincidences.
Cyrus was so tall and strong and handsome that his grandfather was very proud of him.
A problem arises because of the strong correlation between standard of living and energy consumption.
AdvertisementWe were in strong disagreement over continuing.
However, my wife was far and away the most intelligent of the five of us and understood our success depended on strong leadership.
I don't know a whole lot Julie, but I understand the police at the time had a strong suspect but couldn't prove anything.
His voice was clear and strong, and all knew that he, at least, was not afraid.
Could it grow strong enough to make her forget about those who depended on her?
While he yearned to return to New Hampshire I sensed he possessed a strong guilt, locking him to his mother's bedside.
We'll see just how strong your bond to him is.
Comparatively, he is always strong, original, and, above all, practical.
But although the Munchkin was hardly tall enough to come to Zeb's shoulder he was so strong and clever that he laid the boy three times on his back with apparent ease.
They knew that they were helpless before so strong an enemy.
The beast wounded at Borodino was lying where the fleeing hunter had left him; but whether he was still alive, whether he was strong and merely lying low, the hunter did not know.
They say it's very strong, said Pierre.
Two equally strong feelings drew Pierre irresistibly to this purpose.
The odor was strong, almost pungent, like... that was it, clay!
In spite of the protective gear worn, the challenge definitely excluded the weak of heart, and, in Dean's estimation, the strong of brain.
But you are strong, healthy, cheerful, and excited, and are surrounded by other such excitedly animated and healthy men.
Pierre was one of those who are only strong when they feel themselves quite innocent, and since that day when he was overpowered by a feeling of desire while stooping over the snuffbox at Anna Pavlovna's, an unacknowledged sense of the guilt of that desire paralyzed his will.
Kids have a strong imagination.
You're really strong aren't you?
But his brilliantly white, strong teeth which showed in two unbroken semicircles when he laughed--as he often did--were all sound and good, there was not a gray hair in his beard or on his head, and his whole body gave an impression of suppleness and especially of firmness and endurance.
Connection is a strong word.
She struggled in his strong arms.
His arms were strong and sure.
He will never be as strong as she is.
You're not strong enough.
In this country, as in all others they had visited underneath the earth's surface, there was no night, a constant and strong light coming from some unknown source.
His big hand engulfed hers gently, yet his grip was strong.
The bond between mates is strong.
It was Cynthia's voice, weak and yet strong at the same time.
What if he wasn't strong enough yet to fix the chain-of-events that Wynn had unknowingly started?
She wasn't going to fall under the spell of Gabriel's strong body, his passion, his taste.
He was strong and healthy.
Although, I suspect, if he has turned as many humans as it seems, he is too strong to be destroyed.
Patience had never been his strong suit, but he felt certain if he didn't give this woman the space she needed, she would be gone.
Strong enough to put major hurt on Victor.
That's right, you were born strong, weren't you?
She tried to push away from him but his embrace was too strong.
The friendly action was the beginning of a strong relationship between my two favorite women.
For a moment, Dusty was reminded again of the strong, confident leader Darian had been, long ago.
She hadn't expected it to form so fast or so strong.
Chiseled to perfection, covered in olive-hued skin, with a low brow, piercing gaze and strong jaw …His nearness made her feel hot.
He squeezed her with his thick arms, and again she marveled at how he managed to be gentle with her when he was so strong.
As they approached the spring, the smell of rotting flesh was strong.
As she sank to the floor, a strong hand gripped her arm.
Right now Destiny and Jonathan need someone strong to lean on.
Hopefully things would settle down for them now, but it was comforting knowing that their love was strong enough to survive the worst.
The petals were like silk, their scent strong and sweet.
Whenever she felt overwhelmed from her oncoming death or the doctors' news, she ran to her room until she was strong enough to face the world again.
His heartbeat was strong and steady, the thick arm wrapped around her as it had been when he held her after they'd made love for the last time before falling asleep.
At the strong flavor, she glanced at Daniela, who winked.
The urge to claim her was strong, but so was the need to let her have the choice he never had.
You denied me, despite what I'd call a fairly strong relationship.
She'd always known he was strong.
Gabriel adjusted whenever she shifted but never let go, his strong arms wrapped around her possessively.
She'd been terrified since being told she had amnesia, but she'd stayed strong.
She rested her head on his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat.
At one point, he'd called her beautiful and tonight, he'd called her strong.
She liked the way he smelled, how strong and solid his body was.
It.d been too long since he.d felt such strong emotion, and it caught him off guard.
When he.s strong enough, we can send him outside the walls.
He had to let her go, but the sense of yearning and pain was too strong for her to sleep.
How she loved his scent and strong arms!
Even though he'd just met her, the bond between them was as strong as his father told him it would be.
She was strong for a woman as well, which she'd revealed during their two training sessions.
He appeared hard and strong as usual.
He had no idea how long it would take her to regain consciousness, or, if even then, she would be strong enough to free herself, yet he saw no other option.
Connor isn't nearly as strong as we are, though he is much stronger than a newborn should be.
Strong warm hands gripped her arm, guiding her down to the chair.
A truck door slammed and strong hands plucked her out of the snow.
Suddenly strong warm hands were on her waist, sweeping her into gentle arms.
She jerked her arm, but his grip was strong.
Ed was running beside her, and then a strong arm was plucking her from the ground.
She didn't want to think about losing the man who made her feel something so strong for the first time in her life.
Fashioned by Death herself, the dagger was immune even to magic as strong as Rhyn's.
Lifting her in his strong arms the way she had come to recognize as a precursor to lovemaking, he headed for their bedroom.
Strong arms encircled her waist and moved up, pulling her back against his chest.
Strong arms embraced her and their lips met with warm enthusiasm.
My vision isn't strong enough to See that.
I'm strong enough to do it alone.
His sight was poor enough that the moonlight hurt his eyes, but his other senses were strong after growing up beneath the ground.
There are few warriors as strong as she was.
It is decomposed by the influence of strong light or when strongly heated.
It increases the tendency, already too strong, towards concentration of industrial life in large towns.
In spite of his own leaning towards mysticism he was a strong opponent of the IIasidim, a mystical sect founded by Israel Ba'al Shem Tobh (Besht) and promoted by Baer of Meseritz.
The smell was so strong there that Rostov held his nose and had to pause and collect his strength before he could go on.
This speech not only made a strong impression, but created excitement in the lodge.
I don't know how you're doing what you do but I got a strong feeling if I keep an open mind, good things will happen.
As strong as the girl was, she was too small to bring Jonny back from the place the Others sent him.
Jonny's body was bloodied and beaten, though his pulse was strong.
She'd never seen a man so strong, and she couldn't imagine talking to him without remembering how beautiful that body was.
His presence was overwhelming, and her body reacted with both terror and lust so strong it made her head spin.
Would it be as strong as hers had been to Gabriel, where she'd ached for him to touch her, no matter how little sense it made?
His features were masculine and strong.
His body was solid and strong, the sensations of his skin against hers and his scents intoxicating her.
The impulse to do as he bid was too strong.
Her strong reaction to the childhood incident surprised him.
He publicly continued to express strong feelings about Dean's involvement.
She comes on a bit strong, but she's from good people.
Dean could only guess how painful so strong a blast directed at your body—and sometimes head—must feel.
The position of sheriff was administrative in nature—his strong suit.
I'm gonna dig further on Monday but just the last name's a mighty strong coincidence, isn't it?
He's strong and healthy.
It shouldn't have, but the emotion was so strong that it brought tears to her eyes.
In the wild, predators killed the weak so that there would be more for the strong.
His confidence was too strong to shake, and she suspected he knew just how damned good in bed he was and how unlikely any woman who'd had him would choose another man over him.
It was worthless—he was too strong.
He didn.t remember his power being so strong.
The short time together had been enough to remind her just how strong the bond was between them.
I felt such a strong urge to dress up in this, like a little girl trying to be someone she isn't—fishing in an attic trunk.
This girl can find a handhold on a sheet of glass and she's as strong as any man I know.
I got a nice strong feeling they're blocking me out of the picture.
They don't have a strong case, but if I'm the only one they're looking at, someone's going to get away with murder.
He tried to turn and raise himself to a sitting position while pushing her away, but she held back his arm in a strong grip and locked a crooked arm about his neck.
Sarah felt unsure about running at first, however Jackson held strong to his conviction that death would be preferable to living as a minion for a madman.
Well isn't that a kick in the ass... all right, let's move on… how freaking strong are you?
Was it fear or the heady feeling of his strong arms that left her shaken?
The kid tried to get up, but it wasn't strong enough - or was it injured in the fall?
She imagined he looked much like the man before her, thick and strong.
She'd stayed strong in Hell, through confrontations with demons and Immortals alike, through his own failures. She hadn't just survived; she'd found some part of him to believe in.
Then he added hesitantly, The paper said the current on the bay is strong.
And as Dean left Sherwood Forest behind, he had a strong feeling Cynthia Byrne wasn't telling stories.
Their case was weak, but they had a strong feeling they had the right man and with a little work could put it together.
Although Ethel and Fred had never met, that didn't stop them from developing a strong mutual dislike, fueled via telephone messages and third-party comments.
I don't think his finances are any too strong either.
The FBI had put out a statement they were handling the Wasserman case and pursuing strong leads out of state.
I'm not going to open this up—to anyone— and cause Cynthia Byrne years of doubt on suspicions, no matter how strong our feelings become.
Patience wasn't his strong suit and Mrs. Lincoln and jazz music somehow weren't sufficient evening entertainment.
He was suddenly not sure just how strong those misgivings were.
There were some pretty strong reasons for you to think of the possibility he might have skipped.
She was strong willed – especially when it came to issues about morality.
He's well formed, slender, not too tall, and strong - but bends with the wind.
Well, I guess I did, but I didn't realize I was suppressing strong feelings about it.
It was so strong this time that she actually felt nauseated by it.
Josh simply didn't realize how strong he was — and he had a terrible temper.
In many ways he was the perfect husband, but trust in a woman had never been his strong point.
Strong warm arms lifted her gently from the chair and she clung to Alex as he carried her to the window seat.
You've always been so strong — so courageous.
Jenn knew how strong the relationship was between the brothers.
She was strong enough to get through this.
Sofi helped you, but you wouldn't have gotten far if you weren't as strong as you are.
She was strong and stubborn enough to walk away from him.
Darian watched them hug, until the ache at his core grew too strong.
The demon is too strong for a boy under the age of five summers.
This boy is between six and ten summers, when his body is strong enough to contain the beast and yet still pure.
I must keep our alliances strong by delivering the water from the Springs!
You know how strong I am.
Was the tiny kingdom strong enough to help him seek his revenge against those who had imprisoned him beneath ground and killed his family?
Sirian's betrayal first came to her in a dream created by the demon as a warning before it was strong enough to speak to her.
She recalled the strong, thick man who watched over her as she grew.
She sat for a moment until her wobbly legs were strong enough before forcing herself to her feet.
I am accustomed to a different enemy, one not nearly as strong.
Interested in the strong reaction, Taran pushed his eye- band up to see her.
She is as weak at battle planning as Sirian is strong.
She yielded to the warm, strong hug, her frame molding against his.
The beast within Memon was strong enough to crawl beneath his skin.
You're brave and strong.
The full-grown creature is too strong for a man's body.
A man that strong wouldn't fold to her wishes if some part of him didn't want her.
His desire to destroy Memon was strong.
Her beloved walls stood strong and beautiful, the white stone streaked with peach.
You must have been very strong to survive all those years.
No, it's not, but you're strong, and the lives of those you care about depend upon you.
Alex shared the hymn book with her, his deep rich voice strong and confident.
A strong hand gripped her arm, stopping the fall.
Strong hands caught her by the waist and she turned, dropping the arm from its sling and around his neck.
She knew Alex was strong, but up to this moment she didn't know how strong.
You don't have to be strong for him or anyone else.
Maybe there was more to their relationship – maybe strong friendship?
His strong arms caught her.
His strong profile was masculine without being rugged, and a healthy olive tan suggested an outdoor hobby.
Water splashed as Keaton strode toward her and strong hands gripped her arms, lifting her to her feet.
She cowered closer into the security of his strong arms.
She kept her face averted when she felt his strong warm fingers grip her arm.
A strong hand gripped her arm, gently but firmly pulling her out onto the open area on the verandah.
Pain turned into an emotion almost too strong for him to control.
I will grow strong enough to face a God?
You will become so strong, no one will ever be able to hurt you again.
She remembered the strong, thoughtful little boy whose life she decided to sacrifice for her cause.
He was as strong as she was in that way, willing to sacrifice anyone and anything.
He was too strong for her to place the spell on him without him agreeing at least in part.
His power will be strong enough to destroy a world soon.
His wife was also Cuban and made a damn strong cup of coffee.
Her aristocratic features were strong and firm, her eyes the color of spring, circled by silver.
The kind of body that was strong enough to hold and protect her from the freaky dream she'd stumbled into this week.
The nearness of his bare chest and feel of his strong thighs on either side of her made her heart flutter.
With him on top of her, she was able to feel just how strong and wide he was.
She twisted her head to study his strong profile, not expecting the philosophical response.
She slumped against his strong frame, trapped.
She'd never experienced yearning like this, so strong it threatened to consume her.
His anger was as strong as his desire.
He was strong and solid; she almost believed he was able to protect her from the mess she was in.
It was strong enough to wipe out anything negative he might feel towards her.
It is permanent in dry air, but in the finely divided state it rapidly combines with oxygen, the compact metal requiring a strong heating to bring about this combination.
The agitation had no immediate effect, but the indignation which he aroused against Russian policy had much to do with the strong anti-Russian feeling which made the Crimean War possible.
Golitsuin it was who suggested taking refuge in that strong fortress and won over the boyars of the opposite party.
Dupin de Francueil, a farmer-general of the revenue, who married the widow of Count Horn, a natural son of Louis XV., she in her turn being the natural daughter of Maurice de Saxe, the most famous of the many illegitimate children of Augustus the Strong, by the lovely countess of Konigsmarck.
In nearly all George Sand's loves there was a strong strain of motherly feeling.
She had got to know the heart of the peasant - his superstitions, his suspiciousness and low cunning, no less than his shrewdness, his sturdy independence and his strong domestic attachments.
Landing at Nice on the 24th of June 1848, he placed his sword at the disposal of Charles Albert, and, after various difficulties with the Piedmontese war office, formed a volunteer army 3000 strong, but shortly after taking the field was obliged, by the defeat of Custozza, to flee to Switzerland.
At the last moment he hesitated, but Crispi succeeded in persuading him to sail from Genoa on the 5th of May 1860 with two vessels carrying a volunteer corps of 1070 strong.
On the 1st of October he routed the remnant of the Bourbon army 40,000 strong on the Volturno.
He was essentially a student, with strong leanings towards archaeology and ecclesiology.
This medieval fortress, strong by art as well as position before the invention of modern artillery, has since undergone numerous sieges.
The island is subject to strong winds, which are especially felt at Cagliari owing to its position at the south-east end of the Campidano, and the autumn rains are sometimes of almost tropical violence.
The Campidano and other fertile spots, such as the so-called Ogliastra on the east side of the island, inland of Tortoli, the neighbourhood of Oliena, Bosa, &c., produce a considerable quantity of wine, the sweet, strong, white variety called Vernaccia, produced near Oristano, being especially noteworthy.
The opportunity of utilizing the wool for textile industries has not yet been taken, though Sardinian women are accustomed to weave strong and durable cloth.
Blue Town, the older part of the town, with the dockyard, is defended by strong modern-built fortifications, especially the forts of Garrison Point and Barton's Point, commanding the entrance of both the Thames and the Medway.
This treachery and the harsh treatment by Patterson created a strong public opinion in favour of the Yankees, and the government was compelled to adopt a milder policy.
The oil when brought to the surface has the appearance of a whitish-blue water, which gives out brilliant straw-coloured rays, and emits a strong pungent odour.
The fact that in tabby Persians the body-markings are never so strong as in the short-haired breeds is in some degree confirmatory of this, as suggesting descent from a nearly wholecoloured type.
The strong castle built by Robert de Romille in the time of the Conqueror was partly demolished in 1648, but was restored by the countess of Pembroke.
The West was too strong for him.
In Ireland the game took root very gradually, but in Ulster, owing doubtless to constant intercourse with Scotland, such clubs as have been founded are strong in numbers and play.
It dissolves readily in strong nitric acid, and the helium contained is thus liberated.
The tower is still standing and is remarkable for its increase in size as it rises, which causes it to rock in a strong wind.
He first went to take possession of the old Lydian capital Sardis, the headquarters of the Persian government on this side of the Taurus, and the strong city surrendered without a blow.
These opposed a national resistance to the Macedonians, the fires of which were fanned by the Brahmins, but still the strong arm of the western people prevailed.
Tubingen is mentioned as a strong fortress in 1078, and was ruled from 1148 by counts palatine.
The powder is soluble in alcohol and strong solutions of alkalis, such as ammonia.
A portion of Basil's new city was surrounded with strong walls and turned into a fortress by Justinian; and within the walls, rebuilt in the 13th and 16th centuries, lies the greater part of Kaisarieh, altitude 3500 ft.
Bitter disappointment, however, soon overcame them, the Samaritans were strong enough to thwart and hinder their temple-building, and it seemed as though the divine favour was withdrawn.
Unless suitable fresh air inlets are provided, this form of stove will cause the room to be draughty, the strong current of warm air up the flue drawing cold air in through the crevices in the doors and windows.
It has been usually supposed that John Napier was buried in St Giles's church, Edinburgh, which was certainly the burialplace of some of the family, but Mark Napier (Memoirs, p. 426) quotes Professor William Wallace, who, writing in 1832, gives strong reasons for believing that he was buried in the old church of St Cuthbert.
Although Aventinus did not definitely adopt the reformed faith, he sympathized with the reformers and their teaching, and showed a strong dislike for the monks.
The Annales, which are in seven books, deal with the history of Bavaria in conjunction with general history from the earliest times to 1460, and the author shows a strong sympathy for the Empire in its struggle with the Papacy.
This work gradually made a strong impression, and those who cared for Oxford began to speak of him as " the great tutor."
In 1868 Denver became the capital, but feeling in the southern counties was then so strong against Denver that provision was made for a popular vote on the situation of the capital five years after Colorado should become a state.
Presbyterianism is comparatively strong in three districts of England, namely Northumberland, Lancashire and London.
Some of the conservatives among the Jews opposed these innovations, but the current of progress was too strong for them.
Two days later, the national government occupied, with a strong force of infantry and artillery, the parade ground at Palermo used by the Buenos Aires volunteers for drill purposes.
Considering the circumstances in which General Roca assumed office, it must be admitted that he showed great moderation and used the practically absolute power that he possessed to establish a strong central government, and to initiate a national policy, which aimed at furthering the prosperity and development of the whole country.
Amidst this sea of financial troubles the government drifted helplessly on, without showing any inclination or capacity to initiate a strong policy of reform in the methods of administration which had done so much to ruin the country.
His partisans, however, found themselves confronted by a compact provincial party, who proposed to put forward the other strong man of the republic, General Roca, to oppose him.
The Kalmucks and Circassians of the Kuban attacked it repeatedly in the r 7th century, so that it had to be fortified by a strong earthen and palisaded wall, traces of which are still visible.
Summits of the lower incisors, before they are worn, with a deep transverse groove, dividing it into an anterior and a posterior cusp. Canines long, strong and conical.
Fore-feet with five toes, all having strong pointed, compressed claws, the second, third and fourth nearly equal, the fifth somewhat and the first considerably shorter.
Fore feet with two or three of the middle toes of nearly equal size, and provided with strong, sharp, slightly curved claws, the other toes rudimentary.
Hind foot long and narrow, mainly composed of the strongly developed fourth toe, terminating in a conical pointed nail, with a strong pad behind it; the first toe represented by a rudimentary metatarsal; the remaining toes completely developed, with claws, but exceedingly slender; the united second and third reaching a little way beyond the metatarso-phalangeal articulation of the fourth; the fifth somewhat shorter.
Fore-feet with five distinct toes, each furnished with a long, strong and slightly curved nail, the first and fifth considerably shorter than the other three.
Fore-feet with the two inner toes slightly separated from and opposable to the remaining three, all with strong curved and much compressed claws.
The first in the upper jaw is strong, curved and cutting, the other two generally somewhat smaller; the single lower functional incisor large, more or less.
He built a citadel called the Acra to dominate the town and placed in it a strong garrison of Greeks.
The " castle of Istakhr " played a conspicuous part several times during the Mahommedan period as a strong fortress.
It forms slightly coloured small crystals possessing a strong disagreeable smell, and is rapidly decomposed by water with the formation of boric acid and sulphuretted hydrogen.
The so-called rivers have a strong flow only after heavy rains, and some of them do not ever reach the main drainage line.
The teeth are large, white and strong.
Yet the Australian is capable of strong affections, and the blind (of whom there have always been a great number) are cared for, and are often the best fed in a tribe.
Tiridates, who was proclaimed king, could no longer maintain himself, because he appeared to be a vassal of the Romans; Artabanus returned from Hyrcania with a strong army of Scythian (Dahan) auxiliaries, and was again acknowledged by the Parthians.
One of the consequences of the persecutions of which he was the object was to oblige him to spend three years, from 1896 to 1899, in England, where his participation in the management of the Suez Canal had won for him some strong friendships, and where he was able to see the great respect in which the memory and name of his father were held by Englishmen.
But the growth and development of the northern communal movement, though strong and instinct with life, was slower and less tempestuous than the Flemish.
Here, too, he published, in 1531, his most important work, the Chronica, Zeitbuch and Geschichtsbibel, largely a compilation on the basis of the Nuremberg Chronicle (1493), and in its treatment of social and religious questions connected with the Reformation, exhibiting a strong sympathy with heretics, and an unexampled fairness to all kinds of freedom in opinion.
Its castle, built probably in Newmarch's time, or shortly after, was the most advanced outpost of the invaders in a wild part of Wales where the tendency to revolt was always strong.
In order to found a strong Conservative party he established a paper, the Vaterland, which was the organ of the Clerical and Federalist party.
The position is strong, being protected by the two rivers mentioned, and the medieval fortifications, which are nearly 2 m.
The oak grows most luxuriantly on deep strong clays, calcareous marl or stiff loam, but will flourish in nearly any deep well-drained soil, excepting peat or loose sand; in marshy or moist places the tree may grow well for a time, but the timber is rarely sound; on hard rocky ground and exposed hillsides.
Cromwell's strong personal inclination towards toleration is clearly seen in his treatment of the Jews and Quakers.
Now at the age of 58 he was already old, and his firm, strong signature had become feeble and trembling.
Jesus is but a man in whom this reminiscence is unusually strong, and who has consequently attained to unusual spiritual excellence and power.
The ithyphallic Min (Pan) was here worshipped as "the strong Horus."
This they employed in constructing a strong wall around their city, a defence which stood them in good stead when Ionia was attacked by Cyrus in 546.
The gentleness for which he was already renowned was not that of a weak, but of a strong character.
The movement was especially strong in the diocese of Liege, and when Julienne, prioress of Mont-Cornillon near Liege (1222-1258), had a vision in which the need for the establishment of a festival in honour of the Sacrament was revealed to her, the matter was taken up with enthusiasm by the clergy, and in 1246 Robert de Torote, bishop of Liege, instituted such a festival for his diocese.
There was a strong crane-post, or pillar, around which the crane revolves.
Using these buoys to guide the direction of tow, a grapnel, a species of fivepronged anchor, attached to a strong compound rope formed of strands of steel and manila, is lowered to the bottom and dragged at a slow speed, as it were ploughing a furrow in the sea bottom, in a line at right angles to the cable route, until the behaviour of the dynamometer shows that the cable is hooked.
This liability is overcome by making such movable parts as require to be magnetic of soft iron, and magnetizing them by the inducing action of a strong permanent magnet.
These tongues are magnetized by the inducing action of a strong horse-shoe permanent magnet, S N, which is made in a curved shape for the sake of compactness.
The electromagnet consists of two coils, each wound on a soft iron core fixed to the poles of a strong permanent horse-shoe magnet.
In the receiver there is a strong electromagnet, excited by a local current, which has in its circuit two annular air gaps, across which the magnetic field is practically uniform and constant.
In what is known as the " hybrid " form of recorder the permanent magnets are provided with windings of insulated copper wire; the object of these windings is to provide a means of " refreshing " the magnets by means of a strong current temporarily sent through the coils when required, as it has been found that, owing to magnetic leakage and other causes, the magnets tend to lose their power, especially in hot climates.
Poulsen immensely improved this process by placing the arc in an atmosphere of hydrogen, coal-gas or some other nonoxidizing gas, and at the same time arranging it in a strong magnetic field.'
With the help of a strong detachment of officers and men from the Atlantic coast he equipped a squadron consisting of one brig, six fine schooners and one sloop. Other vessels were laid down at Presque Isle (now Erie), where he concentrated the Lake Erie fleet in July.
A strong wall and bastions, with a broad moat and outworks, and forts on the surrounding heights, give the city an appearance of great strength.
The vast number of microphonic contacts present give rise to very strong electrical undulations, and hence to a loud sound.
Then come the glandular surface (C), which is formed of smooth polished epidermis with numerous glands that secrete the fluid contents of the pitcher, and finally the detentive surface (D), of which the cells are produced into long and strong bristles which point A FIG.
The party system is not really strong.
In 1915 the field army should, including officers and permanent cadres, be about 1,012,000 strong.
The nobles from this time forward retired into the country and the mountains, fortified themselves in strong places outside the cities, and gave their best attention to fostering the rural population.
A race was formed strong enough to keep the empire itself in check, strong enough, except for its own internecine contests, to have formed a nation equal to its happier neighbors.
Neither Swablan Lothar nor Conrad was strong at home; the former emperors.
Manfred, now called king of Sicily, headed the Ghibellines, and there was no strong counterpoise against him.
He sent Joseph Bonaparte and Massna southwards with a strong column, compelled the Anglo-Russian forces to evacuati Naples, and occupied the south of the peninsula with littli opposition except at the fortress of Gaeta.
In Sicily, which for centuries had enjoyed a feudal constitution modernized and Anglicized under British auspices in 1812, and where anti-Neapolitan feeling was strong, autonomy was suppressed, the constitution abolished in 1816, and the island, as a reward for its fidelity to the dynasty, converted into a Neapolitan province governed by Neapolitan bureaucrats.
The offer of French assistance, made after the proclamation of the republic in the spring of 1848, had been rejected mainly because France, fearing that the creation of a strong Italian state would be a danger to her, would have demanded the cession of Nice and Savoy, which the king refused to consider.
In the Austrian provinces and in the duchies it carried all before it, and gained many adherents in the Legations, Rome and Naples, although in the latter regions the autonomist feeling was still strong even among the Liberals.
The entry of Crispi into the Depretis cabinet (December 1877) placed at the ministry of the interior a strong hand and sure eye at a moment when they were about to become im- CHspi.
Crispi, whose strong anti-clerical convictions did not prevent him from regarding the papacy as preeminently an Italian institution, was determined both to prove to the Catholic world the practical independence of the government of the Church and to retain for Rome so potent a centre of universal attraction as the presence of the future pope.
The Abyssinians, 20,000 strong, speedily overwhelmed the small Italian force, which, after exhausting its ammunition, was destroyed where it stood.
In November 1887 a strong expedition under General di San Marzano raised the strength of the Massawa garrison to nearly 20,000 men.
On the 28th of March 1888 the negus indeed descended from the Abyssinian high plateau in the direction of Saati, but finding the Italian position too strong to be carried by assault, temporized and opened negotiations for peace.
Colonel Arimondi, commander of the colonial forces in the absence of the military governor, General Baratieri, attacked and routed a dervish force 10,000 strong on the 21st of December.
The Italian commander attempted to treat with Menelek, but his negotiations merely enabled the Italian envoy, Major Salsa, to ascertain that the Abyssinians were nearly Ioo,ooo strong mostly armed with rides and well supplied with artillery.
Shortly afterwards his term of office was brought to a close by the failure of an attempt to secure for Italy a coaling station at Sanmen and a sphere of influence in China; but his policy of active participation in Chinese affairs was continued in a modified form by his successor, the Marquis Visconti Venosta, who, entering the reconstructed Pelloux cabinet in May 1899, retained the portfolio of foreign affairs in the ensuing Saracco administration, and secured the despatch of an Italian expedition, 2000 strong, to aid in repressing the Chinese outbreak and in protecting Italian interests in the Far East (July 1900).
Upon the fall of the Saracco cabinet (9th February 1901) Visconti Venosta was succeeded at the foreign office by Signor Prinetti, a Lombard manufacturer of strong temperament, but without previous diplomatic experience.
A further cause of resentment was Austrias attitude towards the Vatican, inspired by the strong clerical tendencies of the imperial family, and indeed of a large section of the Austrian people.
Though a strong Tory and supporter of the hereditary principle, James's attacks on Protestantism soon drove him into opposition.
Any chance of safety that lay in the friendliness of a strong party in the council was more than nullified by the bitter personal enmity of the queen, who could not forgive his share in her mother's divorce and her own disgrace.
They use it with strong condemnation, from the standpoint of rigorous Christian orthodoxy; but it comes into England within very few years upon the Christian side - religion against irreligion - in Bishop John Wilkins's Principles and Duties of Natural Religion (1678).
But nothing is more certain than that his thought is a strong solvent of the intuitionalist way of thinking; and he has had an immense influence in many directions.
In declaring the supreme doctrines of Christianity to be mysteries above reason, he marks off a lower region where reason is to reign; the study of that lower region may well be called, as later centuries have called it, Natural Theology; and as such it presents strong intuitionalist affinities.
Leib nitz's Monadology - which has little influence on his theism - may be viewed as a strong recoil from Spinoza's all-swallowing substance.
In 63, with a strong army, he crossed the Euphrates, but Tiridates declined to give battle and concluded peace.
The more important of those in use to-day are carbolic acid, the perchloride and biniodide of mercury, iodoform, formalin, salicylic acid, &c. Carbolic acid is germicidal in strong solution, inhibitory in weaker ones.
The police are organized as a military battalion 643 strong.
Iwanzov [27] has brought forward strong grounds for the latter view, pointing out that the cnidoblast has no contractile mechanism and that measurements show discharged capsules to be on the average slightly larger than undischarged ones.
Just as Kant thus sharply marks off the regions of the inorganic and the organic, so he sets man in strong opposition to the lower animals.
A strong opposition was quickly aroused, and when Theophano and Adelaide, widow of the emperor Otto the Great, appeared in Germany, Henry was compelled to hand over the young king to his mother.
Another strong point with Luria was penance.
So far as can be judged, Ayala had no strong political views, and drifted with the current of the moment.
To no town has the memory of one famous son brought wider notoriety than that which the memory of William Shakespeare has brought to Stratford; yet this notoriety sprang into strong growth only towards the end of the 18th century.
The midrib has a strong band of stereom above and below.
Brown and Morris in 1892 advanced strong reasons for thinking that cane-sugar, Ci2H22O11, is the first carbohydrate synthesized, and that the hexoses found in the plant result from the decomposition of this.
The poison must not be strong enough to injure the roots, leaves, &c., of the host-plant, or allowed to act long enough to bring about such injury.
The nucleolus appears to form a part of t-he Linin network, but has usually also a strong affinity for nuclear stains.
This has a strong attraction for basic aniline dyes, and can usually be distinguished from other parts of the cell which are more easily colored by acid anilines.
But the national feeling of the Persians remained strong.
When Alexander had won the victory of Arbela, and occupied Babylon and Susa, he met (in the spring of 330) with strong resistance in Persia, where the satrap Ariobarzanes tried to stop his progress at the "Persian gates," the pass leading up to Persepolis.
Born at Ansbach on the 28th of March 1522, he lost his father in 1527 and came under the guardianship of his uncle George, prince of Ansbach, a strong adherent of the reformed doctrines.
A piece of cotton wool soaked in strong carbolic acid will relieve the pain of dental caries, but is useless in other forms of toothache.
Torquemada had always been strong in his advice that she should marry Ferdinand of Aragon and thus consolidate the kingdoms of Spain.
The queen required a protector, whom she found, not in the feeble Darnley, nor in any of the leaders of the factions, but in the strong, determined earl who had ever been a stanch supporter of the throne against the Protestant party and English influence.
Thence they marched with a strong force towards Edinburgh, meeting the lords on the 15th of June at Carberry Hill.
The ventral portion of the neck is formed by the strong crista inferior, on the median side of which is the deep fosses subtrochanterica by which air sacs enter the humerus.
The acetabulum is completely surrounded by these three bones, but its cup always retains an open foramen; from its posterior rim arises the strong antitrochanter.
The wing of the bird is folded in a unique way, namely, the radius parallel with the humerus, and the whole wrist and hand with their ulnar side against the ulna; upper and forearm in a state of supination, the hand in that of strong abduction.
The chief muscular mass, arising from the sternum in the shape of a U, is the pectoralis muscle; its fibres converge into a strong tendon, which is inserted upon the greater tubercle and upper crest of the humerus, which it depresses and slightly rotates forwards during the downstroke.
This arises mostly from the angle formed by the keel with the body of the sternum, passes by a strong tendon through the foramen triosseum, and is inserted upon the upper tubercle of the humeral crest, which it rotates and abducts.
Its strong belly originates near the shoulder joint from clavicle, coracoid and scapula.
On the other hand, the diacromyodian type can have been developed only from a strong muscular basis which could split into a dorsal and a ventral mass; moreover, no Passeres are known to be intermediate between those that are diacromyodian and those that are not.
Tendon of the flexor hallucis longus muscle sending a strong vinculum to that of the flexor profundus muscle, the tendon of which goes to the third toe only.
Ten months in the Tower under strong suspicion would have warned another man, but Norfolk was unstable and false.
He at once assembled his forces, 12,000 strong, with some pieces of artillery and marched into India.
He had a strong inclination to mysticism, but whether certain kabbalistic works are rightly attributed to him is doubtful.
In the 19th century the modernizing tendency continued to grow, though always side by side with a strong conservative opposition, and the most prominent names on both sides are those of scholars rather than literary men.
But, in spite of his strong personality, he was not easy to work with, and difficulties with Sir Robert Borden led to his sudden resignation of office in Nov.
The Norman power in Sicily was founded on a strong distinction between the ruling people and the many nations which they kept in peace and prosperity by not throwing in their lot with any one among them.
In the north there is a strong Brazilian element and the people are intensely conservative.
Uruguay at that time was inhabited by Indians, of whom the dominant tribe was called Charrua, a people described as physically strong and well-formed, and endowed with a natural nobility of character.
In the deltas of shoal rivers, with a strong tide or current and no land visible, a 5 lb lead is substituted for the log-ship; the lead rests on the bottom, and the speed is obtained in a manner similar to that previously described.
Constant use, increased friction (m o r e especially at high speeds), and damage to the rotator will alter an ascertained log error; head or following seas, strong winds, currents and tidal streams also FIG.
Crystals of sulphur are transparent or translucent and highly refractive with strong birefringence; they have a resinous or slightly adamantine lustre, and present the characteristic sulphur-yellow colour.
Its aqueous solution gradually decomposes with evolution of oxygen, behaves as a strong oxidant, and liberates iodine from potassium iodide.
It behaves as a strong oxidant and in aqueous solution is slowly hydrolysed.
But we see no sign of the growth of a body made up of patricians and leading plebeians who contrived to keep office to themselves by a social tradition only less strong than positive law.
That is to say, traditional feeling may give the members of certain families a strong preference, to say the least, in election to office.
Cassiodorus, magister ofiiciorum under Theodoric and the intimate acquaintance of the philosopher, employs language equally strong, and Ennodius, the bishop of Pavia, knows no bounds for his admiration.
From the time of Socrates in unbroken succession up to the reign of Hadrian, the school was represented by men of strong individuality.
He next devoted himself to medicine, but his natural inclination proved too strong for him, and within a year he resolved to give his whole time to mathematics.
The oldest tradition they possess refers to a time shortly after the overthrow of the Majapahit dynasty in Java, about the middle of the 15th century; but it has been supposed that there must have been Indian settlers here before the middle of the 1st century, by whom the present name, probably cognate with the Sanskrit balin, strong, was in all likelihood imposed.
The head - carrying feelers, mandibles and two pairs of maxillae - is succeeded by the three thoracic segments, each bearing a pair of strong five-segmented legs, whose feet, like those of the adult, carry two claws.
The larvae are elongate and worm-like, with short legs but often with hard strong cuticle.
The mandibles are strong, adapted for biting the vegetable substances on which these beetles feed, and the palps of the second maxillae have three segments.
Partly owing to this, and partly to ancient feuds whose origin we cannot trace, the Athenian people was split up into three great factions known as the Plain (Pedieis) led by Lycurgus and Miltiades, both of noble families; the Shore (Parali) led by the Alcmaeonidae, represented at this time by Megacles, who was strong in his wealth and by his recent marriage with Agariste, daughter of Cleisthenes of Sicyon; the Hill or Upland (Diacreis, Diacrii) led by Peisistratus, who no doubt owed his influence among these hillmen partly to the possession of large estates at Marathon.
Like his predecessor, he enjoyed the protection and support of the Polish king, Sigismund III., and was strong enough to ii., compel Shuiski to abdicate; but as soon as the throne was vacant Sigismund put forward as a candidate his own son, Wladislaus.
The Decembrists' abortive attempt at revolution and the Polish insurrection of 1831, which he crushed with great severity, confirmed him in his conviction that Russia must be ruled with a strong hand.
This was clearly perceived and keenly felt by the educated classes, and as soon as the strong hand of the uncompromising autocrat was withdrawn, they clamoured loudly for radical changes in the aims and methods of their rulers.
In reality the revolutionary movement was not so strong and the government not so weak as was generally supposed.
But that political Lollardry was strong is shown by the proposal in the parliament of 1410 for a wholesale confiscation of ecclesiastical property.
In June 1916, Mr. Russell, who had taken a strong line against the.
But the iron sheathing was not strong enough to resist buckling under the passage of the loaded wagons, and to remedy this defect the plan, was tried of making the rails wholly of iron.
Among the Jews the preaching of the prophets had been a constant protest against the grosser forms of sacrifice, and there are indications that when Christianity arose bloody sacrifices were already beginning to fall into disuse; a saying which was attributed by the Ebionites to Christ repeats this protest in a strong form, "I.
But this scattered and heterogeneous empire required a large standing army and a strong central government to hold it together.
There are strong arguments against Robert Wedderburn's authorship, as maintained by Laing and others.
Civil war dragged on for many years - long after the deaths of the first leaders - but Taufaahau, who became king in 1845 under the name of George Tupou I., proved a strong ruler.
The Epitrope was at first nothing more than a handful of discontented politicians who had failed to find places in the administration, but some slight reverses which it succeeded in inflicting on the Turkish troops brought thousands of armed Christians to its side, and in April 1896 it found itself strong enough to invest the important garrison town of Vamos.
David's hurried flight, attended only by his bodyguard, indicates that his position was not a very strong one, and it is difficult to connect this with the fact that he had already waged the wars mentioned in 2 Sam.
However, the Wizard went once more to his satchel--which seemed to contain a surprising variety of odds and ends--and brought out a spool of strong wire, by means of which they managed to fasten four of the wings to Jim's harness, two near his head and two near his tail.
They scarcely noticed the sidesaddle; they noticed only the boy's dark eyes and his strong, noble face.
He was big and strong and soon became a fine sailor.
They were tall and strong young men, and they gladly promised to go with the king and help him.
They cannot destroy the strong, but they can inflict significant damage.
In the past, a weak group unjustly persecuted by a strong group had few options.
She was intensely pro-Boer and wrote a strong argument in favour of Boer independence.
It was evident that this strange, strong man was under the irresistible influence of the dark, graceful girl who loved another.
The fences and gates were new and solid; two fire pumps and a water cart, painted green, stood in a shed; the paths were straight, the bridges were strong and had handrails.
The whole courtyard was permeated by a strong peaceful smell of stable yards, delightful to Pierre at that moment.
While they were strong we didn't spare ourselves, but now we may even pity them.
And Nicholas, taking his little daughter in his strong hand, lifted her high, placed her on his shoulder, held her by the legs, and paced the room with her.
But Ezekiel expressed the strong reaction which had set in against this belief in its older forms. He denies that the individual ever dies for the sins of the father.
Doubtless such a reform met with strong resistance from the disestablished and vested interests, but it was firmly supported by royal influence and by the Jerusalem priesthood as well as by the true prophets of Yahweh who had protested against the idolatrous usages and corruptions of the high places.
The strong impress of Hebrew prophecy is to be found in the deeply marked ethical spirit of the Deuteronomic legislation.
In philosophy he began with a strong predilection for the physical side of psychology, and at an early age he came to the conclusion that all existence is sensation, and, after a lapse into noiimenalism under the influence of Fechner's Psychophysics, finally adopted a universal physical phenomenalism.
A weak, giddy woman of no stability of character, her success turned her head and caused her to behave with insolence and impropriety, in strong contrast with Catherine's quiet dignity under her misfortunes.
Of his admiration of Hume's style, of its nameless grace of simple elegance, he has left us a strong expression, when he tells us that it often compelled him to close the historian's volumes with a mixed sensation of delight and despair.
Should any one be sceptical as to the sufficiency of these laws to account for the present state of things, science can furnish no evidence strong enough to overthrow his doubts until the sun shall be found growing smaller by actual measurement, or the nebulae be actually seen to condense into stars and systems."
He was endowed with a strong sense of humour and a love of paradox carried to an extreme.
He used his influence to procure as much autonomy as possible for the province of Hanover, but was a strong opponent of the Guelph party.
On that occasion the garrison was 40,000 strong, and the assault cost the assailants 10,000 and the defenders 30,000 men.
But John O'Neill (1740-1798), who represented Randalstown in the Irish parliament 1761-1783, and the county of Antrim from the latter year till his death, took an active part in debate on the popular side, being a strong supporter of Catholic emancipation.
It is said that during his residence in Sweden Panin, who certainly had a strong speculative bent, conceived a fondness for constitutional forms of government.
Owing to the strong Guelphic sympathies of the inhabitants, and the inaccessible nature of the site, Orvieto was constantly used as a place of refuge by the popes.
The elections of 1909 returned a strong Giolittian majority, but the Premier found himself faced with the necessity for renewing the steamship conventions which were about to lapse.
The Edomites, who had been almost extirpated by David in the valley of Salt, south of the Dead Sea, were now strong enough to seek revenge; and the powerful kingdom of Damascus, whose foundation is ascribed to this period, began to threaten Israel on the north and north-east.
A more intricate social organization caused internal weakness, and Eastern history shows with what rapidity peoples who have become strong by discipline and moderation pass from the height of their glory into extreme corruption and disintegration.'
There are a number of apparently related passages which, however, on internal grounds, are unsuitable to the present period, and when they show independent signs of a later date (in their present form), there is a very strong probability that they refer to such subsequent disasters.
Its ideals culminate in Josiah (§ 16, end), and there is a strong presumption that it is intended to impress upon the new era the lessons drawn from the past.
From this it appears that the pro-Syrian faction of the Jews had been strong and active enough to bring an Egyptian army upon them (199-198 B.C.).
In this way he became strong enough to deal with the apostates of Judaea.
But economic laws are often too strong for civil vagaries or sectarian fanaticism, and as the commerce of Austria suffered by the absence of the Jews, it was impossible to exclude the latter from the fairs in the provinces of from the markets of the capital.
In 1736 he set about the erection of a new theatre, "at vast expense," in Carrubber's Close, Edinburgh; but the opposition was too strong, and the new house was closed in 1737.
Owing to the existence of a strong Mussulman minority among its inhabitants, the warlike character of the natives, and the mountainous configuration of the country, which enabled a portion of the Christian population to maintain itself in a state of partial independence, the island has constantly been the scene of prolonged and sanguinary struggles in which the numerical superiority of the Christians was counterbalanced by the aid rendered to the Moslems by the Ottoman troops.
The chief cultivated plants are maize, the sugar-cane, tobacco, cotton, coffee and especially henequen, the so-called "Sisal hemp," which is a strong, coarse fibre obtained from the leaves of the Agave rigida, var.
In the " back country " extortionate fees, excessive taxes, and the oppressive manner of collecting them brought about a popular uprising, known as the Regulation, which centred in Orange and Anson counties, but was strong also in Brown, Edgecombe, Johnson, Granville and Halifax counties.
In this discussion, which was continued for nine days, the document was most strongly opposed because it contained no bill of rights and on the ground that it would provide for such a strong central government that the state governments would ultimately be sacrificed.
Overlooking all smaller details, we may consider Asia to consist of a northern mass and a southern mass, too rigid to crumple, but not too strong to fracture, and an intermediate belt of softer rock which was capable of folding.
The impenetrable shady forests of the Malay peninsula and eastern Bengal, of the west coast of the Indian peninsula, and of Ceylon, offer a strong contrast to the more loosely-timbered districts of the drier regions of central India and the north-western Himalaya.
Boo to loon attest the former prevalence of strong Hindu influence.
At present it occupies the extremity of the Malay Peninsula, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, the Philippines and other islands of the Malay Archipelago as well as Madagascar, while the inhabitants of most islands in the South Seas, including New Zealand and Hawaii, speak languages which if not Malay have at least undergone a strong Malay influence.
It has entirely escaped Islam, and though it is a nominal vassal of China, direct Chinese influence has not been strong.
The whole of the north of Africa from Egypt to Morocco has been mahommedanized, and Mahommedan influence is general and fairly strong from Timbuktu to Lake Chad and Wadai.
European influence on Asia has been specially strong at two epochs, firstly after the conquests of Alexander the Great, and secondly from the r6th century onwards.
She is a moderately strong empire lying to the north of the great Moslem states, and having for neighbours a series of very weak principalities or semi-civilized tribes.
In spite of the mass of literature which has accumulated on the subject, neither his death in the Temple nor his escape therefrom has been definitely established, though a very strong presumption is established in favour of the latter.
The strong and masterful character of these and other colleagues made the task of the prime minister one of unusual difficulty, a fact which was recognized by contemporaries.
From the beginning he recognized that government exists in order that the bulk of the population may pursue their daily work in peace and quiet, and that for a government to be successful it must be strong.
At the same time he thoroughly comprehended that for a government to be strong it must be in harmony with the wishes of the majority of the people.
He wished to establish a strong ministry,, which should be responsible like an English ministry, but to an assembly chosen to represent the people of France better than the English House of Commons at that time represented England.
Mirabeau at first attempted again to make an alliance with Lafayette, but it was useless, for Lafayette was not a strong man himself and did not appreciate "la force" in others.
The wild excesses of his youth and their terrible punishment had weakened his strong constitution, and his parliamentary labours completed the work.
Whatever may be said of the original creation of the Constitution, whether by the states or by the people, its development under the influences of a growing nationalism was a strong support to Webster's argument, and no other speech so strengthened Union sentiment throughout the North; its keynote was "Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable."
He was made acting-lieutenant in the West Indies in the same year, and the rank was confirmed in 1744 During the Jacobite rising of 1745 he commanded the "Baltimore" sloop in the North Sea, and was dangerously wounded in the head while co-operating with a frigate in an engagement with two strong French privateers.
The duchy of Aquitaine required a strong ruler, and the union with Anjou was eminently desirable.
Although a woman of strong passions and great abilities she is, historically, less important as an individual than as the heiress of Aquitaine, a part of which was, through her second marriage, united to England for some four hundred years.
The people, notwithstanding their German origin, showed a very strong feeling against the invaders, and in no part of France was the enemy resisted with greater stubbornness.
Even before this, however, he had shown a strong inclination for natural science, and this had been fostered by his intimacy with a "self-taught philosopher, astronomer and mathematician," as Sir Walter Scott called him, of great local fame - James Veitch of Inchbonny, who was particularly skilful in making telescopes.
Turgot at once set to work to establish free trade in corn, but his edict, which was signed on the 13th of September 1774, met with strong opposition even in the conseil du roi.
Turgot's only choice, however, was between "tinkering" at the existing system in detail and a complete revolution, and his attack on privilege, which might have been carried through by a popular minister and a strong king, was bound to form part of any effective scheme of reform.
An interesting example of the importance of his pioneer work is the fact that there has been a strong tendency to revert to the views which he advanced on the question of the Hittites in his early Oxford lectures.
A contemporary of Aquinas, he opposed several of the dominant theories of the time, and united with the current Aristotelian doctrines a strong infusion of Platonism.
The inhabitants, notwithstanding the unhealthiness of their climate, are a strong and athletic race, belying their yellow and sickly appearance.
Sheridan's cavalry, during the " Richmond Raid," carried the city's outer defences (May 12), but found, the river line too strong to be taken by assault and moved away.
Strong, talented and ambitious, Gaveston gained great influence over young Edward, and early in 1307 he was banished from England by the king; but he returned after the death of Edward I.
For the slender twiggy sorts the fan form is to be preferred, while for strong growers the half-fan or the horizontal is more suitable.
In 1892, at Warwick, the competitions related to ploughs - single furrow (a) for light land, (b) for strong land, (c) for press drill and broad-cast sowing; two-furrow; three-furrow; digging (a) for light land, (b) for heavy land; and one-way ploughs.
The power of the witan varied according to the personality of the reigning king, being considerable under a weak ruler, but inconsiderable under a strong one.
Soter (reigned 162-150) was a strong and ambitious ruler.
The king's position was now so strong that foreign states began to testify their respect.
On the Swiss Alps it is one of the most prevalent and striking of the forest trees, its dark evergreen foliage often standing out in strong contrast to the snowy ridges and glaciers beyond.
The wood is strong, light and very elastic, forming an excellent material for small masts and spars, for which purpose the trunks are used in America, and exported largely to England.
The new regent had to deal with an empty exchequer and with a strong opposition to her daughter's marriage with the dauphin.
These facts afford strong support to the hypothesis that the weight of the shell is the original cause of the torsion of the dorsal visceral mass in Gastropods.
Nevertheless his proposal met with strong opposition in the Corps Legislatif and Tribunate, where members saw that it portended a revival of the older distinction.
Disregarding the neutrality of the Germanic System, Napoleon sent a strong French corps to overrun Hanover, while he despatched General Gouvion St Cyr to occupy Taranto and other dominating positions in the south-east of the kingdom of Naples.
After Austerlitz the conqueror fulminated against them, and sent southwards a strong column which compelled an Anglo-Russian force to sail away and brought about the flight of the Bourbons to Sicily (February 1806).
You say you cannot act for me; you are strong, then, only against me."
The lord lieutenant had a strong personal liking for Swift, who was also a friend of Lady Carteret's family.
The manufacture, modelling and painting of faience objects, and the making of inlays in many materials were also familiar to Aegean craftsmen, who show in all their best work a strong sense of natural form and an appreciation of ideal balance and decorative effect, such as are seen in the best products of later Hellenic art.
We may take it then (and the fact is not disputed even by those who, like Dorpfeld, believe in one thorough racial change, at least, during the Bronze Age) that the Aegean civilization was indigenous, firmly rooted and strong enough to persist essentially unchanged and dominant in its own geographical area throughout the Neolithic and Bronze Ages.
There can be little doubt that a strong power was now fixed in one Aegean centre, and that all the area had come under its political, social and artistic influence.
There alone we have proof that the art of writing was commonly practised, and there tribute-tallies suggest an imperial organization; there the arts of painting and sculpture in stone were most highly developed; there the royal residences, which had never been violently destroyed, though remodelled, continued unfortified; whereas on the Greek mainland they required strong protective works.
The early chroniclers declare that St Aldhelm founded a church near Wareham about 701, and perhaps the priory, which is mentioned as existing in 876, when the Danes retired from Cambridge to a strong position in this fort.
So strong was his hostility to some of the delegates that he described Basel as a western Babylon.
In many bloodsucking flies, for example, the galea is absent, while the lacinia becomes a strong knife-like piercer and the palp is well developed.
The first and second abdominal sterna are often suppressed or reduced, on account of the strong development of the hind-legs.
His natural parts were excellent; and a strong bias in the direction of abstract thought, and mathematics in particular, was noticeable at an early date.
The young are generally born with their full sight, covered with down, strong, and capable of running or swimming immediately after they leave the egg-shell."
These different memoirs, being technically monographs, have strictly no right to be mentioned in this place; but there is scarcely one of them, if one indeed there be, that does not deal with the generalities of the study; and the influence they have had upon contemporary investigation is so strong that it is impossible to refrain from noticing them here, though want of space forbids us from enlarging on their contents.
The furcula is complete and strong, the feet very passerine in appearance.
Hesperornis too, with its keelless sternum, had aborted wings but strong legs and feet adapted for swimming, while Ichthyornis had a keeled sternum and powerful wings, but diminutive legs and feet.
When Lord Curzon reorganized the frontier in 1900, British garrisons were withdrawn from the Samana forts, which are now held by a corps of tribal police 450 strong, called the Samana Rifles.
A strong current sets round the head of the Adriatic from east to west.
The assaults, of the Dalmatian pirates, attracted by the growing wealth of the city, necessitated the building of strong castellated houses, of which no example has come down to our day, but we may gather what they were like from Petrarch's description of his house on the Riva degli Schiavoni, with its two flanking towers, probably retaining the primitive form, and also from the representations of protecting towers which occur in Carpaccio's pictures.
But when Venice took possession of the mainland her builders were able to employ a strong hydraulic dark lime from Albettone, which formed a durable cement, capable of resisting salt water and the corrosive sea air.
Longinus admitted that the Venetians were indeed "a great people with a strong habitation"; but by dint of promising large concessions and trading privileges, he induced the Venetians to make an act of submission - though not upon oath.
In 1818 he joined the Rev. John Campbell in his second journey to South Africa to inspect the stations of the London Missionary Society, and reported that the conduct of the Cape Colonists towards the natives was deserving of strong reprobation.
Most remarkable of all, the Roman Catholic churches, in this strong, hold of exiled Puritanism where Catholics were so long under the heavy ban of law, outnumber those of any single Protestant denomination; Irish Catholics dominate the politics of the city, and Protestants and Catholics have been aligned against each other on the question of the control of the public schools.
If he had a strong passion, it was to provide for his succession to the throne of France, if his nephew, Louis XV., should die, and he indulged in many intrigues against the house of Orleans, whose right to the succession was supposed to be secured by Philip's solemn renunciation of all claim to the French throne, when he became king of Spain.
In the middle ages it was a strong fortress defending the confines of Piedmont towards Liguria, but the fortifications on the rock above the town were demolished in 1800 by the French, to whom it had been ceded in 1796.
In the burrows made by the Mygalomorphae, on the contrary, the hinge is strong and highly elastic, its component silken threads being laid on in such a way that the door shuts with a snap when the occupant has passed in or out.
Its whereabouts is thus, to a great extent, concealed both from enemies searching for spiders and from insects suitable for food; and its open meshwork of strong threads makes it much less liable to be beaten down by rain or torn to shreds by winds than if it were a flat sheet of closely woven silk.
The bite, however, of any spider, strong enough to pierce the skin, may give rise to a certain amount of local inflammation and pain depending principally upon the amount of poison injected.
Others again, like Gasteracantha and Acrosoma, belonging to the Argyopidae, are armed with sharp and strong abdominal spines, and these spiders are hard-shelled like beetles and are spotted with black on a reddish or yellow ground, their spines shining with steel-blue lustre.
The place figured frequently as a frontier fortress in the wars of the Romans and the Parthians, its brick walls being unusually thick and its citadel very strong.
The last-named may be considered the founder of the strong company of entomological workers now labouring in America.
In 1770 most of the merchants agreed not to import goods from England and transferred their trade with New York City, where Loyalist influence was strong, to Boston and Philadelphia.
On the 5th of July 1779 the place was invaded by a British force under General William Tryon, who intended to burn the town, but met so strong a resistance that he withdrew before the next day.