Stress-ball Sentence Examples
When you grab a stress ball and squeeze it, many muscles work to perform this task, and when you release the ball, the muscles relax.
You don't have to work in a job where you are stressed out constantly to reap the benefits of using a stress ball.
People who do repetitive tasks with their hands, such as typing, can benefit from using a stress ball.
A stress ball can help alleviate the symptoms of this too.
Using a stress ball throughout the day can help to ward off the stiffness that occurs when you don't use those joints frequently.
When those difficult phone calls come in, grab the stress ball and start squeezing!
Have you tried using a stress ball or other stress relief toys yet?
Since many people sit during the day and don't have access to other stress relievers, such as physical activity, a handheld stress ball can be a very useful way to counter the effects of stress.
Colors have a significant effect on your mind's ability to release tension and having color incorporated with the physical act of squeezing, squishing and squashing a stress ball just enhances its effects.
When you're looking for comfort in tension release, consider buying a hand grip stress ball as opposed to the regular round balls.
AdvertisementUsing a stress ball puts your mind to work on something other than the stressor, without you even realizing it.
Do a search for this type of stress ball and you will find a few from which to choose.
If you've ever been somewhere and wished that you hadn't left your stress ball at the office or home, you may want to consider investing in a mini stress reliever ball.
Finding the stress ball you like the best will be your hardest task.
Even the most expensive stress ball is typically less than $10, and many novelty stress balls are less than $5, making them an inexpensive way to squeeze out your frustrations and relieve pent up stress in your wrists, hands, and fingers.
AdvertisementWhile they may not have the same quality as manufactured items, they can be fast and easy to make, letting you relieve your stress without struggling to find a stress ball in a store at a good price.
A stress ball could be a fun favor for coworkers who are still dreaming of retirement.
What is inside of a stress ball doesn't really matter; it is the action that occurs when you use the ball that is important.