Strenuous Sentence Examples
Strenuous fighting thereupon ceased.
Her lean body handled the strenuous task easily.
He was a strenuous advocate of reform, especially in the teaching of sciences, and supported the claims of modern languages to a place in the curriculum.
Frequently half his nights were spent in reading, after the labour of his most strenuous days.
The landing was effected in the face of strenuous opposition, Wolfe leading the foremost troops.
He was also a strenuous advocate of religious toleration in Poland.
Despite strenuous opposition by the monastic orders, he obtained in 1528 a licence from the authorities to preach anywhere within the canton of Bern.
The French government, anticlerical as it is at home, is the watchful and strenuous protector of the missions abroad; and it is evident that not a little political influence in foreign countries is gained thereby.
On sea in 1673 de Ruyter, in a series of fiercely contested battles, successfully maintained his strenuous and dogged conflict against the united English and French fleets.
There is also in the Netherlands a small, but very strenuous socialist party, which was founded by the active propaganda of an ex-pastor Domela-Nieuwenhuis.
AdvertisementHe was a strenuous adherent of the republican or oligarchical states-right party in opposition to the princes of the house of Orange, who represented the federal principle and had the support of the masses of the people.
Clowes; The Rough Riders (1899); Oliver Cromwell (1901); the following works on hunting and natural history, Hunting Trips of a Ranchman (1886), Ranch Life and Hunting Trail (1888), The Wilderness Hunter (1893), Big Game Hunting in the Rockies and on the Plains (1899; a republication of Hinting Trips of a Ranchman and The Wilderness Hunter), The Deer Family (1902), with other authors, and African Game Trails (1910); and the essays, American Ideals (2 vols., 1897) and The Strenuous Life (1900); and State Papers and Addresses (1905) and African and European Addresses (1910).
Peckham was always a strenuous advocate of the papal power, especially as shown in the council of Lyons in 1274.
On occasion the towns could defend their independence with strenuous courage; the higher qualities which make for a progressive national life the Phoenicians did not possess.
They formerly served to support large flocks of sheep and some cattle, but are gradually transformed by the planting of woods, as well as by strenuous efforts at cultivation.
AdvertisementA provisional draft of a treaty had already been drawn up before the demise of Frederick Henry, and afterwards, despite the strenuous opposition of the new prince of Orange (who, under the Acte de Survivance, had inherited all his father's offices and dignities) and of two of the provinces, Zeeland and Utrecht, the negotiations were by the powerful support of the States of Holland and of the majority of the States-General, quickly brought to a successful issue.
Mose important was the two-fold mission to Britain - of St Augustine in 596, of Mellitus, Paulinus and others in 601; but Gregory also made strenuous efforts to uproot paganism in Gaul, Italy, Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica, Arianism in Spain, Donatism in Africa, Manichaeism in Sicily, the heresy of the Three Chapters in Istria and northern Italy.
If Sanballat the Horonite was really a native of the Moabite Horonaim, he finds an appropriate place by the side of Tobiah the Ammonite and Gashmu the Arabian among the strenuous opponents of Nehemiah.
The first "godly band" is dated December 1557; but more important is the covenant of 1581, drawn up by John Craig in consequence of the strenuous efforts which the Roman Catholics were making to regain their hold upon Scotland, and called the King's Confession or National Covenant.
The latter had made strenuous efforts, supported by Alexander I.
AdvertisementWhen, therefore, on the 10th of February 1860, the bills necessary for carrying out the reform of the army were introduced into the diet, they met with so strenuous an opposition that they had to be withdrawn.
These arguments were reinforced by an appeal of Prince Billow to the traditions of Bismarck, and in spite of a strenuous and weighty opposition, the bill with certain modifications passed by 143 votes to III in the Upper House, and was accepted by the Lower House on the I3th of March.
After a strenuous two years in this office, he was appointed by President McKinley in 1897 assistant-secretary of the navy.
With this object he fortified the outlying villages, and when the Germans (chiefly Landwehr) began the investment on the 3rd of November 1870, they encountered everywhere a most strenuous resistance.
After the fall of the Giolitti cabinet in 1893, Zanardelli made a strenuous but unsuccessful attempt to form an administration.
AdvertisementHe was now but fifty-seven, but his strenuous life had aged him, and he was content to resign the command of fleets and armies to younger men, like Duke Valdemar, afterwards Valdemar and to confine himself to the administration of the empire which his genius had created.
In the first county council elections for Carnarvonshire he played a strenuous part on the Radical side, and was chosen an alderman; and in 1890, at a by-election for Carnarvon Boroughs, he was returned to parliament by a majority of 18 over a strong Conservative opponent.
His clear-cut, strenuous policy of open hostilities has always had its admirers; but it is difficult to see how England could have secured from it more than she 294 Walsingham, Sir Francis actually did from Elizabeth's more Fabian tactics.
He was able to maintain his strenuous habits of study till he reached the advanced age of seventy-two, when he was, forced, by paralysis of the optic nerve, to give up work almost.
To some of these terms the representative of Canada made a strenuous opposition, and in finally signing the treaty stated that he did so chiefly for imperial interests, although in these he believed Canadian interests to be involved.
But These Very Digressions' Give The Book Its Intimate And Abiding Charm; For They Keep The Reader In Close Personal Touch With Every Side Of Canadian Life, With Songs And Tales And Homely Forms Of Speech, With The Best Features Of Seigniorial Times And The Strong Guidance Of An Ardent Church, With Voyageurs, Coureurs De Bois, Indians,., Soldiers, Sailors And All The Strenuous Adventurers Of A Wild, New, Giant World.
President Hayes endeavoured in vain to induce Congress to appropriate money for a Civil Service Commission; and whenever he made an effort to restrict the operation of the traditional "spoils system," he met the strenuous opposition of a majority of the most powerful politicians of his party.
The time spent at Cambridge was devoted to most strenuous study.
The Russians offered a strenuous resistance, defending Seidnitz, Gross Dobritz and Reick with their usual steadiness, and Ney was so far advanced that several generals at the Allied headquarters suggested a counter-attack of the centre by way of Strehlen, so as to cut off the French left from Dresden.
In 1821 he was a member of the committee appointed to inquire into the causes of the agricultural distress then prevailing, and the proposed relaxation of the corn laws embodied in the report was understood to have been chiefly due to his strenuous advocacy.
Being a strenuous opponent of the Church of Rome, and "Whitehall lying within that parish, he stood as in the front of the battle all King James's reign."
Peter himself lived among his workmen, himself the most strenuous of them all, in a small two-roomed wooden hut at Voronezh.
In March 1857 Viscount Palmerston advanced him to the deanery of Canterbury, where, till his death on the 12th of January 1871, he lived the same strenuous and diversified life that had always characterized him.
In his treatment of subject, Guerin attempted to realize rococo graces of conception, the liveliness of which was lost in the strenuous effort to be correct.
She gave birth in 730 to Khri srong lde tsan, in the Buddhist annals the most illustrious monarch of his country, because of the strenuous efforts he made in favour of that religion during his reign of fortysix years (743-789).
Yet even then he considered that the true leaders of the people were a peer and a dean, and there was no real inconsistency in the fact that at a later period he was among the most strenuous defenders of Governor Eyre in the measures adopted by him to put down the Jamaican disturbances.
One of his great aims was optical illusion, carried out by a mastery of perspective which, though not always impeccably correct, nor absolutely superior in principle to the highest contemporary point of attainment, was worked out by himself with strenuous labour, and an effect of actuality astonishing in those times.
In spite of strenuous government opposition, inspired by the authorities of the Orthodox Church, amendments were carried allowing dissident ministers to assume ecclesiastical titles and to preach, and permitting Christians to join non-Christian religions or even to describe themselves as unbelievers.
Comfort is also important since lab coats are often worn for many hours at a time, often in very strenuous situations.
The work was, however, more difficult than had been anticipated; the Mahommedans offered a strenuous resistance; military operations were attended with great difficulty in the mountainous country; 200,000 men were required, and they did not succeed in crushing the resistance till after some months of obstinate fighting.
He followed the plan of dividing his empire between his sons, the eldest Mahommed, called Malik al-Kdmil, being his viceroy in Egypt, while al-Muazzam Isa governed Syria, al-Ashraf Musa his eastern and al-Malik al-Aubad Ayyub his northern possessions His attitude towards the Franks was at the first peaceful, but later in his reign he was compelled to adopt more strenuous measures.
During the lull which followed the first action of Kassassin, strenuous eflbrts were made to bring up supplies and troops and to open up railway communication to the front.
But the prevailing opinion is against this conjecture, and sees in these designs the work not of a strenuous student and searcher such as Darer was, but of a riper and more facile hand working in a spirit of settled routine.
A "Christ disputing with the Doctors" of the same period, in the Barberini Gallery at Rome, is recorded to have cost the painter only five days' labour, and is an unsatisfying and illcomposed congeries of heads and hands, both of such strenuous character and individuality as here and there to pass into caricature.
To that tradition Henry's strenuous life in war and politics is a sufficient general contradiction.
In spite of such drawbacks, Carlyle in later years looked back upon the life at Craigenputtock as on the whole a comparatively healthy and even happy period, as it was certainly one of most strenuous and courageous endeavour.
Of the important changes in administration and education which were ultimately carried out, Stanley, who took the principal share in drafting the report printed in 1852, was a strenuous advocate.
We can see now that the very event which seemed, in the eyes of the world, to be the most striking proof of the success of the new movement, the conversion and strenuous support, in the 3rd century B.C., of Asoka, the most powerful ruler India had had, only hastened the decline.
About the year 730 he wrote several treatises in defence of image-worship, which the emperor, Leo the Isaurian, was making strenuous efforts to suppress.
But in 1522 when war was again declared he emphatically refused to bear any part of the responsibility, and in 1523 he opposed in convocation the financial demands which met with a more strenuous resistance in the House of Commons.
The coup d'etat of that year aroused the strenuous opposition of Floquet, who had, while yet a student, given proof of his republican sympathies by taking part in the fighting of 1848.
But his health was now entirely broken by his strenuous labours, and on the 6th of December 1862 he was, at his own request, relieved of his post.
In 1527, after a strenuous resistance, the fort was captured by Baber and with the surrounding country passed under the sway of the Moguls, being included by Akbar in the province of Agra.
In the teeth of strenuous opposition, from both Europeans and natives, Lord William carried the regulation in council on the 4th of December 1829, by which all who abetted suttee were declared guilty of " culpable homicide."
Despite unparalleled importations of grain by sea and rail, despite the most strenuous exertions of the government, which incurred a total expenditure on this account of 11 millions sterling, the loss of life from actual starvation and its attendant train of diseases was lamentable.
Sir Ernest Shackleton made strenuous efforts to rescue the Elephant I.
Hamann seems at this time to have thought that any strenuous devotion to "bread-and-butter" studies was lowering, and accordingly gave himself entirely to reading, criticism and philological inquiries.
Macaulay's bluff and strenuous character, his rhetorical style, his unphilosophical conception of history, were entirely out of harmony with Morison's prepossessions.
Fresh knowledge, new forces and faculties, have to be acquired by positive and strenuous efforts, while, on the other hand, delusions and superstitions are to be abandoned by an attitude of conscious neglect; or to use the phraseology of the Hindus, Avidyd, nescience - the mental state of the unenlightened - through which the individual energies are scattered and dissipated in futile effort, is gradually replaced by Vidyd, the higher wisdom which dispels the darkness of the mind, awakens our latent faculties and concentrates our efforts in the direction of that harmonious union, which ultimately results in Nirvana.
He was released not long afterwards, and with the support of his parishioners offered strenuous resistance to the restoration of the Mass.
For eight years he canvassed for signatures to this address, but in spite of considerable support the strenuous opposition of the Jesuits and Dominicans deterred the clergy and nearly wrecked the scheme.
Lord Camden was a strenuous opponent of Fox's India Bill, took an animated part in the debates on important public matters till within two years of his death, introduced in 1786 the scheme of a regency on occasion of the king's insanity, and to the last zealously defended his early views on the functions of juries, especially of their right to decide on all questions of libel.
On the outbreak of the Spanish American War in 1898 Wood was commissioned colonel of volunteers, and together with Roosevelt, as lieutenant-colonel, raised the famous regiment of " Rough Riders," composed of western ranchmen and cowboys as well as members of prominent eastern families eager to serve under these two strenuous leaders.
In 1451 it offered a strenuous opposition to the French, by whom it was eventually occupied.
The country was still torn by civil and religious dissensions; and Cameron excited the indignation of the more strenuous adherents of his own party.
After strenuous fighting, in which the British casualties, including sick, reached 600, he was captured (14th of November 1898) and deported.
Under the influence of Africander nationalism strenuous efforts have been made to teach the language in the schools throughout the greater part of South Africa.
The Stuarts made strenuous efforts to get the control of the companies.
Yet deism deserves to be remembered as a strenuous protest against bibliolatry in every degree and against all traditionalism in theology.
It has become the chief pleasure town of Germany; and though the standard of morality, owing to the enormous influx of people-bent on amusement, has become lower, yet there is so much healthy, strenuous activity in intellectual life and commercial rivalry as to entitle it, despite many moral deficiencies, to be regarded as the centre of life and learning in Germany.
Though a strenuous enemy of the Church of Rome, Chelcicky joined none of the Hussite parties.
After a strenuous resistance to Russian conquest, and much suffering at a later period from Kirghiz and Kalmuck raids, they now live by agriculture, either in separate villages or along with Russians.
Christian revenged himself by executing the magnate Torben Oxe, who, on very creditable evidence, was supposed to have been Dyveke's murderer, despite the strenuous opposition of Oxe's fellow-peers; and henceforth the king lost no opportunity of depressing the nobility and raising plebeians to power.
Sprung from such stock, Emerson inherited qualities of self-reliance, love of liberty, strenuous virtue, sincerity, sobriety and fearless loyalty to ideals.
His son, Dirk IV., was one of the most enterprising of his warlike and strenuous race.
His exertions in repressing robbery and mendicancy were strenuous and successful.
McClellan himself made little progress, and the troops beyond the Chickahominy were defeated after a strenuous defence; whereupon McClellan planned, and during the celebrated Seven Days' Battle triumphantly executed, a change of base to the James river.
At the age of ten years David left the village school for the neighbouring cotton-mill, and by strenuous efforts qualified himself at the age of twenty-three to undertake a college curriculum.
After nearly four months of strenuous opposition to the bill in Parliament, he renewed and strengthened his encouragement to Ulster by declaring, at a large Unionist gathering at Blenheim on July 27, that the Ulster people would submit to no ascendancy, and that he could imagine no lengths of resistance to which they might go in which he would not be ready to support them, and in which they would not be supported by the overwhelming majority of the British people.
He put himself at the head of the Nationalist Government, and won through in his strenuous campaign against the legal Government in Constantinople.
The Briefe fiber die Lehre Spinozas (1785; 2nd ed., much enlarged and with important Appendices, 1789) expressed sharply and clearly Jacobi's strenuous objection to a dogmatic system in philosophy, and drew upon him the vigorous enmity of the Berlin clique, led by Moses Mendelssohn.
Posen and West Prussia - was passed, in spite of the strenuous opposition of some of the most conspicuous nobles in Prussia, in the session of 1908.
A "strenuous and sagacious man" he rendered valuable service to both kings in their Norman wars, and Henry I.
The great castle of Chteau Gaillard, which guards the Lower Seine, was the only place which made a strenuous resistance.
But when the earl changed his politics and f6ught on the Lancastrian side at St Albans in 1455, the baron at once became a strenuous adherent of the duke, adhered firmly to the white rose and died by the axe for its cause.
It met with strenuous resistance in Devon and in Cornwall, where rebellions added to the thickening troubles of the protector.
Charles and Buck ingham did their best to win back popularity by strenuous exertion.
In spite of the strenuous resistance of the opposition, led by Fox, and of numerous meetings of protest held outside the walls of parliament, both bills passed into law by enormous majorities.
In May 1828, on the initiative of Lord John Russell, the Test and Corporation Acts were repealed; in the same session a Corn Bill, differing but little from those that Wellington had hitherto opposed, was passed; and finally, after a strenuous agitation which culminated in the election of OConnell for Clare, and in spite of the obstinate resistance of King George IV., the Catholic Emancipation Bill was passed (April 10, 18 29) by a large majority.
The minor accuracies, the limitation of range, the treading and re-treading of the same small patch of ground, the concentration of interest in success before a board of examiners, were all uncongenial to a nature of exuberant intellectual curiosity and of strenuous and self-reliant originality.
In the midst of the torrent of his most strenuous and passionate deliverances, he suddenly rises aloof from his immediate subject, and in all tranquillity reminds us of some permanent relation of things, some enduring truth of human life or human society.
Though no man was ever more free from anything like the egoism of the intellectual coxcomb, yet he abounded in that active self-confidence and self-assertion which is natural in men who are conscious of great powers, and strenuous in promoting great causes.
During the following century the Mongol conqueror Jenghiz Khan overran China, and Turkestan and Kashgaria fell under his rule in 1220, though not without strenuous resistance followed by massacres.
Too large and too much divided for strenuous labour, it was reduced in April to nine members and re-named the Committee of Public Safety.
This paradox is violent, but it is quite in harmony with the spirit of Stoicism; and we are more startled to find that the Epicurean sage, no less than the Stoic, is to be happy even on the rack; that his happiness, too, is unimpaired by being restricted in duration, when his mind has apprehended the natural limits of life; that, in short, Epicurus makes no less strenuous efforts than Zeno to eliminate imperfection from the conditions of human existence.
Tycho's labours were both more strenuous and more effective.
The history of the Greenwich observatory is one of strenuous efforts for refinement, stimulated by the growing stringency of theoretical necessities.
Among the fruits of the strenuous career of Nicolas Louis de Lacaille were tables of the sun, in which terms depending upon planetary perturbations were, for the first time, introduced (1758); an extended acquaintance with the southern heavens; and a determination of the moon's parallax from observations made at opposite extremities of an arc of the meridian 85' in length.
So also its insistence on the chief end of man "to know and do the will of God" made for the strenuous morality that helped to build up the modern world.
So long as Mr. Lloyd George was Minister, Dr. Addison was his right-hand man in the strenuous labours of the office, resulting in the enormous multiplication of engines of war, and in the redeeming of many vital industries, fertilizers, tungsten and potash from German control; and when Mr. Lloyd George formed a Government himself in December 1916, he placed him at the head of the department.
He made a strenuous effort to found a university in Dublin, and proposed to endow it with the revenues of St Patrick's, reasonably arguing that one cathedral was enough for any city.
During the 19th century strenuous efforts to better the state of education were made by Bishop Strossmayer (1815-1905) and other reformers; but, although some success was achieved, only one-third of the population could read and write in 1900.
But they are courageous and loyal to their chiefs and tribe, and for short periods are capable of much strenuous exertion.
In 1835 the profession of the Christian religion was declared illegal; all worship was to cease, and all religious books were ordered to be given up. By the middle of 1836 all the English missionaries were obliged to leave the island, and for twenty.-five years the most strenuous efforts were made by the queen and her government to suppress all opposition to her commands.
The bill met with strenuous opposition, and on the 23rd of December 1907 the Cortes adjourned without its having been advanced.
Its provisions practically amounted to a complete suspension of the guarantees for civil liberty, it met with the most strenuous opposition, and its final passing by the Senate (May 9) was followed by a serious crisis.
Weed, a skilful American machinist, who, after some years of strenuous effort, succeeded in devising and perfecting special rollers and dies, by the use of which foundation was produced with a midrib so thin as to compare favourably with natural comb built by the bees.
Then so far as regards longevity, the period of a worker-bee's existence is not measured by numbering its days but simply by wear and tear, the marvellous intricacy and wonderful perfection of its framework being so delicate in construction that after six or seven weeks of strenuous toil, such as the bee undergoes in summer time, the little creature's labour is ended by a natural death.
Gordon made strenuous efforts towards crushing the slave trade, but their endeavours were largely thwarted by the inaction of the authorities at Khartum.
The more strenuous his resistance the sooner he yields to the inevitable force applied by himself.
Abercromby landed from its transports in the face of a strenuous opposition from a French force entrenched on the beach.
During the governorship of Leicester he was the leader of the strenuous opposition offered by the States of Holland to the centralizing policy of the governor.
There may also be grounds for discussing the present standards of equipment and whether they need to be altered to cause less strenuous contortions.
Now go away. The Palace quickly issued a strenuous denial.
He compelled attention by his strenuous activity, his passionate espousal of causes, and his enthusiasm for a constructive measure.
Get someone else to do heavy lifting and avoid strenuous exertion in general.
There are over 185 miles of footpaths in the Broads, ranging from short strolls to more strenuous hikes.
To prevent hypoglycemia, progressively work up to strenuous activity.
In a severely paralyzed larynx, the airway actually gets smaller rather than bigger during strenuous exercise as the paralyzed side collapses inwards.
Why do your legs feel so leaden when you try to run after strenuous cycling?
Didn't feel up to anything strenuous so just gentle picking of runners, French and broad beans.
A local oral tradition recalls that she made strenuous efforts to look like Queen Alexandra and the frontispiece portrait confirms the tradition.
Now the truth is that the Weirs, father and son, were surrounded by a posse of strenuous loyalists.
If you are suffering problems due to family quarrels, the ride gets strenuous.
Well without a doubt I found the experience more strenuous than say diving in the red sea.
The walk is moderately strenuous, with several climbs - some of them quite steep.
This is a fairly strenuous walk which is not suitable for pushchairs or any person who is unsteady on their feet.
This week You won't want anything too physically strenuous for a day or so.
Most of the walks are of the order of five to six not too strenuous miles.
The climb up in to the final large chamber was quite strenuous.
Some of the days are quite long, and the walking feels more strenuous at altitude.
Jogging should be avoided as this may prove too strenuous.
When city life is getting strenuous take a flight or a bus to the islands of Thailand.
The course is no doubt demanding but with the help of its prolific lectures and researchers the coursework is made less strenuous.
Sections graded strenuous include steep climbs that will challenge even fit cyclists.
It is a strenuous trek, suitable for fit trekkers with previous trekking experience.
Downhill Running Many runners develop muscle soreness after strenuous workouts or races.
Bruges was forced after strenuous resistance to submit to the loss of its most cherished privileges in 1438, and the revolt of Ghent was quenched in the " red sea " (as it was styled) of Gavre in 1453.
Farini, who in August was elected dictator of Parma as well as Modena, and Ricasoli, who since, on the withdrawal of the Sardinian commissioner Boncompagni, had become supreme in Tuscany, were now the men who by their energy and determination achieved the annexation of central Italy to Piedmont, in spite of the strenuous opposition of the French emperor and the weakness of many Italian Liberals.
It isn't like anything I do is all that strenuous.
Thus all his strenuous efforts, all his enormous sacrifices, came to nothing.
In July 1807 another British force of eight thousand men under General Whitelock endeavoured to regain possession of Buenos Aires, but strenuous preparations had been made for resistance, and after fierce street fighting the invading army, after suffering severe losses, was compelled to capitulate.
Throughout the Ministry Mr. Henderson showed himself resolved on a strenuous prosecution of the war.
The general who at last broke the back of the long opposition of the prophet-chief of the Lesghians was Prince Baryatinsky, who after three years of strenuous warfare succeeded in capturing Shamyl's stronghold of Weden, and then in surrounding that chieftain himself on the inaccessible rocky platform of Gunib in the heart of Daghestan.
Aurelian, the true Augustus, quickly grasped the situation, and took strenuous measures to deal with it.
Though the history of the Congo Free State affords a painful contrast to the philanthropic professions of its founder, in other parts of the continent the establishment of protectorates by Great Britain, France and Germany was followed by strenuous, and largely successful, efforts to put down slave raiding.
Had Beaton confined himself to secular politics, his strenuous opposition to the plans of Henry VIII.
So far, however, as it is possible to disengage one's self from this captivation, it may be said that the mingling of distinct and original vision with a singularly conscientious handling of the English language, in the sincere and wholesome self-consciousness of the strenuous artist, seems to be the central feature of Stevenson as a writer by profession.
His biography, by his son, reveals him as a man of devout and holy life, impulsive indeed and masterful, but one who learned self-restraint by strenuous endeavour.
The enemy's light guns, aided by effective searchlights, were offering a strenuous opposition to the small craft engaged on the all-important duty of clearing the channel of submerged defences.
That strenuous application which was one of his most remarkable gifts in manhood showed itself in his youth, and his application was backed or inspired by superior intelligence and aptness.
Looking back on a long life of strenuous exertion, Gladstone declared that the work of preparing his proposals about the succession-duty and carrying them through Parliament was by far the most laborious task which he ever performed.
So strenuous did this campaign become that, in 1875, a press law was enacted empowering the minister of home affairs and the police to suspend or suppress a journal and to fine or imprison its editor without public trial.
In spite of strenuous efforts on the part of the British administrator to avert war the French party determined to fight, and finally attacked the British, who had assembled round Kampala.
The archbishop was a strenuous upholder of episcopal independence in the Gallican sense, and involved himself in a controversy with Rome by his endeavours to suppress the jurisdiction of the Jesuits and other religious orders within his diocese.
Strenuous devotion to the deliverance of mankind from dangers and pests is the " virtue " which, in Prodicus' famous apologue on the Choice of Hercules, the hero preferred to an easy and happy life.
In 1794 he returned to St Etienne, where, but only for a short period, he filled a municipal office; and from 1797 to 1799 he devoted himself to strenuous study, more especially of the literature and history, both ancient and modern, of Greece and Italy.
Freeman's life was one of strenuous literary work.
In 1347 the remainder of Zealand was redeemed, and the southern isles, Laaland, Falster and Mon, also fell into the king's strenuous hands.
But in the winter of 1367-68 a hostile league against him of all his neighbours threatened to destroy the fruits of a long and strenuous lifetime.
In foreign affairs a policy of drift prevailed which encouraged all the enemies of the Republic to raise their heads, while the dependent states of Prussia in the north and Moldavia in the south made strenuous efforts to break away from Poland.
Of all the public grounds within London this is the most valuable to the populace at large; the number of visitors on a Bank holiday in August is generally, under favourable conditions, about 100,000; and strenuous efforts are always forthcoming from either public or private bodies when the integrity of the Heath is in any way menaced.
Meanwhile, however, strenuous efforts were being made by the Roman Catholics to obtain relief by establishing a reasonable modus vivendi with the government.
Mirabeau was a strenuous advocate of the assignats.
Though always a strenuous worker in Congress, he was not the originator of any great legislative measures, and his efficiency as a law-maker is thought to have been much impaired by his personal animosities.
Its extreme papalism and its strenuous defence of Pius V.'s bull excommunicating and deposing Elizabeth marked out Sanders for the enmity of the English government, and he retaliated with lifelong efforts to procure the deposition of Elizabeth and restoration of Roman Catholicism.
The Spanish government made strenuous attempts to regulate forced labour by limiting the rights of the masters.
The task, however, was so gigantic that after 150 years of strenuous effort, at the period which may be considered as the apogee of its power, that is, in the first half of the 13th century, the papacy had attained only incomplete results.
His first suggestion that a council nominated by the estates should be set up with the power of vetoing the acts of the king was abandoned because of the strenuous opposition of Maximilian; but Bertold was successful in getting the diet to proclaim an eternal Landfriede, that is, to forbid private war without any limitation of time, and it was agreed that the diet should meet annually to advise the king on matters of moment.
In 1797, the intervening years having been spent in strenuous literary labour, Godwin married Mary Wollstonecraft (see Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft).
In his later years, however, he fell into a mood of settled melancholy; and, though still accessible to all who chose to approach him with complaints or petitions, he withdrew from all but the most essential social functions, and lived a life of strenuous work and of Spartan simplicity.
This " papal aggression " caused great excitement at the time, and an Ecclesiastical Titles Act was passed in 1851, though never put in force, forbidding Roman Catholic prelates to assume territorial designations.5 2 They were described in the first draft of the bill as " Protesting Catholic Dissenters," but this was changed, in deference to the strenuous remonstrances of the vicars-apostolic, into " Roman Catholics."
The Additional Forces Act, passed in the teeth of a strenuous opposition, introduced the principle of a modified system of compulsion to supplement the deficiencies of the army and reserve, while the navy was largely increased.
He was a strenuous advocate of the abolition of the House of Lords (see 20.845, 846); at the time of the Parnell Commission he had much to do with the unmasking of Pigott; and he was a member of the inquiry into the Jameson Raid, his hostility to Mr. Chamberlain being as pronounced as against Lord Rosebery when the latter became leader of the Liberal party.
Strenuous and successful steps were taken to improve standards of compliance with the Regulations in slaughterhouses.
In spite of strenuous efforts, his deckhand was unable to recover him alone.
Do n't plan on doing anything very strenuous that evening or the next day - your legs wo n't let you.
Games for the girls is at the Sports center where we do a strenuous workout with Dr. Carr.
The PRC made strenuous efforts with North Korea to realize such talks.
Ranging from 1 to 16 km, from gentle strolls to more strenuous hikes there are suitable walks for all age groups.
There is the use of various pools of energy to allow strenuous exercise for long periods of time.
An easier day today to recover from the previous days strenuous treks - a total trekking distance of 10km.
This week You wo n't want anything too physically strenuous for a day or so.
The clock itself is only 1.5 pounds, so the exercise is not particularly strenuous.
Look for units with wide, stable bases that will prevent them from tipping over during strenuous play.
Generally, these courses are offered as a sideline to other areas of concentration such as fine art and typically are less strenuous than a full, dedicated interior design program.
In this case, the halls were humid, I was in pain, and let's face it, I let myself get pretty darn out of shape over the past nine months so pacing the hallways was more strenuous than usual.
Since skiing is a great form of physical fitness and can be strenuous, it is a good idea to get in shape before the upcoming season.
Skiing and snowboarding are strenuous activities that can make you hungry.
This is probably one of the very best things you can do to combat stress, and the good news is that it doesn't have to be anything too strenuous.
Strenuous activities such as power walking and bike riding are not the only means of reducing stress.
Strenuous exercise can work wonders for relieving stress of any kind.
During that stint, he helped lead his team to victory a few times during some strenuous exercise challenges.
If one school has more lax requirements for courses, they may offer a less strenuous education.
Cruise shore excursions are more rigorous, involving hiking or more strenuous physical exercise in order to immerse passengers in the adventure rather than simply show them tourist attractions.
Strenuous exercise or over exercising can delay a heat cycle.
Take hikes that aren't quite so strenuous or as long.
They will keep you cool and dry during strenuous activity and remain comfortable since they feature a four way stretch.
This company makes the claim that certain ingredients deliver certain benefits that are important to athletes and people engaging in strenuous physical activities.
These incredibly breathable bras will keep you cool and comfortable whether you are lounging around the house or engaged in strenuous activities.
You can hike along flat trails for a light workout, which is good for beginners, or you can hike up hills and mountains, which provide a more strenuous workout for advanced hikers.
Shoveling snow is a very strenuous winter activity.
When someone tries to perform a strenuous activity, such as shoveling snow, in cold weather, they are putting an extra strain on their heart.
Always remember to cool down after you have done any strenuous or cardio type of workout so your heart rate has a chance to come down slowly.
You don't have to do anything strenuous or out of your range of motion, but getting some daily activity can make you feel healthier.
Some of the teams have adapted the sports into less strenuous versions such as senior tee-ball and balloon volleyball.
Try to do memorable outings that aren't too strenuous, but can get the elderly out and about.
There are varying degrees of yoga classes from relaxing to strenuous with many different forms available to practice.
For younger senior men who are strong and athletic, bikram yoga is a more strenuous form where classes are held in a heated room.
Parents should allow plenty of time for strains and sprains to heal before allowing their child to return to strenuous athletics.
Oral products that restore fluid and electrolytes balance are better for hydrating a sick child who has been vomiting during an illness or after strenuous activity in extremely hot weather.
Any strenuous activity, athletic endeavors, or heavy lifting should be avoided until the symptoms completely subside, since excessive activity may cause the spleen to rupture.
A physical examination by a physician is important to determine if strenuous exercise is appropriate or detrimental.
They are more likely to occur in older children and teenagers who are participating in organized, competitive sports and strenuous aerobic activities.
Fluids should be encouraged during all strenuous activities, especially in warm weather.
Professional ballet dancers, gymnasts, and ice skaters are especially at risk for oligomenorrhea because they combine strenuous physical activity with a diet intended to keep their weight down.
Strenuous exercise is usually not recommended, since it may damage muscles further.
Some yoga routines, depending on the teacher and school, can be as strenuous as the most difficult workout, especially those called ashtanga, or power, yoga.
Iron can also be lost through strenuous exercise and heavy perspiration, poor digestion, frequent consumption of antacids, long-term illness, heavy menstrual cycles, and other causes.
Overeating, tight-fitting clothes, and strenuous activity immediately after a meal should be avoided.
Also, the tightness of a tie around the neck can make a strenuous routine more difficult.
Olympic hopefuls choose a home education to make room for a strenuous training schedule.
This type of work is considered strenuous, and the land surveyor is expected to stand for long periods of time.
Yoga can help you do more than just prepare your body for the strenuous labor and delivery process; it can help you prepare your mind.
While the exercises themselves are not strenuous, it is easier for you to pull or strain your muscles while you are pregnant.
Many people find working with a prenatal yoga DVD or joining a prenatal yoga class to be a gentle way to keep exercising during pregnancy without worrying about how strenuous your activity is.
After the test, avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours.
If the pain is not constant, it will most likely be triggered by intercourse, ejaculation, or strenuous exercise.
Speedos may have been designed for swim racing, but they really aren't going to provide the kind of coverage needed to participate in more active sports like surf kiting, boogie boarding and other strenuous water activities.
These aren't your typical runway models who are bone thin, but are women who follow a healthy lifestyle through a strict nutrition plan and strenuous exercise.
This is because people want to look cute in their bikinis and they don't think they'll be doing anything too strenuous.
The designs seem to be practical for casual as well as strenuous water activity, which is preferred because men are capable of having swimsuit mishaps, too.
Although the 3-Day for the Cure doesn't require running, it is nevertheless considered strenuous and the event organizers describe it as a "difficult endurance event."
Remove the ring when using harsh chemicals, doing strenuous chores, or playing sports to avoid damaging the ring.
Other gifts this planet bestows on Aries is a strong sex drive, plenty of energy to spare and a need for strenuous athletics.
For fitness dancing, cheerleading, performing or just a strenuous night at the club, you need the right women's athletic dance shoes to keep your feet happy through the workout.
Although Skechers shoes are trend-worthy and have an attractive price point, the shoe designs aren't intended for strenuous use.
These trips will require some hiking, but they are not normally as strenuous as some adventures.
These watches are designed to be used during strenuous athletic activity and are rugged enough for professional use.
The watch is put through strenuous testing.
This means that during a more strenuous workout, you may end up getting very sweaty.
This is important because Ashtanga is a very strenuous and demanding form of yoga, and those who practice it often sweat profusely.
It is made with removable bra cups, a full inside bra liner, and a flattering mid-hip length that holds its shape and stays put during the most strenuous Bikram classes.
This aspect of the law has created a thriving industry niche for private investigators hired by employers to videotape claimants engaging in work, sports or strenuous physical activity despite their claims of being disabled.
As cheerleaders get to do more tumbling and higher, more complex stunts, the demands on their uniforms have gotten more and more strenuous.
Ideally, you should clean Venetian blinds on a regular basis, so you don’t have to sweat during more strenuous deep-cleaning routines.
Exercise need not be strenuous or unpleasant; experts agree that anything that gets a person moving is a step in the right direction.
See your doctor, however, before you incorporate a strenuous exercise regimen.
The amino acids also help mend muscles following resistance training or other strenuous exercise.
The meal plan is very limited, and because of the reduced calorie intake, strenuous exercise is discouraged as well.
Ashtanga yoga in particular is a high energy, strenuous workout.
This should be a fluid movement and is not supposed to be terribly strenuous.
The one thing you can know is that the more strenuous the exercise, the more calories you'll burn.
Over time, if walking for 30 minutes becomes easy for you, you should move on to jogging or another form of more strenuous cardio.
When you perform a strenuous workout, your muscles, tendons and ligaments get slightly damaged, and waste products, known as lactic acid, accumulate in your body.
This type of muscle soreness is usually experienced the day after a strenuous workout.
Set a training schedule that eases you into the exercise of choice - perhaps starting with 20 minute sessions a few times a week and working your way up to more frequent and strenuous sessions of a longer duration.
These gentle, non-jarring activities may be a welcome change from the more strenuous activities during the week.
The exercise program is very strenuous and not for everyone.
The first, cardiorespiratory endurance, refers to the ability of your heart and lungs to get you through repetitive, strenuous activity.
Gentle, no-impact and low-impact exercises that do not stress the joints and are not overly strenuous, can help even those with chronic health conditions and limited mobility to stay active.
Instead, more adults are more likely to watch TV and otherwise avoid strenuous exercise.
If you really want to increase testosterone with exercise, your best bet is going to be participating in strenuous resistance training exercise.
Proper breathing technique can help prevent unsafe spikes in blood pressure caused by more strenuous resistance exercises.
The organization also suggests that strenuous activity may increase pulmonary pressure.
Because of this, the AHA recommends avoiding isometric exercises or extremely strenuous activity like heavy lifting, such as free weights.
Hiking, or more strenuous walking has a different verb altoghether.
Whether you're taking part in a company-sponsored event or taking part in a strenuous physical activity in school sports, the odds are good that you'll be asked to fill out a liability release form.
If your workout includes strenuous activities like running, basketball, volleyball or racquetball for example, your body is moving and jumping a lot.
No matter what your breast size, it is so important to properly protect fragile breast tissue and ligaments during strenuous exercise.
A well designed sports bra should not only protect your breast tissue during strenuous activity, but should also be comfortable and allow freedom of movement.
While it's unlikely your boxers will see a lot of strenuous activity, they will hold up well for years down the line, especially if they're properly cared for.
The show utilizes personal trainers and nutritionists to design healthy diets complemented by strenuous workout programs.
That fresh faced look you get after a moderate to strenuous workout is your body's way of ridding impurities, and you can bet that same glow will stick around after you've cooled off if you make exercise a regular part of your lifestyle.
For the active person, finding health-conscious a restaurant is a great benefit since eating heavy, fatty foods can make it difficult for your body to handle strenuous activity.
In these circumstances Catherine hesitated to bring matters to a crisis, but her hand was forced by Frederick, and in 1772 the first partition of Poland took place without any very strenuous resistance on the part of the victim.
It is important, however, to note that the really important part of the training was the close association which it involved with the strenuous character and vigorous intellect of his father.
This expression was the result, no doubt, of his strenuous training and the comparative lack of congenial friendships.
Reference to the articles on Logic, Metaphysics, &c., will show that subsequent criticism, however much it has owed by way of stimulus to Mill's strenuous rationalism, has been able to point to much that is inconsistent, inadequate and even superficial in his writings.
Laplace was, moreover, the first to offer a complete analysis of capillary action based upon a definite hypothesis - that of forces "sensible only at insensible distances"; and he made strenuous but unsuccessful efforts to explain the phenomena of light on an identical principle.
The new master, however, showed no desire to be conciliatory, and as war appeared inevitable, he made strenuous efforts to secure allies, and carried on tedious negotiations with the emperor Maximilian I.
But very heavy losses had been sustained by the 29th Division, large bodies of Turkish troops had arrived from Bulair and were being brought round from the Asiatic side of the Straits,' and after three days of strenuous combat the British and French had barely secured a depth of 2 m.
The marshal's Turks had fought gallantly in the strenuous encounters which had taken place, and large reinforcements (2nd, 4th, r3th, r5th, r6th Divisions) were on the move or preparing to move to his aid.
Although his faith in the dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church never swerved, his strenuous protests against papal corruptions, his reliance on the Bible as his surest guide, and his intense moral earnestness undoubtedly connect Savonarola with the movement that heralded the Reformation.
On the death of Cardinal Allen in 1594 he made strenuous efforts to be appointed his successor.
He was a strenuous advocate of ecclesiastical control in elementary education, and an opponent of the new school of higher biblical criticism, though so far an evolutionist as to believe in growth and development as applied to the history of nations.
Strenuous efforts were made to placate the Italian party in the administration of the educational reforms; but, as these were not repealed, elected members refused supply, and kept away from the council.
The strenuous resistance of the citizens frustrated this scheme, and Edward marched into Burgundy, whence he made his way back towards Paris.
Bethmann Hollweg, Lord Haldane thought, was willing to entertain the British suggestions; it was Tirpitz who behind the scenes offered a most strenuous opposition to any restrictions.
In addition, excessive or strenuous exercise can exacerbate the symptoms of RLS in some cases.
Be prepared for summer humidity and heat by wearing plenty of sunscreen, staying hydrated, and pacing strenuous activities.
It's essential to pack nutrient-rich food that will provide you with the energy necessary to endure the strenuous nature of the activity that you are engaged in without weighing down your pack unnecessarily.
Avoid strenuous exercise when it is very hot.
Risk factors for this paralytic illness include older age, pregnancy, abnormalities of the immune system, and a recent episode of excessively strenuous exercise concurrent with the onset of the CNS phase.
To obtain more accurate readings, a blood sample can be drawn one to one-and-a-half hours after sleep (hGH levels increase during sleep), or strenuous exercise can be performed for 30 minutes before blood is drawn.
There also can be slight leakage of amniotic fluid or minimal blood loss, but providing that the woman rests for a few hours afterwards and avoids strenuous activity for 24 hours afterwards, this can be kept to a minimum.
The total gains of all his strenuous endeavours amounted to the acquisition of a few places on the borders of Montferrat.
Many of his bold and novel theories have provoked strenuous opposition, while others have met with general acceptance, except among scholars of the more conservative type.
Selim, the late sultan's nephew, who succeeded, made strenuous preparations for continuing the war, but his generals were incompetent and his army mutinous; expeditions for the relief of Bender and Akkerman failed, Belgrade was taken by the Austrians, Izmail was captured by Suvorov, and the fall of Anapa completed the series of Turkey's disasters.
The civil government was carried on by consulares or praesides, while the military government was in the hands of four duces militum, who made strenuous efforts to drive out the barbarians.
He experienced considerable difficulty in founding this second colony, from the strenuous opposition of a neighbouring tribe, the Petiguares; at length he succeeded in clearing his lands of them, but not long afterwards he perished by shipwreck.
But it is noticeable that where women engage in occupations of a more than usually strenuous nature, they frequently don male costume while at their work; as, for instance, women who work in mines (Belgium) and who tend cattle (Switzerland, Tirol).
Since the beginning of the 10th century strenuous efforts have been made to improve the sanitary condition by a new system of drainage, a better water service, the filling up of marshes wherein the malarial mosquito breeds, and in other directions.
But it was chiefly through his strenuous advocacy of the policy of defining papal infallibility at the Vatican council (1869-1870) that Manning's name obtained world-wide renown.
In later years his strenuous advocacy of the claims of the working classes, and his declaration that "every man has a right to work or to bread" led to his being denounced as a Socialist.
Another feature of the time was the strenuous effort made by Edward to establish his numerous family without too great expense.
Samuel Adams first came into wider prominence at the beginning of the Stamp Act episode, in 1764, when as author of Boston's instructions to its representatives in the general court of Massachusetts he urged strenuous opposition to taxation by act of parliament.
On the death of his lawful brother Ferdinand without male issue, in October 1383, strenuous efforts were made to secure the succession for Beatrice, the only child of Ferdinand who as heiress-apparent had been married to John I.
Dr Temple's tenancy of the bishopric of London was marked, if possible, by more strenuous labours than ever.
He was elected member of the first Piedmontese parliament and was a strenuous supporter of Cavour; during the Crimean campaign he took General La Marmora's place as war minister.
The new movement was evidently anti-Assyrian, and strenuous endeavours were made to present a united front.
He gave strenuous support to the Spartans; evidently he had already then formed the design, in which he was supported by his mother, of gaining the throne for himself after the death of his father; he pretended to have stronger claims to it than his elder brother Artaxerxes, who was not born in the purple.
For the renewal of its privileges in 1890 the company finally agreed to give the state $1,250,000 yearly, and despite strenuous opposition by a powerful party the legislature voted a renewal, but this measure was vetoed by the governor.
In 1804 he became Minister; in 1807 he was named count, and in 1809 he received the title of duc de Bassano, an honour which marked the sense entertained by Napoleon of his strenuous toil, especially in connexion with the diplomatic negotiations and treaties of this period.
It is therefore the restless, the unsuccessful, or at least those not fitted for the strenuous competition of the older countries, who are tempted to go.
Notwithstanding protracted and strenuous opposition on the part of the government, the House of Commons passed a resolution against the continuance of the transitional system.
After strenuous fighting the district was cleared, and Jerusalem, taken by the sword, became the capital.
She brought into Princess Mary's strenuous, mournful, and gloomy world a quite different atmosphere, careless, lighthearted, and self-satisfied.