Strengthen Sentence Examples
The "singing lessons" were to strengthen her voice.
With a view to strengthen this claim Ivan III.
This can help to condition and strengthen your heart.
I look forward, if selected, to strengthen this bond of common purpose.
Making professions of loyalty to the queen of England, he sought to strengthen his position by alliance with the O'Donnells, MacDonnells and MacQuillans.
The naval revolt of 1893-1894, however, had aroused the spirit of militarism in the ruling classes, and the effort to perfect the organization and equipment of the army, strengthen the fortifications of Rio de Janeiro, and increase the navy, have kept expenditures in excess of the revenues.
If in 1869 he appeared to deviate from this principle by being a candidate at Marseilles for the Corps Legislatif, it was because he yielded to the entreaties of the Imperial government in order to strengthen its goodwill for the Suez Canal.
Very many accepted these terms, rallied to the First Consul with more or less sincerity; and their return to France to strengthen the conservative elements in French society.
A union with the last-named was finally arranged, in spite of the queen's opposition, in order to strengthen the alliance with the Protestant powers in Germany, and the marriage took place on the 14th of February 1613 midst great rejoicing and festivities.
A small but distinctly visible enemy column was moving down the hill, probably to strengthen the front line.
AdvertisementNicephorus, who needed large sums to strengthen his military force, set himself with great energy to increase the empire's revenue.
The observations of Captain Furneaux, however, did not strengthen this belief, and when making his final voyage, the great navigator appears to have definitely concluded that it was part of the mainland of Australia.
Venice with its mainland End of the territories east of the Adige, inclusive of Istria and Dalmatia, went to the Habsburgs, while the Venetian isles of the Adriatic (the lonian Isles) and the Venetian fleet went to strengthen France for that eastern expedition on which Bonaparte had already set his heart.
In the bulky forms colorless branches frequently grow out from some of the cortical cells, and, pushing among the already-formed threads in a longitudinal direction, serve to strengthen the thallus by weaving its original threads together.
The fact that Adam Smith, with the meagre materials of the 18th century at his disposal, saw his way to important generalizations which later research has established on a firm basis, may enhance greatly the reputation of Adam Smith, but does not strengthen the generalizations.
AdvertisementThis would matter very little, perhaps, if Englishmen had a firm belief, established by actual experience, in the soundness of their policy, the present security of their position, and the sufficiency of their methods to strengthen or maintain it.
A time of furlough in Corsica from September 1786 to September 1787 served to strengthen his affection for his mother, and for the island which he still hoped to free from the French yoke.
His policy was to preserve constitutional government in the South and strengthen the anti-war party in the North by convincing it that the Lincoln administration had abandoned such government; to the same end he urged, in 1864, the unconditional discharge of Federal prisoners in the South.
The use by the Malays of artificially constructed terms to denote these things may certainly be taken to strengthen the opinion that the Malays arrived in the lands they now inhabit at a comparatively late period in their history, and at a time when they had developed considerably from the original state of primitive man.
Political parties were forming without very evident basis for differences outside questions of political patronage and the good 'or ill use of power; and, in the absence of the laws just mentioned, the Moderates, being in power, used every instrument of government to strengthen their hold on office.
AdvertisementDuring this trying period he represented his country with ability and tact, making every endeavour to strengthen the Union cause in Great Britain.
The establishment in England of the Register of qualified practitioners and of the General Medical Council (in 1858) did something, however imperfectly, to give unity to the profession, unhappily bisected by "the two colleges"; and did much to organize, to strengthen and to purify medical education and qualification.
John endeavoured to strengthen his position by marrying his daughter Margaret to the dauphin Louis, and by betrothing his son Philip to a daughter of Charles VI.
The temporary success of the Lombard league helped to strengthen the towns; but their ineradicable jealousy of one another soon.
Abdur Rahman and his successor Habibullah steadfastly refused the offer of British engineers to strengthen its defences; and though the Afghans themselves have occasionally undertaken repairs, it is doubtful whether the old walls of Herat are maintained in a state of efficiency.
AdvertisementAfter his careful survey of the Rhine end of the frontier defences, Trajan proceeded to strengthen them in the direction of the Danube.
Francis, still engaged in his lifelong task of making head against Charles V., was only too glad of the opportunity to strengthen his influence in the Italian peninsula, while Clement, ever needful of help against his too powerful protector, was equally ready to hold out a bait.
Nothing is more likely than that the princes of the "Christian families" who had got possession of the throne of northern Abyssinia should have wished to strengthen themselves by a connexion with European Christendom, and to establish relations with Jerusalem, then in Christian hands.
Strengthen my resolution to perform what that wisdom dictates.
From 1801 to 1802 and from 1806 to 1807 he was a member of the Council of Appointment, and realizing the power this body possessed through its influence over the selection of a vast number of state, county and municipal officers, he secured in 1801, while his uncle was governor, the removal of a number of Federalist office-holders, in order to strengthen the Republican organization by new appointments.
In his orders for the battle around his stronghold there is no word of counter-attack, - and his central mass, the special weapon of the cornmander-in-chief, he gave over to Bilderling and to Zarubayev to strengthen the defence in their respective sections or posted for the protection of his line of retreat.
The successful and dramatic voyage of the American fleet around the world, undertaken in spite of predictions of disaster made by naval experts in Europe and the United States, was conceived and inspired by him, and this single feat would alone justify the statement that no American public man had done so much since the Civil War as he to strengthen the physical power and the moral character of the United States navy.
Disputes resulted, and on some points Peckham gave way, but his powers as papal legate complicated matters, and he did much to strengthen the court of Canterbury at the expense of the lower courts.
In spite of his political reforms, he opposed the admission of the plebeians to the consulship and priestly offices; and, although these reforms might appear to be democratic in character and calculated to give preponderance to the lowest class of the people, his probable aim was to strengthen the power of the magistrates (and lessen that of the senate) by founding it on the popular will, which would find its expression in the urban inhabitants and could be most easily influenced by the magistrate.
Meanwhile Poland endeavoured to strengthen her position by an advantageous alliance with Prussia.
The attack failed, but, warned by the danger, the Thasians employed their revenues to build war ships and strengthen their fortifications.
The aim of this book is to strengthen and encourage the pious Jews in their sufferings under the.
This payment was doubtless intended to strengthen the United States' title to the conquered territory.
In the constitutional convention of 1787 its delegates almost invariably gave their support to measures designed to strengthen the central government.
She was renamed the " Kaimiloa," and was despatched to Samoa on the 17th of May 1887 to strengthen the hands of the embassy.
As in a choir all the resources of an individual voice are used to strengthen the general effect, so must the individual lose his life that he may find it, witnessing by his share in the common service of the church to the ultimate unity of knowledge and harmony of truth.
The surprising thing is that, although Rome was then included within the empire of the Franks, so that the popes were afforded special opportunities for activity, they showed for the most part no eagerness to strengthen their authority over the clergy beyond the Alps.
His temporal sovereignty he attempted to strengthen through his family connexions, and magnificent provision in general was made for the members of his house.
A second war which Frederick began in 1744 in anticipation of a counter-attack from her only served to strengthen his hold upon his recent conquest; but in the famous Seven Years' War of 1756-63 the Austrian empress, aided by France and Russia, almost effected her purpose.
On the 19th of August 1704 he succeeded, at last, in bringing about a treaty of alliance between Russia and the Polish republic to strengthen the hands of Augustus, but he failed to bring Prussia also into the antiSwedish league because of Frederick I.'s fear of Charles and jealousy of Peter.
The choice of her daughter as wife of the future tsar was the result of not a little diplomatic management in which Frederick the Great took an active part, the object being to strengthen the friendship between Prussia and Russia, to weaken the influence of Austria and to ruin the chancellor Bestuzhev, on whom Elizabeth relied, and who was a known partisan of the Austrian alliance.
Their natural devotion and their susceptibility to pomp and ritual was a factor skilfully used by the priests, but hardly anything was done to strengthen their moral power.
All the innate hatred of the foreigner went to strengthen the hands of the archbishops, who slowly acquired, in addition to their spiritual authority, powers military, executive and judicial.
In his earlier writings he was regarded as one of the greatest champions of the non-jurors; but the doctrine which he afterwards promulgated, that the soul is naturally mortal, and that immortality could be enjoyed only by those who had received baptism from the hands of one set of regularly ordained clergy, and was therefore a privilege from which dissenters were hopelessly excluded, did not strengthen his reputation.
Meetings of the league were held in 1172 and 1173 to strengthen the bond, and to concert measures against the emperor, the penalties of the church being invoked to prevent defection.
Although at various times he had helped to strengthen the law for the recovery of fugitive slaves, declining as secretary of state to aid Great Britain in the further suppression of the slave trade, and demanding the return of fugitives from Canada, yet he heartily supported the colonizing of the slaves in Africa, because slavery was the "deepest stain upon the character of the country," opposition to which could not be repressed except by "blowing out the moral lights around," and "eradicating from the human soul the light of reason and the law of liberty."
Danger without and within prompted the Convention to strengthen the executive authority.
And without noticing that he was singing, to strengthen the si he sung a second, a third below the high note.
In forming a pyramidal tree, the lateral growths, instead of being removed, as in the standard tree, are encouraged to the utmost; and in order to strengthen them the upper part of the leading shoot is removed annually, the side branches being also shortened somewhat as the tree advances in size.
Near the base of the stem are two prominent buds, which would produce two vigorous shoots, but these would be too near the ground, and the buds should therefore be suppressed; but, to strengthen the lower part, the weaker buds just above and below the lowest branch should be forced into growth, by making a transverse incision close above each.
The presence of a small quantity of the hard cementite ought naturally to strengthen the mass, by opposing the tendency of the soft ferrite to flow under any stress applied to it; but more cementite by its brittleness naturally weakens the mass, causing it to crack open under the distortion which stress inevitably causes.
Leopold now proceeded with vigour to strengthen his position and to' restore order and confidence.
Directed entirely against Roman Catholicism, they did much to strengthen and consolidate the Protestant party in France.
Little by little his policy, always supported by a majority in a house of representatives elected by a corrupt and narrow franchise, became more reactionary and purely dynastic. His position in France seeming to be unassailable, he sought to strengthen it in Europe by family alliances.
Fredericks object in thus breaking up the two greatest duchies in his kingdom was doubtless to strengthen the imperial authority.
The emperor, meanwhile, was occupied in numerous intrigues to strengthen his personal position and to increase the power of his house.
Before long, however, the regulations were rigidly enforced, and an attempt was subsequently made to strengthen them.
In the reorganization of President Buchanan's cabinet in 1860 Stanton became attorney-general, and he did what he could to strengthen the weak policy of the president in the last months of his administration.
The whole of his ransom was never paid, and his absurdities and misfortunes gave the Estates opportunity to strengthen their constitutional position.
Soft clay was then carefully laid on to strengthen the mould, in considerable thickness, till the whole statue appeared like a shapeless mass of clay, round which iron hoops were bound to hold it all together.
The first care of the new elector was to come to terms with John Frederick, and to strengthen his own hold upon the electoral position.
A further step, calculated to strengthen the relations of amity between the two governments, was taken when it was arranged that the amir should pay a visit to the viceroy, Lord Minto, in India, in January 1907; and this visit took place with great cordiality and success.
The politic satisfaction of such a claim will strengthen, not impair, existing authority and power.
He regulated affairs in Antioch, and tried to strengthen the north of Palestine generally against the arm of Zengi's successor, Nureddin, by renewing the old and politic alliance with Damascus interrupted since 1147, and by ceding Tellbashir, the one remnant of the county of Edessa, to Manuel of Constantinople.
It thus, while ostensibly weakening, actually tended to strengthen the Ottoman power of resistance.
It is, therefore, obvious that he invented the readings in order to strengthen his own corrections.
His political insight is shown by the fact that he endeavoured to limit the indefinite extension of Moslem conquest, to maintain and strengthen the national Arabian character of the commonwealth of Islam, 4 and especially to promote law and order in its internal affairs.
Army to the minimum in order to strengthen his attack on the Isonzo, and in reply to Brusati's expressions of anxiety regarding the adequacy of his forces during this period Cadorna pointed out that the requirements of the Isonzo front made it necessary to reduce the numbers of the I.
It was to reinforce this element of the church's activity, as well as to strengthen her generally, that James Baird (1802-1876) in 1873 made the munificent gift of f soo,000.
Censure might more reasonably be bestowed on him because he deliberately advised a course of action than which nothing can be conceived better calculated to strengthen the hands of an absolute monarch.'
The enthusiastic course of the Methodist movement under Howell Harris, Daniel Rowland and William Williams; the establishment of Welsh Sunday Schools; the founding of the Bible Society under Thomas Charles of Bala; and the revival early in the 19th century of the Eisteddfodau (the ancient bardic contests of music, poetry and learning), have all contributed to extend the use of the Welsh language and to strengthen its hold as a popular medium of education throughout the Principality.
In 476 he led an army to Thessaly to punish the Aleuadae of Larisa for the aid they had rendered to the Persians and to strengthen Spartan influence in northern Greece.
In this operation there is no doubling of the slivers, but each sliver passes separately through the machine, from the can to the spindle, is drawn out to about eight times its length, and receives a small amount of twist to strengthen it, in order that it may be successfully wound upon the roving bobbin by the flyer.
Though Eck claimed the victory in argument, the only result was to strengthen the Swiss in their memorial view of the Lord's Supper, and so to diverge them further from Luther.
He hoped, however, that the presence of Stanley's force, when it came, would strengthen his position; but the condition of the relieving party, when it arrived in April 1888, did not seem to Emin to promise this.
Butler could strengthen his argument only by bringing forward prominently the absolute requirements of the ethical consciousness, in which case he would have approximated to Kant's position with regard to this very problem.
And they strengthen their position by taking Plato's own definition (247 D), namely " being is that which has the power to act or be acted upon," and turning it against him.
His attempts to strengthen the monarchy and fill the treasury at the expense of the Church resulted in his excommunication by Pope Honorius III., and Portugal remained under interdict until Alphonso II.
His policy was to strengthen the monarchy and to use it for the furtherance of a comprehensive scheme of reform.
Both his commercial policy and his desire to strengthen the Crown brought Pombal into conflict with the Church and the aristocracy.
Vladivoj attempted to strengthen his hold over Bohemia by securing the aid of Germany.
The Porte espoused the cause of the Bulgarians, partly to pacify them, but still more to strengthen its hold on all the Christians of Turkey by fostering their differences.
These bands, which may serve to strengthen the central cylinder, have been compared with the netting surrounding the delicate wall of an inflated balloon.
The Americans were hospitably received; the immigrants, even Protestant clergymen, enjoyed by official goodwill complete religious toleration; and after about 1796 lavish land grants to Americans were made by the authorities, who wished to strengthen the colony against anticipated attacks by the British, from Canada.
When danger of foreign intervention cast its threatening shadow across the national path, he went to England, and by his famous addresses did what probably no other American could have done to strengthen the spirit in England favourable to the United States, and to convert that which was doubtful and hostile.
His wise administration as president made possible the speedy recovery of Yale College after the War of Independence, and his intellectual and theological breadth helped to secularize and strengthen the college.
Alfred employed the four years of peace, which he had bought in 871, in the endeavour to strengthen his realm against the inevitable return of the raiders.
Montfort attempted to strengthen his position, and to show his confidence in the commons, by summoning to his second and last parliament, that of 1265, a new elementtwo citizens from each city and two burgesses from each borough in the realm.
Suspecting that this would be his goal, King Henry had been doing his best to strengthen his hold on the Pale, whither he had sent his capable servant Sir Edward Poynings as lord deputy.
A partisan of Henry, son of the empress, that prince before his accession to the throne granted him, by his charter at Bristol in the earlier half of 1153, the Gloucestershire manor of Bitton, and a hundred librates of land in the manor of Berkeley, Henry agreeing to strengthen the castle of Berkeley, which was evidently already in Robert's hands.
The execution was as excellent as the conception, and if we reflect that it was begun in the midst of that momentous war which raised England to her climax of territorial greatness in East and West, we may easily realize how the task of describing these portentous and far-reaching events would be likely to strengthen Burke's habits of wide and laborious observation, as well as to give him firmness and confidence in the exercise of his own judgment.
He had brought forward in 1780 a comprehensive scheme of economical reform, with the design of limiting the resources of jobbery and corruption which the crown was able to use to strengthen its own sinister influence in parliament.
But it cannot be disguised that Burke had thoroughly persuaded himself that it was indispensable in the interests of English freedom to strengthen the party hostile to the court.
Addington then took steps to strengthen the forces of the crown, and suggested to Pitt that he should join the cabinet and that both should serve under a new prime minister.
The explanations suggested were that he had made himself very popular at Rome and that his appointment was therefore calculated to strengthen the loosening bonds of the Triple Alliance, and also that his early close association with Bismarck would ensure the maintenance of the Bismarckian tradition.
In defence of this it may be urged that he hoped to strengthen the empire by reviving the old religion, and that the church as an independent state over whose inner life at least he possessed no influence, appeared to be a standing menace to his authority.
The king and his ministers wished to strengthen the conservative element in the chambers, but only slight reforms were effected by the laws of 1874, 1876 and 1879, a more thorough settlement being postponed.
They would gladly have come to an understanding with the king and revised the constitution so as to strengthen his prerogative.
After the rush of the threshing is over the farmer studies these books carefully to see what his land is doing, and makes his plans for the next year, so as to rest or strengthen those divisions which are failing.
The last days of Anne were absorbed by the endeavour to strengthen the position of the heir to the throne, the baby cesarevich Ivan, afterwards Ivan VI., the son of the empress's niece, Anna Leopoldovna, against the superior claims of her cousin the cesarevna Elizabeth.
The Radical government thought to strengthen their position by letting the national assembly vote a law prohibiting the return of the king's father to Servia, and forcibly expelling the king's mother, Queen Natalie.
To strengthen his position in the country he promulgated a new constitution in April 1901, establishing for the first time in the history of Servia a parliament with two houses (skupshtina and senate).
They thought that by granting immunity they would strengthen their direct control; in reality they established the local independence of the great landowners, by allowing royal rights to pass into their hands.
The marriage was one of a set of family alliances with Austria and Portugal designed to strengthen Spain against France.
They endeavoured to strengthen themselves against France by marriages with the royal family of England (see CATHERINE oF ARAGON) and the Habsburgs.
He therefore came to the conclusion that if Prussia was to regain the position she had lost she must be prepared for the opposition of Austria, and must strengthen herself by alliances with other powers.
According to the phase of the vibrations at this common point, the waves mutually strengthen or weaken their action, and there arises greater clearness or obscurity.
In his report on manufactures his chief avowed motive was to strengthen the union.
Profiting by these reverses the elector then undertook a series of internal reforms, tending to strengthen the central authority, and to mitigate the constant lack of money, which was perhaps his chief obstacle to success; a work in which he was aided by George, count of Waldeck (1620-1692), who became his chief adviser about this time.
But the use of separate terms, such as sense and understanding, almost unavoidably led to phraseology only interpretable as signifying that each furnished a specific kind of knowledge, and all Kant's previous training contributed to strengthen this erroneous view.
Roberto's position was now mere secure, and in order to strengthen his recent alliance he betrothed himself to the daughter of the duke of Urbino.
English Version DTI consultation Strengthen and streamline consumer advocacy - 10 May 2006 The government is consulting on consumer representation and redress.
Northern Ireland is loosely affiliated to COBRIG and efforts are being made to strengthen links.
Aims The purpose of this body would be to strengthen existing arrangements for the handling of food safety matters.
Therefore I will now beseech the Most High that he may strengthen me to the end.
The Lord then says to Peter, " When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.
Vertebroplasty involves injecting special cement into the spine to strengthen it and reduce pain.
Before unlocking the chest, strengthen it by dipping it in a precious liquid.
It helps to strengthen and build the capacity of youth clubs and organizations.
The Ministers noted progress on the establishment of a framework to strengthen cooperation in the field of agriculture.
Other instruments with which to strengthen coordination depend on the choice of the body responsible for its promotion.
We've worked with large corporates for many years helping them to find people whose skills will strengthen their chain.
Second, we have to strengthen the forces of law and order, to reduce the fear of crime and to punish criminals effectively.
Thus 1,000 extra sandbags have been used to strengthen the protective dike at Luabo.
The keyboard drones and warp out effects are a bit too minimal to start with but build later on and really strengthen the material.
The Commission has tabled proposals to refocus strongly on growth, jobs, the knowledge-based economy and sustainable development to strengthen European competitiveness.
Strengthen continuing education and professional development and promote a culture in which staff feel valued and able to reach their full potential.
The joint venture underlines the commitment of the Welsh Golfing Union to dispel elitism and strengthen the sport in the less traditional strongholds.
For example, an athlete recovering from tennis elbow will need to strengthen the wrist extensor muscles to prevent the injury recurring.
The MBD conversion to strengthen the Indian electronic flywheel.
The prestigious four-year Fellowship attracts a substantial honorarium and will allow Dr. Priest to strengthen research links with the petroleum industry.
It is truly extraordinary how facts can be ignored in the need to confirm and strengthen cherished illusions.
Either America will persist in, strengthen even, the deeply immoral attitude of " Why should this happen to us?
The produce is locally farmed and helps to strengthen the immune system.
But Chavez and his supporters should now be taking steps to strengthen the judiciary.
Nevertheless, given the confluence between technology and management, the two organizations are working to strengthen linkages in appropriate areas.
John Henry who has worked with McCall at Airdrie and Falkirk was signed to strengthen the midfield.
We are also willing to strengthen this by entering into bilateral agreements on no-first use or a multilateral negotiations on a global no-first use.
One may not have a neutron bomb in one's arsenal, but it would strengthen our abilities if we successfully tested one.
The specter of nuclear terrorism has placed a new premium on the need to strengthen the global nuclear non-proliferation regime.
There are actions that we all can and must take to strengthen the nuclear nonproliferation regime at the various levels on which it operates.
Needs permanent injection of backbone but resists all lawyer's efforts to strengthen resolve.
Royals manager Alan Pardew is looking to strengthen his squad and wants to test Branch's credentials in the promotion run-in.
To strengthen the sacral vertebrae, they are fused together to form the sacrum.
The Committee would consider the safeguards system of the IAEA, including ' Program 93+2 ' and efforts to strengthen safeguards.
That fact doesn't do much to strengthen self-centred self-esteem.
I would advise that you put sellotape along the front leading edge of the main wings as this would strengthen it against knocks.
A good example of modern technology being used to strengthen international solidarity.
Manager John Hollins said the day after the play-off defeat he would strengthen the squad for a serious promotion push.
Hence this organizing capacity must respect and indeed strengthen national statehood.
The breadth of stakeholder interests engaged in the process will greatly strengthen them.
The plates to strengthen the cross members of the flooring were given a coat of black topcoat.
His glorious transfiguration on the mountain was to strengthen him to climb another mountain, Calvary.
The Bill is intended to strengthen the protection of public funds through improved controls over who may redeem optical vouchers.
It might strengthen the link between communities and electoral representation, as the existing local authority boundaries provide a sound basis for multi-member wards.
If your model looks a bit wobbly, they strengthen the columns or add more bracing.
Lengthen, strengthen & relaxation are the 3 elements of this dynamic yoga based stretch program.
Vitamin C and the mineral zinc strengthen the immune system to cope with other infections during the candida infestation.
The end of all study, says Descartes, in one of his earliest writings, ought to be to guide the mind to form true and sound judgments on every thing that may be presented to it.3 The sciences in their totality are but the intelligence of man; and all the details of knowledge have no value save as they strengthen the understanding.
By resolution 68 the conference stated its desire to "maintain and strengthen the friendly relations" between the Churches of the Anglican Communion and "the ancient Church of Holland" (Jansenist, see Utrecht) and the old Catholic Churches; and resolutions 70-73 made elaborate provisions for a projected corporate union between the Anglican Church and the Unitas Fratrum (Moravian Brethren).
In 1888 he visited Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, the effect of this experience being to strengthen still further the Imperialism which was the guiding principle of his political opinions.
The Right likewise desired to strengthen.
But partly from lack of firm financial administration, partly through the increase of military and naval expenditure (which in 1887 amounted to 9,000,000 for the army, while special efforts were made to strengthen the navy), and principally through the constant drain of railway construction and public works, the demands upon the exchequer grew largely to exceed the normal increase of revenue, and necessitated the contraction of new debts.
A member of the old cavalier party, a confidential friend and correspondent of the despotic Lauderdale, he desired to strengthen the executive and the royal authority.
In the United States the years from 1870 to 1875 witnessed sweeping and generally ill-considered legislation (" Granger " Acts) concerning railway charges throughout the Mississippi valley; while the years from 1884 to 1887 were marked by more conservative, and for that reason more enforceable, acts, which culminated in the Interstate Commerce Act, prohibiting personal discrimination and gradually restricting discrimination between places, and providing for a National Commission of very considerable power - not to speak of the pooling clause, which was extraneous to the general purpose of the act, and has tended to defeat rather than strengthen its operation.
The struggle of the future must inevitably be between a number of great nations, more or less equally well equipped, carrying on production by the same general methods, each one trying to strengthen its industrial and commercial position by the adoption of the most highly developed machinery, and all the methods suggested by scientific research, policy or experience.
To the first tribunate of Saturninus is probably to be assigned his law on majestas, the exact provisions of which are unknown, but its object was probably to strengthen the power of the tribunes and the popular party; it dealt with the minuta majestas (diminished authority) of the Roman people, that is, with all acts tending to impair the integrity of the Commonwealth, being thus more comprehensive than the modern word " treason."
The modifications required to strengthen the crumbling walls to support the roof and to facilitate the excavation of loculi, involved so much labour that, as a rule, after a few attempts, the idea of utilizing an old quarry for burial purposes was abandoned.
It served to strengthen the unfavourable impression formed in England of the Transvaal Boers with regard to their treatment of the natives; an impression which was deepened by tidings of terrible chastisement of tribes in the Zoutpansberg, and by the Apprentice Law passed by the volksraad in 1856 - a law denounced in many quarters as practically legalizing slavery.
Nevertheless, whatever his chief motive may have been, whether to displace Oxford as leader of the party, to strengthen his position and that of the faction in order to dictate terms to the future king, or to reinstate James, Bolingbroke, yielding to his more impetuous and adventurous disposition, went much further 1 Berwick's Mem.
The prevailing winds respond to the stronger poleward temperature gradients of winter by rising to a higher velocity and a more frequent and severer cyclonic storminess; and to the weaker gradients of summer by relaxing to a lower velocity with fewer and weaker cyclonic storms; but furthermore the northern zone occupied by the prevailing westerlies expands as the winds strengthen in winter, and shrinks as they weaken in summer; thus the stormy westerlies, which impinge upon the north-western coast and give it plentiful rainfall all through the year, in winter reach southern California and sweep across part of the Gulf of Mexico and Florida; it is for this reason that southern California has a rainy winter season, and that the states bordering on the Gulf of Mexico are visited in winter by occasional intensified cold winds, inappropriate to their latitude.
From an active instrument of the religious society, the archiepiscopate degenerated into a purely formal power; while the episcopate itself, which the sincere reformers wished to liberate and purge in order to strengthen it, emerged from the crisis sensibly weakened as well as ameliorated.
Some sections of the latter, especially those on the connexion between music and architecture, the scale of harmonic proportions, and the Greek use of bronze vases to reverberate and strengthen the actors' voices in the theatre, are now almost wholly unintelligible.
These troops had been sent for by KhorshId in order to strengthen himself against the Albanians; and the events of this portion of the history afford sad proof of their ferocity and brutal enormities, in which they far exceeded the ordinary Turkish soldiers and even the Albanians.
Although she had taken a monastic vow she became the second wife of Michael II., a marriage which was practically forced upon her by Michael, who was anxious to strengthen his claims to the throne by an alliance with the last representative of the Isaurian dynasty, and secured the compliance of senate and patriarch with his desire.
The need to preserve and strengthen the Treaty was also clearly reiterated in the final document of the 2000 NPT Review Conference.
As king, Charles used the help of advisers to strengthen the government and reorganize the army.
Needs permanent injection of backbone but resists all lawyer 's efforts to strengthen resolve.
Royals manager Alan Pardew is looking to strengthen his squad and wants to test Branch 's credentials in the promotion run-in.
That fact does n't do much to strengthen self-centred self-esteem.
Straightforward, conventional narrative is replaced by abstract meanings which strengthen the melodies.
The improved facilities will strengthen squads by allowing more training and more matches.
To strengthen the bond between students even further, houses become teams for school-wide competitions.
His glorious Transfiguration on the mountain was to strengthen him to climb another mountain, Calvary.
Their motivation was to strengthen and unify what has been, until now, a fragmented public health movement in the UK.
Reference credible sources to strengthen your argument.
This tummy time will help her strengthen her head and neck muscles.
The combination of support both physically and emotionally will help lesson the trouble and strengthen the fun in bringing home twin infants.
Praying, meditating, or other quiet time will strengthen you for all the challenges of single parenthood.
This will help her strengthen the muscles in her back, neck, arms, and legs.
In addition to helping you strengthen, tone and lengthen your body, yoga also provides practitioners with a calm and relaxing mental space in which to let go of the stress and rigor of daily life.
If the sites offer read-along text as well, kids who are learning to put words together can follow along and help strengthen their reading skills as they listen.
Listening to each other, regarding each other's opinions as valid or important, and keeping the laughter alive will strengthen a flagging relationship.
Trust in oneself, God, and family is an important value that builds bonds between family members and helps strengthen their religion.
The higher nutrient content of organically produced food and meats helps your body become more resistant to disease as these foods help strengthen your immune system.
These herbs work to calm nerves, strengthen the female system and balance hormones.
Completely natural, they work with the body's chemistry to reduce pain and strengthen the system.
The freeze-dried pulp may also help strengthen a weak immune system.
Not only is tea tree oil antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral, but it also works with the body to strengthen the entire immune system.
Herbal treatments for herpes include numerous herbs to strengthen the immune system, reduce stress, and provide relief from the outbreak.
It is rich in bioflavonoids that help to strengthen blood vessels, too.
The dried berries are ground and manufactured into a capsule used primarily to strengthen the heart and help it work more efficiently.
These moves can strengthen the biceps, triceps, and pectoral muscles if done repetitively.
If you're already a published writer, are you looking to expand your clientele or strengthen one aspect of your writing?
The online games provide entertainment and strengthen hand-eye coordination.
Encouraging your child to delve into art projects will also strengthen her cognitive and problem-solving skills, her sensory abilities, and her fine motor skills.
Some exercises that can strengthen your core are yoga, a stability ball, and the use of balance devices.
Teens can make new friends, as well strengthen bonds with their existing friends.
Aerobic exercises help strengthen your heart and lungs while flexibility exercises improve the mobility of your joints.
In addition, parents participate in counseling retreats that are designed to strengthen the family bonds and communication.
By adding probiotic foods to your diet and eating a healthy diet that includes the prebiotic foods, you can strengthen your digestive system and your whole body.
A couple who has been married for many decades can dispense words of wisdom regarding making love last a lifetime, ways to strengthen a marriage, or making it through hard times.
Fortunately, there are many exercises that strengthen and tone the legs, creating a shape that rivals that of celebrity legs in no time.
Consequently, onboard activities such as workshops and team sports are tailored to strengthen existing relationships.
Consequently, dozens of religious organizations have flooded the market with cruises designed to teach married couples how to strengthen their relationship with God and enhance their commitment to one other.
These workshops often feature small group discussions along with interactive games, projects, and other activities that help strengthen communication between spouses.
It also helps strengthen the bond you share with your dog.
In addition to keeping your animal clean, providing your pet with proper diet and nutrition will strengthen his immune system so it can fight off any organisms that try to take hold.
If you find the bass is hurting your hand, try using hand exercises to both relieve the pain and strengthen your fingers.
That backing is there to strengthen the stone and without it, you could be looking at cracks down the road.
There are numerous explanations for the meaning of the circle - it is said that the circle at first served to strengthen the two arms of the standing cross, that it represents the sun, the moon or eternity.
It's a great way to strengthen bonds and friendships while providing a better quality food for your family.
The supplement is said to help build speed and endurance and to strengthen the immune system.
Water exercises are a gentle way to strengthen muscles without straining joints.
Even if you have limited mobility, light exercises and stretches can help you strengthen your bones, muscles, and heart.
Exercise will not only help strengthen muscles, reducing achiness and stiffness, it will also increase endorphins, which will help with emotional vicissitudes.
Sit forward on the chair and straighten your back to strengthen your stomach and back muscles while doing the exercises.
Lifting and lowering weights is one of the best ways to strengthen your muscles.
While sitting in your chair you can squeeze the ball with your hands to strengthen your arms and chest muscles.
Put the ball between your legs and press the knees together to strengthen your legs.
Strengthen your muscles using your own body weight.
Strengthen your abdominals and back while sitting in your chair.
Singing helps to strengthen and tone the muscles of the throat, helping to reduce the amount of excess tissue there.
Playing the didgeridoo may help strengthen and train the upper airway muscles.
Vocal training can strengthen the muscles in the throat.
Singing exercises the muscles in the throat and soft palate, which can strengthen the area, which may prevent the muscles from sagging.
Learning how to play the didgeridoo may strengthen the muscles in the airway passage.
It may not lose you 50 pounds in 2 months, but it will help your cardiovascular system and strengthen your legs.
Using an extensive menu system, players equip/unequip characters with various items that strengthen certain statistics or add special abilities.
The company has several subsidiaries and recently purchased a number of independent developers to strengthen its production teams.
Are the assignments the kind that will strengthen your portfolio or do they look like amateur endeavors.
Physical therapy teaches individuals how to strengthen muscles around joints and may help to prevent or limit damage.
After the cast is removed, physical therapy can help strengthen the muscles and improve range of motion.
To help strengthen the stepfamily, parents can establish new and enjoyable family traditions, recognize that children need to stay in touch with non-custodial parents, and focus on being open with family communication.
It may be necessary for the child to do exercises to strengthen the joint after a serious sprain.
Other medications may include anticoagulants (blood thinners) to reduce the risk of blood clots and stroke, ACE inhibitors to decrease artery constriction and improve blood flow, and inotropes to strengthen the heart's contractions.
Parents need to identify those skills and behaviors they want their children to demonstrate and then make a concerted effort to teach and strengthen those behaviors.
Weight-bearing exercise also helps to strengthen bones.
Exercise and physical therapy are an important part of treatment for JDMS because they help to prevent contractures, keep the child's joints flexible, and strengthen muscles.
Because compromise of the immune system is so often a facet of children contracting Bell's palsy, good nutrition is necessary to rebuild and strengthen that immune system.
Alternative therapies for staph infection are meant to strengthen the immune system and prevent recurrences.
Taken internally, this herb is believed to have antibiotic properties and is also thought to strengthen the immune system.
Eating a well balanced diet high in sources of vitamins A, C, and E can help strengthen the immune system.
Yoga combines physical exercises, mental meditation, and breathing techniques to strengthen the muscles and relieve stress.
Physical postures strengthen and tone muscles, and when performed in rapid succession, can provide cardiovascular conditioning.
Chest physical therapy is the term for a group of treatments designed to improve respiratory efficiency, promote expansion of the lungs, strengthen respiratory muscles, and eliminate secretions from the respiratory system.
Physical therapy and exercises are often recommended in order to improve joint mobility and to strengthen supporting muscles.
These collars are worn for about 10 weeks while the muscles heal and strengthen.
The role of female hormones in female sexual activity is less clear, although hormones strengthen tissues and promote healthy secretions, facilitating sexual activity.
Bioflavonoids are antioxidants found in citrus fruits that help strengthen blood vessels.
For the heart of a dancer, inspirational dance quotes can strengthen a weary spirit and refresh dreams that are often dashed by failed auditions and side lining injuries.
While dance competitions keep you in check physically, they can also strengthen you emotionally.
During the days at camp, the daily schedule includes times for different activities all of which strengthen your group's dancing skills as well as your ability to function as a professional team.
Candles in particular hold significant importance; they encourage positivity and create just the right sort of ambiance for a couple, which in turn helps strengthen the relationship.
Depending on the school of feng shui you practice, you can place elements into your rooms to strengthen a weakened energy.
They will help to strengthen your reputation.
In feng shui, peonies are not just symbolic but also enhancers often used to bring abundance to the couple in love and to strengthen their bonds of love.
To increase and strengthen the positive energy a water feature attracts, add stones or crystals to the water.
When a hair cleanser claims to be fortifying, its formula will usually include some sort of supplemental protein derived from wheat, soy, or even milk to strengthen the hair.
All the emu oil in the world may not strengthen the hair follicle of an individual who is suffering from anorexia or enduring chemotherapy treatments.
Different shampoos and conditioners help strengthen hair follicles and increase scalp circulation to promote hair growth, while volumizer styling products give hair greater fullness.
Baxter of California carries an entire line of hair care products designed specifically to strengthen and nourish men's hair.
Foods like liver, brewer's yeast, wheat germ, fish, eggs, beans, yogurt, tofu and soy protein are thought to stimulate hair growth and strengthen the hair.
While you can't really "teach" voice, as it is an intrinsic part of who the student is, you can offer some exercises that will help students learn how to insert their voice into their writing and strengthen their skills in this area.
Legislation often has amendments included to strengthen, revise or update the factors included in the law.
The practice of Pilates during your pregnancy will also strengthen your abdominal, back, and pelvic muscles to assure that your pregnancy and labor are more comfortable.
The school has recently partnered with Le Cordon Bleu, "the world-renowned culinary and hospitality program," to strengthen and round out the education offered to their students.
All of these are proven effective to strengthen immunity.
It also helps strengthen the immune system, aids in the absorption of vitamin K, and performs a number of functions in the blood.
Black hair by nature tends to be much more fragile and breakage-prone than brunette or blonde strands, but the best vitamins for black hair can help reduce breakage, strengthen strands and encourage hair growth.
The right vitamins can strengthen hair from the inside out, reduce breakage, maintain a healthy scalp and boost hair growth.
The two nutrients work in concert to help strengthen bones and prevent disease.
What's more, it helps them strengthen their mental muscle.
Creating fundraising letters will not only help strengthen relationships with those who have given to your cause in the past but can help secure new donations as well.
Its mission is to "inform, promote, connect and strengthen individual nonprofits and the nonprofit sector."
The mission of CAD is to protect, promote and strengthen nonprofits in California.
A community development block grant makes it possible to strengthen communities as well as help bring affordable housing and programs to areas that need it the most.
Recent graduates who need to strengthen their resumes can benefit from gaining experience through volunteer work.
A stylish desk organizer, including an executive pen, clock, picture frame, and mouse pad may strengthen your relationship with your boss.
Whether you are trying to spice up an old relationship or strengthen a new one, romantic places can be a useful tool.
This interview with Toni Coleman, LCSW, will help you understand how reading and interpreting body language can strengthen and enhance your relationships in addition to helping you find that special someone.
If you truly are in love with him, having him as your friend now and letting him be romantic with someone else won't be easy, but it will strengthen your relationship with him.
In response to his anger, you react and your reactions strengthen his resolve.
Patience, understanding and putting the needs of the children ahead of your own desires, will in the end, strengthen your relationship with your boyfriend and his children.
Are you looking for a way to ignite passion in your relationship or strengthen a bond between you and your significant other?
Communication is an important component of any healthy committed relationship, so strengthen the bond you have by establishing what is already apparent -- the commitment and love you have for each other.
All of these exercises will help you add quality to your marriage, which will strengthen the weakened bond you're dealing with right now.
When purchasing any gem, consumers should always investigate whether the stone has undergone treatments to initiate or strengthen its color.
With many styles to choose from and easy engraving options, adding a special sentiment to an already special ring can strengthen your promise.
This brings down the cost of the bag and, in some cases, may even strengthen its integrity and ability to carry heavy loads.
Capricorn and Virgo's moons are located within a trine, and this, as well as their shared earth element, only serves to strengthen any relationship between the two.
The metal will draw more water to you to strengthen you.
Ultimately, these worksheets facilitate healthy conversations and behaviors that strengthen the family.
When you show love to your children, you strengthen their ability to love in return.
However, those examples found that defy a rational explanation can only help to strengthen the case that there is more to the world than is known.
We also ask noted financial experts for their opinions and solutions that will increase your opportunities for saving and strengthen your money management skills.
In fact, leaving your baby's feet bare or kept warm in a pair of socks will give them time to grow and strengthen.
This will help to strengthen your feet and control your bike more easily.
The most common allergic reaction is caused by an allergy to nickel, a metal used to strengthen the alloys used in body jewelry.
This is also useful for people looking to strengthen their heart, perhaps after an illness or heart surgery.
The instructor guides viewers through two complete practices that include poses designed to strengthen back muscles, maintain healthy knees, improve circulation, and increase your range of motion.
Kundalini Yoga Cardio, Stretch, & Strengthen has high energy music and features yoga with a cardio dance that is fun for anyone who wants to try this style of yoga.
Yoga can strengthen your mind and your body.
While holding postures, you can strengthen muscles and joints.
As you strengthen your breathing techniques, your respiratory system becomes stronger, allowing better flow and reducing inflammation.
Join a yoga class, find some calming poses, breathe for relaxation, and strengthen every part of you.
The manufacturer, Yoga Pros, designed this patented, non-porous device to "stretch, strengthen and align foot muscles."
Yoga Pros designed this funky-looking device to relieve tension in your feet, as well as increase circulation, strengthen tendons, and maybe even improve muscle memory.
Yogis can also strengthen their muscles while in seated postures.
All of the above-mentioned poses will moderately strengthen and stretch some muscles, but the following poses really target muscle growth.
As you strengthen your abdominals with boat pose, you'll also want to strengthen your back.
Hatha Yoga combines asanas with pranayama, or breath control, to stretch and strengthen the muscles, open up the energy channels of the body, rid the system of toxins, and help focus the mind.
Both of these versions of Warrior Pose will develop your balance, strengthen muscles in your legs and buttocks, and help you practice stability and strength.
Practiced in a heated, climate-controlled room, it is a vigorous program designed to stimulate, detoxify and strengthen the body and mind.
By providing a supportive environment and using techniques that help develop and strengthen reading skills you can also help your child learn to read.
Experts who support the treatment claim that the increased oxygen levels can strengthen the immune system, improve circulation as well as cell and blood vessel growth.
The implication opens the door to small businesses eager to establish or strengthen market footholds in China.
Running up and down stairs can strengthen your calf muscles, and doing crunches can strengthen your tummy muscles, helping you pull your legs into position.
Aerobic exercise combined with a lowered calorie intake will not only help you burn calories and fat, but will help to tone, tighten and strengthen the muscle below that belly fat.
As you strengthen your muscles, you lose fat and inches, but those muscles actually add weight.
Yoga, t'ai chi, and other gentle stretching exercises improve mobility and strengthen core muscles.
In fact, some studies have shown that lean, high-protein foods can actually strengthen the LES and prevent heartburn attacks.