Streaming video Sentence Examples
These days, streaming video over Hulu, YouTube, and any number of other sources is commonplace.
A resource listing live, streaming video internet cams around the World.
Perhaps I was a little hasty in dismissing streaming video.
In addition to the guide, a streaming video may be accessed from the website.
This Mac comes with a monitor, keyboard, mouse powerful processors and plenty of memory able to handle streaming video and CAD.
Many news networks offer streaming video of their channel to the Internet free of charge so that you can keep pace with current events as they happen.
You must make sure that your computer is capable of streaming video before you attempt to watch live programming over the Internet.
Other providers sometimes have streaming video as well.
Remember, this is distinctly different than Mobile TV, because you are not getting a live streaming video.
They also feature commentary shows like "the Hip Hop Insider" and lyrics and interviews with the artists, all in a streaming video format.
AdvertisementOnline learning usually involves watching streaming video of a dance instructor, providing you with a visual model of the various steps.
In addition to the diverse television channels, 3 Arab TV also offers Arabic radio stations and free Arabic movies in streaming video.