Streaks Sentence Examples
It is a faint intimation, yet so are the first streaks of morning.
These small streaks are now laid as regularly as possible upon the feed-cloth of the softening machine, a general view of which is shown in fig.
One of his nails scratched her rhythmically, sending small streaks of pleasure through her.
She touched her name, leaving bloodied streaks on the white marble.
Their Presence causes the appearance of blackish streaks in the stem and a dark ring some little distance below the surface in the tissues of the tuber.
In such cases the molten rock cannot have been homogeneous, and as it flowed along the ground the different portions of it were drawn out into long parallel streaks.
The fibre is delivered by what is called the delivery cloth, and the batcher usually selects small streaks of about i 2 lb to 2 lb weight each and passes them on to the attendant or feeder of the softening machine.
It has no sharp boundary, its brightness diminishes rapidly as we recede from the limb, and such structure as it shows consists of long streaks or filaments extending outwards from the limb in broad curved sweeps.
Some lines of certain elements are always seen fainter or thinner than on the photosphere, or even wholly obliterated; others sometimes show the same features, but not always; other lines of the same elements, perhaps originating at a level above the spot, are not affected; there are also bright streaks where even the general absorption of the spot is absent, and sometimes such a bright line will correspond to a dark line on the photosphere; most generally the lines are intensified, generally in breadth, sometimes in darkness, sometimes in both together, sometimes in one at the expense of the other; certain lines not seen in the photosphere show only across the umbra, others cross umbra and penumbra, others reach a short distance over the photosphere.
In spring, while the wheat plants are still green and immature, the rust makes its appearance as orange-red spots or streaks on the stalks and leaves.
AdvertisementHelminthosporium gramineum, a disease of barley, has also been recorded as growing on wheat; it forms long narrow dark-brown streaks on the leaves, which wither and die.
A white object is represented with blue streaks and a black one with red streaks.
The sky was replaced with glorious streaks of sunlight and an arched double rainbow.
All Shadings to be gradual to avoid blotches or streaks.
The upper limit of the clouds can sometimes also be of a lovely blue color intermingled with streaks of silvery white.
AdvertisementMay appear milky, like faint lines or streaks, colored or reflective.
Auburn hues Soaked saffron strands and its soaking liquid lend delicate streaks of color and flavor to fluffy boiled rice.
I see where the breeze dashes across it by the streaks or flakes of light.
The streaks are now handed over to the cutters who cut off the roots, and finally the material is allowed to remain for twelve to twenty-four hours to allow the mixture of oil and water to thoroughly spread over the fibre.
Yet another remarkable feature comprises bright streaks, branching out in various directions and through long distances from a few central points, especially that known as Tycho.
AdvertisementThe earliest detectable lesions, called fatty streaks, contain macrophage foam cells that are derived from recruited monocytes.
All manner of dirt and mold streaks soon build up, making the trailer look tatty.
The greater weever has darker brown or blue diagonal streaks.
The traces of their feeding are left in irregular streaks of dry, whitened cells."
The delivery attendants remove the streaks, give them a twist to facilitate future handling, and place Fr.3.4.
AdvertisementThe bowed guitar symbolizes streaks of dawn enveloping the horizon.
Geometry problems, white streaks and washed-out images are symptomatic of this.
Both sexes have a chestnut mantle and whitish underparts with brown streaks, but the female is duller than the male.
Red Toch-large bulbs are white with pink streaks.
Differently formulated from its competition, this mascara's wand dips into a makeup mixture that forms small "tubes" around your lashes, abolishing clumps, streaks, and flakes that are common culprits of most eye makeup products.
Since blue eye shadow and streaks of heavy blush aren't necessarily the look of today, slight alterations have been made to update the original 80s makeup design.
Just as you might add streaks of black or red to your hair for your scary costume, you can add a golden glint to your look with a spritz of metallic, temporary spray-on color.
Before venturing outside stand near a window to see if your foundation looks natural and that there are no visible streaks on your face.
More specifically, some of the best nighttime cityscape photographs are those that make use of this "long exposure" method, resulting in long red and orange streaks along the highways and other roads.
Make chocolate butter cream icing and make rough streaks in the "litter".
Although marbling makes a cut of meat juicier, look for cuts with very few streaks of fat.
To remove white streaks after draping just blot surface gently with damp paper towel.
There are several forms; in some the markings assume the form of small dots, in others of thin streaks.
A fine hybrid has been obtained by crossing it with H. guttatus, the result being a form with large spreading flower slighter than in H. colchicus, and profusely marked with dark carmine streaks.
The bark is light grey, and the leaves a bright glossy green with silvery streaks, the cones being a purplish-brown.
The leaves, borne upon very long stems, are bold and finely blotched with chestnut-red above and reddish streaks beneath.
Stains will exaggerate grains, streaks and flecks, so variations should be expected.
It's OK for a few streaks of flour to remain visible in the batter when mixing items such as pancakes, scones, muffins, and quick breads.
Lemon juice is a great way to add streaks to medium to light hair or turn blonde hair even blonder.
After you have washed your hair and toweled it dry, apply the juice in streaks or all over, depending on the look you want to achieve.
This Maui Jim features a blue frame with grey polarized lenses and attractive black streaks along its frame.
Look for ones that are designed to be shatter resistant and can repel water and minimize streaks.
Getting perfect streaks builds will activate multipliers.
If the roof is not cleaned on a quarterly schedule, the excess chalk will run down the sides of the camper as a result of exposure to the elements and leave unattractive white streaks in its wake.
The latter is often associated with sequential clearing of CSF as it is collected; streaks of blood in an otherwise clear fluid; or a sample that clots.
Signs of infection are swelling, redness, tenderness, throbbing pain, localized warmth, fever, swollen lymph glands, the presence of pus either in the wound or draining from it, and red streaks spreading away from the wound.
When the throat swab reaches the laboratory, the microbiologist uses it to make streaks directly across a blood agar plate.
If there are signs of infections, such as red streaks on the skin or pus, or if there is fever or increased pain, the doctor should be called immediately.
If the lymphatic vessels are also infected, in a condition referred to as lymphangitis, there will be red streaks extending from the wound in the direction of the lymph nodes, throbbing pain, and high fever and/or chills.
Nearby lymph glands may be swollen, and there may be red streaks running up the arm or leg from the wound toward the center of the body.
It starts as itchy, inflamed red patches or streaks, and as the oil penetrates into the skin, blisters and small papules form.
The rash, which is red and inflamed, usually begins to appear within two days after the initial exposure and is usually in a pattern of streaks or patches that approximates where the plant made contact with the skin.
Usually a sign that infection has spread, this condition may be accompanied by fever, chills, and red streaks radiating from the site of the original infection.
The reason we want the chocolate to keep temper is that tempered chocolate sets quickly without streaks of cocoa butter and is hard and shiny.
Un-tempered chocolate will set slowly, have pale streaks of cocoa butter, and will be soft and dull.
Black hair, for example, may be highlighted with white accents, vibrant red streaks, orange tones, or any other shade the individual prefers.
Starkly brilliant blonde hair is always suitable, and many emo hair cuts include chunky highlights, two tone color, or funky streaks.
But depending on your hair type, certain trends of streaks should be avoided altogether or attempted only by a salon professional.
Auburn locks may benefit from fiery red streaks.
You may do fairly well at coloring your own hair, but the addition of defining and face framing streaks takes more time and care.
Colorizing the tips of hair or adding streaks is another way to add flair to a style regardless of its length.
Then add a few streaks of temporary hair color into your style.
Others will apply subtle streaks of pastel blue or pink to their light colored hair, which offers a wild yet feminine look.
Try straw colored scene haircuts with orange streaks.
They don't differ much between males and females, making the use of colored streaks all the more appropriate.
Crazy, two-toned wigs, bright streaks and shocking colors weren't completely out of place on stage.
Often times, streaks of pink are used in contrast to blond hair or blue steaks can be done in black hair.
Face framing streaks or highlights can also add a touch of blonde without completely forsaking your darker shade.
It is also typically worn straight in order to show off the shape and play up the streaks of color, though wavy and curly hair are part of the scene, too.
That way you won't end up with bright fuchsia streaks when you wanted true purple, nor will you end up with fluffy hair around your shoulders when what you really want is a thinned out curtain of hair from your chin to your collarbones.
Sites like this allow you to see how to incorporate your own natural color (if you love it) into an emo hairstyle, simply by adding bright streaks of color or utilizing a few snips of the scissors from a professional.
Thick, sharp streaks or colored chunks of hair, often framing the face or spaced erratically on the head.
From choppy streaks to neon tips, the color you choose and how you use it in your hair can turn a mild attitude into an outrageous punk personality.
Go slowly and be sure to leave space between the streaks, otherwise, you'll end up coloring your entire head and that will defeat the purpose you had in mind.
Although black and caramel are two very different shades, if you want a look that will be full of contrast and gets you noticed, you may want to consider adding caramel streaks to your dark brown or black hair.
The eye makeup is most important because nothing looks worse than thick, black streaks down your face courtesy of your mascara and eyeliner running.
This suit captures attention with its strategically placed "silver streaks".
For Alice Cullen hair, add reddish brown streaks with temporary hair paint.
If a player wants to experiment with different hair colors, or add some streaks or glitter, then that can be done as well.
More advanced infections will result in red streaks radiating out from the piercing as the infection begins to spread.
It doesn't take an overwhelming amount of time and can help to prevent streaks.
After the entire window is cleaned, polish it with dry crumpled newspaper to remove any remaining water marks and streaks.
Squeegee off extra water to make the cleaning go more quickly and leave fewer streaks.
The sun dries the window too fast and causes more streaks.
Crab meat is snow-white with streaks of bright red when cooked.
He hooked the light to his belt where it swung in an eerie arc, casting jumping shadows on the rock-strewn slope and yellow streaks into nothingness.
She appeared to be in her early thirties, had chestnut brown hair that fell in soft waves around her shoulders with thin streaks of what looked like fire running through it.
Brady looked from the injured man to the streaks of red in the sky, which were answered by two more streaks to the north.
Finally, he took out a handkerchief and wiped the messy streaks from her cheeks and managed to get a halfhearted smile.
In places the nematocysts may be crowded so thickly as to form a tough, supporting, " chondral " tissue, resembling cartilage, chiefly developed at the margin of the umbrella and forming streaks or bars supporting the tentacles (" Tentakelspangen," peronia) or the tentaculocysts (" Gehorspangen," otoporpae).
They did not, indeed, achieve their ideal, but they did succeed in producing some exquisitely lustrous glazes of the, tlamb type, rich transparent brown passing into claret color, with flecks or streaks of white and clouds of iron dust.
In some examples the barring is most regularly concentric, in others more or less broken-up or undulating, and the latter may be said of the streaks.
The transverse fracture has a resinous appearance with white streaks; the flavour is bitter and aromatic, and the odour characteristic. It consists of a mixture of resin, gum and essential oil, the resin being present to the extent of 25 to 40%, with 21to 8% of the oil, myrrhol, to which the odour is due.
The effect of the light falling upon them is to produce along the midrib of each a number of short white streaks of light, which contrast most strongly with the shadows cast by the leaves themselves, and with the general twilight gloom of the forest.
Huge patches of sulphur, some still smouldering, are everywhere visible, intermingled with the white streaks of snow and ice that fill the crevices and cover the ledges of the black rocks.
The fur has, however, a tawny yellow or reddishgrey ground colour, marked with black spots, aggregated in streaks and blotches, or in elongated rings enclosing areas rather darker than the general ground-colour.
The "streaks" 1 or "heads" of jute as they come from the bale are in a hard condition in consequence of having been subjected to a high hydraulic pressure during baling; it is therefore necessary to soften them before any further process is entered.
The streaks are sometimes partly softened or crushed by means of a steam hammer during the process of opening the bale, then taken to the "strikers-up" where the different varieties are selected and hung on pins, and then taken to the jute softening machine.
It was the same panorama he had admired from that spot the day before, but now the whole place was full of troops and covered by smoke clouds from the guns, and the slanting rays of the bright sun, rising slightly to the left behind Pierre, cast upon it through the clear morning air penetrating streaks of rosy, golden-tinted light and long dark shadows.
There may also be yellow horizontal streaks in the nail.