Strategy Sentence Examples
This strategy was at first triumphant.
I find MAD a disturbing strategy and see problems with it.
All of you need an exit strategy; even the baby.
The new advertisment strategy really helped to boost production.
Men can only be taken prisoners if they surrender according to the rules of strategy and tactics, as the Germans did.
We have the skill and the strategy.
If poor nations decide to pursue what I will call the Japan strategy, importing all their food and developing other industry, then they become huge fans of farm subsidies in other countries.
He redeemed by organized strategy the vacillations and follies of statesmen who had sat at home and sent out inadequate expeditions or incompetent commanders.
Only his superb strategy and the heroic devotion of his lieutenants - notably the converted Jew, Jan Samuel Chrzanowski, who held the Ottoman army at bay for eleven days behind the walls of Trembowla - enabled the king to remove "the pagan yoke from our shoulders"; and he returned to be crowned at Cracow on the 14th of February 1676.
Both by sea and by land, such strategy was an exceedingly difficult game to play.
AdvertisementJohn's part in the general strategy was perfectly executed; the allies in the north moved slowly.
The situation was more than alarming for the French, but Conde was destined to achieve a last success - for once a success of careful strategy and prudent manoeuvre.
The roughness of much of the country gave a peculiar tone to the strategy of the combatants.
Jenn had a mind for strategy.
On the loss of his recently made fleet and forts on ..he western coast, Hyder Ali now offered overtures for peace; on the rejection of these, bringing all his resources and strategy into play, he forced Colonel Smith to raise the siege of Bangalore, and brought his army within 5 m.
AdvertisementCheck out our strategy section to start playing like a world champ.
His dazzling achievements as a general have obscured his more sober qualities as a ruler, and even the sound strategy, with which he aimed to be master of the narrow seas.
The aim of the strategy was to reduce the air pollutant impact on human health by reducing airborne concentrations.
He had read much of tactics and strategy, joined the American army at the outbreak of the War of Independence, and fought at Bunker Hill, planned the defences of the camps of the army before Boston, and brought from Lake George and border forts much-needed artillery.
You people need an exit strategy.
AdvertisementLike most of the papal armies of the last three centuries, Urban's troops distinguished themselves by wretched strategy, cowardice in rank and file, and a Fabian avoidance of fighting which, discreet as it may be in the field of diplomacy, has invariably failed to save Rome on the field of battle.
The consultants were also asked to evaluate the adequacy of the JCPSG's exit strategy.
Raiding has always been used as a strategy to restock herds during or after a drought.
The argument about whether his tax cuts are a promise, guarantee or strategy made him look like a gibbering idiot.
These officers are working closely with other Forces to prevent football hooligans from traveling to Portugal in line with the national strategy.
AdvertisementOur Local housing Strategy has highlighted the shortage of affordable rented housing in Moray.
Fairly recently, strategy was snatched from such ignominy by 2D PC warfare fare such as Command and Conquer and Age of Empires.
The US strategy to defeat the insurgency indicates that they no longer care about popular opinion among broad sectors of society.
They would use salami strategy, and wear away at the stipulations laid down on their involvement.
The broad thrust of the Group 's strategy remains unchanged.
Tips on strategy The ultimate zero-sum strategy is to defect every time (' Always Defect ').
The purpose of this meeting is to devise a strategy for our company to pay off its debt.
A basic strategy to getting your iPod Mini is to watch the item until the last few hours or so in order to be competitive enough to possibly win.
How you use your office should inform your design strategy.
Before you start looking for an area rug, you should make a checklist that will help you plan and prepare a strategy for finding the right area rug or rugs.
If not, make sure you have a strategy for installing rods securely.
Ne'Rin was the kind of man who took orders, not the kind of man who valued strategy.
He disabled the real-time mechanism, engaged the training program, and returned to the point where battle had been when nishani last adjusted the strategy.
Political motives had, however, in the meantime exercised a similar influence on the Austrian strategy.
In organization, engineering, strategy, offence and defence, the art of war was in the barbarous and the savage status or grade.
As Lee's chief and most trusted subordinate he was throughout charged with the execution of the more delicate and difficult operations of his commander's hazardous strategy.
Though hampered by of William Shakespeare (1898), which reached its fifth edition lack of materials and by political necessities, his strategy was in 1905.
Under the New Empire, when Egypt was almost a military stte, the army was a more specialized institution, the art of war in siege and strategy had developed, divisions were formed with special standards, there were regiments armed with battle-axes and scimitars, and chariots formed an essential part of the host.
Entering the Prussian army in 1857, he won considerable distinction in the Danish war of 1864, and received instruction in strategy from General von Moltke.
This strategy could allow a comparative analysis of metabolism regulation of both amino acids within the same organism.
Systematic review The review used an extensive search strategy for randomized double blind studies comparing antidepressants with placebo, or with other drug treatments.
In Part II, this practical application of nuclear weapons to strategy is examined.
The Sustainability Appraisal had been completed using the Integrated Regional Strategy's sustainability checklist.
Our strategy is to focus on drugs prescribed by specialist clinicians, a market we can service effectively with our planned specialist sales force.
Placing the collection on the VADS server was also part of the museum's long-term preservation strategy for its entire collection.
The new teaching and learning strategy put in place at the University gained particular commendation.
A Network Center strategy to revitalize ITV through additional program investment will rely on a continuing strong commitment to the channel from these companies.
It covers all of the text level fiction and poetry reading comprehension objectives of the National Literacy Strategy for year four.
The strategy is based on the latest research that suggests creatine's benefits are proportional to intracellular creatine concentrations [13] .
With this strategy variations between metaphases due to different chromosome condensation can be minimized.
The Labor leadership perhaps more than any other social democratic leadership is acutely conscious of the consequences of their economic strategy.
This workshop today marks the start of informal consultation on the children's strategy.
I have spent over twelve years working in the public policy and / or strategy consulting arena.
The Strategy provides a focus for practice development and actively encourages and strengthens the nursing contribution within the Trust.
We report several failed attempts to induce the strategy to recommend more reasonable counteroffers.
The best strategy to achieve high muscle creatine stores is the implementation of a short loading phase.
If the sanction imposed by Grim Trigger cannot deter a rational player from unilateral defection, then no cooperative strategy can do so.
The French military high command had developed an essentially defensive strategy from an essentially defensive national mind-set.
On paper, linking debt relief to completion of national Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) seemed democratic.
Yet their decapitation strategy only succeeded in removing one Tory minister (Tim Collins) and there was no widespread desertion from Labor.
Look for the ability to be able to apply the strategy to the situation identified as a key discriminator.
The firefighters ' dispute has also exposed the strategy of just relying on union leaders to secure a victory.
They have since appointed distributors in Portugal and Greece, and have a robust export strategy in place for 2005.
Such finer points of Marxist dogma or strategy were confined to a minority.
At the same time this strategy does not efface local cultural originality, the specific imagery bound to certain localities.
These attempts invariably weaken the Labor left and undermine efforts to unite the left around a common alternative economic and political strategy.
Your predecessor wasn't known for his sense of strategy.
Developing and delivering a strategy for mainstreaming race equality takes time.
The best strategy for a given observation depends critically on the amount of instrument flexure.
Fayol, however, was an obvious forerunner for those strategy theorists who take a prescriptive view of the strategy process.
The assessment strategy has an adequate formative and diagnostic function.
What is the cr governance process of Prudential's CR strategy?
Its role is to advise government on the progress, direction and overall success of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy.
Under pressure from its rank and file, its strategy of reformist gradualism was being replaced by calls for revolution.
An important strategy that the teacher should teach is ' intelligent guesswork ' .
Ms. Farhi said the hard-liners also are shifting the debate from nuclear strategy to sovereignty.
The company has made some visible steps in that direction, but the strategy is still quite hazy, perhaps deliberately.
The strategy of working with multiple congregations has a long history.
This strategy has a number of strands but its underlying theme ' car bad, bicycle good ' remains predominant.
The strategy of the shoreline Management Plan for Worthing is to protect the shoreline in its present position.
We are on target to achieve, and indeed surpass, the targets in our five-year commercialisation strategy.
You may already be buying your groceries in bulk, but this strategy works well for saving money on scrapbook supplies too.
One popular strategy when trying to win an auction is to bid low early in the auction time period, then bid up at the very last few minutes of the auction to hopefully "snipe" someone else from winning.
Another strategy is to simply bid the maximum amount you are willing to pay right away.
This strategy, of course, has a fairly significant drawback insofar that the size of your video game library will never really grow.
I do not use skimming as a strategy for reading newspaper articles, or novels for that matter.
Our team will work with your company to develop a strategy that encompasses all aspects of your business and strategy.
The group's strategy is to develop commercially attractive new drugs, primarily in the area of cancer therapeutics.
Or your spouse each year for at those agencies the strategy backfired.
Some of his own Back benchers are sympathetic to the withdrawal from Europe strategy.
This strategy is common among plants of the woodland floor that includes bluebell.
Yet there is no way that a strategy to control overseas bribery can work without it being clearly effective in the arms sector.
Worse still, what if your chosen vendor gets acquired, goes broke, or changes product strategy?
For example, we might be asked to develop a disease eradication strategy for bovine brucellosis.
They have each been very supportive of our niche cashmere strategy and we have been actively encouraging their increased involvement for some time.
Dennis is an accomplished chartered accountant with experience as both a strategy and quality management consultant.
The Strategy itself was born of a highly consultative process.
A Strategy to defeat terrorism Let me go back for a moment to frame the overall strategy we have been employing to defeat terrorism.
The council understands and accepts that this strategy will entail the demolition of Dee House.
He can offer skilled facilitation on strategy and planning challenges.
Here's where you need a strategy with a little more finesse to correct the image.
They are carrying out a new IS strategy study through a consultancy firm, following the Roads Service reorganization.
Antenna digs in... Brain experts at the Scripps Research Institute in California have come up with a novel strategy for shedding excess flab.
The televised tournaments strategy for experienced players harmon layne flack its broadband network.
Conclusion - the challenges The Updated drug strategy (Home Office, 2002) aims to improve access to prescribed heroin.
The Secretary of State's only strategy for the railways is one of utter incoherence.
They encourage data inconsistency, prevent integration and stand in the way of a world-class EHS management strategy.
Abstract Using cognitive architectures to analyze the usability of human-computer interfaces is an extensively investigated strategy.
We now need to see a clear strategy for the future of the railways to encourage long-term, sustained investment.
In order to address these issues, we consider two possible models upon which an evaluation strategy may be based.
Alternatively a macrocyclic lactone can be used to treat for scab and will also be part of the strategy to remove resistant worms.
The experimental results showed that agents using either strategy could develop a coherent lexicon rather well.
The strategy involved development of moving mask deep X-ray lithography to fabricate an array of channels with inclined channel sidewalls.
This theme echoed the changes taking place in the immediate locality through the governments Urban Renaissance strategy.
Children then try to work out a winning or ' not losing ' strategy within those rules.
But Dr. Lucas criticized the timing of the report and said a fundamental mismatch between regional transport and economic policy rendered the strategy incoherent.
Our strategy is gaining positive momentum across the business.
The strategy of targeting growth rates of specific monetary aggregates was designed to avoid damaging swings in monetary aggregates was designed to avoid damaging swings in monetary policy.
From their armchairs, these middle class moralists see fit to lecture the shade of Connolly on revolutionary strategy and tactics.
The result of this strategy was that the German labor movement remained divided, enabling Hitler to take power without even a fight.
The insertion mutagenesis strategy was co-ordinated with acquisition of the DNA sequence of the PAI.
The Miltonic narrator 's central strategy here is to empty himself of poetic agency.
The Strategy will also carry forward national policy initiatives including the Communities Plan, the Housing Market Renewal Fund and the Neighborhood Renewal Strategy.
The EU heads of government have to endorse the Commission enlargement timetable and strategy as well as conclude the final entry negotiations.
This strategy has recently been shown to be effective for metastatic neuroblastoma.
To be fair I have yet to see a UK research strategy take its commitment to the teaching-research nexus seriously.
Nitrogen dioxide Monitoring data shows that current nitrogen dioxide concentrations are currently within the National Air Quality Strategy Objective concentrations for nitrogen dioxide Monitoring data shows that current nitrogen dioxide concentrations are currently within the National Air Quality Strategy Objective concentrations for nitrogen dioxide.
Our new private sector renewal strategy sets out our strategic objectives for the future, with detailed action plans to support our existing activity.
This strategy does not obviate the need for Heads of School to take steps to address such matters at a school level.
Before searching, spend some time off-line deciding what results you want and plan your search strategy accordingly.
This sort of strategy takes the operator and user closer and closer to an almost one-to-one relationship.
What are the effects on their strategy if local opium growers attempt to produce illegal opium on their own?
The Strategy Unit in its report Private Action, Public Benefit recommended a substantial overhaul of the old law.
This toolkit has been designed to provide a starting point for developing a local strategy to tackle overweight and obesity.
Neural motion detectors do appear to use a strategy based on such space-time pairings to encode image motion.
A more sophisticated, but equally threatening, strategy was to create " woman palaver " in the warri one wished to displace.
In the United States and Europe there can be little doubt that the strategy of the present papacy has simply not worked.
Their plan is an exact parallel with the strategy of Hattersley, Kaufman, Golding et al during 1983.
Their replication strategy like that of viruses - they are obligate intracellular parasites.
We will continue our strategy of seeking partners for these applications.
He could visualize no effective defense against such weapons and so nuclear deterrence could be the only practical future strategy.
The national pe, School Sport and Club Links strategy was launched by the Prime Minister in October 2002.
The primary national strategy says phonics are essential but not sufficient.
Under proposals in his draft energy strategy, schemes will be expected to include photovoltaics or be designed to incorporate them in the future.
The MMC UK Strategy Group is responsible for overseeing implementing Government policy on MMC across the UK.
The strategy developed to recycle polystyrene into PHA might also work for other plastics or even batches of mixed plastics, O'Connor says.
Often within the timecourse of, say, a three year postdoc project, the corporate partner's strategy and priorities may change.
Only then can we deliver a focused strategy to tackle fuel poverty.
I was also trying to understand some of the necessary preconditions for your strategy to work.
That the European strategy for Turkey amounted to very little was all too predicable.
The time required was too prohibitive to continue this strategy on a larger scale during the Cream Project.
Abstract School choice has become an increasingly prominent strategy for urban school districts seeking to enhance academic achievement.
They would not find these critical issues being tackled in government publications or in national strategy training.
But when it came to a really pucker business or even marketing strategy that's where the really big area of weakness showed up.
The airport also realigned its security structure to ensure our security strategy is delivered in the most effective way.
Better, I would like to see a European strategy - but I remain a realist.
America's cybersecurity Strategy must be dynamic and continually refreshed to adapt to the changing environment.
We will continue our strategy of becoming the urban regenerator who delivers.
Principal challenges The business plan complements the regulator 's medium term strategy which was published in April 2006.
The new strategy aims to identify all sites in the Boro which will require remediation.
How is an e-print repository integrated into an institution's electronic resources strategy?
This Strategy includes the publication of guidance and technical documents, the results from pilot river basin management schemes and an information exchange platform.
Central to the Group's strategy is the rapid rollout of the Village Hotels & Leisure Clubs brand.
Lego Star Wars Prima Strategy Guide to navigate the trouble spots and find all the hidden secrets you might otherwise miss.
Members to advise secretariat of any suggestions for amending the DPTAC Communication Strategy.
Do we have a strategy to realize the self-sustaining learning society?
Pentium's proposed strategy involves replenishing the existing shingle on the beach with additional shingle on the beach with additional shingle dredged from the sea.
There continues to be strong support in the Study Area for coastal shipping to play a larger role in the overall transport strategy.
Introducing the expenditure strategy, Shadow Chancellor Oliver Letwin even remarked that Samuel Pepys once ran the navy almost single-handed.
Do you believe that the Clie related web sites are a help or a hindrance to Sony's strategy?
The central resource strategy aims to bring staff research specialisms directly to bear on the teaching function.
A doping strategy will be evaluated for a selected ceramic such as partially or fully stabilized zirconia.
The EA/EAW should now enter into a candid dialog with its fishery stakeholders to explain its current enforcement strategy.
We have implemented this strategy below for two further systems.
Charnwood Boro Council has developed a strategy to address the problems relating to empty homes within the boro.
With Jack at the helm, they quickly formulate a strategy that includes not lifting a finger or cleaning anything.
The regional economic strategy has a clear vision for the region.
Reviewing your notes is a vital part of an overall learning strategy.
The South East England Regional Assembly (SEERA) is responsible for producing a regional spatial strategy up to 2026.
Within the national strategy is a separate section for London.
Our business Internet marketing consultant strategy focus on driving traffic to your website.
An exit strategy will never feature on his agenda.
Equestrian strategy This draft strategy is out for consultation - you can send your comments using our online form.
The Council worked with SHOG partners to develop a countywide Homelessness strategy adopted in July 2003.
It concludes that there is an urgent need to put in place a well-resourced alcohol harm reduction strategy.
Although it relied on mass mobilization, this was never a central plank of its strategy, and was always subjugated to diplomacy.
Except - ballistic missile submarines have nothing whatsoever to do with maritime strategy or with sea power.
An imaginative strategy We must also avoid creating places that are simply dormitory suburbs for London.
We needed also to pressure their defenders and to have a sweeper deep inside our defense strategy.
Use the Google synonym search to include synonyms in your strategy.
Use the Google synonym search to include synonym search to include synonyms in your strategy.
A literature review from 1995 [1] was not systematic, in that it did not give its search strategy.
Discussions about whether we can meet the targets of the National Strategy prompted me to write the attached discussion paper.
His interests cover curricula development, output-driven learning, research-led teaching and assessment strategy.
The broad thrust of the Group's strategy remains unchanged.
Her report will help those tods working in FE to keep up to date with the new National Strategy - Skills for Life.
We now sketch a simple strategy for using the tracer which copes with several of the symptom s described above.
It now includes coverage of the SAFE strategy for the elimination of blinding trachoma.
The master trope for desiring masculinity is Petrarchism, here suggested as a " literary strategy of compensation " (134 ).
I have been asked to write an Audit Strategy for an acute trust.
We have an in-depth understanding of the design, technological and marketing processes required to help companies in Guildford define their web strategy.
Even among senior clergy, the job scheme strategy from the start caused particular unease.
An all-digital strategy finally unlocks musical realms only dreamt of in primitive days of vinyl records and two-channel stereo.
A similarly upbeat article, Sainsbury's strategy begins to deliver appeared in The Guardian on March 10 2005.
In 2000, he was named Vice President of corporate strategy.
Management betting strategy off when a areas we don't some high-stakes VIP.
This Strategy sets out the Council's proposals to develop the rural economy and sustain the vitality of town centers.
This strategy also gives you the opportunity to calm and reassure him, as he will still have a natural wariness of the unknown.
But that strategy has left Afghanistan at the mercy of brutal warlords and at perpetual risk of chaos.
Local Cultural Strategy The Local Cultural Strategy sets out the council's plans to promote the cultural well-being of Slough.
With an utterly worthless strategy no militia could have saved the situation.
Plataea is situated on the north slope of the mountain, and the strategy of the battle of 479 B.C. was considerably affected by the fact that it was necessary for the Greeks to keep their communications open by the passes (see PLATAEA).
Whilst others busied themselves with the application of the accepted rules of the Dutch, the German, and other formal schools of tactical thought, Cromwell almost alone saw clearly into the heart of the questions at issue, and evolved the strategy, the tactics, and the training suited to the work to which he had set his hand.
In 1859 he removed to New York City, where he became a broker in railway stocks, and in 1868 he was elected president of the Erie railway, of which by shrewd strategy he and James Fisk, Jr.(q.v.), had gained control in July of that year.
His younger brother, SIR John Colomb (1838-1909), was closely associated in the pioneer work done for British naval strategy and Imperial defence, and his name stands no less high among those who during this period promoted accurate thinking on the subject of sea-power.
In spite of the confusion due to the destruction of the Janissaries and army reforms as yet hardly begun, it cost the tzar two hardly fought campaigns before the audacious strategy of General Diebitsch enabled him to dictate the terms of the treaty of Adrianople (Sep. 14, 1829).
The pope and other sovereigns donated vast sums for this new bulwark of Christianity, but, as its ramparts grew in strength, the knights were slow to seek the enemy in his own waters, and became false to their traditional strategy as a naval power.
In a few weeks the cold had grown so intense that even the freezing of an arm of the sea with so rapid a current as the Little Belt became a conceivable possibility; and henceforth meteorological observations formed an essential part of the strategy of the Swedes.
The use of pulsatile gonadotrophin-releasing hormone is the best strategy to induce fertility.
If any waste strategy really does need an energy from waste component it should be one using more advanced technology like pyrolysis and/or gasification.
The central target in the strategy is to quadruple the amount of cycling trips (based on 1996 figures), by 2012.
Key support strategies will be realigned in light of the Corporate Strategy.
The global DD movement also develops various types of strategy, hopefully resulting in the realization of these visions.
Sulfur is the best element for rearrangement reactions and allows us to employ the novel strategy of migrating functional groups.
An alternative strategy would be the targeted search for galaxies clustered around known high redshift objects (radio galaxies and QSOs).
America 's cybersecurity Strategy must be dynamic and continually refreshed to adapt to the changing environment.
Introductory remarks 2. RCN Northern Ireland welcomes the publication of this draft regional strategy.
There is a strategy for the remediation of contaminated land.
In either case a remediation strategy must be agreed with the Council.
Develop a strategy for remediation technology research in the UK.
How is an e-print repository integrated into an institution 's electronic resources strategy?
The themes have been reworked to make it easier for the reader to identify the part of the strategy that relates to them personally.
Aggressive boycott campaign certified to strict go over strategy rider sponsored by.
Central to the Group 's strategy is the rapid rollout of the Village Hotels & Leisure Clubs brand.
To assist range states in developing an international strategy for saiga conservation, that leads to the recovery of the species.
Again, I do n't think this proves the Searchlight strategy is wrong, just that on its own it is insufficient.
Members to advise Secretariat of any suggestions for amending the DPTAC Communication Strategy.
Any strategy which does not recognize these self-evident truths is doomed to failure.
You will be a self-starter with a passion for results and innovative strategy.
The major strategy at present is prevention, utilizing where possible, seronegative donors.
A strategy which not only resulted in my own severing of ties but also the exit of leading comrade, Ian Donovan.
The problem appears to be that we need to decide on a sewerage rehabilitation strategy based on the performance of the network.
The strategy of the Shoreline Management Plan for Worthing is to protect the shoreline in its present position.
Do you believe that the Clie related web sites are a help or a hindrance to Sony 's strategy?
Do n't rely on the xml site map strategy Google is promoting.
Workshop participants proposed a three-stage strategy to complete the sequencing of the sorghum genome.
I spent most of my time on the grid trails, which I think is probably the best strategy.
Paintball is the ultimate outdoor adventure game - an explosive combination of strategy, teamwork, fun - and paint splats !
A short stakeholder consultation was undertaken over the summer to gage general interest in the Lisbon Strategy.
In 2000, he was named vise president of corporate strategy.
Their assistance and advice in shaping a strategy document for the completion of the canal is essential and much appreciated.
Communications 6. What are your views on the high-level communications strategy published in Chapter 6?
Equestrian Strategy This draft strategy is out for consultation - you can send your comments using our online form.
The Council worked with SHOG partners to develop a countywide Homelessness Strategy adopted in July 2003.
It is a strategy to produce standard systematic models of the subsurface geology for Britain.
A picture of the subway tunnel can be found on page 32 of the Strategy.
The critical opponents of the survivalist strategy pointed out its hidden business related aspect and criticized its pretended attitude.
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This dichotomy of views on taxidermy display strategy is well documented in the literature.
Her report will help those ToDs working in FE to keep up to date with the new National Strategy - Skills for Life.
Search tools Having thought through your search strategy, you need to choose the best search tool to use.
Touch Screen Sudoku - Sudoku Games - just all time classic strategy game is for all ages.
The master trope for desiring masculinity is Petrarchism, here suggested as a " literary strategy of compensation " (134).
A further question is what kind of wider strategy is taking shape amid the turmoil of the new wars.
Thus, Citizenship is offered as a school transformation strategy, a unifier of the inclusion and achievement agendas.
In past years, WH Smith, Sainsbury 's and M&S all suffered from either unsound strategy or inefficiencies, or both.
A similarly upbeat article, Sainsbury 's strategy begins to deliver appeared in The Guardian on March 10 2005.
An SD strategy is being developed and SD policies will be updated to reflect the initiatives in this plan.
Management betting strategy off when a areas we do n't some high-stakes vip.
There were several vitriolic letters in the County Press about the strategy, and in some cases quite personal attacks.
Local Cultural Strategy The Local Cultural Strategy sets out the council 's plans to promote the cultural well-being of Slough.
Of course most of these Approval Strategy articles are about less obvious situations in which there are n't completely unacceptable but winnable candidates.
We must not allow ourselves to be confused by people who say they believe in adopting a ' win-win ' strategy.
Members of the workforce planning team are involved in all the service strategy groups.
Even if this was a genuine strategy, at the very least such additives should not be present in higher yielding cigarettes.
If you have to spend a lot of money to obtain a better strategy, then you probably aren't in great shape and no acquisition will help you.
A strategy like this might work in smaller towns where there is only a tiny grocery store and you are far from a big-time grocery store.
Borders is very similar to Barnes & Noble in their online strategy, but you may find different crossword dictionaries here than on other sites.
Learning how to buy 30 year Treasury bonds will give you a tool to use in your investment strategy.
Each and every hedge fun has its own strategy that will guide which investments and methods of investment that it will take on.
Placing a bid early on isn't the best or worst strategy.
Using a similar strategy as the Clocky, the flying alarm clock contains a helicopter at the top.
If a store or retailer is failing in both aspects, concentrating on profit is a good strategy because that's the money that pays your bills and employees.
One of the marketing strategies these retail stores and online stores use is the loss leader strategy.
Since that time, the committee has responded to other natural disasters and helps pet owners plan ahead for their evacuation strategy; this includes planning for their pets as well.
The best strategy is to get a short list of favorites from your kids and use that information to help you locate the best topic-specific titles.
Today, the company is dedicated to a customer-focused strategy and has cemented its role as a franchisor.
It's important to consider all of these aspects before decided on your final gift-giving strategy.
If you are interested in the latest statistics about identity theft and how consumers recover from having their identity stolen, Javelin Strategy and Research provides recent information from comprehensive studies.
Before you can really plan a strategy for negotiating your divorce settlement, you must first understand the property law in your state.
Once you have chosen an attorney to work with, you will need to work out a strategy for your case.
This strategy is used when the assets being divided between the couple are not of equal value.
Using a single mattress on a wooden base is an inexpensive strategy for building a basic bed.
This strategy is perfect for those who are bored with basic window panels and standard looking hardware or curtains.
As the master builders of football strategy and tactics, which coaches are running your players should be just as important to you as what players you choose.
The strategy is to try to draft teams you feel have a good chance to win with the most points per victory.
Day trading is a type of buying and selling strategy in which a person buys a specific amount of stock in a particular company with the hopes that the stock will rise in value within the same day that it was purchased.
Addicting Games is another popular free online war games site, which also features numerous other games from strategy to puzzles.
Ages of War - A highly interactive strategy game that is played through your browser on the Internet.
Additionally, you will be able to customize your investment strategy depending on your current and future needs.
Available games include online puzzles, strategy games, luck games, and many other types.
This is a strategy for increasing savings on your part.
If you're looking for strategy, you could log onto the official Tetris website.
A better strategy, and one that will lower your stress levels, is to take action to deal with the situation instead of worrying about it.
If you have children, you may have used this strategy to diffuse a stressful behavior situation.
You may want to wait until you are by yourself before you decide to use this strategy but once you have finished, you will definitely feel better.
Another good strategy is to find someone to talk to about your troubles; if talking to a close friend or family member doesn't make you feel better, you may want to consider seeing a therapist.
This strategy can help ward off extreme anxiety and panic attacks.
However, you need to find the strategy that works best for you and the situation you are dealing with, whether it is a regular meditation regimen or just quick stress relievers.
Once you know what meditation is and you've become familiar with its basic techniques, you can begin to incorporate this powerful relaxation strategy into your daily life.
If you have more than ten years to invest your money, evaluate your long-term strategy until you come to a plan that you and your family (if applicable) are comfortable with.
The best way to do so is to determine what the problem is and then implement a stress reducing strategy to deal with it.
The idea behind this time management strategy is to learn how to prioritize tasks and allocate your time accordingly.
A better strategy is to be open to learning about what the other people in your life find fascinating, as long as they show the same tolerance and openness about your interests.
The strategy offers a helpful guide and it is an excellent organizational tool.
One strategy is to see what various bakers around town have to offer; you can even arrange multiple tastings if you want.
Hypnosis is another strategy Tyrell uses in his practice.
While most people do lie occasionally about something relatively minor, using this strategy as a first resort is a sign that the person has a chronic lying problem.
If a chronic liar is caught in a lie, his or her strategy to deal with the situation is to make up another lie to cover up the first one.
This strategy paid off, and she signed a record deal with Sony Columbia while still in high school.
His first visit was so popular that Oprah created a weekly segment around him, giving him the title of Relationship and Life Strategy Expert.
Well, he did, by the scheming strategy of being what he describes as a "nice guy" so "…people would like me."
What's even more difficult to believe is that no other contestant thought of this simple, but effective strategy.
Hatch was quite memorable in his appearance on Survivor, as he played the game with a cutthroat strategy and wasn't afraid to lie and back stab his opponents.
This consumer strategy can be a bit of a challenge for infant shopping, since buying ahead for small babies often means buying even before your baby is born.
However, no matter what your year in school, it's a smart strategy to bring friends along whenever you go to a party, and it's also more fun.
Finally, seeking out psychologists, psychology professors, and other professionals who work in the field is a useful strategy to gain personalized advice and recommendations.
Training your dog to take medications easily will be the better long-term strategy.
Administering liquid medication requires a different strategy.
In this strategy, place the dog in an enclosed travel crate.
While you may resent having your bees and butterflies used as an easy meal, it's hard not to admire the strategy.
The only downside with this strategy is that once your strap is on, you can't take it off without unscrewing the peg.
Before you start, plan a strategy that breaks the project into manageable pieces.
Putting together a layout strategy is important too.
Make a drawing of the room and plan your layout strategy.
Remember that grouping decorative items in threes is a good design strategy, but keep the scale smaller.
Some light fixtures are so lightweight that finding a stud isn't critical, but knowing where you can safely mount a fixture in case your installation calls for it is a good planning strategy.
This includes their sales strategy of selling mostly to small retail stores owned by individuals and not retail chains.
It's been an excellent strategy for the company.
Our core strategy is truly centered on the opinions and feedback of our consumers, and has discovered that the key driver to our future success lies in our unique ability to make our customers feel heard.
Steeping green tea too long will make it bitter, so use this strategy when deciding how hot you water should be and how long to steep the leaves.
This kind of companion planting strategy works great if you have an idea of what types of bugs you should be watching out for.
This strategy is an environmentally friendly way to deal with the problem.
The strategy for managing beef is very different than it was a century ago.
When you are trying to teach children how to stay safe online, using Internet safety games is a great strategy.
If it becomes too difficult to see because of bright sunlight or glare, a good strategy is for the driver to pull over until he or she can see again.
The calculator then presents various portfolio options, allowing individuals to select the retirement strategy that works for them.
In fact, according to the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, adults over age 65 have the highest suicide rates of any age group.
This strategy for overcoming the sleeping problem may benefit people who are uncomfortable wearing masks while asleep.
Talking about the problem can help the parents work out a strategy that allows both of you to get a good night's sleep.
The company's philosophy encourages a learning-by-doing strategy where students can learn from their failures in order to make adjustments toward success in active ways.
That's why this strategy guide can prove to be very helpful, spanning Bianca Hills all the way to Corona Mountain.
Lego Battles is a real-time strategy that has you building up Lego armaments in order to go to battle.
The original games featured a real-time strategy (RTS) mechanic, whereas the World of Warcraft game is classified as a massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG).
Rated M for mature, this Eidos published title can be quite violent at times, makes use of Socom-like team-based multiplayer, and involves some evasive manuevers rather than a simple "guns-a-blazin'" strategy.
All the trucks have 2x2 and 4x4 lo/hi drivetrains that give a little strategy to the terrain you'll be progressing.
You simply do not have time to plan out much of your attack; you go in with a strategy and stick with it until the battles are complete.
Age of Empires is a real-time strategy game for the PC set in ancient times.
Play a defensive or aggressive strategy.
Age of Mythology is a PC strategy game where heroes battle legendary monsters and the Gods have a big role in the lives of men and women.
They all offer incredible weaponry, intricate strategy, and intense warfare with some highly intelligent enemies.
The strategy involved in playing these games helped to bring young people into the Bakugan universe, turning the passive consumption of the cartoon series into an active competition with friends and other players.
A good strategy is to use the longbow as your main weapon.
Further still, there is less emphasis being placed on skill and strategy.
Juggling the various tasks can be a real challenge, but fortunately there's enough strategy (and bonuses for good performance) to make this game a real winner.
Whether you're looking for a strategy, action or sports video game, we've got it covered as we give you the run-down of the best new video game releases for the 2005 Christmas season.
This realtime strategy game from Lionhead Studios is getting high marks from strategy gaming fans across the board.
Their reputation for addictive real-time strategy titles is well earned.
It featured the same overhead view and real-time strategy game play as Warcraft but in a science fiction setting.
Special items you collect give the game a lot of strategy beyond the simple word-conjuring.
For more in the way of strategy, check out our Bookworm Tips and Hints article.
Still, even having an armored escort doesn't free you from the need for some real strategy.
The emphasis on strategy means you'll have to do some real thinking if you want to wipe out an enemy unit.
Their next game was a mix of Real Time Strategy with tactical elements.
Another strategy for buying a PS3 on eBay is to just bid the maximum amount you would be willing to buy the item.
It's a game that's as much action as it is strategy, as you must learn the best way to run your business in order to make the most money.
What you spend your money on is part of the strategy of Cake Mania.
Some argue that this game lacks strategy, but in reality, formulating an offensive or defensive attack plan and deciding which weapons to use and which field to battle help make Chaos Field more than just a simple button-masher.
The first person shooter (FPS) genre and strategy titles seem to dominate the lineup.
This can be cut down with patience and practise but even then it doesn't change the fact that a mouse is a more accurate way to play certain games such as First Person Shooters and Real Time Strategy titles.
Either they will take an aggressive approach or a submissive strategy.
I have frustrated many a player with the above strategy and sometimes that is better than actually beating them.
If you try to just punch and kick without thought or strategy, the computer will counter it easily. - This video game website is filled will all kinds of games including arcade, puzzle, strategy, mystery and more.
There are fighting games, role playing games, strategy games, and even a collectible card game for the Game Boy Advance.
Use strategy, cunning, sword, bow and magic to be victorious in your quests.
Filled with action, cool combos, magic, and military strategy, what's not to like?
Watching this game in action, I could see many sleepless nights in the attempt to come up with the ultimate strategy to win each of the challenging campaigns.
The game boasts a "Real Combat" engine, where in real-time you can direct your attacks in any direction you choose, giving you a lot more flexibility in your fighting strategy.
The most common games with mods are first-person shooters and real-time strategy games.
Once you find a strategy for collecting experience, and there are several fun and easy ones, it shouldn't be too hard to max out all of your character's stats.
Graphically, Path of Radiance is an improvement over the Game Boy Advance Fire Emblem games, but RPG and strategy fans used to games like Final Fantasy X or Warcraft III may be disappointed.
There is an option to "Auto-Buy" your skills and weapons, but I wouldn't recommend it because everyone has a different strategy, and it is good to experiment.
You've got to decide on your strategy, adjust your lineups, choose the right plays, and then execute them to get into the end zone.
Alternatively, if you're more of a literati, free online strategy word games might be more the kind of puzzle for you.
In the vastness that is the Internet, there are countless free online puzzle and strategy word games to enjoy.
Some strategy word games, however, give you the opportunity to play against other human players either in person or across the web.
These are two of the best multiplayer online puzzle and strategy word games.
Contrast this to a strategy guide, where you are more commonly told how best to approach a particular game.
Titles that require a high level of strategy -- like Splinter Cell -- might not be good either.
With a bit of strategy and budgeting your gold, you can create all sorts of interesting combinations of creatures in Grimm's Hatchery without letting the costs get out of hand.
Of course those who put more time in reap more rewards, but for the most part, level differences do little because it's your skill in gameplay and strategy that counts most when fighting in massive battles.
One good strategy I found is to tap and hold 'A' and let up just before his energy runs out, wait 2 or 3 seconds, and them tap and hold again.
When I took the teacher's advice, the horse would whinny and snort in protest after a while (I assume I WAS injuring him), but using the above strategy, I never heard a peep out of him.
Use a wide selection of weaponry and strategy to defeat them.
You'll notice three motifs with Microsoft's advertising strategy for Halo 3.
The basic strategy in Jewel Quest calls to focus on all the tiles that are still grey.
Got a Jewel Quest hint, tip, cheat, or strategy of your own that you'd like share?
What's new is there are more types of troops available, giving a lot of flexibility in your strategy.
But just knowing a large number of words won't guarantee a victory; you need strategy to maximize your points and that's where this article comes in.
If you are an avid Scrabble player, you may have to get used to the board since your strategy for high-scoring words will be a little different in Literati.
The matching squares that you created will only be cleared from the screen when this line passes over it, adding in an extra little bit of strategy.
You can also glance at the far left side of the screen; you will see the upcoming game pieces so you can plan your Lumines 2 strategy appropriately.
It adds realism and an element of strategy to exploration, and it's something that I would like to see incorporated in future role-playing titles.
Overall, though, you end up using the same strategy of picking things up and throwing them at the bosses.
Referred to a "massive single-player online game", Spore contains elements of several different genres, including simulation, real-time strategy, action, puzzle, and "god" games.
Depending on who you ask, they may tell you that Spore is a simulation game, a God game, a real-time strategy game, an action/adventure game, or any number of other genres.
There is something here for everyone, whether you enjoy the foresight of real-time strategy or the character customization of simulation games.
Mercurys brilliant tutorial walks you through the basic strategy of the game and in the process teaches you valuable lessons that you need to learn to be able to unlock all six of Mercurys worlds.
Ken, Ryu, and friends found their way to the Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo in a gem-based battle of reflexes and strategy.
Packaged with a strategy guide, scratch and sniff stickers, and other neat bonuses, the game sold well upon its release.
Put together a stunning team and formulate a strategy, then pummel your opponents on game day.
Once you're hooked, an increasingly deep strategy unfolds for you to sink your teeth into.
By partaking in real-time strategy titles, these gamers can improve their ability to plan and coordinate a very complex task.
Each game has 3 mini-games related to dexterity, strategy, and pure skill.
It takes the best aspects of Civilization and other turn-based strategy games and boils it down to its most simple parts.
Although it eschews many of the traditional complexities of most strategy games, Oasis retains a fair amount of choice, chance and gameplay strategies.
Online Computer Games are a popular option for those into role-playing, strategy and shooter titles.
Overlord is officially billed as an action-adventure game, but it certainly has elements related to role-playing games and real-time strategy games.
This title was developed by Triumph Studios, the same company that developed the Age of Wonders series of turn-based strategy games.
Although it is technically listed as an action-adventure game, Overlord also has aspects of real-time strategy, RPG, and platform-style video games.
This traditional dice game was originally known as "The Yacht Game" and is a challenge where skill, strategy and luck are combined in the perfect proportions.
The latter makes it a more natural home for many role-playing and real-time strategy games.
They offer a large variety of games from adventure, strategy, role-playing, simulators, and first-person shooters to simple games like solitaire.
Certain PC strategy games, simulations and role-playing games offer a way for gamers to create their own scenarios, different characters or even design their own maps to play on.
I still enjoy hours of play from Pharaoh, an Egyptian simulation strategy game by experimenting with different types of scenarios.
If you are a strategy or role-playing game person, PC games offer the largest variety of challenging titles.
Now PCs are the haven for games that require high graphical detail and complicated user interfaces - games like real-time strategy and role-playing games, where the player has to manage multiple units or complicated inventories.
Pharaoh is a fun but involving strategy, city-building game.
The game also utilizes dice, however, so it can best be described as a mixture of both strategy and chance.
While there is no time limit, per se, there is a distinct element of strategy and the feeling of being "under the gun" thanks to the red flaming tiles.
Strategy goes a long way in this game, especially considering how there is no time limit.
There are links for strategy, books and the latest news in the chess community.
When you play hunting games online, you will find realistic looking first-person shooter type titles to goofy simple cartoon versions that are more for basic fun than strategy and improving your precision shots.
It's no surprise that this type of strategy game has become so popular in recent years.
It's easy enough to understand how to play the game Tetris, but creating a strategy to get consistently high scores takes a lot of time on the keyboard or controller.
Along similar lines, strategy and role-playing games can be longer versions where they take control of one character and follow through its life by making quasi-real choices and can affect one or many within the game.
Female gamers of all ages and adults over the age of 35 are more likely to choose puzzle video games than action shooters, strategy games or RPGs.
Announced by Electronic Arts in partnership with Hasbro, the popular strategy board game of RISK is being ported over to the Microsoft Xbox 360 for release in early 2010.
Railroad Tycoon 2 for the PC is the sequel to the popular railroad strategy game.
With beautiful terrain, and a multi-player option, this is a great game for strategy gamers.
Between drifting and boosting, you'll find more strategy to winning than in previous installments.
Riviera is best described as a cross between a turn-based strategy game, a role playing game and a tactics game.
Squad-based combat games combine the strategy genre with first-person shooters (or third, as in the case of Brute Force for the Xbox), so by all rights, this should double your fun.
There's more strategy in multiplayer, so some missions may take time, especially when most of the allies and enemies are pretty good.
You can create a strategy in one game, and it doesn't work in the next game.
Or you could just crush them under your heel.Simply put, no other strategy series can match the depth and scope of the Civilization games, and Sid Meier's opus has reached new heights with this fourth installment.
The game has some pretty hefty system requirements for a strategy title, but the power is put to good use.
All things considered, Civilization IV is so close to being the perfect strategy game that it's downright scary.
Playing this game requires strategy and creative thinking.
Often, sims combine strategy game elements to allow players to progress and make choices that help their environments to excel.
Gameplay is similar to a real time strategy game, like Command & Conquer.
As the community continues to grow and interest continues to build in Maxis Spore, a bevy of strategy guides and walkthroughs will start to emerge on the Internet.
Edutainment, racing games, real time strategy titles, and even a Monopoly board game all hit the shelves as fans saw the first new Star Wars movie in years.
The Blizzard Entertainment classic continues to puzzle and delight strategy gamers everywhere.
A strategy game is one in which the players' decisions have a major impact on the outcome of the game.
Many video games have strategy elements incorporated into them; however, a game is usually only considered a strategy game if strategy is more important to the game than other aspects such as action or puzzle solving.
Long before video games were developed, people played strategy board games.
Many of the older computer strategy games are of the turn-based (often called TBS for turn-based strategy) variety.
In a turn-based strategy game, players take turns manipulating their characters, resources and environments.
In order to see the battles play out, many strategy war games are also [simulation games].
Some of the best selling strategy games of all time come from Blizzard Studios.
Blizzard's Starcraft is a classic strategy game as well.
Electronic Arts' Battlefield 2 is a war strategy simulation that is finding a wide audience as well.
Unlike some of the other characters that can more easily link together moves into impressive combos, Blanka is best utilized with a guerrilla-style warfare strategy.
This strategy ensures that you are focusing your attention where it will likely have the greatest results.
Konami reports the third game will focus on Multiplayer cooperation, strategy and cool combo moves.
For those who have played any other version of Tetris, this can be a bit frustrating since you need to use some strategy when placing blocks on the game.
That seems to be the optimal strategy behind the versions of the popular line-forming game that you'll find on current-generation gaming consoles.
For those who started playing this strategy game series only recently, it offers a great opportunity to go back to the roots of the game and see how the story and game play have evolved.
Command & Conquer, or C&C for short, is a real-time strategy game.
This game is actually a first and third person shooting game instead of a real-time strategy game.
Sometimes hand-to-hand combat is not always the best strategy.
Worms Armageddon is a unique little strategy game featuring a cast of cute little cartoon worms that talk in funny accents as they hurl livestock and elderly people at each other.
The online play is also very well implemented.Some players have complained that it is too easy to get into the key, minimizing the need for other types of strategy.
TradeWinds 2 is officially listed as a puzzle game, but it shares many more elements with popular strategy games.
Offers a selection of online, adventure, arcade, puzzle, sports, strategy and multi-player games.
Sure it's just 2-on-2 and the basic controls run simple, but there's a bit of strategy and some satisfaction in spiking a ball in someone's face and knocking them down.
They put out a million games a year from 1990 on, with genres ranging from strategy to role-playing to shooters.
If you like games that rely heavily on strategy, you will love this.
The second machine, built a few years later, was called the Nimrod computer and played a strategy game called Nim.
What's the deal with video game strategy guides?
That's when these strategy guides for video games come into play.
In general, the vast majority of video game strategy guides are designed to help you through the tougher portions of each title and perhaps even give you a little help for the less difficult portions as well.
Also known as a video game walkthrough, these video game strategy guides are akin to roadmaps or GPS navigation devices.