Strange Sentence Examples
Howard gave him a strange look.
We're seeing something strange out here.
I don't want her to wake up in a strange room and not be able to find us.
Rachel was giving Julie a strange look.
The strange note was in his voice again.
Since the woman used a strange idiom, the young kids did not understand her.
He gave her a strange look and secured the door.
A strange feeling of excitement filled her as she watched him.
He gave her a strange look and nodded as he lowered his frame to the sofa.
Bianca concentrated on the strange pain.
AdvertisementHow strange it is!
A strange odour came up from the earth.
He was watching her in a strange way.
The road was strange to him, and he traveled very slowly.
Out of the corner of my eye, I was surprised to notice a strange look on Martha's face.
AdvertisementIt's a strange feeling.
Isn't it strange how babies can draw people together?
It seems strange that people should marvel at what is really so simple.
Like I said, Russie's mother was always strange, but after Dad died, she really became eccentric.
Suddenly the strange sound of a far-off whistling and thud was heard, followed by a boom of cannon blending into a dull roar that set the windows rattling.
AdvertisementShe'd never suspected the depths of her father's strange power, and her first attempt to channel it was the reason the house was now lit with candles.
Everything became strange, confused, and misty in Pierre's eyes.
If we come across another of the strange fruit we must avoid it.
It is easy to be suspicious of the person who speaks in some strange tongue.
With this thought in mind the girl took heart and leaned her head over the side of the buggy to see where the strange light was coming from.
AdvertisementDulce and Alex had such a strange relationship.
Howie's body began a strange movement we knew to be his effort to move more rapidly.
One of them said something strange, not in Russian.
Strange though, when I asked if gunshots were common, they answered yes, but it was a quiet weekend; none had been reported for several days.
She'd stayed after she turned eighteen, because he was the only one who understood her strange gift.
Their hands were bathed in the same strange haze that surrounded him.
Prince Vasili gave him a look of stern inquiry, as though what Pierre had just said was so strange that one could not take it in.
The flames now died down and were lost in the black smoke, now suddenly flared up again brightly, lighting up with strange distinctness the faces of the people crowding at the crossroads.
In the open space between the clouds and the black, bubbling sea far beneath, could be seen an occasional strange bird winging its way swiftly through the air.
One day a strange merchant came to him with some diamonds and pearls which he had brought from beyond the sea.
It seems strange that my first reading of Shakespeare should have left me so many unpleasant memories.
I rocked back in my chair, feeling a strange relief but unable to fathom the source.
Your voice sounds strange.
It was strange being in Quinn's room although the only remnants of him were his machines.
I've been feeling really strange about the whole thing anyway.
I felt of him and thought it very strange that he should carry his house on his back.
Still, for awhile, the frost fairies did not notice this strange occurrence, for they were down on the grass, so far below the tree-tops that the wonderful shower of treasure was a long time in reaching them; but at last one of them said, Hark!
Strange how such a placid moment could stir up such emotional turmoil.
A shake of Howie's head denoted no strange encounters of the weird kind.
Tried to put me in school, but my strange gift frightened everyone.
Women were a strange and fascinating gender.
With him he stayed for about eighteen months, and has as usual infinite complaints to make of his employer and some strange stories to tell.
It was all they could do, for to go away and leave that strange sight was impossible; nor could they hurry its fall in any way.
It was the basis for the movie War Games in which the military's computer finally figures out it can't win in a nuclear launch scenario and says of such a war, Strange game.
When I visit many strange countries my brother and Mildred will stay with grandmother because they will be too small to see a great many people and I think they would cry loud on the great rough ocean.
It seems very strange to me that there should be this difference of opinion; I cannot understand how any one interested in our education can fail to appreciate the satisfaction we feel in being able to express our thoughts in living words.
Beside Kutuzov sat an Austrian general, in a white uniform that looked strange among the Russian black ones.
In front came a man wearing a strange shako and a blue cloak, swarthy, sunburned, and with a hooked nose.
And what a strange fate sent me here!
You always have such strange fancies!
She was no longer tired - no longer concerned about the children or the strange room.
The time on her phone was the same as when they'd entered this strange world.
She felt he was weakening with the same strange sense that told her where he was.
A strange energy ran between them, as if she could absorb the faint stream of his magic.
After the strange exchange outside, the joke fell flat.
He is not a person of much importance in history except in relation to a strange theory raised in a later age about his birth, which we shall notice presently.
I can hardly imagine anything more strange, more utterly inexplicable, than the situation in which I find myself.
I just thought I would share my strange Saturday night with you all!
When she was not occupied, she wandered restlessly about the house, making strange though rarely unpleasant sounds.
But now something strange was happening to his troops.
Gerasim, being a servant who in his time had seen many strange things, accepted Pierre's taking up his residence in the house without surprise, and seemed pleased to have someone to wait on.
It was a strange thing for a man to say.
Señor Medena was watching her again in that strange way, as if it truly mattered what she thought.
It felt strange to have only the two of them at the table.
Señor Medena was looking at him in a strange way.
It was a strange feeling to realize she had been in a cocoon for weeks.
Strange he would want to defend Howard after he had tried to dig up information on him.
On the flight down to Washington a strange and perhaps unfair thought hit me.
Martha answered and with a strange look on her face, turned the phone over to Howie.
It was strange sitting here, talking to a confessed rapist, with the sound of what was probably more of them eating dinner behind me.
If the man didn't freeze down there, he'd die at the hands of her father and his strange delusion that this man wanted her dead.
It was strange, but she missed him terribly.
I am now inured to humiliation; and it would be strange if I refused you this, after having granted you so much.
It's strange how fast I've become nearsighted.
Was he behaving strange or did he seem nervous about anything?
You may have developed a strange penchant for interior decorating.
Many of his comments, however, revealed strange views on correct punctuation.
They advocated strange doctrines about Christ and sometimes sexual decadence.
Your verbal slip-ups that make a strange sort of sense.
Desire flew through her, hot and fast like the strange energy running between them.
It was strange that the one she had met twice would be the one she knew the least
Rob gave her a strange look and then shook his head.
She met his strange red gaze.
Up to this time the phenomenon of fermentation was considered strange and obscure.
His work, Monumenti delle anti christiane primitive, is the first in which the strange misconception, received with unquestioning faith by earlier writers, that the catacombs were exhausted sand-pits adapted by the Christians to the purpose of interment, was dispelled, and the true history of their formation demonstrated.
He must always be read, whether lovingly or interestedly, for he has all the variable charm, the strange saturninity, the contradictions, austerities and delightful surprises, of Nature herself.
The latter view is not so strange as it may at first appear, for the new book has this peculiarity, that Babylon and Cyrus are not mentioned in it at all.
Is it possible, one cannot help asking, that the abrupt description of the strange fortunes of the "Servant" - by this time entirely personalized - was written to follow chap. lii.
The use of the term " pathological physiology " may at first appear strange, for if we define physiology as the sum of the normal functions of the body or organism, it may be hard to see how there can be a physiology which is pathological.
As sodium chloride is one of the most permeable of crystalloids it seems strange that damage to the renal tissue should impede its excretion.
It is strange that so little interest has been taken in a craft in which for some thirty years England surpassed all competitors, creating a wave of fashion which influenced the glass industry throughout the whole of Europe.
He was a member of the council of state in 1654, and in June 1655 he received the strange appointment of commissioner for the custody of the great seal, for which he was certainly in no way fitted.
His defect lies rather in not presenting the historic Christ as the Christian's chief inspiration, a fact which connects itself with the strange absence of the names " Jesus " and " Christ."
The streams flowing from the central area have cut deep gorges and canons, and among the ridges the granitic rocks have assumed many strange forms. Though rising from a semi-arid plateau, these mountains have sufficient rainfall to support an abundant plant growth, and have derived their name from the fact that their slopes are dark with heavy forests.
That science must be left free to determine the aims of her investigation, to select and apply her own methods, and to publish the results of her researches without restraint, is a postulate which Ultramontanism either cannot understand or treats with indifference, for it regards as strange and incredible the fundamental law governing all scientific research - that there is for it no higher aim than the discovery of the truth.
When, after not a few displays of his strange humour, he professed himself tired of the capital, 23 Hume procured him a country abode in the house of Mr Davenport at Wootton in Derbyshire.
It is strange that, four days after Waterloo, Napoleon should have urged him to inspirit the Chamber of Deputies with a view to a national resistance (Lettres nouvelles de Napoleon).
By a strange irony this event, the chief event of Lucien's life, was fatal to the cause of democracy of which he had been the most eager exponent.
In this strange state matters continued for about a year.
Still, it is strange how completely this seemingly isolated passage takes command of the development of early theology.
She's also an Oracle, so she comes up with strange, random things sometimes, Jule said, winking at the small woman.
Strange how her perspective had changed now that survival was no longer an everyday struggle.
The sisters had grown up with these strange happenings.
His comments were strange and rather incoherent, in my opinion.
The coded moral and religious messages contained in Bosch's strange worlds are mostly indecipherable to the modern observer.
On Baptism I have often thought that the tradition of baptizing infants is a strange practice.
It took the form of a strange cloud interposed between the Germans and the British.
It may seem strange that the earliest Masonic jewels were from continental Brethren.
The Lady Awoken by strange noises, he saw Isabel being helped down a rope ladder, by a figure in Highland costume.
When you first arrive you feel like you have entered a strange world, with an almost lunar landscape.
They each stand on a strange creature, which partly resembles a serpent and partly a crocodile, but has only fore legs.
I was getting strange lockups on loading Windows, and sometimes just before the IDE devices initialized on the initial bios screen.
Nothing should be too strange or too remote, nothing too lofty or too low, to be included in its scope; .
In the manor the tattooed woman walks around, and Rei can hear a strange lullaby.
She did a two-year ma in illustration, and made a strange pop-up book and an animation about it.
Another Life is a love letter to youth and its strange morphing into memory but the poem also memorializes place.
I felt angry for about a limit of two hours and then a strange metamorphosis came over me.
It took the form of a strange gray mist creeping across the room from the main entrance.
I always loved ' Atlantic City ' being that strange mixture of a very American story through the eyes of a very French director.
After our first game against Paraguay we had a strange mix-up with our day care bus and national flag bunting being removed.
Apart from this, the act of hammering and carving these strange monoliths also injects a form of energy which will be discussed later.
Weren't we supposed to be discovering strange monoliths on the moon by this stage - there goes Arthur C. Clarke's scientific credibility!
From a distance you could hear him talking loudly to himself in a strange, unearthly monotone.
Does a blue-crowned motmot or a violaceous euphonia really want to hear strange instrumental shrieks before breakfast?
We'll be exploring songs ranging from the delightfully strange to the utterly nonsensical.
Another - whom I will not name - has moved farther on, pursuing the strange Odyssey of his decadence.
During the last few months a lot of strange things have been happening onstage, I think the process is changing.
I think we should mention here Hilarys's relationship with his mother which casts a very strange pall over the book.
How strange it must have looked for the many drunken partygoers who stumbled past the queue.
To all at the time, they seemed strange, indeed rather pathological monsters.
Despite the large pectoral fins and the strange color, I think this species is a Blenny, Lipophrys pholis.
We shall be left with a very persistent range of strange occurrences which even the MOD now shows signs of uneasily recognizing.
During his illness Mr. Starkey read one of his curate's sermons, and was not only "cured" forthwith, but embraced his strange doctrines, and together they procured many conversions in the countryside and the neighbouring towns.
It is necessary to say "probably," because the strange uncertainty which rests on so much of his life and writings exists here also.
So ended the strange and famous Gunpowder Plot.
The Reformation, with its heated controversies, seems a strange starting-point for science, yet it, even more than the Renaissance, brought out scientific methods of historical investigation.
The other strange feature is that from near Isola in the upper Tinee valley southwards the political frontier does not coincide with the physical frontier, or the main watershed of the Alpine chain; the reason (it is said) is that in 1860 all the higher valleys of the Maritime Alps (on both sides of the watershed) were expressly excepted from the treaty of cession, in order that Victor Emmanuel II.
The simplicity and symmetry of his sentences, the modulations of his thrilling voice, the radiance of his fine face, even his slight hesitations and pauses over his manuscript, lent a strange charm to his speech.
East of Adai-khokh, by what seems a strange freak of nature, the granitic [main] range is rent over and over again to its base by gorges, the watershed being transferred to the parallel chain of clay slates.
I never sought after a strange muse."
Strange shapes of hills and rocks, rare plants and animals, unusual faces and figures of men, questionable smiles and expressions, whether beautiful or grotesque, far-fetched objects and curiosities, were things he loved to pore upon and keep in memory.
In these drafts Leonardo describes in the first person, with sketches, a traveller's strange experiences in Egypt, Cyprus, Constantinople, the Cilician coasts about Mount Taurus and Armenia.
It may seem strange that, differing thus widely from his master, Speusippus should have regarded himself and should have been regarded by others as a Platonist, and still more strange that Plato should have chosen him to be his successor.
One that doesn't have pips for seats, or a strange green woody bit at the front.
While orbiting the planet you notice three strange clusters of rocky debris drawn out into long arcs.
This is a bit strange considering that very few cases actually get to the stages of not-guilty pleas in the Crown Court.
Another strange feature is the dark smoke plumes seen to erupt from the surface.
There were no strange portents in the sky when Steve Redwood was born in 1943, a fact that discouraged him from the start.
Due to the checkout system, a charge of 42 pence postage will be made - hence the slightly strange prices!
Before leaving the palace precincts, have a look at the strange little building known as ' Queen Mary's Bath ' .
I had a strange premonition and asked Roger Harvey my pit manager to change to wet tires.
He could feel a strange prickle of awareness, an unease which wasn't coming from him.
They want someone provocative who is weird and strange and controversial.
However in the exotic high-density environment inside a neutron star, strange quarks are expected to fare better.
How strange, too; for in the pure- lidded eyes he seemed to see the soft light of reason not entirely quenched.
The game has some strange quirks which sometimes show up during missions.
It seems a most strange delusion and not reconcilable with our superstition that man is a reasoning being.
Johnny Depp has given ex-girlfriend Kate Moss a strange gift to celebrate her leaving rehab - a mirror.
The law is currently undergoing revision to close a rather strange loophole.
The strike from the scythe had burned some strange runes onto milord Theo, which he told us gave him " a horrible feeling.
I find it strange the way Morgan Webster, the fat little runt they have the sense of humor to call a singer.
We lived meanwhile in Albany, but tho alone together in a strange place, had little traffic beyond formal salutations.
Examples include the discovery of pulsars while studying interplanetary scintillation; finding quasars as stars with strange spectra.
The rear light clusters look particularly strange, being almost totally see-through.
Meanwhile Vidar was on the gin and alka seltzer - a strange mix that I can't see catching on.
At last he found a safe retreat in Egypt, where he became the setter forth of strange and startling doctrines.
By strange coincidence the very next day we found a shard of attic ware.
Kuhn was a scientist, so where did he get his radical skepticism, and his strange view of the progress of science?
Which makes it slightly strange that the play still has a slightly skittish, end-of-term feel to it.
Behavior The oddly balanced anatomy and massive claws of the giant ground sloths gave them a strange walk.
But most of these teeth would rot and go very smelly, went funny colors and looked very strange!
There's a strange kind of inverted snobbery around the last year or two about indie records.
English seaside resorts have a strange icy solemnity that you can never quite get out of your system.
It seems strange to us that they are not stricken dumb by the new and awful solemnity of their position.
Actually looking forward to it in a strange sadistic sort of a way.
The Bevis Saloman adds strange psych guitar squalls as slowly but surely the sound takes flight & soars into the ether.
We look strange in the radio room all powdered down with corn starch.
We found the name ' Wapping ' by the pond rather strange.
All somewhat strange when you consider this is the earlier made of the two films.
The old man then did a very strange thing.
Perhaps with these additions it would be too much to manage, still it does seem a bit strange.
Others just try to keep out of sight and hope no-one will notice anything strange How are you doing?
Having TV cameras right next to us seemed quite strange!
So difference is foreshortened by rapid communication, and the world appears less strange.
This sounds very strange to me, why would a drink with 5% alcohol need preservatives?
The grocer's shop would look strange to people who are used to shopping today.
The corridor smelled strange, it was the stench of the charnel house combined with the tang of powerful magic.
However, at the same time Leesil starts to notice strange changes in Magiere as she fights the real undead.
The ' vibe ' of the place was VERY strange - almost unearthly in its quiet.
It was really strange to see the Palace of Westminster totally unguarded on the outside.
Pam Stuyvesant is an epileptic haunted by strange sensual visions.
Scott could hear strange voices coming from rooms nearby.
I cant vouch for the truth of it, but it seems no strange thing, notwithstanding S r.
It was interesting seeing that strange waxwork of a body that could have no connection with my lively laughing father.
Hello, I'm a strange weirdo, who's a bit of a contradiction.
For me there were echoes of Arthur Miller's The Crucible - it's strange how Puritans never seem to get a good write-up.
I go and come with a strange liberty in Nature, a part of herself.
The institution of this strange matrimonial prize - which had its parallel at Whichanoure (or Wichnor) in Staffordshire, at St Moleine in Brittany, and apparently also at Vienna - appears to date from the reign of John.
From this time forward, however, Midhat Pasha's career resolved itself into a series of strange and almost romantic adventures.
Such stocks, however, usually fail in time, partly from too close interbreeding, partly from the ordinary chances of mortality, and partly from the cumulative effects of strange conditions.
A close and somewhat strange intimacy, considering the difference in the characters and ideals of the two men, between Laud and Buckingham now began, and proved the chief instrument of Laud's advancement.
In his own character it produced the somewhat blunted moral sense which led to the few incidents in his career which need moral defence, his performance of the marriage ceremony between his first patron Lord Devonshire and the latter's mistress, the divorced wife of Lord Rich, an act completely at variance with his principles; his strange intimacy with Buckingham; his love of power and place.
In 1791 a revival began at Bala; and this, strange to say, a few months after the Bala Association had been ruffled by the proceedings which led to the expulsion of Peter Williams from the Connexion, in order to prevent him from selling John Canne's Bible among the Methodists, because of some Sabellian marginal notes.
According to general tradition the natives, from whatever quarter derived, were a strange and savage people till they received some tincture of civilization from the Carthaginians, who early took possession of the islands and built themselves cities on their coasts.
For it were a strange interpretation to say Moses spake of his own sepulchre, though by prophecy, that it was not found to that day wherein he was yet living."
He is a man of God, like Moses and Samuel, a man admitted to a strange and awful intimacy with the Most High, and like them he combines functions which in later times were distributed between prophet and priest.
It should be borne in mind that in early times the larger values, such as minae, would be transmitted by commerce, while after the introduction of coinage the lesser values of shekels and drachmae would be the units; and this needs notice, because usually a borrowed unit was multiplied or divided according to the ideas of the borrowers, and strange modifications thus arose.
And a strange division of the shekel in 10 (probably therefore connected with this decimal mina) is shown by a series of bronze weights (44) with four curved sides and marked with circles (British Museum, place unknown), which may be Romano-Gallic, averaging 125/10.
The Neoplatonists themselves characterized the theologians of the church as intruders, who had appropriated the Greek philosophy and spoiled it by the admixture of strange fables.
The popular hatred of Judas has found strange symbolical expression in various parts of Christendom.
A strange stone sculpture of the so-called Chac-Mol type, known before only from the country of the Tarascs, from Tlaxcala and Chichen Itza, was discovered in Salvador (Ahuachapan).
It is strange that there is not a single place-name in Salvador either of Mayan origin, or, as it seems, of Chorotegan origin.
The dark tragedy, known as the Sture murders, began with Eric XIV.'s strange treatment of young Count Nils.
Similarly with regard to the many other pathogenic Trypanosomes now known, there is undoubtedly, in each case, some indigenous wild animal tolerant of that particular form, which serves as a " latent source of supply " to strange mammals.
The Chinese have domesticated these albinos for a long time, and by careful selection have succeeded in propagating all those strange varieties, and even monstrosities, which appear in every domestic animal.
They, like the British brownies (a kind of domesticated fairy), are the causes of strange disappearances of things.
The life of the land waters was also noteworthy, especially for the great deployment of what may be called the crustacean-ostracodermo-vertebrate group. The crustacea were represented by eurypterids, the ostracoderms by numerous strange, vertebrate-like forms (Cephalaspis, Gyathaspis, Trematopsis, Bothriolepss, &c.), and the vertebrates by a great variety of fishes, The land life of the period is represented more fully among the fossils than that of any preceding period.
There is also an "hospitium" for strange monks, abutting on the north wall of the church (Y).
The transcript used for the printed edition of Marenghi apparently often corrupted what was rare and strange to what was commonplace; e.g., 1.119, "dewglobes" to "dewdrops."
This strange, exotic, ascetic view was adopted by some philosophers, and especially by the Pythagoreans, and so transmitted to Plato.
Strange as this point is, it is still stranger that not one of these internal evidences is brought into relation with induction and deduction.
Notwithstanding the intrigues of Turkan Khatun, Malik Shah was succeeded by his elder son Barkiyaroq (1092-1104), whose short reign was a series of rebellions and strange adventures such as one may imagine in the story of a youth who is by turns a powerful prince and a miserable fugitive.'
The principal river of the province is the Isonzo, which rises in the Triglav, and pursues a strange zigzag course for a distance of 78 m.
It is strange enough, however, to see the river coming out full formed from the rock, and capable at its very source of bearing vessels on its bosom.
Thus arose a struggle between the youthful, hot-headed partisans of revolutionary physical science and the zealous official guardians of political order - a struggle which has made the strange term Nihilism a familiar word not only in Russia but also in western Europe.
Consequently, it is not strange that citations of sayings of Christ - and these are the only express citations in writings of the Subapostolic Age - should be made without the source whence they were derived being named, and (with a single exception) without any clear indication that the source was a document.
Strange, too, as it may sound, Peter the Great was at heart profoundly religious.
But the strange thing is that at the very end of his life and at the very same time, in 1714-1716, he was writing the idealistic alternative to Remond de Montmort and Dangicourt, and the realistic alternative to Father des Bosses.
It is strange that the underlying assumption of panlogism was not at once contested in this plain way.
In the councils strange speeches were heard from the mouths of laymen, who were beginning to carry to extreme lengths the spirit of independence with regard to Rome.
Alexander returned to his see triumphant, but died soon after, and was succeeded by Athanasius, his deacon, with whose indomitable fortitude and strange vicissitudes the further course of the controversy is bound up.
The apparently strange and inconvenient position of the Stadium relatively to the Altis was due simply to the necessity of obeying the conditions of the ground, here determined by the curve of the loweslopes which bound the valley on the north.
The drongo is a fierce and powerful bird which will not tolerate a strange bird of the size of a cuckoo near its nest, yet on account of its resemblance to the drongo, the hen cuckoo is enabled, it has been claimed, to lay her egg in the nest of the drongo, which mistakes the cuckoo for one of its own kind.
That the ants do not destroy them is certain; but that they are deceived by the superficial similarity of the spiders to themselves is highly improbable, for these insects are capable of distinguishing a strange ant belonging to the same species if it comes from another colony.
Romance and tradition speak of strange rites - the mingling and even the drinking of blood - as having in remote and rude ages marked the inception of these martial and fraternal associations.
His very virtues were strange and therefore offensive to them.
The Maori rebellion, fomented by French Catholics, was an outbreak against everything foreign, and the strange religion Hau-hauism, a blend of Old Testament history, Roman Catholic dogmas, pagan rites and ventriloquism, found many adherents.
A bond was drawn in which Darnley pledged himself to support the confederates who undertook to punish "certain privy persons" offensive to the state, "especially a strange Italian, called Davie"; another was subscribed by Darnley and the banished lords, then biding their time in Newcastle, which engaged him to procure their pardon and restoration, while pledging them to insure to him the enjoyment of the title he coveted, with the consequent security of an undisputed succession to the crown, despite the counter claims of the house of Hamilton, in case his wife should die without issue - a result which, intentionally or not, he and his fellow-conspirators did all that brutality could have suggested to accelerate and secure.
But while he openly declares religion to be "strange to common sense," the practical result at which Charron arrives is that one is not to sit in judgment on his faith, but to be "simple and obedient," and to allow himself to be led by public authority.
He did not go ashore (which seems strange), but sailed northward to Greenland.
They appear to catch what is called the "boat-cold" caused by the arrival of strange boats, and at one time the children suffered severely from a form of lockjaw known as the "eight days' sickness."
Like our Scottish stags at the rutting season, they roar loudest in cold frosty nights; but on no occasions are their voices to be heard in such perfection, or so intensely powerful, as when two or three troops of strange lions approach a fountain to drink at the same time.
Here it had a great vogue, and under the influence of the innate Asiatic love of asceticism it tended to assume ale form of strange austerities, of a kind not found in Egyptian monachism in its best period.
Conquering Pharaohs brought home trains of prisoners and spoil, embassies came thither of strange people in every variety of costume and of every hue of skin, from Ethiopia, Puoni (Punt), Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, Libya, and the islands of the Mediterranean, bringing precious stones, rare animals, beautiful slaves, costly garments and vessels of gold and silver, while the ground shook with the movement of colossal architraves, statues and obelisks.
Nadir Shah was assassinated in 1749, and immediately on hearing the news of his death Ahmad Shah (Abdali) seized Nadir Shah's treasure at Kandahar, and proclaimed himself king, with the consent, not only of the Afghans, but, strange to say, of the Hazaras and Baluchis as well.
More frequently, however, strange readings of the Greek and Syriac are to be explained as, corruptions of our present Hebrew.
He had become an incurable hypochondriac. He said long after that he had been mad all his life, or at least not perfectly sane; and, in truth, eccentricities less strange than his have often been thought ground sufficient for absolving felons and for setting aside wills.
He received Johnson's homage with the most winning affability, and requited it with a few guineas, bestowed doubtless in a very graceful manner, but was by no means desirous to see all his carpets blackened with the London mud, and his soups and wines thrown to right and left over the gowns of fine ladies and the waistcoats of fine gentlemen, by an absent, awkward scholar, who gave strange starts and uttered strange growls, who dressed like a scarecrow and ate like a cormorant.
Even in his massy and elaborate Dictionary he had, with a strange want of taste and judgment, inserted bitter and contumelious reflexions on the Whig party.
An old quack doctor named Levett, who had a wide practice, but among the very poorest class, poured out Johnson's tea in the morning and completed this strange menagerie.
The strange dependants to whom he had given shelter, and to whom, in spite of their faults, he was strongly attached' by habit, dropped off one by one; and, in the silence of his home, he regretted even the noise of their scolding matches.
The worst feature is the confusion in the chronology, which, strange to say, is most hopeless in treating of the contemporaries of Moses himself.
Thus grew with the up the Holy Roman Empire, that strange state which, mp directly descending through the empire of Charlemagne from the empire of the Caesars, contained so many elements foreign to ancient life.
Next came the strange scene at Canossa which burned itself into the memory of Europe.
About this time some discontent arose in the allied army, and to allay this Bernhard was granted the bishoprics of Wurzburg and of Bamberg, with the title of duke of Franconia, but on the strange condition that he should hold the duchy as the vassal of Sweden, not as a vassal of the Empire.
It is strange to see how the national characteristics appeared in them.
From the remains of fortifications there he argues that the Hyksos were uncivilized desert people, skilled in the use of the bow, and must thus have destroyed by their archery the Egyptian armies trained to fight hand-tohand; further;, that their hordes were centered in Syria, but were driven thence by a superior force in the East to take refuge in the islands and became a sea-power--whence the strange description "Hellenic" in Manetho, which most editors have corrected to CtXAoi, "others."
He was himself a strange incarnation at once of " doctrinaire liberalism and the old Habsburg autocracy.
Anaxilaus of Rhegium, by a long and strange tale of treachery, occupied Zancle and changed its name to Messana.
Then came the strange episode of the visit of Constans II.
In two years all that was done was to occupy Mazzara and Mineum - the old Menae of Ducetius - strange points certainly to begin with, and seemingly to destroy Agrigentum, well used to destruction.
It is strange that the reign of Basil the Macedonian (867), a time of such renewed vigour in the empire, was the time of the greatest of all losses in Sicily.
Strange to say, as Syracuse fell in the reign of Basil the Macedonian, the Saracen occupation was completed in the reign of Nikephoros Phokas (Nicephorus Phocas), the deliverer of Crete.
In 1130 Roger was crowned at Palermo, by authority of the antipope Anacletus, taking the strange title of " king of Sicily and Italy."
Hence comes the fact, at first sight so strange, that Greek, Arabic and French have all given way to a dialect of Italian.
Corfu, the possession of Agathocles and Roger, with Durazzo, Cephalonia and Zante, was granted by William to his admiral Margarito with the strange title of king of the Epeirots.
The trade was confined to the coast, the Dualla and other tribes being recognized intermediaries between the coast "factories" and the tribes in the interior, whither they allowed no strange trader to proceed.
Although the cults of the old Greek deities in the new cities, with their splendid apparatus of festivals and sacrifice might still hold the multitude, men turned ever in large numbers to alien Art religions, felt as more potent because strange, and the various gods of Egypt and the East began to find larger entrance in the Greek world.
The bulk of Greek historical literature having perished, and in the absence of both archaeological data from Iran, we can only speculate on the inner life of these Greek cities under a strange sky.
Mahomet repeatedly calls attention to the fact that the Koran is not written, like other sacred books, in a strange language, but in Arabic, and therefore is intelligible to all.
Some of these oaths are very uncouth and hard to understand, some of them perhaps were not meant to be understood, for indeed all sorts of strange things are met with in these chapters.
Slight clerical errors there may have been, but the Koran of Othman contains none but genuine elements - though sometimes in very strange order.
The women of the peasants of Upper Egypt perform strange dances, &c., at funerals, which are regarded partly as relics of ancient Egyptian customs.
Baker Pashas force was termed constabulary, yet his men were all old soldiers, though new to their gallant leader and to the small band of their brave but strange British officers.
Strange to say, it is only very rarely that men are depicted riding on animals, and never before the New Kingdom.
Faunus also revealed the secrets of the future by strange sounds from the woods, or by visions communicated to those who slept within his precincts in the skin of sacrificed lambs; he was then called Fatuus, and with him was associated his wife or daughter Fatua.
The strange contradictions of his character make Alexander one of the most interesting as he is one of the most important figures in the history of the 19th century.
It may seem strange that so important a body of law as the Basilica should not have come down to us in its integrity, but a letter has been preserved, which was addressed by Mark the patriarch of Alexandria to Theodorus Balsamon, from which it appears that copies of the Basilica were in the 1 2th century very scarce, as the patriarch was unable to procure a copy of the work.
She foiled the attempts of the English ambassador to make her ratify the treaty of Edinburgh, and, while Lethington, no worse a prophet than Knox, predicted " strange tragedies," Mary came home.
The strange thing is that while Elizabeth warned James against the pretensions of men who " would have no king but a presbytery," whenever he was at odds with the ministers and with the nobles who kept trying to seize his person with the approval of the ministers, Elizabeth secretly or openly backed the kirk.
When two thinkers of such eminence (probably the two greatest ethical thinkers of antiquity) have arrived independently at this strange"--conclusion, have agreed in ascribing to cravings, felt in this life, so great, and to us so inconceivable, a power over the future life, we may well hesitate before we condemn the idea as intrinsically absurd, and we may take note of the important fact that, given similar conditions, similar stages in the development of religious belief, men's thoughts, even in spite of the most unquestioned individual originality, tend though they may never produce exactly the same results, to work in similar ways.
While Theseus was in Crete, Minos, 1 The story of Theseus is a strange mixture of (mostly fictitious) political tradition, of aetiological myths invented to explain misunderstood acts of ritual and of a cycle of tales of adventure analogous to the story of the labours of Heracles.
For at the outset the Christian world was wholly strange to these northmen.
This is perhaps the explanation of the strange fact that the clients, who through their patrons were attached to these clans, obtained political recognition as early as the plebeians who had no such semiservile taint.
British influence kept the peace amongst peoples who were not subjects of the King-Emperor; Great Britain lighted, buoyed, charted and patrolled for over a century waters over which it claimed no formal lordship; and kept in strange ports an open door, through which traders of every nation might have equally free access to distant markets.
He flattered in turn Saint Just and the Terrorists, the Thermidorians and the Directors, and played always for his own hand - a strange egoist who rose to fame as the leader of an idealist and sentimental crusade.
The argument is a strange one to have been used by a man who had maintained so strongly that "we have the testimony of all history to prove the extreme fallibility of consciousness."
The demoniacs showed a strange faculty of recognition, and cried that He was " the holy one of God," and " the Christ," but He silenced them at once.
After this Jesus passed away from the enthusiastic crowds by the lake to visit His own Nazareth, and to find there a strange incredulity in regard to one whom the villagers knew as the carpenter.
At such a moment the warnings of our Lord would claim a large place in a record of His teaching, and the strange comfort which He had offered would be the only hope which it would seem possible to entertain.
The earthquake at the moment of our Lord's death and the subsequent appearance of departed saints are strange traditions unattested by other writers.
A decided majority demanded the restitution of their old laws, though the kingdom now included a large population to which the old rights were strange.
Marco (now converted into a national museum), a series of frescoes, beginning towards 1443; in the first cloister is the Crucifixion with St Dominic kneeling; and the same treatment recurs on a wall near the dormitory; in the chapterhouse is a third Crucifixion, with the Virgin swooning, a composition of twenty life-sized figures - the red background, which has a strange and harsh effect, is the misdoing of some restorer; an "Annunciation," the figures of about three-fourths of life-size, in a dormitory; in the adjoining passage, the "Virgin enthroned," with four saints; on the wall of a cell, the "Coronation of the Virgin," with Saints Paul, Thomas Aquinas, Benedict, Dominic, Francis and Peter Martyr; two Dominicans welcoming Jesus, habited as a pilgrim; an "Adoration of the Magi"; the "Marys at the Sepulchre."
To the modern reader, who may well be impressed b y Goethe's extraordinary receptivity, it may seem strange that his interests in Italy were so limited; for, after all, he saw comparatively little of the art treasures of Italy.
The teaching was not necessarily presented in the form of an over-elaborated moral lesson, but was associated with conceptions familiar to the land; and when these conceptions are examined from the anthropological standpoint, they are found to contain much that is strange and even abhorrent to modern convictions of a purely spiritual deity.
The Old Testament preserves traces of forgotten history and legend, of strange Oriental mythology, and the remains of a semi-heathenish past.
Sharp, in commenting on this strange behaviour, points out that the host can have no idea why the inquiline haunts her nest.
However, as late as the middle of the 17th century the Carmelite P. Vincenzo found that the people still called themselves Christians, and had a strange mixture of Jewish, Christian and Pagan rites.
No technical term is more familiar to Anglo-Indians, and none more strange to the LSett;eand English public, than that of land settlement.
In this strange faith Akbar himself was the prophet, or rather the head of the church.
Strange to say, the wooden tube long retained its place in German telescope-mountings.
Thus, when Atticus criticized a strange statement in de Republ.
A strange mystification was practised by the last named, a scholar of singular brilliancy, who claimed to have a mutilated MS. which he called his Decurtatus, bought from a common soldier who had obtained it from a sacked monastery; also to have been furnished by a friend, Pierre de Crouzeil, a doctor of Limoges, with variants taken from an old MS. found at Noyon, and entered in the margin of a copy of the Lyons edition.
The internal consolidation of Islam in Arabia was, strange to say, brought about by its diffusion abroad.
There was necessarily a " sense " or direction in every proposition, with more than the purely psychological import that the advance was from the already mastered and familiar taken as relatively stable, to the new and strange.
It may seem strange that in France the towns never had recourse to those interurban leagues which played so important a part in Italian and in German history.
See Guy Le Strange, Palestine under the Moslems, 353 sqq., and for other miscellaneous evidence, 39 6, 4 0 5, 495.
Epiphytous plants are very common, many that are usually independent assuming here the parasitic character; the Vanda lowii, for example, grows on the lower branches of trees, and its strange pendent flower-stalks often hang down so as almost to reach the ground.
It is strange, therefore, if the Roman alphabet, which formed the model for the runes, was that of two whole centuries later, and even then the formal alphabet of inscriptions.
Their strange sculptures and inscriptions have been found at Pteria, Euyuk, Fraktin, Kiz Hissar (Tyana), Ivriz, Bulgar, Muden and other places between Smyrna and the 1 The people, Moslem and Christian, are physically one and appear to be closely related to the modern Armenians.
His Origines Britannicae, or Antiquities of the British Church (1685), is a strange mixture of critical and uncritical research.
Liszt's strange musical nature was long in maturing its fruits.
Sarrazin, Beowulf-studien (1888), which advocates the strange theory that Beowulf is a translation by Cynewulf of a poem by the Danish singer Starkadr, contains, amid much that is fanciful, not a little that deserves careful consideration.
Not even a dispensation obtained by some means from the imperial chancery, not even the power of the Church could avail to break the chain of servitude."It can hardly be gainsaid that these artificial arrangements bear a very striking analogy to those of the Indian caste-system; and if these class restrictions were comparatively short-lived on Italian ground, it was not perhaps so much that so strange a plant found there an ethnic soil less congenial to its permanent growth, but because it was not allowed sufficient time to become firmly rooted; for already great political events were impending which within a few decades were to lay the mighty empire in ruins.
For these reasons, every Hindu household - whether Brahman, Kshatriya or Sudra - that can afford to keep a paid cook generally entertains the services of a Brahman for the performance of its cuisine - the result being that in the larger towns the very name of Brahman has suffered a strange degradation of late, so as to mean only a cook "(Jogendra Nath Bhattacharya, Hindu Castes and Sects).
These presentday practices, and the attitude of the Brahman towards them, help at all events to explain the aversion with which the strange rites of the subjected tribes were looked upon by the worshippers of the Vedic pantheon.
Strange to say, however, no mention is as yet made by any of these works of Krishna's favourite Radha; it is only in another Purana - though scarcely deserving that designation - that she makes her appearance, viz.
The generally recognized principal Avatars do not, however, by any means constitute the only occasions of a direct intercession of the deity in worldly affairs, but - in the same way as to this day the eclipses of the sun and moon are ascribed by the ordinary Hindu to these luminaries being temporarily swallowed by the dragon Rahu (or Graha, " the seizer") - so any uncommon occurrence would be apt to be set down as a special manifestation of divine power; and any man credited with exceptional merit or achievement, or even remarkable for some strange incident connected with his life or death, might ultimately come to be looked upon as a veritable incarnation of the deity, capable of influencing the destinies of man, and might become an object of local adoration or superstitious awe and propitiatory rites to multitudes of people.
In the family Homolidae stands the strange genus Latreillia, Roux, with long slender limbs and triangular carapace after the fashion of oxyrhynch spider-crabs.
The Renaissance ran its course in Italy with strange indifference to consequences.
This is a collection of "Reimspruche" or rhymed distichs embodying a strange mystical pantheism drawn mainly from the writings of Jakob Bdhme and his followers.
Twig-like projections, to which the term helictite has been applied by the present writer, are met with in certain portions of the cave, and are interesting by their strange and uncouth contortions.
It is no doubt strange that she should have endured so much not for any great Christian principle, but for a question of church government.
The bonds, rigorous and strange as they often appear to others, were a sacrament enshrined in the imagination of the lowliest follower of the Talmud.
Another quasinegative notion of more restricted distribution is that of the mysterious or strange, as we have it expressed, for example, in the Siouan wakan, though possibly this is a derivative meaning.
Meanwhile, it is certain that what is strange, new or portentous is regularly treated by all savages as sacred.
Divine persons, objects or powers, connected with ritual, are not here considered, such as the Brahman priests who claimed to be manushyadevah (human-gods), or the sacred soma-juice which grew by strange analogies into a mysterious element, linking together heaven and earth.
As a man, Ballanche was warm-hearted and enthusiastic, but he was endowed with a too-vivid imagination and his strange thoughts are expressed in equally bizarre language.
It is strange that the Protestant Council of Zurich, which had scarcely won its own liberty, and was still in dread of the persecution of the Romanists, should pass the decree which instituted the cruel persecution of the Anabaptists.
One day his landlady, who may have heard strange stories of her solitary lodger, came to him in some trouble to ask him whether he believed she could be saved in the religion she professed.
Knox is probably not wrong in regarding this strange incident as the spring of his own public life.
The riot of his dithyrambic hymns sounded a strange note of nature amid the conventional music of the Gustavians.
It is a strange custom with the Persian ladies to dress little girls as boys, and little boys as girls, till they reach the age of seven or eight years; this is often done for fun, or on account of some vowoftenQr to avert the evil eye.
It is strange 1 Mem.
On the 21st of June 1771 he opened his first parliament in a speech which awakened strange and deep emotions in all who heard it.
The character of this strange prince has been drawn once for all by Saint-Simon.
The Baluch Siwaliks afford us strange glimpses into a recent geological past, when the same gigantic mammals roamed along the foot of these wild hills as once inhabited the tangled forests below the Himalaya.
Moths, also, of strange forms and of great size are common.
Chinatown, at the foot of Nob Hill, covers some twelve city blocks, and with its temples, rich bazaars, strange life and show of picturesque colours and customs, it is to strangers one of the most interesting portions of the city.
It is then not strange that the Gallic name for a henchman (ambactus) is the same as the Gothic (ambahts).
But the old baronies of Talbot, Strange of Blackmere, and Furnival had passed away in 1616 to the daughters of the 7th earl, of whom the youngest married Thomas (Howard) earl of Arundel, whose descendant, the duke of Norfolk, has the valuable Furnival estates.
Though there is insufficient justification for dividing the Ebionites into two separate and distinct communities, labelled respectively Ebionites and Nazarenes, we have good evidence, not only that there were grades of Christological thought among them, but that a considerable section, at the end of the 2nd century and the beginning of the 3rd, exchanged their simple Judaistic creed for a strange blend of Essenism and Christianity.
Their principal "Corn- demand appears somewhat strange in the light of the events of the past.
Now we have a catalogue of Louis le Hutin's library, and, strange to say, Joinville does not figure in it.
Many strange places with stranger names are visited, some of them offering obvious satire on human institutions, others, except by the most far-fetched explanations, resolvable into nothing but sheer extravaganza.
The situations created by this strange combination of honest diplomacy and secret villainy are described by Priscus with real dramatic power.
By a strange but not infrequent irony of fate the most imperious and despotic spirit of his day laboured to enthrone a power which, had he himself been in authority, he would have utterly detested and despised.
He began to be haunted by a strange curiosity about the unpardonable sin, and by a morbid longing to commit it.
The principle of " Varying Action " is the great feature of these papers; and it is strange, indeed, that the one particular result of this theory which, perhaps more than anything else that Hamilton has done, has rendered his name known beyond the little world of true philosophers, should have been easily within the reach of Augustin Fresnel and others for many years before, and in no way required Hamilton's new conceptions or methods, although it was by them that he was led to its discovery.
He left it in consequence of aversion to the strange religious ideas developed by its "Supreme Father," Enfantin, and began to elaborate what he regarded as a Christian socialism.
It appears that Newton made the mistake of supposing that all prisms would give a spectrum of exactly the same length; the objections of his opponents led him to measure carefully the lengths of spectra formed by prisms of different angles and of different refractive indices; and it seems strange that he was not led thereby to the discovery of the different dispersive powers of different refractive substances.
He had the strange beasts of faroff lands sent to Alexandria.
It is strange that he came back to find England undisturbed behind him.
Not only did he agree to receive Stephen Langton as archbishop, to restore all the exiled clergy to their benefices, and to pay them handsome compensation for all their losses during the last five years, but be took the strange and ignominious step of declaring that he ceded his whole kingdom to the pope, to hold as his vassal.
There was a strange Wycih,e.
Wydiffe himself, strange to say, was not molested.
It is a strange fact that Henry, though he was in many respects a conscientious man, with a strong sense of responsibility, and a sincerC piety, was so blind to the unrighteousness of his own actions that he died asserting that neither ambition nor vainglory had led him into France, but a genuine desire to assert a righteous claim, which he desired his heirs to prosecute to the bitter end.
Hence it is not strange to find that he was able to dispense with parliaments in a fashion that would have seemed incredible to a 14th-century king.
Strange as it may seem, the accession of James I.
The double want of the age, the want of spiritual earnestness and the want of organized coherence, would find satisfaction in many ways which would have seemed strange to Wesley, but which were, nevertheless, a continuance of the work which he began.
Yet although seized of the castle he took a lower seat in the parliament house than did his grandfather who was not so seized, being given place after Abergavenny, Audley and Strange.
Their trial and conviction for manslaughter may be found in the daily periodicals of the date; but, strange to say, the experimental physiologists and nurses escaped scot-free.
Mordecai is represented as a fellow-captive of Jeconiah (597 B.C.), and grandvizier in Xerxes's twelfth year (474 B.C.) I This is parallel to the strange statement in Tobit xiv.
Personally Daunou was reserved and somewhat austere, preserving in his habits a strange mixture of bourgeois and monk.
It is not strange that these fortifications defied the assaults of barbarism upon the civilized life of the world for more than a thousand years.
With them it began, and successive generations of inquirers into a strange career and a character still shrouded and baffling refer to them as settled starting-points of investigation.
Therefore when, three weeks after the session began, a debate on Irish election+petitions gave him opportunity, Disraeli attempted that first House of Commons speech which imagination still dwells upon as something wondrous strange.
It was not wholly by volition and design that his mind was strange to others and worked in absolute detachment.
With these were associated more or less intimately, in the first age of Lollardy, John Parker, the strange ascetic William Smith, the restless fanatic Swynderly, Richard Waytstract and Crompe.
However strange it may seem, we have to suppose that one by one in the course of long historical evolution somites have passed forwards and the mouth has passed backwards.
The inner history of the Convention was strange and terrible.
Both words have passed into modern ornithology, the latter as the generic name of the STILT; and some writers have blended the two in the strange and impossible compound Haemantopus.
The defender at all events of the supremacy of moral intuitions must be prepared to follow whither the argument leads, into whatever strange quarters it may direct him.
The sense of the gap between theory and fact gives to the religious element of Stoicism a new force; the soul, conscious of its weakness, leans on the thought of God, and in the philosopher's attitude towards external events, pious resignation preponderates over self-poised indifference; the old self-reliance of the reason, looking down on man's natural life as a mere field for its exercise, makes room for a positive aversion to the flesh as an alien element imprisoning the spirit; the body has come to be a " corpse which the soul sustains," 1 and life a " sojourn in a strange land "; 2 in short, the ethical idealism of Zeno has begun to borrow from the metaphysical idealism of Plato.
The first generations of Icelandic poets resemble in many ways the later troubadours; the books of the kings and the sagas are full of their strange lives.
Here the coast turns westward, changing suddenly to sheer cliffs, where the basaltic formation intrudes its strange regular columns, most finely developed in the famous Giant's Causeway.
But even in Dublin strange things happened; thus the archiepiscopal crozier was in pawn for eighty years from 1449.
The unfortunate affair of Strassburg has in no way shaken this strange conviction, and his chief thoughts are of what he will do when he is on the throne."
The more natural explanation is that it was written not in the early years of Josiah's reign, and with the cognizance of the temple priests then in office, but some time during the long reign of Manasseh, probably when his policy was most reactionary and when he favoured the worship of the "host of heaven" and set up altars to strange gods in Jerusalem itself.
A feature of the industry is the appearance at the beginning of the planting season of thousands of men from a distance, "strange farmers," as they are called, who are housed and fed and given farms to cultivate.
As soon as he has sold his nuts, the "strange farmer" goes off, often not returning for years.
The new theories of mythology are based on the belief that " it is man, it is human thought and human language combined, which naturally and necessarily produced the strange conglomerate of ancient fable."' But, while there is now universal agreement so far, modern mythologists differed essentially on one point.
If Strabo and Herodotus and Pomponius Mela, for example, describe a custom, rite or strange notion in the Old World, and if mariners and missionaries find the same notion or custom or rite in Polynesia or Australia or Kamchatka, we can scarcely doubt the truth of the reports.
Even in 1150 Bagdad had seen a library of philosophical books burned by command of the caliph Mostanjid; and in 1192 the same place might have witnessed a strange scene, in which the books of a physician were first publicly cursed, and then committed to the flames, while their owner was incarcerated.
They are a strange blend of sophistry, superstition, sound sense and solid argument.
Vizcaya (Biscay)a tongue which is utterly unlike Celtic or Italian or any Indo-Germanic languagesuggests that the Iberians may have been an older people than the Celts and alien from them in race, though the attempts hitherto made to connect Basque with ancient traces of strange tongues in the Basque lands have not yielded clear results.
On the other hand the name is Arabic, and so is the term applied to the children, hijos de ganancia, sons of the strange woman.
The latter at the last moment recorded their votes in favor of the Abarzuza Bill when they perceived that a strange sort of eleventh-hour presentiment was about to make all the Spanish parties vote this insufficient reform.
Those were indeed strange times, according to modern ideas, when astrologers were dominant by the terror they inspired, and sometimes by the martydom they endured when their predictions were either too true or too false.
In the case of the expressions bien or mal lune, well or ill mooned, avoir un quartier de lune dans la tete, to have the quarter of the moon in one's head, the German mondsiichtig and the English moonstruck or lunatic, the fundamental idea lies in the strange opinions formerly held about the moon.
But the young Orderic felt for some time, as he tells us, like Joseph in a strange land.
When it is added that Jefferson's assertions, alike as regards Hamilton's talk 3 and the intent and tendency of his political measures, were, to the extent of the underlying basic fact - but discounting Jefferson's somewhat intemperate interpretations - unquestionably true, 4 it cannot be accounted strange that Hamilton's Democratic opponents mistook his theoretic predilections for positive designs.
The medieval travellers brought home many strange legends of the sea and its peculiarities - some absurd, others with a basis of fact.
Not the least interesting features connected with this strange life-history are the facts that the young may be born by the oviparous or viviparous methods and either gamogenetically or agamogenetically, and may develop into winged forms or remain wingless, and that the males only appear in any number at the close of the season.
This being the case, it will be most convenient to discuss the Tertiary floras in successive order of appearance, since the main interest no longer lies in the occurrence of strange extinct plants or of transitional forms connecting orders now completely isolated.
Isotta's history, however, is a strange one, and opens up many curious questions.
All this decoration is in strange contrast with the grandly austere simplicity of the facade and outer walls of the church.
Strange, but she had never thought of Alex as her best friend.
Señor Medena was watching her in a strange way.
Señor Medena was watching her again in that strange way, as if it truly mattered what she thought.
Señor Medena was looking at him in a strange way.
Strange, but she didn't remember doing anything in the accident that required enough exertion to strain muscles.
Darcie gave her a strange look.
He's a strange one.
I admit something truly strange is happening and it appears to result from a combination of Howie's... uniqueness and the power source my equipment emits.
It was strange being Quinn's room although the only remnants of him were his machines.
Tired but more at peace with the strange world, she stretched out on the couch to watch TV.
Some strange poison ran through the Black God's body.
He'd said it was for a good cause—to save humanity—but she'd long since thought there was something strange about his wild stories of Guardians and Gods.
Emergency lighting glowed along the walls, and the strange silhouettes of workout machines made her pause and wait for her night vision to filter out machine from potential attacker.
She was too aware of the expanse of his chest, the heat of his closeness, the strange fog that grew thicker in her mind.
The night was a blur in her mind, a combination of strange, fuzzy dreams about blood and tossing and turning from the horrible fever.
He had a strange expression on his face, as if he had x-ray vision.
We spotted some strange demon activity last week.
Happiness should be all I feel but a strange sense of dread is overwhelming any feeling of contentment as I enter this stately home.
It is strange, rising early, sleeping the hours I'd worked so long in the past, and listening to the deathly quiet instead of the rowdy noises of hungry men.
Rhyn opened a portal and walked through the cool shadow place. The shadow world felt … strange this time. He looked around, unsettled by the sensation that someone else was there. The black portal to Hell throbbed then dimmed, as if someone and come through.
The phantom and the strange exchange with Gabe troubled her. She didn't know her way around the Immortal underworld; she could only hope they were headed in the right direction again.
A strange sound pierced her sorrow. She ignored it, not wanting to exert the effort needed to leave the dark place where she'd fallen.
The angel memories convinced him that Ully's strange comments and the trees attempt to combat him indicated Ully really was a demon.
But the convenience of a nice weekly roll in the hay without the threat of future complications and long-term commitments appealed to both and kept the fires of the strange partnership smoldering.
It was strange reading your report on Jeff—hearing what everyone thought of him.
It was strange how a man could feel comfortable blowing kisses, but paranoid about revealing his vulnerable side.
When she heard strange noises in the night, a simple nudge would replace the telephone call she was too ashamed to make.
It was strange how their disputes seemed to be building blocks.
Jessi asked, recognizing the strange aura that Jule had.
Lambda The lightest strange baryon, consisting of one up, one down,and one strange quark.
Violins, rap, beatboxers, knitting - Urban Classic brings together some very strange bedfellows.
In yet another, quantum billiard balls exhibit the strange, probabilistic nature of quantum particles.
In some ways it's a strange mix and can appear rather bitty.
The crew of the Sauropod hit trouble when their ship is pulled into a strange, tiny black hole.
It is strange that the Thomson arms of the second and third quarters do not follow the blazon.
Then, a few days later, strange radar blips are seen near the nation's head of government.
One of the burial urns contained only the burnt ear bones of an infant - was this a strange sacrifice?
Here I saw sea lions, pelicans, flamingo and a strange bird called the brown booby.
It's a strange brew, but try and imagine CANNIBAL APOCALYPSE tamed and domesticated by Ken Loach.
Feeling very strange, I patiently stood while Ellen showed the little girl how to put a bridle on.
Strange seasons also produce strange results - I have never found stem bulbils on Frit aurea before.
From black holes in space to strange, cosmic burps.
This is a strange twist on the usual case where the squid caches are located at the client's network.
Mainly feeling cautious, anxious, a bit strange Slipping back down into sadness - needing to let go again!
There is a final coda to this strange tale.
There's a sublime piano coda at the heart of the piece, strange voices and gentle electronic flutters.
By a strange coincidence, the GLA seems to be involved in all these tasks.
A refreshingly diverse double act importing their strange brand of sketch comedy to Caledonia's Comedy capital.
This may seem a strange statement, considering the ability of the computer to facilitate communication between students on opposite sides of the world.
It's a strange compulsion our nature gives to us.
During all the strange things I have remained conscious!
Deacon paused in the act of fiddling with the strange looking contraption strapped to his wrist.
You're not supposed to spend hours using single muscles moving strange metal contraptions in time to bad house music.
Rupert loved having a countryman to ease the loneliness of being a stranger in a strange land.
So far, I've found the courtship of Nicholas and Alix was a bit strange!
The Blue Planet takes a journey in to the abyss where there are strange creatures straight out of Alien.
Strange how Eddie went for a 35 year old crock rather than young Liam who had such a good game agaisnt Chelsea.
Typically Wilson provides a denouement that is truly strange and unexpected.
The heart and mind of each was filled with one object, but each felt a strange disinclination to mention her name.
In some strange, unexpected and unwanted way, the president has again become a dissident, a dissident from his own government.
These strange tree spirits have been called dryads by the explorers who discovered them.
As strange as it may seem now, Archie Andrews was a ventriloquists dummy that first hit the big time on Radio!
This is a strange idea to people who have been brought up in a pure capitalist economy.
Woe is me, my slave-girls bear strange emblems in a strange city.
A strange anecdote in his life helps us to unravel this enigma.
We wish to excite the envy of our untraveled friends with our strange foreign fashions which we can't shake off.
Andy has encountered some very strange events in his household within the last couple of years which defy simple explanation.
The strange monks said to guard an evil artifact in their mountain fastness?
I had a strange feeling in my head, my heart pounded wildly.
This function fib might lead to strange results if called with other arguments.
A month ago I tried it on your father's footman, and in a week he'd married a perfectly strange parlor maid.
But the strange odyssey of the royalties had one last, curious footnote.
There will be lots of hand prints in strange places and muddy footprints.
Thousands of these strange foreigners walking about the eternal city dressed in what appeared to be some kind of uniform.
I think part of the horror lies in the strange garb with so many buttons.
America's Philo Vance had the strange gentility of Wimsey while Nero Wolf sounded more predatory.
His nose was crooked and his eyes were shallow with a strange, mischievous glint in them.
In a nearby field there were some strange birds - black tailed godwits!
Very strange goings-on here - perhaps there is a problem with one of the players or in the crowd?
How strange to find him at an exclusive hotel for Zeitgeist 2006, Google's invitation-only gathering of Europe's media grandees.
A grain of anger or a grain of suspicion produces strange acoustical effects, and makes the ear greedy to remark offense.
Often, but not always, myths are recited explaining the origin, attributes and behavior of these strange and sacred habitants of liminality.
The place was deserted and there was only that strange humming silence and electric half-light that you get in city centers late at night.
It feels so strange to me not to know what I'm eating in the catered halls I now call home.
What is most strange about the MIB phenomenon is that it has become part of the UFO mythology on the basis of mere hearsay.
However, strange hieroglyphs were shown by an old shipwright to be " Unicorn " upside down!
But it doesn't look much like what was on the page before - it's full of strange hieroglyphics!
But the strange thing about all of these accounts is that none of them contain the merest hint of a library or any books.
His name is very strange... The kanji for " Ranma " translates to " wild horse " .
Special sightings included lion, spotted hyena, bush pig, buffalo, hippo and many large and strange birds.
This strange metaphor also illumines the concept of the Word of the Lord held by Jeremiah's contemporaries.
He fills the air with incense and strange incantations to ward off evil, but with no effect.
It is strange that in our world so few of these meetings take place and when they do, they remain so incidental.
Five short-lived kings of the house ruled in Armenia after 1342, "Latin exiles," as Stubbs says, "in the midst of several strange populations all alike hostile."
It is strange that neither Haggai nor his contemporary Zechariah mentions or implies any return of exiles from Babylon, and the suggestion has accordingly been made that the return under Cyrus described in Ezra i.-iv.
They would indulge in prophecies of the last judgment, and back their threats with a string of strange, half-frantic and utterly unmeaning sounds, the sense of which no one with any intelligence could discover; for they were obscure gibberish, and merely furnished any fool or impostor with an occasion to twist the utterances as he chose to his own purposes.
It is incorrect, however, to suppose that St Anthony took any part in the creation of the flagellant fraternities, which were the result of spontaneous popular movements, and later than the great Franciscan preacher; while Ranieri, a monk of Perugia, to whom the foundation of these strange communities has been attributed, was merely the leader of the flagellant brotherhood in that region.
During the remainder of his residence at Lausanne he had good reason to " indulge his dream of felicity "; but on his return to England, " I soon discovered that my father would not hear of this strange alliance, and that without his consent I was myself destitute and helpless.