Storks Sentence Examples
Storks, cranes, herons and spoonbills are common.
That such dietary restrictions were merely ceremonial and superstitious, and not intended to prevent the consumption of meats which would revolt modern tastes, is certain from the fact that the Levitical law freely allowed the eating of locusts, grasshoppers, crickets and cockroaches, while forbidding the consumption of rabbits, hares, storks, swine, &c. The Pythagoreans were forbidden to eat beans.
Storks are plentiful in summer and might almost be considered the most characteristic feature of the prevailing landscape.
Cranes, storks, flamingoes and pelicans are found in large variety.
Among the birds, parrots (especially the grey variety) are common, as are storks and ibises.
The fifth order (the third of the Dasypaedes) is formed by the Grallatores, divided into 2 " series " - (I) Altinares, consisting of 2 " cohorts," Herodii with I family, the herons, and Pelargi with 4 families, spoonbills, ibises, storks, and the umbre (Scopus), with Balaeniceps; (2) Humilinares, also consisting of 2 " cohorts," Limicolae with 2 families, sandpipers and snipes, stilts and avocets, and Cursores with 8 families, including plovers, bustards, cranes, rails, and all the other " waders."
Snipe and various species of wild fowl are found in the marshes, and pelicans and storks abound along the banks of the Euphrates and Tigris.
For a few days in 1859 he held office as lord high commissioner, and in that capacity he proposed for the consideration of the assembly a series of reforms. These reforms were, however, declared inadmissible by the assembly; and Sir Henry Storks, who succeeded Gladstone in February 1859, began his rule by a prorogation.
Two White Storks, almost moribund were on the roadside.
Ken disappears into his chalet, and I sit and watch the seabirds - two huge black storks, and an ibis chasing crabs.
AdvertisementWhite storks are common in agricultural areas near wetlands.
Young storks spend as much time caring for their parents as their parents spent on rearing them.
Further information The best time for seeing shoebill storks is March to July.
On May 31st of that year Sir Henry Storks left Corfu with with the first, which declared the islands one "sole free and independent state," the protecting Power availed itself of every ambiguity to extend its authority.
I could n't help noticing all the storks ' nests on the roofs.
AdvertisementFrom ducklings to teddy bears, to baby bottles to storks, there are plenty of molds available if you investigate craft stores in your area or shop online at a site such as Mold Market, which specializes in soap molds.
Animal lovers -- The g-strings with musical storks, penguins and elephants, among other animals, are good for a chuckle.
The syrinx or lower larynx is the most interesting and absolutely avine modification, although absent as a voice-producing organ (probably due to retrogression) in most Ratitae, storks, turkey buzzards (Cathartes) and Steganopodes.
Struthio in Africa and Arabia, fossil also in the Sivalik Hills, and Aepyornithidae in Madagascar; Pittzdae, Bucerotinae and Upupinae, of which Upupa itself in India, Madagascar and Africa; Coraciidae; Pycnonotidae or bulbuls; Trogonidae, of which the Asiatic genera are the less specialized in opposition to the Neotropical forms; Vulturidae; Leptoptilus, Anastomus and Ciconia among the storks; Pteroclidae; Treroninae among pigeons.
Prominent among the storks is the great black-headed white crane, called the jaburd (Mycteria americana), which is found along the Amazon and down the coast and grows to a height of 42 ft.
AdvertisementAmong the larger birds are cranes, herons, the ibis, storks, eagles, vultures, falcons, hawks, kites, owls, the secretary birds, pelicans, flamingoes, wild duck and geese, gulls, and of game birds, the paauw, koraan, pheasant, partridge, guinea fowl and quail.
Of birds, eagles, vultures, hawks, owls and quails are common; snipe, curlews, plovers, storks and herons frequent the marshy parts; and the ostrich the desert.
The Ibididae are more nearly related to the storks, Ciconiidae, and still more to the spoonbills, Plataleidae, with which latter many systematists consider them to form one group, the Hemiglottides of Nitzsch.
There are also herons, ibises, storks and cranes, including the great blackheaded white crane, Mycteria americana, which ranges from northern Argentina to Colombia.
The fronds of towering palm trees jostle for position above the medieval ramparts where nesting storks colonize each vacant turret.
AdvertisementThere are deer (at least five species), boars, bears, antelopes, beavers, otters, badgers, tiger-cats, marten, an inferior sable, striped squirrels, &c. Among birds there are black eagles, peregrines (largely used in hawking), and, specially protected by law, turkey bustards, three varieties of pheasants, swans, geese, common and spectacled teal, mallards, mandarin ducks white and pink ibis, cranes, storks, egrets, herons, curlews, pigeons, doves, nightjars, common and blue magpies, rooks, crows, orioles, halcyon and blue kingfishers, jays, nut-hatches, redstarts, snipe, grey shrikes, hawks, kites, &c. But, pending further observations, it is not possible to say which of the smaller birds actually breed in Korea and which only make it a halting-place in their annual migrations.