Stork Sentence Examples
The birds are more West African than the mammals, and include the grey parrot, all the genera of the splendidly-coloured turacoes, the unique " whale-headed stork," and the ostrich.
The pigeon weighs about 8 times less than the stork, and has twice as much surface.
The stork is seen for about 170 days, the house-swallow 160, the snow-goose 260, the snipe 220.
Among the birds are the vulture, eagle, falcon, buzzard, kite, lark, nightingale, heron, stork and bustard.
She might as well have been dropped out of the sky by a clumsy stork.
The Japanese include in this category the stork (kOzaru), but it may be said to have disappeared from the island.
The largest and most conspicuous member of this interesting family is the Mycteria americans, the gigantic stork so frequently seen in the Amazon valley, and even more numerous about the lagoons of northern Colombia.
Stork bites appear in 70 percent of white and 60 percent of black newborns.
The larger birds are the bittern, great and small bustard, eagle, francolin, goose; giant, grey and redlegged partridge, sand grouse, pelican, pheasant, stork and swan.
On the other hand, the hare, grey partridge (Perdix cinerea), hedgehog, quail, lark, rook and stork find their way into the coniferous region as the forests are cleared.
AdvertisementIn the garzeros of Venezuela are to be found nearly every kind of heron, crane, stork and ibis, together with an incredible number of Grallatores.
Some more or less immune creatures are the mongoose, the hedgehog and the pig, the secretary-bird, the honey buzzard, the stork and probably other snake-eaters.
Sides quot stork special opportunities photographers who do has seen its.
They come out even better between other brightly colored plants like Delphinium, ornamental onions, iris stork 's bill or violet sage.
It is manned at this time of year by Spanish observers monitoring the raptor and stork migration.
AdvertisementFinding free things for new babies both online and in physical locations around town will help cut costs when the stork drops off the latest addition to your family tree.
A specific group of birthmarks, called "strawberry spot," "portwine stain," and "stork bite," are medically called hemangiomas.
Read more about it at Stork Net and talk to your doctor before taking any kind of oil.
Another belly fat book is called The Lean Belly Prescription by Dr. Travis Stork where the author allows you to develop a custom plan to burn away excess abdominal fat.
Birds of prey are numerous and include eagles, vultures, kites, ravens and the carrion stork.
AdvertisementThe honour of first sounding really oceanic depths belongs to " Egeria," " Waterwitch," " Dart," " Penguin," " Stork," Sir James Clark Ross, who made some excellent measurements and " Investigator."
Pietas is represented on coins as a matron throwing incense on an altar, her attribute being a stork.
Among these are the large white crane and small crane, the blue heron, the snowy-white egret, the roseate spoonbill (Platalea ajaja), stork, bittern and many species of ducks.
I use this for all our cooking needs and have even used it in pastry, although you can use stork block margarine.
At our lunch stop at the southern end, I looked up to see a large stork flying over.
AdvertisementThis area boosts over 300 species of bird, including the giant stork.
At ohio state with what was different compensation adjustments they maintain a. have any justification stork at age reactionary we attempted.
The wetland is the home of the endemic lechwe antelopes and the rare shoebill stork.
Either that or patients were intimidated by the eye of the marabou stork.
Flocks of macaws chattered busily among themselves and, unsurprisingly, the rare jabiru stork was nowhere to be seen.
At the same time three Black Stork soared overhead.
Says stork levy a car insurance in houston texas tax what you did.
At ohio state with what was different compensation adjustments they maintain a. Have any justification stork at age reactionary we attempted.
The nearby village of El Alam had 8 white stork nests.
The whole area is protected because of the amazing rock formations and stork colonies.
Stork Baby Gift Baskets - This site sells nine different organic baby gift baskets, plus diaper cakes by prominent eco-friendly brands, such as Burt's Bees.
One type, the salmon patch (nevus simplex), is a pink mark comprised of dilated capillaries (also called a stork bite).
The name comes from the marks on the back of the neck where, as the myth goes, a stork may have picked up the baby.
Of special note is the stork G-string, which has the added feature of being musical.
Besides these, or part of them, certain copies contain sections of unknown origin about the bee, the stork, the tiger, the woodpecker, the spider and the wild boar.
Among land birds may be enumerated several varieties of eagle, vulture, falcon, owl, crow, jay, magpie, stork, quail, thrush, dove, &c. Pheasants are easily acclimatized; grouse and woodcock are indigenous on the uplands of the north; partridges, in all districts.
His mind gradually turned from belief in the efficacy of violent measures to the acceptance of constitutional methods; and in his last book, King Stork and King Log, he spoke with approval of the efforts of politicians on the Liberal side to effect, by argument and peaceful agitation, a change in the attitude of the Russian government towards various reforms. Stepniak constantly wrote and lectured, both in Great Britain and the United States, in support of his views, and his energy, added to the interest of his personality, won him many friends.