Stores Sentence Examples
Ismail had collected 500 field-guns, 200 Armstrong cannon., and had created factories of warlike and other stores.
Contract to be, if possible, for so much per ton military stores and supplies and men carried, per mile.
The retail trade of the place is largely in the hands of Chinese, Indian and Arab traders, but there are some good European stores.
Like the Finns they possess rich stores of national songs.
Food stores are getting low up here.
Any town with a theater should be large enough to have a selection of stores.
The town also contains a depot of the North Eastern railway, with large stores and locomotive works.
In the Lowlands, on the other hand, rich stores of coal, iron, lime and other minerals have been found.
They used to construct decked vessels capable of carrying one or two hundred persons, with water and stores sufficient for a voyage of some weeks duration.
Besides the mail service and harbour trade, Dover has a trade in shipbuilding, timber, rope and sail making, and ships' stores.
AdvertisementAt each original depot they rested a day and gave the dogs a full feed from the stores; but on Nov.
After landing the stores for the main base at Cape Evans the " Terra Nova," under Comm.
All stores were transferred to the iceberg, when on Feb.
There are, besides the town-hall, Royal College, public offices and theatre, large barracks and military stores.
He ordered all heavy artillery not absolutely necessary for defensive purposes, and all stores beyond the minimum required for immediate supplies, to be withdrawn from the Isonzo front and brought south of Treviso, behind the Silo.
AdvertisementSettlements were completely deserted; homes, farms and stores abandoned.
All hands and ample stores were got safely on to the ice.
No deduction shall be made in respect of provisions and stores which had not been in use.
Their work is the first absolutely modern work, - modern in the sense of having absorbed the stores of classic learning and reproduced those treasures in forms of simple, natural, native beauty.
The prevailing type of soil on the higher lands is a sandy loam, underlaid with clay or clay loam, which stores water and is the typical soil of the basins.
AdvertisementHere also he dipped into divers stores of learning, notably classics under Wolf.
The church of St Wenceslaus, once a convent of the brotherhood, is now used for military stores.
Additionally, of the energy the plant absorbs, it only stores one tenth of it in the potato or bean or whatever part we eat.
Museums and art stores are also sources of pleasure and inspiration.
Many stores were burned, and four men were killed.
AdvertisementThe stores in Memphis are very good, and I managed to spend all the money that I had with me.
Babies R Us is a leading retailer in baby products and merchandise; its brick and mortar and online stores continue to provide parents with a huge selection of baby products.
The Swansea Valley canal has a connecting lock with this dock, and on the island between the dock and the New Cut are patent fuel works, copper ore yards and other mineral sheds and large grain stores and flour mills.
The dictator employed the scholar in aiding him to collect and arrange great stores of Greek and Latin literature for the vast public library, which he intended to found.
The excreta of urea alone thus afford to the soil enormous stores of nitrogen combined in a form which can be rendered available by bacteria, and there are in addition the supplies brought down in rain from the atmosphere, and those due to other living debris.
As the British proceeded to Concord the whole country was rising, and at Concord about 500 minute-men confronted the British regulars who were holding the village and searching for arms and stores.
When received into the government stores the opium is kept in large wooden boxes holding about 50 maunds and occasionally stirred up, if only a little below the standard.
Agriculture is spreading but slowly among them; they still prefer to plunder the stores of bulbs of Lilium Martagon, Paeonia, and Erythronium Dens canis laid up by the steppe mouse (Mus socialis).
The entrance to the harbour was guarded by two blockhouses; provision was made for barracks and garrison stores; buildings were erected for the legislature; and there the members of parliament, summoned by royal proclamation to "meet us in our provincial parliament in our town of York," assembled on the 1st of June 1797.
Brunswick's growth has been retarded by the successful rivalry of other cities,?notably Savannah; but it has a considerable export trade, principally in lumber, cross-ties and naval stores - its exports were valued at $13,387,838 in 1908--and various manufactories, including planing mills, cooperage works and oyster canneries.
When Europeans first entered the Congo basin the natives were found to have large stores of "dead ivory" in their possession.
Immediately after his marriage we find him employed under the chief of the Ki clan to whose jurisdiction the district of Tsow belonged, first as keeper of stores, and then as superintendent of parks and herds.
To-day anthropology is grappling with the heavy task of systematizing the vast stores of knowledge to which the key was found by Boucher de Perthes, by Lartet, Christy and their successors.
In acknowledgment of this, several pieces of ordnance, small arms and ammunition, with much of the surplus stores, were handed over to him, and the English troops left the country in May 1868.
To occupy the one defensible position in the station, the magazine by the river with its vast military stores and its substantial masonry walls, would have involved steps which Wheeler regarded as certain to precipitate an outbreak.
A depot of stores for the navy is maintained, but the island is used chiefly as a sanatorium.
The Rumanian government made a platonic protest against the crossing of the frontier, and the Rumanian troops fell back as the Russians advanced; provisions and stores of all kinds were supplied to the invading army against cash payments in gold, and the railways and telegraphs were freely placed at its disposal.
It is the headquarters of the whisky business in Great Britain, and stores also large quantities of wine from Spain, Portugal and France.
The surrounding country produces Sea Island cotton, melons, citrus and other fruits, vegetables and naval stores.
These all lie on to the south of the city, towards the hill called Monte Griffone (Griffon-Greek), and the Giant's Cave, which has furnished rich stores for the palaeontologist.
The king marched against him in person in 1400 and 1401, but Glendower showed himself a master of guerrilla warfare; he refused battle, and defied pursuit in his mountains, till the stores of the English army were exhausted and Henry was forced to retire.
Even more menacing to the kings prosperity was the news that another squadron had appeared off the coast of Wales, and landed stores and succours for Glendower, who had now conquered the whole principality save a few isolated fortresses.
The east side of the quadrangle is occupied by the parliament house, a Gothic building of the time of James III., now used as a barrack-room and stores.
All beyond each present transitory " impression " and the stores of memory is therefore reached blindly, through custom or habitual association.
The Roman baths, in the centre of the modern town, serve as cellars for military stores.
But in his own days he did excellent service to learning by his untiring activity, and by the facility with which he used his stores of knowledge.
It is possible that there was a settlement on what was afterward called Corn Island (which has now practically disappeared), at the Falls of the Ohio, as early as 1775; in May 1778, General George Rogers Clark, while proceeding, by way of the Ohio river, against the British posts in the Illinois territory, landed on this island and built block-houses for his stores and cabins for about twenty families of emigrants who had come with him.
Though he had openly opposed secession before the election of Lincoln, his conduct after that event, especially after his breach with Buchanan, fell under suspicion, and he was accused of having sent large stores of government arms to Southern arsenals in anticipation of the Civil War.
In China, Egypt and Babylonia, strength and continuity were lent to this native tendency by the influence of a centralized authority; considerable proficiency was attained in the arts of observation; and from millennial stores of accumulated data, empirical rules were deduced by which the scope of prediction was widened and its accuracy enhanced.
In east New Guinea sometimes the houses are two-storeyed, the lower part being used for stores.
Again, such tribal forces were only levies gathered together for a few weeks at most, unprovided with military stores or the means of transport, and consequently generally unprepared to attack fortifications of any kind,' and liable to melt away as quickly as they were gathered together.
Owing to the necessity of making a road for the passage of artillery and military stores, many months were spent on the march into the interior, and there was considerable loss of life by fever and other disease among the invading troops.
Stores and provisions were sent out to them by the British government.
Severe discipline, suppression of fraudulent interference, furnishing of clothes and equipment by the king, regulation of rank among the officers, systematic revictualling of the army, settled means of manufacturing and furnishing arms and ammunition, placing of the army under the direct authority of the king, abolition Of great military charges, subordination of the governors of strongholds, control by the civil authority over the soldiers effected by means of paymasters and commissaries of stores; all this organization of the royal army was the work of le Tellier.
It will be seen how well the upper part of the combs are fitted for bearing the weight of stores they contain, B FIG.
The horizontal section (B) with equal clearness demonstrates the bee's ingenuity in economizing space, showing how the outer combs are used exclusively for stores, and, as such, may be built of varying thickness as more or less storage room is required.
Thus in times of scarcity, which are not infrequent during the early part of the season, they become a heavy tax upon the food-supply of the colony at the critical period when brood-rearing is accelerated by an abundance of stores, while shortness of food means a fallingoff in egg-production.
The action of the bees themselves makes this point clear, for when the season of mating is past the drone is no longer needed, the providing of winter stores taking first place in the economy of the hive.
Among the many ways of saving time nothing is more useful than a carefully-kept note-book, wherein are recorded brief memoranda regarding such items as condition of each stock when packed for winter, amount of stores, age and prolific capacity of queen, strength of colony, healthiness or otherwise, &c., all of which particulars should be noted and the hives to which they refer plainly numbered.
In the early spring stores must be seen to and replenished where required; breeding stimulated when pollen begins to be gathered; and appliances cleaned and prepared for use during the busy season.
Among the city's manufactures are lumber, foundry and machine-shop products, naval stores and oars; and there are shad and sturgeon fisheries.
He was one of the Boston grand jurors who refused to serve in 1774 because parliament had made the justices independent of the people for their salaries; was a leader in the Boston Tea Party; was one of the thirty North End mechanics who patrolled the streets to watch the movements of the British troops and Tories; and in December 1774 was sent to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to urge the seizure of military stores there, and induced the colonists to attack and capture Fort William and Mary - one of the first acts of military force in the war.
Between the 23rd and 25th of August he executed a succession of night attacks, during which he sank vessels laden with stores not only in the canals leading through the lagoon to Venice, but in the fairways leading from Chioggia to the open sea round both ends of the island of Brondolo.
Vast stores of hard vegetable fats are still practically wasted in tropical countries, such as India, Indo-China and the Sunda Islands, tropical South America, Africa and China.
The principal underground wealth of Prussian Saxony consists of its salt and its brown coal, of both of which it possesses larger stores than any other part of the German empire.
The Internet says try gas stations or convenience stores.
In an act of feigned mercy, I left ample stores of food and water with the child, as if their stay will be lengthy.
He must rely upon physical prowess and dealmaking skills to lure Immortals and mortals to Hell in order to tap into the great stores of magic.
It was egregious that stores of immense power were wasted on such a creature at a time when Damian needed all the help he could get.
In health food stores, the most common forms of vitamin E are d-alpha tocopherol and d-alpha tocopheryl acetate or succinate.
Furthermore, the group announced the acquisition of five stores, two of which are in Edinburgh.
Starving women, female athletes and anorexics with low fat stores experience secondary amenorrhea.
Great time and care has been taken to measure and then annul the magnetic effect of all machinery and stores within the ship.
We are concerned about the amount of stores the colonies at our out apiary have.
Remember, unlike some online stores avid - SPEED DIAL SL LEVERS will be sent with free P&P!
One way to get records or CDs into the stores is to tour, extend your fan base, and increase demand.
They even experimented with listening booths in the largest stores for people to sample the records.
Shopping For shoppers Chicago boasts The Magnificent Mile " which is a mile of premier department stores and upscale boutiques.
From the largest designer stores to the smaller stylish boutiques, Manchester is renowned for its shopping choice.
Or shop the local stores for delicious area specialties like fresh brown bread and cranberry liquors.
Should they need replacing the bulbs are available from all good hardware stores.
And to lower your opponent's marketshare, simply bulldoze the buildings around their stores (stations in Transport Tycoon ).
Between the magazines were two pairs of gun casemates (to shelter the guns in) flanked by two pairs of artillery general stores.
Yet more large chain stores would not persuade me to spend more in town but small shops with character certainly would.
Some have their own chandlery and stores whilst independent maintenance, assistance and shopping are always available.
Small domestic ultrasonic cleaners are now available, and many jewelry stores sell them as gift items.
Recent studies conduced in the United States reveal how an effective copy control solution will actually drive people back to the stores.
During the quarter we also refurbished 29 stores, 14 supermarkets and 15 convenience stores and opened four new convenience stores.
Don't use matches or lighters to light gas cookers - spark devices, which you can buy from hardware stores, are safer.
Furthermore, supermarkets squeeze out the smaller stores and markets - which are the outlets for small community fishing coops.
Their costumes looked like they'd come from modern day department stores, rather than a theatrical costumiers.
More than 300 stores sell thousands of lines of goods from inexpensive gifts to haute couture.
In Bridlesmith Gate, you'll find designer stores and retailers stocking the biggest names in haut couture.
The best strategy to achieve high muscle creatine stores is the implementation of a short loading phase.
Asda is especially culpable since so many of its stores are out of town.
The computer stores information on a physical piece of hardware which is commonly denominated Disk.
Affectionately known as M&S or Marks and Sparks, they are one of the UK's favorite department stores.
I very much deplore the practice used by some stores of two piercers firing their guns at the same time.
Small general stores could face closure followed, as always, by urban dereliction.
There is no need to stop the Information Store service, just dismount the individual stores in the Exchange System Manager.
We recommend that it also divest five smaller stores where adverse effects would result from the merger.
Adjustable dumbbells are widely available for purchase from fitness stores in your local area or from online catalogs over the Internet.
Tesco stores also provide pre-paid envelopes to send your old phones for recycling.
Epos system A PC based epos system A PC based epos system is used in Cartridge City Stores.
The stores, which were used in the heyday of the herring fishing industry, had become an eyesore on the harbor front.
The domestic ferret is what you see in pet stores.
Work within retail florists, wedding fashion houses, large retail stores, hotels, TV and teaching.
Our 6 sheet activity also proved to be a major force in driving footfall into the stores.
To generate customer footfall into the 280 stores nationwide, highlighting top quality beds at the lowest prices.
With around three million customers visiting our 1400 stores each day, we have one of the highest footfalls of any retailer.
Over the next fortnight most of the big stores will announce their seasonal trading figures.
In the case of earth banked slurry stores, the minimum freeboard has to be 750mm.
In fact come the spring they had hardly touched the stores, being northern black bees they were very frugal.
This way the body stores up energy and with breakfast the following morning, biker's fuel gages should be on almost full.
Alpha cells produce a hormone called glucagon that raises blood glucose by triggering its release from glycogen stores in the liver.
In September, the first supermarket own-label instant coffee granules to carry the FAIRTRADE Mark, are launched by Co-op in 1,000 stores.
Ministry of Sound's new micro hi-fi system is also in stores.
High Massh thermal mass means it stores heat from the sun.
They have a large hippocampus, the part of the brain that stores mental maps.
Frustration at the poor quality hosiery that supermarkets, newsagents and even some of the big department stores were trying to sell me.
Major multi-brand department stores and out of town hypermarkets will service the majority multi-sensorial tribe.
Similarly, the grand illusion cultivated by the new stores was one of egalitarianism.
Think what we'll stores in rhode island there are new of assets.
Today heâs wearing a tweed jacket with leather patches on the elbows and gray trousers from British Home Stores.
All work in kanban areas must be under kanban control, no " squirrel " stores.
Buy layette Items In Charity Or Other Second Hand Stores Newborn baby layette items are nearly always hardly used.
T & S Stores will be taking a 20-year lease.
The successful candidate will design and implement data warehouses, data marts and data stores.
Its high thermal mass means it stores heat from the sun.
To add to the mayhem, is the total neglect of vital micronutrients so essential to the release of energy from bodily stores.
Non card users in card scheme stores paid considerably more for an average basket 44.
Three guys drove motorbikes round our 35 stores across Scotland collecting pledge slips.
Sheilas Super Scooter Stores We sell electric motor scooters, gas motor scooters, pocket bikes, atv's and choppers.
Focused on serving i ts surrounding residential neighborhoods, the mall offered few stores where UW students could shop for clothes.
This time our shells not only neutralize the troops but also cause a landslide which buries much enemy equipment and stores.
Tesco stores would definitely not consider Chiddingly shop as one of their trading outposts.
The service and price you offered easily outshines that offered in the larger stores and their Internet sites I tried.
Staff in about 100 stores will be receiving the payout.
These were intended to put in place the key components of seed supply such as processing plants, stores and quality control facilities.
We do not require applicants to possess a qualification or experience in makeup to join the retail sales teams within our stores.
The stores held a special raffle for the appeal, raising more than £ 3,000 in the process.
Sales teams invite the key decision makers from stores to a meeting where they explain the rationale behind the product.
The Italian government has 235 tons of spent fuel from the country's long decommissioned reactors in deteriorating stores.
This is the way most of the world stores their eggs; they do not refrigerate them.
From the initial concept in 1988 River Island has undergone several reincarnations to arrive at the stores you see today.
The villages and towns have a wide range of shopping on offer from large stores to independent boutiques and specialist retail.
From stores that east baton rouge judging the probabilities.
Starch and other saccharides serve as energy stores in plants... .
Sand bags You can buy sandbags from most builders merchants and DIY stores.
The solution is fully scalable for future stores to simply be added on to the system.
Some stores slashed prices by up to 80% to entice shoppers, with some big names opening at 5am yesterday.
For retailers the challenge is how to lure the shoppers into their stores.
When you delete a shortcut, it only deletes the icon which stores the location to the file or program.
Window locks for virtually all types of windows, including skylights, are available from DIY stores, and are well worth fitting.
In Hamworthy itself, you'll find a smattering of convenience stores and schools for children of all ages.
Delicious new products in spar... Friday 26th August 2005 We have some fabulous new SPAR branded products being launched in stores near you!
A bypass capacitor stores an electrical charge that is released to the power line whenever a transient voltage spike occurs.
Rhizome A creeping underground stem, sometimes fleshy, that stores nutrients.
N-acetylcysteine should be given as soon as possible after the overdose according to the standard treatment nomogram, to replenish hepatic stores of glutathione.
Check all the latest deals below from leading online stores.
The store is a part of a chain of pet stores that have a fairly good reputation.
Online UK record shops directory A good list of all on-line music stores in the UK.
I did my research in the usual department stores to see what was on offer.
It distributes its products through more than 9,000 specialty stores worldwide.
High street stores face an estimated loss of 20% of their business to electronic shopping.
A relational database stores data in separate tables rather than putting all the data in one big storeroom.
The XrmGetStringDatabase function creates a new database and stores the resources specified in the specified null-terminated stringDatabase function creates a new database and stores the resources specified in the specified null-terminated string.
There are over 150 PC World computer stores in the UK - consequently they are the UKs largest computer superstore.
Certain items of Ordnance Stores, including mosquito cream, water sterilizing tablets, etc., Hospital clothing, are held.
Big new stores like Waterstones, Borders, Hennes and HMV have raised the somewhat tatty profile but it still lacks a heart.
Although these are private homes, the public can visit the villages quaint little tearooms, general stores and the variety of antique shops.
A few chain stores, a few bargain shops, and a few smaller people trying to establish a toehold and failing.
I've noticed that the names of stores are very tongue-in-cheek.
With the advent of fall, there was fierce price competition among the stores selling fleece underwear.
Usdaw, the shopworkers ' union with many members in Tesco stores, produced a similar NOP poll result.
Now as you carried this rice to the stores, you could see the weevils crawling among it.
The same author was likewise of opinion that the domestication or taming of various species of wild cats took place chiefly among nationalities of stationary or non-nomadic habits who occupied themselves with agricultural pursuits, since it would be of vital importance that their stores of grain should be adequately protected from the depredations of rats and mice.
It is true that centuries of law-abiding and litigious habitude had accumulated in the temple archives of each city vast stores of precedent in ancient deeds and the records of judicial decisions, and that intercourse had assimilated city custom.
Several species of this family are found habitually in stores of flour or grain.
Into these underground chambers the ants carry seeds of grasses and other plants of which they accumulate large stores.
On the average rather more than half the total of cattle is made up of store animals for fattening or breeding purposes, the fattening of Irish stores being a business of considerable magnitude in Norfolk and other counties.
The conquest of north and central Italy also placed great naval resources at the disposal of France, Venice alone providing nine sail of the line and twelve frigates (see Bonaparte's letter of the 15th of November 1797), Genoa, Spezzia, Leghorn, Civita Vecchia and Ancona also supplied their quota in warships, transports, stores and sailors, with the result that the armada was ready for sea by the middle of May 1798.
While the insect fauna of European countries was investigated by local naturalists, the spread of geographical exploration brought ever-increasing stores of exotic material to the great museums, and specialization - either in the fauna of a small district or in the world-wide study of an order or a group of families - became constantly more marked in systematic work.
The line, stations, sheds and stores are all solidly built, and the rolling stock is sufficient and of the best quality (see further under Finance, below).
During the daytime reliefs took place as usual, pretences were made of disembarking animals and stores at the jetties, and the result was that the Turks remained in complete ignorance as to what was going on close to their lines.
Only within the past few years have stores been established in the foreign settlements for the sale of silver utensils, and already the workmanship on these objects displays palpable signs of the deterioration which all branches of Japanese art have undergone in the attempt to cater for foreign taste.
His purpose, as stated by himself, was to show that in words, even taken singly, "there are boundless stores of moral and historic truth, and no less of passion and imagination laid up" - a truth enforced by a number of most apposite illustrations.
His principal expedition brought about the skirmish of the 19th of April 1775 (see Lexington), in which a detachment sent to seize some military stores collected at Concord suffered heavily at Lexington, Concord and other places, at the hands of the surrounding militia.
When the flowers form, however, the mycelium sends hyphae into the young ovaries and rapidly replaces the stores of sugar and starch, &c., which would have gone to make the grain, by the soot-like mass of spores so well known as smut, &c. These spores adhere to the grain, and unless destroyed, by "steeping" or other treatment, are sown with it, and again produce sporidia and yeast-conidia which infect the seedlings.
The large depots of stores at Assuan, Halfa and Dongola could only be cursorily supervised by British officers, and yet when the stores were received at the advance depot the losses were infinitesimal.
The Persian jerboa (Alactaga indica) is also a nocturnal burrowing animal, feeding chiefly on grain, which it stores up in underground repositories, closing these when full, and only drawing upon them when the supply of food above ground is exhausted (see also Jumping Mouse).
On Oct_ 28 Granite Harbour was reached and stores left there by Griffith Taylor allowed of full rations of good food for the first time for nine months.
Depots with stores were provided for the returning parties at Mount Hooper in lat.
In all, 4,000 barge loads of ammunition, 17,818 guns and limbers, and over 14 million tons of other stores were sent across.
Moreover, they had lofty forts, numerously garrisoned and plentifully provided with warlike stores; and the approach to them was opposed by thick and dangerous jungles, and broad and boisterous rivers.
In consequence of these proceedings, the Transvaal authorities at once set to work to accumulate armaments, and they succeeded in procuring vast quantities of artillery and military stores.
There were not many stores.
The stores, the prisoners, and the marshal's baggage train stopped at the village of Shamshevo.
They abused the police and bribed them, made out estimates at ten times their value for government stores that had perished in the fire, and demanded relief.
The quartermaster 's stores moved by march route to Levis barracks at Arras.
Only loading, down loading, arming and dearming evolutions are authorized to be conducted in the rearming area by the individual stores.
Thus, entitles you to a wholesale price or huge rebates on all purchases made in our affiliated stores worldwide.
Queries on returnable packaging should be addressed to the Buyer 's Stores Manager at the delivery address.
Starch and other saccharides serve as energy stores in plants....
Independent 250 nanosecond scratchpad stores are used for servicing the multichannels.
Studies show that most shoplifting at department stores occurs in dressing rooms.
Delicious new products in SPAR... Friday 26th August 2005 We have some fabulous new SPAR branded products being launched in stores near you !
These products were sold in diving specialty stores nationwide from March 1997 through June 1997 for around $ 300.
Department stores make great use of the difference between carpet and linoleum to subtly steer customers around and hold them in certain places.
Virgin Record Stores do n't do a ' good deal ' on a gross of stinger missiles to the Arabs, or Iraqis.
Retail stores here in Utah sell it for only $ 6.99 (US) !
The XrmGetStringDatabase function creates a new database and stores the resources specified in the specified null-terminated string.
Asda Stores Limited / twelve former Safeway stores in Northern Ireland (from Wm Morrison Supermarkets plc) - grocery retailing.
There are over 150 PC World Computer stores in the UK - consequently they are the UKs largest computer superstore.
Thrift stores are another good place to look; I love going to dollar stores just to see what I can find.
I 've noticed that the names of stores are very tongue-in-cheek.
Unfortunately, when these stores were introduced into Poland, they were advertised as a means of eliminating the Jewish trader.
Up to 250lb of disposable stores could be carried on two underwing hardpoints.
The company is to close thirty-five unprofitable stores in Europe including the remainder of its German outlets.
In addition, alcohol reduces active vitamin B6 levels which may further reduce zinc stores.
Heavy bass tones waft out onto the street from one of Shanghai 's many department stores.
The Arsenal dates from 1670 and has manufactured many different items of warlike stores for the armed forces.
What is it that we can offer that similar occult shops, paranormal and psychic stores and wicca supply businesses cannot.
Be aware when shopping in grocery stores, because some meat companies will adulterate their products with water to increase the weight.
Grocery stores and restaurants use coupons to beguile customers into buying more than they intended.
Colorful and large displays in stores are meant to beguile customers into staying longer and buying more.
Most expectant parents usually register at local department stores, and this is where you might want to begin your search.
Several department stores have photo studios designed to be affordable and easy for families with children.
Walmart - The Picture Me portrait studio in most Walmart stores is convenient and affordable, both important factors when you have a newborn.
Next, you could visit your local fabric supply stores and search through the bargain tables for coordinating fabric.
You can even find wonderful bargains in used baby clothing stores.
With so many fabric choices and material blends, you really can find the perfect outfits for your baby that are both dressy and comfy at the same time in online stores such as New Kids Clothes.
Department stores seem to be more focused on supplying cute baby clothes.
In fact, you can find specialized outfits at many department stores for a fraction of what you would have to pay at a specialty shop.
What's even better is that these department stores may drastically discount their more expensive lines of clothing at the end of each season.
Take him to places, such as parks, grocery stores, and museums, and point out different objects, naming each one.
If you're searching for new toys, watch for buy one/get one free sales at local toy stores and online stores.
Be sure you get on your favorite stores' e-mail lists, so that you are notified about their newest sales and specials.
Many jewelry stores can also engrave items for you.
Disposable cameras and photo albums can be found in many discount stores such as Target and Wal-Mart.
You can find the stepping stones and casting kits in craft stores like Michael's and Jo-Ann's Fabrics.
They will still shop for gifts using baby registry lists from local department stores.
Visit your local department stores and baby specialty shops.
Many larger department stores now offer lounge areas with comfortable couches and chairs for nursing mothers to enjoy while breastfeeding their babies.
You can also find great deals at these popular stores.
There are many different stores which offer personalized baby books, or you can purchase a book and take it to be personalized at an engraving or graphic arts shop.
Although there are many adorable baby books for sale in discount shops and department stores, you can search for more unique baby books or even create one yourself.
Beautiful fabrics can be used to enhance the look of a personalized baby book, and there are many online stores and speciality shops that offer a great selection of unique books.
Finally, there are many different places that you can purchase baby books, such as Target and Walmart, but there are also lots of great online stores.
Because you may not be able to find clothing for preemie infants at stores such as Walmart or Kmart, you'll simply have to expand your search.
Stores such as Babies R Us and The Children's Place typically offer some selections for premature or very small babies.
For other great selections, check out the following stores.
Sold At-This section will give the types of stores that usually handle this product, the dates that this product was stocked and/or sold, and the approximate amount of the product.
These playpens were typically sold at toy and children specialty stores across the nation, and JC Penney stores sold the "Okie Dokie" brand exclusively.
There are so many choices available, but if you aren't sure what direction to go in, visit baby specialty stores, such as Babies R Us or Baby Place for some great ideas.
Many department stores offer baby registries.
The person who registers pays a flat fee and then can choose items from stores all over the country.
Gift certificates to popular stores, such as Target, Walmart, Kmart, Babies R Us, and Toys R Us are always welcome.
If you decide that a round baby crib is what you want your baby to sleep in, you may have to broaden your search from local stores in your hometown to the wide open space of the Internet.
While more and more department stores are jumping on the round baby bed bandwagon, you still may have to visit baby specialty shops for a wider variety.
Check the stores policies for returns, damaged items, etc. Can you find a phone number and e-mail address for the store?
You can always select the crib of your choice and register it at department stores.
You can also add the names and phone numbers of favorite paint stores, fabric stores, local decorators, baby department stores, and even the numbers of commissioned artists if you want a nursery mural.
Some women prefer keeping a larger bag in the car, while they might take a smaller one with them into stores and other places.
You can find one that is unpainted and decorate it yourself, or you can find a variety of painted trunks at stores like Hobby Lobby.
You can also purchase toppers through baking stores or online from ShopBakersNook or BabyKakes.
Some stores even offer online gift registries, so selection is easier for both the new mom and her friends and relatives.
LoveToKnowBaby has tried to make your shopping adventure a little easier by listing a variety of baby gift stores, including some online stores.
There are several department stores that feature a wide variety of baby gifts in the baby department of their store.
While you can access these stores online, it always pays to visit one locally if possible.
Department stores typically offer clearance sales as they move out merchandise from one season to the next.
The following department stores usually have great baby gifts and clothing.
Of course, you can find plenty of baby items at the following baby gift stores.
Did you know that you can often find coupons and discount codes for online baby gift stores?
Be sure you get on your favorite stores' mailing lists so you can find out about any discounts that might be offered.
The following stores also have baby departments, and you should be able to find a wide variety of baby gifts.
While you can certainly find some baby items at your local department stores, if you are searching for a more unique gift, you might want to start your search online.
There are many different online stores that offer those hard to find items.
While you can always find shower supplies at local stores in your area, you can also order some adorable baby shower decorations online.
Many department stores and baby specialty shops feature baby gift registries.
Most stores now allow parents to set up their gift registry account online.
For your convenience, there is also a large selection of department stores with online gift registries, too.
You can visit your local department stores, or shop online.
You may be able to find these gifts in local department stores, as well, but don't forget to hunt for bargains online.
Check out several stores before making a final decision.
For more unique baby shower gifts, check out the following online baby specialty stores.
While there are plenty of traditional baby shower invitations that can be found in local stores and on the Internet, a footprint baby shower invitation is another popular choice.
The Internet has a large number of online stores which specialize in baby baptism invitations.
If not, look for inexpensive prints at local stores, such as Hobby Lobby or find some great paintings and prints at online auctions such as eBay.
Don't overlook department stores such as Target and JC Penney.
Rockers continue to decorate the front porches of houses throughout the country, and new parents continue to visit baby stores and furniture shops searching for that perfect rocker to use in their baby's room.
Monogrammed gifts can be found at baby stores, engraving places, mail-order internet or catalogs, specialty stores, and even at department stores.
You can purchase products online via their Website, at online retailers such as, or at department stores such as Target and Wal-Mart.
Paint and fabric stores will typically give you samples that you can take home and muse over.
Finally, some of the best places to find baby nursery ideas are at stores, both online and in your city or town.
Larger, department stores may have nurseries set up as a form of advertising, and while you might not be able to afford their designer prices, you can certainly find creative inspiration.
For example, consignment stores often have affordable cribs.
Stores like Target and Wal-Mart also run seasonal sales on baby nursery items.
Bedding needs to be ordered from special stores or websites, as normal crib sheets, crib skirts and bumpers will not fit on a round style crib.
As the round style of crib becomes more and more popular, more stores are starting to stock this style.
Your best bet when looking to purchase a round crib is to search for a local baby boutique or small specialty store; larger chain stores may be less likely to have a good selection of round style cribs.
You don't always have to visit traditional baby shower supply stores to find great accessories.
Your local department stores may have just what you are looking for when decorating your baby's nursery.
You can find wonderful sailboat theme accessories at craft supply stores, such as Hobby Lobby or Michaels.
If you have enough time to plan ahead, these stores often run weekly specials with items reduced as much as 50 percent off the original price.
Parents can find great buys for furniture, lamps, artwork and other baby decor by shopping thrift stores, garage sales, flea markets, eBay and more.
Rocking recliner chairs tradtional and more modern styles, can be purchased at most furniture stores or online.
Many baby stores will also customize a gift basket for you.
You can always check out traditional stores, like Dillards, but there are other avenues that you can explore as well.
If you are looking for unique clothing items, including Christmas gowns, then scout out stores before the sales begin.
Many stores often feature bulletin boards that allow seamstresses to advertise their services.
Because most stores order their stock based on supply and demand, the availability of preemie clothes is often quite limited, and in smaller areas, these sizes may be impossible to find.
These can be from local baby shops, department stores, restaurants, or diaper services.
There are numerous online stores that will allow you to special order a gift basket.
Their loss is your gain, so be sure and check your favorite stores frequently for new sale items.
Keep in mind that responsible breeders don't advertise in the newspaper, or sell their animals in pet stores.
Whether or not you have a formal party, many couples opt to register at popular stores such as Babies "R" Us and Target.
From ducklings to teddy bears, to baby bottles to storks, there are plenty of molds available if you investigate craft stores in your area or shop online at a site such as Mold Market, which specializes in soap molds.
Baby's First Christmas outfits are especially sweet, but are a dime a dozen in many department stores and baby depots.
Some stores also carry first Christmas ornaments that can be personalized with baby's first name.
Hobby stores often sell large letter stencils for the wall, and for those who aren't inclined to be crafty, vinyl lettering can be custom made for a reasonable price.
Soft dolls are sold for $15 or more at toy stores.
Craft stores like Hobby Lobby usually have a great selection of stencils and acrylic paint.
Reward programs-Toys R Us and Babies R Us also offer a rewards program for a variety of purchases, both in their stores and online.
Precut bases are available in stores if you don't want to make your own.
Available at baby stores, department stores, and on the Internet, Boppy pillows are great for supporting a baby during nursing or bottle feeding.
If your baby will be born in the spring or summer, try to hit stores just as they are changing over to winter clothes.
You can save a lot of money by looking for used infant clothing at thrift stores, children's resale shops, and online auction sites like eBay.
You can get cardboard or plastic cake platters suitable for the project at supermarkets and craft stores.
Instead of going to your local chain stores, you may need to hit boutiques to find those unique items that not everyone will have.
These sort of trinkets can be found on all of the online places listed above, but also in local bookshops, children's stores, and gift shops like Hallmark.
You can also find virtually anything you need for baby at discount stores like Target or Walmart.
In addition, you can often find gently used baby items at consignment stores, yard sales, and in the classified section of your local newspaper.
You can purchase some ready-made favors with a Care Bear theme at party stores, online party retailers, or online auctions.
Turn a standard chocolate or candy bar into a Care Bare Favor by ordering custom Care Bear labels from a stores such as Treasured Memories, or by creating your own labels.
Check toy stores, collectibles' sites, and auctions for other small Care Bear items, or tap into your creative side and make bear-themed items for the shower.
Fresh organic baby food is hard to find for some people who aren't living in a packed urban environment that is rife with health food stores.
After all, the stores are filled with gifts and supplies that are perfect for babies of all ages.
You can find diaper pins in the baby section of many stores such as Target or Wal-Mart.
As you register at stores like Target, Babies "R" Us, and Wal-Mart, use the list below as a guide.
Toddler beds can be purchased at a number of stores, from discount department stores to furniture stores and specialty baby and kids' stores.
Parents' wants and/or needs - Many parents register with department stores, like Target, and baby specialty shops so they can choose exactly what they need for their baby.
Each year, new gift ideas hit the stores.
Sexy nursing bras are often designer items that must be purchased in select baby and maternity stores.
Instead, you'll want to investigate more specialized, and sometimes even upscale, maternity stores such as A Pea in the Pod.
Department stores such as Nordstrom and Bloomingdales will often import designer nursing bras in a wide range of styles, ensuring that the latest nursing bra trend will at some point end up on their racks.
Sports bras for nursing are available at most department stores and maternity retailers.
Finally, keep a close watch on your favorite department stores like Target and Wal-Mart.
Shop at warehouse stores-Warehouse stores are all about selling products in bulk, so shopping at Sam's or Costco may be the perfect solution for buying formula in bulk supplies.
Specialty baby gift baskets are often designed with a particular theme in mind and can be found at a variety of online stores, but you might also consider creating your own unique gift basket to give to a new parent.
Do be aware that there are many furniture stores that will allow you to pay for all your furniture purchases on a monthly installment plan.
You save time by not traveling to various stores in hopes of finding the perfect dress.
If the couple has a wedding registry, it's generally best to shop at one of the stores on the list.
Since most department stores allow online shopping, you don't have to worry about whether or not the selected stores have locations in your local area.
Many stores have special gift receipts that don't advertise what you paid.
Most stores now have gift registries for weddings, baby showers, and anniversaries.
One way to find a good deal on a laptop is to scan the Sunday newspaper advertisements for great deals being offered on laptops at electronics stores near you.
Look online for sales and deals being offered at online computer stores.
You can buy MP3 players at a number of online stores.
Check out the carpet showrooms and stores in your town.
You can find carpet showrooms and stores near you by picking up your local yellow pages and looking up the word "carpet."
Starbucks carries all the beans that you like in their stores but with the convenience of buying it online.
Visit reputable jewelry stores in your local community to start getting an idea of what is available and decide what you really want.
If you just can't find what you want then try these online stores.
You can purchase bath towels from most department stores, home goods retailers and mass merchandisers.
You can buy greeting cards at many places, including card stores, specialty gift retailers, department stores and supermarkets.
Generally, the large somewhat inexpensive rugs that you see in home improvement and department stores are oriental style rugs but not the real deal.
Oven ranges can be purchased through a wide array of resources, including retail stores like K-Mart and Sears, home improvement stores like Lowes and Home Depot,electronic superstores like Best Buy and H.H.
Most towns have home improvement stores like Home Depot or Lowes.
These stores not only have basic sinks in stock, they also have catalogs with sinks that can be special ordered.
Spend some time browsing in a few different stores and looking at what several manufacturers have to offer to find the sink that you like best.
These bulk teas are also generally fresher than boxed teas or tea bags sold in grocery stores and health food stores.
Teavana carries a variety of teas and tisanes online and also has retail stores in many malls around the country.
Buying tea can become a passion and experimentation is easy with so many Internet stores to choose from.
It is true that very inexpensive baby clothes can be found at many retailers, including second-hand stores.
There are many second-hand stores that are specifically geared toward people looking for baby clothes.
Clothes dryers are available from many different department stores, big box electronics retailers and home improvement centers.
You can buy them at stores like Target or Wal-mart, Sears, Macy's, or Bed, Bath and Beyond.
If you are interested in discounts, consider visiting outlet malls or overstock stores for surplus or discontinued styles, or opt for less elaborate designs.
Discount stores offer plain or minimalist flatware designs, while department stores (typically those with bridal registries, since flatware is a frequent wedding gift for newlywed couples) have a wider range of design and setting options.
Many stores offer flatware, but if you choose a designer brand, be sure you are working with an authorized retailer to avoid potential problems and scams.
Sheets often go on sale, especially at department stores.
Department stores and almost all furniture stores offer some kind of stain protection application.
Stores that sell diapers will often have two-for-one sales, which essentially halve the price of a case of diapers.
Home renovation stores carry shower module brands and designs.
Some people prefer off-the-rack toddler clothes sold in department stores, which can certainly be inexpensive.
You can buy stereos from online electronics and appliance stores, or even direct from manufacturers online.
Now its time to hit the cosmetics sections of department stores near your home, or stores that specialize solely in cosmetics (think MAC).
A good blush can be expensive-try to learn of upcoming sales at department stores you can take advantage of.
Many vets now feel that commercial cat foods (i.e. the kinds you purchase in grocery stores) are not as good as they were once considered, and will recommend that you buy your cat food at a specialized pet store.
The best way to decide which computer keyboard to buy, is to test different designs at office supply or tech stores, and ask friends for recommendations.
Buying online isn't recommended because you'll need a brick-and-mortar retail store's return policy with no restocking fee because the lighting you r have at home or in your office swill be different than what's offered in the stores.
Hundreds of varieties are available online, in stores and exchanges.
Do a search for eyeshadow from the front page and find results from all profiled stores.
You can shop for facial mask products at department stores or simply at drugstores.
If you're on a tight budget, check out thrift stores and weekly shopper publication listings for garage and estate sales for used file cabinets.
Office supply stores also carry seconds or slightly damaged units that will also do the job.
Scout neighborhoods you're interested in, and learn about open houses, as well as nearby schools, grocery stores, restaurants and other businesses.
Men's dress shirts are available off the hanger in stores, from catalogs and from tailors who make them to order.
Stores and catalogs usually offer shirts in standard sizes and you will need to really experiment to determine the brand and size that fits you best, aside from the other factors mentioned above.
Go to bike stores and check out the selection, as it's absolutely necessary that you inspect a bike in the flesh before purchasing.
See if they can offer any suggestions on good stores or Web sites to shop at, as well as stores and Web sites to avoid!
Knowing the dimension of each of your pictures is incredibly important-it will save you from making guesses in stores about which frame fits a particular picture of yours.
If you don't have a lot of money to spend, remember to comb thrift stores and garage sales for picture frames.
Most online DVD rental stores have different membership options.
Most online rental stores allow you two to three DVDs at a time.
Big chain stores like Best Buy, Target and Wal-Mart do not sell used DVDs.
Most independent record stores sell used CDs and DVDs, but you should still call the store to make sure.
Many indie stores also offer you the opportunity to sell DVDs you own that you don't want anymore.
Also know that most video and DVD rental stores sell used DVDs, where they're commonly known as "previously viewed" DVDs.
Also know that there are many stores online where you can purchase used DVDs.
Most stores will have a seven-day return policy or something along those lines.
You can find them at pet stores, flea markets, farm supply stores, catalogs and online.
Most employees of pet stores will encourage first-time aquarium shoppers to go with an aquarium that's about 15-20 gallons in size.
Always keep in mind second-hand stores and garage and estate sales when looking to buy an aquarium.
In addition to used bookstores, you should check out thrift stores and look online for used books, as well as check the classifieds in your paper for garage and estate sales.
You can buy portfolios from art dealers, art material suppliers and even office supplies stores online.
Desk lamps are available at online home and office supplies stores as also directly from lighting goods manufacturers.
Beads can be bought from hobby stores, bead shops and design shops, both offline and online.
It may be a good idea to first visit some neighborhood bead stores and simply see what they have to offer.
Printing calculators are available at office supplies stores and with manufacturers of electronics goods.
Dress boots for women are available with a number of footwear manufacturers and fashion accessory stores.
Women's pants are available at online stores, women's wear outlets and at popular women's brand sites.
Learn what amenities are close to the development (grocery stores, dry cleaners, restaurants, movie theaters, etc).
You can buy men's sneakers from shoe outlets, sports stores and even fashion accessory stores online.
You can buy hosiery from lingerie manufacturers and even fashion accessory stores online.
You can buy women's dress shoes from shoe outlets and even fashion accessory stores online.
Paper shredders can be bought from most office supplies stores online.
They are also available in some of the larger department stores online.
You'd think that buying underwear would be a fairly simple process, but it can get confusing with all the styles, fabrics and stores to choose from.
Some stores forbid the practice, while others may allow you to try them on as long as you wear a pair of your own panties underneath.
Some stores may accept returns, but policies regarding packaging, tags and the number of days you have to return the item will vary.
If you want a camera that stores a couple hundred images, that is easy to operated and that fits into your pocket, then the less expensive models will suit you just fine.
You can buy a digital camera that stores over 400 photos if you think you will need that kind of capacity.
The iPod Photo, of course, also stores photographs-up to 25,000 of them.
Once you've developed a list of stores in your area that deliver, you can comparison shop by going up to each store's Web site and view the weekly advertised specials.
Stores are liable for minors getting their hands on tobacco or alcohol products, so they will never leave them unattended on your doorstep.
Most RAM available at computer hardware stores and online will be for newer computers made in the last few years.
Head out to sporting goods and department stores to peruse the selection of men's sports watches.
MusicStack allows users to shop for new and used record albums from some 3,000 record stores by a variety of formats, including vinyl and CD.
Roller blades can be purchased at Academy Sports and other sporting goods stores, local bike shops, skate shops and even at some toy stores.
You can often find roller blades on sites such as Craigslist and at used sporting goods stores like Play it Again Sports, if you are lucky enough to have a location in your area. has long been one of the most popular shoe stores on the web.
Seeds are available at many grocery stores and garden supply stores.
It's considered a wine because its taste is closer to wine than beer and is availabel in the wine section of liquor stores.
Most of what you see in stores is going to be plain cotton, especially if you are in a store that has a fabric section, but is not primarily a craft store (like most large retail shops).
Most stores will have a 'notions' section which will have needles, pins, thread, and more.
Many large stores (like Wal-Mart) will have a small fabric section.
Specialty stores, like Jo-Ann Fabrics, are usually a better bet.
You can also purchase from local used book stores.
Student stores tend to have the most up-to-date versions of the books your professors want you to have.
Faculty generally place orders for books for their classes with student stores well in advance so you can be sure you're getting the right books for the right classes.
Student stores are usually arranged by class.
If you manage to purchase the wrong book by mistake, most student stores will allow returns for a full refund the first week of class.
Best of all, at the end of the semester, most student stores will buy your books back and refund you a portion of the book price.
Many college towns have used textbook stores near the campus.
Like the student store on campus, these stores generally receive orders from the faculty and arrange their stock by course name and number.
These stores usually don't have forgiving return policies like student stores, so be sure you that the book you want is the right one before purchasing.
Buy-back policies vary widely among local used book stores, so keep this in mind before deciding where to purchase your textbooks.
The Internet is loaded with online book stores where students can buy their textbooks.
Some Web sites like, simply link users to university book stores. This bookseller allows comparison shopping of all the major online college textbook stores.
You can buy them at grocery stores or specialty spice stores, such as Penzeys.
Penzeys has stores in many large cities in America, but if you aren't lucky enough to live near one you can visit the online shop for access to tons of great herbs, spices and spice blends.
The great thing about ordering online is that you can browse through numerous stores until you find the gift basket you need, at the right price.
Also, some online gift basket stores offer express shipping, usually at an additional cost.
Many stores have displays set up, allowing you to examine and touch a variety of cameras before you make a decision.
This model will most likely be the one you see in stores.
You can easily find Game Boy Advance SP systems at most retail stores or online.
Most stores that carry Game Boy Advance products have both an online and offline presence, making it easy to buy your new gaming system.
Most large retailers and electronics stores will carry a small selection of Game Boy Advance systems and games.
These games can be purchased in stores or online with the packages shipped to your home.
Most big box stores -- like Best Buy or Walmart -- will carry Apple products, and most likely will have iPod Nanos in ready supply.
If you prefer to avoid face-to-face contact and are comfortable with online shopping, online stores may be a better option.
Many of these types of breeders wholesale them to bird marts, pet stores and individuals.
A hobbyist breeder is a small, family-type organization (many in a person's own home) where different birds are raised and sold to individuals, bird marts and pet stores.
These stores are mostly supplied with birds from breeders anyway, so they are more like a middleman.
Pet stores vary in the quality and care of their animals.
Rabbits come in many different breeds, but most pet stores carry some variety of the Netherland Dwarf, which as its name implies, is one of the smallest bunnies you can get.
In many of the larger stores, you may find that the animals do not receive as much human interaction, and as such, will be more difficult to hand tame when you take them home.
Not only can friends and family members share ideas for how to buy toys, they can direct you to stores that they've used successfully.
I had never heard of great stores like KB Toys and Toys R Us, until a family member explained that she had found some excellent buys at both places.
Online stores are a good place to look if you don't need the assistance of a sales associate.
You can find these at most major department stores, kithen supply stores, and other similar retail outlets.
We've all been there, and we've all bought something stupid along the way from such stores as The Sharper Image, San Francisco, or Spencer Gifts.
You can find inexpensive but good quality luggage at many retail stores and online dealers.
NetBags - The online travel outfitter offers luggage sets and individual pieces from lots of different brands and stores.
To help you with your search for the perfect unique gift, here are some websites and brick and mortar stores that specialize in various interesting items.
You can find Sharper Image stores in malls everywhere.
Or, some area rental stores may offer discounts at prom or for charity events.
Stores are much less likely to lose or forget a rental when money has all ready been put down on the item.
Sometimes stores have tailors or spare coats, cufflinks, or shoes if the ones you ordered do not fit.
Websites on the internet are exploding with custom stamp stores, print your own stamp services, even all-in-one mail stations that give you most of the postage features you'll find at the post office.
Search for grocery stores, markets, drugstores and gas stations that display the red and blue USPS logo.
Shipping stores carry a supply of stamps.