Store Sentence Examples
She caught sight of herself in a store window.
I'm surprised the clothing store was open.
We can store it in bottles.
Store fronts interspersed with vacant lots lined one side of the street while the other remained absent of any buildings except a closed gas station and a dollar store.
She said nothing as he disappeared into the house, wondering what surprises he had in store for her.
A lot of store fronts were boarded up.
The feed store lasted into the fifties.
I knew the props were still stored in the same place where I store my seasonal things.
Her father sent her to the store for her own things since she was adopted.
Next Megan took her to what looked like a large drug store, where she plucked a few items from a shelf filled with top of the line skincare products.
AdvertisementYou just wait to see what Kris has in store for you.
The woman owned the variety store and was never without a smile and a good word.
He owned a shoe store at one time—back in the seventies, I think.
The top half, which might have identified the date and the store was missing as if the slip had been torn in two.
And when we say, "The Internet is an electronic store," this is true.
AdvertisementBonaparte himself, not trusting to his generals, moved with all the Guards to the field of battle, afraid of letting a ready victim escape, and Bagration's four thousand men merrily lighted campfires, dried and warmed themselves, cooked their porridge for the first time for three days, and not one of them knew or imagined what was in store for him.
The group lingered, peering into the store to watch the fire and the clerk.
She entered the darkened store while Cora remained outside.
She carried the mug with her down the street to a store that smelled like an attic.
Signs were hung out on all sides to allure him; some to catch him by the appetite, as the tavern and victualling cellar; some by the fancy, as the dry goods store and the jeweller's; and others by the hair or the feet or the skirts, as the barber, the shoemaker, or the tailor.
AdvertisementIt made the clothing unit much less intimidating than Romas's lecture on matter and antimatter and how to store the two successfully without blowing up something.
She retrieved her microcomputer with the other hand and checked the supply store she granted the Guardian access to.
We're building a bigger battery to store the energy we generate from the river, but … Kelli shrugged.
He ascended two floors to the hallway where Kris's supplies had been stocked. He recalled how hard it could be taking care of a helpless creature like Katie or Toby. He strode to the chamber that had served as a department store full of clothing to Kris's Immortals. Not surprised to find the chamber ransacked, he sifted through the remaining clothing on the floor. He guessed Toby's size and stuffed a bag with a few items before going to the food supplies.
We've got a place up in the Poconos we want to store him.
AdvertisementA store clerk rushed to help her.
During the reigns of Ostojic (Stephen IV., 1418-14 21) and Tvrtkovic (Stephen V., 1421-1444) Bosnia was thus left an easy prey to the Turks, who exacted a yearly tribute, after again ravaging the country, and carrying off many thousands of slaves, with a vast store of plunder.
The Arcade, between Euclid and Superior avenues, and the Colonial Arcade, between Euclid and Prospect avenues, are office and retail store buildings worthy of mention.
Having been private secretary for several years to the most successful chief secretary of modern times, he started with a large store of experience, and his appointment was regarded with benignity even by the Nationalists on account of his descent from Lord Edward Fitzgerald.
As the embryo develops it may absorb all the food material available, and store, either in its cotyledons or in its hypocotyl, what is not immediately required for growth, as reserve-food for use in germination, and by so doing it increases in size until it may fill entirely the embryo-sac; or its absorptive power at this stage may be limited to what is necessary for growth and it remains of relatively small size, occupying but a small area of the embryo-sac, which is otherwise filled with endosperm in which the reserve-food is stored.
But it is the biggest, best store ever, where you can buy anything from anywhere, based on reviews by other buyers, at a discount, and have it gift wrapped, engraved, altered, drop-shipped, and probably delivered by tomorrow.
Wise machines are dramatically more valuable than machines that just store and retrieve information.
Up until now, we have thought of the Internet as a place to store information, and we have depended upon search engines to help us find it.
When the reception was over we went back to the hotel and teacher slept quite unconscious of the surprise which was in store for her.
Under the most splendid house in the city is still to be found the cellar where they store their roots as of old, and long after the superstructure has disappeared posterity remark its dent in the earth.
The barberry's brilliant fruit was likewise food for my eyes merely; but I collected a small store of wild apples for coddling, which the proprietor and travellers had overlooked.
Squirrels and wild mice disputed for my store of nuts.
And as if afraid of wasting his store of anger, he left Alpatych and went rapidly forward.
Sauces, spices and merchandising paraphernalia can be purchased at the restaurant's on-premise store.
Fritz is down to the store gettin' supplies, and Davis is sleepin' in the hotel.
It was after the Firestone store closed—I remember Ed complaining about that.
No. It was like they came in it from the store but a different kind of package.
Jackson stopped by the art supply store on the way home to purchase supplies for Elisabeth.
Only Sackler and Dean of the Parkside crew would know the new location where the Feds would store Baratto until they figured out what to do with him more permanently.
Of course, she was spending it on things for him – going to the store for him in the car he purchased...
I'm glad you went to the store.
I'll give you the money and you can shop in a men's store while I shop for my things.
The goddess Irnina (a form of Ishtar, q.v.) in revenge kills Eabani, and the balance of the epic is taken up with Gilgamesh's lament for his friend, his wanderings in quest of a remote ancestor, Ut-Napishtim, from whom he hopes to learn how he may escape the fate of Eabani, and his finally learning from his friend of the sad fate in store for all mortals except the favourites of the god, like Ut-Napishtim, to whom immortal life is vouchsafed as a special boon.
The outbreak of the American War put a stop to the trade of his master, and he thereupon left Salem and went to Boston, where he engaged himself as assistant in another store.
Each has its independent occasion, purpose, character and method; but they draw largely on a common store of thought and use common means of expression.
There is a small grocery store at the front of the restaurant where you can take its great food home with you.
I think we need to go to the store tomorrow - today, but I can fix us a snack.
After purchasing a conservative blouse and jeans of quality, she moved on to a less crowded grocery store than the budget one she usually used.
Finally, rationalizing that they needed milk, she headed for the grocery store.
Lori was still asleep, so Alex and Carmen went to the store to pick up a few things for them.
She took Destiny and the Twins to another store to shop.
The only thing left to purchase was food, and there was bound to be a store near the cabin.
After the third attempt failed, she decided to call from the store.
A small country store that doubled as a restaurant was one of a few buildings.
She glanced around the little store.
The store looked and smelled clean, and she was hungry.
A gas station that fixed flats, a few houses and the store – that was about it.
She turned and headed back to the store reflectively.
A young boy stopped his bicycle in front of the store and his thongs slapped bare heals as he entered.
She hated to call Dad from the store.
Dad, this phone is inside a little country store and the lady that works here said it would be all right to give you this number.
Well, a nice clean cut young man was asking questions about you at the store yesterday.
Clara smiled a welcome as Megan walked into the store.
She hated to ask for directions to another store.
There wasn't much in the house to eat, but they could get something at Clara's store.
He's called the store three times in the last week.
All right, suppose we bought a jar of live Praying Mantises at our neighborhood pest control store.
That necklace will absorb new magic and prevent him from accessing the depths of his current store.
Read the tabloids next time you go to the store.
He pointed out a Barnes and Noble, and she was shocked to see the crowd outside the store.
The store manager, a middle-aged woman with glasses, looked up at him in awe.
They went to what had been a Nook sales stand in the center of the store and was blocked off for him.
He sat, and the store employees made an attempt to organize a line for the customers.
A store employee planted a hand in her chest when she tried to move into the secured area where Xander was.
The store was packed, the line outside extending for a few hundred meters along the mall.
It was almost five; they'd been at the store for seven hours!
He even went with her to the pet store for more kibbles after their coffee date.
The administration of the Servian railways has its factory for repairing engines and principal store of materials in the city, which also possesses an iron foundry.
He was, according to his enemies, the son of an apothecary, his father being in fact a doctor of medicine of respectable family, who kept a small drug store as part of the necessary outfit of a country practitioner.
Land was probably acquired for a military post and store depot at Woolwich in 1667, in order to erect batteries against the invading Dutch fleet, although in 1664 mention is made of storehouses and sheds for repairing ship carriages.
A transporter of this kind, when fitted with a grab, is a very efficient machine for taking coal from barges and depositing it in a coal store.
When oscillations are excited in this last circuit they communicate them to the antenna provided this last circuit is tuned or syntonized to the closed circuit, and the radiating antenna has thus a large store of energy to draw upon and can therefore radiate prolonged trains of electric waves.
It conducts plastic substances inwards from the cortex, and its cells are frequently full of starch, which they store in winter.
When the tuber of a potato begins to germinate the shoots which it puts out derive their food from the accumulated store of nutritive material which has been laid up in the cells of the tuber.
The assimilation of complex foods consequently may be regarded as supplying the protoplasm with a potential store of energy, as well as building tip its substance.
He returned to Europe possessed of a vast store of knowledge respecting the eastern parts of the world, and, being afterwards made a prisoner by the Genoese, he dictated the narrative of his travels during his captivity.
This ball is buried in a suitable place, and serves the insect as a store of food.
He had previously written his commentaries on the epistles to the Galatians (1865), Philippians (1868) and Colossians (1875), the notes to which were distinguished by sound judgment and enriched from his large store of patristic and classical learning.
He continued to work at his editions of the Apostolic Fathers, and in 1885 published an edition of the Epistles of Ignatius and Polycarp, collecting also a large store of valuable materials for a second edition of Clement of Rome, which was published after his death (1st ed., 1869).
The chief command of the newly organized army was also given to him, but previously, at the head of a body of militia, he had demanded satisfaction for powder removed from the public store by order of Lord Dunmore, the royal governor, with the result that £330 was paid in compensation.
It is related that Ezra, the scribe and priest, returned to Jerusalem with priests and Levites, lay exiles, and a store of vessels for the Temple.
Most Jews not only confidently believe that their own future lies in progressive development within the various nationalities of the world, but they also hope that a similar consummation is in store for the as yet unemancipated branches of Israel.
The west side of the palace contained a series of 18 magazines with great store jars and cists and large hoards of clay documents.
Here also are early magazines with huge store jars.
Magazines with fine painted store jars came to light beneath the floor of the later " propylaeum."
In addition there is in this particular genus, as indeed in many others, a long tubular spur or horn projecting downwards from the back of the lip, whose office it is to secrete and store a honeyed juice; the forepart of the lip forms an expanded plate, usually larger and more brightly coloured than the other parts of the flower, and with hairs or ridges and spots of various kinds according to the species.
A bee, we will assume, attracted by the colour and perfume of the flower, alights on that part of it which is the first to attract its attention - the lip. There, guided by the hairs or ridges before-mentioned, it is led to the orifice of the spur with its store of honeyed juice.
Up to 1896 store cattle were admitted into the United Kingdom for the purpose of being fattened, but under the Diseases of Animals Act of that year animals imported since then have to be slaughtered at the place of landing.
The numbers of cattle (both fat and store) weighed at scheduled places in 1893 and 1905 2 were respectively 7.59 and 18% of those entering those markets.
The effect was to reduce to a minimum the risk of the introduction of disease amongst the herds and flocks of the country, and at the same time to confine the trade in store stock exclusively to the breeders of Great Britain and Ireland.
Most of the pigs sent from Ireland into Great Britain are fat, the store pigs accounting for less than one-tenth of the total number.
There is in existence a vast store of accumulated knowledge, and few, if any, departments of economics have been left quite unilluminated by the researches of former generations.
A species of Acarus is recorded as infesting a store of powdered strychnine and feeding on that drug, so poisonous to larger organisms. Reference to literature (40).
Soon after marriage his wife was attacked by a lingering illness, to which she succumbed, Lagrange devoting all his time, and a considerable store of medical knowledge, to her care.
Logical in its derivatives and in its grammatical structure, the Magyar language is, moreover, copious in idiomatic expressions, rich in its store of words, and almost musical in its harmonious intonation.
The Romans, who succeeded the Greeks as the chief civilized power in Europe, failed to set store on their literary and scientific treasures; mathematics was all but neglected; and beyond a few improvements in arithmetical computations, there are no material advances to be recorded.
He had a part interest in1837-1839in a retail grocery in Troy, and in a wholesale store there in 1839-1857.
Store of wine was contained in six amphorae, and in two bronze cauldrons were mutton-bones.
He was informally exiled, and spent much time with Marshal Villars, again increasing his store of "reminiscences."
By embarking on that venture the fleet gave the Turks sufficient warning of what was in store to ensure that, on the date on which Sir I.
Again, the contrast between Lazarus and Dives in the future state pictures vividly the reversals that are in store; but it is unreasonable to take it as implying that every poor man, whatever his moral character, will be blessed.
The last two are most important and, it is believed, were the sources from which the Incas derived the greater part of their store.
In 1860 he removed to Galena, Illinois, and became a clerk in a leather store kept by his father.
The reception of Maud from the critics, however, was the worst trial to his equanimity which Tennyson had ever had to endure, nor had the future anything like it in store fort him.
On leaving he was apprenticed to a civil engineer at Derby, where he acquired " a store of exclusively scientific conceptions," 1 but also experienced the hunger of mind which forced him to look to religion for satisfaction.
An electrified conductor is a store of energy, and from the definition of potential it is clear that the work done in increasing the charge q of a conductor whose potential is v by a small amount dq, is vdq, and since this added charge increases in turn the potential, it is easy to prove that the work done in charging a conductor with Q units to a potential V units is z QV units of work.
The son attended the public schools of New York until he was ten, and then became a clerk in his step-father's store, removing in 1836 with his mother and step-father to New Carlisle, Indiana.
Large reservoirs assist to store this water after it is raised, and to equalize its distribution.
The habitats which they affect are the hot, dry regions of tropical America, the aridity of which they are enabled to withstand in consequence of the thickness of their skin and the paucity of evaporating pores or stomata with which they are furnished, - these conditions not permitting the moisture they contain to be carried off too rapidly; the thick fleshy stems and branches contain a store of water.
When it became known that the accounts of these invasions formed a part of the records preserved in the Assyrian libraries, historian and theologian alike waited with breathless interest for the exact revelations in store; and this time expectation was not disappointed.
Apparently this mound had been occupied largely by store houses, in which were stored not only grain, figs, &c., but also vessels, weapons, sculptures and every possible object connected with the use and administration of palace and temple.
There were greater trials in store when the World War broke out at last.
Bees store honey and pollen to serve as food for their young.
Yet it may be thought that the usual instinct of the " diggingwasps " to capture and store up food in an underground burrow for the benefit of offspring which they will never see is even more surprising.
He left a vast store of manuscript, portions of which have been published at intervals in Crelle's Journal.
Dr Rendel Harris published in 1887 a complete facsimile, and gathered a great store of patristic illustration.
The desire to learn what the future has in store is nearly as old as the sense of responsibility in mankind, and has been the parent of many empirical systems of fortune-telling, which profess to afford positive knowledge whereby the affairs of life may be regulated, and the dangers of failure foretold.
These semi-separatists still set great store by the church-covenant, in which they bound themselves " to walk together in all God's ways and ordinances, according as He had already revealed, or should further make them known to them."
When he was twenty-one he went to Mount Holly, where he was a clerk in a store, opened a school for poor children and became a tailor.
Herzl thus left an indelible mark on his time, and his renown is assured whatever be the fate in store for the political Zionism which he founded and for which he gave his life.
From the Kenites, at any rate, they may have received, not only a strong religious impulse, but a store of tales of the primitive age, and these stories too may have been partly influenced by Babylonian traditions.
Vieau's house and store was at this time on the south side.
This nomination was accompanied with an intimation that more was in store for him, and that steps would be taken to provide for him the income, viz., 3000 ducats, which was necessary to qualify for the cardinal's hat.
In return Maine brought back from his Indian office a store of knowledge which enriched all his later writings, though he took India by name for his theme only once.
Hunters and fishermen frequented its innumerable rivers, returning home laden with rich store of fish and pelts, while runaway serfs occasionally settled in small communities beneath the shelter of the fortresses built, from time to time, to guard the 'southern frontiers of Poland and Muscovy.
In the oceans alone there are estimated to be 1141 X 10 12 tons of sulphate, K 2 SO 4, but this inexhaustible store is not much drawn upon; and the "salt gardens" on the coast of France lost their industrial importance as potash-producers since the deposits at Stassfurt in Germany have come to be worked.
Its burrows are sought after in the countries where it abounds, both for capturing the animal and for rifling its store.
He thus acquired a large store of knowledge and great practical skill and manipulative dexterity.
The female Trypanosomes, on the other hand, grow to a large size, laying up a store of reserve nutriment.
A brilliant examination for the degree of bachelor procured him, in 1588, admittance on the foundation to the university of Tubingen, where he laid up a copious store of classical erudition, and imbibed Copernican principles from the private instructions of his teacher and life-long friend, Michael Maestlin.
Nineveh was badly supplied with water for drinking; the inhabitants had to " turn their eyes to heaven for the rain," but Sennacherib conducted water by eighteen canals from the hills into the Husur and distributed its waters round the moats and into store tanks, or ponds, within the city.
This the elders of the tribe pick up or pretend to find, and carefully store up in a cleft of the hills or in a cave which no woman may approach.
Besides other rooms, it contains a drug store, and a chamber for those who are dangerously ill.
Making use of the large store of manuscripts at St Denis, William was a compiler rather than an author, and with the exception of the latter part of the Chronicon his writings do not add materially to our knowledge of the time.
But no portion of this rich store of miscellaneous knowledge has left its characteristic impress on his writings; this influence was reserved for his legal training.
It resembles the sperm-whale in possessing a large store of oil in the upper part of the head, which yields spermaceti when refined; on this account, and also for the sake of the blubber, which supplies an oil almost indistinguishable from sperm-oil, this whale became the object of a regular chase in the latter half of the 19th century.
The principal monuments of the Lusignan period are the fine cathedral church of St Sophia, an edifice of French Gothic, at once solid and elegant (the towers were never completed); the church of St Catherine, an excellent example of the last years of the 14th century (both these are now mosques); and the church of St Nicolas of the English (now a grain store), built for the order of the Knights of St Thomas of Acre.
The future has no doubt still other extensions of the principle of neutralization in store for us.
The name is probably derived from the pits or cellars (foveae) in which the inhabitants store their grain.
The predominant influence, on the whole, has been the phenomenalism of Hume, with its slender store of sensations, ideas and associations, and its conclusion that all we know is sensations without any known thinkers or any other known things.
The Armenians must, like the Georgians a little later, have set store by the opinion of the bishop of Jerusalem, or they would not have sent to consult him.
It is protected by a broad wet ditch (plans in article Fortification), and in the caponiers are the magazines and store chambers of the fortress.
Moreover, it should be kept in a damp-proof store for a few weeks; and when taken out for use it should be mixed and placed in position as quickly as possible, because rain, or even moist air, spoils it by causing it to set prematurely.
What visions beyond there may be, what larger hopes,what ultimate harmonies, if such there are in store, will come in God's good time; it is not for us to anticipate them, or lift the veil where God has left it down" (The Christian View of God and the World, 18 93, p. 397).
Both schemes appeared practically impossible; potassium cost about L 1 7 per lb, gave a very small yield and was dangerous to manipulate, while on the other hand, the only source of electric current then available was the primary battery, and zinc as a store of industrial energy was utterly out of the question.
Germination is often slower where there is a store of available food in the perisperm, or in the endosperm, or in the embryo itself, than where this is scanty or wanting.
The frame ground, including melon and pine pits, should occupy some well-sheltered spot in the slips, or on one side of the garden, and adjoining to this may be found a suitable site for the compost ground, in which the various kinds of soils are kept in store, and in which also composts may be prepared.
Care should be taken to allow sufficient room to properly manipulate the fires and to store fuel.
Many seeds will grow freely if sown in a partially ripened state; but as a general rule seeds have to be kept for some weeks or months in store, and hence they should be thoroughly ripened before being gathered.
Lift potatoes and store them.
Gather and store all sorts of apples and pears, the longest-keeping sorts not before the end of the month, if the weather be mild.
Gather and store the latest apples and pears.
The functions of mycelial strands, rhizomorphs and sclerotia are not only to collect and store materials, but also to extend the fungus, and in many cases similar strands act as organs of attack.
But, intermediate in richness between these two extremes, the iron ores mined to-day and these 2 and 3% ores, there is an incalculably great quantity of ore capable of mechanical concentration, and another perhaps vaster store of ore which we do not yet know how to concentrate mechanically, so that the day when a pound of iron in the ore will cost as much as a pound of copper in the ore costs to-day is immeasurably distant.
Where a freezing store for furs is not accessible, furs should be well shaken and afterwards packed in linen and kept in a perfectly cool dry place, and examined in the summer at periods of not less than five weeks.
The former section, which is too shallow to store up any large amount of heat during the summer, freezes for three or four months along the shores, effectually stopping navigation on the lower Volga, but out in the middle ice appears only when driven there by northerly winds.
She received the prophet with hospitality, sharing with him her all but exhausted store, in faith of his promise in the name of the God of Israel that the supply would not fail so long as the drought lasted.
He had an inexhaustible store of anecdotes about that gay and brilliant world from which he was now an outcast.
He had strong sense, quick discernment, wit, humour, immense knowledge of literature and of life, and an infinite store of curious anecdotes.
The little advance I now have upon this store of education I have picked up from time to time under the pressure of necessity."
In 1831 Offutt made him clerk of his country store at New Salem, a small and unsuccessful settlement in Menard county; this gave him moments of leisure to devote to self-education.
With a friend, William Berry, he then bought a small country store, which soon failed chiefly because of the drunken habits of Berry and because Lincoln preferred to read and to tell stories - he early gained local celebrity as a story-teller - rather than sell; about this time he got hold of a set of Blackstone.
In the spring of 1833 the store's stock was sold to satisfy its creditors, and Lincoln assumed the firm's debts, which he did not fully pay off for fifteen years.
It was not, however, till the latter half of the 19th century that the vast store of public and private archives began to be systematically exploited.
Kitchener, who was at the time governor of the Red Sea littoral, judiciously arranged a combination of them to overthrow Osman Digna, with the result that his stronghold at Tamai was captured on the 7th of October, 200 of his men killed, and 5o prisoners, 17 guns and a vast store of rifles and ammunition captured.
Exalbuminous Dicotyledons usually store reserve-food in their cotyledons, which may in germination remain below ground (hypogeal).
North-west is the Store Vildmose, a swamp where the mirage is seen in summer.
The salt is " drawn " from the pan and placed (in the case of boiled salts) in small conical baskets hung round the pan to drain, and thence moulded in square boxes and afterwards stove-dried, or (in case of unboiled salts) " drawn " in a heap on to the " hurdles," on which it drains, and thence is carried to the store.
No store of food is accumulated, and the winter sleep is probably unbroken.
In West-ostlicher Diwan (1819), a collection of lyrics - matchless in form and even more concentrated in expression than those of earlier days - which were suggested by a German translation of Hafiz, Goethe had another surprise in store for his contemporaries.
He was a clerk in a store at Strafford in 1825 - 1828, and at Portland, Maine, in 1828-1831, and was a merchant and then a farmer in his native town in 1831-1855.
The maggots may pass no excrement from the intestine until they have eaten all their store of food.
Each cell is provided with a store of honey and pollen beside which an egg is laid; and after eight or nine cells have been successively built and stored, the whole is covered by a dome-like mass of cement.
Three years out of four at Herat it does not freeze hard enough for the people to store ice; yet it was not very far from Herat, and could not have been at a greatly higher level (at Kafir Kala, near Kassan) that, in 1750, Ahmad Shah's army, retreating from Persia, is said to have lost 18,000 men from cold in a single night.
The town library (with which that of the university was incorporated in 1905) contains a vast store of MSS.
Squirrels and dormice are very destructive to the nut crop, as they not only take for present consumption but for a store for future supply.
In the city are two large factories and store houses of the American Tobacco Company.
In 1797 the town was strongly fortified on the Roscommon side, the works covering 15 acres and containing two magazines, an ordnance store, an armoury with 15,000 stands of arms and barracks for 1500 men.
Flywheels.A flywheel is a rotating piece in a machine, generally shaped like a wheel (that is to say, consisting of a rim with spokes), and suited to store and restore energy by the periodical variations in its angular velocity.
The principles according to which variations of angular velocity store and restore energy are the same as those of 117, only substituting moment of inertia for mass, and angular for linear velocity.
For example, in a machine-work, the steam-engine, which is the prime mover of the various tools, has a flywheel on the crank-shaft to store and restore the periodical excess of energy arising from the variations in the effort exerted by the connecting-rod upon the crank; and each of the slotting machines, punching machines, riveting machines, and other tools has a flywheel of its own to store and restore energy, so as to enable the very different resistances opposed to those tools at different times to be overcome without too great unsteadiness of motion.
Hence also frequent allusion is made by poets to the anxious care caused to the Fathers by the possibility of the living head of the family being afflicted with failure of offspring; this dire prospect compelling them to use but sparingly their little store of provisions, in case the supply should shortly cease altogether.
The most important qualification, however, is that it should be so constituted as to preserve and store up, during the relatively cold weather the heat which it has derived from the atmosphere during the summer.
From public men in all parts of the country he received such a store of suggestions as came to no other man, digested it, and was enabled by means of it to speak with what seemed infallible wisdom.
Either store of instances must be procured, or the business must be given up. All other ways, however enticing, are impassable.
The larger scheme includes three large reservoirs in the Mesaoria to hold up and temporarily store the flood waters of the Pedias and Yalias rivers.
This reference, and a further notice in Markhams history, supply the clue to a store of valuable information made available by the publications of the Hakluyt Society.
But his reputation in court circles was increasing; he was appointed a member of the committee for the reform of the criminal law in 1840; and, the same year with a letter of recommendation from Metternich in his pocket, visited England and France, Holland and Belgium, made the acquaintance of Thiers and Heine in Paris, and returned home with an immense and precious store of practical information.
A reservoir was begun in 1904 just below the junction of the Tonto and the Salt with capacity to store 1,330,000 acre-ft.
In the deeper parts of this zone the bacteria absorb the SH 2, and, as they rise, oxidize it and store up the sulphur; then ascending into planes more highly oxygenated, oxidize the sulphur to SO 3.
He set little store on the theology of those who in a system of dry and barren notions "pay handsome compliments to the Deity," "remove providence," "explode devotion," and leave but "little of zeal, affection, or warmth in what they call rational religion."
This bare official outline of the past history of his city was by Fabius filled in from the rich store of tradition that lay ready to his hand.
To political bias was added family pride, for the gratification of which the archives of the great houses, the funeral panegyrics, or the imagination of the writer himself supplied an ample store of doubtful material.
It is true that here and there the "creamy richness" of his style becomes verbosity, and that he occasionally draws too freely on his inexhaustible store of epithets, metaphors and turns of speech; but these faults, which did not escape the censure even of friendly critics like Quintilian, are comparatively rare in the extant parts of his work.
From the store about 250 inaunds are taken daily to be manufactured into cakes.
His eclogues and epistles and the epic of Africa, on which he set such store, exhibit a comparatively limited command of Latin metre.
In 1797 glassworks which were the first to use coal as a fuel in making glass were built here; later Pittsburg profited greatly by the use of its great store of natural gas in the manufacture of glass.
Besides pictures, the master seems also to have shown and explained to his visitors some of his vast store of notes and observations on anatomy and physics.
This cannot be determined from the rainfall; it entirely depends upon the power of the soil and rock to store water in the particular area under consideration, and to yield it continuously to the stream by means of concentrated springs or diffused seepage.
On the introduction of the Waterworks Clauses Act 1847, an impetus was given to high-pressure supplies, and the same systems of distributing mains were frequently employed for the purpose; but with few exceptions the water continued to be supplied intermittently, and cisterns or tanks were necessary to store it for use during the periods of intermission.
The next section, cc. 3-27, irepl xeiporovcwv, and cc. 28-46, 7E / it Kavovcwv, is twofold, and is evidently that upon which the writer sets most store.
This vast and conscientious publication is a valuable store of material for the early periods of the first French Revolution.
It was of Queen in vain that Edward besought her to return and to re- Isabella store him his son; she came back at last,butatthehead and of an army commanded by Roger, Lord Mortimer, the Mortimer.
By this means coal may be delivered direct to the store or retorthouse, and in the same way residual products may be removed.
The liquor is run off at a constant rate from the hydraulic main to the store tank, and the gas passes from the top of the hydraulic main to the foul main.
Their food must be purchased with money lawfully acquired; and lest they should unwittingly partake of any that is ceremonially unclean, they require those Jahels, whose hospitality they share, to supply their wants from a store set apart for their exclusive use.
The species inhabiting cold climates construct a winter nest in which they hibernate, waking up at times to feed on an accumulated store of nuts and other food.
About the beginning of May he is back at his njalla, but as soon as the weather grows warm he pushes up to the mountains, and there throughout the summer pastures his herds and prepares his store of cheese.
The abundant store of just and close analytical observation contained in Aristotle's account of these notions give it a permanent interest, even beyond its historical value as a delineation of the Greek ideal of " fair and good " life.
Iceland is emphatically a land of proverbs, while of folk-tales, those other keys to the poeple's heart, there is plentiful store.
Bradley's store of observations has accordingly proved invaluable.
But as yet, the recessional or approaching movements of only a few hundred stars have been registered; and this store of information is scanty indeed compared with the needs of research.
Yet in the nature of the case there must have been a great store of local tradition accessible to some writers and at some periods.3 Interest is taken not in Phoenicia, Damascus or the northern tribes, but in the east and south, in Gilead, Ammon, Moab and Ishmael.
Next in importance, to bee-keepers, is the enormous advance made in late years through the invention of a machine for manufacturing the impressed wax sheets known as " comb foundation," aptly so named, because upon it the bees build the cells wherein they store their food.
To some extent, the individual came in for his share in the incantations and in the purification ritual through which one might hope to rid oneself of the power of the demons and of other evil spirits, but outside of this the important aim of the priests was to secure for the general benefit the favour of the gods, or, as a means of preparing oneself for what the future had in store, to ascertain in time whether that favour would be granted in any particular instance or would be continued in the future.
By this curious process of combination the entire realm of the natural sciences was translated into the language of astrology with the single avowed purpose of seeing in all phenomena signs indicative of what the future had in store.
Its principal manufactures are Remington typewriters and Remington fire-arms (notably the Remington rifle); other manufactures are filing cabinets and cases and library and office furniture (the Clark & Baker Co.), knit goods, carriages and harness, and store fixtures.
A store was established on the present site of Ilion as early as 1816, but the village really dates from the completion of the Erie canal in 1825.
One of the greatest improvement projects undertaken by the national Reclamation Service is one on the North Platte, begun in 1903, which contemplates a reservoir in Wyoming of sufficient capacity to store all the surplus waters of that stream, about 600 m.
Although the Arabs were in full possession of the store of knowledge of the geometry of conics which the Greeks had accumulated, they did little to increase it; the only advance made consisted in the application of describing intersecting conics so as to solve algebraic equations.
Consequent upon this, after a longer or shorter period, those changes commence in the embryo-sac which result in the formation of the embryo plant, the ovule also undergoing changes which convert it into the seed, and fit it for a protective covering, and a store of nutriment for the embryo.
They had no idea what was in store for them.
Eventually Mary accepted the inevitable and even offered the use of an old shed to store everything Cynthia wouldn't take with her.
Besides, nothing up there more exotic than what you'd buy in a grocery store.
There were several other surprises in store for the gentleman had he managed to venture further into my home.
Not names and dates bragging; just how he'd had more honeys than anyone in there and they wouldn't be spotting him in any department store.
It's the deepest bond my … our kind can share and one that Czerno had in store for you.
However, they needed more supplies—additional batteries, a second flashlight, and marking chalk—all to be purchased at the variety store, which didn't open until eight o'clock.
He owned a shoe store at one time—back in the seventies, I think.
It was after the Firestone store closed—I remember Ed complaining about that.
I had to change buses, but the last guy dropped me off right here in Ouray at the Variety store!
I was going to the convenience store where other people are.
The "other items" proved to be a notebook with hundreds of practiced letters and numbers, a pen and dried ink bottle, a white dress with a thrift store smell that had aged to yellow, a comb, hair brush, some ancient under things and a pair of ladies shoes.
Donald bought him a camera at the Variety store.
We're building a bigger battery to store the energy we generate from the river, but … Kelli shrugged.
He was uneasy—the kid being dropped off at the hospital for a tonsil operation, hearing about the ice cream but now realizing something dire might be in store before dessert.
Sackler and Dean spent the afternoon listening to the exaggerated tale of a variety store owner who had been held up at gunpoint, and supposedly relieved of $1,500.
Dean and Andy Sackler, his partner on the variety store hold up, methodically checked leads until they arrested two youths ages 14 and 12 who admitted to the robbery.
The two boys ran out of the store, as frightened as the old man—only they presumably held their water.
Just to be on the safe side, Dean stopped at a thrift store and purchased a nondescript jacket and a slouched hat.
Of course, she was spending it on things for him – going to the store for him in the car he purchased...
A gas station that fixed flats, a few houses and the store – that was about it.
He has not yet entered into the highest experience of heavenly bliss that God has in store for him.
Those were the problems incurred when running a store with a mail order center.
Thewedding dress store went bankrupt!
The store provides beautiful cusomizablewedding stationery or you can call to discuss a unique design.
The pressure was regulated by means of a weight loaded hydraulic accumulator, which could also store a certain amount f energy.
What had fate in store for these daring adventurers?
Store ' total aged 0-15 ' in ' v1 ' as shown.
The biggest sin is to store your tent without giving it a thorough airing first.
He then took his two daughters out to a DIY store in order to create a false alibi for himself.
I hear that small arms ammunition in South Africa has practically disappeared from the store shelves.
These lengths can be used to declare character arrays to store such strings.
Scientists have modified a plant in the mustard family to remove arsenic from contaminated soils and store it in its leaves for easy disposal.
In a removal job at a large Birmingham store airborne asbestos outside the work area was measured at 400 times the permitted level.
Retail store offering a wide assortment of products, most of which have a low unit value.
Topic locks are used to make store operations atomic. makes it fast and easy to find automata wooden toys Huge Central Virginia Toy Store Harry Potter, too!
Latest News, Discounts and Competitions Looking for a new lightweight compact awning which is easy to erect and store?
We return the plastic bags to the grocery store for them to recycle.
Protesters hung a banner at a Morrisons store in Bradford branding it the " UK's worst seafood retailer " .
The White Company Buy luxury bed linen, bedding and quality home accessories from The White Company's Online Store.
I want to convert the old Tackle store in the stone belfry into the new Reserve Store.
Local man Sandy McGregor's book " The Law Killers, " published September 2005, instantly became the No.1 bestseller in our store.
It is better to do this than to store OLE objects as they cause database bloat.
From fabric to feather boas, children's toys to cutlery this store stocks the lot.
Autumn provides a bonanza which they will feed on and store enough for winter.
Transworld encourages you to purchase from either your local book store or from a UK or Ireland based online bookseller.
Lambs Bookshop is an independent legal bookseller, based in Store Street, London.
Useless customer service too, their store in Kensington, the only mobile phone store i have ever seen a bouncer in over here!
Hackett, the renowned British menâs clothing brand, has unveiled an extensive redesign of its flagship store on Londonâs Sloane Street.
Plus size bridal The internets premier discount bridal store dedicated to the plus size bride.
You needn't store incense burners away or hide them in a corner.
Perhaps you could buy an old army camouflage from an army surplus store for some real grit.
Their first series of Story Store has already been shown on ITV and they have more animated capers in the pipeline.
I've been considering purchasing a bottle capper and using empty (clear) beer bottles to store some of my wine.
Nunamiut share caribou meat when fresh meat is required but will store it otherwise.
Carrots and potatoes are still in store but winter cauliflower and spinach comes to an end.
Mos Eisley Cantina also has a store from which to buy extras, characters, gold blocks and unlock cheats.
The baboon have cheek pouches in which they can store food.
The property also has several timber framed store sheds, along with a timber clad traditional barn.
A revetted component store with corrugated asbestos cladding still stands in a wooded area to the west of the high explosive magazines.
Both end doors can be completely zipped closed, it has 3 pockets to store bits & bobs.
For childrens ski clothes and child ski wear look inside The Kids Window UK store and look great at any ski resort holiday!
On site amenities will include a clubhouse, restaurant, local food store, outdoor swimming pool, tennis and mountain bike rental.
The Chapel had long been used as a secure store by the Exchequer and it contained many ancient relics, including old coinage dies.
Users can download music conveniently using an online music store from their personal computer or directly via air.
Store them in airtight containers in a cool, dark, dry place.
Remove the faded flowers of gladioli and allow the foliage to die back fully before lifting the corms to store over the winter.
Can you tell me what is the best way to keep and store the cyclamen corms for next year?
For each pair of elements in the base B, say, we store their adjusted covariance, .
New cribs sold in the United States (including all cribs sold in our Store) comply with modern safety standards.
If you decide on ordering a custom made crib, the online store may not allow any returns.
The tracking of IP addresses helps deter criminals from using your store to place charges on stolen cards.
A lot of store managers are now resigned to the fact that their own efforts at beating the crooks will not be supported.
Freeze in ice cube trays or on thin baking trays, break up & store in bags in freezer.
In a little dark den behind a poultry store I was sketching some of the old men at study.
Knightsbridge, not far to the southwest, is home to the famously posh Harrods department store and many boutiques.
Then reading the newspaper this morning I saw an ad for a sale this weekend only at a local department store.
The future uses of the adjacent Co-operative department store will be included in the design study.
His only living descendant in our day was an elderly Mr Jacob, who kept the small village store.
Excavation can be done by hand, or you can hire a digger from a local tool hire store.
It might use a small dish antenna bought mail-order and some parts picked up at a surplus store.
There is no need to stop the Information Store service, just dismount the individual stores in the Exchange System Manager.
Sophy Lynn opened the first dispensary in Notting Hill in 1988 in an old Chemist's store.
Snap-in vertical bin dividers enable you to store supplies at the desired location for easy access.
This system revolutionized dock work, as far fewer dockworkers were needed to unload and store the containers.
Just one more thing, don't store your lovely nice white silk drapes in black plastic bin bags in a damp container yard.
She eventually left, to join Edith in running a small fancy drapers and general store in the front room of their house.
The Co-operative store also includes a drapery, hardware and grocery department, which even sells branded names that have been long forgotten.
Features include 8mm tempered glass shelf, a pull-out drawer to store your favorite DVD / CD collection & rubber feet.
Here, even the castle dungeon has been turned into a book store!
Check out our affordable cotton duvets in our online cotton duvet store now.
The main store front has high eaves to give it the necessary presence.
I worked in a grocery store, and I saw plenty of lightly bruised food, still edible, tossed in the trash.
Golden acrylic Artists ' Products found in our on-line store Gesso Primer Formulated with 100% acrylic polymer emulsion.
Go to a hardware store and by some form of all purpose 2 Ton clear epoxy.
Want a warm for example at store presets that supply owner Erin.
We have a wide range of stylish quality eyewear (approx 1000 different frame styles in each store ), contact lenses and accessories.
If you are considering a store card look into all the options and read the fine print.
There are 12 showrooms nationwide, with a 3000 sq ft flagship store in London's West End.
Gourmet food store offers fresh pate de foie gras, goose foie gras.
Do not store the samples during transit or at home in areas likely to contaminate foodstuffs or drinks.
At last Caithness was about to get a foretaste of what the future held in store for it.
The new store allows greater focus on men's casualwear and womenswear whilst still dedicating 3 floors to men's formalwear.
The place is a general store and restaurant combined with a coffeehouse and soda fountain and serves the most.. .
A computer-generated image of the new store shows the tower block with 200 flats near the new square at Quakers friars.
The proposed development includes 200 apartments, restaurants and a food store - but not the historic funfair.
At the same time, hidden gems wait for you on the video store shelf.
You should store away the packing ready for an efficient get-out.
He then claimed to have three ghouls locked in his store room still.
Had a fairy godmother told them of what was in store on that trip they would have just laughed!
Much of the equipment and showcases etc. were begged and borrowed from anywhere available including gondola ends from the local coop store.
Bernard lewis GOP store for you to the dock.
This technique means that colors appear grainy, so that even the blues and greens of the store workers ' uniforms are drab.
I would like to nominate my great granddad to perform the opening ceremony of your new look store in March on August 31.
Small and compact, the Parmesan grater will store easily in a fridge and look stylish when entertaining family or friends.
But it lacks important core shops and services, such as baker, butcher, specialist greengrocer, hardware store and bank.
The whole corner grocery store is also a memory of times gone by.
Click on the main section headings to the left to browse all the sports goods in our store.
For a store cupboard hoummus, process a drained jar of artichoke hearts and a drained can of borlotti beans.
Find out what the stars have in store for you with Russell Grant's weekly horoscope.
The store features murals drawn by well-known illustrator Chris Burke.
The store of womanly wisdom contained in this book is truly incalculable.
The Position implementations (marks) store the array index and can easily calculate the sequential position from the current gap location.
This causes cells to store or release calcium which, for example, is the main signal to secrete insulin.
This is the most common format in which we store non-negative integers with present-day computers.
To set a mark and store the same in a register say j, all one has to hit is mj.
Store in a tightly lidded jar, away from heat and sunlight.
Whenever the -machine interprets as a construct for parallelism, it creates a new state with its own initial continuation variable k and store.
It's large practice size make it perfect to store every precious keepsake.
The school children will then kick-start the store celebrations by releasing balloons into the sky as part of a balloon race.
At least here in Wymsey we can get French kippers at the Post Office and General Store!
In addition, the store will now offer a Home shop offering a wide selection of soft furnishing, kitchenware and home accessories.
I watched a woman walk past a lingerie store, already laden with bags.
I am going to show you how to create a faux leather floor from ordinary paper bags from the grocery store!
You can start spending on you store card as soon as youâve signed the dotted line.
Lion Rampant Store " Scotland's other flag ", the heraldic lion Rampant Store " Scotland's other flag ", the heraldic lion has stood for Scots glory for over 800 years.
Your father owns a liquor store - make a movie about a liquor store - make a movie about a liquor store.
Self catered residents are allocated a kitchen locker in which to store their cooking utensils.
I squeezed in the odd overnighter, and the gents loos at school were turned into a rod store and changing room!
Internet Into Your Own Personal cash machine By Creating a Theme Store.
Handcuffs from the army surplus store were chopped in half and lengths of chain were added to make manacles.
The Iomega Hip Zip uses little floppy disks, about an inch and a half square, and can store 40 megabytes of data.
In a store with good visual merchandising no element of the customer experience has been left to chance.
Good quality and effective store merchandising is essential to create the right shopping environment so as to positively affect customers ' buying decisions.
A high density store for positive microfilm is built.
You can store up to five stations as preset channels, which seems a little miserly.
Always store your wet suit on a wide hanger to prevent the neoprene from cracking or becoming misshapen.
Remove any damaged tubers; store good ones in thick paper sacks closed at the neck to conserve moisture.
More than 70 homes will overlook the new mortuary, which will store a maximum of eight bodies in a refrigeration unit.
For instance Video for Windows can only store about 8 images per second which is only suitable for very slow moving or stationary traffic.
Posh headed into the Hertford branch of the store with Mom Jackie and youngest nipper Romeo in tow.
If you get 5 tickets in tom nook 's store you get a game.
Dried nori keeps indefinitely provided you store it well-wrapped in a cool, dry, dark place.
As it is, she has an oeuvre mostly doomed to waste its sweetness on the desert air of the video store.
Should you store a backup off-site in case the building is severely damaged?
We are delighted to announce the opening of our new store in Guildford this summer.
My father had sold his general store, and was acting as manager in a gents ' outfitter in Barnstaple, in Devon.
Music consistently outwits all attempts to store, own, quantify and of course sell it - as I pointed out last time.
On 28th May 1996, he was unloading pallets from the store's goods lift.
The kitchen had a separate pantry, outside WC and a coal store under the stairs.
The separate utility room has a tumble dryer, an automatic washing machine and space to store holiday paraphernalia.
To store fresh parsley in the fridge, place the stems in a glass jar of cold water.
Under regulation 4 of the Regulations, it is an offense to advertize, sell, supply, store or use an unapproved pesticide.
As female pike may contain several hundred thousand eggs; their large size is essential to store such a huge mass.
From there they will enter the new planetarium through a darkened gallery designed to prepare them for what's in store.
The Design Enterprise IG created a store that felt playful, distinctive and surprising.
The mesh pocket on the reverse is large enough to store other beauty essentials.
The accepted container for transfer of waste solvent to the Store is a square section screw-capped 10 liter polythene drum.
However, if we want to make the data more portable, we can store the data in an XML file.
The forms can be handed in at the store, or simply dropped in the nearest postbox.
In 1825, Francis Dickson opened a general store and was named the first postmaster.
Potatoes Lift and store maincrop potatoes Lift and store maincrop potatoes when the weather is dry.
I went to the store with my money, and if I took away any I had to pay poundage on it.
The coal shed and store for everything including the pram etc. was at the bottom of the garden.
Some 30 minutes in we get a premonition of the terrible atrocity in store.
Unlike steak you purchase at the store, cactus paddles have lots of little prickers on them.
These store the image as a set of graphic primitives; shapes such as lines, ellipses, rectangles and polygons.
Cold dark store, long prong, sniffed it, never gave me a bit.
It does not include electronic purses or store cards.
No charity shop bin, second hand record store or music fair is missed in their relentless pursuit of gems of forgotten music.
The project must be within a 20-mile radius of a B&Q store.
In 2003, Waitrose launched a " locally produced " range where the food sold in a store is farmed within a 30-mile radius.
A few years ago, a retailer launched with the concept of quality ready-made foods, in a store similar to Harvey Nicholls.
The cumulative store of our national memory must be continually replenished by each generation.
Start by purchasing small rhinestones and craft glue from your local craft store such as Michael's, Total Crafts or A.C. Moore.
Remote monitoring technology has already enabled the Co-Op to foil an armed robbery at a store near Sheffield.
First up was a surprise party in Horncastle for veteran punk rocker Nigel, who had no idea what lay in store for him.
How to make your own ' moulin rouge ' choker using velcro Get a length of velvet ribbon from any sewing store or online.
Your school will be provided with a shoe reuse bin and reusable sacks small enough to store in a corridor or classroom corner.
The divinorum effects salvia Go to our divinorum information salvia store 67.
This shows a schoolgirl among the cuddly toys in the toy department of Jenners ' department store in Edinburgh in November 1979.
During a chase a man who had seen the scuffle asked the store detective if he needed a hand.
The Co-op opened Britain's first fully self-service store in March 1948 in Albert Road, Southsea.
Farmers wishing to store bull semen for use on their farm must also obtain a license.
There is a particular focus on motorway service stations with poster advertising on the forecourt, pump nozzles and pos in store.
Be it toothpaste, toilet roll or shampoo, forecourt shoppers increasingly expect to see these products available in your store.
Tang uses a steel silo of the type used by farmers to store grain.
They started a student sit-in at the restaurant of their local Woolworth's store which had a policy of not serving black people.
Why not treat yourself to a real silver sixpence from our online store?
Since 1985 he has improvised sketches and stories with the Comedy Store Players, of which he is a founder-member.
For example most store snow sled cupboard doors are.
You may wish to buy some microscope slide boxes to store permanent preparations which you have made or bought.
You can store code snippets in them for use later.
Not to sound snotty, but has anyone successfully purchased items from the store yet?
Natural Organic handmade soap At Best Bath Store Providing only the best natural organic handmade soap.
Don't buy soft drinks, unless they are on sale, or store brand.
Orange's online store had sold-out of the device at the time of writing.
He was nominated by the Comedy Store in the category Best live stand-up at the British Comedy Awards.
Stand or store crystal stemware right side up to avoid damage to stemware rims.
The next on our hitlist was Levi's flagship store on Regent Street, the staff were really amused.
The store is a part of a chain of pet stores that have a fairly good reputation.
We are proving that a local store, serving the local community, can succeed in an environment dominated by the supermarkets.
Jeez - you can still buy the real thing down the army surplus store for fourteen quid.
He told members how he started working at the store in the wine section and would go to work wearing a formal tailcoat.
Am trying to find crisps I like when the store tannoy comes on.
I walk past the rows of identical fake thrift store T-shirts in a thrift store T-shirts in a thrift store t-shirt and feel slightly odd.
In the house Pop down your local DIY store and buy some plug-in timers for lamps and ceiling lights.
Remove, cool on a wire rack and store in an airtight tin until serving.
Greenfingers Greenfingers is the leading UK online gardening store and resource offering gardeners advice and gardening tips.
Where sites are being disturbed, save any topsoil and store it carefully.
Jesus said, store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.. .
Consequently, using a CD to store data files involves a certain amount of electronic trickery.
Perhaps one of the newest trug making companies in Sussex is The Trug Store, established by Charlie Groves in 1995.
Remember you will have to store leftover turkey in the fridge afterward.
The problem for the beekeeper is that this store of honey is often unfinished, or blemished in some way making it unsaleable.
Students can have access to an almost unlimited store of information, via CD-ROM or the Internet.
The data store will accept bulk upload of aggregated data items from PCTs at school year level.
He found a Chinese Mountainbike which looked and seemed quite useable in the only real sports store of the capital.
Poppy was put on a running tether to allow grazing on the narrow verge whilst I visited a feed store to buy some wormer.
In order to make a claim, please visit your local Carphone warehouse store who will be able to help you make a claim.
Tie bladder or run sealing wax over the corks, and store in a dry, cool place.
We will collect and store any personal data that you may volunteer whist using our services (e.g. registration or placing an order ).
Here we would observe an oral tradition community as it enters new material into its oral store of recollections judged worthy of preservation.
How to store tacrolimus Store the capsules in their protective wrapper at room temperature in a dry place.
He opened his first retail store in 2003 and has added 131 since; 60 more are expected by the year-end.
Just use it as a new place to store all those things yo never thought you had anywhere to put.
If you want to gain some insight then zap down to your local video store and hire the film ' The Wedding Singer ' .
The minute attention paid by modern systematists to the exact localities of subspecies and races is bringing together a vast store of facts which will throw further light on the problem of segregation, but the difficulty of utilizing these facts is increased by an unfortunate tendency to make locality itself one of the diagnostic characters.
Throughout the 16th and 17th centuries the rapidly accumulating store of facts as to the extent, outline and mountain and river systems of the lands of the earth were put in order by the generation of cartographers of which Mercator was the chief; but the writings of Apian and Munster held the field for a hundred years without a serious rival, unless the many annotated editions of Ptolemy might be so considered.
By this literary merit Fustel set little store, but he clung tenaciously to his edition of a Latin classic and the first book containing Greek characters, while in the colophon Fust for the first time calls Schoffer "puerum suum"; (8) the same, 4th February 1466; (9) Grammatica rhytmica (1466), folio, II leaves.
Over and above the great advantage arising from the opportunity which the growth of root-crops affords for the cleaning of the land, the benefits of growing the root-crop in rotation are due (1) to the large amount of manure applied for its growth, (2) to the large residue of the manure left in the soil for future crops, (3) to the large amount of matter at once returned as manure again in the leaves, (4) to the large amount of food produced, and (5) to the small proportion of the most important manurial constituents of the roots which is retained by store or fattening animals consuming them, the rest returning as manure again; though, when the roots are consumed for the production of milk, a much larger proportion of the constituents is lost to the manure.
To the former belong the ordinary leguminous crops - the clovers, beans, peas, vetches or tares, sainfoin, lucerne, for example - which obtain their nitrogen from the air, and are independent of the application of nitrogenous manures, whilst in their roots they accumulate a store of nitrogen which will ultimately become available for future crops of other kinds.
It was not till the closing decade of the 19th century that the stock-breeders of the United Kingdom found themselves in a position to prosecute their industry free from the fear of the introduction of contagious disease through the medium of store animals imported from abroad for fattening on the native pastures.
On the average rather more than half the total of cattle is made up of store animals for fattening or breeding purposes, the fattening of Irish stores being a business of considerable magnitude in Norfolk and other counties.
While, however, between the 9th and 13th centuries, the Western Church was adding largely to her store of vestments, that of the East increased her list by but three, the Evxfipcov and i rtyaviKCa (see Maniple) and the aaKKos (see Dalmatic).
The Old English "books" are derived in a roundabout way from Roman models, and the tribal law of real property was deeply modified by the introduction of individualistic notions as to ownership, donations, wills, rights of women, &c. Yet in this respect also the Norman Conquest increased the store of Roman conceptions by breaking the national isolation of the English Church and opening the way for closer intercourse with France and Italy.
They had their own publishing house, and its name Hacliimonji-ya (figure-ofeight store) came to be indelibly associated with this kind of literature.
The inquiline habit (" cuckoo-parasitism "), when one species makes use of the labour of another by invading the nest and laying her eggs there, is of frequent occurrence among Hymenoptera; and in some cases the larva of the intruder is not content with taking the store of food provided, but attacks and devours the larva of the host.
Wagtails scratching in the ground, squirrels scamper all around Hiding nuts for their winter store.
The store has secant pile walls to the perimeter of the basement, with an insitu reinforced concrete frame to the ground slab.
The Co-op opened Britain 's first fully self-service store in March 1948 in Albert Road, Southsea.
This store had been the victim of many shoplifting offenses prior to him taking up his post.
They started a student sit-in at the restaurant of their local Woolworth 's store which had a policy of not serving black people.
Meanwhile, Gary gets a job at a trendy clothing store, and sales skyrocket when the female customers see him scantily dressed.
Take a snapshot of your room to the store with you.
Natural Organic Handmade Soap At Best Bath Store Providing only the best natural organic handmade soap.
Do n't buy soft drinks, unless they are on sale, or store brand.
Orange 's online store had sold-out of the device at the time of writing.
Adjust the spacing of the shelves according to what you are going to store - eg books / CDs.
Full matrices store their all of their elements in a block of memory; sparse matrices keep a list of the non-zero elements.
He was nominated by the Comedy Store in the category Best Live Stand-Up at the British Comedy Awards.
Raw Page Test Data Held For The period of time we store test data for each page.
The next on our hitlist was Levi 's flagship store on Regent Street, the staff were really amused.